Clumsily Sentence Examples
She blocked clumsily at first but ordered herself not to look weak in front of such a man and focused hard.
This genus contains a few clumsily built rats spread over Southern Asia from Palestine to Formosa, and from Kashmir to Ceylon (see Bandicoot-Rat).
Most are clumsily done and obvious fakes, though occasionally one is crafted in a way that seems somewhat plausible.
What is said of this affair interrupts the original context of chap. xviii., to which the insertion has been clumsily fitted by an interpolation in the second half of ver.
The angel darted forward and clumsily took Hannah's arms. Katie helped him stabilize Hannah then watched them walk away. Rhyn stared at his mate, heart beating fast. Of all the words in his head, none of them made it to his tongue.
With one last look at the river, she turned away and climbed the bank clumsily before heading towards the road leading from the bridge to her home.
The tombs were rebuilt, and the whole of the injured part of the church restored, mostly very clumsily, a few years after the fire.
Moreover, the Arthurian story was the popular story of the day, and Tristan did not belong to the magic circle, though he was ultimately introduced, somewhat clumsily, it must be admitted, within its bounds.
The group, which had evidentl y been clumsily led, took up a position between the Kiri and the Lake of Scutari, some 3,000 yd.
But however clumsily he may have handled his material, he has produced a work which is even nowadays rightly valued as the first systematic exposition of Catholic belief.
AdvertisementBut just when he was clumsily creeping toward the door, that dreadful something on the other side was already pressing against it and forcing its way in.
She made her way clumsily through one episode and then watched as his long fingers moved gracefully over the keys.
Reindeer, or caribou, constitute the genus Rangifer, and are large clumsily built deer, inhabiting the sub-Arctic and Arctic regions of both hemispheres.
The takin, which may be compared in size to a Kerry cow, is a clumsily built brute with yellowish-brown hair and curiously curved horns, which recall those of the South African white-tailed gnu.
The young man in his clattering chains stepped clumsily to the spot indicated, holding away with one finger the coat collar which chafed his neck, turned his long neck twice this way and that, sighed, and submissively folded before him his thin hands, unused to work.