Coincidental Sentence Examples
Too coincidental to be an accident.
In fact, the spread of birthdays is completely coincidental.
It was purely coincidental that he was on the same flight out of Los Angeles, and that he happened to work down the road from the house she rented.
All of the events leading up to our meeting could not have been coincidental, it must be destiny.
According to the CDC, any correlation between the administration of the MMR vaccine and regressive autism is coincidental, rather than a cause and effect relationship.
Skeptics argued that the development of autism after receiving the vaccine was coincidental because the disease typically manifests during toddler years.
It is probably coincidental that life at the Limebrook Way farm site ceased at a time of unprecedented threat to the mighty Roman Empire.
Any duplication of a first name is purely coincidental.
The cause for a new type of research is often quite coincidental.
These coincidental hazardous drinkers represent the ' potential ' or future burden of alcohol misuse on hospital services.
AdvertisementIf secret postal and transport facilities, secret hide-outs and printing presses are operating where they are needed, this is usually quite coincidental.
The parallels are too striking to be entirely coincidental.
Or was his presence on the scene merely coincidental?
The company cited a " coincidental " series of events it said are unlikely to recur.
Was this break in and shooting a coincidental event or might someone else have been as clever as I at tracking down this nefarious tipster?