Climate-change Sentence Examples
Most of us are well aware of the human impacts on the carbon cycle, resulting in more carbon being released into the atmosphere, thus causing global climate change.
How will the climate change in response to rising levels of greenhouse gases?
A major cause of climate change is the burning of fossil fuels to create energy.
Communists frankly admit that climate change cannot be halted.
Effects on Humans Many people are confused about the way climate change affects them.
This year's Regional Assembly conference explored the implications of climate change for the West Midlands.
One response to climate change has been the retreat of five ice shelves, floating extensions of the grounded ice sheet.
His discovery that open magnetic flux from the Sun is highly correlated with total irradiance had a crucial result for climate change studies.
There is an apparent lack of genuine leadership on Climate Change.
Tephrochronology to study the response of Icelandic glaciers to climate change.
AdvertisementIn particular he will be looking at some policy implications of moves toward more probabilistic forecasts of climate change.
The UK has signed up to international agreements to reduce the negative impacts of climate change.
Medium-term declines in some seabirds may be in response to climate change impacts on food availability.
Their plans to impose massive cuts on the Environment Agency and abolish the climate change levy would be disastrous.
Does your bill mention the " climate change levy "?
AdvertisementThe Mayor's 2004 election manifesto promised to create a London Climate Change Agency.
And the idea that you can " halt climate change " is wonderfully quixotic.
And subsequently, rich nations have cynically reneged on their Rio promises to tackle climate change and deforestation.
Anyway, landfill sites release a large amount of methane, a greenhouse gas which contributes to climate change.
People get spotted as ministerial material for knowing about topical subjects like climate change but not techie stuff.
AdvertisementThird Worldill have been lobbied here and in our constituencies by young constituents about issues such as third-world poverty and climate change.
Air Travel is the fastest growing emitter of climate change gases.
Today, as climate change makes some areas less hospitable than others, increasing numbers of people will move to the more habitable areas.
Does adaptive management of natural resources enhance resilience to climate change?
The program 's main objective is to improve our ability to quantify the probability and magnitude of future rapid climate change.
AdvertisementIt should refute the simplistic notion that climate change can be averted by growing trees.
Pesticides, climate change and loss of habitat will continue to affect bee populations unless they learn to adapt.
Paying attention to how much carbon you as an individual are responsible for putting into the environment can allow you to see your role in global climate change.
The Ice Age is an example of past climate change.
With all the talk about climate change in recent years, many people are wondering about the consequences of global warming.
Perhaps the most devastating effect of global warming and climate change is the destruction of natural ecosystems.
A documentary exploring the growing activism against the Labor governments plans to expand nearly all British airports despite the growing threat of climate change.
The site includes links to recent news articles on abrupt climate change.
Mr Byers is believed to still hold ministerial ambitions, and currently co-chairs the international climate change taskforce.
Their main research interests are color vision and color perception in marine animals and stress in reef-building corals due to climate change respectively.
David Bellamy is now the country's foremost climate change denier.
The Academy later publicly disassociated itself from the petition which runs counter to the institution's stated position on climate change.
George Bush contemptuously dismisses calls to combat climate change as liberal hysteria and a threat to US economic growth.
Since the greenhouse effect is a natural and beneficial phenomenon, some people don't believe that human actions have contributed to global warming and climate change.
There are also indirect relationships between climate change and the mangrove ecosystem through changes in sea level.
The renewable energy they do produce is exempt from the Climate Change Levy.
Effects on Humans many people are confused about the way climate change affects them.
Predicting the effects of marine climate change on the invertebrate prey of the birds of rocky shores.
Understanding how climate change affects mountains is vital as governments and international organizations develop strategies to reverse current global warming trends.
The term ' climate change ' is often preferred as some places will get colder and/or wetter as greenhouse gases accumulate.
There is growing appetite from the public, particularly young people, and business to take action on climate change.
The fish are resilient, withstanding pollution and climate change.
Are EU policies regarding energy and renewable technologies compatible with climate change policy?
It is particularly timely in light of the recent fuel crisis and concerns about climate change.
Yes, climate change happens naturally and that could also wipeout mankind but who should we try and wipe ourselves out?
The recent findings of the UN Panel on the environment say it is urgent that emissions be decreased worldwide within the next several years if we're to avoid disastrous climate change.
A primary cause of global warming and climate change is an increase is greenhouse gas emissions.
Rather than the true facts about global warming, people are left to consider the true facts of climate change.
The sun doesn't shine at the same intensity all over the earth, so the effects of climate change vary by location.
Research has linked carbon dioxide emissions to some of the more serious environmental issues, including climate change and the greenhouse effect.
This clean, alternative fuel remains a viable piece in the solution for climate change.
In this way, wind energy benefits the environment and reduces the emissions many believe are responsible for climate change or global warming.
There are currently six exchanges trading in carbon credits, and each sale is monitored by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
If you wish to be ironic, you can tell guests that you bought it as a collector's piece in view of global climate change.
Modern believers in the prophesy point to the current debate about climate change and global warming as proof positive that the world is indeed heading for the kinds of changes that the Mayans predicted.
Even non-believers sometimes use the writings of the 2012 Mayan prophecies and other ancient civilizations to illustrate their case that humans need to take climate change seriously.
By 2000, consumers became more concerned with climate change and pollution, and the US Government wanted more fuel-efficient cars with lower emissions back on the road.
It took a fact-finding visit to the Arctic to see for himself the impacts of climate change.
The leading low-cost airline believes it is " irrational " for environmentalists to solely blame airlines for climate change.
However, due to human impacts, the rate of climate change is now thought to be too great and seriously threatens biodiversity.
By absorbing carbon dioxide the oceans actually help stave off climate change.
Speaking at climate change rallies in London, Jean Lambert has called for a one-stop shop in London to help businesses combat climate change.
Members will have been lobbied here and in our constituencies by young constituents about issues such as third-world poverty and climate change.
The Kyoto Protocol is a timid attempt to reduce the impact of climate change.
The United Nations has estimated that the havoc wreaked by climate change could create up to 50 million refugees.
Klein, et al. state that climate change is not as large of a concern as some once thought.
According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, global warming refers to climate change that causes an increase in the average temperature of the lower atmosphere of the Earth.
As scary as climate change is, the average person or household usually wants to start off taking small steps towards a more earth-friendly lifestyle.
Although scientists have recently determined that the current climate change and damage we are already seeing won't be reversed for years, that is no reason for us to lose hope.
Global warming is a very real phenomenon, but no one fully understands the extent of its influence on climate change.
Encourage others in your community to take action to stop global warming and climate change.