Clump Sentence Examples
Its lofty site is now marked by a clump of trees.
They hiked around a clump of cedar and then they were there.
She handed Ed a clump of hay and he delicately plucked it from her fingers.
At the south-eastern extremity of Tunisia there is a clump of mountainous country, the wind-and-water-worn fragments of an ancient plateau, which for convenience may be styled the Matmata table-land.
He dodged the spray of dry earth and stared at the clump that fell at his feet.
It's best to stir the pasta for the first minute or two as it cooks or it will clump up.
Putting them in the washer can cause the "fur" to clump together and can mess up the electronic components in the left glove.
Fish oil makes the platelets slip against each other so they can't adhere or clump.
How long will your little princess be able to clump up to front porches in those fancy Cinderella slippers?
Actually a clump of networked sites that work together, there is over sixty options depending on the type of dating, relationship or interests you have.
AdvertisementMoreover, for individuals who suffer from hair loss, adding gel to a super short hair cut can cause the hair to clump and reveal larger portions of the scalp.
A clump of purple and blue irises and their spiky green leaves growing at the edge of Monet's pond in his garden at Giverny.
These plants seem to be forming a very nice clump, with flowers at about 4 feet high.
While it may be easy to clump all of the Verizon smartphones together as one collective unit, they are not the same device.
The top scales flake off easily and often, but those beneath the surface of the skin clump together.
AdvertisementYou will know it curdles when the milk solids clump together and separate from the watery, greenish whey.
The blade came to a jolting halt against the thick clump.
When on the ground, to pass from one clump of trees to another, they do not run on all fours, but stand erect, The Crowned Sifaka (Propithecus diadema coronatus).
In brains affected by PD, proteins that are not broken down properly clump together inside brains affected by PD, proteins that are not broken down properly clump together inside brain cells.
Use an isolated clump, in a pot, or for screening.
AdvertisementIf you suffer from dry lips where standard lipstick tends to streak or clump, this is the lip product for you!
If the mascara appears to clump, work a toothpick between individual lashes.
This will remove any dead skin from your lips that might clump the lipstick.
Few plants surpass a strong, well-flowered clump of Hemerocallis fulva, as we have seen it, mixed with a group of male Fern near a brook.
The great mistake with a bulb like this is to have two or three, or even a dozen, in a clump.
AdvertisementIn the case of a dwarf bulb of this kind flowering so early, a handlight or bell-glass is simply placed over the clump on the approach of a storm, taking the cover off when all danger is past.
Since the flowers come before the leaves grow tall, it makes a good pot plant, and a well-grown clump is a charming addition to the Christmas table.
A clump placed in rich garden soil gathers strength from year to year, and when well established is a beautiful object.
If you find worms or saprophytic fungi -- a network of fine, white threads in a clump of compost - that is a sign that your compost pile is "working" nicely.
In walls, it may clump or travel, leaving some areas with only thin insulation or none at all.
If you add fresh clippings, you're likely to end up with an odor problem because they'll clump together and start to generate an odor before they begin to decompose.
It is seen as a clump of wire-like leaves, a few feet in diameter, surrounding a stem, hardly thicker than a walking-stick, rising to a height of Jo or 12 ft.
Faringdon House, close to the church, was built by Henry James Pye (1745-1813), poet laureate from 1790 to 1813, who also caused to be planted the conspicuous group of fir-trees on the hill east of the town called Faringdon Clump, or locally (like other similar groups) the Folly.
The hairs are multicellular, and of two kinds, one branching and ending in a fine point, while the other, unbranched, terminates in a clump of small cells.
The leg wound from Shipton's flailing ice ax had been an eight-stitcher of no permanent consequence but the clump of frozen mountain Dean caught on the head kept him fuzzy and blurred his vision for a day and a half, necessitating the stay.
He jabbed the fork into a clump of scrambled eggs and started eating.
Dead, microscopic algae will clump together into particles large enough to be removed by filtration.
The original cast iron bandstand was erected in 1885 in a position now marked by a clump of rhododendron.
Pull straight up to finish just right of a large clump of heather.
The four successful eLib pilot clump projects started in January 1998.
Masses of beautiful large white daisy like flowers all summer, from an attractive clump of dark green deeply toothed shaped leaves.
We have early hyacinth and a small clump of snowdrops, which are beautiful too.
This precaution is necessary because wheatgerm contains lectin, which can potentially cause red blood cells to clump.
Tie in a large clump of black marabou on top of the hook shank behind the eye to form a wing.
Lancing Clump could just about be seen above the low-lying mist.
The clump of trees beyond the old barn indicate the site of the medieval moat.
Then, with a deft swing he sent him crashing into a clump of tall nettles, which closed receptively round him.
The control of the heartbeat starts with a small clump of muscle cells in the upper right chamber, called the sinoatrial node.
With short rhizomes this plant will form a good sized clump in a few years.
The plant usually remains solitary in habitat, but will clump slowly in cultivation.
As I neared the clump of lemon grass, I saw two huge vipers, probably 8ft each, lying in the sun.
Using the trowel, scoop out a clump of mortar from the middle of the bed.
Most lawn tractors cut the grass down fine enough that as it piles to the right of the tractor it won't clump.
This way you can remove either the feces or urine as a litter clump and never have to deal with it again.
Some owners fear that the cat may ingest the clay while grooming, and it will clump in the stomach or impact the lungs.
Most people prefer the clumping clay litter because it forms a hard clump when wet, and it's easier to clean out.
This does not clump, but it is more inexpensive than the clumping type.
Place the ice cubes and mint leaves in a glass, with the mint leaves against the wall of the glass so they can be seen easily and don't clump.
You'll spend a little more, but it's worth it for mascara that doesn't clump, flake or run when wet.
A natural process in which blood cells and fibrin strands clump together to stop bleeding after a blood vessel has been injured.
On its inner surface the longitudinal canal is adpressed to the lateral bloodvessel, and gives off a number of small, blind caeca or tags, each of which ends in a small clump of cells.
The 2nd and 4th Austrian corps found themselves all at once threatened in flank and rear by heavy masses of Prussian infantry, the leading brigades of the crown prince's army, and they began to withdraw towards the centre of their position in ordered brigade masses, apparently so intent on keeping their men in hand that they seem never to have noticed the approach of the Prussian reserve artillery of the Guard which (under Prince Kraft zu Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen) was straining forward over heavy soil and through standing corn towards their point of direction, a clump of trees close to the tower of the church of Chlum.
A sense of familiarity hit her as they neared a clump of rocks.