Coating Sentence Examples
His voice was the only thing that penetrated the haze coating her thoughts.
The coating of earth over the Altis had an average depth of no less than 16 ft.
This pan's nanite coating means to clean it, you just wipe it with a nanite rag that doesn't stain.
In Norwood and Rogers's process a thin coating of tin is applied to the iron before it is dipped in the zinc, by putting the plates between layers of granulated tin in a wooden tank containing a dilute solution of stannous chloride, when tin is deposited on them by galvanic action.
Enough of the rocky surface is covered with a thin coating of soil to enable the natives to grow yams, taro, bananas, &c., for their support; cotton thrives well, and has even been exported in small quantities, but there is no space available for its cultivation on any considerable scale.
It is essential that the paper covering be loose, so as to ensure that each wire is enclosed in a coating not of paper only, but also of air; the wires in fact are really insulated from each other by the dry air, the loose paper acting merely as a separator to prevent them from coming into contact.
The core is served with a thick coating of wet jute, yarn or hemp (h), forming a soft bed for the sheath, and, to secure immunity from the ravages of submarine boring animals, e.g.
As the wire is pulled through, a coating of gutta-percha, the thickness of which is regulated by the die D, is pressed out of the cylinder by applying the requisite pressure
A second coating is then laid on, and after it passes through a similar process of examination a third coating is applied, and so on until the requisite number is completed.
The different coils are prevented from adhering by a coating of whitewash, and the end of each nautical mile is carefully marked for future reference.
AdvertisementThe leakage through the insulator of the cable is compensated for by connecting high resistances between different points of the strip conductor and the earth coating.
The next chamber, the urodaeum, is small, and receives in its dorso-lateral wall the ureters and the genital ducts; above and below this chamber is closed by circular folds, the lower of which, towards the ventral side, passes into the coating of the copulatory organ when such is present.
The extreme frosts and heats of the English climate are unknown, but occasional heavy snow-falls occur, and the sea in shallow inlets is covered with a thin coating of ice.
One species, the slugworm (Eriocampa liynacina), is common to Europe and America; the larva is a curious slug-like creature, found on the upper surface of the leaves of the pear and cherry, which secretes a slimy coating from its skin.
In both cases it can be shown to be in immediate continuity with the coating of nerve-cells forming part of the longitudinal cords.
AdvertisementThe coating of silver obtained by this process is coherent and homogeneous, while that deposited from a solution of silver nitrate, as the result of the primary action of the current, is crystalline and easily detached.
At the present time excellent reproductions of Rowland's speculum gratings are on the market (Thorp, Ives, Wallace), prepared, after a suggestion of Sir David Brewster, by coating the original with a varnish, e.g.
But it is expensive, and tin vessels have to be made very heavy to give them sufficient stability of form; hence it is generally employed merely as a protecting coating for utensils made essentially of copper or iron.
A and B are pear-shaped glass vessels connected by a long narrow india-rubber tube, which must be sufficiently strong in the body (or strengthened by a linen coating) to stand an outward pressure of 1 to 2 atmospheres.
In coloured sheet-glass, two distinct kinds are to be recognized; in one kind the colouring matter is contained in the body of the glass itself, while in the other the coloured sheet consists of ordinary white glass covered upon one side with a thin coating of intensely coloured glass.
AdvertisementThe usual process was to gather, first, a small quantity of opaque white glass; to coat this with a thick layer of translucent blue glass; and, finally, to cover the blue glass with a coating of the white glass.
If before this application of the molten glass the metallic leaf, whilst resting on the thin film of blown glass, was etched with a sharp point, patterns, emblems, inscriptions and pictures could be embedded and rendered permanent by the double coating of glass.
The sloping sides of the conical bottom can be freed from the coating of scum which forms upon them every two or three hours by two rotatory scrapers, formed of L-irons, which can be slowly turned by an attendant by means of a central shaft provided with a suitable handle.
If the condensers are so joined that the inner coating of one is connected to the outer coating of the next, they are said to be in series.
There is reason for supposing that the marble coating of the facade, and perhaps the erection of the quadrangle, also covered with marble, were the work of Herodes Atticus, and therefore just completed when Pausanias saw them.
AdvertisementThat it was restored and was in use in Roman time is shown by the fact that both the seven columns still standing and two fallen columns discovered in the excavations, to say nothing of several fragments of others, have a thick coating of Roman stucco laid over the finer Greek.
They seldom begin to repair the houses till the frost sets in, and never finish the outer coating till the cold becomes severe.
Of clay and earthenware there were many varieties of domestic dishes, cups and pipkins, and crucibles or melting pots made of clay and horse dung and still retaining the drossy coating of the melted bronze.
The soil varies greatly according to the district, being in some cases a rich loam, in others a chalky marl, and elsewhere showing a coating of peat.
In the development of the Hydrozoa, and indeed of the Cnidaria generally, the egg usually gives rise to an oval larva which swims about by means of a coating of cilia on the surface of the body.
In 1742 a workman named Thomas Bolsover was mending the handle of a knife made of silver and copper, when, accidentally overheating it, he caused the metals to fuse and flow, and found that as a consequence the silver adhered to the copper as a thin coating.
The possibility of embossing the metal beyond a certain point without fracturing the coating of silver was got over by casting or stamping the raised ornament in silver, filling the hollows with.
The ruins, consisting of tower, choir, chapter-house, refectory and other apartments, are nearly hidden from view by their dense coating of ivy and the fine old trees, including many beautiful examples of copper beech, by which they are surrounded.
To obviate that loss it has long been the practice to dye some dark silks " in the gum," the dye combining in these cases with the gum or gelatinous coating, and such silks are known as " souples.
All silk produced by the worm is composed of two substancesfibroin, the true thread, and sericin, which is a hard, gummy coating of the " fibroin."
Before the silk can be manipulated by machinery to any advantage, the gum coating must be removed, really dissolved and washed away - and according to the method used in achieving this operation the result is either a " schappe " or a " discharged yarn."
The whole was bedded, not in mortar, but in clay, which has mostly been washed out of the joints; originally the surface was probably protected with a coating of stucco.
It was also necessary to give the fine charcoal a thin coating of calcium oxide by soaking it in lime-water, for the temperature was so high that unless it was thus protected it was gradually converted into graphite, losing its insulating power and diffusing the current through the lining and walls of the furnace.
An absolutely clean surface becomes tarnished in damp air, an almost invisible coating of oxide being produced, just as happens with zinc; but this film is very permanent and prevents further attack.
Hall proposed to overcome this difficulty by coating the plate thickly with copper on both sides, and deducing the difference of temperature between the two surfaces of junction of the iron and the copper from the thermo-electric force observed by means of a number of fine copper wires attached to the copper coatings at different points of the disk.
A small amount of work is treated by the Bower-Barff and allied processes, by which a coating of magnetic oxide is left on the metal.
Boiled linseed-oil is employed as a non-corrosive coating preceding the application of the lead and iron oxide paints.
The ornamental bronzes and brasses are generally lacquered, though in engineers' machinery they are as a rule not protected with any coating.
In the former method, now commonly known as charging in cascade, the jars are insulated and the outside coating of one jar is connected to the inside coating of the next and so on for a whole series, the inside coating of the first jar and the outside coating of the last jar being the terminals of the condenser.
One coating of the condenser is formed by one set of tubes and the other by the other set, the air between being the dielectric. Paraffin oil or any liquid dielectric of constant inductivity may replace the air.
Sir William Watson (1715-1787) in England first observed the flash of light when a Leyden jar is discharged, and he and Dr John Bevis (1695-1771) suggested coating the jar inside and outside with tinfoil.
This theory of the Leyden phial Franklin supported very ingeniously by showing that the outside and the inside coating possessed electricities of opposite sign, and that, in charging it, exactly as much electricity is added on one side as is subtracted from the other.
The positive and negative electrifications of the two coatings of the Leyden jar were therefore to be regarded as the result of a transformation of something called electricity from one coating to the other, by which process a certain measurable quantity became so much less on one side by the same amount by which it became more on the other.
Let this potential be denoted by V, and let v be the potential of the guard plate and the aluminium flap. This last potential is maintained constant by guard plate and flap being part of the interior coating of a charged Leyden jar.
One of the most important points in the system is the coating of the tiles with lime.
The coating of lime or mortar is soft and brittle, and consequently the young oysters can easily be detached with a stout knife.
They pass more readily through mucous membranes, but almost every one of these is provided not only with a coating of mucus, which obstructs their passage, but with some reflex mechanism which tends to remove them.
Until comparatively recent times the surrounding district was in a state of nature with merely a thin coating of turf interspersed with tufts of heath and dwarf thistles, but bare of trees and shrubs and altogether devoid of the works of man, with the exception of a series of prehistoric barrows of the Bronze Age which, singly and in groups, studded the landscape.
Sulphuretted hydrogen is decomposed with the formation of a black coating of silver sulphide; this is the explanation of the black tarnish seen when silver is exposed to the fumes of coal gas, and other sulphuretted compounds, such as occur in eggs.
It was a common practice to apply to such seals a coating of brown varnish.
The glaciation is also responsible for the poor soil of most of the state, for, although the rocks are the same crystallines which give good soils further south in unglaciated regions, all the decayed portions of the Maine rocks have been removed by glacial erosion, revealing fresh, barren rock over great areas, or depositing the rather sterile hard-pan as a thin coating in other places.
In German specifications it is required that the steelwork should first receive a coat of boiled linseed oil, in order that the red lead coating should be more coherent with the steel.
The Chicago ordinance makes no mention of paint or coating to prevent rust in metal framework.
The water, contained in the interstices of the sand above the mean sea-level, would (except in so far as a film, coating the sand particles, is held up by capillary attraction) gradually sink to the sea-level if there were no rainfall.
The majority of acid makers, however, prefer retorts made entirely of platinum, preferably provided by the Heraeus process with a dense, closely adherent coating of gold, including the top or "dome."
The walls and ceilings are finished off with a smooth coating of hard cement and the floors are protected by cement or asphalt, according to the nature of the traffic on them.
Although some information as to minute structure may often be gleaned from the carbonaceous coating of impressions, the fossils preserved by petrifaction are the main source of our knowledge of the structural characters of ancient plants.
This method has received considerable extension, notably in furnace-smelting of iron ores containing manganese, where the entire hearth is often completely water-cased, and in some lead furnaces where no firebrick lining is used, the lower part of the furnace stack being a mere double iron box cooled by water sufficiently to keep a coating of slag adhering to the inner shell which prevents the metal from being acted upon.
When using cork tiles they are often sealed with a water based acrylic but a wax coating is also available.
A special coating is said to enhance lift by 40 percent, with the help of turbulent airflow.
Swap the impure positive copper anode with a pure block of the metal you want to form the coating layer.
The mask lens has a special anti fogging coating.
The test coating is applied to a test panel using an applicator with a gap of 180 microns.
Durabak - Do It Yourself truck Bedliners Uses include truck bed liner and concrete floor coating.
Additional improvements can be obtained by adding a further coating of MoS 2, ideally cured within an epoxy binder.
In some cases a brown marl is also present, coating the ferroan calcite or directly in contact with the bivalve shell.
Growth and characterization of diamond-like carbon, carbon nanotubes and nanowires for coating, electronic and sensing applications.
Fresh deposits of calcium carbonate give the pools a dazzling white coating.
The coating of the 30 mg tablets also contains indigo carmine (E132 ).
The birth of a plasma sprayed coating is a chaotic process.
This machine provides a gloss coating over the top of the printed image and greatly enhances the visual impact and durability of the design.
The final film may therefore be only 50% by weight of the applied coating for a paint.
Now, by teaming up with AEA to add a protective coating, the thermal resistance of these parts can be enhanced still further.
Aria legs and supports are made from tubular steel with a durable black textured coating.
The carriers are finished in tough epoxy powder coating, except for the stainless carriers, which are hand-polished.
The result is a conformal coating (where the added layer covers the entire surface - see figure 3 below ).
Fully finished in a durable powder coating the flight is designed to blend in well with all room settings.
Second, the application of a custom made anti-reflection coating is an expensive process which furthermore risks damaging the diode laser unit.
The super multi-layer lens coating reduces flare and ghosting, a common problem with digital cameras.
The new finish is typically epoxy resin or a polyurethane coating.
Screen Burn Screen burn is when damage occurs to the phosphor coating in the screen.
The handle is a combination of durable nylon resin composites and soft, rubberized surface coating.
We conclude that coating your bullet with molybdenum disulfide does not accomplish a great deal.
The dark green PPE coating is fused to the metal wires ensuring an extremely durable finish that looks great.
Leaves rather fleshy, dark green above and greyish-white below due to dense coating of short hairs.
The coating can be customized to either increase or decrease the solar gains of the glazing, depending on the application.
Couverture is a term describing professional-quality coating chocolate that is extremely glossy.
Processes being studied include granulation, cohesion and coating in fluidized and spouted beds and in other dispersed phase devices.
Suspended in a frosty coating, these tassels resemble icicles hanging in there among glossy evergreen foliage.
Project Summary Adhesion is directly or indirectly implicated in many types of coating failure.
This is usually done by coating them in a material of lower refractive index than the fiber.
It may also be sprayed over a porous titanium coating where it is used to promote bone ingrowth.
The hard coating which forms inside the rim is phosphate fertilizer which has become insoluble.
We had juicy, delicate king fish with a good coating of subtle native spices.
It can be converted by traditional foam processing methods including lamination, thermoforming, adhesive coating, welding and die cutting.
He punished malefactors by coating them with lead and roasting them over a fire.
Cell or plasma membrane The outside wall or coating of the neuron.
The best probiotic is caecal pellets from a healthy rabbit, which have a mucus coating to withstand stomach acid.
It uses an industry standard fully perforated drum which signals a new era in the choice of coating machines.
The Flysheet is HydroTex Lite, a fire retardant ripstop polyester fabric with silicone/PU coating giving a hydrostatic head of more than 5000mm.
Bacteria on a surface produce sugary compounds called polysaccharides, which form a thick coating on the surface called the glycocalyx.
If this contained potassium iodide, after coating it could be sensitized with silver nitrate.
This process includes a phosphate primer, an electrophoretic coating and an epoxy powder top coat.
Croda is involved in coating the steel as it leaves the mill with rust preventive made with Croda additives.
Eurotherm's System 21 uses a spectral fingerprint sensor to measure coating thickness on substrates.
I tried to scramble backward on all fours, but the stone flooring proved too slippery under the thick miry coating that covered it.
A thick coating of pitch was applied to the interior before ceiling strakes and keelson were installed.
Here a diamond stylus is drawn across the test surface under a ramping load, analysis of coating failures allows adhesion to be quantified.
Material beyond the interface between the uncoated substrate and coating has fragmented in a non-uniform single concentric area.
Often the coating is placed on the outer surface of the inner pane.
The finish is long with fine, mouth coating tannins.
The process is based on a manganese phosphate solution which produces a fairly thick coating.
Plot curves of coating thickness, t versus line speed, v for the three different pressures.
A sore throat with swollen tonsils that are heavily covered by a white coating.
The mizzen mast thwart and the teak transom board have been selected to show how the coating has performed a year after application.
Clear acrylic coating is usually applied to enhance the visibility of the colors in the stone.
Visor rated as optical class 1. High clear 3 anti-fog visor rated as optical class 1. High clear 3 anti-fog visor coating.
The resulting surface is usually duller and less lustrous than that obtained by the use of molten zinc. Another method of forming a coating of zinc, known as "sherardizing," was invented by Sherard CowperColes, who found that metals embedded in zinc dust (a product obtained in zinc manufacture and consisting of metallic zinc mixed with a certain amount of zinc oxide) and heated to temperatures well below the melting point of zinc, become coated with a layer of that metal.
This large evaporation, which constitutes the so-called transpiration of plants, takes place not into the external air but into this same intercellular space system, being possible only through the delicate cell-walls upon which it abuts, as the external coating, whether bark, cork or cuticle, is impermeable by watery vapour.
If cotton or linen is used, it is usual to incorporate sulphur with the paste, and to effect vulcanization by steam heat; but, when silk or wool is employed, no sulphur is added to the paste, the dried coating of rubber being merely brought into momentary contact with the mixture of chloride of sulphur and carbon disulphide already mentioned.
Finally, the surface of the mirror is given a precision reflective coating.
Depending on the condition of the pipe it is either replaced using a specialist material or relined with a plastic coating.
However, using a clear water repellent coating will help to prevent fading.
The detail and character of the surface was retouched by hand using Rustin 's Plastic Coating and dry powder pigments.
The benefits of self-cleaning glass Unique coating breaks down and loosens soiling.
Eurotherm 's System 21 uses a spectral fingerprint sensor to measure coating thickness on substrates.
Why then, did he disregard all of this and apply a heavy coating of shellac applied as one would French Polish.
This signifies that the slimy bacterial coating has been removed.
To introduce the role of surface coating in smog formation.
Housed in a pressed comp. case, covered in sparkle finish coating.
To provide a reflective surface a thin nickel coating was included.
Snorex works by coating the back of the throat tongue and uvula with a special liposome formula spray.
The active substance of the new coating is a vinylidene fluoride copolymer.
Visor rated as optical class 1. High clear 3 anti-fog visor coating.
Rain should be blown off the top part of the rear screen as the car moves while the bottom pane has a water-repellent coating.
Both species have a waxy coating on the leaves which enables them to retain water.
Look for distorted growth and a whitish fluffy coating on bark.
If your baby is prone to rashes, you might want to apply a light coating of diaper ointment with each diaper change.
When buying a sofa, be sure to check if the upholstery is or can be treated with a chemical coating that repels liquids and thus minimizes stains.
Most sterling silver jewelry will have a coating of a lacquer to protect it from tarnishing.
Lens coating- lens coating is a wise choice if you will be outdoors in moist conditions.
Multi-lens coating is best and will help you avoid fogged up lenses.
Despite the name, a porcelain sink is actually made from porcelain coating another material.
The coating is also susceptible to stains.
It has to be treated before you can use it to prevent sticking, and unless you buy enameled cast iron, you're probably going to have to do it yourself by coating it with fat and baking it.
Though this is a high maintenance material (the coating has to be replaced from time to time), consider having one pan, perhaps for cooking steaks.
It's dishwasher safe, made from commercial-grade aluminized steel, and coated with Swiss Goldtouch ceramic non-stick coating that's not supposed to chip, scratch, or peel.
Each gift card will have a strip of silver coating across the back that must be removed in order to use it.
Underneath the silver coating is a list of 16 numbers.
For polycarbonate lenses, the polarizing film is applied to the front of the lens and covered with a scratch-resistant coating.
Most opticians recommend an anti-reflective coating on the inside of the polarized lens.
Set this aside so you can roll your "dough worm" in the coating before you bake it.
Once you have done this, you can take your worm and roll it in the wheat germ/fish flake/catnip mixture to give it a crispy crunchy coating.
Some people think that cats are attracted to the coating on the blinds.
Restore the finish with a rust-resistant coating; you may choose a color or clear finish.
This coating resists damage from any type of beverage, including fruit juice, energy drinks, and even alcohol.
They are made of a light type of silicon coating that is applied in thin layers and that acts as a conductor.
The industrial revolution also had the unintended effect of coating the exteriors of many homes in a thick layer of dirt, so Victorian interiors became more ornate to counteract the dingy exteriors of many homes.
This first coating makes the wicker pliable so the fibers are flexible.
The coating makes the wicker headboard resistant to moisture.
A clear lacquer finish is applied to these woods since the wood will continue to cure underneath the top coating and within a few months (no more than eight), the wood will take on a richer deeper coloring.
A little typically goes a long way; building up from thin layer upon thin layer is more effective in achieving complete coverage than coating the skin with one heavy layer.
Your lips will then be ready for a healthy coating of lip gloss in a berry, wine or pink shade.
Use a sponge or makeup brush to apply base, coating face and neck and evening out the edges with a cotton ball or wedge.
That soda can ALWAYS has a nice coating of beaded water droplets and is shinier than a new car.
Available options include faux chrome, glowing edges, posterization, neon glow, colored foil, faux enamel, halftone, colored edges, hot wax coating, magnifying lens, and solarize.
The Teflon coating creates a smooth surface that doesn't allow foods to stick.
Prepare a baking sheet by coating it with a long piece of parchment paper.
Different types of no bake cookies may require melting different ingredients together or dipping the cookies in a candy coating.
Dip the stuffed bread into the milk mixture, coating the bread on all sides.
Dust the backs of your stickers with a light coating of baby powder to reduce their tackiness, then use them to fill a homemade shaker box.
Consider coating your design with colored ink that matches your flocking powder to help camouflage any gaps in the glue.
Teens see right through sugar coating, and they will respect you much more if you are honest and direct.
Before the meeting, prepare a spoon by coating it with Dawn dish washing soap.
Brush the vegetables with a generous coating of olive oil, and use tongs to place them directly on the grill grid.
Flour your hands, shape the dough into a ball, and use a rolling pin and thick coating of flour to roll the dough flat.
When the flowers have reached the desired temperature, they're sprayed with a protective coating and placed in their presentation unit.
Since most traditional wedding cakes feature a pure white buttercream or fondant coating, choosing a bright color makes a statement and draws a lot of attention to your cake.
Often, the manufacturer applies a fabric softener coating to make the towels look fluffy, but the end result is that they are less absorbent until laundered.
If your fondant is sticking to your hands or the countertop, consider coating your fingers and the work surface in shortening.
Try coating hands and work surface lightly with shortening when kneading to stop fondant from sticking.
If you're an advanced decorator, you might enjoy the challenge of making a more detailed ladybug cake with a fondant coating.
The outer cotton fabric is treated with a waterproof polyurethane coating, so your girls won't get soggy when splashing in monster puddles.
J.Crew's raincoats for boys are made from water-resistant, water-repellent nylon and features a special hydrophilic coating, which repels water molecules and protects your little one from the strongest winds.
Cover the photograph with plastic coating, such as cling wrap, packing tape, or laminating sheets.
With this exception the whole plant is covered with a thick, felt-like coating of pale brownish tomentum.
It's hard to imagine this, since a porcelain or enamel coating keeps them from looking like a washtub out of an old Western movie.
When calculating total cost, keep in mind the cost of the stain and protective coating.
You can have an additional satin urethane coating added to most vinyl flooring to help protect your new floor from dirt and grime.
The coating offers it more protection than other flooring options.
Ceiling tiles that have been treated with Celotex BioShield mold and mildew resistant coating can help impede the growth of mold in areas with high humidity.
The melamine coating will help protect the pattern underneath from scratches, burns and marks.
Both varieties offer UV protection and a water repellent coating, while enhancing the look of natural wood.
To combat the problems of staining or discoloring, look for a composite board with a protective coating on the top and sides.
Aluminum awnings also have a UV-protective coating that prevents the sun's rays from diminishing the vitality of the paint.
If the edges of the stone appear to have drip marks, or dark areas that look wet, the stone has had a protective coating placed on it.
If the cheaper version does not have this coating, it will mean more leg work on your part to keep your stone looking great as well as the added cost of sealers over time.
Because the color goes through the entire tile rather than just a top coating, accidental chips are much harder to distinguish.
Depress the trigger to spray foam out, coating the area in a thin film.
If you're using press apply tiles, all you have to do now is remove protective coating on the back of each tile and press it in place.
Combined with a protective coating, this helps protect most modern aluminum roofs from the danger of rust.
The coating can quickly wear off and may become damaged by scratches exposing the base metal underneath.
On Italian photo charms the picture is set into the charm and then laminated with an enamel coating.
The coating preserves the picture, keeping it safe from exposure to the elements and time.
The costume pearl necklaces were made from glass pearls dipped in an iridescent coating to look like natural pearls.
You can get organic chocolate and organic sunflower seeds, but the candy coating usually has artificial or non-organic dyes in it to get the bright color.
The richness of the sunflower seeds and the sweet chocolate will give the cookies a unique taste and the colored coating makes them beautiful.
An anti-reflective coating added to the lenses can affect the impact resistance of any type of protective lens, necessitating additional testing of the lens after the coating is applied.
The almost invisible coating of ice can accumulates on almost any type of surface including steps, decks, sidewalks and driveways.
Some lenses come with a special coating on them to cut down on the glare from the sun and ensure the clearest vision you can get out there.
Choose gray with a blue, mirrored coating for deep sea fishing.
That's a special coating that is applied to both sides of the lens, rendering it scratch-resistant.
Be especially careful if you get anti-glare coating on them (sometimes referred to as ARC) because the coating itself will scratch.
Anti-reflective coating, for example, or ARC, is a fairly new addition to the optical world.
Even if you have a scratch-resistant coating on your lenses, you can avoid creating deep gouges that coatings can't stand up against by keeping them in a case, whether it's just a soft pouch or a hard clamshell case.
Have them tinted, and an anti-reflective coating applied to the lenses.
If your prescription hasn't changed, you can still have your old lenses tinted and the anti-reflective coating added on.
That includes single vision thin and light lenses, UV protection, an anti-scratch coating, and more.
You may also add anti-reflective coating or a tint for an additional fee.
You can get eyeglasses for as low as $39.00, including thin and light lenses, UV protection, anti-scratch coating, a case, and a microfiber cloth.
Carefully hold a blue and red gel filter piece together, and apply a thin coating of glue with a glue gun all around the edge to hold the filter sheets together.
The anti-fog coating is integrated directly by laser.
With an anti-reflect coating, the Polar HD lens is designed to remove any visual disturbance or fatigue while driving, skiing, boating, beach going, or doing anything where reflection can impair vision.
You can add a UV coating, an anti-scratch film, and even an anti-reflective coating.
The SuperThin glass lenses are thinner than the average laminated glass lenses by 20 percent and have a CLEARSHELL coating in order to prevent scratches.
The chemicals will damage the coating on your lenses.
The bi-gradient mirror coating mimics the effects of squinting, thereby minimizing direct glare.
And the anti-reflective coating absorbs bounce-back glare, which is reflected from behind or to the sides.
An anti-reflective coating is applied to the back of the lens, and a bi-gradient mirror coating is applied to the front of the lens.
Finally, a waterproof coating is applied to the entire construction, providing protection from water or snow, and making it easier to clean the lenses.
The glass is coated with an anti-reflective coating on the back, and bi-gradient mirroring on the front.
The lenses are then given a waterproof coating.
Additionally every purchase of eyeglasses from the site comes with free anti-scratch coating, a protective case, and a lens cleaning cloth.
Most clip ons these days contain a special scratch-resistant coating.
Additionally, the scratch resistant coating offers UV400 filter for maximum UV protection.
You'll also enjoy the scratch resistant coating and low, low price of just $16.00.
These glasses are specialized and come with an anti glare coating to help cut down glare when driving.
Anti glare coating is a must for night driving glasses.
This coating will reduce glare as well as reflections from the road.
Be sure that the glasses have lenses with this coating and are not simply tinted yellow.
Most night glasses have anti-reflective eyeglass coating.
When you purchase a pair of glasses with anti-reflective coating, make sure that the coating is on both the outside of the glasses, as well as the inside of the glasses.
This coating is frequently made from zircon and silicon.
The coating is useful because it reduces the internal reflection that frequently occurs in the lenses.
You need to be careful that the glasses you purchase actually use an anti-reflective coating.
Some glasses claim that they are using an anti-reflective coating, but in fact merely tint the glass a light yellow.
They are made to reduce glare from water and snow and have a coating that protects against water buildup.
The Iridium coating further helps to maximize the optics of the lenses.
You can get UV protection, an air venting system, and an anti-fog coating.
You can get polycarbonate lenses in several colors but if you are having your glasses custom made, always opt for the scratch-protective coating.
Polarized lenses, and by extension, polarized readers, contain a special coating that helps to cut down on light and glare.
To prevent this problem, you can purchase a scratch resistant coating for your lenses when you order them (assuming you order from an optical shop and have your glasses custom made).
A coating will make the lenses significantly less likely to scratch without compromising their impact-resistance or your vision.
You need this coating with polycarbonate lenses, so be sure to ask your optician if it's included if they don't ask if you'd like to add it.
According to Eye Care Biz, you won't be able to use an additional layer of scratch-resistant coating to repair a scratch on a first layer of the coating.
Check with your optician to see if you can remove the coating(s) to find out.
If you can have the coating redone (especially if there's a warranty on the coating), you'll do much better just to have them repaired.
In some cases, though, labs will not attempt to remove the anti-reflective coating because they run the risk of stripping off the scratch-resistant coating and ruining the lenses.
This type of coating can be very beneficial for people who spend a lot of time in bright-light conditions.
For most people who wear prescription eyeglasses, indoor use doesn't usually require a mirror coating.
While such a reflective coating will not block UV radiation (that's what UV coating is for), it will protect your eyes from the strain of dealing with high-glare, or very bright light conditions.
This is because the mirrored coating can be manufactured to reflect visible light of a certain range, so the color that people see being reflected off of your glasses can be anything you like.
This could mean changing the frame color, opting to have an AR anti-reflection coating, tinting the lenses or adding a clip on polarized sunshade.
These goggles have polished lenses and anti-fog coating.
When treated with a UV resistant coating, glass and plastic (CR-39) lenses are all capable of blocking UV radiation.
If you have anti-reflective coating on your lens, remove scratches with Armour Etch.
The technology in question was the special coating NASA gives the portholes on its satellites to protect them from radiation found in outer space.
Additionally, Coyote also claims that the shades' "double hard coating" makes it particularly impact resistant and even claims that the glasses are "unbreakable".
A silver metallic coating around the outside of the lenses to reduce glare.
Anti-reflective coating is a must for people who drive at night, work on a computer or feel annoyed by hindered eye contact during conversation.
The coating can shrink light halos, keep your eyes from tiring too rapidly and allow people to see through your lenses--and right into your eyes--with no light reflecting back at them.
And for safety's sake, try anti-reflective coating on clear lenses instead of allowing tinted lenses to detract from your ability to see.
One hundred percent UV protection and anti-glare coating completes this $480.00 look.
If you want a little extra glare protection, consider an anti-reflective coating for the backs of your polarized lenses.
The glass lenses adjust to light conditions and are treated with an anti-glare coating.
The lenses are constructed from shatterproof material that is treated with anti-scratch coating.
Be sure to have a UV coating added to the lenses when you add the tint if you're having your prescription eyeglasses custom made.
A dark tint will make your pupils dilate and without the protection of a UV coating, more of the dangerous rays will make their way into your eyes.
Polarized lenses have a coating either on top of the lens or built into the lens, depending on the quality of the eyeglasses.
Third, this sunglass features a hard coat premium scratch coating which means you can enjoy this style for some time to come.
Lenses are coated with Maui Jim's clearshell coating that protects against scratches.
The lenses are designed to block 100 percent of both UVA and UVB light and are coated with a carbonate coating that prevents them from being scratched.
Polarized lenses are manufactured with a special coating that blocks horizontally oriented light and only permits vertically oriented light.
Pilots like them because the mirror coating can reflect up to 60 percent of incoming light, which makes it an excellent way to block very bright glare common at high altitudes.
Mirrored coatings are manufactured for polarized, mirrored aviator glasses out of highly reflective material called a "flash coating" that contains a certain percentage of reflective metal like chromium oxide or titanium dioxide.
The coating is so thin that enough light is still allowed through the lens for you to see clearly.
Rimless eyewear, especially when worn with an anti-reflective coating, is as invisible as you can get while wearing eyewear.
In addition, Serengeti glass lenses are treated with an anti-reflective coating that blocks glare and reflections.
There are also special coatings that make it easy to wipe away smudges and fingerprints as well as a waterproof coating.
Most lenses are coated with a smudge resistant coating that repels water, dust and oils from the skin and are designed to resist glare which can result when the sun's reflection hits the pavement.
In some cases you'll find that computer glasses come with an anti-glare coating that many over the counter readers do not have.
This coating will also help to reduce eye strain.
The anti-reflective coating is inside the lenses which eliminates any bounce back glare.
This card will keep the code hidden behind a scratch coating, so you need to scratch at it like a lottery ticket to reveal the code.These cards are available nearly anywhere that you can buy Xbox 360 games and accessories.
The lids of the boxes are affixed with a picture or collage of pictures, and then covered with a protective coating.
China doll heads are made from porcelain that is finished by coating it with a shiny glaze.
The hard coating gives it excellent protection from the environment as well as corrosion resistance.
Many people will apply the rubber roof coating long before any repair is even required, because such a coating can significantly extend the life of your camper roof.
Featuring a 3.5-inch capacitive touch screen, the iPhone 4 has a 960 x 640 resolution, 326 pixels-per-inch, 800 to 1 contrast ratio, 500 cd/m2 brightness, and oleophobic coating on the front and back.
Strawberry tongue-A sign of scarlet fever in which the tongue appears to have a red coating with large raised bumps.
The antacids will cause premature rupture of the enteric coating.
The patient usually has a "strawberry tongue," in which inflamed bumps on the tongue rise above a bright red coating.
In addition to PPIs, the doctor may prescribe coating agents, such as sucralfate (Carafe), to cover the sores and mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach.
Soap makes the rash more uncomfortable; patients should bathe or shower with plain lukewarm water and apply a thin coating of bath oil to freshly-dried skin afterwards.
Demulcents relieve coughing by coating irritated passageways.
Tint, however, does not block-out UV rays, so a UV coating is needed.
Petroleum jelly provides a protective coating, even on sore, redden skin, and is easy to clean.
The sclera is the outer protective white coating of the eye.
A sealant is a thin plastic coating that is painted over the grooves of chewing surfaces to prevent food and plaque from being trapped there.
Enteric-coated tablets should never be split or crushed, since doing so will destroy the effectiveness of the coating.
Enteric coating-A coating or shell placed on a tablet that breaks up and releases the medicine into the intestine rather than the stomach.
Before swimming, a protective coating consisting of several drops of mineral oil, baby oil, or lanolin can be applied to the ear canal.
Infested eyelashes are treated with a thick coating of prescription petroleum ointment, applied twice daily for ten days.
Coating the hair cuticle after a perm procedure will aid in promoting shiny, lustrous locks.
This hair product is only able to aid the maintenance of chemically damaged hair by coating the cuticle, therefore making the hair less prone to breakage.
Specialized curly hair products will address the sensitive needs of your curls without weighting down your locks or adding a lackluster coating to the hair shaft.
Apply a light coating of the wax only to one small area at a time so that it doesn't harden too much in some areas before you get a chance to remove it.
Use glitter and a light coating of glue to give your rose some extra sparkle.
If your goldfish has a velvety-orange coating on its body or on its fins, then it is probably suffering from Velvet disease, which cause by a parasite called Oodinium pillularis.
In order to make the case for a higher price tag, high-performance shades nearly always advertise enhancing features such as the percentage of UV blockage, polarization, mirroring, and scratch resistant coating.
Scratch resistant coating greatly improves the durability of polycarbonate lenses.
Mirror coating actually reflects more visible light than lenses that lack this feature, helping to reduce glare.
There's nothing worse than coating your body with a substance and then realizing it causes a reaction.
Thus, the product is protected by its liposomal coating until it can be properly metabolized.
A special triple-layer enteric coating ensures delivery to the intestines, rather than to the stomach.
Digestion begins in the mouth, and as capsules travel to the stomach, strong stomach acids typically break down the capsule coating to release the ingredients.
An enteric-coated capsule withstands stomach acids and passes intact to the intestines, where other digestive juices break down the coating and release the ingredients.
The griddle's surface is non-stick but is commercial grade so that you don't have to worry about that non-stick coating getting ruined.
Electric shavers have a protective metal coating over the razor blades that protect the skin.
Over time, this coating can dull or become damaged, exposing the skin to easy cuts and irritation.
Avoid using an abrasive cleaning surface that could damage the coating on the cookwell.
This design has a non-stick surface coating over the cast iron, which makes for easy clean-up.
It is designed to remove detergent build-up, burn marks and any coating from clothing that may get on the plate surface.
The coating is just a silver spray-paint.
Colored dyes, scents, and even the coating on a wick can drastically change the properties of the candles, depending on the types of additives used.
Occasionally, a Tacori can be set in 18k white gold, but it is not recommended because the white luster is inferior to platinum, and the rhodium coating will eventually wear off, giving the piece a yellowish cast.
All pearls are layered with nacre, the gradually thickening coating that covers the initial irritant to form the pearl, and nacre is the same material as the oyster's shell, creating an opalescent sheen known as "mother of pearl."
Partial eternity rings extend the pave coating along the sides of the ring without completely encircling it, and three stone options are popular because they represent the couple's past, present, and future.
White gold is naturally a light grey and requires a coating of rhodium to look white.
If you put a coating on chicken, for example, you may be adding gluten to the meat.
A blend of coconut flour and sweet rice flour can make a scrumptious coating for coconut shrimp.
You can use it as part of your recipe for gratin dishes which call for a crunchy coating of bread crumbs, butter, and flour.
To make sure your leather doesn't permanently discolor, spot test the protective spray on a hidden spot before coating the whole thing.
Avoid leather that is stiff, because this is usually due to excess coating added to cover imperfections.
The former is available in several colors, including black, khaki, olive, and sand dune, and has a water resistant coating a rigid to protect the bag's contents.
The candy coating around the Mentos reacts to the carbon in the soda to cause a pretty big explosion.
In a serious storm, this coating may not be sufficient to keep your feet dry.
Refresh the coating periodically during the wearing season to provide optimum protection.
Shoes gleam and look more attractive, and the coating conceals any nicks or imperfections.
Use ointment or salve sparingly, and rub it in - don't leave a thick coating on the tattoo.
They feature a six piece band and case design, a double-curved sapphire watch crystal with six layers of anti-reflective coating, and a one-way rotating bezel.
It features a silver dial with a white flange and a sapphire glass crystal with a layer of anti-reflective coating.
It's also waterproof to 50 meters and has a sapphire glass crystal with an anti-reflective coating.
Additional details include a window for the date and an anti-reflective coating applied to the sapphire crystal.
Available in black PVD coating, gold tone stainless steel, silver tone stainless steel and diamond encrusted stainless steel.
Synthetic wax is 100 percent polymers, that when applied to a hard paint surface, create an almost glass-like coating over the top of the paint.
Most hardwood floors are surface sealed after they are laid, which involves coating the floor with a sealer to resist water and stains.
These cleaners have a low ph (lower acid) level and will not eat through the coating the wood has been treated with prior to being placed down a floor.
If the grate is cast iron, periodically season it after cleaning by lightly coating it with cooking oil.
After the glue has dried, be sure to spray it with clear shellac or coating material to offer extra protection.
You prepare the rod by coating the end with a release compound, so that your bead will come off the wire.
Of course you don't need to season popcorn to decorate the tree, but you might want to try coating the kernels with food coloring.
While the soap is still liquid, sprinkle the sea salt on it, aiming for a thick and even coating.
Cooking spray instead of vegetable shortening or butter is a must-have when coating pans for baking.
In some cases it does become readily apparent, with symptoms exhibited in conditions such as thrush (coating back of throat and tongue) or vaginal yeast.
Many manufacturers 'jazz up' products by coating them in lots of sugar which really isn't good news.
When appropriately seasoned, one can't even tell the difference between this type of bread and a "regular" bread when used as an ingredient or coating.
Use cooking spray rather than fats to for coating your cookware.
Roll the basic truffles in a coating such as unsweetened cocoa powder, chopped nuts, powdered sugar or crushed crispy rice cereal.
Using your hands, press the duxelles into the pâté, creating an even coating on all sides of the tenderloin.
Most people use white nail polish to accentuate the nail tips before coating it with sheer polish.
The scent is sharply reminiscent of cinnamon, but broadly balanced by a coating of thick, creamy icing.
Clean the area first, and then apply a light coating of lidocaine to numb the surface of the skin.
Other coats are often made from cheaper materials and use a coating on them to provide protection.
Shadows chased her up the stairs and flew down the halls, coating the floors and walls in shallow, black fog.
The idea she'd hidden it somewhere he couldn't find was driving him mad, along with the scent of the human blood coating the walls of the far bedroom.
Katie hit the accelerator and the wheels spun wildly, instantly coating Carmen and Alex with mud.
As Dean smeared his whole-wheat toast with a coating of peanut butter, Fred poured the coffee, a sure sign he was looking for a favor.
The rocks of which these various monuments are composed is the ordinary granite of the district, and most of them present a strange appearance from their coating of white lichens.
Agostino, discovered in 1902 under a coating of whitewash.
Glass was largely used in pavements, and in thin plates as a coating for walls.
North-west and north-east of Hudson Bay it becomes too severe for the growth of trees as seen on the " barren grounds," and there may be perpetual ice beneath the coating of moss which serves as a non-conducting covering for the " tundras."
Up to this point the silk fibre continues to be comparatively lustreless, stiff and harsh, from the coating of albuminous matter (gum or gres) on its surface.
In the case of the charged Leyden jar, he asserted that the inner coating of tinfoil had received more than its ordinary quantity of electricity, and was therefore electrified positively, or plus, while the outer coating of tinfoil having had its ordinary quantity of electricity diminished, was electrified negatively, or minus.
The large demand for copper to be used in sheathing ships ceased on the introduction of iron in shipbuilding because of the difficulty of coating iron with an impervious layer of copper; but the consumption in the manufacture of electric apparatus and for electric conductors has far more than compensated.