Coat-of-arms Sentence Examples
Worn by royalty and included in many coat-of-arms, the fleur de lis symbol is seen most frequently today in architecture.
Originally used as a coat-of-arms, it became associated with royalty, appearing not only amongst the French, but on monarchs from Spain and the Netherlands as well.
Two or three other technical masterpieces of the engraver's art, the "Coat-of-Arms with the Skull," the "Nativity," with its exquisite background of ruined buildings, the "Little Horse" and the "Great Horse," both of 1505, complete the list of the master's chief productions in this kind before he started in the last-named year for a second visit to Italy.
After this event the city was permitted to add the words "very noble and very loyal" to its coat of arms.
A coat-of-arms was given to the inhabitants by Ladislaus for their courage during the storming of Milan; and the place is mentioned as a royal town under Ottokar II.
Some of the earlier works of Ur-Nina, En-anna-turn, Entemena and others, before the Semitic conquest, are also extremely interesting, especially the famous stele of the vultures and a great silver vase ornamented with what may be called the coat of arms of Lagash, a lion-headed eagle with wings outspread, grasping a lion in each talon.
In 1558 it received a coat of arms and the title of "Muy noble y muy Leal" from the king of Spain - a distinction of great significance in that disturbed period of colonial history.
The coat-of-arms on the front of the ornate balcony is that of Spain.
Family crests or coat of arms are a terrific idea for wall décor.
Thus the mitre over an English bishop's coat-of-arms is a survival which indicates him as the successor of bishops who actually wore mitres, while armorial bearings themselves, and the whole craft of heraldry, are survivals bearing record of a state of warfare and social order whence our present state was by vast modification evolved.
AdvertisementOver his shoulder he wears a leather baldric decorated with the Tailor's coat of arms.
Between the column is a finely detailed carving of the Royal coat of arms.
The vellum cover bears the Coat of Arms of the Boro, and is finished with gold leaf tooling and semi-precious stones.
An enameled pendant bearing the same quartered coat of arms as the waits ' badges was added in 1891.
Marivi's Heraldry teaches origamic architecture enthusiasts how to create a coat of arms.
AdvertisementThese can include a coat of arms and surname history if desired.
The Tree Maker - Five generation poster size chart with optional coat of arms and crest which is suitable for framing.
Its commanding position gained it in 1634, by royal decree, the title of "Llave del Nuevo Mundo y Antemural de las Indias Occidentales" (Key of the New World and Bulwark of the West Indies), in reference to which it bears on its coat of arms a symbolic key and representations of the Morro, Punta and Fuerza.
It features a small, red escallop from the Spencer coat of arms.