Col Sentence Examples
The most considerable of them are—the Roja, which rises in the Col di Tenda and descends to Ventimiglia; the Taggia, between San Remo and Oneglia; and the Centa, which enters the sea at Albenga.
In 1793 he distinguished himself by the brilliant defence of a redoubt at the Col di Tenda, with only thirty men against a battalion of the enemy.
That our epistle is the one referred to in Col.
After he had left, the camp, in charge of Col.
This is only defined for proto- col families that route; packet sockets don't.
Movements of the land either of subsidence or elevation, changes in the land by the action of erosion in cutting back an escarpment or cutting through a col, changes in climate by affecting the rainfall and the volume of water, all tend to throw the river valley out of harmony with the actual condition of its stream.
See the publications of the Church Missionary Society dealing with the Yoruba Mission; Col.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Coc to Col.
After an arduous campaign, the Natal force (about 5000 strong) being commanded by Col.
A diagram has been drawn by Col.
AdvertisementCombefis, Historia heretiae monothelitarum col.
Hanover was laid out in 1763 or 1764 by Col.
The Old Testament says nothing about the origin of angels; but the Book of Jubilees and the Slavonic Enoch describe their creation; and, according to Col.
It was named by its largest landowner Col.
Frontier questions are discussed fully in Col.
AdvertisementThe best maps are that of the Bureau of American Republics (1903), and, for physical features, that of Col.
And if in the old sources it is only the first beginnings of this development that can be traced, we must assume that at a later These ideas may possibly be traced still further back, and perhaps even underlie St Paul's exposition in Col.
Gallipolis was settled in 1790 by colonists from France, who had received worthless deeds to lands in Ohio from the Scioto Land Company, founded by Col.
Sir Herbert Stewart, the commander of the British force, was mortally wounded on the 19th, and among the killed on the 17th was Col.
Turin has, however, the advantage of being the nearest to the Mont Cenis, while the completion of the line through Cuneo over the Col di Tenda affords direct communication with the French Riviera.
AdvertisementBut what properly forms the western bit of the Alps runs, from near Turin to the Col de Tenda, in a southerly direction, then bending eastwards to the Col d'Altare that divides it from the Apennines.
Starting from the Col d'Altare or di Cadibona (west of Savona), the main chain extends first south-west, then north-west to the Col de Tenda, though nowhere rising much beyond the zone of coniferous trees.
Beyond the Col de Tenda the direction is first roughly west, then north-west to the Rocher des Trois Eveques (939 0 ft.), just south of the Mont Enchastraye (9695 ft.), several peaks of about 10,000 ft.
As late as 1905, the highest pass over the main chain that had a carriage road was the Great St Bernard (8111 ft.), but three still higher passes over side ridges have roads-the Stelvio (9055 ft.), the Col du Galibier (8721 ft.), in the Dauphine Alps, and the Umbrail Pass (8242 ft.).
Our selected divisions relate only to the High Alps between the Col de Tenda and the route over the Radstddter Tauern, while in each of the 18 subdivisions the less elevated outlying peaks are regarded as appendages of the higher group within the topographical limits of which they rise.
AdvertisementAs regards the main divisions, three are generally distinguished; the Western Alps (chiefly French and Italian, with a small bit of the Swiss Valais) being held to extend from the Col de Tenda to the Simplon Pass, the Central Alps (all but wholly Swiss and Italian) thence to the Reschen Scheideck Pass, and the Eastern Alps (wholly Austrian and Italian, save the small Bavarian bit at the north-west angle) thence to the Radstadter Tauern route, with a bend outwards towards the south-east, as explained under (2) in order to include the higher summits of the SouthEastern Alps.
Col Sommeiller (Bardonneche to Bramans), snow 9,718 Col de la Traversette (Crissolo to Abries), mainly bridle path beneath pass tunnel made in 1478-1480.
Arnod (an official of the duchy of Aosta) in 1689 to " re-open " the Col du Geant may be counted as made by a non-native, we do not come upon another case of the kind till the last quarter of the 18th century.
For history generally, see A History of the Gold Coast of West Africa, by Col.
We find traces of such additions within the New Testament itself in such directions as are contained in Col.
The attention of the British engineers was then called to this serious calamity; and fortunately for Egypt there was serving in the country Col.
Pearson followed by Col.
This crest, attacked on each front and along the summit, is lowered with comparative rapidity, until merely a low col or pass may separate the heads of the two glens.
It commemorates the success gained on the 16th of August 1777 by a force of nearly 2000 "Green Mountain Boys" and New Hampshire and Massachusetts militia under General John Stark over two detachments of General Burgoyne's army, totalling about 1200 men, under Col.
These came up one after the other in search of provisions and were practically annihilated, Col.
The Roma Bde., or rather what was left of it, was coming back in the Vallarsa, and Col Santo had been evacuated by the territorials, while the command of the sector had lost touch with the Alpine battalions.
Here, too, practically nothing had been done to prepare the reserve positions, and owing to a mistaken order the retiring troops had not occupied Monte Pasubio, the key position now that Col Santo had gone.
The Austrian infantry advanced along the great ridge from Col Santa; they came up from Anghebani and Chiesa in the Vallarsa and from the Val Terragnolo by the Borcola Pass.
The attack was not to be made until the position in the centre was assured, and it was to be accompanied by an advance from Pasubio upon Col Santo.
The line chosen by Krauss ran from south of Rovereto in front of Col Santo to the Borcola Pass; thence along the rim of the Arsiero plateau, north of the Posina and east of the Upper Astico; thence north-eastward across the Val d'Assa to Monte Mosciagh, and thence northward to the old frontier.
It is thus isolated on all sides but the north-west, where a col about 6900 ft.
The salient was quickly wiped out, several thousand prisoners were taken, and both Col del Rosso and Monte Melago were captured.
He opened his attack on Dec. z i by a push on each wing of his front, from the Brenta valley and Monte Pertica against Col della Berretta, and against both sides of the Solarolo salient.
In the .consonantal system we col 1 struck by the abundance of sibilants (s and sh, in three forms modification, z and zh) and nasals (five in number), and by the rer mplete absence of 1.
On the 2nd of May 1862 the city was captured by the forces of the United States under Col.
In 1856 the Coeur d'Alenes, Palouses and Spokanes went on the war-path; in April 1857 they put to flight a small force under Col.
Edward Jenner Steptoe; but the punitive expedition led by Col.
The result is that the Italians are now unable to build a railway from Cuneo by the Col de Tenda and down the Roja valley direct to Ventimiglia.
He was a member of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace at Paris 1918-9, and, together with Lord Robert Cecil and Col.
On the north, fine forests extend to the Col de la Ruchere, and on the west rise well-wooded heights, while on the east tower white limestone ridges, culminating in the Grand Som (6670 ft.).
Among the other routes may be mentioned those from Grenoble by Le Sappey, or by the Col de la Charmette, or from Chambery by the Col de Couz and the village of Les Echelles.
The town itself is mainly composed of a long street (flanked by two others), which is really the road from Grenoble to Cuneo over the Col de l'Argentiere (6545 ft.).
The public school system, the "Quincy System," was made famous in1875-1880by Col.
John Quincy of Mount Wollaston, 1689-1767 (Quincy, 1909), published by the Quincy Historical Society, and containing addresses made at the celebration in February 1908 in honour of Col.
Goldsmid, K.C.S.I., who conducted the first Seistan demarcation commission in 1872, was left undone and completed only in1903-1905by Col Sir Henry McMahon, K.C.I.E.
Not only is there a total lack of those passes, so common in the Alps, which lead across the great mountain chains at a far lower level than that of the neighbouring peaks, but between the two extremities of the range, where the principal highroads and the only railways run between France and Spain, there are only two passes practicable for carriages - the Col de la Perche, between the valley of the Tet and the valley of the Segre, and the Col de Somport or Pot de Canfranc, on the old Roman road from Saragossa to Oloron.
For the middle period of Egyptian rule see Sir Samuel Baker's Ismailia (1874); Col.
From Territet there is a mountain railway past Glion and Caux nearly to the top of the Rochers de Naye (6710 ft.), while from Vernex the MontreuxBernese-Oberland railway mounts past Les Avants, pierces the ridge of the Col de Jaman by a tunnel, and so reaches (14 m.) Montbovon in the Gruyere portion of the upper Sarine valley.
While DF and COL offer at least the same resolution, phase contrast limits the resolution due to the condenser annulus.
Cross the col then make the steep ascent NW then N to the summit of Red Pike.
I more or less kept going till reaching the col with just a few short stops for water along the way.
This expedition has clearance from the Chinese authorities to climb the North col without the need for a highly expensive Everest permit.
We gained the col; corrected the map, and shot down the long, long valley as clouds gathered.
Although they left the South col at 9pm, the first climbers didn't make the top until after midday.
See Moore in Encyc. Bibl., " Sacrifice," col.
Lightfoot points out, the best Greek commentators among the Fathers are so dominated by this new usage,, that they misinterpret Col.
To the west the limit will then be the Col de Tenda (6145 ft.), leading from Cuneo (Coni) to Ventimiglia, while on the east our line will be the route over the Radstadter Tauern (5702 ft.) and the Katschberg (5384 ft.) from Salzburg to Villach in Carinthia, and thence by Klagenfurt to Marburg and so past Laibach in Carniola on to Trieste; from Villach the direct route to Trieste would be over the Predil Pass (3813 ft.) or the Pontebba or Saifnitz Pass (2615 ft.), more to the west, but in either case this would exclude the Terglou (9400 ft.), the highest summit of the entire South-Eastern Alps, as well as its lower neighbours.
Churchill followed by Lord Arthur Browne, Chief Cable Censor, and Col.
Descending scree at first, the southern side of the col soon leads to a choice of routes.
As you may have guessed, the township was named for Lt. Col.
Taking Chance was aired on HBO and centered around Kevin Bacon's character, Lt. Col.
Col Jessee Driskill allegedly haunts the top floor.
They are given in the Historia Monothelitarum of Combefisius, col.
The letter is very likely referred to in Col.
In the Episcopal cemetery two monuments mark the graves of Charles Louis Napoleon Achille Murat (1801-1847), the eldest son of Joachim Murat, and of his wife Catherine (1803-1867), the daughter of Col.
Thence for a short way the direction is north to the Col de la Seigne, and then north-east along the crest of the Mont Blanc chain, which culminates in the peak of Mont Blanc (15,782 ft.), the loftiest in the Alps.
The wall to the north col, however, had first to be tackled.
From our final camp at the south col we made the summit bid.
The road, or lane, as it had now become, crossed a low ridge by way of a shallow col.
To gain Grasmoor is simply a matter of heading NW then W across the broad grassy col.
From a second col, about half a mile distant, came six weak flashes.
The col -b command " col -b command " collates out " the backspaces and other control characters that might have been captured along with the text.
Additional shipments of Chieftain tanks spares, NBC equipment and other materiel were sanctioned over Lt. Col Glazebrook's objections.
At last we reached the top of the Crean Glacier, at a broad, indefinite col beside a striking nunatak.
Cross the wall at the col to find a small tarn on the other side.
Especially the humanoid werewolf (sorry Col) as I think this is the best werewolf I have seen on screen for some time.