Cleopatra Sentence Examples
Cleopatra's daughter by Antony (Cleopatra Selene) was married in 25 to Juba II.
He killed Berenice and, dying in 51, bequeathed the kingdom to his eldest son, aged ten years, who was to take as wife his sister Cleopatra, aged seventeen.
An impostor, who claimed to be a son of Antiochus Epiphanes, Alexander Balas (reigned 150-145), was installed as king by Ptolemy Philometor and given Ptolemy's daughter Cleopatra to wife, but Alexander proved to be dissolute and incapable, and when Demetrius, the son of Demetrius I., was brought back to Syria by Cretan condottieri, Ptolemy transferred his support and Cleopatra to the rightful heir.
The newly born son of Philip by Cleopatra, and Alexander's cousin Amyntas, were put to death, and Alexander took up the interrupted work of his father.
Her efforts were at first successful, but in 36 Antony left for the Parthian War and renewed his intrigue with Cleopatra.
Though Octavia took out troops and money to him (35), he refused to see her and formally divorced her in 32, but she always protected his children, even those by Fulvia and Cleopatra.
The result of this double-dealing was that his army was destroyed by Ptolemy, who advanced into Egypt leaving Palestine at the mercy of Cleopatra.
But Cleopatra's generals were Jews and by their protests prevented her from annexing it.
Queen Cleopatra' made use of a large number of sistra at the battle of Actium (31 B.C.), and accordingly the instrument was satirically called Queen Cleopatra's war trumpet.
Sidetes (164129) appeared in Syria, married Cleopatra and crushed Tryphon.
AdvertisementBehind the Emporium rose (8) the Great Caesareum, by which stood the two great obelisks, later known as "Cleopatra's Needles," and now removed to New York and London.
There Julius Caesar dallied with Cleopatra in 47 B.C. and was mobbed by the rabble; there his example was followed by Antony, for whose favour the city paid dear to Octavian, who placed over it a prefect from the imperial household.
He is the Magyarizer of Shakespeare's Anthony and Cleopatra, Othello, Macbeth, Henry VIII., Winter's Tale, Romeo and Juliet and Tempest, as also of some of the best pieces of Burns, Moore, Byron, Shelley, Milton, Beranger, Lamartine, Victor Hugo, Goethe and others.
In consequence of the breaking away of the lower part of "Cleopatra's Needles" when removed to Alexandria and re-erected, the Roman engineers supported the angles on bronze crabs, one of which with three reproductions now supports the angles of the obelisk on the Thames Embankment.
Cleopatra's Needle, an ancient Egyptian monument, was presented to the government by Mehemet Ali in 1819, brought from Alexandria in 1878, and erected on the Victoria embankment on a pedestal of grey granite.
AdvertisementThe fickleness of Philip and the jealous temper of Olympias led to a growing estrangement, which became complete when Philip married a new wife, Cleopatra, in 337.
He seems to have received a good education under the care of Augustus who, in 29, after Mark Antony's death, gave him the hand of Cleopatra Selene, daughter of Antony and Cleopatra, and placed him on his father's throne.
In literature it is constantly referred to; but we may notice the "general mina" (Cleopatra), in Egypt, 16 unciae=6600; the Ptolemaic talent, equal to the Attic in weight and divisions (Hero, Didymus); the Antiochian talent, equal to the Attic (Hero); the treaty of the Romans with Antiochus, naming talents of 80 librae, i.e.
Here he remained for nine months, fascinated (if the story be true) by Cleopatra, and almost lost his life in an emeute.
The author gives a romantic description of the meeting with Cleopatra, with an interpolated dissertation on amour courtois as understood by the trouveres.
AdvertisementThis tablet was inscribed with three versions, in hieroglyphic, demotic and Greek, of a long decree of the Egyptian priests in honor of Ptolemy V., Epiphanes and his wife Cleopatra.
It is remarkable that, while the building and decoration of temples continued in the reigns of Ptolemy Auletes and the later Ptolemies and Cleopatra, papyri of those times whether Greek or Egyptian are scarcely to be found.
In plays by contemporary authors she created the characters of Judith and Cleopatra in the tragedies of Madame de Girardin, but perhaps her most successful appearance was in 1849 in Scribe and Legouve's Adrienne Lecouvreur, which was written for her.
At first Egypt was well disposed to him, as Cleopatra his sister was regent.
In 34 B.C. (for example) or earlier, Mark Antony gave Cleopatra the whole of Phoenicia and the coast of the Philistines south of Eleuthesus, with the exception only of Tyre and Sidon, part of the Arabian territory and the district of Jericho.
AdvertisementHerod acquiesced and leased Jericho, the most fertile part of his kingdom, from Cleopatra.
In the war between Antony and Octavian Cleopatra prevented Herod from joining Antony and so left him free to pay court to Octavian after Actium (31 B.C.).
The five years (36-31 B.C.) which preceded the decisive encounter between the two rivals were wasted by Antony in fruitless campaigns, and in a dalliance with Cleopatra which shocked Roman sentiment.
Meanwhile, indignation at Antony's un-Roman excesses, and alarm at Cleopatra's rumoured schemes of founding a GrecoOriental empire, were rapidly increasing.
In 3 2 B.C. Antony's repudiation of his wife Octavia, sister of Octavian, and the discovery of his will, with its clear proofs of Cleopatra's dangerous ascendancy, brought matters to a climax, and war was declared, not indeed against Antony, but against Cleopatra.
On his passage through Cilicia in 41 he fell a victim to the charms of Cleopatra, in whose company he spent the winter at Alexandria.
Returning to Syria, he resumed relations with Cleopatra.
His treatment of Octavia, her brother's desire to get rid of him, and the manner in which he disposed of kingdoms and provinces in favour of Cleopatra alienated his supporters.
In 32 the senate deprived him of his powers and declared war against Cleopatra.
Once more he sought refuge in the society of Cleopatra, who had escaped with sixty ships to Egypt.
Thereupon he committed suicide in the mistaken belief that Cleopatra had already done so (30 B.C.).
In 41 he was consul, and had a dispute with Octavian, which led to the so-called Perusian War, in which he was supported by Fulvia (Mark Antony's wife), who was anxious to recall her husband from Cleopatra's court.
The city was also assaulted and captured by Alexander Jannaeus, by Cleopatra and by Tigranes.
During the engagement Cleopatra suddenly withdrew her squadron and Antony slipped away behind her.
Berenice, also called Cleopatra, daughter of Ptolemy X., married as her second husband Alexander II., grandson of Ptolemy VII.
The personal fascinations of Cleopatra induced him to undertake a war on her behalf, in which Ptolemy lost his life, and she was replaced on the throne in conjunction with a younger brother, of whom, however, she soon rid herself by poison.
Cleopatra took to flight, and escaped to Alexandria, where Antony joined her.
Antony committed suicide, in the mistaken belief that she had already done so, but Octavian refused to yield to the charms of Cleopatra who put an end to her life, by applying an asp to her bosom, according to the common tradition, in the thirty-ninth year of her age (29th of August, 30 B.C.).
Cleopatra had three children by Antony, and by Julius Caesar, as some say, a son, called Caesarion, who was put to death by Octavian.
But the last Cleopatra had perhaps some special intellectual endowment.
For the history of Cleopatra see Antonius, Marcus; Caesar, Gaius Julius; Ptolemies.
The life of Antony by Plutarch is our main authority; it is upon this that Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra is based.
Antiochus after this concluded peace, giving his own daughter Cleopatra to Epiphanes to wife (193-192).
Philometor (181-145), succeeded as an infant under the regency of his mother Cleopatra.
Antiochus professed to support Pliilometor, but, when he withdrew, the brothers agreed to be joint-kings with their sister Cleopatra as queen and wife of Philometor.
The protege of the coalition, Alexander Balas, married Philometor's daughter Cleopatra (Thea), and reigned in Syria in practical subservience to him.
But in 147 Philometor broke with him and transferred his support, together with the person of Cleopatra, to Demetrius II., the young son of Demetrius I.
Philometor's infant son, Ptolemy Philopator Neos (?) 1, was proclaimed king in Alexandria under the regency of his mother Cleopatra.
Euergetes however, swooping from Cyrene, seized the throne and married Cleopatra, making away with his nephew.
He soon found a more agreeable wife than Cleopatra in her daughter Cleopatra, and thenceforth antagonism between the two queens, the "sister" and the "wife," was chronic. In 130 - I Cleopatra succeeded in driving Euergetes for a time to Cyprus, when he revenged himself by murdering the son whom she had borne him (surnamed M emphites).
By his will he left the Cyrenaica as a separate kingdom to his illegitimate son Ptolemy Apion (116-96), whilst Egypt and Cyprus were bequeathed to Cleopatra (Kokke) and whichever of his two sons by her,
When war broke out between Antony and Octavian, he at first supported Antony, but, disgusted with his intrigue with Cleopatra, went over to Octavian shortly before the battle of Actium (31).
Mariamne's mother used her position to further her plots for the overthrow of her son-in-law; and she found an ally in Cleopatra of Egypt, who was unwilling to be spurned by him, even if she was not weary of his'patron, Antony.
Cleopatra had obtained from Antony a grant of territory adjacent to Herod's domain and even part of it.
So it fell out that, when Octavian and the Senate declared war against Antony and Cleopatra, Herod was preoccupied in obedience to her commands and was thus prevented from fighting against the future emperor of Rome.
Cleopatra compelled Soter to divorce his sister-wife Cleopatra and marry another sister, Selene.
Cleopatra plunged into the broils of 1 Or, according to another view, Eupator.
In 108 Cleopatra Kokke called Alexander to Egypt, and Soter flying to Cyprus took his brother's place and held the island against his mother's forces.
The attempts which Soter and Cleopatra respectively made in 104-3 to obtain a predominance in Palestine came to nothing.
Cleopatra Kokke died in I oI and from then till 89 Alexander reigned alone in Egypt.
His other dramatic works are classical tragedies on the subjects of Antigone, Cleopatra, and Agrippina.
During the wedding reception Cleopatra drinks far too much and openly cavorts with Hercules.
Cleopatra hotel - Los Cristianos The Cleopatra Hotel is a superior deluxe 5* Hotel, it forms part of the Mare Nostrum Resort.
This state is made even more perilous by Antony's infatuation with Cleopatra.
Barberâs Cleopatra is a passionate free spirit, a manipulative temptress, a highly sexed, high maintenance drama queen.
In 337 Philip repudiated Olympias for another wife, Cleopatra, Alexander went with his mother to her home in Epirus, and, though he soon returned and an outward reconciliation between father and son was contrived, their hearts were estranged.
It differs from the adder in having the head entirely covered with scales, shields being absent, and in having the snout somewhat turned up. The term "Asp" (á¼â‚¬ÃƒÀίÂ) seems to, have been employed by Greek and Roman writers, and by writers generally down to comparatively recent times, to designate more than one species of serpent; thus the asp, by means of which Cleopatra is said to have ended her life, and so avoided the disgrace of entering Rome a captive, is now generally supposed to have been the cerastes, or horned viper (Cerastes cornutus), of northern Africa and Arabia, a snake about 15 in.
Elias of Nisibis), medicine (Galen) and cosmetics (Cleopatra), in ready-reckoners (Didymus), clerk's (katib's) guides, and like handbooks, and in indirect explanations of the equivalents of measures mentioned by authors (e.g.
The final conflict was provoked by Antony, who is said to have been persuaded by Cleopatra to retire to Egypt and give battle to mask his retreat; but lack of provisions and the growing demoralization of his army would sufficiently account for his decision.
You can find busts of everyone from Cleopatra and Nefertiti to Bastet cats and the sun god Ra.
Cleopatra may be the earliest example of someone wearing permanent cosmetics, but the popularity and safety of the procedure has come along way since the Egyptian Queen's eyeliner gained notoriety.
Home fragrance has been popular since Cleopatra, who was known for creating her own perfumes.
It is said that Cleopatra utilized this method on her eyes and lips.
Though the practice of inserting color into the skin dates back to the days of Cleopatra, its acceptance as a beauty tool only came about in recent decades.
Cleopatra, the commanding Queen of the Nile, charmed men and bewildered passerby's with her mesmerizing beauty.
It would be unfair to say that Cleopatra was not a natural beauty, but it known that she did adorn herself with ancient Egyptian cosmetics to enhance and compliment her striking features.
Cleopatra. She's one of the sexiest women in history, right?
Beyoncé played the role of Foxxxy Cleopatra.
There are also rumors she will reprise her Foxxxy Cleopatra role for another Austin Powers film.
In Roman times pearls were regarded as being a measure of wealth and were extremely prized and in ancient Egypt many important women, including Cleopatra, wore pearls.
Cleopatra - This iconic Cleopatra costume is a great way to show your style and love for Egyptian culture - or simply if you want to let everyone know you are in charge!
From four leaf clovers and the nuts of a Rudraksh tree to lucky coins and Cleopatra's wheels, there is a vast array of good luck charms to attract good luck and positive energy while keeping away evil.
Cleopatra's wheel with its 24 spokes brings the 24 points of happiness which includes luck.
Some people believe the ancient Egyptians first created towel origami projects as way to amuse Cleopatra during her notoriously long baths.
While it's true Cleopatra was fond of pampering herself, there are so many misconceptions surrounding her rule in Egypt that it's hard to prove or disprove this theory.
Towel origami history is a varied one, with speculation about its origins beginning with Cleopatra to resourceful Americans in the United States during the Great Depression.
It was a comedy, and the characters in the part I saw was a very ditzy cleopatra (she was bathing in milk at one point), and a very gay ceasar, thats all I remember.
Egyptian queens Cleopatra and Nefertiti have both been thought of as standards of feminine beauty.
In fact, Cleopatra is said to have taken baths in milk and honey.
Connor and I are going to be Anthony and Cleopatra.
Its citizens appealed to Ptolemy Lathyrus, who had been driven from the throne of Egypt by his mother Cleopatra and was reigning in Cyprus.
Alexander raised the siege, made peace with Ptolemy and secretly sent to Cleopatra for help against her son.
Philopator (51-47) and Cleopatra Philopator, Egyptian history coalesces with the general history of the Roman world, owing to the murder of Pompey off Pelusium in 48 and the Alexandrine War of Julius Caesar (48-47).
Philopator, was associated with Cleopatra till 44, when he died, probably by Cleopatra's contriving.
From then till her death in 30, her son, born in 47, and asserted by Cleopatra to be the child of Julius Caesar, was associated officially with her as Ptolemy XiV.
Demetrius was murdered at the instigation of his wife Cleopatra in 126.
Whilst the Antigonid kingdom remained practically whole till the Roman conquest ended it in 168 B.C., and the house of Ptolemy ruled in Egypt till the death of Cleopatra in 30 B.C., the Seleucid Empire perished by a slow process of disruption.