Close Sentence Examples
She was so close to achieving her goal.
She slid over, cuddling close to him, her head on his pillow.
His close proximity sent her heart racing.
The beast was very close to him now.
For one terrifying moment the enormity of what they had done brought her close to panic.
I'm too close to my goal to give up now.
Hundreds of little sail-boats swung to and fro close by, and the sea was calm.
It must be nice having your land so close to the park.
Good, now stick close to the wagons.
She was close to realizing a lifetime goal.
AdvertisementHe chuckled softly and tugged her close again.
He took Carmen by the hand and leaned close to her ear.
We used to be so close.
Prince Hippolyte stood close to the pretty, pregnant princess, and stared fixedly at her through his eyeglass.
Neighbors are quite close by.
AdvertisementWhen she decided Yancey wasn't around, she started down the path, keeping close to the trees without breaking her promise not to wander in the woods.
The twins would be close, and that was something good that came of his return.
Snuggling close, she lifted her face to accept his kiss.
What she saw today was proof that she needed it close by.
That night they slept under the stars - Bordeaux a respectable distance from her, but close enough to assist if anything went wrong in the night.
AdvertisementDid you get close enough to read the calendar?
I shall see it close, he thought.
The dragoons were now close at hand.
One evening, close to suppertime, Lisa, Tammy and Sarah were lounging around the pool.
She snuggled close to him and his lips found hers again.
AdvertisementAnyway, hadn't Giddon said that he wouldn't let anything happen to her as long as she was close to him?
He moved close and pressed some meat into her hand.
You mean we're that close?
He gripped her hand and pulled her close.
The women once again remained close by.
I could tell from Julie's voice, she was either crying of close to it.
I knew he wanted to remain close to Julie so I said nothing further about trying to go back.
He pulled her close and grinned wickedly.
Not far from the mill there was an old house, with many trees growing close to it.
He cut his trees level and close to the ground, that the sprouts which came up afterward might be more vigorous and a sled might slide over the stumps; and instead of leaving a whole tree to support his corded wood, he would pare it away to a slender stake or splinter which you could break off with your hand at last.
All our Concord waters have two colors at least; one when viewed at a distance, and another, more proper, close at hand.
At length, as I leaned with my elbow on the bench one day, it ran up my clothes, and along my sleeve, and round and round the paper which held my dinner, while I kept the latter close, and dodged and played at bopeep with it; and when at last I held still a piece of cheese between my thumb and finger, it came and nibbled it, sitting in my hand, and afterward cleaned its face and paws, like a fly, and walked away.
These men pressed close to the wall to let Pierre and Anna Mikhaylovna pass and did not evince the least surprise at seeing them there.
He carried close to his leg a narrow unsheathed sword (small, curved, and not like a real weapon) and looked now at the superior officers and now back at the men without losing step, his whole powerful body turning flexibly.
The foremost Frenchman, the one with the hooked nose, was already so close that the expression of his face could be seen.
Dolokhov, running beside Timokhin, killed a Frenchman at close quarters and was the first to seize the surrendering French officer by his collar.
I do not know, but it will certainly happen! thought Pierre, glancing at those dazzling shoulders close to his eyes.
The whole French army, and even Napoleon himself with his staff, were not on the far side of the streams and hollows of Sokolnitz and Schlappanitz beyond which we intended to take up our position and begin the action, but were on this side, so close to our own forces that Napoleon with the naked eye could distinguish a mounted man from one on foot.
But at that very instant a cloud of smoke spread all round, firing was heard quite close at hand, and a voice of naive terror barely two steps from Prince Andrew shouted, Brothers!
Suddenly he heard musket fire quite close in front of him and behind our troops, where he could never have expected the enemy to be.
Some domestic serfs Pierre met, in reply to inquiries as to where the prince lived, pointed out a small newly built lodge close to the pond.
When returning from his leave, Rostov felt, for the first time, how close was the bond that united him to Denisov and the whole regiment.
Close to the corner, on an overcoat, sat an old, unshaven, gray-bearded soldier as thin as a skeleton, with a stern sallow face and eyes intently fixed on Rostov.
The crowd unexpectedly found itself so close to the Emperors that Rostov, standing in the front row, was afraid he might be recognized.
She was followed by Petya who always kept close to her, by Michael, a huntsman, and by a groom appointed to look after her.
Now they drew close to the fox which began to dodge between the field in sharper and sharper curves, trailing its brush, when suddenly a strange white borzoi dashed in followed by a black one, and everything was in confusion; the borzois formed a star-shaped figure, scarcely swaying their bodies and with tails turned away from the center of the group.
Again the beautiful Erza reached him, but when close to the hare's scut paused as if measuring the distance, so as not to make a mistake this time but seize his hind leg.
But as soon as she had turned away she felt that he was there, behind, so close behind her.
Can I never...? and, blocking her path, he brought his face close to hers.
Boris, fluttering as if he had not had time to withdraw, respectfully pressed close to the doorpost with bowed head.
Rostov, smoking his pipe and turning his head about as the water trickled down his neck, listened inattentively, with an occasional glance at Ilyin, who was pressing close to him.
He had the letter taken from his pocket and the table--on which stood a glass of lemonade and a spiral wax candle--moved close to the bed, and putting on his spectacles he began reading.
Others joined those men and stopped and told how cannon balls had fallen on a house close to them.
Now in 1812, to anyone living in close touch with these people it was apparent that these undercurrents were acting strongly and nearing an eruption.
Princess Mary lowered her eyes and, tripping over her skirt, came close up to them.
He wanted to see me, and I was standing close by, outside the door.
Moving troops in close proximity to an enemy is always dangerous, and military history supports that view.
Close to the gates of the city he was met by Count Rostopchin's adjutant.
If you please, could not guards be placed if only to let us close the shop....
Four borzois with collars were pressing close to the wheels.
I saw them close up their ranks six times in succession and march as if on parade.
As he was going along a foot path across a wide- open space adjoining the Povarskoy on one side and the gardens of Prince Gruzinski's house on the other, Pierre suddenly heard the desperate weeping of a woman close to him.
They climbed the dune and kneeled close to the top.
But the black rocks sucked the heat in and held it close to the earth.
It was hard to believe a village could be this close and they didn't know it was there.
He pulled her close in an embrace.
His warm lips found hers as he pulled her close.
I live close enough, so I simply walked.
She set the alarm and fluffed the pillows, but it did no good to close her eyes.
That was as close to praise as she was likely to get from him and she smiled her appreciation.
The arms that rescued her continued to cradle her gently, and what the fall had failed to do to her heart beat, his close proximity completed.
Vaguely she heard Cade close his book and cross the room.
Some people lived their entire lives without ever being close to anyone.
She giggled and cuddled the cat close.
She snuggled close, letting his body draw warmth from hers.
She jerked the kitchen door open, not realizing he was close until she heard his voice behind her.
Tenderly, he gripped her shoulders, pulling her close.
Her arms slid around his neck of their own volition and she pressed close to him passionately returning his affection.
It all appeared innocent until her feet touched the ground, and then he pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her as his lips sought hers hungrily.
Cade and Claudette might never be close, but they had certainly reduced the gap.
It was the first occasion the dream took place close to the present time; less than four years ago!
We still have more tests we could run but up to twenty four to forty eight hours; I'm pretty close on both time and location.
Each of us could find separate areas to be alone but remain close to each other.
My mind wasn't close to understanding the ramifications.
Without a word, Howie crossed to the basement stairs, with Quinn close behind.
It took fifty minutes before the door burst open and Howie dashed out and up the stairs with Martha close on his heels.
No one has ever come this close to catching me!
Let's say I'm passing on information but I'm close enough to vouch for its accuracy.
Quinn bent close to his wife and whispered something in her ear.
Previously, he'd carefully planned his abductions and never came close to getting caught.
We didn't let on to this guy, Jude Bryce, about the tip but he was a close neighbor and the parents suspected he might be involved so he was in our radar.
She snuggled close, her ear close enough to hear.
None came close to the successful track record of those tips identified as coming from the notorious Psychic Tipster.
Why, I'd use a pay phone and one not too close by!
As for true abductions; we've located close to fifty.
He swore the tip came from someone, unidentified, but close to the rapper.
These guys are that close.
I'm not that person but I'm close enough to know a few things about her.
He's the only one who is a direct threat and that's due to our coming so close to getting him in the past.
Perhaps I was being unfair but everything we'd been able to do was close to ending with a sad whimper, due to the greed of this woman.
My wife began to cry and snuggled close to me.
I was ready to close the site from pure frustration when a notice of a recovered body caught my attention, big time.
Was it because all the stupid clones out there who read this trash lack the brains to come close to finding her?
Can he really be that close, Ben?
If harm gets too close, stop your activities.
We have a pretty close time frame of entrance and exit.
No, but Vermont is a small state so everything is relatively close.
Howie always has the option of quitting and denying he's the tipster if someone comes close to revealing him.
I was fumbling with the window when I heard heavy footsteps move close to my door.
My wife leaned close and kissed me.
Molly moved close to her and put her arm about her waist.
I felt I'd cut ties with a close relative.
I've found four unsolved abductions over a six year period that look very close to his work.
The home is in town with neighbors close by but the high wooden fence in the back yard allows privacy sufficient to cover my night time visit.
Might he be nearly as close to us as Owen Bryce had been?
Molly looked close to tears when she returned and handed me the instrument.
All I could think was once again, we were oh so close, but he'd alluded us.
He promised to keep a close watch on our house, just in case.
I lived close by Annie and I didn't have an alibi.
Her murder wasn't close to his style nor was she the right age.
Each time I've come close to being apprehended, I cunningly slipped away.
My wife and I had promised each other to remain constantly in phone contact after the close calls in New Hampshire.
Nauseous from panic, I elbowed my way close enough to see a female figure, her face covered with an oxygen mask.
We were content to allow him this small title of uniqueness knowing it was killing him to be so close to a scientific miracle with hands tied and mouth gagged against announcing his findings to the world.
She doesn't realize her time on this earth is ebbing to a close, perhaps only minutes from now after she answers my questions.
It's in the newspapers and magazines but no one but only I with my brilliance have come close to finding the secret!
Try as I might, I couldn't fix the time or the location anywhere close to the present where we wanted to be.
I gave the fool very clear directions, not to here but a highway pull off fairly close by.
The result tended to show it was relatively close by.
She waited until she was certain he was distracted before she crept across the apartment, keeping as close to the wall farthest from him as possible.
Pushing the cabinet closed, she jumped to find the stranger so close.
He was too close again.
Only then did she woodenly move forward to the bedroom and close the door.
He hadn't thought it as harsh as it was, just like he thought nothing of killing anything in his path, but seeing the look on a normal human's face reminded him he'd been close to losing what humanity he possessed for quite a while.
He stopped too close for her comfort, and she looked up at him, breathless at how handsome he was.
She rose and approached, resting back on her heels in front of him, close enough for him to smell her musk and feel her heat.
Dusty waited until he heard the door close behind him before he moved.
Dusty, we found out why he wants to keep her close.
The fact that you didn't close the door and walk away the moment you saw me.
The sense that had told her where he was intensified within her, as if they were close enough for their souls to touch again.
Yully moved towards him and dragged his fevered body close to the fire again.
They weren't safe together, especially since the powerful connection between them was driving her body crazy just sitting so close.
In her haste to be close to him, she'd planted a shoulder in his injured chest.
He took her hand and pulled her close enough for their bodies to touch.
He hugged her, a darker thought crossing his mind as he held her and their child close.
Jonny looked at the massive vamp, who made no move to close the distance between them.
Jenn heard Jonny's door close, and the sound woke her from her light sleep.
Jule obliged quickly, unwilling to keep the vamp close to his brothers' mates longer than necessary.
Most women were too intimidated to go near him, let alone get close enough to throw their arms around him.
He took his place on the sparring field, and Grande leaned close to her.
Damian wrapped his arm around her and held her close for a moment, torn between thoughts of her naked and thoughts of his brother's death.
She motioned for Pierre to close the door so she could clean up.
He stopped in her personal zone, too close, but she wasn't about to back down this time.
Damian listened to the door close behind her, stunned by what he'd seen in her thoughts.
Will he ever be close to the man I knew?
The Dark One likes to control those close to him.
Deidre approached him with trepidation, stopping only close enough to reach out and take the hourglass.
The faint, sweet scent was close.
He stopped close enough for their bodies to touch if she breathed in too deeply.
Near frenzied, Deidre fought to pull some part of him close enough for her to taste.
Kin stood right behind her, way too close for her comfort.
She crossed her arms, close to panicking.
Deidre watched the portal close.
He waited for the portal behind her to close.
You were so close to the end, we couldn't take a chance.
But she did want to feel him close to her.
She shivered, unaware just how close she'd been to dying by his hands.
Deidre approached him until close enough to feel his body heat.
Selyn crowded her, almost tripping them both by how close she was.
The girl was close enough behind him to smell the dankness of his tangled locks.
But even when it's overcast, like today, you can get some interesting images; not so much close ups, but distance shots, with fog rolling down the valley and blankets of flowers shrouded in mist.
You ain't never poked around in my past and I've sort of kept my business close to the vest.
Things were always a mite close.
Dean stood up and held her close so she couldn't see his cheering smile.
Nobody as close as Martha said she was would think it was real.
They had compared Martha's drawing to the contour maps of the area back at Bird Song and decided this was as close to the general area of the mine that any type of roadway touched.
But I sure took a close look at my old man's will.
Close on his heels was Lydia Larkin, tucking in her blouse and adjusting her skirt.
Before she could answer, Joseph Dawkins came up the steps with Fred O'Connor close at his heels.
Dean followed close behind, with Fred O'Connor trailing.
Liz plopped a straw hat with a red, white, and blue band on Dean's head just as three jets in close formation screamed overhead, buzzing the town in a deafening roar.
It was impossible for Dean to get close enough to Billy to question him.
Cynthia scrunched close to Dean's ear, trying to hear the conversation, and offered a word or two as well.
He said it out loud, but there was no one close enough to hear.
Fitzgerald moved too close to Dean.
Dean moved close enough to bump Fitzgerald but held his temper.
Please close your robe.
A fellow can't even close his eyes around here.
That was a close call.
They were close to wrapping up the session when deputy Lydia Larkin moved quietly into the room.
One look at Dean told her she was getting close to home.
I just wanted you to know we're getting close.
Even with his poor eye for such things, Dean could see that it was far lovelier that anything close to what their budget could have afforded.
His suspicions concerning Lydia's actions and his continued silence in not reporting them came too close to involving him as an accessory in whatever she might have done.
Most of the lodgers were about their daily activities, with Fred off to the post office, Maria doing her duties with her usual exuberance, and the Deans hovering close by.
Fred O'Connor and David Dean kept close tabs on the New Jersey nuptials via telephone.
Half her face was knotted with horrible scars, the other half displaying skin close to the same shade as the white pillowcase beneath her.
Silently agreeing, Wynn released the breath he held only after he heard the door close behind Darkyn.
It wasn't coming out the way she practiced it, maybe because Gabriel was sitting close enough that she wanted to lean against him instead of the bed and place his large hands on the parts of her body hidden by clothes.
He hugged her close.
He moved to sit on the trunk at the end of the bed, close enough to see the details of her features without being too tempted to take her in his arms.
Gabriel said nothing, sensing the half-demon's explosive temper was close to the surface.
His scent and heat, the warmth of his magic, the heady sensations of being so close to him … She concentrated on placing her feet and not on his body.
His thick body was at her back, and he shifted close enough to remain in contact while his large hands settled on her arms.
He chose to overlook Cora's disappointment at how close she'd been to home without being able to go back.
When Deidre was close enough, Gabriel stretched out and gripped the rope looped under her shoulders.
Meeting the Dark One so close to the fortress, then, was not an option.
It had started to close.
When he was close enough, Darkyn addressed him.
With little gentleness, the Dark One took her neck when she was close enough.
She gripped his arms and pressed close to him, her warm lips seeking his.
He gently disentangled his arms from her hands and gripped her waist, pulling her close.
He sighed heavily and rolled over, putting an arm around Carmen's waist and snuggling close to her.
Carmen cuddled Destiny close while keeping her attention on Alex and Lori.
Leaning his head close, he whispered into Carmen's ear.
One flip of the switch and she retraced her steps, quietly slipping under the covers to snuggle close to Alex again.
Capturing his neck in the noose of her arms, she snuggled her body close to his.
He felt so good she couldn't get close enough.
She was too close to her due date to be running around in the hills.
They found the bull close to the spring, dead and partially consumed, his horns still entangled in brush.
Dawn and Random snorted and crowded close to Princess.
He couldn't have been too close or the horses would have smelled him.
He pulled her close.
He silently held her close for a moment.
Each time he made an appearance, Alex was close enough to see.
Finally he pulled her close.
The whole thing didn't take more than an hour, and she delivered a baby weighing close to seventy-five pounds.
She stepped through the gate and closed it, looking around again to make sure the buffalo were not close.
Destiny reached for her and Lori took her, holding her close.
Carmen held her close.
Finally, taking a deep breath, she walked close to the bathroom and leaned against the wall.
He jerked the robe from her hand and pulled her close in an intimate embrace, forcing his lips down on hers hungrily.
Instead of putting an arm around her waist and drawing her close, he turned away from her.
Now that he had opened the conversation, she was ready to close it.
When his hands found her waist and drew her close, passion came without warning, completely consuming her body and soul.
He put an arm around her waist and drew her close.
Their relationship was now so close that she considered his father blood relation.
He pulled her close and held her.
She snuggled close to him.
She leaned against him and he held her close.
Sorry. New client brought in a dump truck full of receipts and needs his return done by close of business today.
She commiserated with the brown-tinged blossoms left behind by other customers who didn't want to be so close to death.
She didn't hear him approach, but he sounded close.
After awakening feeling at peace, he was close to pulling a Rhyn and decimating the world around him in an explosion of raw fury.
Gabriel's temper was close to boiling over, for the umpteenth time since he inherited the responsibilities of Death.
The past few months, I've come close to breaking it hundreds of times to keep the underworld from shutting down.
I'm the only one who can track them, and only when I'm close enough to kill them.
She thought she heard the door to their bedroom close and glanced back.
Either she was dead and didn't know it, or she was close enough to take matters into her own hands.
Desire and yearning crept into him, knowing she was so close.
He was so close … and couldn't touch her the way he yearned to.
She crossed more boldly this time, terrified of seeing the doorway close behind her before she'd made it through another one.
She crossed her arms and walked towards him, stopping close enough for him to reach her, if he wanted to.
He appeared to be close to eleven or twelve.
Tall and lean, with eyes as black as Gabriel's, the man who stood too close for her comfort wore normal enough clothing, aside from the knives strapped to his thighs.
She crossed her arms, too aware of how close to the bed she stood.
She couldn't think straight when he was close and not at all when he touched her.
She heard the door to the bedroom close and retreated from the chilly spring air back into her room.
She stopped a dozen meters before the edge of the forest, wondering if there was any sort of hazard in being so close to whatever it was causing the lake to be green in the first place.
As the third day came to a close, she suspected they – more specifically, Gabriel – had really let her go.
He'd come close to saying too much since arriving at the beach.
Deidre waited for the portal to close before she rose.
Perhaps he feared getting close to her if she was going to die in a few months, seeing as how past-Deidre crushed his heart, too.
She didn't open her eyes or release her breath until she heard the door close behind him.
You may want to close your eyes.
At close to seven feet with eyes and hair blacker than night and a permanent scowl, he was what most expected Death to look like.
He was close to seven feet tall, with chiseled features and eyes as black as eternity.
Andre relaxed and sat on the couch near her while Ileana drew close as well.
The impact was close enough to deafen her to everything but her own breathing.
Not as severe as traveling through the shadow world, but close.
Her head was spinning, her vision narrowing, and she paused close enough to Rhyn to lean against him.
He snatched her upper arms and pushed her against the wall, his body close enough for their chests to brush when either breathed in.
It was not a stretch, not with his muscular body pressed against her and his rugged features so close.
He's close but needs more time and more blood.
He took a step to close the gap between them, and they were kissing again.
If not for the nightmares, she'd carry him back to his bed, whether or not he liked it, but she found some comfort in having the angel so close.
Just spray any Immortal that gets too close.
I can probably get close with a few years of research, but not in two months.
She.d cracked the door to her heart for Rhyn to shove his foot in the door and now needed to close, lock, and deadbolt it closed again.
He hadn.t eaten in too long, and to have his mate so close … Rhyn took the stairs two at a time until he reached the roof.
Mercifully, he said nothing, only stood close to her and stared into the same sky.
Kris watched the door to the guest bedchamber close, unusually hopeful about his discovery.
He stopped walking and stood close enough for their chests to brush when she breathed in.
If he tossed Sasha.s body close enough to one of them, the vial would be safe.
She snatched the lighter on the mantle and ran to the door, standing close until the alcohol lit and spread.
Hannah stood close to her, and Katie stared at the door, willing their fire to keep the demons at bay.
Everyone who had ever been close to him died horribly.
He allowed her to pull him into her small room and close the door behind him.
He held her close and breathed in her scent.
Kris had come close to breaking the Immortal rules or his own oaths to his father.
Rhyn knelt on one side of Jade, close enough to reach him when warranted.
She wrapped her arms around him, and he pulled her close.
He felt close, too close.
She squirmed, unwilling to be defenseless with the tarantulas so close and uneasy with the warm energy flowing again between them.
Being so close rattled her senses, and she thought again of the kiss they had shared over a month before.
He made no move to close the distance between them.
He raised an eyebrow, his chin lifting in what she recognized as a look very close to commanding.
A shiver ran through her as he sat close enough for their bodies to brush.
She watched, unnerved at how close the battles were.
The craft above him opened its door and lowered itself as close as it dared to the ground.
Bird Song's going to be close to empty for a few more days until the ice climbers arrive.
Fred was so close to her she couldn't refuse his outstretched hand.
They had not seen her since their wedding but Cynthia spoke to her by telephone frequently and the two were as close as the distance allowed.
Donnie Ryland followed close behind him.
Donnie sat close to his mother doing a Denver Post crossword puzzle.
It makes me feel really close to her.
I close my eyes and it's as if she's who I am.
Fred leaned close to Dean.
Dean and his wife firmly stated, in close harmony, it was none of any of their business.
The highway department would periodically close the road and, using explosive devices, create slides in a controlled condition, lessening the chance for a surprising and perhaps deadly run loosed by nature on the unsuspecting below.
But he was standing very close to her.
Everyone bent close and examined them as Claire continued to hold them in her hand.
Dean went to close up while Cynthia readied the sofa for Donnie's bed.
But Dean stood too close to the back of her chair for her to move.
Dean stepped back and she hurriedly left the room, Effie close on her heels.
He always made sure one of the adults was close by, but his youth and a natural sense of balance helped him to catch on to the sport quickly.
The young boy snuggled close to his father.
Only if you don't get any ideas and I can close my eyes when someone starts to slip.
Here, easy accessibility, great ice in a deep, narrow gorge, facilities close by and a park run by people who understood the sport and emphasized safety, made for an ideal package.
All my dreams and longings have come to fruition in a single instant when dearest Joshua held me close and my world was sunshine.
I can close my eyes and see the hustle-bustle of the village, the children playing, the pack mules and miners, the ladies decked out in long dresses and fur muffs.
Edith tried to close her door but Fred deftly slipped his foot in the way.
The two of you seem quite close.
Dean was close enough that he could smell the musk of her freshly washed body as she took a deep breath and let out a long and resigned sigh.
She must have lived close to the stables but there's no telling where she worked.
God knows, we're not even close.
As soon as she hung up, she held Dean close.
The state boys figure I'm too close to you to be what somebody calls 'objective'.
If Shipton was far enough over the edge, close enough to the bottom and the river to survive the fall, how could he see you hacking away at his rope?
He ambled out of the room, but Dean didn't hear the front door close and assumed he was an earshot away in the hall.
I didn't want to say it, but I saw her, real close to where Shipton fell.
As Dean drew close to Bird Song, he resolved to ask his wife point blank if she witnessed Donnie Ryland cutting his stepfather's climbing rope in an attempt to send him to his death.
Dean said as he entered his quarters, with Fred close on his tail.
He wondered, too, about the sister's relationship, so close in some respects and so distant in others.
The suspended cord brushed his shoulder and he could close his eyes and still see the protruding tongue, the open, frightened eyes, a body stiff and absent of life.
He turned toward the wall and, after what seemed like minutes, heard the bedroom door close.
They were silent for a few moments before he asked, "If you were that close to where Shipton fell, you must have seen Edith."
He handed Sarah hers, sat close, and put his arm around her, planting a gentle kiss on her temple.
Connor rushed him to get through the doorway before he could close it.
Although he was close to passing out from lack of air, Connor rasped, "Got it."
He faced her and moved in close.
Jackson held back far enough so Connor would not see him, yet close enough to get into the room in a hurry.
She sat close and beamed.
Jackson stood close enough to hear both sides of the conversation.
No one came close.
He approached, yet not close enough to spook her, and trying to sound nonchalant said, "Fancy meeting you here."
The restaurant was close by, so the ride there consisted of small talk about the weather, when peak foliage would be, and how much they both loved New England.
Because I was afraid to get close to you.
And are you still afraid to get close to me?
He went to her, held her close, and kissed her temple.
He brushed by him on his way to the bar and snarled under his breath, "You better close that mouth before I shove my fist in it."
Jackson leaned close to her.
He leaned in close with a wicked smile.
I don't know, something innocuous like pour a glass of wine and dump it down the sink, or open and close a window.
He grabbed her hand and pulled her close, "Dance with me, my leggy Siren."
Jackson stood close enough to hear the conversation, and as soon as the moron committed to buy a watercolor; he approached Elisabeth, put his arms around her and said, Darling, the caterer needs to see you for a minute.
He rolled onto his back pulling her close to his chest.
He heard the door close, then Elisabeth in the kitchen, making breakfast.
She put her arms around his waist and drew in close.
Jackson drew Elisabeth close, burying his nose in her hair.
He put his arms around her, held her close and spoke into her hair.
The desire to kiss her gripped him, but he had already begun to fall apart, so instead pulled her in close.
Jackson pulled her close.
Jackson held her close.
He pulled her close and spoke into her hair, You are denying me nothing.
I can honestly say she has never even come close to being in love.
Upon seeing Elisabeth sound asleep, she leaned close.
He held her close as she wept softly into his chest.
She moved close to the bars and sat, never losing his gaze, then tilted her head and let out a soft whimper.
Elisabeth moved close to him and lay down again with her head in his lap.
He walked to the drawing room with the wolf close behind.
I will never be close enough to hurt you at the full moon again.
He held her close and whispered over and over, "I'm sorry."
She grabbed his shirt and pulled him close.
Jackson slid both arms around her from behind and pulled her close.
He pulled her close, murmuring into her hair, "Just so you know, I plan to take those ankle socks off with my teeth later."
His wounds began to close up before his eyes.
He stopped playing, turned on the piano bench and pulled her close by her waist.
Elisabeth was stoic, always holding her feelings close; and Emily was the effervescent, impulsive optimist.
She sat next to him, a little too close.
What if I was close by, so you could get to me easily?
Elisabeth would close her eyes to make a wish.
He moved in and pulled her close.
He wondered if other werewolves lived in the area, however, if he called her and there weren't any close enough to help, she would be upset needlessly.
Wait. How did she morph into a wolf, it's not even close to a full moon?
Each cleansing lick from the doe nearly knocked them off their feet, but they staggered close to her for more nourishment.
I think this one is getting close to delivering.
She gently removed his hand from her waist and stepped away from him, repeating the statement in a voice close to a shout.
We've all been keeping our noses too close to the grindstone.
Josh was silent until they heard the front door close.
His face contorted in rage and one long step brought him close enough to grab her shoulders.
With lightning speed, Alex moved in close, jerking one of Josh's legs out from under him.
He knew she had been flustered by his close presence, and he was enjoying it.
He pulled her close again and leaned down, softly brushing her lips with his.
She screamed and darted for the door, but he caught her and pulled her close again.
His hands dropped to her waist and he pulled her close.
She squealed and he lowered her feet to the ground, gently pulling her close.
She stepped in between them again, distracting Alex to the point that Josh came close to hitting him.
He drew her close in an embrace.
He grinned and reached for her, drawing her close in an embrace.
Someone was building a log house so close that they could overlook her farm.
He held out his hand to her, and when she accepted it, he pulled her close in a comforting embrace.
The goats were staying close to the house today.
It was getting close to feeding time.
Sliding an arm across the back of Carmen's chair, he leaned close, speaking softly in her ear.
He chuckled softly and pulled her close.
The comms have gone up and down, depending on how close we are to the nuked areas.
He normally keeps the commander close to him.
Two posted guard outside while two more rigged the repaired door to open and close.
Brady crept as close as he dared.
Well, Dan, it's good for you to know I can put you close to death.
Open it at sixteen hundred today and close it at seventeen twenty.
She'd never been so close to a man.
Brady bristled and strode to her, stopping when he was close enough for their bodies to touch in an unmistakable attempt at intimidation.
I might be close, but I think you beat me.
He held up the key fob in the space between them, close enough for her to grab, if she wanted.
Is that close to what I said?
I decided to use that and keep you close.
Stepping onto the ledge outside, Lana heard the sounds of gun and laser fire too close for her comfort, along with the beat of helicopters in the dark skies.
Lana looked over her shoulder at an explosion that seemed far too close.
They were close to her condo; she drove the massive Sky Bridge every day to get to work.
She'd been too tired and cold to remember just how close to home she was.
I gotta go, Brady said and touched his net to close it.
There are a lot of swamps in Arkansas, so just stick as close to the roads as you can.
Brady drew close enough to one of the fed security members and drew his knife.
He was far enough away from the Sanctuary's fortress not to cause a threat to those there, so long as the two people buffering him stayed close.
She turned, expecting to see another shadow disappear. Instead, someone stood before her, close enough to touch her.
He'd lost three days already. Four was cutting it close.
The place where Katie touched him in his dream stung. Rhyn moved out of the drizzle, close to the fire, and peeled off his shirt. There was a welt resembling a bee sting where she'd touched him.
His shove almost drove her to her knees again. She steadied herself and looked up in time to see him disappear into the jungle. Fear made her heart pound. The strange path he'd been following appeared ahead of her, revealing itself only a few steps at a time. She started at a walk and quickened to a jog, making sure the path wouldn't close and trip her. The path kept up with her, and she ran.
Andre ran hard for a creature that was already dead. Katie chased him, terrified of looking back when the awful sounds seemed so close. Only when the ground stopped trembling did Andre stop.
Unable to sleep without knowing the truth, Toby huddled beneath the jungle leaves and stretched his senses until he found Katie. He couldn't put her in more danger, if there was something wrong with Ully. She was close enough for him to find when he needed to. If he kept some distance between him and Katie, he could figure out what was wrong with Ully without endangering her more.
I'm here. You sound close.
Katie angled herself towards the voice once again. The woman was close. She continued and then stopped suddenly, nearly tripping over the small form in her path.
Katie was close. Toby could sense her. He ignored the branches whipping his face and the brambles tripping him. Instead, he just ran, the screams of demons in his ears.
I don't know what that is, but it's close.
Deidre was close on her heels.
He moved forward until the sound of the sea and the firmness of the sand suggested he was close to the water's edge.
While it was close enough to catch broadcasts of Phillies baseball and Eagles football, it was far enough away to be isolated from most of the brutality associated with the city of Brotherly Love.
She named a salary figure close to the small amount Dean drew from the Parkside Police Department.
She was close to completing training to become a physical therapist and would graduate at the end of the summer.
We're about ready to close our end of the case unless you've found something that looks fishy.
Vinnie sounded close to tears as he coughed on another of Ethel's cigarette butts.
He then told her the Parkside Police Department would close the investigation from this end unless something new came to light.
He wants to close up that Byrne case unless you've found a real good reason to keep it open.
Jonathan Winston never flinched and his smile remained in place as he moved very close to Vinnie, nearly touching him.
He rents an address, not too close to Parkside but not too far away, like maybe Scranton!
Scranton is close to where he grabbed the dough.
But their little sojourn to Scranton had not yielded once and for all what Dean had hoped for, a dead end to close off speculation on this business.
By the time he stuffed a duffle bag with slacks, sweater, socks and underwear, he knew he was cutting the time close.
Not even close to the same description.
They parked close to the building and, leaving the engine running, Dean made a dash for the office.
She pivoted and entered the room, taking baby steps and leaving him to close the door behind her.
Let's look at the facts, make a decision and close the case.
He was still searching and putting things back together when Officer Jack McCarty and his female partner Jenny Nachman arrived, with the doctor close on their heels.
If you get close enough, sooner or later someone gets careless.
The car was never close enough for him to see the occupant.
There are no close relatives so she's going to handle the arrangements.
There wasn't even a close match.
They decided against it, cautious about frightening off Byrne if he should get wind of the search and realize someone was this close to finding him.
I'll bet it's close to Interstate 70.
One minute he'd be drinking in the beauty of the countryside and the next feeling a wave of anxiety, realizing what had begun as a mild suspicion was close to culminating in a face-to-face confrontation with Jeffrey Byrne.
Guess I was tailgating too close.
He considered calling for a taxicab but when he found the motel was close by he decided to exercise his tightening leg and walk.
When you and the old man began getting close, we stepped in.
Why did you let Byrne stay in the bike tour if you knew we were close to him?
The light was extinguished and Dean heard the door close to silence.
Then he heard the door close with a bang and Dean was alone with his thoughts and unanswered questions.
She was about as close to her parents as any child I've ever seen.
Reaching her side, he squatted close to her, his head almost level with hers.
Had anyone else been that close, she would have felt her space was being invaded, but in this case the smell of his cologne and his close proximity increased her pulse.
He has a quiet humor that goes unnoticed if you're not paying close attention.
You girls put the presents over here close to Carmen.
These people were as close to family as she would ever have.
It was getting close to noon when Carmen finished weeding in her garden.
I'd rather you didn't get too close to them until they adjust to the change.
Finally he slipped a hand around her waist and drew her close.
He held her close with one arm while the other slid up her side, following the curve of her hips and waist.
He lifted her arms to his shoulders and drew her close.
She grabbed her purse and followed him to the truck, leaping in quickly so he could close the door and get around to his side.
In the hallway they knelt close to the wall and he sheltered her in his arms.
She snuggled close to him, her heart racing.
He gently stroked her hair, his voice soft and close to her ear.
She ghosted up beside him, standing close enough to catch a whiff of his cologne.
His hands captured her waist and pulled her close again, kissing her ardently.
It was dark there beside the truck, and for a moment he simply held her close.
He pulled her close again and for a few moments they stood in silence again.
He pulled her close and kissed her temple.
He pulled her close again and this time his kiss was passionate.
When her arms surrounded his neck, he pulled her close and kissed her softly on the mouth.
He held her close for a while, caressing her hair and back ... crooning to her as if she were a child.
Maybe he was getting nervous because he had been this close to getting married once before and she simply didn't show up for the wedding.
And yet, afterward, he held her close, comforting her while she cried.
Hugging her close, he sighed heavily.
He drew her close, his expression amused.