Co-operative Sentence Examples
Co-operative dairies are numerous.
The future uses of the adjacent Co-operative department store will be included in the design study.
The co-operative system plays an important part in the industries of butter-making, poultry-farming and the rearing of swine.
In the spring of 1890 he presided over the Co-operative Congress, but with a view to the impending political campaign he found it necessary to resign the chairmanship of the county council in June.
To aid the free circulation of money and facilitate trade, the government grants subsidies for the establishment of co-operative warehouse companies with bonded warehouses.
This will need co-operative effort as described in the account of Solomon's House in the New Atlantis.
By reason of the co-operative effort demanded for the large problems of irrigation, packing and marketing, the citrus industry has done much for the permanent development of the state, and its extraordinary growth made it, towards the close of the 19th century, the most striking and most potent single influence in the growth of agriculture.
In addition he edited American History told by Contemporaries (4 vols., 1898-1901), and Source Readers in American History (4 vols., 1901-1903), and two co-operative histories of the United States, the Epochs of American History series (3 small text-books), and, on a much larger scale, the American Nation series (27 vols., 1903-1907); he also edited the American Citizen series.
He married in 1892 Miss Beatrice Potter, herself a writer on economics and sociology, the author of The Co-operative Movement in Great Britain (1891)(1891) and a contributor to Charles Booth's Life and Labour of the People (1891-1903).
A co-operative social economy is evidenced by the traces of great public works, such as canals many miles in length.
AdvertisementTimothy was grown in the northern, and alfalfa in the southern region as a forage crop. Even at this earliest period, irrigation, simple and individual, had begun in the southern section, the head waters of the few streams in this district being soon surrounded by farms. Co-operation and colonization followed, and more ditching was done, co-operative irrigation canals were constructed with some elaborate and large dams and head gates.
Thus the great enterprises of to-day are co-operative - the Cambridge Modern History, Lavisse and Rambaud's Histoire generale, or Lavisse's Histoire de France, like Hunt and Poole's Political History of England, and Oncken's Allgemeine Geschichte in Einzeldarstellungen.
Besides, the tendency of applying a formula of this sort to history is to assume that the elements are developed in a certain regular or necessary order, whereas this may not at all be the case; but we may find at any epoch the whole mixed, either crossing or co-operative, as in the consciousness of the individual himself.
Its standards have also been upheld with varying success in great co-operative undertakings, such as the Dictionary of National Biography, the Cambridge Modern History, and Messrs Longmans Political History of England.
The experiment of leasing them to the workers on co-operative lines has been tried unsuccessfully.
AdvertisementA new stimulus was given to agriculture by the encouragement which King Alexander personally extended to the establishment of rural co-operative associations on the Raiffeisen principles.
The total number of agricultural co-operative societies exceeded 500 in 1910; each has its tribunal (Conseil des Prud'hommes), which arbitrates in disputes; and all together, with the state-aided Cooperative Caisse, which lends money to the smaller societies, form a single great organization known as the General Union.
Agricultural societies have been established for the purchase of seed, implements, &c., on co-operative lines and of these there are 150, with a membership of some 14,000.
There are many equally beneficial societies, framed on different lines, existing in Germany, France, Russia and Switzerland, but they are mainly co-operative bodies instituted for the general benefit of members, who are without exception either bee-keepers on a more or less extensive scale, or scientists interested in the study of insect life.
Many co-operative dairies have persisted since the early days of farmers' granges.
AdvertisementMaury attempted to organize co-operative meteorological work on land, but the government did not at this time take any steps in this direction.
These ethical values can be found in many forms of organization, but they are particularly cogent and undeniable within Co-operative enterprises.
The Co-operative store also includes a drapery, hardware and grocery department, which even sells branded names that have been long forgotten.
Among those who welcomed the Duke was Malawian sugar farmer Brian Namata from the farmers ' co-operative which supplies Traidcraft with fairly traded sugar.
Jigsaw Co-operative limited is a company limited by guarantee with all assets held in common.
AdvertisementThe co-operative way runs counter to the merger mania inherent in global capitalism.
How did the social insects become so co operative?
Despite our open and co-operative relationships with many other countries in the world, we remain jealously protective of our position and affluence.
The weather was co-operative and it certainly seemed that the first two-day regatta was most successful.
However, live role-playing is a co-operative hobby; the more effort made by all attendees, the better the event for everyone.
The Co-operative Group is one of only 2 retailers who electrically stun all of their UK sourced farmed fish.
Swill Feeding The Co-operative Group was ahead of legislation in banning swill Feeding The Co-operative Group was ahead of legislation in banning swill from animal feed for animals reared for Co-op Brand products.
In the UK for example, the sector as a whole consistently undervalues the enormous contribution made over the years by the co-operative movement.
The private sector performance in co-operative ventures has also not reached the desired level in some of the economic sectors.
In Alsace-Lorraine German-speaking immigrants are gradually displacing, under 1 Schemes of thinkers, like William Penn's European Parliament (1693); the Abbe St Pierre's elaboration (c. 1700) of Henry IV.'s " grand design " (see supra); Jeremy Bentham's International Tribunal (1786-1789); Kant's Permanent Congress of Nations and Perpetual Peace (1796); John Stuart Mill's Federal Supreme Court; Seeley's, Bluntschli's, David Dudley Field's, Professor Leone Levi's, Sir Edmund Hornby's co-operative schemes for promoting law and order among nations, have all contributed to popularizing in different countries the idea of a federation of mankind for the preservation of peace.
Kayonza is a co-operative of 4,000 smallholder growers - 14% of whom are women.
At this temperature there will be a composition which solidifies at a single temperature through the co-operative growth of the two solid phases.
Swill Feeding The Co-operative Group was ahead of legislation in banning swill from animal feed for animals reared for Co-op Brand products.
It includes the trades unions, pensioners ' organizations, the Labor Party, the Co-operative movement and the Communist Party.
Children learn how to be co-operative and how to show compassion toward other people.
It follows in much the same kind of format, but it adds in the ability for up to four players to participate in simultaneous co-operative play.
The downside is if you make one, you won't be able to take part in any co-operative activities.
The co-op patch can then be downloaded for free and it will allow you to participate in a two-player online co-operative Scenario Campaign Mode.
Lego Star Wars features a single-player mode and a 2-player co-operative play mode.
He tags along with Sonic in the single player mode and could even be controlled by a second player for a sort of primitive co-operative mode.
It is to her that the Principles of Philosophy were dedicated; and in her alone, according to Descartes, were united those generally separated talents for metaphysics and for mathematics which are so characteristically co-operative in the Cartesian system.
Co-operative dairy farms are numerous in north Italy, and though only about half as many as in 1889 (114 in 1902) are better organized.
Mutual benefit and co-operative societies serve the purpose of working-class defence or offence against the employers.
More numerous are the agricultural and viticultural co-operative societies, which have largely increased in number.
The richest, however, of the co-operative societies, though few in number, are those for the production of electricity, for textile industries and for ceramic and glass manufactures.
The co-operative spirit of the Great Russians shows itself in another sphere in the artel, which has been a prominent feature of Russian life since the dawn of history.
These artels are recruited only on personal acquaintance with the candidates for membership. Co-operative societies have also been organized by several zemstvos.
In the subsequent years the principle, which had already made great progress in Ireland, began to obtain a hold in England and Wales, where, in 1906, there were 145 local co-operative societies with a turn-over of £350,000.
The interception by the state of the unearned increment, and the promotion of co-operative agriculture, were the most striking features in his programme.
By means of his trade union, co-operative society or club he may gain some experience in the management of men and business, and in so far as the want of a sufficient income does not constitute an insuperable difficulty, he may share in the public life of the country.
Lassalle held that the co-operative schemes of SchulzeDelitzsch on the principle of " self-help " were utterly inadequate, for the obvious reason that the working classes were destitute of capital.
The various charity and benevolent institutions are closely bound together on a co-operative basis by the agency of the associated charities.
In 1907 he was president of the co-operative cor1gress at Cremona.
Dominated by the rule of blood relationship, the Indians regulated all co-operative activities on this basis.
Their weapons were all individual, not one co-operative device of offence being known among them, although they understood fortification.
Adjoining Edwardsville is the co-operative village Leclaire (unincorporated), with the factory of the N.O.
Most of these are co-operative, their shareholders being the farmers themselves.
But more important than private and co-operative undertakings are the Federal irrigation projects.
This was to be effected by the establishment of "social workshops," a sort of combined co-operative society and trade-union, where the workmen in each trade were to unite their efforts for their common benefit.
The first banking currency in Kentucky was issued in 1802 by a co-operative insurance company established by Mississippi Valley traders.
The industry is largely carried on by co-operative associations of farmers.
He was a staunch supporter of the co-operative movement.
He now founded "St George's Guild," himself contributing £7000, the object of which was to form a model industrial and social movement, to buy lands, mills and factories, and to start a model industry on co-operative or Socialist lines.
Partly co-operative with James Thorne and at his death independently, the Church was favoured with the influence of Frederick William Bourne.
The husbandry was of a co-operative character.
The prevalence of the co-operative principle, it may be observed, was doubtless due in large measure to the fact that the greater part of England, especially towards the east, was settled not in scattered farms or hamlets but in compact villages with the cultivated lands lying round them.
For not only was the husbandry co-operative, as in much later times, but apparently the ploughlands were changed from year to year without any recognition of a two-course or threecourse system.
He looked rather to the extension of the co-operative principle and to sanitary reform for the amelioration of the condition of the people than to any radical political change.
All this means that the execution of natural movements employs simultaneous co-operative activity of a number of points in the motor fields on both sides of the brain together.
Besides furnishing technical and general information as to the carrying on of dairying operations, the government has established and maintained illustration cheese factories and creameries in different places for the purpose of introducing the best methods of co-operative dairying in both the manufacturing and shipping of butter and cheese.
Typical of the city is the great building of the Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Institution, a concern established by Brigham Young in 1868 - there are several large factories connected with it, and its annual sales average more than $5,000,000.