Cloacal Sentence Examples
As a rule, the wall of the ovary is continued into a uterine tube opening into the cloaca; but in Philodinaceae this is absent, and the young are free in the body cavity and escape by perforating the cloacal walls.
Un like the molluscs and annelids, however, the cloacal invagination lies outside this region, and the foot is formed by an elongation of the end of the body between the two apertures.
Slender, tapering behind, with subventral cloacal orifice; thin cuticle without papillae; flattened spicules; no gills.
Short, truncate in front and behind; cloacal orifice transverse; gills present; rather thin cuticle; no radula.
The other pair lies just within the lips of the cloacal opening.
The mouth and cloacal aperture are generally at opposite ends of the ventral surface.
Into this same cloacal chamber open ventrally a pair of ciliated tubes communicating by funnels with the coelom (Nansen and Wheeler); these are possibly nephridia, and excretory in function.
In the typical newts (Molge) of Europe, the males are adorned during the breeding season with bright colours and crests or other ornamental dermal appendages, and, resorting to the water, they engage in a lengthy courtship accompanied by lively evolutions around the females, near which they deposit their spermatozoa in bundles on a gelatinous mass, the spermatophore, probably secreted by the cloacal gland.
This arrangement facilitates the internal fecundation of the female without copulation, the female absorbs the spermatozoa by squeezing them out of the spermatophore between the cloacal lips.
Extraordinary increase in length during the breeding season causes the vasa deferentia in some of the African weaverbirds to protrude, or to bulge out the cloacal walls beyond the vent.
AdvertisementThe simple nerve-ganglion or brain (g) lies on the anterodorsal side of the pharynx, and by its position determines the orientation of the animal, the cloacal opening lying on the same side, and the course of the gut being" neural."The sense organs are a pair of pigmented eyes (oc), and two pairs of antennae, one anterior proximal and near the wreath, the other distal and usually more or less lateral.