Collar Sentence Examples
She tugged at his collar again, but it was useless.
He loosened his collar and tie out of absolute necessity.
She wore a collar like a dog with her master's name on it.
This is the collar nerve-tube.
Winston crossed over to Baratto with surprising speed and grabbed him by the collar, nearly lifting him off the ground.
I see the collar.
He.s wearing a collar.
She unfolded her jacket collar and hunkered down in the saddle, cold and miserable.
The collar-pores are remarkable for their constancy; this is probably owing to the fact that they have become adapted to a special function, the inhalation of water to render the collar turgid during progression.
Darkyn studied him and then withdrew a thin collar and approached.
AdvertisementThe nervous system is represented by an oesophageal collar and a suboesophageal ganglion, whence paired nerves pass outwards to innervate the anterior extremity and backwards towards its posterior end.
By the waves of contraction executed by the proboscis accompanied by inflation of the collar, progression is effected, sometimes with marvellous rapidity.
In accordance with this manner of feeding, the mouth is kept permanently open and prevented from collapsing by a pair of skeletal cornua belonging to a sustentacular apparatus (the nuchal skeleton), the body of which lies within the narrow neck of the proboscis; the latter is inserted into the collar and surrounded by the anterior free flap of this segment of the body.
In one family, the Ptychoderidae, the medullary tube of the collar is connected at intermediate points with the epidermis by means of a variable number of unpaired outgrowths from its dorsal wall, generally containing an axial lumen derived from and in continuity with the central canal.
The dress was full length, rather plain, with a high collar.
AdvertisementIn the hall of a raja on state occasions a head-kerchief twisted into a peak is worn, and the coat is furnished with a high collar extending round the back of the neck only.
Use a fully adjustable head collar to avoid losing control of the horse.
At last seizing a soldier by his collar he forced him to answer.
The curly- headed, delicate boy sat with shining eyes unnoticed in a corner, starting every now and then and muttering something to himself, and evidently experiencing a new and powerful emotion as he turned his curly head, with his thin neck exposed by his turn-down collar, toward the place where Pierre sat.
He looks so smart in his sailor hat and collar.
AdvertisementThe dorsal half of the collar is the cerebral commissure, the ventral the labial commissure.
At the point of the collar whence the nerve-cords arise are the cerebral ganglia; from these one pair of connectives passes to a pair of pedal ganglia, and another pair of connectives to a pair of pleural ganglia.
The perioesophageal nerve-ring of Chaetopoda and Arthropoda is represented, not by the collar first mentioned in the above description, but by the commissures connecting the cerebral and pedal ganglia.
Borchers also used an externally heated metal vessel as the cathode; it is provided with a supporting collar or flange a little below the top, so that the upper part of the vessel is exposed to the cooling influence of the air, in order that a crust of solidified salt may there be formed, and so prevent the creeping of the electrolyte over the top. The carbon anode passes through the cover of a porcelain cylinder, open at the bottom, and provided with a side-tube at the top to remove the chlorine formed during electrolysis.
Generally speaking, the insignia of the " knights grand cross " consist of a star worn on the left breast and a badge, usually some form either of the cross patee or of the Maltese cross, worn suspended from a ribbon over the shoulder or, in certain cases, on days of high ceremonial from a collar.
AdvertisementThe collar is formed of thistles, alternating with sprigs of rue, and the motto is Nemo me impune lacessit.
The collar is formed of alternate roses with red and white leaves, and gold harps linked by gold knots; the badge is suspended from a harp surmounted by an imperial jewelled crown.
The collar of the Star of India is composed of alternate links of the lotus flower, red and white roses and palm branches enamelled on gold, with an imperial crown in the centre; that of the Indian Empire is composed of elephants, peacocks and Indian roses.
The badges of the two branches vary slightly in detail, more particularly in the attachment of fire-stones (fusils or furisons) and steels by which the fleece is attached to the ribbon of the collar.
The collar is composed of alternate links of furisons and double steels interlaced to form the letter B for Burgundy.
The collar, only worn by the knights grand cross, is of gold, and consists of Hungarian crowns linked together alternately by the monograms of St Stephen, S.S., and the foundress, M.T.; the centre of the collar is formed by a flying lark encircled by the motto Stringit amore.
The ribbon is light watered blue, the collar of alternate gold elephants with blue housings and towers, the star of silver with a purple medallion bearing a silver or brilliant cross surrounded by a silver laurel wreath.
The grand master alone wears a collar.
The knights wore a collar of golden hunting horns, whence the order was also known as the Order of the Horn.
The collar is composed of gold and blue enamel figures of the conversion linked by the Gothic monogram I.T.V., Trau Vast, the motto of the order, alternately red and green.
The collar is formed of alternate black eagles and a circular medallion with the motto on a white centre surrounded by the initials F.R.
The older form is worn with the collar by the grand-crosses.
The collar is composed of three members alternately, the imperial eagle bearing on a red medallion a figure of St George slaying the Dragon, the badge of the grand duchy of Moskow, the cipher of the emperor Paul I.
The Order of St Lazarus is not a general order, the cross and collar being only worn by the king.
The collar is formed of alternate gold seraphim and blue enamelled patriarchal crosses.
The collar, which may be granted with the order or later, is composed of four members repeated, two gold chrysanthemums, one with green leaves, the other surrounded by a wreath of palm, and two elaborate arabesque designs.
It is put on after the alb, &c., and under the tunicle, dalmatic and chasuble, but then drawn up so as to fall over the latter like a collar.
In Europe and America it is much used for collar, long facings and cuffs of a gentleman's coat; such a set may cost from, 200 to boo, and in all probability will soon cost more.
To the legs is screwed a plate 00, which supports the lower side of the plate PP. This receives the ends of the screws SS by which the instrument is levelled, its annular portion being larger than the collar in 00, so that, until clamped by the screwed plate above it, the whole of the instrument except the legs can be moved horizontally in any direction to the extent of about in.
A collar is provided, which when tightened on the vertical axis, otherwise free to move, holds it rigidly in position with respect to the plate PP. To this collar is attached a slow-motion screw, working against a reaction spring, by which the plate rr can be rotated through a small arc. The upper plate carrying two, three .or four verniers vv is attached to a vertical coned pillar passing through the centre of the larger pillar and rotating in it; this plate can be clamped to the lower plate by means of the screw C, and can be rotated with respect to it by the slow-motion screw d.
The reins were passed through rings attached to the collar bands or yoke, and were long enough to be tied round the waist of the charioteer in case of his having to defend himself.
The reading of 15thand 16thcentury verse in the light of these will bring home the critical error of treating such poems as Burns's Collar's Saturday Night, the Address to the Deil, and Scotch Drink as entirely expressions of the later poet's personal predilection.
The first of these differs in several respects from those which succeed, and has been called the collar cavity (MacBride).
Close by was found a horse collar with 14 bronze bells.
He is now the only judicial functionary privileged to wear the collar of SS.
There has been much discussion as to the origin and history of this collar; 1 it was a badge or insignia attached to certain offices entitling the holders to wear it only so long as they held those offices.
It has no collar, and the sleeves are loose.
It sometimes has a small standing collar, and is double-breasted.
It has a roll collar and false pockets.
In 1512 at the battle of Ravenna, where his father and elder brother were killed, he displayed prodigies of valour, and received the highest honours of chivalry from his imperial cousin, who conferred upon him with his own hands the spurs, the collar and the eagle of gold.
The general hue is ashy-brown, with the hair lighter on the neck (forming a collar), chest and belly; while the legs are banded with dark brown.
Each ovule is enclosed at the base by an envelope or collar homologous with the lamina of a leaf; the fleshy and hard coats of the nucellus constitute a single integument.
Grateful to one who, at such a time, reminded him of his highest hopes, Gotama, to whom such things had no longer any value, took off his collar of pearls and sent it to her.
The connexion many of them had with the church was of the slenderest kind, consisting mainly in adopting the name of abbe, after a remarkably moderate course of theological study, practising celibacy and wearing a distinctive dress - a short dark-violet coat with narrow collar.
The most simple of these is an indiarubber ball pressed upwards into the narrow of the bottle neck by the force of the gas contained in the water; and in another system a glass ball is similarly pressed against an india-rubber collar inserted in the neck of the bottle.
Even if it be admitted that the postseptal space may be the metasomatic cavity, the praeseptal space can hardly be regarded as coelomic in nature, since it is in continuity with the vascular system; while Masterman's conclusion that the cavity of the praeoral hood (the supposed proboscis-cavity) is separated from that of the supposed collar has received no confirmation.
It will be noticed that the lophophore of Phoronis is, on this assumption, a derivative of the collar just as it is in the Pterobranchia.
If you love me, you'll send me the blu-ray versions of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour.
Jet-black hair teased the collar of the Jon Green bespoke suit he wore like a runway model.
A really pretty antique French Jet graduated beaded collar necklace, dating to circa 1920.
The cape or stole has a Black Velvet outer body and is lined in black satin, which then form the fold over collar.
Girls should wear a plain white blouse or top with a collar, beneath their suits.
I've had Achilles trouble and complications from a broken collar bone in the past.
Florence Boot chose the uniforms - Lincoln Green, light green collar and cuffs, and silver braid.
Les Moonves in a loincloth, collar and tie, waving a broadsword stained with the blood of failed sitcoms.
The comparison with white collar workers was performed to control for other occupational lung carcinogens.
First disease symptoms included chlorosis of the leaves as well as gum exudation through the cankers on the tree collar.
The figure is wearing a heavy collar around the front of the neck, with a wide pendant in the center.
Further Ottoman treasures include the childhood notebook of Mehmed ' The Conqueror ' and an embroidered kaftan collar of Selim II.
The one thing clergy of his day did not wear was a clerical collar.
It might be a good idea to include a cervical collar in the rescue kit.
Hi £ 38.00 Neon yellow and black psychedelic 60's unworn tunic mini dress with mandarin collar As seen in HAPPY magazine August 06 issue!
Behind it is a dark wool great-coat with velvet collar owned by William Cowper at the end of his life.
The pattern used by officers of the Liverpool Scottish is similar except that it has a black shawl collar edged with white piping.
A really pretty English vintage chic luster and blue glass diamante rhinestone collar style necklace, dating to circa 1965.
The bodice is laced and would probably have had a deep lace collar and cuffs.
He is a much loved and missed black and white collie with a red collar and tag with his name.
Then he took from his neck, inside his collar, a little gold crucifix, and placed it over the mouth.
Cut to a large but classic style with ribbed cuffs and collar, it has 2 buttons and a spare.
Soft neck collar, padded cummerbund, back and shoulder area.
One of them was wearing a vicar's dog collar, and another was wearing a lawyer's wig.
Is that why you don't wear a dog collar?
Bioflow magnetic dog collar - Bioflow magnetic bracelets proven to help ease the pain of arthritis in humans (BMJ 17/12/04 ).
Each buckle dog collar is now lined with leather thus giving them a clean and smart inner finish.
Gentlemen may wear this collar on their evening tails (with white silk facings if they are members of the Hereford Hunt Club ).
Our lead roof flashings are made of Code 4 lead with a welded collar.
The collar, which is made of gold and has knots and enameled medallions showing a rose encircled by the garter.
The K9 Controller is a new design of head collar which unlike other brands hasn't been designed round the horse halter.
Boxed keepers, full neck collar and close plated hames can all be supplied as options.
The hames fit tightly round the collar and are fastened at the top and bottom by hame straps.
He also had a blue beanie hat pulled down and the collar of his jacket was pulled up.
The Ocean Shirt has a shirt collar, elbow length sleeves, patch hip pockets and a straight hem with side vents.
If he's proved innocent, they will say you helped to collar him.
Excellent little booklet detailing all the various collar rank insignia of the army plus the rank insignia of the navy.
Whether you are pruning live, dying or dead branches, always leave the branch collar intact.
He has been abused and has lived chained up most of his short life and the collar was never loosened.
A storm collar is clamped around the pipe, onto a bead of silicone mastic, just above the flashing plate.
The T-shirt has white trimmings on the arms and on the round neck collar and a dragon motif on the front.
A really pretty English vintage collar necklace in brass, dating to circa 1932.
The bodice features a round neckline, with a sweet fold-over peter pan collar, edged in lilac.
The dress has a fitted bodice, ¾ length sleeves and a deep scoop neckline, with shawl collar, decorated with fabric flowers.
White Collar A term used to describe people in non-manual occupations including office workers and the professions, such as the law.
He wears a thick, chunky blue sweater with a shirt collar just peeping over the top.
Details include a two button placket with matching color buttons, side vents and self fabric collar.
The two transverse frames are apparently pairs of base crucks with tie beams supporting a crown post and collar purlin roof.
A bit of gritty realism, which I am sure got a few record executives hot under the collar.
The necklace made to sit across your collar bone has a string of large stones from which hang 5 swags of 3 blue rhinestones.
The stem of the clamp has serrations for quick height adjustment within the collar and the screw is used to apply the final pressure.
Around the middle of each sow was a broad collar with an attached shackle, securing her to the ground.
Fashioned in soft, 100% cotton it has a wonderfully lightweight feel and features a shawl collar and waist belt detail.
Men should wear a dark suit and a plain, long-sleeved, white shirt with a white collar, white bow tie and bands.
It had a dark blue collar and he had a thick black silk skullcap with a red button on top.
He wore a semi-military smoking jacket, claret-coloured, with a black velvet collar.
It is linked to individuals practicing sophisticated sorcery and spirit channeling while at the same time working as white collar professionals.
The iron staples which held the collar or gorget were visible not many years ago.
A Velcro strap around the lower part of the neck keeps the collar in position.
Two-centred wooden archway on south, the arch acting as bracing for a peaked collar with cusped struts above.
A top with a collar can prevent sunburn to the back of the neck.
Each wait had to find a surety for the return of " collar.
He wore a black surtout with a velvet collar, and bore eye-glasses suspended with a riband.
Longer length sweater with collar, the sweater pattern is based on diamonds.
Severe injury may still be treated with a surgical collar, cervical traction, heat or ice.
The roof has three bays formed by three arch-braced collar trusses with king struts reaching to shorter collars above.
Roof of four arch-braced collar trusses with king and arcing struts; intermediate trusses with collars and king struts; rafters and through purlins.
Roof has three narrow collar trusses with straight braces.
Ironing away from the collar points will avoid unsightly creasing at the front of the collar.
Made from strong webbing with adjustable sizes this is just the collar for a day out at the park or an evening event!
One official is wearing a wing collar, a style still worn by some men in the 1930s.
The ventral and lateral parts of the anterior margin of the collar constitute the so-called operculum (op.), a structure which not only acts as a lower lip, but must be important in separating the food-current produced by the cilia of the tentacles from the external apertures of the collar-canals and gill-slits.
A washer of thin flexible mica G concentric with the carbon button is carried by the brass disk, and projecting over the edge of this is held firmly against the rim of the cylindrical wall of the case by an annular brass collar H, which is screwed upon the outer curved surface of this wall.
The circular plaque is formed of a triple circle of lotus leaves in gold, red and green, within a blue circlet with pearls a richly caparisoned white elephant on a gold ground, the whole surmounted by the jewelled gold pagoda crown of Siam; the collar is formed of alternate white elephants, red, blue and white royal monograms and gold pagoda crowns.
Driving with long reins in the field should precede the fastening of ropes to the collar, as it accustoms the animal to the pressure on the shoulders of the draught, later to be experienced in the yoke.
One morning she was greatly distressed by finding that one of the dogs had a block fastened to her collar.
Dolokhov, running beside Timokhin, killed a Frenchman at close quarters and was the first to seize the surrendering French officer by his collar.
Traitors! cried Rostov unmeaningly in a voice not his own, gripping Karp by the collar.
The officer, dropping his sword, seized Pierre by his collar.
The officer went up to Makar Alexeevich and took him by the collar.
The wind is slamming the velcro of my anorak collar into my reddening face.
The collar of his shirt has a ruffled edge.
Short sleeved with wrap detail sailor collar at the front, trimmed at the ends with matching covered buttons.
The new tunic was scarlet with collar, cuffs and edging in the regimental color, fastened down the front by eight buttons.
The third jacket in this book is a classic length, double breasted, shawl collar jacket.
A fleece inner collar means that the jacket is cozy and feels snug when zipped up.
White Collar Boy is a stomping tune with bubblegum riffs plucked from the 1970s.
A velcro strap around the lower part of the neck keeps the collar in position.
Each wait had to find a surety for the return of collar.
The group also has substantial experience in defamation, entertainment, price adjustment, securitization, white collar and qui tam litigation.
Roof of four and a half bays with arch-braced collar trusses and raking struts, flat purlins and two tiers of cusped windbraces.
Cavalry The Illustrated London News (1859) says the cavalry wore a very short blue tunic with a red collar and silver epaulets.
However, the separate collar that is worn with a tunic shirt should be purchased half an inch larger than the shirt.
The man is described as black, aged mid twenties, 5ft 9 in to 6ft tall, with collar length dreadlocked hair.
This quality rugby shirt has a woven white twill collar and placket and features three rubber buttons for comfort and practicality.
Simply unscrew the barrel, write your contact details on the enclosed paper then attach to your dogs collar.
In the 1970s Umbro designed an excellent kit off all red with a little white v-neck collar and small white cuffs.
Made from strong webbing with adjustable sizes this is just the collar for a day out at the park or an evening event !
The collar is constructed in the same way as a wing collar shirt but the " wings " are larger.
Burnout affects blue collar workers and workaholic managers alike, disrupting family life.
Remembering some basic rules will make your life a lot easier and allow you to breathe freely under that formal collar!
For a shirt to fit well, you need to know your collar size and the length of your arms or the sleeve size.
Choose a collar size that is comfortable and you will not suffer from an itching and red neck and your tie will fit correctly.
Wide curved collars, collars with tabs holding them together and collars that appear like a band (i.e., no collar, really) are best for informal events and family occasions like outings.
Look carefully at the joints of the collar with the torso, the arms with the torso and the button hemline and the cuff joints.
We all know of the pajama suit combinations - these feature a loose fitting shirt type of an upper garment normally with a collar and loose pajama pants that are long or and come with or without pockets.
It has rib knit cuffs and waist band as well as a tagless collar for superior comfort.
Have a small collar ready to which you can add an identification tag in case your pet becomes lost.
Rather than risk turning her outside on her own, why not take her out on a collar and leash?
Clients that sign up for the "Pampered Pet" or "Royal Treatment" packages will receive a sterling silver collar charm and are able to order featured products on our website for 30% off retail prices.
Be proactive and make sure that every cat you own is wearing a collar and an identification tag with his name on it, as well as your name and phone number.
Put a collar on her neck to keep her from reaching the areas that are balding.
I have checked for fleas, bathed her, purchased a new collar and flea powder.
Always have a cat collar and leash ready for unexpected trips to the vet.
Cats should also wear a breakaway collar and visible identification, and owners should search immediately for their pets if they go missing.
A collar and identification tag - Measure around your kitten's neck and select a collar that will not slip off over her head.
You should just be able to insert your finger between the collar and the kitten's neck when it's buckled.
Attach an I.D. tag (and license if applicable) to the collar.
Keep in mind that you'll eventually need to replace this first collar with a larger one as your kitten grows.
Instead, apply a few drops of rosemary essential oil to your pet's collar and bedding as a concentrated flea repellant.
This is not a powder that will rub off on your boyfriend's collar or disappear the second you arrive at the party.
After naming your puppy and selecting the collar color, you walk your dog along the street, avoiding pedestrians and getting other people to pet your puppy.
Blue Collar Job Stress from LoveToKnow explains the unique set of stressors of blue collar workers, how stress affects worker's health, and provides stress coping strategies.
Try the look with a leopard print belt, a little bit of fur (fake, or course!) on a coat collar, or with an eye-catching bag.
Here, especially where photographs might be taken, would be a great place to break out a metallic belt or a fur-trimmed collar.
Muscular and short body types - Choose a shirt with a slim collar.
A style with faux fur trim around the sleeves and collar will simply look stunning.
Imagine walking down the aisle in a white satin gown trimmed with white faux fur around the cuffs, hem and collar.
Classix Red Tuxedo Shirt-This pleated front shirt has a wing tip collar and barrel cuffs and is in a polycotton fabric blend.
Glen in Cardinal by Bello Uomo-A wing-tip collar and convertible cuffs make this plain-front shirt versatile.
Dresses with a faux jacket top will often have sheer sleeves, collar, and a v-neck, attached just under the bustline.
A wedding is a place to look your best, and one of the ways men can keep their options in check is by always wearing shirts that feature a collar.
Brolin showed up on the set of No Country for Old Men with a broken collar bone due to a motorcycle accident.
Well, Sutherland thought that was no way to treat a lady, accident or not, and grabbed McCollough (we're guessing by the collar) and head butted him right in the nose.
It used to be that you would only see a bit of embroidered flowers around the chest, or edging the collar.
It is wool, double breasted and fastens with frogs, with contrasting trim on the collar, cuffs and pockets.
Blue Collar Work Wear - Carhartt's reputation is all about rugged construction and attention to detail, and this reputation continues in Carhartt for kids.
Polo shirts are always a popular item because they can be made to look both dressy or casual, though they almost always look neat due to their pert little collar.
There is an integrated hood that can be stored in the collar and alligator clips so that mittens don't get lost.
Hunt down infant girl's smocked dresses with a tiny collar design lined with fur, flannel, or fleece.
Most of the shirts are the traditional western shirt style, with a button-down collar, button-front closure, long sleeves, and two pockets on the chest of the shirt.
A dark blue or red coat with a velvet collar, buttons and cuffs is as popular today as it would have been in the 1950s.
It has pleats, a button placket, turned up sleeves and a turn-down collar.
It has a spread collar, five-button front, side pockets and decorative button flaps at the chest.
For boys, shortalls in linen or a cotton/polyester blend paired with a dressy shirt that features a round collar offers an elegant look that is perfect for an Easter morning.
Some dresses have a deep circular top, while other overlays simply look like a collar on the dress.
The top has a matching scalloped placket and collar.
Knowing your dog's size and personality will help you buy the right collar the first time around.
There are a number of different types of dog collars, and understanding each type of collar can help you make your purchasing decision.
When sizing your dog for a traditional dog collar, use a tape measure to measure the circumference of your dog's neck.
Add two to three inches to the circumference and choose a dog collar that indicates it will fit dogs with that size neck.
You don't want the collar to be so tight that it restricts breathing.
If your dog is unable to wear a collar around the neck for any reason, a harness collar might be your best option.
The halter collar looks similar to a horse's halter as it provides a loop of material that circles around the neck and the back of the ears and a second loop that circles around the nose.
Choke chain collars are intended to help train stubborn dogs who like to pull and have not responded to training using a traditional collar.
If you plan on using a chain slip collar on your dog, keep in mind that they're only intended to be worn during training sessions and not as a permanent collar.
When fitting your dog for a chain slip collar, measure the circumference of your dog's neck, and then add two to three inches.
Purchase a collar that indicates it will fit around this size of a neck.
The prongs on the collar point inward toward the dog's neck, and when the collar or leash is pulled, the prongs "pinch" the dog's throat.
Like the chain slip collar, these are not intended for permanent use and should only be used during training sessions.
Before purchasing this type of collar, always talk to a local dog trainer to see if he or she has any other suggestions regarding collar solutions.
Since the halter collar provides more control over the animal's head, most trainers will suggest that you try a halter before attempting to use a pronged collar.
Most dogs and owners are perfectly happy with an inexpensive traditional collar.
As long as the collar fits your pet and remains in good repair, a $10.00 to $20.00 collar could last as long as your pet is with you.
By outfitting your dog with a signifying collar and a set of identification tags, you will have better luck finding Fido if he gets lost.
If your new puppy is running around the house like crazy, grabbing for the collar will help you gain control of the situation more quickly than trying to wrestle your dog to the ground.
Also, you can strap a leash to your pup's collar for hassle-free walks.
Some doors are electronic and are operated by a computer chip or sensor in your dog's collar, while others have a flap that your dog opens or closes by simply stepping through.
Electronic dog doors open when your pet, who will need to wear a special collar, approaches the door.
The "key" in the collar sends a signal to the dog door.
Placing a small bell and a brightly colored collar on your dog may help.
Information required for proper fit usually includes collar size, chest size as measured just behind the forelegs and body length from the base of the neck to where the tail begins.
Another solution is to fasten a flea collar around the stuffed animal - adding a touch of realism as well as protection for your pets.
A small dog collar is a critical pet accessory, and there is a wide variety of styles available.
When choosing a collar, however, owners need to find a style that is comfortable as well as secure enough to protect their pet.
Not every collar is appropriate for every purpose, however, and dog owners should examine different types before choosing a collar for their small dog.
A harness is generally a better choice for more energetic animals because they cannot wriggle out of it as they can with a traditional collar.
If the dog tends to pull on the leash, however, a self-adjusted collar is not as favorable because it can easily become too tight.
Before choosing a specific collar, owners should consider their dog's personality.
After choosing the type of small dog collar, there are many styles to choose from.
While training collars such as electric and prong styles have limited varieties, every dog should have a traditional collar with its identification tags and license attached.
Rhinestone collars, spiked collars, and personalized collars are always popular, but the owner should always be certain the collar is safe for their pet before choosing an unusual style.
A dog collar should fit smoothly around the animal's neck, and the owner should be able to fit two fingers easily between the dog's neck and the collar to insure it isn't too tight.
Many collars are adjustable, either with a rigid slide buckle or perforated belt-style buckles, allowing owners to adjust the collar's fit as their pet grows.
Too much friction from an inappropriately sized collar can cause chafing, sores, and general discomfort, making the animal more resistant to wearing it.
The dog's coat may have an effect on the collar size, particularly if they have long fur.
If grooming is a concern, choose a slightly wider, looser collar to prevent excessive problems.
A collar identifies an animal and helps secure them from dangerous situations, but they can be fashionable as well and are available in a wide range of colors, prints, and eclectic styles.
With so many choices, it is easy to find a small dog collar that fits snugly but not too tightly, and is the appropriate width for the dog's size, personality, and coat.
By selecting the right dog collar, pet owners insure their dogs are stylish and protected no matter what the situation.
Let puppy wear a rolled leather collar for a week to get used to the feeling around his neck.
These collars are worn in place of a regular collar and, on your signal, typically deliver a variable amount of static electricity or other type of electronic stimulation via metal discs located on the inside of the collar to your dog.
The discs must be in contact with your pet's skin in order for the collar to work effectively.
You're not ready to put an electronic dog collar on your pet until you've done two things.
Without this training basis, you have nothing for an electronic training collar to reinforce, and your pet will have no understanding of what is happening to him.
Step two, you'll need to read and understand the specific directions for the collar you choose.
You also need to fully understand the concept of collar training so you can do it properly without undue stress and injury to your pet's physical and mental well-being.
It's also highly advised that you seek personal training from a professional well versed in electronic collar training, as learning through trial and error on your pet is not an acceptable option.
The type of electronic dog collar you choose should be directly related to what you want to train your pet for.
Each collar is a different color, and responds to the coordinating color button on the remote, so you can deliver a correction/command only to the dog who needs it.
Whether the use of an electronic dog collar is cruel depends on the user.
When used with restraint, and in conjunction with prior basic training, an electronic training collar is a useful tool for reinforcing the kind of behavior you want from your pet.
Total E-Collar Conditioning features trainer Mike Lardy who will help you learn how to properly field train your dog using an electronic dog collar.
Have your dog wear a collar and tag with full identification and contact info in case he becomes lost.
Make sure his rabies vaccination is current and the tag is added to his collar.
And while we're on the topic of restraints, also remember to bring along a collar with ID tag and leash for your dog, just in case you need to get out of the car.
You may choose to have your dog wear a flea and tick collar at all times, although some brands seem to be more effective than others.
Using a spot on flea preventative, or a flea collar are just two ways to control these pesky pests.
We had tried many things to make him stop, but after having no luck we decided to buy a citronella spray bark collar.
He wore that collar for four months until he learned not to bark outside.
Please note, using a citronella collar is not cruel because it does not shock your dog.
When you are training on leash, use your choke collar as a "no bark" training method on your dog.
When your dog barks, give a quick light snap on the collar combined with a firm "No bark!" command.
The Two-Way dog training collar is another possible barking solution.
Finally, you can resort to an actual shock collar, although they are not my personal choice for a training device.
The collar is designed to deliver a small electrostatic shock whenever your dog barks.
Put your dog's collar and leash on him, and make him lie down on the floor with a slow and steady downward pull of the leash.
We even tried a bark collar, but she has gotten used to it.
Have your tried dialing up one notch on the bark collar?
I've also been thinking about investing in a shock collar.
Each scarf is made to slide over your dog's regular collar.
If you liked this project, check out Wendy's directions for a Homemade Dog Collar Holder.
If you're looking for a training aid to help manage your big dog's behavior, the Comfort Fit Big Dog Trainer collar is one option to consider.
Especially designed for dogs over 40 pounds, the Comfort Fit dog training collar is designed to give you more control over your dog, especially when he's off lead, and it's effective as far as 100 yards away.
This electronic dog training collar works via a transmitter and a receiver.
The receiver is attached to the dog collar, and the person training the canine operates the transmitter.
It's important to understand that this training collar is safe when operated responsibly.
Furthermore, while this dog training collar can be an effective training aid for many big dogs, it's important to note that some dogs should never be exposed to any type of shock stimulation collar.
Rather than help eliminate unwanted behavior, the collar can actually make them worse.
The collar and receiver are also weatherproof, and both are designed to be very durable.
Made by Pet Safe, a leading manufacturer of dog training aids, the collar is backed by a limited lifetime warranty.
Whether your dog has a long history of resisting your best training efforts or you simply want to discourage nuisance barking, using this collar just might shorten the amount of time it takes to train your pet.
There are collars that are designed with the safety of your dog being the foremost purpose for the collar.
The collar transmits a signal to a GPS receiver that displays the location of the missing dog, which way he is headed and how fast he is going.
To make you and your dog more visible, consider getting a lighted dog collar and leash.
Developed after the company's founder lost her beloved dog Chinook to a tragic strangulation accident, the KeepSafe collar is designed to prevent a dog from being choked to death should his collar become stuck on an object.
A handsome black bow tie collar will make your favorite dog look like the man about town that he is!
Adding your dog's name to a collar with crystal collar slides, or hanging a sparkly collar charm can liven up your dog's look and make her feel special.
Sometimes due to a dog's breed or living situation, an uncommon collar is needed.
They also have elegant streamlined heads that allow them to easily slip out of a collar during a walk to run a few extra laps, or to get the last word in with that squirrel that has been taunting them.
A special greyhound collar will help keep your dog with you.
There are several online "Big and Tall" shops for dogs where a dog owner can find a unique collar for their gentle giant.
For the hard to please canine and his human companion, a custom-made dog collar may be the perfect choice.
You can also get a collar tag to show how proud you are of his accomplishment.
I grabbed his collar and ran him into my sister's home.
Senator had just gotten out, but I sure was so thankful his collar stayed on and that I had put both my cell and home phone numbers on his collar.
The collar continuously transmits information regarding the dog's location back to the receiver, and the pet owner can access this information from an LCD screen on his or her receiver.
In most cases, you can pay more upfront for a high-tech collar and skip the monthly fee, or you can purchase a cheaper brand that may require a monthly fee to access any necessary features.
As of this writing, there are several companies selling this kind of dog collar.
Now that you know how a GPS collar works and where to find one, consider whether wearing one is a good choice for you pet.
There are various designs that are associated with these collars, and the most common designs include either blinking LED lights or lighted tubes located inside the collar.
If you are in the market for a dog collar that provides illumination for your pet, what should you look for?
Fit - Regardless of the type of collar you choose, fit is important.
The collar should be placed high on your pet's neck.
You should be able to fit at least one or two fingers comfortably between your pet's neck and the fastened collar, although this really depends upon the size of your dog.
For example, a small dog may need a collar that leaves only a finger's width between the collar and the neck.
Care - Obviously, you will pay more for an illuminated collar than a regular collar, so you'll want to take care of it.
Choose a collar that is easy to clean and weather resistant.
If your dog is frequently around water, you should consider choosing a waterproof collar.
Safety features - What type of light do you want the collar to emit?
How reflective is the collar even when its light is turned off?
Consider purchasing a collar that uses quick release, snap-together buckles for a safer fit.
Batteries - Depending upon the collar you select, batteries can vary from small watch batteries to AA batteries.
If your dog is a retriever, you'll probably want a collar with longer batter life.
Which type of battery storage does the collar have?
Whichever collar you choose should still have a battery compartment that is weather resistant.
Color - Choose a color that will be visible even when the collar's light is not on.
Costs - Pricing depends on the size of the collar you choose, as well as any features like the power source, but most collars run from just under $10.00 to around $25.00.
Two of the most popular are the Polybrite collar and the Visiglo.
Polybrite - The Polybrite dog collar is waterproof, making it an excellent choice for hunting and retrieving dogs.
The collar is weather and water resistant, and it's made of durable nylon.
Put on your dog's collar, attach the six-foot leash and take him outside.
The citronella spray stop barking collar, for example, is a style of a stop barking collar.
Outfittedin a safety vest if needed, a buoyancy device and collar, a dog is easily led into the pool.
You can make your own matching collar to go with this leash with the hardware they have available.
This is what you will hook on your dog's collar.
Innotek is a popular anti-bark collar that has received many high reviews from pet owners.
Learn about the Innotek collar and if it is right for your dog.
If you are considering an anti-bark collar, such as Innotek, you may wonder if it is a humane choice.
Dog owners can also choose to keep the collar set at the lowest setting.