Collate Sentence Examples
No petition is necessary in this case, and the bishop is said to collate to the benefice.
Numbers. We collect and collate numbers that impact the economy.
A database needs to be set up to collate information on abandoned hydrants.
However, local authorities would probably continue to collate the statistics on a quarterly basis.
Thus new histories were written and old ones unearthed, collected and printed, but no attempt was made to criticize and collate the manuscripts of the past, or to present two sides of a question in the writings of the present.
Thus, writing to Ansbald of Prum, he says, " I will collate the letters of Cicero which you sent with the copy 3 Quintil.
Where the bishop himself is patron of a benefice within his own diocese he is empowered to collate a clerk to it, - in other words, to confer it on the clerk without the latter being presented to him.
To collate the whole of the material accumulated at different parts of the world is a much more difficult task; it requires first of all a most carefully constructed star-catalogue, upon which the further discussion may be built.
Copies in 18mo examined often collate in sixes, but sometimes in twelves and sixes, whereas 16mo generally collate in sixes, but sometimes in twelves and sixes, whereas 16mo generally collates in eights.
The scholar's search to understand - to collate fragments, to uncover a pattern - there is something occult about this.
AdvertisementReconciling your desire to look stylish and collate a collection of clothes that will serve you well through your life's ups and downs with the need to look well kempt can often be challenging.
Dr Jackson in 1903 climbed to the ledge of the rock and was able to collate the lower part of the four large Persian columns; he thus convinced himself that Foy's conjecture of arstam (" righteousness") for Rawlinson's abistam or abastam was correct.
These are good sites to visit when hungry for upcoming possibilities, some sites collate all their spoilers into one location and others just layer their spoilers into message board posts.
It must be mentioned here that the reactions of any particular substance are given under its own heading, and in this article we shall only collate the various operations and outline the general procedure.
It is not necessary that the bishop himself should personally institute or collate a clerk; he may issue a fiat to his vicargeneral, or to a special commissary for that purpose.
AdvertisementTo collate a manuscript is to observe and record everything in it which may be of use towards determining what stood in the source or the sources from which it is derived.
Luther received a fresh impulse towards the study of Greek, and his translation of the Scriptures, begun as early as 1517, now made rapid progress, Melanchthon helping to collate the Greek versions and revising Luther's translation.
Among the Arabian and later alchemists we find attempts made to collate compounds by specific properties, and it is to these writers that we are mainly indebted for such terms as "alkali," " sal," &c. The mineral acids, hydrochloric, nitric and sulphuric acids, and also aqua regia (a mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids) were discovered, and the vitriols, alum, saltpetre, sal-ammoniac, ammonium carbonate, silver nitrate (lunar caustic) became better known.
In spite of advancing years the new editor threw himself into the work with all his former vigour, and took journeys to England, France and Italy to collate works preserved in these countries.