Coal-mines Sentence Examples
Extensive coal mines are in the vicinity, and there are manufactures of iron and steel, mill machinery, door and sash factories, etc., as well as several shipbuilding yards.
The coal mines of New South Wales give employment to 14,000 persons, and the annual production is over 6,600,000 tons.
Lincoln is situated in a productive grain region, and has valuable coal mines.
Bethune lies in the midst of the richest coal mines in France.
The principal manufactures are firearms, ironmongery, earthenware, woollen cloth, beer, stoneware, zinc goods, colours and salt; in the neighbourhood are iron and coal mines.
Iron has also been produced in Derbyshire from an early date, and coal mines were worked at Norton and Alfreton in the beginning of the 14th century.
Coal-mines were worked in Bewdley as early as 1669, and the town was formerly noted for making caps.
Its industries include the manufacture of tiles, pasteboard wares and gardening implements, while there are coal mines in the vicinity.
Barium chloride is present in some natural waters, and when this is the case the interaction of sulphates results in a deposition of barytes, as has occurred in the pipes and water-boxes of the Newcastle-on-Tyne coal mines.
In the neighbourhood are extensive coal-mines and brick-works, and the industries embrace the manufacture of linen, beer, spirits and tobacco.
AdvertisementThere are coal mines about 25 m.
There are coal-mines in the neighbourhood.
Two coal-mines are worked in the Central Provinces, at Warora and Mopani, to each of which there is a branch line of railway.
The modern town is best known for its lignite coal-mines, from which Constantinople receives a good part of its supply.
The district is in part agricultural, but contains limestone quarries, some coal-mines and iron-works.
AdvertisementIt is the terminus of steamer navigation on the Brahmaputra, and also of a railway running to important coal-mines and petroleum wells, which connects with the Assam-Bengal system.
There are indigo factories and two coal-mines.
The surrounding country has good farming land and large coal mines.
There are extensive coal-mines in the neighbouring district, as at Moira, whence the Ashby-de-la-Zouch canal runs south to the Coventry canal.
There are coal-mines at and near Eregli (anc. Heracleia) which yield steam coal nearly as good in quality as the English, but they are badly worked.
AdvertisementThere are coal-mines on the town lands.
Her claim to Pecs (Fiinfkirchen) was disallowed, but owing to the long delay in ratifying the treaty, Yugoslav troops remained in occupation of this district and its valuable coal-mines till Aug.
There are coal-mines at Nong-Son, near Tourane, and gold, silver, lead, iron and other metals occur in the mountains.
Extensive coal-mines are worked, and among its other industries are flax-spinning and brick-making.
It has several valuable industries, and is the shipping port for the adjacent coal-mines.
AdvertisementMeantime the coal mines near St Lucia Bay were opened up and connected with Durban by railway.
In coal-mines main entries are often zoo yds.
In coal-mines we have to deal with " fire-damp " or marsh gas, and with inflammable coal dust, which form explosive mixtures with air and frequently lead to disastrous explosions resulting in great loss of life.
What may happen in some cases is illustrated by the curious form of accident locally known as a " bump," which occurs in some of the deep coal-mines of England.
The trade is chiefly connected with the produce of the neighbouring coal-mines and that of the numerous important iron and glass works of the district.
The town is important for its coal-mines, blastfurnaces and iron-works.
Besides husbandry, the inhabitants practise yarn-spinning and linen-weaving, and the coal-mines of the Biickeberg, on the south-eastern border, are very productive.
Aubin is the centre of important coal-mines worked in the middle ages, and also has iron-mines, the product of which supplies iron works close to the town.
It dates from the completion of the railway to the coal mines of Naricual and Capiricual nearly 1 2 m.
In all British coal-mines, when gas in dangerous quantities has appeared within three months, and in all places that are dry and dusty, blasting is prohibited, except with Safety ex= c, „ permitted explosives, whose composition and pro perties have been examined at the testing station at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich.
Underground fires are not uncommon accidents in coal-mines.
The working of collieries in the United Kingdom is subject to the provisions of the Coal Mines Regulation Act 1887, as amended by several minor acts, administered by inspectors appointed by the Home Office, and forming a complete disciplinary code in all matters connected with coal-mining.
Adjoining the town on the south is the village of Oberwaldenburg, pop. (1905) 475 8, with a château and some coal mines.
For some years the government has worked two coal-mines profitably, chiefly to supply its railways.
Though Roebuck lost all his money in the coal-mines and salt works which he established at Bo'ness, the development of the mineral resources of the district may be regarded as due to him.
Cotton and chemical works, and the coal-mines of the neighbourhood, employ the large industrial population.
Coal-mines are worked in various districts in the north near the Vaal, notably at Vierfontein, and at Clydesdale, which lies a few miles south of Vereeniging.
In the neighbourhood there are valuable coal mines.
There are steam flour mills, furniture factories and various other small manufactories; but the main economic interest of the city is in brickyards and coal-mines in its immediate vicinity.
In the neighbourhood there are large iron and coal mines.
The total annual yield of the tin mines is about 15,000 tons, and of the coal mines 240,000 tons.
Nationalization of the coal-mines and the great industrial concerns was one of the main items on the programme of the Socialist parties.
Like other towns in this populous region, it is an important manufacturing centre, having coal-mines, iron; wire, glass, chemical and oil works, breweries, &c.
The .absence of coal from this list is due to the circumstance that coal mines were at that time considered as private property and were 'not registered under the general mining laws.
The cotton manufacture is the principal industry; there are also calico printing, dyeing and bleaching works, machinery and iron works, woollen manufactures, and coal mines and quarries in the vicinity.
There are coal mines in the neighbourhood.
Hills to the north of the town contain disused coal-mines which have been on fire for centuries.
Coal was produced in 1908 in 30 states out of the 46 of the Union; and occurs also in enormous quantities in Alaska; 690,438 men were employed in this year in the coal mines.
Summing up the economic features of the Cordilleran belt, it includes many of the best coal-mines and the most extensive deposits of gold, copper, lead and zinc of the Dominion, while in silver, nickel and iron Ontario takes the lead.
There are extensive coal-mines in the district, forming part of the Cannock Chase deposit.
Several coal-mines are in the vicinity.
The employment of children under fourteen years of age in coal-mines is forbidden, as is also the employment of children under fourteen years of age in any cotton, woollen, silk, paper, bagging or flax factory, or in any laundry, or the employment of children under twelve years of age in any mill or factory whatever within the commonwealth.
It lies on the small river Drone, a tributary of the Rother, in a busy industrial district in which are numerous coal-mines, and there are iron foundries and manufactures of tools and other iron and steel goods.
Canton is situated in a rich agricultural region, for which it is a supply point, and there are large coal-mines in the vicinity.
There are coal mines and excellent farming lands in the vicinity of Lebanon.
The district contains a number of coal-mines and stone-quarries.
Besides this staple trade, there are various textile manufactures and extensive breweries; while stone and slate quarries, as well as coal-mines, are worked in the neighbourhood.
The coal mines of Belgium give employment to nearly 150,000 persons, and for some years the average output has exceeded 22,000,000 tons.
There are coal mines in the neighbourhood, and the town possesses silk factories, print-works and cotton mills.
Extensive coal mines exist in the vicinity; and at Gateshead Fell are large quarries for grindstones, which are much esteemed and are exported to all parts of the world.
The medieval trade seems to have centred round the fisheries and the neighbouring coal mines which are mentioned in 1364 and also by Leland.
There are manufactures of leather gloves and other goods, and in the neighbourhood barytes and coal mines and extensive market gardens.
S., in a narrow valley, across the border in Staffordshire, are several coal-mines and iron-foundries.
It has factories for glass, porcelain, machinery, cotton-spinning, iron-foundries and coal-mines.
In the neighbourhood of Sopron is the Brennberg, with extensive coal-mines.
At Polmont, farther east, which gives the title of baron to the duke of Hamilton, is the school of Blair Lodge, besides coal-mines and other industries.
In 1903 some coal mines were discovered in the Jagdalak districts.
It was acquired before 1644 by relatives of the earl of Lonsdale, who secured the prosperity of the town by working the coal-mines.
A mere village in the beginning of the 19th century, it rapidly increased from 1850 onwards, and, according to the censusof 1906, possessed 22,845 inhabitants, mainly engaged in the coal mines and ironsmelting works, to which it owes its development.
It has five coal-mines within ten miles, and the district is rich in iron, silk, cotton, and grain.
The part which he took in the legislation bearing on coal mines was equally prominent.
Near the city limits are building-stone quarries and coal-mines.
There are valuable coal mines in and near the city, and the city is situated in a fine farming region.
Internal development was promoted by the working of the silver mines of Copiapo and the coal mines of Lota, by the building of railways and erection of telegraphs, and by the colonization of the rich Valdivia province with German settlers.
There are numerous coal mines in the vicinity, yielding coal of the finest quality.
The industries include flax-spinning, rope works, engineering works, and manufactures of linen thread, wincey, flannels and fishing-nets, and there are iron and steel works and coal mines in the vicinity.
Gold-dredging is a rich industry, and the coal-mines have attendant industries in coke, bricks and fire-clay.
Coal is mined round Kladno, Buschtehrad, Pilsen, Schlan, Rakonitz, Niirschan and Radnitz, the lastnamed place containing the oldest coal mines of Bohemia (17th century).
There are coal mines in the neighbourhood, and the local industries include tanning and manufactures of soap, coarse linen and cloths.
There are valuable coal mines in Leavenworth and the immediate vicinity.
Where the Coal Measures reach the sea at Whitehaven, there are coal-mines, and the hematite of the Carboniferous Limestones has given rise to the active ironworks of Barrow-in-Furness, now the largest town in the district.
Fireclay is largely raised from coal-mines, while, among special clays, there is a considerable production of china and potter's clays in Cornwall, Devonshire and Dorsetshire.
Coal-mines alone occupied 643,654, and to development in this direction the total increase is chiefly due.
There are extensive coal-mines in the vicinity; and the city includes various manufactures.
The proximity of coal-mines, the abundance and variety of food supplies furnished by the state, the great quantity and variety of the city's manufactured goods, the excellent shipping facilities, and the consequent low cost of living, are prominent features of the physical life of the city.
It lies in the centre of the coal-mines district and has extensive foundries and ironworks.
The iron industry, on the other hand, is of great antiquity, but it is hampered by the entire absence of coal mines in the country.
Anzin is the centre of important coal-mines of the Valenciennes basin belonging to the Anzin Company, the formation of which dates to 1717.
Metal industries, at first limited to the Basque Provinces, particularly around Bilbao, have spread to Asturias, Almeria, Galicia, near the great ore beds and in the vicinity of many coal mines.
Before 1892 Mr Chamberlain had the satisfaction of seeing Lord Salisbury's ministry pass such important acts, from a progressive point of view, as those dealing with Coal Mines Regulation, Allotments, County Councils, Housing of the Working Classes, Free Education and Agricultural Holdings, besides Irish legislation like the Ashbourne Act, the Land Act of 1891, and the Light Railways and Congested Districts Acts.
It is situated on the Crow's Nest branch of the Canadian Pacific railway, at the junction of Coal Creek with the Elk river, and owes its importance to the extensive coal mines in its vicinity.
The town possesses large ironworks, coal-mines, rolling-mills, zinc smelting-works, railway workshops and manufactures of wire-rope, glass, chemicals, porcelain and soap. The first houses of Oberhausen were built in 1845, and it received its municipal character in 1874.
The prisoners are kept at labour principally in the state coal-mines, in manufacturing coke, on farms, or at contract labour within the prison walls; not more than 199 prisoners are to be leased to any one firm or corporation, or to be employed in any one business within the walls.
In the neighbourhood are stone quarries and coal mines.
Iron and coal mines are worked in the vicinity.
Thomas realized that this furnace could work at Ynyscedwyn, thus allowing him to use the hard coal called anthracite from local coal mines.
Engines fuelled by methane biogas or gases from old coal mines normally cease to function if the methane concentration drops below 40 per cent.
Go to TOP coal mines The coal mining area is in the center of the basin.
Go to TOP Coal mines The coal mines The coal mining area is in the center of the basin.
This line runs through a district which formerly had ironworks, coal mines and explosives factories and associated ports.
Extensive coal mines are in the vicinity, and there are manufactures of iron and steel, mill machinery, door and sash factories, &c., as well as several shipbuilding yards.
Since 1808, mainly through the development of its coal mines (see Pittston, Pa.), the valley has made remarkable progress both in wealth and in population.
The rapid advance of Belgium in industrial and manufacturing prosperity, due largely to the stimulus of William's personal initiative, did nothing to bring north and south together, but rather increased their rivalry and jealousy, for the Dutch provinces had neither manufactures nor ironand coal-mines, but were dependent on agriculture and sea-borne commerce for their welfare.
The coolies are employed chiefly on the sugar, coffee, cotton and other plantations, a small proportion being employed in the coal-mines.
Moreover, the development of its coal-mines and agriculture was vigorously prosecuted, and in 1910 it was found possible to abolish both the Income Tax and Land Tax and yet have a surplus in revenue.
Mining laws have proved chiefly serviceable in securing the introduction of efficient ventilation, the use of safety-lamps, and of proper explosives, to lessen the danger from fire-damp and coal-dust in the coal-mines, the inspection of machinery for hoisting and haulage, and prevention of accidents due to imperfection in design or in working the machinery.
Adjoining the town on the south is the village of Oberwaldenburg, pop. (1905) 475 8, with a château and some coal mines.
For example, coal mines can damage the ecological structure of the mountains.
In Pennsylvania, waste coal and methane from coal mines are defined by the state as renewable energy sources and eligible for the same tax breaks, funding, and government support as solar cells and wind turbines.