Clings Sentence Examples
Pelusium ("the muddy") is the Farama of the Arabs, Peremoun in Coptic; the name Tina which clings to the locality seems etymologically connected with the Arabic word for clay or mud.
In all the tailless batrachians (with the exception of a single known viviparous toad),the male clings to the female round the breast, at the arm-pits, or round the waist, and awaits, often for hours or days, the deposition of the ova, which are immediately fecundated by several seminal emissions.
Al-Mosta`sim billah ("he who clings to God for protection"), son of Mostansir, the last caliph of Bagdad, was a narrow-minded, irresolute man, guided moreover by bad counsellors.
Veitchii, a more recent introduction (1868) from Japan, has smaller leaves very variable in shape; it clings readily to stone or brick work by means of suckers at the ends of the branched tendrils.
Sometimes the one partner affords the other merely a convenient means of transport, as in the case of the barnacles which grow on, or of the gulf-weed crab which clings to, the carapace of marine turtles.
Meanwhile, wilt the spinach in the water that clings to the leaves.
And that method on which a great scholar 1 insisted when studying the old Persian religion is doubly to be insisted on in the study of the history of baptism and the cognate institution, the eucharist, namely, to avoid equally " the narrowness of mind which clings to matters of fact without rising to their cause and connecting them with the series of associated phenomena, and the wild and uncontrolled spirit of comparison, which, by comparing everything, confounds everything."
He clings with regret to the golden chalices and fragrant incense of Catholicism.
The academic mainstream still clings to its dismissal of class.
On the one hand, indeed, orthodoxy and heresy are symbolized to his mind by the wheat and the tares respectively; he clings to the naive opinion of Catholicism, that contemporary orthodoxy has prevailed within the Church from the first; he recognizes the true faith only in the mystery of the Trinity; he judges heretics who have been already condemned as interlopers, as impudent innovators, actuated by bad and self-seeking motives; he apologizes for having so much as treated of Arianism at all in his history of the Church; he believes in the inspiration of the ecclesiastical councils as much as in that of the Scriptures themselves.
AdvertisementIt is astonishing how quickly seaweed clings to a ship 's bottom and thereby retards its speed.
Sati does not arise when one clings to the view of a self who wants to have sati.
Since pollen clings to clothing and hair, have your child change clothing and shower or bathe nightly so she doesn't track pollen into bed.
If you're looking for inexpensive, temporary home décor, look no further than decorative window clings.
Window clings are vinyl decals that use static cling to adhere to your window.
AdvertisementThere are several different variations on window clings available today.
Seasonal and holiday themed window clings can be found at any craft store or home decoration center.
Semi-permanent window clings are meant to resemble stained glass.
Durable vinyl clings are available for any room in the house in a wide number of designs.
Why window clings are available in a large number of patterns, including some custom designs, they are also easy to make at home.
AdvertisementAllow the colors to touch one another gently for a multi-color affect, or leave a space between them and piece multiple clings together for a larger image.
Decorative window clings can be used anywhere a whimsical, colorful touch is desired.
Give decorative clings a try for seasonal decorating or for any time at all; they are sure to brighten your day.
Shiseido Very Light Pressed Powder contains an extremely fine texture of cosmetic that gently clings to the skin and yet remains long-lasting.
If the dough seems a little too loose, add a little more flour until the dough clings to a spoon when held upside down.
AdvertisementA dress that clings tends to do so in all the wrong places.
A sweater that clings to the bust may look better with a camisole.
Ribbing is stretchy and clings to the body.
The Lycra fabric clings to all your curves, allowing you to run around with your kids at the beach or be active with your friends.
When deciding if your sweater dress is appropriate for work, take a look at how it clings to your figure; some of the more fitted designs may be too sexy for work.
Satin is a poplar fabric because of the way it clings to curves, but beware the too short skirt on women.
Print your paper dolls on inkjet window clings to decorate mirrors, windows, and other glass surfaces.
If you don't like the idea of giving your children small round magnets, cut up window clings will work equally as well on a laminated surface.
As the matriarch of the Forrester family, Flannery has delivered a nuanced role of the powerful woman who clings too tightly to her children and battles other women for the love of Forrester patriarch Eric.
You may have to gently tap the transfer down a little more so it clings well.
Besides the see-through nature of clear straps, they're also made of a silicone-like material that naturally clings to your skin, making them less likely to slip off your shoulders in the first place.
For example, there is a very sexy, sheer, tube dress that clings to the body in the most provocative of ways, as well as a sheer, long sleeved, body stocking.
Others may love the way a long, satin white nightgown clings to their body in just the right places to create a stunning silhouette.
It was formerly the capital of Vogtland, or Voigtland, a territory governed by the imperial vogt, or bailiff, and this name still clings in popular speech to the hilly district in which the town lies.
If a drop of water be allowed to form at the extremity of a fine tube, it will go on increasing until its weight overcomes the surface tension by which it clings to the tube, and then it will fall.
This is an arrangement recommended by one who has tried it, and he reassures the old-fashioned believer who clings to the less formal regime (and whose protest was voiced in the Montanist movement), that there will be no spiritual loss under the new system.
A liberal and a corrservative theology (rationalist and orthodox) exist side by side within the churches, and while the latter clings to the theology of the 16th century, the former ventures to raise doubts about the truth of such a common and simple standard as the Apostles' Creed.
In small flowers which are crowded at the same level or in flat flowers in which the stigmas and anthers project but little, slugs or snails creeping over their surface may transfer to the stigma the pollen which clings to the slimy foot.
The educated bourgeoisie, which controls the fields of politics, science, finance, administration, art and literature, does not trouble itself about that great spiritual universal monarchy which Rome, as heir of the Caesars, claimed for the Vatican, and to which the Curia of to-day still clings.
In the Eastern Alps the longest glacier is the Pasterze (rather over 64 m.), which is not near the true main watershed, though it clings to the slope of the Greater Tauern range, east of the Dreiherrenspitze.
This resentment was especially conspicuous in Bavaria, which clings more tenaciously than the other states to its separate traditions.
The Danes were specially renowned for their axes; but about the sword the most of northern poetry and mythology clings.
The interest of the narratives clings around north Judah and Benjamin, and more attention is given to the rise of the Judaean dynasty, the hostility of Saul, and the romantic friendship between his son Jonathan and the young David of Bethlehem.
Though ignorant of the legal ritual and prayers, they performed the tawaf with enthusiasm, throwing themselves against the Ka`ba and clinging to its curtains as a child clings to its mother.
GelGems® window clings work best on clean, smooth glass.
McAveety clings on after lunch gaffe Site Feed This is the news page of the Edinburgh People's Festival.
It is astonishing how quickly seaweed clings to a ship's bottom and thereby retards its speed.
Sati does not arise when one clings to the view of a self who wants to have sati does not arise when one clings to the view of a self who wants to have sati.