Cleaved Sentence Examples
Jake cleaved in two by a maniacal man with a sword.
If I have not cleaved your head, 'tis because I took an oath to kin to spare you.
Otherwise, your head will be cleaved in two.
Coarse rocks and rocks consisting of hard minerals are always imperfectly cleaved.
The proteins were cleaved by chemical or enzymatic digestion to produce peptide maps, which were analyzed by pulsed delayed extraction MALDI-MS.
The announcement cleaved the audience in two, Alun's supporters quietly jubilant, Rhodri's deeply resentful.
During anaerobic growth, pyruvate is cleaved into formate and acetyl-CoA by the enzyme pyruvate formate lyase (PFL ).
Physical adsorption was investigated on freshly cleaved mica surfaces.
Using the proteolytic enzyme papain Porter found rabbit IgG was cleaved into three similarly sized pieces.
This sequence is subsequently cleaved off (by signal peptidase ).
AdvertisementSerine Protease In the diagram above a small peptide is shown being cleaved, while the usual substrate would be a larger polypeptide.
A second rolling circle event makes a long linear +ve strand which is again cleaved by the ribozyme activity.
Thus, we find them more frequently, folded, tilted and cleaved; the muds have become shales, slates, phyllites or schists, the grey and red sands and conglomerates have become quartzites and greywackes, while the limestones are very generally dolomitized.
Many of these proteins are also cleaved by proteases, and these enzyme activities are targets of drugs that stop invasion.
In Ankole and Koki rocks consisting of granular quartzite, schistose sandstone, red and brown sandstone, and shales with cleaved killas rest on the Archean platform and possibly represent the Lower Witwatersrand beds of the Transvaal.
AdvertisementThese rocks are much folded and the shales are locally cleaved into slates, while the sandstones and conglomerates form scarps and ridges.