Coldly Sentence Examples
He was coldly amused.
Jonny's voice was coldly monotonous but soft.
She stared at him coldly.
Gray eyes stared at her coldly from a bronzed face.
The saviour of his country was coldly received and left unrewarded by his suspicious sovereign.
This was the same man who treated her so coldly earlier today, and she'd do best to keep that picture in her mind.
Carmen stared at her coldly.
The king of Spain, Philip IV., received the author coldly, and it is said even tried to suppress his book, fearing that the Portuguese, who had just revolted from Spain (1640), would profit by its information.
By the public the Rambler was at first very coldly received.
Though she concealed from him her intention of keeping him under her wing, Petya guessed her designs, and instinctively fearing that he might give way to emotion when with her--might "become womanish" as he termed it to himself--he treated her coldly, avoided her, and during his stay in Moscow attached himself exclusively to Natasha for whom he had always had a particularly brotherly tenderness, almost lover-like.
AdvertisementHer father laughed coldly.
Josh glanced down at her coldly and flexed his arm.
Coldly, without looking at her son, she sent for her husband and, when he came, tried briefly and coldly to inform him of the facts, in her son's presence, but unable to restrain herself she burst into tears of vexation and left the room.
She met his accusing gaze coldly.
A calmness washed over her and she stared up at him coldly.
AdvertisementIn 1723, through the medium of the king's mistress, the duchess of Kendal, he at last received his pardon, returned to London in June or July, and placed his services at the disposal of Walpole, by whom, however, his offers to procure the accession of several Tories to the administration were received very coldly.
At first the party as a whole had regarded him somewhat coldly.
Then he added, continuing to coldly stare at the young man.
Currie recognizes that an artist's oeuvre never does follow a coldly logical path - and is all the better for it.
Along the shores of the Adriatic, which are exposed to the north-east winds, blowing coldly from over the Albanian mountains, delicate plants do not thrive so well in general as under the same latitude along the shores of the Tyrrhcnian Sea.
AdvertisementAlexander III., indignant at what he considered the ingratitude of the Slav nationalities, remained coldly aloof, as far as possible, from all intervention in their affairs.
Marivaux brought out a Spectateur Francais (1722), which was coldly received; it was followed by fourteen or fifteen others, under the titles of La Spectatrice (1728-1730), Le Radoteur (1775), Le Babillard (1778-1779), &c. Of a similar character was Le Pour et le contre (1723-1740) of the abbe Prevost, which contained anecdotes and criticism, with special reference to Great Britain.
I should not have come, but I have business, he said coldly.
One smiled coldly, revealing its sharpened teeth, while another was the first to take a step towards her.
Alex stood, eyeing him coldly.
AdvertisementDean stared coldly at the lawyer.
She turned to look at him and answered, coldly.
The stock pond stared up at her coldly from the tawny pasture like a huge eye, the ice-covered edges surrounding a deep blue iris.
Alarmed at length at the ground gained by this idea in the provinces, the emperor set off to Minas to stir up the former enthusiasm in his favour from recollections of the independence, but was coldly received.
He appears to have been coldly received by the authorities, who were even unable to ascertain the nature of Chaka's embassy.
In the following year he went into Italy, and after visiting Ambrose at Milan and Siricius at Rome - the latter of whom received him somewhat coldly - he proceeded into Campania, where, in the neighbourhood of Nola, he settled among the rude structures which he had caused to be built around the tomb and relics of his patron saint.
Espartero crushed with much energy a revolutionary rising in Barcelona, but on his return to Madrid was so coldly welcomed that he perceived that his prestige was on the wane.
His nomination was coldly received by the public; and when, after his election and accession, he actively engaged on behalf of Conkling in the great conflict with Garfield over the New York patronage, the impression was widespread that he was unworthy of his position.
At first this great king was coldly received by the Protestants, who were ignorant of his designs and did not want a stranger to profit by the internal disputes of their country.
This gives the utmost possible effect of finality to the whole Credo, and contrasts admirably with the coldly formal instrumental end of the Resurrexit three movements further back.
Garibaldi was somewhat coldly received by the astonished population; but he set forth at once for The 15th of May.
He was mistaken, however, in his schemes, for Cosimo displayed the genius of his family for politics, and coldly dismissed his would-be lord-protector.
More important were his Dialogues on Eloquence, wherein he entered an eloquent plea for greater simplicity and naturalness in the pulpit, and urged preachers to take the scriptural, natural style of Bossuet as their model, rather than the coldly analytic eloquence of his great rival, Bourdaloue.
On the 10th of October 1883 they concluded a treaty of peace with Chile; the troops at Arequipa, under Admiral Montero, surrendered that town, and Montero himself, coldly received in Bolivia, whither he had fled for refuge, withdrew from the country to Europe.
The landscape, with its mysterious spiry mountains and winding waters, is very Leonardesque both in this picture and in another contemporary product of the workshop, or as some think of Leonardo's hand, namely a very highly and coldly finished small "Madonna with a Pink" at Munich.
Returning to Wittenberg, he was coldly received; he wrote there his exposition of Daniel xii.
If the Commons wished to be rid of him because he upheld the prerogative, the kIng was equally desirous to be rid of him because he looked coldly on the looseness of the royal morals.
His communications to the Academie des Inscriptions being coldly received and seldom accorded the honour of print, he inserted them in a vast compilation in 24 volumes, which he called Le Philologue, containing a mass of ill-digested notes on Greek grammar, geography, archaeology, and various authors.
The president of the Republic and his ministers had to call in person on their guest to tender an apology, which was coldly received by Alphonso and his minister for foreign affairs.
He ordered his horse at once and, coldly taking leave of Boris, rode home.
He is asking for your hand, said the countess, coldly it seemed to Natasha.
Natasha cried, and her eyes glittered coldly and vindictively.
After our last holiday, my ex began to act more coldly; not showing as much affection and not saying 'I love you' as often as he did.
When he noticed in Balashev's face the disagreeable impression this reception produced, Davout raised his head and coldly asked what he wanted.
During the hour Pierre watched them they all came flowing from the different streets with one and the same desire to get on quickly; they all jostled one another, began to grow angry and to fight, white teeth gleamed, brows frowned, ever the same words of abuse flew from side to side, and all the faces bore the same swaggeringly resolute and coldly cruel expression that had struck Pierre that morning on the corporal's face when the drums were beating.