Cockroach Sentence Examples
Then one day we found a cockroach lying upside down in a giant size tub of margarine.
It is usually dark brown where as the German Cockroach is a lighter yellowish-brown.
The oriental cockroach unlike the German variety is unable to climb smooth vertical surfaces.
A cockroach considered taking its usual skitter across the floor, but was interrupted.
In the cockroach embryo, before the segmentation of the germ-band has begun, the primitive germ-cells can be recognized at the hinder end of the mesoderm, from whose ordinary cells they can be distinguished by their larger size.
The common cockroach (Stilopyga orientalis) is not indigenous to Europe, but is believed to have been introduced from the Levant in the cargoes of trading vessels.
The American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) is larger than the former, and is not uncommon in European seaports trading with America, being conveyed in cargoes of grain and other food produce.
On the moors in late summer the mantis (kama-kiri-niushi) is commonly met with, and the cricket (kurogi) and the cockroach, abound.
The world's most common cockroach is the American Cockroach which was taken to the United States inadvertently on slave ships from Africa.
Information as to the internal structure of a typical orthopteron - the cockroach - will be found under Hexapoda.
AdvertisementIn Trinidad the young are esteemed a great delicacy for the table by many, though some persons object to their peculiar scent, which resembles that of a cockroach (Blatta), and consequently refuse to eat them.
In some bristle-tails and may-flies, the two vasa deferentia open separately, but usually they lead into a sperm-reservoir, whence issues a median C From Miall and Denny, The Cockroach, Lovell Reeve & Co.
If cockroach allergen is causing asthma attacks, the roaches should be killed (using poison, traps, or boric acid rather than chemicals).
The pulvillus is From Miall and Denny, The Cockroach, Lovell Reeve & Co.
The dorsal vessel is prolonged anteriorly into an aorta, through which the blood is propelled into the great After Miall and Denny, The Cockroach, Lovell body-cavity or haemoReeve & Co.
AdvertisementWhen she visited a dentist, the dentist discovered cockroach eggs in her gums (or cheeks).