Cocaine Sentence Examples
Cinnamyl cocaine is cinnamylmethylecgonine, i.e.
Homologues of cocaine - ethylbenzoylecgonine, &c. - have been prepared; they closely resemble natural cocaine.
Pain may be stopped by removing the cause of irritation, as, for example, by the extraction of a carious tooth or by rendering the nerveendings insensitive to irritation, as by the application of cocaine; by preventing its transmission along the spinal cord by antipyrin, phenacetin, acetanilide, cocaine, &c.; or by dulling the perceptive centre in the brain by means of opium or its alkaloids, by anaesthetics, and probably also, to a certain extent, by antipyrin and its congeners.
But by the addition of some antiseptic to the ointment its defensive action would be converted from passive to active, and its power to prevent infection would become greater; and if inflammation had already set up in the skin, the addition of opium, belladonna, or cocaine would lessen local pain; and an astringent, either metallic or organic, would restrain inflammation and accelerate repair.
The second time, cocaine was found in her car.
Cocaine is benzoylmethyl ecgonine.
The manufacturing industries of Peru are confined chiefly to the treatment of agricultural and mineral products - the manufacture of sugar and rum from sugar cane, textiles from cotton and wool, wine and spirits from grapes, cigars and cigarettes from tobacco, chocolate from cacao, kerosene and benzine from crude petroleum, cocaine from coca, and refined metals from their ores.
Irritation is lessened by lotions containing substances that will diminish irritability of the nerve-endings and skin, such as carbolic acid, hydrocyanic acid, morphine or opium, cocaine, belladonna or atropine.
Apparently he was shipping someone twenty-five thousand dollars worth of cocaine.
Piperine, conine, atropine, belladonine, cocaine, hyoscyamine and nicotine have been already synthesized; the constitution of several others requires confirmation, while there remain many important alkaloids - quinine, morphine, strychnine, &c. - whose constitution remains unknown.
AdvertisementCocaine is the active principle of the coca leaf, which is chewed as a stimulant-narcotic in Peru and Bolivia.
The chief action of cocaine from a practical point of view is its power of paralysing the terminations of sensory nerves.
It was similar to the cravings for cocaine that an addicted individual experiences.
We who are grateful recovering cocaine addicts ask you to listen closely to our stories.
There are a reported two million male cocaine addicts in the US.
AdvertisementThere is a small section on treatment of cocaine addiction, without much in the way of hope.
Four searches were carried out and the drugs seized included amphetamines, cannabis resin and cocaine.
Perhaps we saw a cocaine friend die of respiratory arrest, and still we went on using!
Cocaine users have significant atherosclerosis in their cerebral arteries.
He was interested in many alkaloids including atropine (1) and the structurally similar cocaine (3) molecule.
AdvertisementAs the medical profession grew in expertise and stature, their calls for legal controls on opiates and cocaine became more authoritative.
The stereotypes of happy smiling natives from Columbian cocaine cartels to the Jamaican yardie gangs are transformed.
Subscribers and their know what we're cocaine cartels and for and beyond.
Coca cultivation and coca cultivation and cocaine production were broadly stable while seizures of cocaine rose to new highs.
For example, have you ever snorted cocaine from the belly-button of a famous female rock ' n ' roll star?
AdvertisementShe'd had enough when she found out I was taking drugs - by the age of 18 I was sniffing cocaine and heroine.
He was arrested and charged with attempting to smuggle cocaine into Scotland.
Some users inject cocaine into a muscle or vein; or it is converted into a smokable form called freebase.
A baby born with fetal alcohol syndrome, or addicted to crack cocaine, is easy to identify.
Other policemen in Maputo had tried to sell seized cocaine.
A significant quantity of crack cocaine was recovered and he has been charged with possession of crack cocaine with intent to supply.
Searches of the vehicle resulted in the seizure of suspected crack cocaine, with an estimated street value of £ 4500.
A kilo of pure cocaine has a street value an order of magnitude higher than a kilo of muesli.
The star had taken so much cocaine he'd lost control of his bowels.
The crack cocaine epidemic was taking its toll on the inner city.
The start of a Phase IIa cocaine administration trial was announced on 14 April 2003.
He made millions, or perhaps billions, of dollars smuggling cocaine into the United States.
Sherlock Holmes, the fictional detective in Arthur Conan Doyle's books, was a regular cocaine user.
When you are attracted to someone your brain releases the drug dopamine giving the same reaction that taking cocaine or speed would create.
Cocaine is also sometimes injected and there has been an increase recently in the number of people who inject steroids.
The death of Zarqawi reminds me of the death of Colombian cocaine kingpin Pablo Escobar.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (a type of counseling) is the most effective response to crack cocaine misuse.
Bear in mind that existing drug services may be seeing few cocaine misusers or failing to record those they do see.
Drugs of misuse include opiates such as heroin, stimulants such as cocaine and crack, hallucinogens such as LSD, and cannabis.
Cocaine, on the other hand, damages the heart, can lead to strokes, and can induce paranoia.
These are a few symptoms which may indicate that your Crack or Cocaine use has become problematic.
Now will someone try to tell me that this causes the whole gym " as a system " to feel a cocaine high?
Cocaine is a short acting powerful, central nervous system stimulant that comes from the coca bush which grows widely in South America.
However there are more cocaine deaths in police custody suites due to swallowing crack or cocaine.
Officers also recovered a five-figure sum of money as well as approximately half a kilogram of cocaine following house searches.
Kate Moss has checked herself into rehab in a bid to kick her cocaine addiction.
Apparently Kate was caught sniffing the cocaine with some people related to Kate 's boyfriend Pete Doherty 's band.
Driza had told the jury the video showed Judge J snorting cocaine, a claim Judge J denied.
Cocaine is a very dangerous stimulant drug, it speeds up the brain at a greater pace than any caffeine.
A rolled banknote used to sniff cocaine can have a thousandth of a gram of the drug left on it.
The pair also had traces of cocaine and cannabis in their bodies.
Along with treating meth addiction, this approach can also be used to treat cocaine and alcohol addiction.
It increases your body's dopamine levels in the same way that heroine, cocaine, and amphetamines do.
Crack addiction is a form of cocaine addiction.
Since crack is cheaper to produce and buy compared to cocaine, crack grew in popularity during the 1980s and has continued to be a problem ever since.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, "Crack is cocaine that has not been neutralized by an acid to make the hydrochloride salt."
Crack is a highly addictive form of cocaine.
Since it goes directly into the lungs, the effects are felt faster and more intensely than other forms of cocaine use.
Users who cannot access other forms of cocaine will sometimes inject the pulverized rocks.
Crack addiction has many of the same effects as other forms of cocaine.
Alcohol and cocaine mix to form cocaethylene, a substance that increases the risk of sudden death.
Cocaine addiction is a powerful illness.
Cocaine is made from the leaves of the coca plant.
The word "cocaine" usually refers to a whitish powder which is "snorted" through the nose.
Cocaine is a powerful stimulant which acts directly on the user's brain.
Cocaine increases the amount of dopamine available to receptors in the brain.
Using cocaine brings feelings of power, of euphoria, and of endless energy.
Some people are able to use cocaine just once, or just every now and then.
Some addicts say that no matter how much cocaine they use, they can't replicate the euphoria from their very first dose.
Cocaine causes the heart to beat more quickly than normal and can cause abnormal heart rhythms.
Cocaine addiction carries special risks.
People who snort cocaine may develop frequent nosebleeds and even do permanent damage to the nasal tissues.
In addition to good feelings, cocaine can also cause irritability and paranoia.
The current treatment for cocaine addiction is therapy combined with avoidance of the drug.
Addicts participate in workshops to develop skills that will help them avoid cocaine.
They work on recognizing situations when they're likely to use cocaine, finding ways to avoid these situations, and finding alternative ways to cope with the problems that accompany drug use.
In some cocaine addiction programs, patients who participate in treatment and remain drug-free receive points or vouchers that can be exchanged for healthy and enjoyable rewards.
Some epilepsy drugs seem to help with cocaine addiction.
Disulfiram. This medicine, originally used to help with alcoholism, may also help addicts stay away from cocaine.
For teens who are on hard drugs like cocaine, heroin, and OxyContin, medical detoxification can help to reduce some of the physical symptoms of withdrawals.
Nicotine is just as addictive as heroin and cocaine.
You can become addicted to alcohol, prescription drugs, natural drugs (marijuana and herbs), inhalants, and synthetic street drugs (heroin, meth, and crack cocaine).
For example, cocaine use may cause nasal problems in some people but not in others.
It is very common for users to become addicted to illegal drugs like cocaine and heroin, but it is just as easy to become accidentally addicted to prescription drugs or over-the-counter medications.
Individuals who have a prescription drug addiction or a serious addiction to a dangerous narcotic like cocaine or heroin, however, should consult a physician to explore the different options.
For people who are addicted, it is often difficult for them to accept that they are an addict in the same way as someone addicted to heroin or cocaine.
These effects are similar to the ones cocaine users experience, but they can be much more intense and longer lasting.
Many people wonder, "How can I tell if someone is using crack cocaine?"
If your loved one comes home euphoric and energized, but within a matter of minutes becomes irritable and annoyed, this may be a sign of crack cocaine use.
If your loved one begins socializing with a new crowd, many of whom appear to have drug problems, this may be a sign that your he or she may be involved in using crack cocaine or another drug.
Crack cocaine is most often smoked, but do not be fooled by the absence of a traditional pipe.
If you stumble upon baggies filled with a substance that resembles small white clumps or rocks, you may have stumbled upon crack cocaine.
If your loved one begins asking to borrow money or stealing money from you or other people, this may be a sign of crack cocaine use.
The absence of all of these signs does not guarantee that your loved one is not involved with crack cocaine.
Immediately following a hit of crack cocaine, many people have dilated pupils and breath faster than normal.
Keep in mind that many of these physical signs of crack cocaine use are quite similar to the effects of other drugs, including crystal meth.
Crack cocaine can be highly addictive and highly dangerous.
Not only is there a chance that a user can overdose from the ingredients found in crack cocaine, there is also no way to reliably tell from a glance that the drug purchased is exactly what the dealer says it is.
Dangerous and toxic ingredients can wind up in what the user thinks is crack cocaine.
If you have the idea that a loved one is using crack cocaine based on the information above, you need to decide if it is better to approach the person alone or if an intervention is in order.
Keep in mind that a denial from your loved one cannot be believed if all other signs point to crack cocaine use.
There are a number of approaches that can be used for cocaine addiction treatment.
Different treatment options available for cocaine addicts include cognitive-behavior therapy, community reinforcement approach or individual drug counseling.
Teen cocaine addicts have different treatment needs that can be addressed through brief strategic family therapy.
The structure of this type of cocaine addiction treatment program is highly individualized.
Part of the process involves having the addict identify her pattern of drug use and learn how to discontinue using cocaine.
This form of treatment for cocaine addiction is based on a 12-step approach, but recovery is far from easy and can actually be quite gruelling.
Even when diligently working the steps, it is still possible to relapse back into cocaine use.
During this time, the teen will be given the support she needs to reduce or eliminate the cocaine use.
Each treatment listed here for cocaine addiction can help a person move from detox to the recovery stage,but the entire recovery process is long and difficult.
Hallucinogens were being used by 1 percent of young people, with cocaine being used by 0.4 percent of those surveyed.
The following month in Las Vegas, she was arrested on suspicion of cocaine, and her defense was that the purse containing the cocaine wasn't expensive enough to be hers.
In 2005, rumors of a drug relapse emerged when Manhattan police found him carrying cocaine.
Kitaen, 45, was arrested on November 21, 2006 when 15 grams of cocaine was found in her apartment during a welfare check.
An admitted gang member, he was arrested and convicted of cocaine trafficking at an early age.
In 1998, it was reported he was a free-base cocaine user.
When police showed up at his house, they busted him for cocaine found at his residence.
Lindsay Lohan's friend claims the actress began snorting cocaine at 8 p.m., with the marathon drug use lasting until 11 a.m. the next morning.
During a press conference, police said they found "a usable amount of cocaine" at the scene.
Additionally, a search revealed cocaine in one of her pockets.
She was booked for suspicion of driving under the influence, driving with a suspended license and two charges for possession and transportation of cocaine.
Like several young celebrities these days, Winehouse's alleged addiction to heroin and cocaine is getting her into more trouble than it's worth.
Other reports circulating stated that his addiction to cocaine and heroin led him to slitting his wrists and overdosing on prescription drugs.
Wilson and his camp have vehemently denied reports of his heroin and cocaine use claiming that he has never done either of the dangerous drugs.
At the time of arrest, she was found to be in possession of cocaine.
In October that same year, Urban admitted that he had let his "guard down" regarding his recovery from a past cocaine addiction and was checking himself in to a rehab facility to be treated for alcohol addiction.
Reports also state that cocaine was found in Garrison's system.
They found four ounces of pot, an ounce of cocaine, 40 milligrams of ecstasy and three guns.
Police found a "large amount of marijuana," cocaine and a gun.
Although there are plenty of reasons why Steve-O needs to take a break and relax from pranks that usually involve a great deal of physical pain, another reason for him to slow down is his recent drug charge of felony cocaine possession.
The neighbor called the police, who arrested Steve-O on suspicion of vandalism and for possession of cocaine, which they found in his apartment.
She began drinking alcohol at nine, smoking marijuana at 10 and snorting cocaine at 12.
Tawny Kitaen - 1980's music video girl and Surreal Life participant has battled addictions to cocaine, prescription drugs and has been arrested a couple of times for spousal battery.
Busey, once a former cocaine addict, has reportedly been sober for 13 years.
That was the singer's second trip to rehab, doing his first stint in the late 1990's to overcome a cocaine addiction.
Remember back when Nicole Richie served 82 minutes for her multiple DUI's and Lindsay Lohan served 84 minutes for DUI and cocaine possession?
Members of the TSA found that the actress was attempting to board the flight with cocaine and heroin reportedly stuffed in balloons and baggies.
Possession of a controlled substance…twice - cocaine and crack cocaine were his drugs of choice.
She began using cocaine at the age of 11 and her father reportedly shot it up into her arm when she was a teenager.
Mike Tyson's legal troubles may not be over as he is still on probation from a 2007 DUI and possession of cocaine arrest in Arizona.
Ever since his success began to wane, Haim struggled with various addictions with cocaine and prescription drugs.
John Belushi - Another celebrity who succumbed to a drug overdose, this Saturday Night Live alum died in 1982 from a fatal injection of cocaine and heroin.
From cocaine abuse, to strippers, to domestic violence charges, Charlie Sheen has monopolized headlines as Hollywood's resident bad boy.
After pictures surfaced of their daughter snorting cocaine, rumor has it that the couple is teaming up to send Bobbi Kristina to rehab.
In May of 1998, Sheen was hospitalized for a cocaine overdose.
Clapton offerings included Can't Find My Way Home and Cocaine among many others.
Yet another group, including cocaine, ergot, strychnine, and some snake venoms, causes potentially fatal seizures.
An increased frequency and severity of tics can also result from exposure to such drugs as steroids, cocaine, amphetamines, and caffeine.
Cocaine is chemically different from the traditional stimulants but provides similar effects.
The effects of cocaine are generally similar to those of amphetamines.
Signs of possible stimulant abuse, regarding amphetamines and cocaine, include dilated pupils, frequent lip licking and dry mouth, excessive activity, and lack of sleep.
Many cases of congenital cardiovascular defects result from the mother's excessive use of alcohol or history of taking illegal drugs, such as cocaine, while pregnant.
Moreover, although opioid medications account for fewer cases of drug abuse than cocaine, alcohol, or several other drugs, they still account for 4 to 5 percent of emergency room visits.
In addition, the death rate of opioid abusers is proportionately significantly higher than the mortality of people who abuse PCP or cocaine.
Likewise, any substance that increases the risk for premature delivery and low birth weight, such as alcohol, tobacco, or cocaine, among others, might indirectly increase the risk for CP.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) states that the pattern of use and abuse of alcohol in children and adolescents is not observably different from what is manifested in young people using marijuana or cocaine.
Internal injuries to the nose typically occur when a foreign object is placed in the nose or when a person takes in drugs of abuse (inhalants or cocaine) through the nose.
In older children and adolescents, however, the single most common cause of internal nasal injuries is inhalant abuse or ingesting cocaine through the nose ("snorting").
These may include tobacco smoke; household cleaners (ammonia and chlorine bleach) and furniture polish; ozone and other air pollutants; cocaine; and glue, paint thinners, solvents, and similar household products that produce toxic vapors.
Taking cocaine through the nose ("snorting") or inhalant abuse ("sniffing" or "huffing") are the most common causes of chemical damage to the nose in older children or teenagers.
The child's appearance or behavior suggests inhalant or cocaine abuse.
Drug-specific blood or urine tests may be ordered for children or adolescents suspected of abusing inhalants or cocaine.
Erosion or destruction of the nasal cartilage as a result of inhalant or cocaine abuse, however, usually requires surgical treatment.
Another identifiable cause of prematurity is drug abuse (e.g. cocaine) by the mother.
There is a high rate of association between cocaine abuse and bipolar disorder.
The emotional and physical highs and lows of cocaine use correspond to the manic depression of the bipolar patient, making the disorder difficult to diagnose.
Cocaine was used at least once by 8.7 percent of the students and by 4.1 percent within 30 days of the survey.
In addition, some drugs, such as cocaine, inflame the nose, causing it to bleed.
Cocaine was also an ingredient in popular drinks, most notably Coca-Cola, which gets its name from the plant.
Cocaine was used in the world's most famous soda pop until 1929.
The amount of cocaine that was added tothe drink is hard to ascertain, although the amount usedwas said to be quite smalland not enough to get a person high.
In season 3 Manny has an abortion, then becomes addicted to cocaine.
She got involved with heroin and cocaine, which ended up with her going to rehab.
He went through several addictions, mostly to amphetamines and cocaine.
T.I. had been charged and convicted of distributing cocaine and manufacturing and distributing a controlled substance in 1997.
According to her parents, videos sold to the media by friends, and even Winehouse herself, the singer has a long history of abusing drugs, including crack cocaine and heroin.
Starting as a dropout from high school at the age of 17, Wallace started making his living on the streets of Brooklyn where he lived selling crack cocaine.
Brianna revealed on the show that she used to do cocaine and crystal meth.
In November 2007, she was sentenced to a one-year probation after pleading no contest to battery and cocaine possession.
She was addicted to cocaine and alcohol, and provided an emotional scene on the show when she revealed that she was abused as a child.
That's a lot of cocaine.
And yet, Yancey had mentioned cocaine in his telephone conversation.
Cocaine is also derived from coca leaves, and a considerably quantity of the drug is exported.
The conversion of the mixture obtained by extracting coca-leaves into cocaine is effected by saponifying the esters into ecgonine and the respective acids, and then benzoylating and methylating the ecgonine.
Cocaine is still seen as the upmarket club and sex drug of choice and its use confers social cachet and respectability on its users.
Moreover, the people who quit using cocaine reported that their craving did not return once they tapered off vigabatrin.
Swallowing cocaine can interfere with blood flow to the intestines, leading to tissue death and gangrene.
For example, cocaine addicts and recovering cocaine addicts may look at white powder, be it sugar, flour, or baking soda, and get a craving for cocaine.
Once this process has been completed, drug, alcohol or cocaine addiction treatment can begin.
This time, photos are circulating that show the young actress using cocaine at a nightclub.
The tabloid has dubbed the drug use as a "marathon cocaine binge."
Cocaine has become a major drug abuse problem.
Maybe they found cocaine on her and she needed twenty-five thousand to get out of jail.