Colas Sentence Examples
N i colas says, that the right was always restricted in operation to sovereign princes, to those acting under their authority or sanction, and to a few other personages of exalted rank and station.
The manufacturers of Pepsi Max are now spending more on marketing the brand than on any of their other colas.
Try not to consume more than 1 cup of coffee each day and beware of additional caffeine intake from sodas and colas.
Stain producing beverages - such as red wine, coffee, tea, and colas.
The same thing, I smoked after eating food, drinking alcoholic beverages, drinking coffee, drinking soft drinks and especially drinking highly caffeinated colas.
Almost every guest who visits a Walt Disney World park will purchase a food or beverage item, which makes up over 75 million Coca Colas each year, and a staggering 10 million hamburgers.
Colas and some other soft drinks contain it.
If you've also drunk caffeinated beverages such as coffee or colas, they might dilute your urine in early pregnancy, making it difficult for your hormones to react in the test.