Collapsing Sentence Examples
It'll keep you from collapsing for about twelve hours.
And in his vertiginous sense of collapsing space and toppling buildings one may be reminded of Leon Kossoff.
The desert and time 's collapsing a wooden shack and cross but leaving erect a flimsy wood windmill, is poetic license.
The hinges on the crib should lock into place, so that there is no chance of the crib collapsing and injuring your child.
Brittany Murphy died on December 20, 2009 after suffering a heart attack and collapsing in the bathroom of her Hollywood Hills home.
Obstructive sleep apnea, by far the most common, is caused by a physical obstruction such as the soft tissue of the throat collapsing.
Contrary to popular belief, not all narcoleptics are prone to abruptly collapsing into sleep.
Genioglossus and hyoid advancement treats sleep apnea by moving the tongue muscles forward and by preventing the lower throat from collapsing.
Oral devices can help by repositioning the mouth to prevent tissue from the soft palate and the throat from collapsing into the breathing passage.
They work to prevent the soft tissues in the back of the moth and throat from collapsing and vibrating during sleep.
AdvertisementTongue retaining devices (TRD) focus on moving the tongue forward, preventing it from collapsing back into to airway passage.
Sleep positioning products encourage the sleeper to rest on his or her back, which can prevent soft tissues from collapsing back into the throat.
In accordance with this manner of feeding, the mouth is kept permanently open and prevented from collapsing by a pair of skeletal cornua belonging to a sustentacular apparatus (the nuchal skeleton), the body of which lies within the narrow neck of the proboscis; the latter is inserted into the collar and surrounded by the anterior free flap of this segment of the body.
In the absence of rotation, the core slowly accretes gas that falls on to it from the envelope which is still collapsing isothermally.
Draw your own conclusion but the EUropean Union is already on route with its collapsing currency to violent disintegration.
AdvertisementTo prevent the cliff face collapsing it was necessary to take the power out of the sea and to stabilize the dunes.
In order to prevent the sand collapsing into the bore, Stent elected to use a high tech Polymer drilling fluid.
The object that is formed at the center of the collapsing cloud and which will become a star is called a protostar.
In particular, the health branch - which was in danger of collapsing two years ago - is now resurgent.
Josef Strauss died young - in 1870, aged 42, after collapsing on the conductor's rostrum.
AdvertisementIn between, Lamb kicked a penalty when Scotland were penalized for collapsing the scrum in front of their own posts.
Trevor Steeples, 46, from West Bridgford, Nottinghamshire, was brought to the surface after collapsing underground, but was pronounced dead.
The desert and time's collapsing a wooden shack and cross but leaving erect a flimsy wood windmill, is poetic license.
These were in decaying and over-crowded tenements without running water or adequate sanitation, buildings actually collapsing because of neglect from rack-renting landlords.
Josef Strauss died young - in 1870, aged 42, after collapsing on the conductor 's rostrum.
AdvertisementThis will help your chair to avoid collapsing when you sit in it.
Leo tried to rescue her, but the two found themselves thrown into a collapsing elevator.
We commute in air conditioned automobiles to our jobs, then sit at a desk for six to eight hours a day before driving home and collapsing in front of the television at night.
The closer she got to the overcrowded, poor part of the city, the more people jammed the streets, shoving against her in an effort to escape the collapsing buildings.
The reign of " Thorough " was collapsing, and the forces pent up since 1629 were soon to rend the fabric of the state.
The walls were all on fire and the back wall had fallen in, the wooden roof was collapsing, and the rafters were alight.
She gazed at the city around them, startled to see buildings collapsing everywhere she looked.