Colic Sentence Examples
It is used to treat pain of renal colic.
Bunchberry was used for cold and colic remedies.
The baby with colic tends to be unusually sensitive to stimulation.
To avoid colic an animal has to be gradually prepared by giving small quantities of green food for a few days before going to grass.
This spite increased still more when, on calling over the roll of prisoners, it was found that in the bustle of leaving Moscow one Russian soldier, who had pretended to suffer from colic, had escaped.
Fear, frustration, or even excitement can lead to abdominal discomfort and colic.
A small percentage of babies with colic may have milk allergies, reflux, and silent reflux.
It is imperative not to misdiagnose a serious condition and call it colic.
If a trigger for colic can be identified, that is a big start.
It helps relieve discomfort from gas and colic, congestion, and teething.
AdvertisementSpecial handling is used for treating a baby with gas and colic.
Often times the colic begins in the evening after the baby's last meal before bedtime.
It is important not to misdiagnose a serious condition and call it colic.
Children will benefit from a reduced risk of constipation, diarrhea, and colic.
Traditionally used to treat colic and upset stomach.
AdvertisementBaby Massage Classes Helps relieve colic, constipation, restlessness and lets mother and baby bond in a relaxed calm environment.
Some people believe that colic is caused from gas or intolerance to breast milk or even baby formula.
Doctors have several theories of what causes infant colic.
This ensures he is not swallowing air whilst feeding which may help to reduce colic.
No one really knows why some babies develop colic.
AdvertisementThe staff in A&E thought he had renal colic again, supported by the presence of traces of blood in his urine.
However, they have no place in the treatment of infantile colic.
Perhaps the use of ' sulphuric ether ' for renal or biliary colic was recognized earlier than 1842.
Renal cell carcinomas can present with ' clot ' colic similar in nature to ureteric colic due to renal calculus.
Banana very cold, may well cause colic; can relieve constipation or diarrhea in certain cases.
AdvertisementTransient relative lactase deficiency in younger infants may be a cause of some cases of infant colic.
It is also excellent for treating dyspepsia, colic and flatulence.
The usual symptoms of lactose intolerance include loose stools, intermittent abdominal distention, colic and excessive flatus after lactose ingestion.
Classification of colic spasmodic colic is the most common type of colic.
Larger worm burdens can cause a range of problems including ill thrift, diarrhea, colic and death.
Be especially vigilant with any horse that has a history of colic.
In medicine it is frequently employed as a hydragogue purgative, specially valuable in febrile diseases, in congestion of the portal system, and in the obstinate constipation of painters' colic. In the last case it is combined with potassium iodide, the two salts being exceedingly effective in causing the elimination of lead from the system.
Classification of colic Spasmodic colic is the most common type of colic.
My son's relentless colic began the on second evening we brought him home from the hospital.
We are currently working on two very innovative products that I think will help newborns with colic.
A new baby can throw your regular routine right out the window with night feedings, colic and crying.
Colic-For thousands of years, Asian, Indian and Arabic herbal traditions have used ginger to treat colic.
Colic in babies, which is characterized by unexplained crying for extended periods of time, may be associated with gastrointestinal problems.
Ginger tea may be prescribed as part of a regimen to reduce the length and severity of the colic episodes.
For babies, Hyland's offers products to ease teething pain, diaper rash and colic.
Homeopathic remedies are usually very successful in treating pediatric conditions and illnesses, such as chronic infant/childhood eczema, infant colic and bronchial asthma.
His bouts of pleasure gradually weakened his constitution; a severe colic, which seized him on the march of the army against Hamadan, was checked by remedies so violent that Avicenna could scarcely stand.
In larger doses colchicum or colchicine acts as a most violent gastrointestinal irritant, causing terrible pain, colic,vomiting, diarrhoea, haemorrhage from the bowel, thirst and ultimately death from collapse.
To the left of the colic impression is a smaller one for the second part of the duodenum.
In this liver, which was hardened in situ, the impressions of the sacculations of the colon are distinctly visible at the colic impression.
In pain due to violent sciatica relief and even permanent cure has been obtained by the injection of morphine directly into the muscle of the affected part, and in the treatment of renal and hepatic colic morphine given subcutaneously will relieve the acute pain consequent on the passage of biliary and urinary calculi.
In October 1587 both the grand duke and his wife died of colic within a couple of days of each other.
Lead poisons the muscular and nervous systems, and gives rise to paralysis, wasting, colic and other symptoms, while in the case of mercury, tremors, salivation, anaemia and very marked cachexia are induced.
Colic is defined as when a baby cries for longer than three hours every day for more than three days a week.
Almost all babies go through a fussy period, but when crying lasts longer than about three hours a day and is not caused by a specific medical problem, it is considered colic.
Pediatricians will tell parents that babies do not exhibit colic symptoms until around three weeks of age, but there are many parents who would disagree.
Anywhere from 20 to 25 percent of babies cry enough to meet the definition of colic.
There are approximately 4 million babies born every year in the United States, so that means almost a million babies have symptoms of colic.
There are two theories regarding the cause of colic, and the first is that it is due to an immature nervous system.
The majority of babies with colic can be classified with this condition to some degree.
One recent study noted that the babies of mothers who smoke have a higher incidence of colic.
If the physical exam demonstrates nothing else is wrong, the pediatrician may diagnose colic by the parent's description of the crying.
Parents should remember that colic is a benign condition, and the only treatment is through a matter of experimentation and observation.
Very little can be done to prevent colic, other than trying to discover triggers that cause the baby to cry and to not smoke.
Once a physical exam has been performed and medical causes have been ruled out, parents can accept the fact that the baby has colic and try to work with it the best way possible.
Although pacifiers can give children a sense of calm and security well into their toddler years, pacifier use may be most effective during the first few months of life when fussiness, colic, and the need to suck are at their peaks.
Constant crying, though, can be a symptom of colic or a sign that something else is wrong.
A common cause of persistent crying in infants is colic, which is caused by gastrointestinal distress.
Parents report decreases in colic symptoms and gastric stress, as well as an increased quality of sleep and digestion as a result of baby yoga.
The crops being still green, and nothing else available as forage for the horses, an epidemic of colic broke out amongst them, and in ten days the mounted arms had lost upwards of one-third of their strength; men died of sunstroke in numbers, and serious straggling began.
Let Harlequin be taken with a fit of the colic and his trappings will have to serve that mood too.
In autumn all horses that have been grazing should be dosed with some vermifuge to destroy the worms that are invariably present, and thus prevent colic or an unthrifty or anaemic state.
Boiled food of any kind is unnatural to a horse, and is risky to give, being liable to produce colic, especially if the animal bolts its food when hungry, although it generally produces a glossy coat.