Coat Sentence Examples
Get your coat on.
She shivered in her wool coat, folded the paperwork, and called her sister.
His family's coat of arms, if they had those then.
She was dressed in a long, white fur coat that Katie had no doubt cost more than a small house.
She peeled off the thick coat and draped it over one bench before seating herself facing the door, as her father had taught her.
She tugged off her wool coat with some effort.
He was wearing his long coat with three stars on his breast.
Toby dropped his coat in
Adrienne shucked her coat and tried to act nonchalant in spite of the warmth in her cheeks.
He wore a fine, dark-blue, silk-lined cloth coat over a sheepskin.
AdvertisementShe snatched her bag and hurried home, not reflecting on her behavior until she tossed her coat on the bed.
The death dealer sat, his trench coat rustling.
She pushed it off her coat and hat.
Alex removed his rain coat and put it around her shoulders.
Coat Length Medium/Long grooming Requirement Once a week Trimming None Requires Professional Groomer Grooming Cavaliers should be groomed thoroughly once a week.
AdvertisementShe grinned up at Alex as she hung her coat.
She put her coat on and headed for the back door.
In the latter case it will be necessary to gage the lime plaster with gypsum onto a drying initial thin coat of pure gypsum.
Orange trees, mimosas and vines coat the slopes above a coastline of rocky coves, craggy headlands and rugged cliffs.
He was not a big dog, but was very compact and had super hindquarters, a lovely pale coat and was very glamorous.
AdvertisementUsually the tail is short; and in all the wild species the coat takes the form of hair, and not wool.
Five of the roof hoops were given a top coat of black to protect them.
White coat hypertension can be diminished or avoided by the " hide " display function.
O'Brien motioned with his head to the man in the white coat, who had stood immobile throughout the proceedings.
Leaf Coat is a ready to use product suitable based on natural latex.
AdvertisementA husband comes home and sees his wife painting the living room, but she's wearing a raincoat and a fur coat.
Carmen hung her coat and tugged the boots off her wet feet.
She plunged into her coat and stomped into her boots.
She dived into her coat, snapping it as she opened the front door.
Tucking the kid under her coat, Carmen started back down the hill.
Tucking it under her coat, she limped to the cabinet and drug out a few towels.
Toby's backpack was there along with his pink coat. Rhyn straightened, angry at himself for not hearing the boy leave. A flash of purple caught his eye through the trees, and he loped through the forest.
She jumped off in her graceful way, a ballerina in a black fur coat.
Dean grabbed his coat, glad to be doing something that took his mind off Vinnie Baratto, Arthur Atherton and the fact he and Cynthia Byrne were items of interest to some very nasty people.
Before Dean finished hanging up his coat, pouring a cup of over-brewed coffee and settling in his chair, Rita Angeltoni dropped a pile of telephone messages on his desk.
A good cleaning, a coat of paint and a few working light bulbs might make the place a pleasant neighborhood tavern.
She clutched her coat closer and walked back to him.
Her hair looked like it hadn't been washed in a month and her coat was wrinkled and full of holes.
Odds were, after he made sure she had enough to eat, he probably bought her a new coat.
She grabbed her coat and headed for the garage.
A tear rolled down her cheek and made a death defying leap to her coat.
Alex shrugged into his winter coat, zipping it as he prepared to leave the clinic.
Tucking gloved hands into the pockets of his leather coat, he headed toward the house.
Donning a heavy coat, she escaped through the patio doors and hurried out to the barn.
His was a body that had been honed until all that stood between muscle and air was a thin coat of skin.
Jonny flung off his coat and boots then sat in a chair in the living area, brooding.
She shrugged out of her coat without releasing the notebook and sat across from him on the black couch.
She pulled on a coat and her hat.
His rain coat flipped in the breeze, exposing rippling muscles in his thighs as the square toed boots sought and found solid footholds in the wet rock.
He was present at the September massacres and saved several prisoners, and on the 7th of September 1792 was elected one of the deputies from Paris to the convention, where he was one of the promoters of the proclamation of the republic. He suppressed the decoration of the Cross of St Louis, which he called a stain on a man's coat, and demanded the sale of the palace of Versailles.
Although new-born fawns are spotted, the adults are in the main uniformly coloured; the general tint of the coat at all seasons being reddish tawny with a more or less marked tendency to grey.
It consisted of a short skirted coat with rows of metal buttons, a tricoloured waistcoat and red cap, and became the popular dress of the Jacobins.
A layer of fine earth is then placed over the whole, and well beaten down, and the surface is covered with a thick coat of straw.
In the Barbargia the men have a white shirt, a black or red waistcoat and black or red coat, often with open sleeves; the cut and decorations of these vary considerably in the different districts.
The spores differ from those of ferns in their outer coat (exospore) being split up into four club-shaped hygroscopic threads (elaters) which are curled when moist, but become straightened when dry.
In the royal Siamese breed the head is rather long and pointed, the body also elongated with relatively slender limbs, the coat glossy and close, the eyes blue, and the general colour some shade of cream or pink, with the face, ears, feet, under-parts, and tail chocolate or seal-brown.
The blue eyes -and the white coat of the kitten indicate that the Siamese breed is a semi-albino, which when adult tends towards melanism, such a combination of characters being apparently unknown in any other animal.
The fruit is ripe in July, and is an oval, yellowish, fleshy berry, containing twelve or more seeds, each surrounded by a pulpy outer coat or aril.
In the winter coat the hair is long and pendent, elongated into a short beard on the sides of the lower jaw behind the chin; and it is also longer than elsewhere on the neck and the chest; at the base of the long hair is a thick growth of short and woolly under-fur.
In summer the coat becomes comparatively short.
Although commonly described as white, the hair has a more or less decided tinge of yellow, which appears to be more marked in the summer than in the winter coat.
It may be mentioned that the Bactrian camel, which is a shorter-legged and more ponderous animal than the Arabian species, grows an enormously long and thick winter coat, which is shed in blanket-like masses in spring.
The breed of cattle most widely distributed is that known as the Podolian, usually with white or grey coat and enormous horns.
The most famous of the relics preserved in the cathedral is the "Holy Coat of Trier," believed by the devout to be the seamless robe of the Saviour, and said to have been discovered and presented to the city by the empress Helena.
In 1891 nearly two million pilgrims viewed the coat, and eleven miraculous cures were claimed.
The elector Richard von Greiffenklau (1467-1531) successfully opposed the Reformation, and inaugurated the exhibitions of the holy coat, which called forth the denunciations of Luther, but have continued since his day to bring wealth and celebrity to the city.
The vegetation of Krakatoa was completely exterminated in 1883 by a thick coat of red-hot pumice.
This again was not at the outset an exclusive right of the crown; it was common for a leader in battle to grant to some one not of his family, who had specially distinguished himself, the right to bear the whole or part of his coat of arms, differenced or undifferenced.
The inner coat enveloping the spores is supported, like a ball, either with or without a stalk on the upper face of the star.
The seeds are minute and innumerable; they contain a small rudimentary embryo surrounded by a thin loose membraneous coat, and are scattered by means of hygroscopic hairs on the inside of the valves which by their movements jerk out the seeds.
Usually the epidermis is immediately followed by the circular layer of muscles, and this by the longitudinal coat.
In the earthworms, on the other hand, this coat is thick and composed of many layers.
Drawing, at last, two pistols from under his coat, he declared that he would not fall alive into the hands of the police who were watching his movements.
In external appearance the Mandaean is distinguished from the Moslem only by a brown coat and a parti-coloured headcloth with a cord twisted round it.
All the world over it is held that such people can assume the form of animals; sometimes the power of the shaman is held to depend on his being able to summon his familiar; among the Ostiaks the shaman's coat was covered with representations of birds and beasts; two bear's claws were on his hands; his wand was covered with mouse-skin; when he wished to divine he beat his drum till a black bird appeared and perched on his hut; then the shaman swooned, the bird vanished, and the divination could begin.
It was formerly supposed that this custom was peculiar to a single species, which was called the "gossamer" spider from the fact that the floating webs, when brought to the earth by rain or intercepted by bushes and trees, coat the foliage or grass with a sheeting of gossamer-like silk; but the habit is now known to be practised by the newly-hatched young of a great variety of species belonging to several distinct families.
Each fibre is formed by the outgrowth of a single epidermal cell of the testa or outer coat of the seed.
The first three orders, which have a double muscular layer, external circular and internal longitudinal, are sometimes grouped together as the Dimyaria; the Heteronemertini, in which a third coat of longitudinal muscles arises outside the circular layer, are then placed in a second branch, the Trimyaria.
The Malays wear a loose coat and trousers, and a cap or headkerchief, but the characteristic item of their costume is the sarong, a silk or cotton cloth about two yards long by a yard and a quarter wide, the ends of which are sewn together, a forming a kind of skirt.
In the hall of a raja on state occasions a head-kerchief twisted into a peak is worn, and the coat is furnished with a high collar extending round the back of the neck only.
This coat is open in front, leaving the chest bare.
After this event the city was permitted to add the words "very noble and very loyal" to its coat of arms.
Each consists of a prolongation of the syncytial material of the proboscis skin, penetrated by canals and sheathed with a scanty muscular coat.
Other breeds include the Japanese, with an orange coat, broadly banded on the hind-quarters with black; the pink-eyed and short and thick-furred albino Polish; the Siberian, probably produced by crossing the Himalayan with the Angora; and the black-and-tan and blue-and-tan.
The shape of the nutlet and the character of its coat are very varied.
The Eskimo dog has small, upright ears, a straight bushy tail, moderately sharp muzzle and rough coat.
The lurcher is a dog with the general shape of a greyhound, but with a heavier body, larger ears and rougher coat.
The muzzle is short, the ears large and pendent, the limbs relatively short and heavy, and the coat thick and frequently long.
The ground colour of the coat is white with yellow spots.
The Sussex is a lighter, more noisy animal, with a wavy, golden coat.
The head is short, and the coat silky and wavy.
The English setter should have a silky coat with the hair waved but not curly; the legs and toes should be hairy, and the tail should have a bushy fringe of hairs hanging down from the dorsal border.
The Russian setter has a woolly and matted coat.
The coat is shaggy and oily, and is preferred with as little white as possible, but the general black coloration may have rusty shades.
In the rough-haired breed the coat is long and wavy, but there exists a smooth breed with a nearly smooth coat.
The coat is short, thick and silky, and the tail is long and tapering..
The English mastiff is a huge and powerful dog with pendent ears but short and silky coat.
The Tibetan mastiff is equally powerful, but has still larger pendent ears, a shaggy coat and a long brush-like tail.
The coat should be thick, short and very silky, the favourite colours being white and white marked with brindle.
A term applied to soft coat.
There is also a thick woolly under-fur, shed in summer, when the whole coat comes off in blanket-like masses.
If the observer takes up a suitable position near water, his coat is often seen to be covered with the cast sub-imaginal skins of these insects, which had chosen him as a convenient object upon which to undergo their final change.
Gelatin occurs also in the cornea and the sclerotic coat of the eye; and in fish scales, the latter containing 80% of collagen, and 20% of ichthylepidin, a substance differing from gelatin in giving a wellmarked Millon's reaction.
In order that the current should be maintained, and the electromotive force of the cell remain constant during action, it is necessary to ensure that the changes in the cell, chemical or other, which produce the current, should neither destroy the difference between the electrodes, nor coat either electrode with a non-conducting layer through which the current cannot pass.
Very irregular surfaces may require the use of specially shaped anodes in order that the distance between the electrodes may be fairly uniform, otherwise the portion of the cathode lying nearest to the anode may receive an undue share of the current, and therefore a greater thickness of coat.
When first born these are clothed with a uniform slaty-grey fur, which in due course gives place to a coat of more tawny hue than the adult livery.
The upper parts in summer are usually brownish and the under parts white; but in winter the whole coat, in this phase of the species, turns white.
In a second phase of the species, the colour, which often displays a slaty hue (whence the name of blue fox), remains more or less the same throughout the year, the winter coat being, however, recognizable by the great length of the fur.
The delicate connectivetissue fibrillae of the inner coat of the arterioles are usually first and most affected.
The fibrils of the outer coat also show the change to a less extent, while the degeneration very rarely spreads to the middle coat.
The change appears to begin in the fibrils which lie between the circular muscle fibres of the middle coat of the smaller arterioles and extends both backwards and forwards along the vessels.
The usual process was to gather, first, a small quantity of opaque white glass; to coat this with a thick layer of translucent blue glass; and, finally, to cover the blue glass with a coating of the white glass.
The outer coat was then removed from that portion which was to constitute the ground, leaving the white for the figures, foliage or other ornamentation; these were then sculptured by means of the gem-engraver's tools.
The embryo undergoes differentiation into an outer layer of cells that produce a chitinoid coat, a middle layer of cells, and a central spherical hexacanth body closely enveloped by the middle coat.
In a few genera the place of the chitinoid coat is taken by a ciliary investment and in most families the structure of the layers is characteristic.
Zinc is largely used for "galvanizing" iron, sheets of clean iron being immersed in a bath of the molten metal and then removed, so that a coat of zinc remains on the iron, which is thereby protected from atmospheric corrosion.
The "lion-coloured" coat approximates to the hue of the limestone rocks on which these sheep dwell.
He was invariably dressed in a suit of the most spotless black, as if going to a dinner party; his white neck-cloth was fresh from the laundress's hands, and his hat shining like a racer's coat.
He explained, corrected or commented till the clock struck nine; then, with the little finger of the right hand brushing from his coat and waistcoat the shower of superfluous snuff which had fallen on them, he pocketed his snuff-box, and resuming his hat, he as silently as when he came in made his exit by the door which I rushed to open for him."
There are no rabbits, but hares (usagi) are to be found in very varying numbers, and those of one species put on a white coat during winter.
This he sketches in outline with a paste of white lead, and then, having filled in the details with gold and colors, he superposes a coat of translucid lacquer, which is finally subjected to careful polishing.
The coat in summer is foxy red above and white below; in winter this changes to a greyish fawn, with a white rump-patch.
The Manchurian roe (Capreolus manchuricus) is about the size of the European species, with antlers of the type of those of the Siberian roe, but more slender, and the coat shorter.
It should be added that young Asiatic elephants often show considerable traces of the woolly coat of the mammoth.
A loose woollen coat reaching to the knees, and bound round the waist by a thick fold of cotton cloth, forms the dress of the men; the women's dress is a long cloak with loose sleeves.
It hardly affects the small intestine, but markedly stimulates the muscular coat of the large intestine, causing purging in about fifteen hours.
Some of the earlier works of Ur-Nina, En-anna-turn, Entemena and others, before the Semitic conquest, are also extremely interesting, especially the famous stele of the vultures and a great silver vase ornamented with what may be called the coat of arms of Lagash, a lion-headed eagle with wings outspread, grasping a lion in each talon.
On the obverse is generally the king, who, in the earlier coins at any rate, wears a long open coat, knee boots and a tall cap - clearly the costume of a nomad from the north.
The acid gland consists of one, two or more tubes, with a cellular coat of several layers, opening into a reservoir whence the duct leads to the exterior.
His body was picked up three days afterwards, so disfigured that it was only recognized by the star on his coat.
The Persian fallowdeer (C. [D.] mesopotamicus), a native of the mountains of Luristan, is larger than the typical species, and has a brighter coat, differing in some details of colouring.
One Oriental species (Sciurus caniceps) presents almost the only known instance among mammals of the assumption during the breeding season of a distinctly ornamental coat, corresponding to the breeding plumage of birds.
Their arms comprise two short swords, a longer spear, a round shield, and they sometimes wear a coat of mail; a curious feature is their tactics of fighting in a circle of protecting shields.
The large and brightly coloured bongo (Boocercus euryceros) of the equatorial forest-districts serves in some respects to connect the bushbucks with the elands, having horns in both sexes, and a tufted tail, but a brilliant orange coat with vertical white stripes.
This relatively small cat, uniformly coloured, is generally of some shade of brownish-grey, but in some individuals the fur has a rufous coat, while in others grey predominates.
Their distinctive external features are their large size, light-brown colour, high shoulders, massive heads of great breadth and shaggy coat.
The average length is about 5 ft.; there is no under-fur, and the coat is smooth, black in colour, with the exception of a white horseshoe-mark on the chest.
In 1558 it received a coat of arms and the title of "Muy noble y muy Leal" from the king of Spain - a distinction of great significance in that disturbed period of colonial history.
The pressure to which the Sheffield plate was submitted produces a definite colour and texture which is absent from the surface produced by the deposit of silver in a liquid medium by electrical means, and the coat of silver is spread by the latter uniformly over the whole surface without a break, while in the former the junction between the embossed ornaments and the silver strips covering the cut edges may often be detected on careful examination.
Betel nuts have been used by turners for ornamental purposes, and for coat buttons on account of the beauty of their structure.
An important branch of this industry is the manufacture of " zarapes " (called ponchos " in other parts of Spanish America) - a blanket slit in the centre for the head to pass through, and worn in place of a coat by men of the lower classes.
The hospital and Free School of King Charles I., commonly called the Blue Coat hospital, was founded in 1670.
Sickness is often explained as due to the absence of the soul; and means are sometimes taken to lure back the wandering soul; when a Chinese is at the point of death and his soul is supposed to have already left his body, the patient's coat is held up on a long bamboo while a priest endeavours to bring the departed spirit back into the coat by means of incantations.
The horns of the bucks are heavy, and have a peculiar forward curvature at the tips; the colour of the coat is red-fawn, with a broad brown band down the back.
The other variety has a shaggy coat, generally reddish-black, though sometimes grey or pied and occasionally white.
The coat is composed of two kinds of hair, the one short and coarse and of the character of hair, which lies close to the skin, the other long and curly and of the nature of wool, forming the outer covering.
The coat is composed, as in the Angora, of two materials; but in this breed it is the under-coat that partakes of the nature of wool and is valued as an article of commerce.
Those goats having a short, neat head, long, thin, ears, a delicate skin, small bones, and a long heavy coat, are for this purpose deemed the best.
The coat of the female is extremely short, almost like that of a race-horse, and the legs are long.
In addition to its inferior size, the coyote is also shorter in the leg than the wolf, and carries a more luxuriant coat of hair.
All the typical swine are further characterized by the fact that the young are longitudinally striped with bands of dark brown and some paler tint; this striped coat disappearing in the course of a few months.
The skin is clothed with a thick coat of coarse black hair of a bristly nature, but there are a few whitish hairs on the face and in the groin.
Superficially the tube is covered by a serous coat of peritoneum.
The structure of the corpora cavernosa consists of a strong fibrous coat, the tunica albuginea, from the deep surface of which numerous fibrous trabeculae penetrate the interior and divide it into a number of spaces which are lined with endothelium and communicate with the veins.
He managed to get more money than his father could ever get, and at one of his diets won the hearts of the whole assembly by unexpectedly appearing before them in the simple grey coat of a Masovian squire.
In the Liu-Kiu rabbit (Pentalagus furnessi) the coat is equally harsh, but the ears and hind-feet are shorter, and there are only five (in place of the usual six) pairs of upper cheek-teeth.
It is clear from literary evidence that the helmet (helm) and coat of chain mail (byrne) were also in common use.
The arms required were probably a sword, helmet, coat of mail and one or two spears and shields.
The chief garments were the coat (roc), the trousers (brec), and the cloak, for which there seem to have been a number of names (lofa, hacele, sciccing, pad, hwitel).
The crusene was a fur coat, while the serc or smoc seems to have been an undergarment and probably sleeveless.
In the great bog-deposit at Thorsbjaerg in Angel, which dates from about the 4th century, there were found a coat with long sleeves, in a fair state of preservation, a pair of long trousers with remains of socks attached, several shoes and portions of square cloaks, one of which had obviously been dyed green.
Internally strychnine acts as a bitter, increasing the secretion of gastric juice and the intestinal peristalsis, being a direct stimulant to the muscular coat; in this manner it has a purgative action.
Occasionally, however, some are born with a grey colour and a few may be quite black, but ultimately they attain their characteristic coat.
It is not clear from Welch's account what is the cause of the whiteness of the tips of the hairs of the autumn coat, but his figures suggest that it is due to the development of gas in the interspaces between the keratin bridges and trabeculae of the hairs.
Cuenot, in order to explain certain features in the hereditary transmission of coat colour in mice, postulated the hypothesis that the grey colour of the wild mouse (which is known to be a compound of black, chocolate and yellow pigments) may be due either to the interaction of a single ferment and three chromogens, or vice versa, to one chromogenic substance and three ferments.
Colour, therefore, must be correlated with some determinant (determining factor) for pattern, and it cannot, therefore, exist alone in an animal's coat.
Given the presence of all the necessary determinants for the development of pigment in a mammal's coat, some or all of the hairs may bear this pigment according to the pattern determinants, or absence of pattern determinants, which the cells of the hair papillae carry.
More remarkable is the case of certain cattle, whose skin is piebald, marked by a general ground colour over which are scattered patches of unpigmented coat.
Pickering, still later, showed, in the case of four Norway hares, two of which were injected while in their pigmented or summer coat, and two while in their albino or winter coat, that coagulation occurred in the former cases but not in the latter.
They have a shining, marble-grey and brown, thick, leathery outer coat, within which is a thin dark-coloured brittle coat.
Films of pyrites sometimes coat the joint-planes of coal.
They inhabit the desolate plateau of Tibet, at elevations of between 13,000 and 18,000 ft., and, like all Tibetan animals, have a firm thick coat, formed in this instance of close woolly hair of a grey fawn-colour.
The majority of animals taken for their fur are trapped or snared, the gun being avoided as much as possible in order that the coat may be quite undamaged.
Used for collars, cuffs, boas, muffs, trimmings, coat linings and carriage aprons, and is of a most durable nature, in addition to having a rich and good appearance.
Used for coat linings it is very warm and durable.
The best, from Holland, are used for coat linings.
The best of the lighter weights are frequently insufficiently strong in the hair to stand the friction of wear in a coat lining.
Astrachan, Shiraz and Bokharan lambs, size 22 by 9 in., are of a coarser, looser curl, and chiefly used for coat linings, while the Persians are used for outside of garments, collars, cuffs, stoles, muffs, hats and trimmings and gloves.
These animals have a dense coat of fine, long brown wool, with very long dark brown hair on the head, flanks and tail, and, in the centre, a peculiar pale oval marking.
It is a very useful fur for men's coat linings and ladies' driving or motoring coats, being warm, durable and not too heavy.
They are excellent for men's coat linings and the outside of ladies' coats, for stoles, muffs, collars and cuffs.
Although it has wool and top hair, the latter is so sparse and fine that the coat may be considered as one of close even wool.
Their fur is pretty, warm and as yet inexpensive, and is useful for rugs, coat linings, stoles, muffs, trimmings and perambulator aprons.
There are but a few thousands imported, and being so flat they are only of use for coat linings, but they are very warm and light in weight.
In Europe and America it is much used for collar, long facings and cuffs of a gentleman's coat; such a set may cost from, 200 to boo, and in all probability will soon cost more.
The coat is usually a shade of brown, sometimes greyish, fairly bright and with a suggestion of waviness.
Is a native of South America, similar to a lion in habits and colour of coat.
Many of the domestic kind in central and northern Europe and Canada are used for drivers' and peasants' coat linings, &c. In Great Britain many coats of the home-reared sheep, having wools two and a half to five inches long, are dyed various colours and used as floor rugs.
Subsequently the hard top hairs are taken out as in the case of otters and beavers and the whole thoroughly cleaned in the revolving drums. The close underwool, which is of a slightly wavy nature and mostly of a pale drab colour, is then dyed by repeated applications of a rich dark brown colour, one coat after another, each being allowed to thoroughly dry before the next is put on, till the effect is almost a lustrous black on the top. The whole is again put through the cleaning process and evenly reduced in thickness by revolving emery wheels, and eventually finished off in the palest buff colour.
Motoring or driving coat, 4 length.
Motoring or driving coat, full length Weight and Durability of Furs for Men's Coat Linings.
There are a grammar-school (founded in 1521 at Milton Abbas, transferred to Blandford in 1 775), a Blue Coat school (1729), and other educational charities.
One practice which is especially prevalent, so as to strike every casual visitor, and dates from the early years of the empire, is that of filling up the flutings of the columns for about one-third of their height with a thick coat of stucco, so as to give them the appearance of being smooth columns without flutings below, and only fluted above.
In the private houses even the columns are mostly of brick, covered merely with a coat of stucco.
The coat is long and soft, pale silvery grey or light buff in hue, marked with black on the chest and upper parts of the limbs, with transverse stripes on the loins and rings on the tail of the same hue.
But while the wisdom of one age thus succeeded in restricting within bounds the tidal water of the river, it was left to the greater wisdom of a succeeding age to improve upon' this arrangement by admitting these muddy waters to lay a fresh coat of rich silt on the exhausted soils.
It resembles the Small White, except that the skin is coal-black in colour, and the coat of hair is not usually profuse.
He wore the usual Friend's coat, and was regarded with much interest and hostile curiosity on both sides of the House.
The Egyptian goose (chenalopex) is figured in the XVIIIth dynasty as sacred to Ammon; but his most frequent and celebrated incarnation was the woolly sheep with curved (" Ammon") horns (as opposed to the oldest native breed with long horizontal twisted horns and hairy coat, sacred to Khnum or Chnumis).
Sheep of a peculiar breed with horizontal twisted horns and hairy coat are figured on.
In colour the Cape aard-vark is pale sandy or yellow, the hair being scanty and allowing the skin to show; the northern aard-vark has a still thinner coat, and is further distinguished by the shorter tail and longer head and ears.
The coat is unspotted at all ages, with a whitish area in the region of the tail.
The coat is remarkable for its density and compactness; the general colour of the head and upper parts being clove-brown, with more or less white or whitish grey on the under parts and inner surfaces of the limbs, while there is also some white above the hoofs and on the muzzle, and there may be whitish rings round the eyes; there is a white area in the region of the tail, which includes the sides but not the upper surface of the latter; and the tarsal tuft is generally white.
Middleton, Tarbat and Clarendon overcame Charles's reluctance to restore episcopacy; Lauderdale fell into the background; The Rev. James Sharp, hitherto the agent of the Resolutioners, or milder party among the preachers, turned his coat, and took the archbishopric of St Andrews.
The whole body is covered with a thick coat of short nestling feathers, pure white in colour.
The bulbs are large and orbicular, and have a blackish coat; they, as well as the flowers, are reputed to be emetic in properties.
Its commanding position gained it in 1634, by royal decree, the title of "Llave del Nuevo Mundo y Antemural de las Indias Occidentales" (Key of the New World and Bulwark of the West Indies), in reference to which it bears on its coat of arms a symbolic key and representations of the Morro, Punta and Fuerza.
It has two horns and a bristly coat.
This consists of a loose coat and trousers of silk, wool or other material; the trousers are fastened by a cord round the waist.
Garments for outdoor wear are the anga, or angarkha, the chapkan, the achkan or sherwani; the anga, a coat with full sleeves, is made of any material, white or coloured.
Whereas the European wears his waistcoat under his coat, the Indian wears his over his anga or chapkan (not over the achkan).
For ceremonial purposes a coat called jama is worn.
Under Mahommedan influence Hindu clothing developed into " suits," consisting of five pieces for men, hence called pancho tuk kapra - (z) head-dress, (2) dhoti, (3) coat, (4) chaddar or sheet, (5) bathing cloth; and three for women, hence called tin tuk - (i) dhoti, (2) jacket, (3) shawl.
Over the sadra a white cotton coat is worn, reaching to a little below the waist.
It should be added that the proper names in the inscriptions show the regular Italic system of gentile nomen preceded by a personal praenomen; and that some inscriptions show the interesting feature which appears in the Tables of Heraclea of a crest or coat of arms, such as a triangle or an anchor, peculiar to particular families.
Here also are polished stalagmites, a rich buff slashed with white, and others, like huge mushrooms, with a velvety coat of red, purple or olive-tinted crystals.
Man differs from them in the absence of a hairy coat; in the development of a large lobule to the external ear; in his fully erect attitude; in his flattened foot with the non-opposable great toe; in the straight limb-bones; in the wider pelvis; in the marked sigmoid flexure of his spine; in the perfection of the muscular movements of the arm; in the delicacy of hand; in the smallness of the canine teeth and other dental peculiarities; in the development of a chin; and in the small size of his jaws compared to the relatively great size of the cranium.
The colour is usually dark brown or black and the coat of great length, reaching nearly to the ground.
When applied to broken skin or exposed surfaces it coagulates the albumen in the discharges, forming a protecting layer or coat.
Often it is necessary to repeat the dipping, and for the second coat hydraulic lime may be employed.
The Persian always makes the best of his appearance; he is very neat in his dress, and is particular as to the sit of his hat and the cut of his coat.
Over the kamarchin is worn the kulijah, or coat.
There is also the felt coat of the Zir jamah are loose trousers and also drawers worn under the .shaivar, or tight trousers.
A very short jacket, of gay color, quite open in front, having tight sleeves with many metal buttons, is usually worn in summer, and a lined outer coat in cold weather.
In winter an over-mantle like the kulijah, or coat of the man, with short sleeves, lined and trimmed with furs, is worn.
When a feebly electrified body (such as a stick of sealing-wax gently rubbed upon the coat sleeve) is brought into its neighbourhood, the jet undergoes a remarkable transformation and appears to become coherent; but under more powerful electrical action the scattering becomes even greater than at first.
The buds, conspicuous for their size, are protected by a coat of a glutinous substance, which is impervious to water; in spring this melts, and the bud-scales are then cast off.
The flower-stalk becomes recurved in the fruiting stage, and the fruit bears a number of hooks which enable it to cling to rough objects, such as the coat of an animal, thus ensuring distribution of the seed.
The its muscular coat; g, g, the heart is of the usual Arthro lateral teeth, which when podous type, lying in a more or in use are brought in conless well-defined pericardial blood tact with the sides of the sinus, with which it communi median tooth m; c, c, the cates by valvular openings or muscular coat.
The typical representative of the group is the North American wapiti C. canadensis, but there are several closely allied races in Central Asia, such as C. canadensis songaricus and C. c. bactrianus, while in Manchuria the subgroup is represented by C. c. xanthopygus, in which the summer coat is reddish instead of grey.
A black coat with white spots distinguishes the Philippine spotted deer, C. alf redi, which is about the size of a roe-buck; while other members of this group are the Calamianes deer of the Philippines (C. culionensis), the Bavian deer (C. kuhli) from a small island near Java, and the well-known Indian hog-deer or para (C. porcinus), all these three last being small, more or less uniformly coloured, and closely allied species.
On the other hand, the larger and handsomer chital, or spotted deer (C. axis), stands apart by its white-spotted fawn-red coat and differently formed antlers.
This species is about the size of a red-deer, with a foxy red coat with black legs.
All riveting and punching of the steel members is done at the shop, where also they receive the usual coat of oil or paint.
Red lead is best for the priming coat and oxide paint for the finishing coat.
In German specifications it is required that the steelwork should first receive a coat of boiled linseed oil, in order that the red lead coating should be more coherent with the steel.
The first requirement, therefore, for efficient painting is the careful removal of all mill-scale, rust, grease, or foreign substance, before even the priming coat is applied.
After erection all work shall be painted with at least one additional coat.
Moreover, while the faint markings on the foals born after hybrids completely disappeared with the foals' coat, the stripes on the three pure-bred colts persisted.
At the head of the army she rode clothed in a coat of mail, armed with an ancient sword, said to be that with which Charles Martel had vanquished the Saracens, the hiding-place of which, under the altar of the parish church of the village of Ste Catherine de Fierbois, the " voices " had revealed to her; she carried a white standard of her own design embroidered with lilies, and having on the one side the image of God seated on the clouds and holding the world in His hand, and on the other a representation of the Annunciation.
As it lacks the thick woolly coat of the two Tibetan antelopes known as the chiru and the goa, there can be little doubt that it inhabits a country with a less severe climate than that of the Central Tibetan plateau, and it is probably a native of the more or less wooded districts of comparatively low elevation forming the outskirts of Tibet.
Herr Burkli confines his criticism to the first struggle, in which alone mention is made of the driving back of the Swiss, pointing out also that the chronicle of 1476 and other later accounts attribute to the Austrians the manner of attack and the long spears which were the special characteristics of Swiss warriors, and that if Winkelried were a knight (as is asserted by Tschudi) he would have been clad in a coat of mail, or at least had a breastplate, neither of which could have been pierced by hostile lances.
The connexion many of them had with the church was of the slenderest kind, consisting mainly in adopting the name of abbe, after a remarkably moderate course of theological study, practising celibacy and wearing a distinctive dress - a short dark-violet coat with narrow collar.
Fat-rumped sheep, Ovis steatopyga, are common to Africa and Asia, and are piebald with rudimentary horns, and a short hairy coat, being bred entirely for their milk and flesh.
In fat-tailed sheep, on the other hand, which have much the same distribution, the coat is woolly and generally piebald.
Early in the 19th century the old Wiltshire white-faced horned sheep, with a scanty coat of hairy wool, and the Berkshire Knot, roamed over the downs of their native counties.
Henrys first outburst of self-assertion took the form of reversing his fathers thrifty and peaceful policy, by plunging into the midst of the continental wars from which Coat!England had been held back by his cautious parent.
These tufts or groups likewise display an orderly and definite grouping in different mammals, which suggests the origin of such groups from the existence in primitive mammals of a scaly coat comparable to that of reptiles, and indeed directly inherited therefrom.
Many mammals have a longer hairy coat in winter, which is shed as summer comes on; and some few, which inhabit countries covered in winter with snow, as the Arctic fox, variable hare and ermine, undergo a complete change of colour in the two seasons, being white in winter and grey or brown in summer.
There has been much discussion as to whether this winter whitening is due to a change in the colour of the individual hairs or to a change of coat.
The winter whitening of mammals is, therefore, precisely similar to the senile bleaching of human hair, no shift of the coat taking place.
There are a Blue Coat school (1710) and a school of art.
The description of the coat is forgotten.
At Galway in October of the same year he said that he " would not have taken off his coat " to help the tenant farmers had he not known that that was the way to legislative independence.
The Tibetan muntjac (C. lachrymans), from Moupin in eastern Tibet and Hangchow in China, is somewhat smaller than the Indian animal, with a bright reddish-brown coat.
The smallest member of the genus (C. reevesi) occurs in southern China and has a reddish-chestnut coat, speckled with yellowish grey and a black band down the nape.
Boiled food of any kind is unnatural to a horse, and is risky to give, being liable to produce colic, especially if the animal bolts its food when hungry, although it generally produces a glossy coat.
The grammar school was founded in 1683, and a Blue Coat School in 1723.
Some of them cause so much irritation that the discharge is very watery (hydragogue cathartics), while others, for example aloes, by acting gently on the lower part of the bowel and on its muscular coat, produce simply a laxative effect.
Expectorants increase the bronchial secretions; antispasmodics relax the spasm of the muscular coat of the bronchial tubes, e.g.
Removing his white lab coat, he carefully folded it and placed it on the back of the chair.
Señor Medena shrugged into his coat.
A slender woman in a coat and cotton dress waved to them from the clothesline beside the house.
If he thought she wouldn't run or try to kick him again, he'd let her go fetch her coat.
She took a moment to adapt to the new glimmers of energy in the room before changing into warmer clothes and her heavy coat.
Instead of discussing the current calamity, as would be Fred's normal reaction, he grabbed his coat and left.
The weapons lining his body and tucked into pockets of his trench coat were items of comfort rather than necessity; his hands alone had ended the lives of more humans and Immortals than there were stars in the sky he stared into.
He faded in and out of shadows, as if he was part of them, the heavy trench coat making him look like some sort of sinister Batman.
Dropping the papers on her computer desk, she then stripped off her coat and passed by the guest…Toby's room.
His lab coat was all the overcoat he wore, and he hopped in place beside a beat-up VW Bug whose engine coughed as if it were on its last leg.
He was quick about it and placed a Hello Kitty Band-Aid over the small puncture before dropping the vials into his coat pocket.
But visions of gigantic piles of BB sized oats continued to plague his brain as he donned his coat and gloves to clear the steps and walk-ways of the overnight snow.
After the bland meal was over and the tin foil discarded, Dean donned his coat and walked up town.
She is so beautiful; regal, with a brilliant bronze coat.
He huddled deeper into his coat, more than the rain chilling him. The Ully-demon still wore Ully's face, but the rest of his body had grown bony and taller. Toby couldn't help wondering when Ully had been swapped for a demon, but it had to have been before they left Hell.
No marshmallows or video games or whatever it is kids like. Why are you wearing a pink coat?
Perched on a ledge, its gray-brown coat camouflaged against the bluff, stood a bighorn sheep.
Tall, gawky with hair dyed blue-black and contacts that glowed red like his eyes did naturally, she wore a I heart Xander T-shirt beneath a leather coat.
She crossed a disused railroad line tugging her cream-coloured, baby alpaca coat about her ankles.
Bathing with a ' natural ' and very mildly antiseptic coat care lotion can also keep down your dogs ' chance of flea infestations.
Over his shoulder he wears a leather baldric decorated with the Tailor's coat of arms.
Any scratches which penetrate the clear coat can expose your car's bodywork which will lead to rust.
Sheila is knitting bootees, June's knitting a matinee coat and Danny is offering to teach young Patrick John some hot Doom cheats.
Had on light mixed gray coat and waistcoat with metal buttons, corduroy breeches, round hat and plated shoe buckles if not altered.
In the coat pocket I found the brooch produced.
In a medium mixing bowl, soak bread cubes in chicken broth, turning to coat.
Use a soft brush to groom your ferrets ' coat.
Somebody had a bulldog in tow, which was wearing a Union Jack coat.
A " jacket " used to be a coat of mail, and today a jacketed bullet has something of the same meaning.
The short coat lies smooth all over and is slightly bushy at the thighs.
I did some carpentry & Wendy put a coat of primer on the roof.
The same mutation of the tabby gene is now believed to produce the king cheetah 's coat.
And there, at the back in a white coat and holding a clipboard, was Eve.
The final coat can be rubbed with dampened emery cloth for a fine, soft, matte finish.
Always wear a lab coat with the sleeves at full length.
They develop a thick fur coat to stay warm.
A really efficient, double-layered waterproof winter coat is essential to an Exmoor pony living on hill ground in winter.
Groovy Gear features hip and happenin' wear such as bohemian retro duds, Boho Poncho and faux suede coat ensemble, Suddenly Suede.
Duffle coat - made of thick wool, fastened with toggles.
Seven to twelve coats of lacquer are applied; the lacquer must dry and the box be polished in between each coats of lacquer are applied; the lacquer must dry and the box be polished in between each coat.
Create a frame using an old wire coat hanger.
To say that I had a coat hanger in my mouth is an understatement.
Start by getting an adult with good muscles to bend the wire coat hangers into the right shape.
You'll need two wire coat hangers for this.
A next door neighbor's car aerial, carefully folded, makes a ideal coat hanger in an emergency.
If you have space, hang your drysuit up on a sturdy coat hanger.
Enthusiasts can also buy Theo's hand-knitted alpaca suit, complete with its own wooden coat hanger.
No one knows the origins of their metal coat hangers.
A steel wire coat hanger could be used to show brittle fracture after ' working ' in the plastic stage.
Jackets are usually worn all year in moderate whether conditions, whereas a coat if for more extreme cold whether.
He enjoyed the snow and the rain, coping well with his Maine coon type coat.
Roll in bread crumbs, pressing lightly to coat both sides with crumbs.
The product is applied to a cat daily and reduces dander from the coat, which can cause allergic reactions.
All other mild steel door components degreased and primed with one coat of rust resisting primer paint.
Between the column is a finely detailed carving of the Royal coat of arms.
Sprinkle over the remaining dill, pressing it into the mustard to coat.
When applying distemper to my cleaned cornices and ceiling I did not dilute the first coat.
Who will brush your silken coat And who on you will simply dote?
Groovy Gear features hip and happenin' wear such as Bohemian retro duds, Boho Poncho and faux suede coat ensemble, Suddenly Suede.
Here he is proudly modeling his trademark red duffle coat with floppy blue and yellow rain hat.
Moose have a large number of parasites on their coat (called ectoparasites ).
Foam and coat totally encapsulates Asbestos giving a fully adhered seamless roofing system.
The coat has two shoulder epaulets with small belts around the sleeves.
This yields a buffy coat preparation in which the majority of mature erythrocytes have been depleted.
It features a small, red escallop from the Spencer coat of arms.
O'Leary stood expressionless in the searing heat in his big coat munching on some dried lumps of instant mash.
Inventive Canadian stand-up Wool certainly cuts a dash on stage with his heavy black eyeliner, long leather coat and distinctive cowboy hat.
A superb, very usable coat rack with the hard to find large hooks with black ceramic finials.
If you want the good fishing pole, give Woody (the man in the white coat) Cheese.
Meade Optical Coatings Aluminum Coatings with magnesium fluoride over coat provides bright images full of detail.
Interesting that he has a blue frock coat and Shako.
The coat is an outer garment worn by both sexes, for warmth in the winter months.
Coat of Arms dated 1675, built into arched gateway.
This surface coat is a monolayer of five million variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) dimers that form a macromolecular diffusion barrier.
Gorgeous Guineas Posh ' n ' Go has tamed her coat without making it look greasy.
The coat should be black and tan, blue and tan, red, wheaten, red grizzle, liver, blue or black.
The seed coat hardens and becomes impermeable as the seeds ripen.
On her coat lapel was an " Obama " button in support of Illinois Senate candidate Barack Obama.
Place a amount of JJ Tea Tree Shampoo in your hand and work into the horses coat allowing the product to create a lather.
A running or sticky nose or eyes, a dull coat and/or lethargy are signs of ill health and need veterinary advice.
The author dresses his bourgeois liberalism in a coat cut according to the latest fashion.
General Physical Description The Norwegian Forest Cat is a large but elegant breed with a semi longhair coat.
We would like to better understand how the dense VSG coat protects the trypanosome from complement mediated lysis.
Where Alaskan malamutes live in a warm climate with little seasonal changes they are likely to shed their coat throughout the year.
Its coat was a silky white, with a long flowing silver mane.
Red - The coat is a warm rich red, tabby markings are permissible.
Veterinarians are frequently called on to clip densely matted coats, never attempt to clip the coat yourself.
Regular use helps to prevent matting, leaving the coat easy to manage with a pleasant fresh fragrance.
My hat was never on my own head, and my coat was often missing when I wanted it.
Protection of transgenic plants expressing the coat protein gene of watermelon mosaic virus II or zucchini yellow mosaic virus against six potyviruses.
A pile of Spanish moss lies like a coat of curly hair tossed onto the path.
Do not scour or float a scratch coat on laths. as this may damage the nibs.
She stumbled home with a broken nose, her new coat held to her face to stem the blood.
He had no oilskin, only an old waterproof coat, and that is away.
The coat can be wavy but is not generally curly, feeling oily when touched.
Before the 1914-18 war he always came to college in a top hat and morning coat and did not wear overalls in the laboratory.
Give an outside wall a coat of vibrant masonry paint or splash some bold stains onto garden furniture.
Virus resistant papaya derived from tissues bombarded with the coat protein gene of papaya ringspot virus.
I borrow her coat - shame to waste the rest of her ski pass.
Use a steel frame with acoustic quilt insulation and two layers of acoustic plasterboard with a skim coat of plaster.
I put the phone down, get my coat on and head down to my student union to get totally plastered.
Do not carry the bottle close to your body keep in a handbag or coat pocket.
Finished off with a protective coat of handmade beeswax polish and presented on a [non-leather] cord thong approx.
More » This is a great coat with funky polka dot lining.
The front entrance is via a double glazed porch with coat rack.
This process includes a phosphate primer, an electrophoretic coating and an epoxy powder top coat.
Production of transgenic soybean lines expressing the bean pod mottle virus coat protein precursor gene.
The building is treated externally with a base coat of golden brown water based preservative.
You can apply the primer, then the base coat, then the top coat.
I use a basic gray primer to spray a thin coat all over.
The etching primer is followed by a coat of standard primer.
A dip in a river or a walk in the pouring rain will do wonders for a Gordon coat.
His hand, hidden deep in his right coat pocket, closed more tightly around the cut-throat razor.
The frames are given three layers of powder coat for exceptional corrosion resistance.
Sadly, the mix on both is pretty lightweight, crying out for a Manchester sized bass riff to hang its coat on.
My face is wet, tiny rivulets form on my coat running down to that huge sponge of a forest floor.
A gene fragment, coding for the coat protein of the virus, is introduced into cells of healthy grapevine rootstock.
He was dressed in a long dark coat and a neck scarf that covered half his face.
Like peas and beans the hard seed coat of rapeseed does not allow optimum penetration of Propcorn into the center of the seed.
She sat on the front step and let the cold damp seep past her coat and into her body.
At least she had a lovely sheen to her coat!
Silver Somali - The base coat of this variety is silvery white giving a lustrous silver sheen.
The shop will also accept your used sheepskin or leather coat in part exchange for a new one.
The Yorkie has as very silky, long coat that parts at the spine and grows down either side of the dog.
The coat should be long, dense, weatherproof, and glossy and feel silky.
The boundary wall at the rear has been rebuilt and the side railings look spick and span after a fresh coat of paint.
Blacks with Silver in their ancestry may have a sprinkling of silver hairs through their coat with maturity.
Red squirrels - the tail can often be darker than the rest of its coat.
Groovy Gear features hip and happenin' wear such as bohemian retro duds, Boho Poncho and faux suede coat ensemble, Suddenly suede coat ensemble, Suddenly Suede.
He attempts to cut away the burning tarpaulin with his pocket knife but in doing so his coat catches on fire.
The vellum cover bears the Coat of Arms of the Boro, and is finished with gold leaf tooling and semi-precious stones.
Give the outside a coat of undercoat and a gloss topcoat.
The plates to strengthen the cross members of the flooring were given a coat of black topcoat.
Apply one coat of priming varnish using a stainless steel trowel.
The coat consists of a short, very thick undercoat covered with long guard hairs.
I looked untidy, I thought the coat seemed to be miles too big.
A coat of modern polyurethane varnish gives the roller a smart finish.
By night he was donning a frock coat and bow tie in the last of the great seaside vaudeville shows witnessed on the Island.
With its second and finished coat of plaster its now ready for lime washing.
His coat should be silky, either flat or slightly wavy.
On the cross facing east is a badly worn coat of arms; facing west is a bearded figure holding a child.
The egg is surrounded by a special coat called the zona pellucida.
Another feature by which this species differs from the American deer is the conformation of the bones of the lower part of the fore-leg, which have the same structure as in the red deer group. The coat is of moderate length, but the hair on the neck and throat of the old stags is elongated to form a mane and fringe.
Bonaparte in 1826, as Trogon paradiseus, according to his statement in the Zoological Society's Proceedings The Mexican deity Quetzal-coatl had his name, generally translated "Feathered Snake," from the quetzal, feather or bird, and coat!, snake, as also certain kings or chiefs, and many places, e.g.
As the durability of the electro-deposited coat on plated wares of all kinds is of the utmost importance, the greatest care must be taken to ensure its complete adhesion.
The exhibition of the Holy Coat at Trier had attracted enormous numbers of pilgrims, and so, indignant at what appeared to him an imposture, he assisted to publish an investigation into the authenticity of the celebrated relic. From this time he began to take an active part in contemporary politics and in controversy as a strong though moderate Liberal.
The second group of the genus Cervus, forming the subgenus Pseudaxis, is typified by the handsome little Japanese deer, or sika, C. (P.) sica, in which the antlers are four-tined, and covered with red "velvet" when first grown, while the coat is fully spotted in summer, but more or less uniformly brown in winter.
Of what use this measuring of me if she does not measure my character, but only the breadth of my shoulders, as it were a peg to bang the coat on?
One of the next arrivals was a stout, heavily built young man with close-cropped hair, spectacles, the light-colored breeches fashionable at that time, a very high ruffle, and a brown dress coat.
The old prince always dressed in old-fashioned style, wearing an antique coat and powdered hair; and when Prince Andrew entered his father's dressing room (not with the contemptuous look and manner he wore in drawing rooms, but with the animated face with which he talked to Pierre), the old man was sitting on a large leather-covered chair, wrapped in a powdering mantle, entrusting his head to Tikhon.
He gave the reins to a Cossack, took off and handed over his felt coat, stretched his legs, and set his cap straight.
The man was wearing a bluish coat of broadcloth, he had no knapsack or cap, his head was bandaged, and over his shoulder a French munition pouch was slung.
He looked at the snowflakes fluttering above the fire and remembered a Russian winter at his warm, bright home, his fluffy fur coat, his quickly gliding sleigh, his healthy body, and all the affection and care of his family.
However, at nine o'clock the prince, in his velvet coat with a sable collar and cap, went out for his usual walk.
Then came a cart, and behind that walked an old, bandy- legged domestic serf in a peaked cap and sheepskin coat.
Rostov, who had completely forgotten Denisov, not wishing anyone to forestall him, threw off his fur coat and ran on tiptoe through the large dark ballroom.
Natasha, after she had pulled him down toward her and covered his face with kisses, holding him tight by the skirt of his coat, sprang away and pranced up and down in one place like a goat and shrieked piercingly.
His left hand was bloody; he wiped it on his coat and supported himself with it.
The doctor with his shirt sleeves tucked up, without a coat, pale and with a trembling jaw, came out of the room.
With a pair of felt boots on his thin bony legs, and keeping on a worn, nankeen-covered, sheepskin coat, the traveler sat down on the sofa, leaned back his big head with its broad temples and close-cropped hair, and looked at Bezukhov.
The traveler, having packed his things with his practiced hands, began fastening his coat.
Pierre took off his coat, waistcoat, and left boot according to the Rhetor's instructions.
The newcomer wore a blue swallow-tail coat with a cross suspended from his neck and a star on his left breast.
He was wearing a blue swallow-tail coat, shoes and stockings, and was perfumed and his hair pomaded.
When the cotillion was over the old count in his blue coat came up to the dancers.
Speranski, wearing a gray swallow-tail coat with a star on the breast, and evidently still the same waistcoat and high white stock he had worn at the meeting of the Council of State, stood at the table with a beaming countenance.
Having straightened his coat and fastened on his hunting knives and horn, he mounted his good, sleek, well-fed, and comfortable horse, Viflyanka, which was turning gray, like himself.
His eyes were rather moist and glittered more than usual, and as he sat in his saddle, wrapped up in his fur coat, he looked like a child taken out for an outing.
Two huntsmen galloped up to the dogs; one in a red cap, the other, a stranger, in a green coat.
And Natasha felt that this costume, the very one she had regarded with surprise and amusement at Otradnoe, was just the right thing and not at all worse than a swallow-tail or frock coat.
Anatole went out of the room and returned a few minutes later wearing a fur coat girt with a silver belt, and a sable cap jauntily set on one side and very becoming to his handsome face.
In Marya Dmitrievna's anteroom the footman who helped him off with his fur coat said that the mistress asked him to come to her bedroom.
On the faces of all was one common expression of joy at the commencement of the long-expected campaign and of rapture and devotion to the man in the gray coat who was standing on the hill.
Dessalles, the tutor he had brought from Switzerland, was wearing a coat of Russian cut and talking broken Russian to the servants, but was still the same narrowly intelligent, conscientious, and pedantic preceptor.
Frowning with vexation at the effort necessary to divest himself of his coat and trousers, the prince undressed, sat down heavily on the bed, and appeared to be meditating as he looked contemptuously at his withered yellow legs.
Alpatych moved forward and next time the official came out addressed him, one hand placed in the breast of his buttoned coat, and handed him two letters.
Soldiers were continually rushing backwards and forwards near it, and he saw two of them and a man in a frieze coat dragging burning beams into another yard across the street, while others carried bundles of hay.
He unbuttoned his coat and sat down on a bench in the porch.
Almost all of them stared with naive, childlike curiosity at Pierre's white hat and green swallow-tail coat.
He kept looking to either side of the road for familiar faces, but only saw everywhere the unfamiliar faces of various military men of different branches of the service, who all looked with astonishment at his white hat and green tail coat.
He wore a long coat and like Kutuzov had a whip slung across his shoulder.
He sat, sunk deep in a folding armchair, and continually cleared his throat and pulled at the collar of his coat which, though it was unbuttoned, still seemed to pinch his neck.
Yes, it really is Bezukhov in a coachman's coat, with a queer-looking old boy.
In fact, however, though now much farther off than before, the Rostovs all saw Pierre--or someone extraordinarily like him--in a coachman's coat, going down the street with head bent and a serious face beside a small, beardless old man who looked like a footman.
That same evening-- without even asking himself what they were wanted for--he procured a coachman's coat and cap for Pierre, and promised to get him the pistol next day.
It was when Pierre (wearing the coachman's coat which Gerasim had procured for him and had disinfected by steam) was on his way with the old man to buy the pistol at the Sukharev market that he met the Rostovs.
From one open shop came the sound of blows and vituperation, and just as the officer came up to it a man in a gray coat with a shaven head was flung out violently.
Meanwhile, Mavra Kuzminichna was attentively and sympathetically examining the familiar Rostov features of the young man's face, his tattered coat and trodden-down boots.
One, a tall, fair- haired lad in a clean blue coat, was standing over the others.
The sleeve of his coat kept slipping down and he always carefully rolled it up again with his left hand, as if it were most important that the sinewy white arm he was flourishing should be bare.
By the wall of China-Town a smaller group of people were gathered round a man in a frieze coat who held a paper in his hand.
The young man in his clattering chains stepped clumsily to the spot indicated, holding away with one finger the coat collar which chafed his neck, turned his long neck twice this way and that, sighed, and submissively folded before him his thin hands, unused to work.
The young man in the fur-lined coat, stooping a little, stood in a submissive attitude, his fingers clasped before him.
The caleche flew over the ground as fast as the horses could draw it, but for a long time Count Rostopchin still heard the insane despairing screams growing fainter in the distance, while his eyes saw nothing but the astonished, frightened, bloodstained face of "the traitor" in the fur-lined coat.
He saw the frightened and then infuriated face of the dragoon who dealt the blow, the look of silent, timid reproach that boy in the fur-lined coat had turned upon him.
Together with that sound came a solitary human cry from the gateway and amid the smoke appeared the figure of a bareheaded man in a peasant's coat.
And with that object he had asked Gerasim to get him a peasant's coat and a pistol, confiding to him his intentions of remaining in Joseph Alexeevich's house and keeping his name secret.
If he were now to leave Moscow like everyone else, his flight from home, the peasant coat, the pistol, and his announcement to the Rostovs that he would remain in Moscow would all become not merely meaningless but contemptible and ridiculous, and to this Pierre was very sensitive.
The pistol, dagger, and peasant coat were ready.
It was difficult to hide such a big pistol even under his wide coat.
Having tied a girdle over his coat and pulled his cap low on his head, Pierre went down the corridor, trying to avoid making a noise or meeting the captain, and passed out into the street.
She had now become quiet and, clinging with her little hands to Pierre's coat, sat on his arm gazing about her like some little wild animal.
Involuntarily he noticed a Georgian or Armenian family consisting of a very handsome old man of Oriental type, wearing a new, cloth- covered, sheepskin coat and new boots, an old woman of similar type, and a young woman.
One of these, a nimble little man, was wearing a blue coat tied round the waist with a rope.
The little barefooted Frenchman in the blue coat went up to the Armenians and, saying something, immediately seized the old man by his legs and the old man at once began pulling off his boots.
The fifth was a factory hand, a thin, sallow-faced lad of eighteen in a loose coat.
A French corporal, with coat unbuttoned in a homely way, a skullcap on his head, and a short pipe in his mouth, came from behind a corner of the shed and approached Pierre with a friendly wink.
A little ahead of them walked a peasant guide, wet to the skin and wearing a gray peasant coat and a white knitted cap.
The arrival of Dolokhov diverted Petya's attention from the drummer boy, to whom Denisov had had some mutton and vodka given, and whom he had had dressed in a Russian coat so that he might be kept with their band and not sent away with the other prisoners.
He was clean-shaven and wore a Guardsman's padded coat with an Order of St. George at his buttonhole and a plain forage cap set straight on his head.
And Napoleon, escaping home in a warm fur coat and leaving to perish those who were not merely his comrades but were (in his opinion) men he had brought there, feels que c'est grand, *(2) and his soul is tranquil.
With a short coat and his hair cropped; just as if, well, just as if he had come straight from the bath...
An enameled pendant bearing the same quartered coat of arms as the waits ' badges was added in 1891.
A husband comes home and sees his wife painting the living room, but she 's wearing a raincoat and a fur coat.
Standing near the end of the curved bar is a girl in her middle twenties wearing a ratty fur coat.
Included in the project was a transformer rectifier system to supply power for the electro dip coat.
Check over the coat daily and remove any ticks found, preferably with a tick remover tool.
The most common variety has a white spotted chestnut coat, with a white rump patch and a fairly long tail.
Moss said when questioned at a party about her fur coat, I wear what I want to wear.
This was probably due to scarification of the seed coat during mechanical harvesting.
A sealer coat is normally required and steel again should be blast cleaned and primed with a zinc phosphate primer in most cases.
The price of a sealskin coat is one no decent human being should wish to afford.
They shed layers to reveal a see-through sequined cocktail dress beneath a prim knee-length tweed coat, or a camisole top under a blazer.
It was clear that under the layer of mud and dung lay a rather shabby coat of tawny hair.
Like my little brother I have a lovely creamy shaggy soft coat.
That dress is white shantung silk, with a cream coat.
A simple cream wool coat or a fake shearling coat in cream with shaggy lining provided a plainer top layer.
At least she had a lovely sheen to her coat !
This means there are more settings for you to tweak than you could shake a sheepskin coat at.
Do n't wear a coat, even if there is snow on the ground, and ladies, shoestring straps are de rigeur.
Baby Harp Seal This baby harp seal will have a silky white coat for only the first three weeks of its life.
The coat should be of medium length and fine and silky in texture.
Strain the mixture into a clean saucepan and simmer until the sauce is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.
I also well remember the owner, Mr. Paulo, who was plump and wore a long camel coat and smoked cigars.
A waiter tried to smother the flames with what he found to hand - a coat.
Smooth surfaces should be keyed using a spatter coat of plaster slurry or a brushed on primer mixed with sand.
As we splashed through puddles and trudged through mud, I struck up a conversation, having clocked the Clash badge on her coat.
All the joints are given a coat of the faithful sprue soup just for luck.
Thin enough to conceal on your wrist or under a coat, yet strong enough to penetrate the thickest hands and tables.
A suede coat in a warm car exudes a " fleshy stink ".