Clouded Sentence Examples
His eyes clouded with belated concern and his voice lost its edge.
Kiera found she truly was happy for her, though her own happiness was clouded by a sense of sadness and yearning.
Black spots clouded her vision as she grabbed the receiver, and then she fell.
The general's face clouded, his lips quivered and trembled.
Kris's features clouded, and Gabriel suspected it was because Kris had been with his current lover, Jade, for hundreds of years.
Tears stung her eyes and clouded her thoughts.
Her early years were clouded by the execution of the duc de Montmorency, her mother's only brother, for intriguing against Richelieu in 1631, and that of her mother's cousin the comte de Montmorency-Boutteville for duelling in 1635; but her parents made their peace with Richelieu, and being introduced into society in 1635 she soon became one of the stars of the Hotel Rambouillet, at that time the centre of all that was learned, witty and gay in France.
When he comes to the point where his memory has been clouded by Hagen's spells, Hagen restores his memory with another magic potion.
From this time, with the exception of brief intervals, his mind was completely clouded, and the duties of government were undertaken by his brother William (afterwards emperor), who on the 7th of October 1858 was formally recognized as regent.
When she was told of the surrender of the brave little people, her face clouded and she was silent a few minutes.
AdvertisementShe added that Her Majesty had deigned to show Baron Funke beaucoup d'estime, and again her face clouded over with sadness.
His term of office was clouded by the assassination of King Humbert (29th July 1900), and his administration was brought to an end in February 1901 by a vote of the chamber condemning his weak attitude towards a great dock strike at Genoa.
Siena exulted in her recovered freedom; but her sunshine was soon clouded.
This step was the beginning of the troubles which clouded the closing years of Albert's reign.
After a very hot summer the bright weather changed to clouded skies on the 2nd of October, rain fell tempestuously the same evening, and there were showery days and nights till the 14th.
AdvertisementHe had married a wealthy Spanish lady named Therasia; this happy union was clouded by the death in infancy of their only child - a bereavement which, combined with the many disasters by which the empire was being visited, did much to foster in them that world-weariness to which they afterwards gave such emphatic expression.
Another variety has chocolate glaze, clouded with amber and flecked with gold dust.
Massenbach's influence clouded all the Prussian operations.
His last years were clouded by the death of his daughter at the hands of her husband, the duc de Praslin.
The inscription on the portico states that it was erected by him during his third consulship. His friendship with Augustus seems to have been clouded by the jealousy of his father-in-law Marcellus, which was probably fomented by the intrigues of Livia, the second wife of Augustus, who feared his influence with her husband.
AdvertisementThere were no children by the marriage, his own health was failing, and the remainder of his life appears to have been clouded by solitude and dejection.
The clouded tiger or rimau bulu (Felis macroscelis) is also known, as well as the Malay bear and wild dog.
It requires an effort for us, under our clouded skies, to realize in some degree the intensity of that impression.
The result was that Carlyle was too often judged by his defects, and regarded as a selfish and eccentric misanthrope with flashes of genius, rather than as a man with many of the highest qualities of mind and character clouded by constitutional infirmities.
Lowell's mother meanwhile was living, sometimes at home, sometimes at a neighbouring hospital, with clouded mind, and his wife was in frail health.
AdvertisementA small panther and the clouded tiger (so called) - Fe/is macroscelis- are the largest animals of the cat kind that occur in Borneo.
His later years were clouded with many sorrows and disappointments; his relations with Governor Joseph Dudley were unfriendly; he lost much of his former prestige in the Church - his own congregation dwindled - and in the college; his uncle John Cotton was expelled from his 8 8 4 _ Mather, Increase charge in the Plymouth Church; his son Increase turned out a ne'er-do-well; four of his children and his second wife died in November 1713; his wife's brothers and the husbands of his sisters were ungodly and violent men; his favourite daughter Katherine, who "understood Latin and read Hebrew fluently," died in 1716; his third wife went mad in 1719; his personal enemies circulated incredible scandals about him; and in 1724-1725 he saw a Liberal once more preferred to him as a new president of Harvard.
Beardless and shrivelled, writes Sir John Malcolm, it resembled that of an aged and wrinkled woman, and the expression of his countenance, at no time pleasant, was horrible when clouded, as it very often was, with indignation.
For a time things went well enough with the expedition; Emin occupied the important town of Tabora on the route from the coast to Tanganyika and established the post of Bukoba on Victoria Nyanza, but by degrees ill-fortune clouded its prospects.
Bears are common, and so are a marten, several weasels and otters, and cats of various kinds and sizes, from the little spotted Felis bengalensis, smaller than a domestic cat, to animals like the clouded leopard rivalling a leopard in size.
A false accusation of complicity in an assassination, and the intrigues of members of his own Company, clouded his last months, and on the 18th of July 1697 he passed away.
Clear amber is found beside the Buzeu and its affluents, with brown and grey clouded amber, and a blue fluorescent variety, of considerable value.
Sixtus soon abandoned his universal policy in order to concentrate attention on Italian politics, and the admirable energy which he had shown at first was clouded by the favours which he now heaped upon unworthy relations.
In 1866 his life became clouded by the circumstances which led him to abandon the institution so long the scene of his labours.
The marriage, only accepted by Wilhelmina under threats from her father and with a view to lightening her brother's disgrace, proved at the outset a happy one, though it was clouded at first by narrow means, and afterwards by the infidelities of the future margrave with Dorothea von Marwitz, whose ascendancy at the court of Baireuth was bitterly resented by Frederick the Great, and caused an estrangement of some three years between Wilhelmina and the brother she so devotedly loved.
The bright prospects thus opening up were clouded by the death of Radama at the age of thirty-six, and the seizure of the royal authority by one of his wives, the Princess Ranavalona.
This cat, often called the clouded tiger, is beautifully marked, and has an elongated head and body, long tail and rather short limbs.
Little is known of the habits of the clouded leopard, but it preys on small mammals and birds, and rarely comes to the ground.
There was no bloodlust, but rather a longing that gripped him and clouded his thoughts.
Contents Winter Clouded with snow The bleak winds blow, And shrill on leafless bough The robin with its burning breast Alone sings now.
Just after this display a clouded yellow butterfly appeared, the first of the year for both John and me.
We had a number of days during the tour which began clear but soon clouded up; today remained virtually cloudless all day.
However, the introduction of CFC-free inhalers has clouded the issue.
They hunt at dusk and at night, filling a similar niche to the clouded leopards of Southeast Asia.
They take the cataract out through a tiny slit at the edge of the sac that contains the clouded lens.
He had what Johnson called " a very ticklish mind ", one clouded by severe depression.
You might have to wait until Autumn to see one of the loveliest migrant butterflies, the clouded yellows, the Monarch.
Some such as Clouded yellow, Large white, Small white, Red admiral and Painted lady can fly here from abroad.
His life had been clouded from infancy by an ardent yearning for the maternal love he had never known.
Hughes' addition to All My Children was clouded by speculation and controversy, and even before her first scene aired, rumors ran rampant.
No one else would attempt to catch rays with the clouded sky and massive storm clouds in the distance!
Kris's normally iced features clouded, his violet eyes going green as he thought.
The early part of the reign of Aurelius was clouded by national misfortunes.
The son noticed that an expression of profound sorrow suddenly clouded his mother's face, and he smiled slightly.