Climbing Sentence Examples
She turned and began climbing the stairs.
I could have you climbing before the sun sets.
Climbing the unfinished stairs she opened the door to the new room and looked around.
In spite of such worldly concerns I barely remember climbing beneath the covers sleep came so quickly.
His sole venture at the end of a rope was the prior winter in Ouray's ice climbing park, under even more tenuous circumstances.
If I'm going to get any ice climbing done, I better get moving.
It was completely covered with vines, climbing roses and honeysuckles.
Never have I found in the greenhouses of the North such heart-satisfying roses as the climbing roses of my southern home.
He dwelt, as it were, in a tent in this world, and was either threading the valleys, or crossing the plains, or climbing the mountain-tops.
Ice climbing is more of a rush than women— almost!
AdvertisementClimbing the stairs, he hoped to find her in his bed.
I spoke with her on the phone around Christmas and mentioned I was coming to Ouray for some ice climbing.
The group walked up to the ice park climbing area from Bird Song.
If you can't find a fixed rappel, you have to rig one, but at popular climbing spots, like in the ice park, there's lots of choices 'cause it's climbed so much.
He's going to meet me later after he gets in a little ice climbing.
AdvertisementShe walked down the beach opposite the party, gaze alternating between the ocean at her feet and the full moon climbing into the sky.
A cat climbing trees can become a real problem for its owner.
Climbing aboard, he slapped the reins to the team.
The Deans were learning the sport of ice climbing is critically dependent on equipment, unique and not inexpensive.
All persons using the bottom of the gorge or actually climbing must use helmets and crampons.
AdvertisementHe motioned down the pathway toward where Donald Ryland and the others were climbing.
They say ice climbing is a dangerous sport, so remember you all, be careful out there, you hear?
Not only did the intensifying snow make climbing even more dangerous than usual, but Shipton's accident had cloaked a pall over everyone's activities.
Donald is out ice climbing, too.
He could picture her climbing onto the velvet chair, perhaps even smiling, before kicking it away, and waiting the few agonizing moments until death set her free.
AdvertisementPrimarily, it was Jerome Shipton's severed climbing rope that remained a knotty question that wouldn't go away.
The following weekend, two and a half weeks after Edith's death, Penny and Mick returned to bird Song for a couple of days of ice climbing, a further reminder of the ice park incident.
Before Dean could comment, she asked, You going to try ice climbing yourself?
Did he pick up everything—all the items Jake Weller brought by and the luggage we were holding—and the climbing gear?
He hesitated, wondering if they had chosen a lower climbing spot, below the bridge that spanned the gorge.
He moved up the steel trestle by the ice climbing area designated The Schoolroom.
Dean rummaged about in the snow among the remaining climbing articles but the leather apparatus he untangled was far too small for his waist.
Smilacoideae are climbing shrubs with broad net-veined leaves and small dioecious flowers in umbels springing from the leaf-axils; the fruit is a berry.
Climbing plants with gorgeous flowers are common, and there are numerous species of Compositae and about a hundred cinchonaceous plants.
You might also want to provide him with a cat tree and a few new toys so he can get the kind of exercise he would if he was climbing and jumping around outside.
Turning from the window, she spotted Jonathan climbing the stairs.
It took all his restraint to keep from climbing into the bed with her.
Accidents due to simple climbing are, however, exceedingly rare, and are usually found associated with a faulty track, with " plunging " movements of the locomotive or vehicle, or with a " tight gauge " at curves or points.
Dean witnessed none of it as he surged upward, climbing above all but the highest ridges as the narrow track stretched toward the timberline.
In recent years, the town of Ouray had attained international acclaim for its ice climbing park, located on the southern edge of the tiny town.
As Ryland closed his door, the Quincy sisters came out of the parlor and began climbing the stairs—Effie with a cheery 'good night Mr. and Mrs. Dean,' and Claire with tight-lipped silence.
Much of the climbing activity was taking place in an area called The Schoolroom, with various routes classified and given names— Verminator, Duncan's Delight and Bloody Sunday.
Did he pick up everything—all the items Jake Weller brought by and the luggage we were holding—and the climbing gear?
After a frenzied honk and finger from a following motorist, Fred pointed out a man alighting from a bicycle and climbing the steps of 137.
Alpine in nature (just missing permanent snow) and have some magnificent climbing arenas, notably Coire Lagan.
But there was also some serious climbing done and some more epics to add to the club annals.
There are 144 different species of flowering plant growing on the hill, including small balsam, lords and ladies and climbing corydalis.
He was very impressed by the graphics on the first screen, which showed a giant beanstalk climbing into the clouds.
This included climbing over boulders to get to likely areas of boulder scree, and getting onto the scree itself.
It is an indoor skiing facility that uses real snow it also house a bowling alley, multiplex cinema, climbing walls and restaurants.
For example, asthma sufferers can become breathless carrying heavy things or climbing stairs.
They are climbing out the windows of the high school cafeteria.
A small, well camouflaged, easily overlooked, shy, tree climbing bird.
Make a climbing wall by cutting two pieces of stiff cardboard about ten inches by four inches.
The climbing is really excellent on beautiful granite cliffs with grade of climbs to suit all abilities.
Rock climbing Or, more accurately, sea cliff climbing, is big in these parts.
Climbing Plants A pruning and planting schedule for evergreen and deciduous climbers.. .
But alas, by the time they had finished climbing through the tree, it was completely draped with their dusty, gray cobwebs.
The activities consisted of kayaking, sea level traversing and rock climbing, as well as problem solving and team games.
A new yellow cowling has been fitted to this unit to prevent vandals from climbing upon the buffers.
We are not aware of any access to the various climbing crags on the peninsula at this time.
A more rigid twelve point crampon is better for winter climbing.
The starter of grilled squid comes with wonderfully crisp tentacles climbing up a vertical wooden skewer.
This climbing up the PES leads to the decreased slope of the caloric curve at higher energies.
Mid-Ulster's Jonathan McCloy is in the climbing form of his life and has always been a very fast descender.
Climbing the final hill we stayed in our pedals, having never once dismounted to walk throughout the entire journey.
Here is Pumpkin having a doze at a vantage point on top of the climbing frame.
Tim is the focused company man, climbing the corporate ladder; Nick the hopeless dreamer.
Hedera helix, is the only native British evergreen climbing shrub.
Well, Sunday night was after climbing, so it was an easy option, turkey fajitas.
After climbing the fells at Watendlath, Larry and I were greeted by a spectacular sunset over Borrowdale.
The rousing finale for the entire cast was totally chaotic, with some girls climbing onto the chandeliers hanging over the stage.
As mentioned previously, an intrepid cat climbing trees is hardly a nuisance.
Tree climbing, or climbing in general, is a basic instinct for a cat.
Tree climbing is essential for wilderness cat survival, and this behavior has translated well to the domestic cat.
Cats are born climbers, so it's no surprise that their bodies are designed to handle the falls such climbing can entail.
The walking or climbing fishes, which are peculiar to south-eastern Asia and Africa, are organized so as to be able to breathe when out of the water, and they are thus fitted to exist under conditions which would be fatal to other fishes, being suited to live in the regions of periodical drought and rain in which they are found.
In the Alps and Vosges this resinous semi-fluid is collected by climbing the trees and pressing out the contents of the natural receptacles of the bark into horn or tin vessels held beneath them.
In the relative development and shape of the various segments of the leg there is almost endless variety, dependent on the order to which the insect belongs, and the special function - walking, running, climbing, digging or swimming - for which the limb is adapted.
Many of them were climbing animals, and from these true birds with the power of flight were developed.
In these spiders, too, the newly-hatched young shift for themselves as soon as they emerge from the cocoon; in others that guard the cocoon the young stay for a longer or shorter time under their mother's protection, those of the wandering Lycosidae climbing on her back to be carried about with her wherever she goes.
Besides the trees described above, a number of climbing plants or vines belonging to the Apocyanaceae secrete a latex which furnishes rubber of good quality.
Forsteronia gracilis of Guiana is a climbing plant which also belongs to the Apocynaceae.
Luzuriagoideae are shrubs or undershrubs with erect or climbing branches and fruit a berry.
They were distinguished by their mode of hunting, climbing a tree to survey their game, and then pursuing it with trained horses and dogs.
His death occurred prematurely on the 27th of August 1898, when he was killed, together with one son and two daughters, by an accident the nature of which was never precisely ascertained, while climbing the Petite Dent de Veisivi, above Evolena.
The climbing of ladders from deep mines not only lessens the efficiency of the men by reason of fatigue, but often tends to increase the mortality from diseases of the heart.
Vines have woody climbing stems, with alternate, entire or palmately lobed leaves, provided at the base with small stipules.
The roots of the climbing species are of interest in their adaptation to the mode of life of the plant.
The stems are columnar or elongated, some of the latter creeping on the ground or climbing up the trunks of trees, rooting as they grow.
Climbing the high mountain that overhangs the town, he established on the summit the monastery with which his name has ever since been associated, and which for centuries was a chief centre of religious life for western Europe.
Darwin's experiments in reference to the movements of climbing and twining plants, and of leaves in insectivorous plants, have opened up a wide field of inquiry as to the relation between plants and the various external factors, which has attracted numerous workers.
Bears are five-toed, and provided with formidable claws, which are not retractile, and thus better fitted for digging and climbing than for tearing.
The grizzly bear is said to lose this power of climbing in the adult stage.
By various modifications of their valves and appendages the creatures have become adapted for swimming, creeping, burrowing, or climbing, some of them combining two or more of these activities, for which their structure seems at the first glance little adapted.
The second antennae are usually the chief motororgans for swimming, walking and climbing.
But swiftness, the apparatus necessary for climbing, running and digging, the mechanism of the tongue, the muscles of the jaws (hence modifications of the cranial arches) stand also in correlation with the kind of food and with the way in which it has to be procured.
The plant has a climbing habit like the scarlet runner, and attains a height of about 50 ft.
Here the mountains seized him, and he became a constant visitor and one of the most intrepid and most resolute of explorers; among other feats of climbing he was the first to ascend the Weiss - horn (1861).
Scale of Metres o co 20 30 40 5 Scale of Yards 0 i p zo g o 40 ?o climbing plants with slender herbaceous or shrubby shoots, to which belong the yam and the British black bryony, Tamus communis.
Growth in length is mainly in a vertical direction, or at least at the ends of the shoots; and this should be encouraged, in the case of a timber tree, or of a climbing plant which it is desired should cover a wall quickly; but where flowers or fruit are specially desired, then, when the wood required is formed, the lateral shoots may often be trained more or less downward to induce fertility.
Handsome climbing herbs, increased by seeds or division.
Sphenophyllum was a slender climbing plant with whorls of leaves, which was probably related both to the calamites and the lycopods.
Among these are many funicular cog-wheel lines, climbing up to considerable heights, so up to Marren (5368 ft.), over the Wengern Alp (6772 ft.), up to the Schynige Platte (6463 ft.), and many others still in the state of projects.
David, who spent some time in the Albert Edward district, that the creature dwells in the most dense parts of the primeval forest, where there is an undergrowth of solid-leaved, swamp-loving plants, such as arum, Donax and Phrynium, which, with orchids and climbing plants, form a thick and confused mass of vegetation.
The monasteries stand on the summit of these pinnacles; they are accessible only by aid of rope and net worked by a windlass from the top, or by a series of almost perpendicular ladders climbing the cliff.
It is pleasantly situated in a hilly district to the east of Clun Forest, climbing the flank and occupying the summit of an eminence.
Among the Pagurinea is the Birgus latro, or robber-crab, whose expertness in climbing the coco-nut palm need no longer be doubted, since in recent years it has been noted and photographed by trustworthy naturalists in the very act.
They differ in certain respects, as in the proportion of the limbs, in the bony development of the eyebrow ridges, and in the opposable great toe, which fits the foot to be a climbing and grasping organ.
The main part of the town and the bazaars are crowded alongside the stream, while suburbs with scattered houses among orchards and gardens extend up two tributary streams. The houses are massive and well built of a soft volcanic tufa, and with their courtyards and gardens climbing up the hillsides afford a striking picture.
There are also found the black pepper plant (Piper Clusii), a climbing plant abundant in the mountain districts; the grains of paradise or melegueta pepper plant (Amomum Melegueta) and other Amomums whose fruits are prized.
The genus is a member of the natural order Smiliaceae, and constitutes the tribe Smilacoidide, characterized by its climbing habit, net-veined leaves and dioecious flowers.
In Sikkim the mountains are covered with dense forest of tall umbrageous trees, commonly accompanied by a luxuriant growth of under shrubs, and adorned with climbing and epiphytal plants in wonderful profusion.
In the tropical zone large figs abound, Terminalia, Shorea (sal), laurels, many Leguminosae, Bombax, Artocarpus, bamboos and several palms, among which species of Calamus are remarkable, climbing over the largest trees; and this is the western limit of Cycas and Myristica (nutmeg).
Other ferns, Scitamineae, orchids and climbing Aroideae are very numerous, the last named profusely adorning the forests with their splendid dark-green foliage.
The most distinguishing feature of the flora of this region is the predominance of arborescent growths; forests cover in fact 56% of the area, and are not only dense but laced together with climbing and twining plants.
The climbing plants, from the size of a whipcord to that of a man-of-war's hawser, are so numerous, that the ancient path is the only passage.
With regard to climbing, the long stretch of arm and the grasp with both hands and feet contribute to the arboreal life of the apes, contrasting with what seem the mere remains of the climbing habit to be found even among forest savages.
This genus is represented by several species, most of which are climbing plants, both in tropical America and in warm regions of the Old World.
The forests of the granitic land, of which typical patches remain, had the characteristics of a tropical moist region, palms, shrubs, climbing and tree ferns growing luxuriantly, the trees on the mountain sides, such as the Pandanus sechellarum sending down roots over the rocks and boulders from 70 to 100 ft.
It stands on the site of the ancient Panticapaeum, and, like most towns built by the ancient Greek colonists in this part of the world, occupies a beautiful situation, clustering round the foot and climbing up the sides of the hill (called after Mithradates) on which stood the ancient citadel or acropolis.
The Apollo Sauroctonus (after Praxiteles), copied in bronze at the Villa Albani in Rome and in marble at Paris, is a naked, youthful, almost boyish figure, leaning against a tree, waiting to strike a lizard climbing up the trunk.
Special adaptations for climbing are exhibited by both pairs of limbs in opossums, and for hanging to boughs in sloths.
As regards function, the tail may be a mere pendent appendage, or may be adapted to grasp boughs in climbing, or even to collect food or materials for a nest or sleeping place, as in the spider-monkeys, opossums and rat-kangaroos.
It is also applied to the strait between Mallicollo and Espiritu Santo Islands of the New Hebrides group, and the South American climbing plant Bougainvillea, often cultivated in greenhouses, is named after him.
They have large cheek-pouches, large naked callosities, often brightly coloured, on the buttocks, and short thick limbs, adapted rather to walking than to climbing.
All Boidae possess vestiges of pelvis and hind limbs, appearing externally as claw-like spurs on each side of the vent, but they are so small that they are practically without function in climbing.
The climbing plants in the tropical forests are exceedingly luxuriant and the undergrowth or " bush " is extremely dense.
In the forests are numerous bright-plumaged birds and many species of monkeys, mostly ground monkeys - the trees being too prickly for climbing.
There is reason to believe that Lyginodendron oldhamium was a climbing plant comparable in some respects to such recent Ferns as Davallia aculeata.
Several species of Nyssa are common to the two districts, as are a climbing palm, two vines, a magnolia, &c. The common tree at Bovey is Sequoia Couttsiae, which probably grew in profusion in the sheltered valleys of Dartmoor, close to the lake.
Vascular Cryptogams still include one or two large horsetails with stems over an inch thick, and also 37 species of Fern, amongst the most interesting of which are 5 species belonging to the climbing Lygodium, a genus now living in Java.
The plan of all is the same - an open court, with a tesselated pavement, and one or two marble fountains; orange and lemon trees, flowering shrubs, and climbing plants give freshness and fragrance.
She returned to the creature, which was climbing to its feet with difficulty.
They had six legs with little pads for feet instead of toes and claws, a delicate snout not quite the length of an anteater's lined with fine hairs and tiny teeth used to vacuum up mold, dust, and dirt that was its main food source, and an odd habit of climbing walls with hidden suckers in its padded feet.
Thus was created a major climbing facility and, in the process, an additional invitation for winter tourists, earning the small town a reputation as a growing Mecca for this exciting and perilous sport.
The climbing area was a short distance, off the main highway, just as the roadway began to ascend into the mountains.
In spite of the closeness of the park to Bird Song, this was Cynthia's first view of ice climbing.
Ice climbing is more of a rush than women— almost!
She was prattling on about the planet Zzz where some arch villain who closely resembled Jerome Shipton, was to meet his due while climbing an icy cliff, in hot pursuit of a fair maiden whom Dean took to be a greatly slimmed down version of the author.
He upped the ante in the climbing world at the time.
Activities include canoeing, rock climbing and abseiling, archery, hill walking, kayaking, orienteering.
Mountain biking and boarding, kayaking, canoeing, archery, gorge walking, rock climbing, survival skills and more.
Other local activities include rock and tree climbing, archery, quad bikes, and golf.
We have an archway with two climbing roses growing up each side which we planted last year.
When I'm not diving I also enjoy badminton, reading and hill climbing.
The answer to whether summer sports climbing should be allowed in the mountains, or even rural roadside crags, is less clear cut.
I love your dancing, your little ' shows ', your love of climbing trees and your general derring-do.
There's an Olympic pool, lakeside diving boards, inflatable water climbing floats, table tennis and fast flume.
Scale the climbing wall or work out to aerobics, play five-a-side football, brave the skateboard ramp, orienteer or have a massage.
From the park gates a road runs through lowland evergreen forest before climbing steeply through well forested hills.
Cafe Climbing the stairs from the outer foyer to the cinema cafe, later the bar.
Leaving tomorrow free for final stuff, trips to tip, taking down climbing frame.
Home to some truly spectacular peaks, they are renowned throughout Europe to the climbing fraternity.
The age of their climbing harnesses and their ability to put them on back to front gave an added frisson of excitement.
Climbing Ben Nevis in a howling gale at night can never be taken for granted!
Instead of climbing gear, however, you must organize your thoughts.
Sabretooth Pro Crampons offer high performance for mixed masters, whether you're climbing a heady thin pillar or crossing a sketchy crevassed glacier.
Rest assured, however, that he is currently cleaning guillemot guano from the team's climbing equipment with his tongue.
The usual form was to keep the driver awake through the night by quizzes based on climbing guidebooks.
The Climbers Club produce the definative guidebook to all the climbing on Lundy.
The quality of our climbing harnesses speaks for itself, we have not cut corners in materials, or manufacturing details.
Climbing as a spiritual homecoming rather than a physical pursuit.
The ants are usually active between March and October and can be seen climbing trees where they collect honeydew produced by aphids.
Marianne Park will use this trellis to grow honeysuckle and climbing roses on the surrounding walls.
Clematis, evergreen honeysuckles and climbing or rambling roses are delightful when used in this way.
Climbing the stairs the atmosphere becomes very humid with the temperature steadily climbing.
The front of the house has a climbing hydrangea and there are lantern lights and sensor lights.
They may engage in dangerous activities such as smoking or climbing icefalls in winter.
As I have got older I have become less inclined to frighten myself and part of the reason I enjoy sport climbing very much.
Climbing instructors, canoeing instructors and general adventure staff jobs.
Courses are available including introductory, lead climbing and advanced and also a kids club on Saturdays.
Hanging baskets, potted plants, climbing ivy, even a couple of real trees standing proudly in the corner.
Some climbing plants when not supported become trailing plants (English ivy ).
Climbers starring this month are many of the clematis, abutilon, climbing roses and the honeysuckle (lonicera japonica ).
A twin legged lanyard is used for climbing steelwork, racking or scaffolding therefore moving between anchor points and still maintaining security.
I stamp on my belay ledge to keep cozy and climbing cautiously above my last piece of gear I feel absorbed.
We took the right fork, then kept straight ahead leftish, climbing the fallen tree.
Use of hands and feet of three-toed sloths (Bradypus variegatus) during climbing and terrestrial locomotion.
Climbing into my car this morning a large mango was waiting for me.
Reading instructional manuals and visits to the local climbing wall also played a major part in learning.
The Rai Leh peninsular projects out into a bay filled with such tall islands and has long been known as a climbing Mecca.
Hunt was an accomplished mountaineer, having spent childhood holidays climbing in the Alps.
On site activities include canoeing, sailing, climbing, horse riding, swimming, abseiling, orienteering, archery and many more.
The children went skiing, rock climbing, orienteering, walking in the muddy forest.
Happy climbing, Phil Ashby April 19th Today on the Ben must be pretty peachy away from the big cornice routes!
Thirteen miles and climbing peaks and valleys of 200 feet.
Whilst she was engaged, BB and I had fun. we played peekaboo, chair climbing and stair climbing practice.
It's perfect for arches, pergolas, walls or climbing into a tree.
One of the gardens has a pergola, covered with climbing plants, providing restful shade.
Phase 2 concentrated on the much-loved Rose Garden, creating new rose and shrub beds with arches for climbing roses and a new pergola.
Present ideas include a playhouse, or a large trampoline, or a climbing frame.
I just use teepees or is it tipis made up of 8 foot bamboo poles for climbing beans.
An ice climbing tool called the pterodactyl was invented in Glen Coe.
Former Leeds physical lecturer Don Robinson designed the University's - and the world's - first purpose-built climbing wall in 1964.
We met in an outdoor pursuits center where we had access to a climbing wall.
On Wednesday we had arranged to go climbing and abseiling at an abandoned slate quarry.
Climbing down a steep boulder ramp we reached the side of a large stream.
The landscape is also very well suited to outdoor activities such as climbing, horse riding, kayaking, cycling and many water sports.
I have fitted a traverse line here, of good quality climbing rope.
Tie in climbing and rambling roses as near to horizontal as possible.
I still don't really have the hang of pruning climbing roses for best effect.
Each section is fitted with built-in climbing rungs in one face, removing the need for a separate ladder.
Platform Access 40mm diameter wooden rungs, Rock climbing face.
It's a long section, starting with some very muddy ruts, then climbing through a tree lined gully.
His interests include caving, rock climbing, hiking, and racing sailboats.
A sketch map by Barbara Nuttall of medieval Thornhill shows Deadman's Lane climbing the fault scarp of the Edge.
A great place for anyone looking to spend their time off walking, climbing or just exploring a beautifully scenic area.
In the following few seconds I think Richard invented a new sport; climbing wall running!
The Royal Marine Commando Display Team will be bringing its state-of-the-art simulators, with climbing walls suitable for all skill levels.
I've got more chance of climbing Everest in carpet slippers than ever being that good.
I once composed a sonnet as I was climbing which expresses something of my feelings on that occasion.
The 70 year old, man, is climbing hay stacks in 1930s gear.
We are climbing a stairway to the stars with a dazzling light far ahead of us at the top.
Climbing down from the big stalagmite was a far stickier proposition than getting to the top.
Climbing type helmets are popular, with a chin strap to stop it falling off.
The rest of our time was spent climbing in glorious sunshine.
An all-weather playing surface, climbing wall and golf range are just some of the possible uses for this area.
I rode it six days prior to the race and was amazed at the very tight climbing switchbacks.
Of course very tight climbing switchbacks on the way up means very tight descending switchbacks on the way up means very tight descending switchbacks on the way back to the bike dismount area!
Climbing into my own bed at 5am and introducing the toddler who awoke at 7am to his baby sister.
Cats are typically not afraid of heights while they are climbing.
Provide a scratching post or a cat tree for climbing and exercise.
With recent bankruptcy reform, it is harder to declare bankruptcy, so these individuals face great difficulty in climbing out of spending and debt patterns.
Make sure your child understands that it's not a jungle gym and that climbing on it can be dangerous.
Conversely, bunk bed stairs are proportioned for children and safer for them to navigate since most kids become skilled at climbing stairs when they first learn to walk.
Climbing a wobbly ladder to perform the task can be dangerous but ascending stairs to remove and replace sheets, pillowcases and comforters is fast, easy and safe.
A kid climbing on bunk bed ladders is dangerous in daylight and that peril increases if the child has to exit the top bunk in the middle of the night in a darkened room.
Check the types of fittings that hold the bed and stairs together to ensure they are strong and secure enough to withstand daily climbing and bedroom games.
Children climbing on primary colored playground equipment, bright yellow construction equipment and multi-colored flowers are examples of subjects full of color.
Climbing hills is a great butt toner, and it burns additional calories.
Since backcountry skiers "earn their turns" by climbing the hills, many use special climbing skins.
These camps focus on hiking, rock climbing, and other challenges in nature to build the teen's self-esteem and problem-solving skills.
Be sure and park so closely that others can't pass through without climbing over or crawling through a car.
Even popular "fun" types of exercise like roller skating rinks, rock climbing locations and the zoo will frequently have free or low cost community days that you can use to help you lose weight.
Hiking, safaris, climbing and canyoning are popular for adventure seekers.
Sometimes they can say they are adventurous because they climbed Mount Everest alone, but then they refuse to take part in a similar yet not-so-adventurous activity like climbing a rock wall at a local amusement park.
If your toddler has outgrown her crib and is constantly climbing out of it, then it's time to move her into a toddler bed.
You'll sleep better knowing that she can't hurt herself by climbing out of the crib and she'll feel better about herself as having reached the big girl status.
A self-described adrenaline junkie, Tammy enjoys skiing, snowboarding, rock climbing, and skydiving.
It didn't take long for her to start climbing back up the charts, however.
While the show follows the daily lives of his family, the main focus is on his sister, Brooke, who has been climbing her way up the pop star food chain.
Attractive, witty, and talented, Pitt gained attention with a small role in the film Thelma and Louise in 1991 and kept climbing the ladder of fame.
They're climbing, jumping, running and experiencing all kinds of adventures.
Boys are often so active, with running, jumping, biking, sliding, skateboarding, climbing and more, that dressing them in sturdy clothing is the best way to prevent having to replace clothing all the time.
All ships feature rock climbing walls and beginners are welcome to try their hand at reaching the summit while supervised by expert climbers.
The larger ships, the Dawn and the Star, also have climbing mazes and outdoor themes to delight younger passengers.
Royal Caribbean Cruises are a better choice for the fitness-minded, with onboard climbing walls, skating rinks, and even surf machines on their largest vessels.
This gives passengers an unparalleled opportunity to explore the many features and amenities of their Royal Caribbean cruise ship, such as the signature rock climbing wall and other fun diversions.
For example, there is no miniature golf, climbing wall, or adults-only area on board.
Rather, hot couples are free to roam the entire ship and make use of all of its amenities, including the rock climbing wall, fitness center, solarium and mini golf course.
The company boasts several ships with various amenities to enjoy, including volleyball and basketball courts, as well as rock climbing walls, spas and cafes.
Also, every ship has a rock climbing wall, which is perfect if you're craving an athletic activity while onboard the ship.
Your pet will be climbing in and out of it's bed numerous times each day, so if there is any sign of flimsiness now, you probably will not get the years of service from it that you should be able to expect.
Senior dogs, arthritic and/or injured pets may all have difficulty climbing up into a dog cot, even if it is only a few inches off the ground.
Actinidia - Climbing summer-leafing shrubs of the Camellia order from Japan and China, thriving in warm soil.
They all have climbing or twining stems, and bear waxy white flowers.
Some grow freely in cold, poor soil, and are excellent on pergolas or climbing up old tree stems and bold fences.
A nearly allied plant, B. racemosa, from Japan, is less freely climbing in habit, with more rounded leaves, greenish flowers and showy fruits turning from bright red to black.
Bindweed (Convolvulus) - Handsome climbing herbs; some hardy, and, where properly used, effective.
Blue-bell Creeper (Sollya) - Beautiful evergreen climbing shrubs from Australia, mostly grown under glass but hardy in the open air in the warmest parts of the south-west of England, Wales, and Ireland.
Chinese Jasmine (Trachelospermum) - Climbing shrubs with evergreen leaves and fragrant white flowers, hardy upon warm walls in favoured places.
Climbing Fumitory (Adlumia) - Climbing biennial plants.
Codonopsis Clematidea - A climbing or twining species of 2 or 3 feet high; flowers creamy-white spotted with purple and tinged with blue.
A slender plant climbing up an Apple or other fruit tree, near the mixed border, looks well.
Coral Barberry (Berberidopsis) - B. corallina is a beautiful evergreen climbing shrub from Chili, hardy enough for open walls in the southern counties.
Dutchmans Pipe (Aristolochia) - Climbing Birthworts of curious form of flower, and effective in foliage.
Green Briar (Smilax Rotundifolia) - A high climbing species with large, thin, and nearly round leaves.
Smilax Laurifolia - A high climbing species, the stems round, armed with strong straight prickles, the branches angled, mostly unarmed.
Holboellia - H. latifolia is a beautiful evergreen climbing shrub from the Himalayas, hardy against walls in the southern and the warm districts.
Jalap Plant (Exogonium) - A graceful perennial trailing plant, none more beautiful among climbing plants than E. purga, and of its hardiness there can be little doubt.
Kadsura Japonica - A climbing evergreen of Japan, belonging to the Magnolia family, bearing scarlet berries in clusters.
Kudsu (Pueraria) - P. thunbergiana is a remarkable climbing plant of almost tropical vigour, growing up poles, colonnades, and walls to a great height in a very short time.
Treated as half-hardy annuals, and grown in a light fertile soil, they are interesting for open borders; the climbing species, such as lateritia, require branches to twine among.
Other kinds are natives of the Chilian Andes, and have simple leaves, rigid in texture, and their habit is, as a rule, bushy and not climbing.
Climbing Roses tell their own story, and some of them are most precious, especially those of prolonged bloom; these have some of the China Rose in them, and a fine type is Bouquet dOr.
R. Rubrifolia (Red-leaved R.) should have a place for its lovely-tinted leaves and shoots; it has a rambling or climbing habit, but also grows into a large self-supporting bush or spreads nicely when pegged down.
Schizandra - A small group of summer-leafing climbing shrubs allied to Magnolia, and mostly from the Far East, but with one kind from North America.
Spinovitis Davidi Thomsoni - A pretty and neat-growing species climbing by its tendrils, and of graceful effect upon pillars and pergolas.
China and India, with long climbing stems bearing many bright yellow bell-shaped flowers.
Vine (Vitis) are woody, climbing shrubs of much interest and garden value.
Californian Vitis (Vitis Californica) - This is the best of the American Grape Vines (excluding the Ampelopsis section) for color in autumn, and it is one of the strongest growers, climbing over lofty trees.
Climbing hydrangea (H. anomala petiolaris) - Originating in China and Japan, Climbing hydrangea can reach up to 60 feet, using its stems to cling to walls or other supports.
These vines look beautiful climbing up a wall, fence or trellis, but never plant a honeysuckle vine close to a beloved tree.
Clematis are climbing vines, growing up and over arches, arbors and other supports.
Since shorts of this length are used almost exclusively for hard outdoor activities such as extreme hiking and climbing, when you need full range of motion, you'll have the most luck in searching stores that make outdoor gear.
They are Men's Lightweight Stand Up Shorts and they're made with a sturdy organic cotton canvas, rendering them perfect for climbing.
Its focus from the outset was on quality outdoor clothing, with many products being designed with specific sports in mind, such as skiing and rock climbing.
Tennis, croquet, bocce, squash, canoeing, kite boarding, and rock climbing are just a few of the sports today's seniors are interested in.
Lift and lower your legs like you are climbing up a mountain.
They secure to trees with nylon climbing rope and hold approximately 350 pounds.
He's climbing a tree next to the wall... he fell... he's up again... and over.
He was climbing now, hand over hand, over a mass of boulders, his flashlight re-hooked to his waist.
A glance at him revealed he, too, was climbing out of bed.
He trudged across the bedroom, climbing into bed with her without asking.
That will near fill us up when them ice climbing fellows get here.
He and his climbing friends are taking Donnie to dinner later.
In fact, I'm off to try my hand at ice climbing for the day.
He was climbing alone, something I guess you're not supposed to do, especially if you're a beginner like Shipton was.
Let's just say his climbing rope was cut, nearly all the way through.
Most of the climbing gear was absent, presumably picked up by Weller at the ice park.
There remained a second rope, various books on the sport of ice climbing and a few pitons.
The crowds were lighter than yesterday, due to the heavy snowfall making not only climbing difficult, but viewing a wet and laborious task.
The location was somewhat isolated from the rest of the path and climbing area.
The collection was made up of Shipton's newly purchased, barely used, ice climbing gear, ropes, ice axes, pitons and various garments.
Otherwise you might take up ice climbing as a sport.
Climbing on his lap, still sleepy, she nuzzled into his neck.
A rug would help, but it wouldn't stop the wind from climbing the insulationless walls or seeping through the gaps around the mopboards.
Climbing up the trunk, she found a smooth spot and sat down.
He was climbing out of the cab as she came around the front of the truck.
Women don't normally dread climbing into bed with me.
Dean felt the temperature climbing in his face.
Climbing the other bank, she headed across the field to the old house.
She turned on the exhaust fan and grabbed a chair, climbing into it to get high enough to shut the alarm off.
Immediately Natalie joined them, climbing onto her lap.
Then she would have to buy some clothes suitable for climbing in the hills.
The rock wallabies again have short tarsi of the hind legs, with a long pliable tail for climbing, like that of the tree kangaroo of New Guinea, or that of the jerboa.
They are shrubby plants climbing over surrounding vegetation by means of tendrillike prolongations of the midrib of the leaf beyond the leaf-tip.
The whole wing is a unique modification, deeply affecting the skeletal, muscular and tegumentary structures, but fluttering, skimming, sailing, soaring are motions much more akin to one another than climbing and grasping, running, scratching, paddling and wading.
When the lateral forces are too great to be controlled " climbing " occurs.
A long stone quay next the harbour is backed by the new town climbing up the slopes behind.
The plants are generally herbaceous, often, however, reaching a gigantic size, but are sometimes shrubby, as in Pothos, a genus of shrubby climbing plants, chiefly Malayan.
Capture begins among the lower tribes with the hand, without devices, developing knack and skill in seizing, pursuing, climbing, swimming, and maiming without weapons; and proceeds to gathering with devices that take the place of the hand in dipping, digging, hooking and grasping; weapons for striking, whether clubs, missiles or projectiles; edged weapons of capture, which were rare in America; piercing devices for capture, in lances, barbed spears, harpoons and arrows; traps for enclosing, arresting and killing, such as pens, cages, pits, pen-falls, nets, hooks, nooses, clutches, adhesives, deadfalls, impalers, knife traps and poisons; animals consciously and unconsciously aiding in capture; fire in the form of torches, beacons, burning out and smoking out; poisons and asphyxiators; the accessories to hunting, including such changes in food, dress, shelter, travelling, packing, mechanical tools and intellectual apparatus as demanded by these arts.
He explained that like most athletic activities such as running, climbing, swimming or skiing, ice climbing evolved from the practical necessity of getting someplace not otherwise easily accessed.
I especially like the small Xmas lights hidden in plants and interwoven throughout a trellis with climbing vines.
Since, however, this parachute is absent in some members of the family, the most distinctive character is the presence of a double row of spiny scales on the under surface of the tail, which apparently aid in climbing.
He remembered that close by his window there was a climbing vine filled with beautiful sweet flowers.
Rafting, kayaking, paragliding, rock climbing, outings with mountain guides, horse riding all available at hand.
It 's a rip roaring ride that is focused on conveying the complete british climbing experience.
I still do n't really have the hang of pruning climbing roses for best effect.
It 's a long section, starting with some very muddy ruts, then climbing through a tree lined gully.
They 've also been saddened by the news of the season 's first climbing fatality.
A sketch map by Barbara Nuttall of medieval Thornhill shows Deadman 's Lane climbing the fault scarp of the Edge.
Another tale tells of a scoundrel called Jack who one dark night tricked the Devil into climbing an apple tree.
In the following few seconds I think Richard invented a new sport; climbing wall running !
Suffers seepage at the start of the route, hence climbing the rib on the right.
Eleanor had to shoo the bird away, which meant she was climbing away from the car instead of closing in on it.
Heather Morning Climbing a mountain for me is like climbing onto the shoulder of a big friendly giant.
A shrouded figure has been snapped climbing the Tulip staircase at the Queens House in Greenwich.
Councilor Donnell said he welcomed the sightline improvements planned for Donagheady Road, Bready, but thought a climbing lane was needed.
At end, D & N are silhouetted against the sunset on top of the climbing net - beautiful.
The sisal rope provides extra support for climbing plants.
Highlights of which are; sky diving in New Zealand, climbing the Sydney Harbor Bridge and spending a year studying in France.
The lowest gears may only be necessary if the vehicle is loaded or when you are climbing a steep gradient.
Follow this easily until it steepens when more thought-provoking climbing leads to a belay on a grass ledge.
As we approached the final pitches, the climbing steepened abruptly and the exposure overlooking Crowberry Gully increased dramatically.
The Big House was an early eighteenth century square four storied house with whitewashed walls covered in climbing roses.
Climbing Mt Fuji to watch a spectacular sunrise is a popular summertime activity.
It's A Sin (7a+) * sustained climbing once the first BR of six is clipped.
Of course very tight climbing switchbacks on the way up means very tight descending switchbacks on the way back to the bike dismount area !
This excitation requires brief tetanic stimulation of parallel fibers and is modified by intracellular factors such as activity in the climbing fiber.
Plant thorny shrubs to deter unwanted visitors from climbing over your fences.
Some, climbing into the tree itself, were making their way to the topmost branches.
The trad routes lie to either side of the sport climbing.
Instead, climbing and twining vines are actually amazing plants.
He 'd injured his face in a climbing accident and was quite unintelligible, but no-one liked to ask him to stop lecturing.
In time, the unwritten rules in climbing would unfold.
Yet climbing mountains continued to be of doubtful validity, even tho danger and risk-taking 'tried the moral fiber '.
The exposure here is daunting and the climbing is very steep indeed (nearly vertical for some moves).
Apart from a few problems climbing she is very happy, she looks very cute waddling across the floor.
After wading through streams and climbing through the thick growth we soon realized that we had taken a wrong turn.
What the bleeding hell was he on about, do n't go climbing waterfalls?
Leading off the second platform is a wooden climbing ramp with rope, with the fourth platform leading to the green 3m wavy slide.
Kristin's rambunctious 3 year old is known for climbing any tall surfaces when you're not watching!
Because she won't stay in her crib, and her parents are afraid she will hurt herself climbing out of it, her parents try putting her in a toddler bed.
When your toddler gets old enough to begin climbing out of the portable crib, it's time to put it away!
When she is a newborn, you may keep the spring and mattress at a higher level, but once she is able to stand, lower the mattress and spring to keep her from climbing out.
Also, there should be a restraint system to keep your baby from either climbing out or sliding off the seat.
Having many gears on your bike will greatly increase your hill climbing speed during races.
In this play area, you may place favorite toys and climbing perches.
Basic models of both come in under $150 with larger models that offer more storage, climbing to over $300.
For this reason, the most basic types of furniture for cats address behaviors such as lounging, climbing and sleeping.
Cat trees are favorites with more athletic cats who appreciate a bit of climbing mixed with a few gymnastics in order to reach the top perch.
Like their wild forbears, they still show a great love for climbing trees and are quite adept at it, rarely needing assistance getting down.
Besides relaxing, your cat's second love is climbing.
Climbing is second nature to cats, and the higher they can go the better they like it.
If you are using an outdoor cat repellent to deter your own cats from entering areas or climbing on items where you don't want them, you should combine these repellents with behavioral training.
Suited only for dry banks and chalk-pits, associated with climbing and trailing plants.
Joshua Tree Climbing Salve is a salve made for active people.
The Zebra photochromic lens is specially recommended for mountain biking, trail biking and climbing.
Indoor Climbing is another great site to look into.
Suddenly, sales of the pink lawn ornaments as well as fashion featuring the birds, started climbing once again.
Inside the ride, fog filled the initial lift, the shuttle was sprayed with coolant before climbing the hill, and a computerized navigator provided continual updates on the mission's progress, including when the shuttle went out of control.
An "A" ticket would be used for something basic such as the actual park admission, while the other letters at the beginning of the alphabet were used as a sort of climbing scale to determine the value of a ride.
During the summer there is lots of mountain sports available such as hiking, climbing and biking.
Character movement is pretty smooth, and the game does save some button pushes on some basic actions like jumping and climbing.
Kong can move quickly through the jungle, jumping across trees, and climbing cliffs.
Just don't go climbing up the Empire State Building unexpectedly!
What about a survival horror game that involves mountain climbing?
You will have fun swinging through trees and climbing cliffs.
The meat of any Prince of Persia game has the prince leaping across pits, climbing walls and swinging from poles to reach his goal.
Running along walls, climbing poles, wall-jumping and much more has been added, making the prince a Persian ninja of sorts.
Skills are increased by using them repeatedly, such as climbing trees to increase the Climb skill.
Climbing the Colossus can sometimes be a challenge in itself.
Climbing up these monstrous beasts is a challenge in itself.
When choosing a plane, you want to consider the aircraft's overall performance rating in Speed, Strength, Climbing Ability, Stability, Weight and Power.
It allows you to explore the city of New York freely, swinging with your web and climbing buildings.
A master of Spanish Ninjitsu, Savate, and Zapota, Vega uses his claw to slash at his opponents when he is not busy climbing up or bouncing off (invisible) walls.
Backflips, rope climbing, grabbing ledges and darting across the floor to fire her dual pistols are just a few examples.
The game involved you leveling a city as a giant monster, eating people, smashing vehicles, and climbing up buildings and punching the ever-loving hell right out of them.
This means jumping from cars, bouncing off of walls or climbing on whatever is around them in order to score points and earn a reputation.
There's a column on the left that lists things like Active Wear, Kites and Toys, Tents, Sleeping, Climbing, Books and Maps, and even World Music.
A C3 crampon is a necessity for ice climbing or other extreme forms of mountaineering.
If you are planning to hike a difficult trail that includes climbing a steep mountain, take a day trip and attempt to accomplish the most difficult part of your planned trip with a 40 pound pack on your back.
If you are climbing a mountain, don't assume that just because it's 80 degrees and warm at the bottom that it'll be the same at the top.
Climbing up to Skylight summit will reward you with some of the most spectacular views of New York's Mountains and city sights.
While type 2 diabetes is a growing problem among American youth due to climbing obesity rates and more sedentary lifestyles, type 1 diabetes is more prevalent in children and adolescents.
Once discharged home, the mother should limit stair climbing to once a day, and she should avoid lifting anything heavier than the baby.
This same preference for one side of the body may show up as asymmetric crawling or, later on, favoring one leg while climbing stairs.
Climbing stairs and rising unaided may become impossible by age nine or ten, and most boys use a wheelchair for mobility by the age of 12.
They are constantly moving, running, climbing, squirming, and fidgeting.
However, changing that to a climbing grapevine might take hands-on instruction in person, with someone demonstrating the way the legs need to "leap" over each other.
Grapevines are very common moves in line dances; climbing grapevines are not exactly common, but they can be a powerful part of a line dance.
There are also variations forward and backward, and even a step called the "climbing grapevine" that involves jumping into the air.
Children at a wedding will inevitably play, and their activities could include running, hiding beneath tables, climbing chairs, dancing, or running into bushes or under arches at an outdoor celebration.
They are indeed learning, reading and climbing up the educational ladder, but they are not bound to specific curriculums or career itineraries.
If you grew up camping, rock climbing and kayaking, you're probably well-prepared for a career in outdoor recreation, but you shouldn't stop there.
The temperature keeps climbing with the number three sexiest swim look - the G-string.
After logging all those miles on the treadmill and doing so many squats that climbing stairs becomes a workout in itself, you don't want to throw on just any old bikini.
The fencing should be a minimum of four feet high, and with openings small enough to deter climbing. is an online shop that specializes in hiking, climbing and camping gear, and it's the first stop on our virtual shopping list.
These shorts are a bit longer than the traditional board shorts men usually sport, but they are shorter than the typical climbing capris.
She takes leadership roles in groups like the volleyball team and the rock climbing club.
Your children will love climbing the ladders and going down one of the two slides (a long one for older kids and a slow slope one for younger ones).
Tug-of-war, rock climbing and 5K races will pique donors competitive spirit, garnering interest in your event.
If you don't enjoy indoor rock climbing because you have a fear of heights, but are pretending to enjoy the sport strictly for the purposes of impressing your partner, this will present problems down the line.
Always give your car a complete check inside and out before climbing in.
Whether its rock climbing, a morning jog, or walks in the park, new activities will help you form strong connections.
Most guys love the jolt of adrenaline, whether it's from playing sports, watching them on TV, or climbing up a mountain.
This is not a bag for the over-zealous legal clerk that has big dreams of climbing to the top; after all, if you owned the Ambassador your boss would wonder why you were working a 35K salary job in the first place.
You may not want to drag it behind you while climbing the Alps, but you'll use it for everything else.
Its products include sports clothing for men, women and children, as well as shoes and sport-specific gear for hiking, camping, climbing, skiing, snowboarding, paddling, trail running and traveling.
You may end up climbing that proverbial mountain and crossing the deepest valley.
Feel free to "play fight" with him, go rock climbing or even just attend a ball game with him.
Mountain climbing, biking, car racing andmartial arts are typically good matches.
These personality elements are excellent when it comes to moving society forward, advancing technology, climbing the career ladder, and promoting personal growth.
Additionally, if your Aries loves sports likerock climbing or martial arts, feel free to participate.
She might have them dancing the Mamba or pretending they are climbing stairs.
Even teens find something to do aboard a family cruise, with activities including dancing, rock climbing, karaoke, ice skating, and basketball.
Statistics prove that the number of overweight kids is climbing.
Is she doll crazy, or would she rather be outside climbing trees and swinging on a tire swing?
However, unique to Camp Horizons is their equestrian camp for teen girls and their co-ed adventure camp that includes rock climbing, white water rafting, high ropes courses and even caving for the more adventuresome!
Boys programming tends to emphasize the adventuresome aspect of boys' personalities, and many boys camps offer a variety of adventures, such as kayaking, paint ball, high ropes, rock climbing and spelunking.
Still other camps will push your daughter outside of her normal day to day life with adventure training like rock climbing, backpacking and hiking.
The children's zoo has black bears, red wolves and beavers, as well as the fun Treetop Canopy Climbing Adventure.
This can be as simple as climbing down a spiral staircase at the count of ten.
From the time Foster put together that first shoe, until the 1980s, Reebok was climbing high in reputation for athletic shoe technology.
They also offer shoes that are specially designed for rock climbing, running on hiking trails, aqua sport shoes, and sport sandals.
Outdoor activities such as hiking and mountain climbing require specialized footwear that is crafted with gripping technology.
Campers who plan to enjoy mountain climbing activities need to invest in specialized boots designed just for this purpose.
Even though hiking and climbing boots appear similar at first glance, there are important structural differences between these two types of camper footwear.
Mountain Climbing Boots - Footwear designed for mountain climbing provides maximum support for the feet and ankles.
Ice Climbing Boots - Those who plan to climb icy mountains need boots specifically designed to withstand frigid temperatures and the rigors of vertical climbing.
Rock Climbing Camper Footwear - Rock climbing shoes do not reach the ankles, and so are referred to as shoes rather than boots.
If you're serious about your water sport adventures, the following active shoes are sure to become trusty companions whether you're climbing slippery rocks or trekking beachside.
Boys who like climbing, running and jumping need attire and footwear that can keep up with their busy days.
Brooke (B&B) - Brooke's drag you up by the boot straps method of social climbing relied as much on her wit and looks as it did on her natural talent with chemistry.
In China, it is believed that if the koi succeeded in climbing to "Dragon Gate" on the Yellow River, the koi will be transformed into dragons.
Consider incorporating a climbing black and white rose into your tattoo (or make it your only one).
Have the tree frog climbing over the branch toward the viewer for a realistic look, or perch the frog sideways moving up a limb and branch simultaneously.
It's an outdoor paradise in all but the most severe weather, and is noted for its world-class skiing, climbing, hiking, and historic mining and lumbering towns.
It measures short times and is equipped with a "navigation computer," which is a circular slide rule that handles airborne navigation calculations such as climbing times and fuel consumption rates.
Rock climbing enthusiasts will appreciate the selection of chalk bags and belts in sturdy fabrics such as hemp and canvas.
Men who are looking for plenty of room without bulk in a yoga shirt will love the Mana Tank, which is also suitable for working out, climbing, running, or just hanging out.
This company is one of the leaders in climbing and yoga apparel.
Toys that encourage climbing, such as jungle gyms or slides, can provide great gross motor reinforcement, as can outdoor play equipment that encourages jumping, like trampolines.
Does the child attempt to climb on things, such as climbing the stairs?
Set those smaller goals to help you attain your focus as if you are climbing a ladder.
Climbing gas prices in the summer of 2008 caused consumers to focus on gas mileage and the impact their vehicle had on the environment.
Jumps are higher, pyramids have more people and they are doing stunts while climbing, gymnastics skills are more amazing and dance and precision are also an integral part of the competition.
First, the importance of physical activity is clearly depicted by the person climbing the stairs up the left hand side of the pyramid.
Rock Climbing - It doesn't matter whether you're climbing a rock outside, or a rock-climbing wall inside.
What's important is whether you're ascending, rappelling, or doing traditional mountain climbing.
Researchers say not only will your firmer backside enhance your figure, but it will also aid you in various physical activities from climbing stairs to hiking up hills.
After a five to ten minute warm-up, the instructor will begin challenging the class by climbing hills, pedaling on flat roads and other moves designed to improve fitness and burn calories.
Sometimes they'll be standing, out of the saddle, climbing steep hills.
Fitness classes run the gamut from the classic aerobics classes to more exotic classes like rock climbing, hot yoga and martial arts.
Then, step up one foot at a time onto the platform, just as if you were climbing a set of stairs.
Climbing stairs can burn up to 400 calories an hour.
Other less conventional forms of strength training at the gym include the rock climbing wall and power circuits if the gym has them available.
Many gyms and fitness centers now offer climbing walls.
Centers offer safety gear and instruction to teach you how to make climbing an effective and fun workout.
Whether climbing, hiking or skiing, it seems to hold up to its own hype.
The album was almost an instant success, quickly climbing to the Billboard Top 200 Album Chart, and the Billboard Top 100 Rock Albums Chart.
Want a climbing wall at your backyard barbeque?
For double the fun, look for an attached slide or climbing area.
At Backyard Carnivals, you can rent a climbing wall, Velcro wall, and even a human foosball table.
Guests will feel like true survivors when they conquer a climbing wall or other difficult challenge.
The playroom sports a pool table, climbing wall and slide that connects to the boys' bedroom upstairs.
The Batman melody that is expected is nestled into the undertones, climbing dramatically upwards into the crescendo and falling gently downward, back into the flow.
Both the Twilight series of novels and the Twilight movie are quickly climbing to the ultimate heights of a typical popular cult classic.
Countless families each year choose camping, rafting, rock climbing, and a variety of other nature-related ventures for their vacation.
As the temperature drops, skiing, dog sledding and ice climbing are local favorites.
Swimming, biking, climbing, shopping, and eating are just a few experiences that you might try on your vacation.
Tourists come to the area to enjoy summer hiking and climbing as well as winter skiing and snowshoeing.
Colorado boasts a range of outdoor activities, ranging from skiing and snowshoeing to rafting, hiking, climbing and biking.
Norwich is the gateway to numerous hills and forests, which provide ample cross country skiing, snowmobiling and hiking and climbing opportunities.
Rainier, which might inspire you to a little post-meal climbing.
Raleigh offers opportunities for golfing, canoeing, boating, scuba diving, swimming, hiking, mountain biking and rock climbing.
She waved Sofia over frantically before climbing on top of the sink and wriggling through the window.