Cohn Sentence Examples
They have emphasized the statements of Von Mohl, Cohn, and other writers alluded to, that the protoplasm is here also the dominant factor of the body, and that all the peculiarities of the cell-wall can only be interpreted in the light of the needs of the living substance.
Haematococcus palustris, Girod (= Chlamydococcus, Braun, Protococcus, Cohn), one of the (Epistola ad Vincentium), who declared that the flagellants were showing a tendency to slight the sacramental confession and penance, were refusing to perform the cullus of the martyrs venerated by the church, and were even alleging their own superiority to the martyrs.
On the history of railway legislation in England, see Cohn, Untersuchungen fiber die Englische Eisenbahnpolitik (Leipzig, 1874-83).
Many of his works will be found in Migne, Patrologia Graeca, cix., cxii., cxiii.; for editions of the rest, C. Krumbacher, Geschichte der byzantinischen Literatur (1897), and the article by Cohn in Pauly-Wissowa's Realencyclopadie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (1900) should be consulted.
His colleague in the department of public works, Sir Cohn Scott-Moncrieff, had been not less active.
Cohn's brilliant researches, the chief results of which were published at various periods between 1853 and 1872; Cohn's classification of the bacteria, published in 1872 and extended in 1875, has in fact dominated the study of these organisms almost ever since.
As to the constancy of form, however, Cohn maintained certain reservations which have been ignored by some of his followers.
The fact that Schizomycetes produce spores appears to have been discovered by Cohn in 1857, though it was expressed dubiously in 1872; these spores had no doubt been observed previously.
In 1876, however, Cohn had seen the spores germinate, and Koch, Brefeld, Pratzmowski, van Tieghem, de Bary and others confirmed the discovery in various species.
The supposed constancy of forms in Cohn's species and genera received a shock when Lankester in 1873 pointed out that his Bacterium rubescens (since named Beggiatoa roseo-persicina, Zopf) passes through conditions which would have been described by most observers influenced by the current doctrine as so many separate " species " or even " genera," - that in fact forms known as Bacterium, Hicrococcus, Bacillus, Leptothrix, &c., occur as phases in one life-history.
AdvertisementIn 1862 Pasteur placed it beyond reasonable doubt that the ammoniacal fermentation of urea is due to the action of a minute Schizomycete; in 1864 this was confirmed by van Tieghem, and in 1874 by Cohn, who named the organism Micrococcus ureae.
Pasteur and Cohn also pointed out that putrefaction is but a special case of fermentation, and before 1872 the doctrines of Pasteur were established with respect to Schizomycetes.
In 1862 Pasteur repeated and extended such experiments, and paved the way for a complete explanation of the anomalies; Cohn in 1872 published confirmatory results; and it became clear that no putrefaction can take place without bacteria or some other living organism.
In 1872, therefore, Cohn was already justified in grouping together a number of " pathogenous " Schizomycetes.
The outcome of all these considerations is that, while recognizing that the " genera " and " species " as defined by Cohn must be recast, we are not warranted in uniting any forms the continuity of which has not been directly from the year 1872, when Cohn published his system, which was extended in 1875; this scheme has in fact dominated the study of bacteria ever since.
AdvertisementIn effect the urea first becomes carbonate of ammonia by a simple hydrolysis brought about by bacteria, more and more definitely known since Pasteur, van Tieghem and Cohn first described them.
Cohn long ago showed that certain glistening particles observed in the cells of Beggiatoa consist of sulphur, and Winogradsky and Beyerinck have shown that a whole series of sulphur bacteria of the genera Thiothrix, Chromatium, Spirillum, Monas, &c., exist, and play important parts in the circulation of this element in nature, e.g.
Lucknow, where a small British garrison was besieged in the residency, was twice relieved, once temporarily by Sir James Outram and General Havelock, and afterwards permanently, by Sir Cohn Campbell, who had been sent out from England to take the chief command.
Still later, in 1874, Dr Cohn, after the most exhaustive experiments and bacteriological research, realized that the disease was caused by a bacillus, and - nine years later - the name Bacillus alvei was given to it by Cheyne and Cheshire, whose views were in agreement with those of Dr Cohn.
Leading the research at Leeds is Professor of automated reasoning, Tony Cohn.
AdvertisementHis somewhat tongue-in-cheek immoral displays earn the full approval of the young Nik Cohn, who writes the book at an exhausting intensity.
Struve published an account of the application of clockwork as an aid in Repsold's method; and, later, Dr Cohn published a more elaborate paper on the same subject in the Astron.
In the Konigsberg transit instrument used by Struve and Cohn, the clockwork was attached to the eye-end of the instrument - a condition which is obviously undesirable both from the necessarily unsymmetrical position of the clockwork with respect to the optical axis, and from the impossibility of securing the uniform going of the clock in different positions of the instrument.
He became a frequent contributor to the Monthly Review, the Gentleman's Magazine, the AntiJacobin Review and the British Critic. He also wrote several articles for the third edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, and on the death of the editor, Cohn Macfarquhar, in 1793, was engaged to edit the remaining volumes.
He is the author of Boy Meets Boy, The Realm of Possibility, Love is the Higher, and (with Rachel Cohn) Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist and Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List.
AdvertisementCohn and Greske wrote that, overall, "college graduates appear to have a more optimistic view of their past and future progress."
Namaste! by Diana Cohn and Amy Cordova follows the journey of a young Nepalese girl as she realizes the impact of Namaste.
John Cohn - 50 - chief IMB scientist working on design automation.
Cohn comes from Richmond, Vermont and lost his son in a car accident in 2006.
On many grounds Cohn infers a Hebrew original.