Cod Sentence Examples
The LeBlanc's house is a tiny cape cod, on a dead end street in south Peabody, a Boston bedroom community.
The herring, cod, lobster and crab fisheries are prosecuted.
It appeared that the quantity of oil contained in the liver of a cod (per unit of weight) increases with the age of the fish.
Among the Anacanthini, the cod family so well known in Europe shows but one or two species in the seas of south Asia, though the soles and allied fishes are numerous along the coasts.
It aids the absorption of fats and may be used with cod liver oil when the latter is administered by the skin.
The cod spawns in February, and is exceedingly prolific, the roe of a single female having been known to contain upwards of eight millions of ova, and to form more than half the weight of the entire fish.
These, salted and dried, are exported to all parts of the world, and form, when taken in connexion with the enormous quantity of fresh cod consumed, a valuable addition to the food resources of the human race.
These cod are fed chiefly on mussels, and when the keeper approaches to feed them they may be seen rising to the surface in hundreds and eagerly seeking the edge.
It has a very wide range, which nearly coincides with that of the cod, although of a somewhat more southern character, as it extends to both east and west coasts of the North Atlantic, and is occasionally found in the Mediterranean.
The industries of the island are unimportant; there is considerable cod and scallop fishing.
AdvertisementCod, bream, tunny and anchovy are the principal fish taken.
Though cod is much the most important fish (in 1905 fresh cod were valued at $991,679, and salted cod at $696,928), haddock (fresh, $1,051,910; salted, $17,194), mackerel (value in 1905, including horse mackerel, $970,876), herring (fresh, $266,699; salted, $114,997), pollock ($267,927), hake ($258,438), halibut ($218,232), and many other varieties are taken in great quantities.
Since 1865 (at least) various parts of Cape Cod have shrunk greatly in population, agriculture and manufactures, and even in fishing interests; this reconstruction of industrial and social interests being, apparently, simply part of the general urban movement-a movement toward better opportunities.
In 1602 Bartholomew Gosnold landed at and named Cape Cod and coasted as far south as the present No-Man's Land, which he named Martin's or Martha's Vineyard, a name later transferred to a neighbouring larger island.
In the early winter of 1620 they made the coast of Cape Cod; they had intended to make their landing farther south, within the jurisdiction of the Virginia Company, which had granted them a patent; but stress of weather prevented their doing so.
AdvertisementIt is too bony and oily for a table-fish, but is used as bait for cod and mackerel.
They sailed in a single ship, the "Mayflower," and landed near Cape Cod, where they founded the colony of Plymouth, afterwards (1621) obtaining a patent from the council for New England.
Mackerel, cod, pollack and flat-fishes are the kinds most frequently attacked by them in the sea; of river-fish the migratory Salmonidae and the shad are sometimes found with the marks of the teeth of the lamprey, or with the fish actually attached to them.
The species of greatest use is the river-lamprey, which as bait is preferred to all others in the cod and turbot fisheries of the North Sea.
The most valuable catches of food fish in 1904 were those of bluefish ($556,527), squeteague ($212,623), flounders ($67,159), eels ($53,832), cod ($52,710), scup ($48,068) and shad ($36,826).
AdvertisementThe Dutch had long claimed the whole coast from Delaware Bay to Cape Cod, but by the treaty of Hartford (1650), negotiated between himself and the commissioners of the United Colonies of New England, Stuyvesant agreed to a boundary which on the mainland roughly determined the existing boundary between New York and Connecticut and on Long Island extended southward from the west side of Oyster Bay to the Atlantic Ocean.
There are large quantities of salmon in the lower Columbia river, in Gray's and Willapa harbours, and in Puget Sound; oyster fisheries in Gray's and Willapa harbours and in Puget Sound; cod, perch, flounders, smelt, herring and sardines in these and other salt waters.
But if the same ends A, B be placed over oppositely vibrating segments (such as AOD, COD), the sand will be scarcely, if at all, affected.
By boiling the livers at a somewhat high temperature, "unracked" cod oil is obtained, containing a considerable quantity of "stearine"; this fat, which separates on cooling, is sold as "fish stearine" for soapmaking, or as "fish-tallow" for currying.
With him, in 1604, Champlain was engaged in exploring the coast as far south as Cape Cod, in seeking a site for a new settlement, and in making surveys and charts..
AdvertisementThe text was written, according to Tischendorf, by four scribes, of whom he identified one as also the scribe of cod.
It is closely connected with cod.
The next most valuable are probably cod.
L, von Soden e 56, containing the Gospels; cod.
Other minuscules of importance are cod.
The African version is best represented in the gospels by cod.
Bobiensis (k) of the 5th (some say 6th) century at Turin, and cod.
Palatinus (e) of the 5th century at Vienna, both of which are imperfect, especially k, which, however, is far the superior in quality; in the Acts and Catholic epistles by cod.
The European version is best represented in the gospels by cod.
It is possible that a later variety of it is found in cod.
In the Acts the European text is found in cod.
In the Catholic epistles it is found in cod.
In the Pauline epistles it is doubtful whether it is extant at all, though some have found it in the cod.
In the Apocalypse it is found in cod.
He seems to have taken as the basis of his work the European version as it existed in his time, perhaps best represented by cod.
In 1647 he seized a Dutch ship illegally trading at New Haven and claimed jurisdiction as far as Cape Cod; the New Haven authorities refused to deliver to him fugitives from justice in Manhattan; he retaliated by offering refuge to runaways from New Haven; but finally he offered pardon to the Dutch fugitives and revoked his proclamation.
The take of 1898 consisted chiefly of cod, haddock, lobsters, mackerel, alewives, pollock and hake, but was valued at only $48,987, which was a decrease of 67% from that of 1889; in 1905 the total take was valued at $51,944, of which $32,575 was the value of lobsters and $8166 was the value of fresh cod-the only other items valued at more than $loon were soft clams ($2770), Irish moss ($2400), alewives, fresh and salted ($1220), and haddock ($1048).
Martin Pring was at the mouth of the Piscataqua in 1603 and, returning to England in the same year, gave an account of the New England coast from Casco Bay to Cape Cod Bay.
The epistle was published in 1633 by Patrick Young from Cod.
The city is especially important as a salmon fishing and packing centre (cod, halibut and smaller fish also being abundant); it has also an extensive lumber trade, important lumber manufactories, pressed brick and terra-cotta factories, and dairy interests.
The whaling and cod and mackerel fisheries were of earlier colonial origin.
The principal fisheries are those on the Atlantic coast, carried on by the inhabitants of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and the eastern section of Quebec. Cod, herring, mackerel and lobsters are the fish chiefly caught, though halibut, salmon, anchovies and so-called sardines are also exported.
In British Columbian waters the main catch is of salmon, in addition to which are halibut, oolachan, herring, sturgeon, cod and shellfish.
The great catches are herring, cod and ling, but lobsters and crabs are also exported in large quantities.
Westray (1956), one of the seats of the cod fishery, has a.
On the other hand, while phonetically the above explanation was not inconsistent with such cases as rka dkah, bkah, bska, and nga, rnga, ngag, sngags, lnga, ngad and brtse, brdzun, dbyar, &c., where the italicized letters are pronounced in full and the others are left aside, it failed to explain other cases, such as dgra, mgron, spyod, snyan, sbrang, sbrul, bkra, k'ri, krad, k'rims, k'rus, &c., pronounced da, don, cod, or swod, cen, Bang, deu, ta, t'i, tad or teh, tim, tu, &c., and many others, where the spoken forms are obviously the alteration by wear and tear of sounds originally similar to the written forms. Csoma de Koros, who was acquainted with the somewhat archaic sounds of Ladak, was able to point to only a few letters as silent.
A very old town and the seat of a former margraviate belonging to the counts of Holland, Vlaardingen is now chiefly important as the centre of the great herring and cod fisheries of the North Sea.
The Greek version exists in two forms - (a) that preserved in cod.
He was the author of an important historical work, which has seemingly perished except for some passages quoted by Barhebraeus and an extract found by Assemani in Cod.
In addition to the lost Annals, Dionysius was from the time of Assemani until 1896 credited with the authorship of another important historical work - a Chronicle, which in four parts narrates the history of the world from the creation to the year 774-77 5 and is preserved entire in Cod.
The fish mostly caught are cod, haddock and herrings, while Heligoland yields lobsters, and the islands of Fhr, Amrum and Sylt oysters of good quality.
There is good reason, however, to believe that they were the counterparts of the contemporary Cod and Hook parties in Holland, and of the Schieringers and Vetkoopers in Friesland.
The fisheries include cod, ling and herring.
The Brutus is only known from 15th-century transcripts of the lost cod.
In medieval times the salting and sale of herrings and the sale of cod, fish and other products of the North Sea fishery were the only industries.
In1614-1616Captain John Smith traversed the coast as far east as the mouth of the Penobscot river and as far south as Cape Cod, gathered much information from the Indians, wrote an attractive descrip tion of the country, prepared a map of it, suggested its present name, New England, and made another unsuccessful attempt to found a settlement.
In the 17th century the mackerel and whale fisheries were the basis of economic life; the latter gave way later to the cod and other fisheries, but the fishing industry is now relatively unimportant.
The cod, ling and herring fisheries are important, and the coasts abound with shell-fish, especially cockles, for which it has always been famous.
The herring, cod, flatfish, mackerel and sprat are taken in the seas, and also great numbers of a small herring called striimnaing.
In the shoal waters about Juan Fernandez are found a species of codfish (possibly Gadus macrocephalus), differing in some particulars from the Newfoundland cod, and a large crayfish, both of which are caught for the Valparaiso market.
In the case of sea-fishes it is becoming increasingly recognized that the millions of cod fry which are annually turned out of the American, Newfoundland and Norwegian hatcheries are but an insignificant fraction of the billions of fry which are naturally produced.
A single female cod liberates, according to its size, from one to five million eggs in a single season.
In the United States the utility of the cod-hatching operations has been constantly asserted by representatives of the Bureau of Fisheries, but practically the only evidence adduced is the occasional appearance of unusual numbers of cod in the neighbourhood.
It has not been established that the fluctuations in the local cod fisheries bear any fixed relation to the extent of the hatching operations, while the earlier reports of the Commissioners of Fisheries contain evidence that similar fluctuations occurred before the hatching of "fish commission cod" had begun.
The relative number of young cod in the various fjords was then carefully investigated throughout the succeeding summer and autumn months.
But their abundance was equally striking in other fjords in which no fry had been planted, while in 1905 all the fjords were deficient in young cod whether they had been planted with fry from the hatchery or not.
Provincetown village was long second only to Gloucester in the cod fisheries, which low prices and the introduction of larger vessels and correspondingly costlier fittings have greatly 1 Sulla excluded the equites from the list; the lex Aurelia (70) reinstated them.
For many years there were important cod and mackerel fisheries here and Duxbury clams were famous; there were large shipyards in Duxbury in the 18th century and in the first half of the 19th.
The pearl mussel was formerly used as bait in the Aberdeen cod fishery.
The next in order are haddock, cod and plaice, and the east coast fisheries return the greatest bulk of these also.
But whereas the south coast has the advantage over the west in the herring and plaice fisheries, the reverse is the case in the haddock and cod fisheries, haddock, in particular, being landed in very small quantities at the south coast ports.
Herring are abundant, and cod especially so.
Cod can be taken with comparatively little danger or hardship. During the Russian occupation a small amount was shipped to California and the Sandwich Islands.
Maine markets more clams than any other state in the Union, and the catches of cod, hake, haddock, smelt, mackerel, swordfish, shad, pollock, cusk, salmon, alewives, eels and halibut are of importance.
Despite outbreaks from time to time of the Hook and Cod troubles, he was able to make his authority respected, and to help forward in many ways the social progress of the country.
The influence of the towns was steadily on the increase, and their government began to fall into the hands of the burgher patrician class, who formed the Cod party.
The quarrels between the Hook and Cod factions still continued, but the outbreaks of civil strife were quickly repressed by the strong hand of Philip. Holland during this time contented Flourish- herself with growing material prosperity.
The Hook and Cod troubles again disturbed the country.
She was at first welcomed in Holland and Zeeland, but found her claims opposed by her uncle, John of Bavaria, supported by the Cod party.
The Rev. William Hazlitt (father of the essayist and critic), visiting the United States in 1783-1785, published the fact that there were Unitarians in Philadelphia, Boston, Charleston, Pittsburg, Hallowell, on Cape Cod and elsewhere.
Though fruit-trees will not bear there is an abundance of edible berries; the rivers and lakes abound with trout, perch, pike and other fish, and in the lower waters with salmon; and the cod, herring, halibut and Greenland shark in the northern seas attract numerous Norwegian and Russian fishermen.
The cod fisheries are amongst the most important in the world.
The principal native products exported are live sheep, horses, salt meat, wool and hides, to which must be added the fish products - cod, train-oil, herring and salmon - eiderdown and woollen wares.
The cod fishery is especially important, dried fish being exported in large quantity, and the swim-bladders made into gelatine, and also used and exported for food.
In 1602, in command of the "Concord," chartered by Sir Walter Raleigh and others, he crossed the Atlantic; coasted from what is now Maine to Martha's Vineyard, landing at and naming Cape Cod and Elizabeth Island (now Cuttyhunk) and giving the name Martha's Vineyard to the island now called No Man's Land; and returned to England with a cargo of furs, sassafras and other commodities obtained in trade with the Indians about Buzzard's Bay.
The pursuit of cod, mackerel, herring and halibut fills up, with a winter coasting trade, the round of the year.
The cod take had supported in the 18th century an extensive trade with Bilbao, Lisbon and the West Indies, and though changed in nature with the decline of the Bank fisheries after the War of Independence, it continued large through the first quarter of the 19th century.
The manufacture of cod-liver oil for pharmaceutical purposes is naturally somewhat limited, as Norway, Newfoundland, and latterly also Japan, are more favourably situated as regards the supply of fresh cod, but the technical liver oils (cod oil, shark-liver oil) are produced in very large quantities in Grimsby, Hull, Aberdeen, and latterly also on the west coasts of the United Kingdom.
On account of the importations from Canada, Chesapeake Bay and the Great Lakes, the mackerel, cod and menhaden fisheries declined, especially after 1860, and the oyster and lobster fisheries are not as important as formerly.
Of these H r is a family containing Cod.
It was more sheltered than the morning dive, and had better life including colorful jewel anemones, and many blue cod.
Just as bad was their cod fish fritter appetizer.
Fishing the hollows scoured out by the rough seas at low tide produces superb bags of quality cod to lugworm and peeler crab baits.
The fish (cod, haddock, huss, plaice) is deep fried in flour batter and is eaten with chips.
Most Skippers have their own ideas how the cod ends should be false bellied and where the halving becket should be fixed.
The halving becket, often called the doubling or double bag becket, is put on and the cod line rove.
The Cod End Belly Lines are seized on with much smaller bights because of the excessive weight the Cod Ends may hold.
Also, I like to make a Cod fish chowder almost the same way.
The food is top notch, with exquisite treats like Bayonne ham and figs or poached cod with saffron and chili.
To serve, spoon the lentils onto a warmed plate and top with the baked cod and tomatoes.
The cooking is French inspired, if a touch eccentric - salted cod in cider may not be to everyone's taste.
The prolific cod was regarded as a limitless resource, but early this year Canada put the Atlantic cod on its endangered species list.
Quality and nature of food e.g. cod sold as haddock.
Fill them up with pasta, battered fresh cod, or a free ice cream on Sundays.
The black cod was the best fish I have ever tasted.
I can just see the timelords getting slapped about by a giant cod.
The cod is a simple five to six ounce cod filet without any bones.
Spending out of a cape cod click on select.
Some foods such as salt cod, require long, overnight soaking.
Large potato cod often hang out to the north and free swimming morays are common.
Dried cod for trade was cut up in certain ways, which can be detected by the cut marks on the bones.
Although I must say that after opening a range of can from cod roes to mutton cutlets, there are two that stand out.
A cod's head was considered a great delicacy.
Few cod or whiting only dogfish and early ray.
The aim is to save the endangered species after a drop in cod stock to dangerously low levels.
How do you know cod filet fish fingers really contain cod and not other fish?
Techniques to farm alternative species such as halibut and cod are now reaching commercial fruition and the industry is keen to diversify.
The Bangkok fish was particularly tasty, with cod in a really gooey garlic and ginger sauce.
Sae on the cod I see't in you Wi Maidenkirk to John o groats The bosom that you draw me to.
The cod family, which includes haddock, is too endangered and special to batter and drown in fat.
Of particular concern are the northern hake and cod in the Celtic Sea area.
This information will be used to improve the flesh quality of farmed halibut and cod.
Well I have to say I think Goldshield's cod liver oil capsules have helped to keep my joints a bit more flexible.
The other main of roasted cod loin with new potatoes (£ 8.95) with watercress white wine sauce was to the same standard.
Live mackerel is by far the best bait and will also account for the occasional big pollack to 20lb and cod to 27lb.
They are capable of producing some spectacular catches of cod with a few pollack and coalfish mixed in.
Thirdly, the industry agreed to continue to develop a cod recovery plan.
We've also conserved a number of cans containing cod roe.
Jigging with white and colored feathers and artificial sand eel for Pollack, mackerel and cod is successful.
Fishy dishes include whole tail scampi, breaded cod, red snapper and.. .
Seals have become the scapegoats for the collapse of the cod stocks.
Starters take a seaside stroll from deep-fried salt cod brandade with pea puree to lobster risotto with celery and herb salad.
The cooked fish menu includes cod, plaice, haddock, lemon sole, sea bass - all grilled and with chips.
The Danish sandeel fishery and the Norwegian pout fishery take many thousands of tons of cod and other whitefish as by-catch.
In winter, thoughts turn to cod, whiting and flounders.
There are large cod and good whiting in the winter and big shore smoothhounds in the summer.
They include shad, rock cod, mackerel, mullet, bream and soles; sharks, stingrays, cuttlefish and the octopus are also common in the waters off the coast of Natal.
Their flavour is considered superior to that of the cod taken in the open sea.
The same scholar has also edited the Paris manuscript (110) of the Fragmentary Targum (Das Fragmententhargum, Berlin, 1899), to which he has added the variants from Cod.
E, von Soden a toot, a Latino-Greek MS. containing the Acts; cod.
The arc Cs is graduated, and is set so that the angle COD equals the complement of the sun's declination.
In the inland waters salmon, trout, togue (Salvelinus namaycush), pickerel and bass abound; along the shore there are lobsters, clams and scallops (Pecten irradians); and off the shore are herring, alewives, mackerel, cod, halibut, haddock, smelts, hake, menhaden, porgies and porpoises.
Just before the Perkins Institution closed for the summer, it was arranged that my teacher and I should spend our vacation at Brewster, on Cape Cod, with our dear friend, Mrs. Hopkins.
We missed the Cape Cod train Friday morning, and so we came down to Provincetown in the steamer Longfellow.
In the CoD model he must be Merenptah, who presumably effected a rapprochement with Israel sometime after his raids.
I had a starter of baked salt cod ravioli with lemon cream and parmesan (5.00).
The Basques were going across to the Grand Banks well before 1492, as were the Portuguese for their salt cod.
Fishy dishes include whole tail scampi, breaded cod, red snapper and...
Leanne 's winning menu was a North Sea cod and Cromer crab torte with tarragon, tomato and purple shallot butter sauce.
Cod liver oil, evening primrose oil or starflower oil are also anti-inflammatory.
We deal in all types of fresh fish with cod, haddock, and whiting filets being our specialty.
We've all seen those 50s-style doors with the little row of windows on top marring the curb appeal of a classic bungalow or a clapboard Cape Cod house.
For a more traditional take on a nautical toddlers room, think about a Cape Cod, sailing, or tropical theme.
This style of wall treatment is most often seen in country farmhouse décor as well as other casual designs like country farmhouse, French country, cottage, and Cape Cod.
This color palette is inspired by homes of Cape Cod in the 17th Century.
After my supplier put me on COD, I was close to losing my dealership.
Born August 25, 1968 in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Rachael Domenica Ray practically grew up in the kitchen.
Her family owned a restaurant on Cape Cod and her mother worked as a food supervisor for a chain of restaurants in upstate New York.
The company's most popular itinerary includes fishing for King and Silver Salmon, Halibut, Ling Cod and other bottom fish offshore of Alaska's Inside Passage.
Again, I advise you to check with your vet, but I think adding fresh cod liver oil to your dog's diet could be beneficial for her dry skin, as long as it is not an item to which she tests allergic.
In the meantime, it probably wouldn't hurt to add some fresh cod liver oil to your pet's dog food.
Nymphaea Alba Odorata Rosea - The Cape Cod Water-Lily-a plant of moderate vigour, with petals of a uniform bright rose color with yellow stamens, and fragrant.
Not only do you have the benefit of being able to drive to Boston which is about an hour away, but you also have activities in Cape Cod including visits to local islands like Nantucket.
High-iodine fish, such as cod, shellfish, and mackeral react with the tannins in red wines, imparting a metallic, off flavor to both the wine and the food.
A diet free of phytanic acid (found in dairy products, tuna, cod, haddock, lamb, stewed beef, white bread, white rice, boiled potatoes, and egg yolk) can reduce some of the symptoms.
Menu highlights include Smoked Black Cod and Shiso and Garlic-Crusted Rack of Lamb.
This look is eerily reminiscent of Cape Cod vacations of days long since past, but the overall look of the suit remains chicly current.
With so much hype in the media about nutritional supplements, you may have wondered, what is cod liver oil?
Regardless of where you've seen cod liver oil, don't let its odd name discourage you from giving it a try.
Cod liver oil is produced by steaming the livers of codfish and then pressing them until they expel yellow, mildly fishy-tasting oil.
As a popular dietary supplement, cod liver oil can be found at most health food stores and vitamins shops.
It's important to know the difference between cod liver oil and fish oil, as fish oil can be made from a wide variety of fatty fish such as sardines and mackerel.
While fish oil is definitely a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, cod liver oil is much higher in vitamin A and vitamin D and therefore provides many additional health benefits.
What is cod liver oil used for around the world?
Cod liver oil was also used as a salve by fisherman to prevent chapped hands, noses, and any other part bitten by chilly ocean winds.
A great source of omega-3s, cod liver oil provides a myriad of health benefits.
The benefits of cod liver oil don't stop there.
Studies have revealed that cod liver oil can also improve vision (Foot, A.S., et al), boost brain function (Garg, M.L., et al), and stimulate the immune system (McGuire, S.O., et al).
In the case of cod liver oil, you should note that contaminants are likely to be higher than in other fish oils since the liver acts as a filter for the cod's body.
Cod liver oil can be found at most retail locations that sell vitamin supplements.
Toxicity is far more likely to occur from taking vitamin D supplements or large amounts of cod liver oil.
Fish and cod liver oil - This is the food/supplement with the highest concentration of vitamin D available.
Food sources of vitamin D include salt water fish and fish liver oil, such as cod liver oil.
Cod liver oil is also an excellent source of vitamin D; however, it is typically recommended that you don't take cod liver oil if you are also taking vitamin D supplements.
While you can buy traditional fish oil capsules from Carlson Laboratories, the company also makes fish oil available in flavored liquids like their Lemon Fish Oil and their Lemon Flavored Cod Liver Oil.
Other sources of vitamin D include cod liver oil, seafood and fortified dairy products.
You can also obtain vitamin D from oily fish, such as tuna and salmon, cod liver oil, in fortified dairy products, and from vitamin D supplements.
If you are currently taking fish oil or cod liver oil, check with your doctor before adding vitamin D supplements into the mix, or toxicity could result.
Epicurious offers a lovely Feast of the Seven Fishes menu, which includes calamari, cod, and mussels.
His feast includes baccala (cod) salad, clams, and swordfish.
This tote is made of seagrass and features an ode to Cape Cod with charming red lobster embroidery.
Chanel can still be conservative, but always with an added touch of French flair -- think the French Riveriera versus Cape Cod.
Catalan Cooking's recipe for Cod Fish with Raisins is great for those who love the combination of sweet and salty in a single dish.
On the east coast, favorite destinations include Daytona Beach, Hilton Head Island, Virginia Beach, or Cape Cod.
Other allowable fish includes white fish such as cod, haddock and plaice, and those to avoid are fried fish and fish roe.
Polar Beverages Diet Cape Cod Cranberry Dry - This carbonated diet cranberry drink is a healthier alternative to a soda.
Burbot, a freshwater relative of cod, are also eligible for spear fishing in certain regions of the province.
Specials change daily and may include roasted black cod, ricotta dumplings with wild mushrooms, and tandoori roasted poussin.
Guests recommend the five- or eight-course tasting menus, featuring smoked sea scallops, braised pork belly and pacific black cod.
The menu includes pan-seared black bass, butter-poached lobster, confit of cod, roast pork belly, braised lamb shoulder and pheasant two ways.
Continue with smoked yellowtail, grilled miso black cod or diver scallops with a miso-lobster sauce.
Fall meals may include such unusual delicacies as lamb neck with corn and chanterelle mushrooms, black cod with clams and black garlic, and leek bread pudding with fennel.
Main courses include breast of duck, filet mignon, broiled cod and grilled veal chop.
Some of these include a seafood quesadilla with shrimp, scallops, and crab-meat, grilled swordfish with wild mushrooms and a parmesan encrusted cod.
And the price was about the same as the tiny Cape Cod house the LeBlanc's owned in expensive Massachusetts.
The fisheries are important - for herring, mackerel, sprats, cod, salmon, lobsters and anchovies.
A very fine freshwater fish is the Murray cod, which sometimes weighs Too lb; and the golden perch, found in the same river, has rare beauty of colour.
Whiting, mullet, gar-fish, rock cod and many others known by local names, are in the lists of edible fishes belonging to New South Wales and Victoria.
The appliances in the Poldhu station were subsequently enlarged and improved by Marconi, and corresponding power stations erected at Cape Cod, Massachusetts, U.S.A., and at Cape Breton in Nova Scotia.
A rescript of Constantius, in 355, inserted in Cod.
The fishery then assumes proportions which render it next in importance to the herring and cod fisheries.
The chief exports are oil-cake, flint, cod and Benedictine liqueur.
The haaf or deep-sea catch principally consists of cod, ling, torsk and saithe.
There are also important fisheries for cod, caplin, halibut, red fish (Sebastes) and nepisak (Cyclopterus lumpus); a shark (Somniosus microcephalus) is taken for the oil from its liver; and sea-trout are found in the streams and small lakes of the south.
For I am able to give you salvation, as much as the 1 Cod.
The number of cod is still further reduced by the trade carried on in roe, large quantities of which are used in France as groundbait in the sardine fishery, while it also forms an article of human food.
Deep-sea and coast fishing for cod, herring and mackerel employ over 1000 of the inhabitants.
Among the fish may be mentioned the tunny, dolphin, mackerel, sardine, sea-bream, dentice and pagnell; wrasse, of exquisite rainbow hue and good for food; members of the herring family, sardines, anchovies, flying-fish, sea-pike; a few representatives of the cod family, and some flat fish; soles (very rare); Cernus which grows to large size; several species of grey and red mullet; eleven species of Triglidae, including the beautiful flying gurnard whose colours rival the angel-fish of the West Indies; and eighteen species of mackerel, all migratory.
The extreme hook of the Cape Cod Peninsula forms Provincetown Harbor, which is an excellent and capacious port.
It has in Vineyard Haven (Holmes's Hole) a spacious harbour, much frequented by wind-bound vessels seeking a passage round Cape Cod.
Fish are so abundant on the coast that the cod is sometimes used as an emblem of the state; thus a figure of one hangs in the representatives' chamber at the State House.
Provisions taken to Newfoundland, poor fish to the West Indies, molasses to New England, rum to Africa and good cod to France and Spain, were the commonest ventures of foreign trade.
After the original and exclusively English immigration from 1620 to 1640 there was nothing like regular foreign immigration until the 19th century; and it was a favourite assertion of Dr Palfrey that the blood of the fishing folk on Cape Cod was more purely English through two centuries than that of the inhabitants of any English county.
What prosperity or stability remains in various Cape Cod communities is largely due to foreign immigrants-especially BritishAmericans and Portuguese from the Azores; although the population remains, to a degree exceptional in northern states, of native stock.
The oil has been chemically analysed and found to be a fish-oil, and to possess nearly all the qualities of that obtained from the liver of the cod, with a lighter specific gravity.
Cape Cod, like a human arm doubled at the elbow, 40 m.