Closing Sentence Examples
The memories were closing in on him again.
I felt like everything was closing in around me.
The sound of the door closing sounded like the sealing of her fate.
While I detested closing our nine month incredible relationship on so sour a note, I felt the decision was his.
Closing the door she glanced around the town - what there was of it.
The sound of a door closing and muffled voices outside the door were followed by silence.
The Deans entered her quarters, closing the door behind them.
He's closing the case, and the open case on her husband's fall as well.
He felt the pressure of the underground again, as if the world was closing in on him.
You were supposed to marry Claire … She went on, closing her eyes as she repeated everything from the memories of others.
AdvertisementShe replayed the home videos, closing her eyes and focusing.
This felt like another of his tests or maybe, his way of closing another door.
They were just finishing dressing when Dean heard a sound, the door closing directly above, in Fred's room.
He forced them into her hand, closing her fingers.
Carmen shrugged at Katie's questioning look, and stepped through the door, closing it against prying ears.
AdvertisementDean was closing up his desk when Harrigan called.
She waited until Yancey came back in, but he only locked the door to the office and left, closing the door to the building.
Closing her eyes for a few precious moments, she breathed deeply and let her breath out in a long, relaxing sigh.
Closing her eyes against the bright sunlight, she absorbed its warmth.
Several minutes stretched into ten or more with neither of us closing our eyes.
AdvertisementWith extreme trepidation, I complied, closing the door behind me.
He changed into all black and strapped a sword to his back before closing his eyes and envisioning the interior of NOVA Sector.
He sliced his forearm and tucked the knife beneath his pillow once more, closing his eyes.
She pushed his chin aside with more force and kissed his neck before closing her eyes and letting her fangs sink into him.
I'm closing the doors around you, until there's only one that's open.
AdvertisementClosing her eyes, she leaned back, quickly sucking in a breath as his warm hands moved inside her dress and gently surrounded her waist.
She snatched her pillow off the bed and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.
She hugged her knees to her chest and rested her cheek on one knee, closing her eyes.
She whirled away and crossed to the Oracle's book, closing it after his failed attempt to see Rhyn's fate.
She pushed her door open and scanned the room before entering and closing it fast.
Kiki obeyed and left, closing the door behind him.
As he was closing the drapes, he glanced outside.
There is much in the newspapers about closing the saloons and dance halls and even taking away the slot machines.
The business didn't stop, although there was a lot of talk in the newspapers about closing down all the bars and clubs.
She turned and began pushing them out of the room and closing the door.
He left, closing the ill-fitting door behind him.
She tucked it at her waist and rose, closing the trunk.
Gods, but he could smell her sweet scent! Her large eyes seemed to see right through him. He feared reaching out, in case she slid through his fingers like smoke. He'd lost her in life; he wasn't going to risk losing her in his dreams. He could imagine closing the distance between them, sweeping her up into his arms, and making love to her on the beach.
Before Gibbons was out of sight, Dean slumped to the ground, with a look on his face that mirrored both of their disappointment that the man they were pursuing was now aware the two-man posse was closing in.
She leaned her head back, closing her eyes and smiling with the pure pleasure of the moment.
She nodded again before closing her eyes and Traveling back to Jonny's.
He tugged her inside and ducked into one of the dimly lit single-room rooms, closing the door behind him.
She giggled and turned to the dresser, closing the jewelry box lid.
He approached, closing the distance between them with a few slow strides.
She whirled again, this time slamming the dagger into the opening between the door and frame, just above a hinge, to keep it from closing.
There were no sounds, no sights underground, no sensations aside from the scent of his own fear and the feeling of earth closing in around him.
She laid the phone on the tombstone and knelt beside her mother's grave, closing her eyes.
He sighed and leaned his head back, closing his eyes.
The dog plunged from the forest as she dodged the closing screen door.
Closing her eyes, she turned her face up to the shower.
She dropped into a chair and leaned her head back, closing her eyes.
She strode to the door and left, closing it behind her.
I'm closing the discussion.
The leader stopped and faced her, his buddies closing in behind her.
The soft click of the door closing announced Jessi and Brandon.
During the closing years of exile he was on intimate terms with the historian Polydore Vergil, and one of his last acts was to arrange to give Polydore a corrected version of Major's account of Scottish affairs.
This produces an opening and closing of the edges symmetrically with respect to the telescope axis.
It has also been conferred during the closing years of the 19th century by letters patent on other cities - Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol, Sheffield, Leeds, Cardiff, Bradford, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Belfast, Cork.
Many Anglican bishops (amongst them the archbishop of York and most of his suffragans) felt so doubtful as to the wisdom of such an assembly that they refused to attend it, and Dean Stanley declined to allow Westminster Abbey to be used for the closing service, giving as his reasons the partial character of the assembly, uncertainty as to the effect of its measures and "the presence of prelates not belonging to our Church."
Another disturbing influence has been the high protective tariffs, adopted during the closing years of the century, which increased the costs of living more rapidly than the wages for labour, and compelled thousands of immigrants to seek employment elsewhere.
Manufacturing enterprise in Argentina, favoured by the protection of a high tariff, made noticeable progress in the national capital during the closing years of the last century, especially in those small industries which commanded a secure market.
In the twelve years' rule of General Macquarie, closing with 1821, the colony made a substantial advance.
According to some accounts he was unconscious ` of the disastrous events that took place during the closing months of his life.
Down to the closing decades of the 19th century hydraulic power was practically the only system available for working cranes from a power station.
Screw adjustments are provided for closing or opening the air gap between the electromagnets and armatures, for raising or lowering the siphon, and for adjusting the point of the siphon to the centre or side of the paper strip. The received signals are recorded on the paper strip in an undulating continuous line of ink, and are distinguished by the length of deviation from zero.
If a battery on the mainland is connected through a key with the shore end of the main cable, and a speaking galvanometer is in circuit with the short cable crossing the Fastnet rock, then closing or opening the battery connexion will create a deflection of the galvanometer.
The principal reasons for the general decrease are the fall in prices through foreign competition and the closing of certain markets, the diseases of plants and the increased outlay required to combat them, and the growth of State and local taxation.
The large predominance of imports over exports after 1884 was a result of the falling off of the export trade in live stock, olive oil and wine, on account of the closing of the French market, while the importation of corn from Russia and the Balkan States increased considerably.
More questionable was Josephs policy in closing and confiscating the property of 213 of the richer monasteries of the land.
The closing of the French market to Sicilian produce, the devastation wrought by the phylloxera and the decrease of the sulphur trade had combined to produce in Sicily a discontent of which Socialist agitators took advantage to organize the workmen of the towns and the peasants of the country into groups known as fasci.
Plug closing the opening outer capsule.
To sum up, the entocodon is a precocious formation of the umbrella, closing over to protect the organs in the umbrellar cavity.
The horrors of war and of religious persecution, and the consequent emigration or expulsion of its inhabitants, had wrecked the prosperity of Ghent, the recovery of which was made impossible by the closing of the Scheldt.
As a secondary function we may recognize, in certain cases, the power of closing wounds, which results from the rapid coagulation of exuded latex in contact with the air.
The opening and closing of the stomata is the result of variation in the turgidity 01 their guard cells, which is immediately affected by the condition of turgidity of the cells of the epidermis contiguous to them.
Many instances might be given of appreciation of and response to other changes in the environment by the growing parts of plants; among them we may mention the opening and closing of flowers during the days of their expansion.
Similar turgescence changes, taking place with similar rapidity in the midrib of the leaf of Dionaea, explainthe closing of the lobes upon their hinge.
Sir David Brewster modified his apparatus by moving the object-box and closing the end of the tube by a lens of short focus which forms images of distant objects at the distance of distinct vision.
During the closing years of the 19th century great numbers of Germans flocked into the industrial governments of Poland, namely, Piotrkow, Warsaw and Kalisz.
By closing Lubeck Valdemar had German trade and the German over-seas settlements entirely at his mercy.
The closing years of the Judaean kingdom and the final destruction of the temple (586 B.C.) shattered the Messianic ideals cherished in the evening of Isaiah's lifetime and again in the opening years of the reign of Josiah.
He died at his home at Blechingdon in Oxfordshire on the 26th of April 1686, closing a career marked by great ability, statesmanship and business capacity, and by conspicuous courage and independence of judgment.
The more conservative members strongly opposed them as premature, whereupon Henry supported them in a speech familiar to the American school-boy for several generations following, closing with the words, "Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery ?
From the time of Hippocrates onwards the malarial or periodical fevers have engaged the attention of innumerable observers, who have suggested various theories of causation, and have sometimes anticipated - vaguely, indeed, but with surprising accuracy - the results of modern research; but the true nature of the disease remained in doubt until the closing years of the 19th century.
In the closing years of the century, Kano became the centre of resistance to British influence, and the emir, Alieu, was the most inveterate of Fula slave raiders.
A noteworthy feature of the closing decades of the 19th century was the formation of voluntary associations of stockbreeders, with the object of promoting the interests of the respective breeds of live stock.
A recrudescence of the disease marked the closing years of the 19th century, the outbreaks having been 748 in 1898, 853 in 1899 and 1119 in 1900.
When the middle and hinder regions of the blastopore are closing in, an equatorial ridge of ciliated cells is formed, converting the embryo into a typical trochosphere.
The men of Cadiz compelled the French warships to surrender, and the levies of Andalusia, closing around Dupont, compelled him and some 23,000 men to lay down their arms at Baylen (23rd of July).
Closing Years (from the second abdication, June 22nd 1815, to death).
His advocacy of temperance had much to do with securing the passing of the Forbes Mackenzie Act, which secured Sunday closing and shortened hours of sale for Scotland.
The palace as we now see it was begun about 1300 by Doge Pietro Gradenigo, who soon after the closing of the great council gave its permanent form to the Venetian constitution.
The, expansion of commerce which resulted from the Fourth Crusade soon made itself evident in the city by a rapid development in its architecture and by a decided strengthening of the commercial aristocracy, which eventually led to the great constitutional reform - the closing of the Maggior Consiglio in 1296, whereby Venice became a rigid oligarchy.
In the contests which followed there can be no doubt that the Palmyrene princes cherished the idea of an independent empire of their own, though they never threw over their allegiance to the Roman suzerain until the closing act of the drama.
Settlement days fall on Thursday, and the closing prices on the preceding Monday are taken as the basis of the settlement.
In much the same way, at a later date and in a lesser sphere, the closing of the traderoutes by the advance of the Ottoman Turks led traders to endeavour to find new channels, and issued in the rounding of the Cape of Good Hope and the discovery of America.
The average date of the opening and closing of navigation at the strait of Mackinac, where the ice remains longest, is the 17th of April and the 9th of January respectively.'
The closing of the traffic made the labour of the slaves more severe, and led to the employment on the plantations of many who before had been engaged in domestic work; but the slavery of Brazil had always been lighter than that of the United States.
After a time the sentence was partially recalled on the petition of her friends, and she was permitted to pass the closing years of her life on her own estate near Moscow, where she died on the 4th of January 1810.
The task of maintenance consists almost entirely in closing the gaps which occur when the banks on which the levees are built cave into the river.
An opposite tendency was that of the Aphthartodocetae or Phantasiastae, represented by Julian, bishop of Halicarnassus, and, in his closing days, by Justinian.
The next event of importance in the history of the Bahamas was the rise of the blockade-running trade, consequent on the closing of the southern ports of America by the Federals, in 1861.
The extraordinary difference between the normal trade of the islands and that due to blockade-running will be seen by comparing the imports and exports before the' closing of the southern ports in 1860 with those of 1864.
These religious sectaries attacked and plundered all Mussulmans not conforming to their peculiar tenets; they overran Kerbela and the Hejaz, sacking the holy cities and closing the pilgrim routes.
The Portuguese being in his rear, and Wellesley closing with him, the only good road of retreat available lay through Amarante, but he now learned that Beresford had taken this important point from Silveira; so he was then compelled, abandoning his guns and much baggage, to escape, with a loss of some s000 men, over the mountains of the Sierra Catalina to Salamonde, and thence to Orense.
Sir Robert Wilson with 4000 Portuguese from Salamanca, and a Spanish force under Venegas (25,000) from Carolina, were to co-operate and occupy Joseph, by closing upon Madrid.
The wars which ensued, the closing of continental ports against English trade, the occupation of the city after the disastrous battle of Jena, and pestilence within its walls brought about a severe commercial crisis and caused a serious decline in its prosperity.
Hancock, Gratiolet and others to be connected with the opening and closing of the valves, or with their attachment to or movements upon the peduncle.
The function of this pair of muscles is the closing of the valves.
The central and umbonal muscles effect the direct opening and closing of the shell, the laterals enable the valves to move forward and backward on each other, and the transmedians allow the similar extremities (the rostral) of the valves to turn from each other to the right or the left on an axis subcentrically situated, that is, the medio-transverse region of the dorsal valve.
The simple siphon is used by filling it with the liquid to be decanted, closing the longer limb with the finger and plunging the shorter into the liquid; and it must be filled for each time of using.
In regard to the poem which forms the third and closing chapter of the present book of Habakkuk, there is much more general agreement.
The closing verses strike that deep note of absolute dependence on God, which is the glory of the religion of the Old Testament and its chief contribution to the spirit of the Gospels.
From the beginning until about 1324 this work is based upon Adam Murimuth's Continuatio chronicarum, but after this date it is valuable and interesting, containing information not found elsewhere, and closing with a good account of the battle of Poitiers.
The closing months of Natal's existence as a separate colony thus found her peaceful and prosperous.
After the centuries of intellectual darkness which followed upon the closing of the philosophical schools in Athens (529),(529), and the death of Boetius, the last of the ancient philosophers, the first symptoms of renewed intellectual activity appear contemporaneously with the consolidation of the empire of the West in the hands of Charlemagne.
This step was the beginning of the troubles which clouded the closing years of Albert's reign.
With the drying up of this channel and the closing of Sandwich harbour in the 16th century, the present marshlands or level to the south and west of the isle were left.
To keep these in check, Gilbert de Clare, during the closing years of the reign of Henry III., built the castle of Caerphilly on the southern edge of this district, in a wide plain between the two rivers.
The coinage had not only been seriously debased during the closing years of the Tokugawa regime, but large quantities of paper currency had been issued and circulated, both by many of the feudal lords, and by the central government itself, as a temporary expedient for filling an impoverished exchequer.
His closing years were weakened by a severe fall he met with in 1657.
While abundant warning of the caving-in of the workings is thus given in advance it may happen that men are unexpectedly imprisoned by the closing of the main passage ways.
Impressed by the unsatisfactory positions in which the Allied troops found themselves on the peninsula, by the impossibility of their making any progress at their existing strength, and by the risks that the army ran in remaining on such shores without any safe harbour to depend upon for base in stormy weather, Monro, after examining the situation on the spot in the closing days of Oct., declared unhesitatingly for a complete withdrawal.
The closing scene of the battle was a half-hearted attack made by a body of fugitives, which led merely to the slaughter of the French prisoners, which was ordered by Henry because he had not enough men both to guard them and to meet the attack.
This mission enrolled a very large number of adherents drawn from the old Church, the Protestant Nestorians, and the UniatChaldeans, but it can hardly be said to have commenced any active work, although the Anglican mission withdrew from competition by closing its schools in the dioceses occupied by the Russians.
The Hanseatic embargo against Bruges from 1451 to 14J7, its later war and embargo against England, the Turkish advance closing the Italian Black Sea trade with southern Russia, all were utilized by Nuremberg and its fellows to secure a landtrade outside the sphere of Hanseatic influence.
The closing of the Novgorod counter in 1494 was due not only to the development of the Russian state but to the exclusive Hanseatic policy which had stimulated the opening of competing trade routes.
Although it had long been suspected that these insects were in some way connected with malaria and other diseases, while that the species now called Stegomyia calopus was the carrier of yellow fever had been asserted by Finlay as early as 1881, it was not until the closing years of the 19th century that the brilliant researches of Ross in India, and of Grassi and others in Italy, directed the attention of the whole civilized world to mosquitoes as the exclusive agents in the dissemination of malarial fever.
The sun shining, he fixed a round glass speculum (orbem e vitro) in a window-shutter, and then closing it the images of outside objects would be seen transmitted through the aperture on to the opposite wall, or better, a white paper screen suitably placed.
The closing years of the 17th century were characterized by a gradual transition from the agricultural to the commercial stage of civilization.
The economic transition of the later 17th century from the agricultural to the commercial regime was followed by a further transition to the manufacturing regime during the closing years of the 18th and the early years of the 19th centuries.
The war was very unpopular in Denmark, and the closing of the Sound against foreign shipping, in order to starve out Sweden, had exasperated the maritime powers and all the Baltic states.
In the closing years of Alexander's reign events in Poland cast their shadow before them, and in answer to political conspiracies Novosiltsov, formerly adviser to the Grand Duke Constantine as governor of Poland, upon his transfer to Lithuania initiated the persecution of liberal thought.
This closing prophecy may possibly be a later addition (so Marti) rounding off the prophetic canon by reference to the two great names of Moses and Elijah, and their characteristic activities.
His influence was enhanced by his personal appearance, which was so striking as to earn him the name of "Jupiter Carlyle"; and his autobiography (published 1860), though written in his closing years and not extending beyond the year 1770, is abundantly interesting as a picture of Scottish life, social and ecclesiastical, in the 18th century.
Closing one eye and looking vertically downwards with the other through a slip of plain glass, e.g.
Fabre states that the lastnamed insect uses a stone for the temporary closing of her burrow, and the Peckhams have seen a female Ammophila take a stone between her mandibles and use it as a hammer for pounding down the earth over her finished nest.
His first charge as primate on "Disputes in the Church" was felt to be a most powerful plea for a more catholic and a more charitable temper, and again and again during the closing years of his life he came back to this same theme.
The closing of the intermediate stage of the history of created things is committed to the Christ who will also be Lord of the age to come.
Such an attitude on the part of a Christian is not explicable before the closing years of Domitian; for, apart from Caligula, he was the first Roman emperor who consistently demanded divine honours.
Though a few later authorities, such as Epiphanius and Theophylact, assign the book to earlier or later periods, the main body of early Christian tradition attests the date of its composition in the closing years of Domitian.
In deep water the closing mechanism is usually actuated by a screw propeller which begins to work when the line is being hauled in and can be set so as to close the waterbottle in a very few fathoms. A small but heavy water-bottle has been devised by Martin Knudsen, provided with a pressure gauge or bathometer, by which samples may be collected from any moderate depth down to about roc fathoms, on board a vessel going at full speed.
On the 23rd of the same month he obtained a decree closing all the churches of Paris, and placing the priests under strict surveillance; but on the 25th he retraced his steps and obtained from the Commune the free exercise of worship. He wished to save the Hebertists by a new insurrection and struggled against Robespierre; but a revolutionary decree promulgated by the Commune on his demand was overthrown by the Convention.
Cape Town, being in the event of the closing of the Suez Canal on the main route of ships from Europe to the East, is of considerable strategic importance.
In the closing days of the first or Constituent Assembly, Talleyrand set forth (loth of September 1791) his ideas on national education.
It was probably these closing reflections which led to the translation of the theses from Latin into German, and their surprising circulation.
Persecution was revived by the Guises; Du Bourg, the brave defender of the Protestants, was burned as a heretic; yet Calvin could in the closing years of his life form a cheerful estimate that some three hundred thousand of his countrymen had been won over to his views.
Dale of Birmingham, the most influential Congregationalist in the closing decades of the 19th century, in whom lived afresh the high Congregationalism of the early Separatists.
The closing episode of the war as far as New York was concerned was the discovery of Benedict Arnold's attempt in 1780 to betray West Point and other colonial posts on the Hudson to the British.
Indeed, in the closing years of his life he produced some of his finest paintings, in which he set down with admirable truth the peculiar atmosphere and colour and teeming life of the boulevards, streets and bridges of Paris and Rouen.
These laws deal with truck, employers' liability, contractors' workmen, the recovery of workmen's wages, the hours of closing in shops and merchants' offices, conspiracy amongst trade unionists, and with factories, mines, shipping and seamen..
The term Cote des Dents continued in general use in France until the closing years of the 19th century.
Thenceforward his health declined, arid his closing years, surrounded by the love of friends and the esteem of all musicians, were spent almost wholly in retirement.
A good deal of the neo-Platonic polemic naturally went back to Celsus, and both the ideas and phrases of the True Word are found in Porphyry and Julian, though the closing of the New Testament canon in the meantime somewhat changed the method of attack for these writers.
Most suggestive, however, is his closing appeal to the Christians.
This can be shown by suspending an electric bell in the receiver of an air-pump, the wires conveying the current passing through an air-tight cork closing the hole at the top of the receiver.
It is evident that the pressure condition will be fulfilled only if the motions in the two tubes are in the same direction at the same time, closing into and opening out from the nodes together.
See Memorial of Bishop Hobart, containing a Memoir (New York, 1831); John McVickar, The Early Life and Professional Years of Bishop Hobart (New York, 1834), and The Closing Years of Bishop Hobart (New York, 1836).
Industry was thus in many ways compensated for the paralysis of trade with private buyers in the home market and for the closing of foreign markets, and it would have been able to continue quietly on the old lines but for the emergence of a new factor which fundamentally altered the conditions.
Since the closing years of the 19th century the Austro-Hungarian Bank had pursued a policy which had in the main the object of making the Austrian krone a gold exchange standard.
Thus Ultramontanism is not to be conceived as a theological movement, but as the programme of a party whose principles are in fundamental opposition to modern culture, modern education, modern tolerance and the modern state - a party which seeks to carry out its campaign against the society of to-day, not by bridging the gulf betwixt creed and creed, but by widening it, by awakening religious fanaticism, and by closing the way to a peaceful co-operation of Catholics and non-Catholics in the highest tasks of culture and human civilization.
The skin disease he had contracted in the subterranean haunts was rapidly closing his life; he could only ease his pain by sitting in a warm bath, where he wrote his journal; and accused the Girondins, who were trying to raise France against Paris.
The refusal of Lucien to put the vote of outlawry, for which the majority of the council clamoured, his opportune closing of the sitting, and his appeal to the soldiers outside to disperse les representants du poignard, turned the scale in favour of his brother.
Before the work of the congress was completed Napoleon was again at Paris, and the closing stages were hurried and illconsidered.
It contemplates the assumption of the vow for a limited period only, and gives particular details as to the atoning ceremonies at the sanctuary by which the vow must be recommenced if broken by accidental defilement, and the closing sacrifice, at which the Nazarite on the expiry of his vow cuts off his hair and burns it on the altar, thus returning to ordinary life.
The fundamental idea of Soxhlet's method for sterilizing milk is to boil it for forty minutes in small bottles holding just enough for one meal, and closing the same with an impervious stopper, which is only removed just before use.
The generally regular flowers are completely open only in bright sunshine, closing up into cups at other times.
By dint of great exertions, however, the government succeeded in closing the breach, though not till January 1889, and not until there had been immense destruction of life and property.
Closing Operations of 1862.
In the closing months of the year Grant's brilliant cavalry commander Sheridan had been put in command of an army to operate against Early in the Valley.
But apart from the special conclusions, the opening and closing considerations contain clear and important statements which still hold good.
As an advocate his sharpness and rapidity of insight gave him a formidable advantage in the detection of the weaknesses of a witness and the vulnerable points of his opponent's case, while he grouped his own arguments with an admirable eye to effect, especially excelling in eloquent closing appeals to a jury.
He was the last and the most wilful but perhaps the best of her favourites, and his tragic fate deepened the gloom of her closing years.
Strahan (Smith's publisher) in which he gave an account of the closing scenes of his friend's life and expressed warm admiration for his character.
During his closing years he was engaged on his work the Scotichronicon, on which his reputation now chiefly rests.
Th6 closing years of his life were passed in comparative tranquillity between Venice and Rome, and in the latter city he died on the 15th of May 1879.
Since the closing years of the last century pearl fishing in the Gulf of California has been carried on with modern appliances and better results by an English company under a concession from the government.
The armies were very large, an expedition often consisting of several divisions, each numbering eight thousand men; but the tactics of the commanders were quite rudimentary, consisting merely of attack by arrows and javelins at a distance, gradually closing into a hand-to-hand fight with clubs and spears, with an occasional feigned retreat to draw the enemy into an ambuscade.
Meanwhile the closing years of Henry VIII.'s reign were characterized by restrictive measures as to the reading and use of the Bible.
While these closing successes inspirited the Americans, it was undeniable that the campaign had gone heavily against them.
Volcanic activity and faulting on a large scale attended the deforijiation of the closing stages of the Miocene.
The larger part of it seems to date from the closing stages of the Iowan epoch, but bess appears to have come into existence after other glacial epochs as well.
In practice he is often allowed to exert a certain discretion as to the enforcement of the laws, especially those providing for Sunday closing, and this discretion has sometimes become a source of mischief.
The barrier was originally formed of a number of long square wooden spars which could be readily handled by one man, being inclined slightly - from the vertical and placed close together for shutting the weir; but panels of wood or sheetiron closing the space between adjacent frames and sliding in grooves at the sides, and rolling-up curtains ?
This old form of bear-trap has been used for closing an opening 52 ft.
As for his theology, its leading factors were - (i.) the teachings of the apologists; (ii.) the philosophy of the Stoics; (iii.) the rule of faith, interpreted in an anti-Gnostic sense, as he had received it from the Church of Rome; (iv.) the Soteriological theology of Melito and Irenaeus; (v.) the substance of the utterances of the Montanist prophets (in the closing decades of his life).
He was a typical Bourbon, unable either to learn or to forget; and the closing years of his life he spent in religious austerities, intended to expiate, not his failure to grasp a great opportunity, but the comparatively venial excesses of his youth.'
He persuaded the Committee of Safety to take upon itself the closing of the Jacobin Club, on the ground that it was an administrative rather than a legislative measure.
The bill - the first formal expression by Congress with regard to Reconstruction - did not pass both Houses until the closing hours of the session, and failed to receive the approval of the president, who on the 8th of March issued a proclamation defining his position.
The book concludes with a brief notice of the closing years of the heroine.
The veil that hides the negotiations which, during the closing months of the Franco-German War, were carried on between Bismarck and the pope, through the agency of Cardinal Bonnhose, has not yet been lifted, and perhaps never will be.
The only biographical evidence of his closing years is his signature as a witness to sundry deeds in the "Register of Aberdeen" as late as 1392.
It was not, however, till after the closing of the Zwyn and the decay of Bruges that Antwerp became of importance.
It is a military station and a fortress of considerable strategical value, closing the roads from Kars, Olti and other parts of the frontier.
In an open space near the old palace stood the celebrated plane tree, beneath which Prince Nicholas gave audience to his subjects, and administered justice until the closing years of the 19th century.
The closing years of the 19th century were remarkable for the centenary commemorations of the older missionary societies.
Draught is regulated in the ashpit by opening or closing the bottom door of the furnace and by the damper on the smoke shaft.
The practice of " closing up " early in the afternoon, i.e.
In delicate cases, such as seedling gloxinias and begonias, it is best to lift the little seedling on the end of a flattish pointed stick, often cleft at the apex, pressing this into the new soil where the plant is to be placed, and liberating it and closing the earth about it by the aid of a similar stick held in the other hand.
Rutherfurd's photographs of the Pleiades in 1866 entitle him to rank as a pioneer in the use of the camera as an instrument of precision; and he secured at Cordoba 1400 negatives of southern starclusters, the reduction of which occupied the closing years of his life.
The extensive sea-arms forming the South Holland and Zeeland archipelago are the Hont or West Scheldt, the East Scheldt, the Grevelingen (communicating with Krammer and the Volkerak) and the Haringvliet, which after being joined by the Volkerak is known as the Hollandsch Diep. These inlets were formerly of much greater extent than now, but are gradually closing up owing to the accumulation of mud deposits, and no longer have the same freedom of communication with one another.
In the closing months of 1794 Pichegru, at the head of a large and victorious army, invaded the Provinces.
The system of human sacrifices, practised among the Ashanti until the closing years of the 19th century, was founded on a sentiment of piety towards parents and other connexions - the chiefs believing that the rank of their dead relatives in the future world would be measured by the number of attendants sent after them.
The closing sentences of this passage may be regarded as pointing to the very essence of the Kantian attempt at solution of the problem of knowledge.
Among these was the closing of the Scheldt to all ships, a clause which was ruinous to the commerce of the Belgic provinces, by cutting them off from their only to the impoverished land by the introduction of new but visited Belgium in person and governor-general,g p showed a great and active interest in its affairs.
The king being dead, and the royalist cause appearing to be hopelessly lost, he did not scruple, in closing the work with a general " Review and Conclusion," to raise the question of the subject's right to change allegiance when a former sovereign's power to protect was irrecoverably gone.
During the closing years of the century the amount brought over seems to have been, on the average, about 20,000 lb a year.
The money value of the crops saved by the closing of the weir was not less than £E690,000.
At seventeen he was a captain of dragoons, and saw some service in the closing campaign of the Seven Years' War.
The flight of the emperor had led to a revulsion of feeling in Vienna; but the issue of the proclamation and the attempt of the government to disperse the students by closing the university, led to a fresh outbreak on the 26th.
Thus during the ' closing years of last and the opening years of the present century, political life in Austria was at a low ebb and the constitution was observed in the letter rather than in spirit.
The valves are hydroscopic, responding to increase in the amount of moisture in the atmosphere by closing the apertures.
Most parents send their boys to school where a knowledge of reading and writing Arabicthe common tongue of the Egyptiansis obtainable, and from the closing years of the 19th century a great desire for the education of girls has arisen (see Education).
A squadron of the 9th Royal Lancers, which was dismounted in the thick bush, was driven back with the loss of 9 men; but elsewhere the Arabs never succeeded in closing, and the troops returned to Suakin in the afternoon, leaving the East Surrey regiment in a zeriba covering some low hills near Hashin village.
Hence there occurs a cumulative effect, progressively increasing from the opening till the closing hours.
The other source of complaint against Federal activity was the judicially unreviewable power exercised by the Postmaster-General, Mr. Burleson, in closing the mails to journals of which he disapproved.
Protoplasmic continuity has been observed in the delicate membrane closing the pit.
When Julian visited the place in 362 the impudent population railed at him for his favour to Jewish and pagan rites, and to revenge itself for the closing of its great church of Constantine, burned down the temple of Apollo in Daphne.
Again, after Mr Kruger's ultimatum in October 1899, Lord Rosebery spoke upon the necessity of the nation closing its ranks and supporting the government in the prosecution of war in South Africa.
The conquest of Cephalonia and Zante followed, and we find five counts of the family of Tocco holding Cephalonia, and probably Zante as well as Santa Maura, as tributary to the republic. But the footing thus gained by the Venetians was not maintained, and through the closing part of the 13th and most of the 14th century the islands were a prey by turns to corsairs and to Greek and Neapolitan claimants.
But by way of incident he has almost nothing to add till we come to the closing scenes.
After the fall of Robespierre, Legendre took part in the reactionary movement, undertook the closing of the Jacobin Club, was.
As a poet, his fame has undergone many vicissitudes since his death, ranging from the indifference of the "Young German" school to the enthusiastic admiration of the closing decades of the 19th century - an enthusiasm to which we owe the Weimar Goethe-Gesellschaft (founded in 1885) and a vast literature dealing with the poet's life and work; but the fact of his being Germany's greatest poet and the master of her classical literature has never been seriously put in question.
Goethe's grandsons have been so repeatedly accused of having dis p layed a dog-in-the-manger temper in closing the Goethehaus to the public and the Goethe archives to research, that the charge has almost universally come to be regarded as proven.
The industry suffered depression owing to the indigo riots of 1860 and the emancipation of the peasantry by the Land Act of 1859; but in the closing decade of the century it received a much more disastrous blow from the invention of the German chemists.
Accordingly in June 1893 an act was passed closing the Indian mints to the free coinage of silver.
The Arabs, however, succeed by closing up all the exits from the burrows with a single exception, by which the rodents are forced to escape, and over which a net is placed for their capture.
The city walls were destroyed in the closing years of the 19th century and the stone used to build government offices.
These commissioners had power to consolidate by closing superfluous prisons, to establish one system of discipline, and generally by watchful supervision, aided by the experience of specialists, to maintain that muchdesired uniformity which had been so long and unsuccessfully sought.
What then is meant by principles when we ask in the closing chapter of his logic how they become known ?
Blakey's Historical Sketch of Logic (1851), though, like all this writer's works, closing with a bibliography of some pretensions, is now negligible.
On the zith of January 29 B.C. the restoration of peace was marked by the closing of the temple of Janus for the first time for 200 years.
The advance was carried out with precision; the Russians were quickly dislodged, and Ney was now closing upon the rear of Blucher's corps at the village of Preititz.
The emperor Nicholas was prepared to accept the views of Great Britain on the Turco-Egyptian question; to allow the Treaty of Unkiar Skelessi to lapse; to act henceforth in the Ottoman Empire only in concert with the other powers, in return for an agreement closing the Dardanelles to the war-ships of all nations and to extend the same principle to the Bosporus.
In 1708, on the occasion of the Scottish expedition, notwithstanding her solicitude for his safety, she had styled James in her speech closing the session of parliament as "a popish pretender bred up in the principles of the most arbitrary government."
This list is probably by no means exhaustive, but it sufficiently indicates in a summary fashion the extent of that wave of diffusion which set in during the closing years of the 19th century.
In his closing years he had some controversy with John Locke, whom he considered to have impugned the doctrine of the Trinity.
Although barbarous in style, the history of Ducas is both judicious and trustworthy, and it is the most valuable source for the closing years of the Greek empire.
The one great economic change brought about by the decline of the Roman Empire was the lessening of urban life throughout the greater part of Europe, the closing up of avenues of communication and the predominance of isolated agricultural communities.
Thus ii AB, BC, CD represent the given loads, in the force-diagram, we construct the sides corresponding to OA, OB, OC, OD in the funicular; we then draw the closing line of the funicular polygon, and a parallel OE to it in the force diagram.
The closing years of Akbar's reign were rendered very unhappy by the misconduct of his sons.
The oral hood with its cirri has a special nerve supply and musculature by which the cirri can be either spread out, or bent inwards so that those of one side may interdigitate with those of the other, thus completely closing the entrance to the mouth.
It appears also that it was this same Dom Perignon who first used cork as a material for closing wine bottles.
Silver-mining ceased to be highly remunerative beginning with the closing of the India mints and repeal of the Sherman Law in 1893; since 1900 the yield has shown an extraordinary decrease - in 1905 it was $6,945,581, and in 1907 $7,411,652 - and it is said that as a result of the great fall in the market value of the metal the mines can now be operated only under the most favourable conditions and by exercise of extreme economy.
The tendency towards state monopoly became more marked in the closing days of the Empire, the 4th and 5th centuries A.D.
The last writer who, though not a political utilitarian, may be regarded as belonging to the school of Mill is Henry Sidgwick, whose elaborate Methods of Ethics (1874) may be regarded as closing this line of thought.
The extinction of the Welsh Court of Great Sessions in 1830 served to remove the last relic of separate jurisdiction in Wales itself, but in 1881 special legislation was once more inaugurated by the Welsh Sunday Closing Act (46 Victoria), forbidding the sale of spirituous liquors by all inn-keepers on Sundays to any but bona fide travellers throughout Wales and Monmouthshire.
The custom of dividing receipts and expenditures into ordinary and extraordinary, of treating the receipts from loans as revenue, of adding six months to the fiscal year for closing up accounts, and of dividing receipts and expenditures into separate gold and currency accounts, leads to much confusion and complication in the returns, and is the cause of unavoidable discrepancies and contradictions.
The death of Balmaceda finished all cause of contention in Chile, and was the closing act of the most severe and bloodiest struggle that country had ever witnessed.
Before closing the reign of Mahommed Shah note should be taken of a prohibition to import African slaves into Persia, and a commercial treaty with Englandrecorded by Watson as gratifying achievements of the period by British diplomatists.
Various Protestant missions had sent agents among the natives during the closing years of the 18th century, and after the definite acquisition of the Cape by Great Britain the number of missionaries in the country greatly increased.
As a matter of fact, Zekki intended to use the day of the 23rd for closing up his columns and narrowing his front; and, Prince Alexander's intentions being the same, the day would have been uneventful but for the initiatives of subordinates on both sides.
After the closing of the council in 1418, Sigismund, who - Wenceslas being childless - was heir to the Bohemian throne, sent a letter to his brother, which was practically a manifesto addressed to the Bohemian people.
After Giovanni's death he remained in the court of Bernabe and Galeazzo Visconti, closing his eyes to their cruelties and exactions, serving them as a diplomatist, making speeches for them on ceremonial occasions, and partaking of the splendid hospitality they offered to emperors and princes.
The district council are also empowered to obtain an order of justices directing the closing of any well, tank or cistern, public or private, or any public pump the water from which is likely to be used for drinking or domestic purposes, or for manufacturing drinks for the use of man, if such water is found to be so polluted as to be injurious to health.
The second part of the act deals with unhealthy dwellinghouses, and requires the urban district council to take steps for the closing of any dwelling-houses within their district which are unfit for human habitation.
In the closing years of the 19th century and the early years of the 10th the charges brought against the state assumed a more and more definite character.
Richard, on the other hand, had prepared for action by closing up still more, and as the crusaders were now formed a simple left turn brought them into two lines of battle, infantry in first line, cavalry in second line.
The season of navigation, controlled by the opening and closing of the Sault Ste Marie canals, averages about eight months - from the middle of April to the middle of December.
Accordingly the Naval Works Acts of 1895 and subsequent years sanctioned works for closing the gap - about 2 m.
The great development of Amsterdam was due, however, to the treaty of Westphalia in 1648, by which its rival, Antwerp, was ruined, owing to the closing of the Scheldt.
The position of the book among the Hagiographa, instead of among the Prophetical works, seems to show that it was introduced after the closing of the Prophetical Canon.
At the beginning of 1902, when the South African war was closing, the normal peace expenditure, even reckoned at 160,000,000, did not exceed one-tenth, while even peace and war expenditure together in 1901, taking them as close on 200,Ooo,000, did not exceed one-eighth.
His closing years were full of sadness.
But the closing years of his reign were marked by an attempt to concentrate all power in his own hands.
P. Schreiner was one, and a protest was then sent by Mr Chamberlain stating that the government would regard the closing of the drifts as a breach of the London Convention, and as an unfriendly action calling for the gravest remonstrance.
As the stones are thrown on the days of the fair, it is not unlikely that they have something to do with the old Arab mode of closing a sale by the purchaser throwing a stone (Biruni, p. 328).
That described requires a diagram revolving once in a few hours, otherwise the time scale will be too close; but the ordinary diagram revolving once in 24 hours is often used quite effectively in night inspections by only closing those stop-cocks which are actually passing water.
The closing years of the Whig administration were largely occupied with the financial difficulties of the country.
The closing years of the Whig government were marked by external complications.
The peace set back the boundaries of Russia from the Danube to the Pruth; it secured the free navigation of the first of these rivers; it opened the Black Sea to thy commercial navies of the world, closing it to vessels of war, and forbidding the establishment of arsenals upon its shores.
In the closing days of 1863 it passed mainly into the control of the two chief German powers.
His ministry had been essentially one of peace, yet its closing days were memorable for one little war in which a great soldier increased a reputation.
To use a pipette, the absorbing liquid is brought to the outlet of the capillary by tilting or by squeezing a rubber ball fixed to the wide end, and the liquid is maintained there by closing with a clip. The capillary is connected with the measuring tube by a fine tube previously filled with water.
The governor consists usually of a bell floating in a cast iron tank partially filled with water, and is in fact a small gasholder, from the centre of which is suspended a conical valve controlling the gas inlet and closing it as the bell fills.
St Mary Diaconissa (Kalender Jamissi) is a fine specimen of the work of the closing years of the 6th century.
The fact is that Numbers is the result of a long literary process of amalgamation both of traditions and of documents, a process that began in the closing decades of the 9th century B.C. and did not finally end till the 2nd century B.C., the earliest date being that of J, and the latest probably that of the various addenda to Balaam's prophecies, e.g.
He soon, however, retired to his estate at Tegel, near Berlin, but was recalled and sent as ambassador to Vienna in 1812 during the exciting period which witnessed the closing struggles of the French empire.
The closing chapters of the work are more polemical than the earlier ones.
But the most serious cause for dislike to government action was the interference by the governor-general, in 1907, with their religious customs, by the suppression of hundreds of their congregational schools, and the closing of numbers of their churches.
But something like two centuries elapsed before the book reached its present form, for in the closing chapter, as well as elsewhere, e.g.
Most of the great feudal lords followed the king's example, but their concessions varied considerably, and in the south of France some of the bishops were still doing homage for their sees until the closing years of the 13th century; but long before then the right of investing with ring and crozier had disappeared from every part of France.
Further, the naval activity displayed by Sparta during the closing years of the Peloponnesian War abated when Persian subsidies were withdrawn, and the ambitious projects of Lysander led to his disgrace, which was followed by his death at Haliartus in 395.
Under his auspices laws were passed reforming and strengthening the police force, instituting industrial tribunals, regulating the work of women and children, introducing Sunday rest, early closing, and other reforms. In short, the government, whatever criticism might be levelled at its methods, had accomplished a notable work, and when on the 6th of June 1909 the Cortes adjourned, its position seemed to be assured.
It soon becomes apparent to the onlooker when the queen has joined the flying multitude of bees in the air, for they are seen to be closing up their ranks, and in a few moments begin to form a solid cluster, usually on the branch of a small tree or bush close to the ground.
This was achieved in the closing months of 1767.
He compiled, chiefly from Livy, a brief sketch of the history of Rome from the foundation of the city to the closing of the temple of Janus by Augustus (25 B.C.).
The Shire horse owes its happily-chosen name to Arthur Young's remarks, in the description of his agricultural tours during the closing years of the 18th century, concerning the large Old English Black Horse, " the produce principally of the Shire counties in the heart of England."
Hence it was the closing feast of the harvest gladness.
They serve various purposes in the economy of the flower, often closing the way to the honey-secreting part of the flower to small insects, whose visits would be useless for purposes of pollination.
Passing higher up the geological series, we find but scanty records of the vegetation that existed during the closing ages of the Permian period, and of the plants which witnessed the beginning of the Triassic period we have to be content with the most fragmentary relics.
When, however, Zeno's edict (489) ordered the closing of the school of the Persians at Edessa, East and West drifted apart more and more; the ecclesiastical writer Narsai, " the Harp of the Holy Spirit," fled to Nisibis about 489.
Everywhere - on the balustrades closing the chapels, round the base of the pilasters, along the walls, beneath the cornice of both the exterior and the interior of the church - there is one ornament that is perpetually repeated, the interwoven initials of Sigismondo and Isotta.
You were supposed to marry Claire … She went on, closing her eyes as she repeated everything from the memories of others.
That was how her new world started – with the closing of one door.
He twisted to face the man he took to be the king of Tiyan, closing his eyes against the torchlight.
The pensions dilemma is closing down a "final salary" pension scheme.
Closing date is a rather ominous Friday the 13th in April.
Well, the closing ' Home Again ' starts all strummed acoustic then eventually launches into Luke singing over himself - the cello appears.
Under UK labor laws, industrial action must commence within four weeks of a ballot closing.
This very loosely structured film eventually goes off the rails and the closing scenes feel almost like an afterthought.
Worsley was extremely zealous in persecuting Royalists, closing alehouses and working to promote a godly reformation in his region.
Researchers looked for a condition known as angiographic restenosis, which is the narrowing or closing of an artery that has undergone angioplasty.
Some things you might miss there are the old /closemsg command since the /close handles closing query windows A-OK.
Closing with a couple of Hendrix numbers resulted in rapturous applause.
In closing, I would like to once again express my heartfelt appreciation to President Sloan and all our friends from the media.
Closing date for applications, which may be sent by post, email attachment or fax, is 20 June 2003.
The theater closing with a local amateur production makes a neat bookend to its opening in 1885.
An extra bracket Including an extra closing bracket, or omitting a bracket, is a common mistake.
Tickets, which include a finger buffet, cost £ 9. Closing date 22nd June; no tickets on the door.
Performed at the closing ceremony of the World Expo 2000, Hannover.
For more than 120 years the site processed imported English iron ore using locally produced charcoal, finally closing down in 1876.
The metallic clang heard by Miss Stoner was obviously caused by her stepfather hastily closing the door of his safe upon its terrible occupant.
And to compensate for its closing, episcopalian students at the four state colleges of education received special instruction from Episcopal clergy.
Sometimes closing a door and finding a new outlet is more amazing than anything we could've possibly comprehended.
Float drains operate by continuously opening and closing to allow liquid condensate to leave the filter.
Treatment Growth disturbance is not much of an issue as the physis is in the process of closing more importantly is joint surface congruity.
During the closing ceremony, the Chief Scout promised to send a strong contingent to the 21st World Scout Jamboree.
The closing sections feature some beautiful flute from Theo Travis providing perfect counterpoint to Wilson's vocals.
A rhymed poem concluding in free verse can make its point as forcefully as a closing couplet.
At the Closing Ceremony the flag was carried by Frank Duffy, skip of the wheelchair curling team.
All parties to the machinery have agreed a further closing date for the submitting of nominations, Monday 10 May 2004.
The closing date for entries is 1 November 2004.
You can take it outside with you and practice your ' magic ' whilst greeting the dawn and at the closing of the day.
This also brings me to your closing comment about the '37 per cent decrease in ESRC quota awards ', which is also incorrect.
This message means that the closing delimiter was omitted.
The " dup " sound is caused by the closing of the aortic and pulmonary valves at the beginning of ventricular diastole.
By opening and closing the drawers of a a file cabinet interface the user can control both the machines and the projected images.
Files in the file cabinet are accessible through the opening and closing of the cabinet drawers.
We are currently recruiting PhD economists (closing date is 30 November 2006 ).
Eric's fine delivery on the closing cut, ' Died For You ' is a very emotive piece of music.
At this point the client exits, thereby closing its transport endpoint.
Finally we took the message into the closing session of the whole fiasco.
Mozart therefore omits formal closing fugues for the Gloria and Credo.
This year however they redeemed themselves with a splendid closing gala - American Beauty.
The image below takes the limb stacking a stage further by closing the strip gaps.