Cliff-hanger Sentence Examples
And we thought Halo 2's cliff-hanger ending couldn't get any worse!
The outline of the series is a hard one to work out and each episode is a real cliff hanger.
The series ends on a cliff hanger - what does Donna have to tell Gaz?
It started on a real cliff-hanger, had Jonny survived the police swat team?
It started on a real cliff-hanger, had Jonny survived the police SWAT team?
The series aired 24 episodes, ending on an extravagent special-effect-laden cliff-hanger with some of the main characters lost, some dead and the outcome of a potential peace negotiation very much up in the air.
Widely anticipated, following the cliff-hanger ending of 1980's The Empire Strikes Back, it was both loved and reviled.