Clearer Sentence Examples
Things will be a bit clearer in the morning.
Everything seemed clearer, as though she had come out of a fog.
This the king claimed, perhaps with truth, was only a clearer statement of the provisions of earlier English laws.
Richard Strauss, in his edition of Berlioz's works on Instrumentation, paradoxically characterizes the classical orchestral style as that which was derived from chamber-music. Now it, is true that in Haydn's early days orchestras were small and generally private; and that the styles of orchestral and chamber music were not distinct; but surely nothing is clearer than that the whole history of the rise of classical chamber-music lies in its rapid differentiation from the coarse-grained orchestral style with which it began.
This is usually much clearer and more hyaline than the general cytoplasm.
The names Punjab, Doab, &c., show the root in a clearer shape.
He shows how the paper must be moved till it is brought into the focus of the lens, the use of a diaphragm to make the image clearer, and also the application of the method for drawing in true perspective.
The use of the convex lens, which is given as a great secret, in place of the concave speculum of the first edition, is not so clearly described as by Barbaro; the addition of the concave speculum is proposed for making the images larger and clearer, and also for making them erect, but no details are given.
In the popular mind the hosts of exciting oriental cults, which in the 3rd and 4th centuries of the Empire filled Rome with the rites of mysticism and initiation, held undisputed sway; and with the more educated a revived philosophy, less accurate perhaps in thought, but more satisfying to the religious conscience, gave men a clearer monotheistic conception, and a notion of individual relations with the divine in prayer and even of consecration.
Such a riper analysis of the mystery of his own personality enabled him to arrive at a clearer conception of the idea of divine personality, " whose triunity has nothing potential or unrealized about it; whose triune elements are eternally actualized, by no outward influence, but from within; a Trinity in Unity."
AdvertisementGuest, bishop of Rochester, shows " an attempt to give greater completeness to the formulary," and to make clearer the Catholic position of the Church of England.
Clearer evidence of their occurrence has, however, been found in fragments of wood fossilized by silica or carbonate of lime which are sometimes met with in coal seams.
Lindsay (History of the Reformation), clearer insight than the Lutherans, and Zwingli rather than Luther was in this matter Calvin's guide, and the guide of the reformed churches of Switzerland, France, England and the Netherlands.
As .Blucher's dispositions gradually became clearer the emperor realized that the first Ligny.
In reality a still clearer diminution of the Czech population of Vienna was noticeable; according to the census of 1900, out of 1,674,000 inhabitants there were 102,970 Czechs, i.e.
AdvertisementHer health failed her, and on the 24th of June 1665, she departed in search of bile clearer air of her native country.
The starting-point of this newer criticism of the prophets is the clearer practical recognition of the fact that all pre-exilic prophecy has come down to us in the works of post-exilic editors, and that for the old statement of the problem of the prophetic books - What prophecies or elements in Isaiah, Jeremiah and the rest are later than these prophets ?
In this as in all other matters of transcendental truth "wisdom is justified of her children"; the conclusive vindication of the prophets as true messengers of God is that their work forms an integral part in the progress of spiritual religion, and there are many things in their teaching the profundity and importance of which are much clearer to us than they could possibly have been to their contemporaries, because they are mere flashes of spiritual insight lighting up for a moment some corner of a region on which the steady sun of the gospel had not yet risen.
Prudentius shows Ambrose as his master here, but gives to Ambrose's mystic symbolism much clearer expression.
We shall return, then, to the clearer and more authoritative division, and proceed to discuss materialism, idealism and realism in their order.
AdvertisementCorals, both reef-builders and others, flourished in the clearer waters; rugose forms are represented by Amplexoid, Zaphrentid and Cyathophyllid types, and by Lithostrotion and Phillipsastraea; common tabulate forms are Chaetetes, Chladochonus, Michelinia, &c. Amongst the echinoderms crinoids were the most numerous individually, dense submarine thickets of the long-stemmed kinds appear to have flourished in many places where their remains consolidated into thick beds of rock; prominent genera are Cyathocrinus, Woodocrinus, Actinocrinus; sea-urchins, Archaeocidaris, Palaeechinus, &c., were present; while the curious extinct Blastoids, which included the groups of Pentremitidae and Codasteridae, attained their maximum development.
The old land area still existed to the north, but doubtless much reduced in height; against this land, detrital deposits still continued to be formed, as in Scotland; while over central Ireland and central and northern England the clearer waters of the sea furnished a suitable home for countless corals, brachiopods and foraminifera and great beds of sea lilies; sponges flourished in many parts of the sea, and their remains contributed largely to the formation of the beds of chert.
This clearer water extended from Ireland across north-central England and through South Wales and Somerset into Belgium and Westphalia; but a narrow ridge of elevated older rocks ran across the centre of England towards Belgium at this time.
Thus western Europe in early Carboniferous time was occupied by a series of constricted, gulf-like seas; and on account of the steady progress of intermittent warping movements of the crust, we find that the areas of clearer water, in which the limestone-building organisms could exist, were repeatedly able to spread, thus forming those thin limestones found interbedded with shale and sandstone which occur typically in the Yoredale district of Yorkshire and in the region to the north, and also in the culm deposits of central Europe.
The fullest and darkest skins of each kind are the most valuable, and, in cases of bluish grey or white, the fuller, clearer and brighter are the more expensive.
AdvertisementHe has been represented as a determined apologist of intellectual orthodoxy animated by an almost fanatical "hatred of reason," and possessed with a purpose to overthrow the appeal to reason; as a sceptic and pessimist of a far deeper dye than Montaigne, anxious chiefly to show how any positive decision on matters beyond the range of experience is impossible; as a nervous believer clinging to conclusions which his clearer and better sense showed to be indefensible; as an almost ferocious ascetic and paradoxer affecting the credo quia impossibile in intellectual matters and the odi quia amabile in matters moral and sensuous; as a wanderer in the regions of doubt and belief, alternately bringing a vast though vague power of thought and an unequalled power of expression to the expression of ideas incompatible and irreconcilable.
This aspect of the Epicurean physics becomes clearer when we look at his mode of rendering particular phenomena intelligible.
This superseded the complicated system of laws and royal ordinances which had accumulated in Prussia during the fifty years that had elapsed since the system of short service had been introduced; the application to other states of course made a clearer statement of the laws desirable.
The discussions of the next few years served to make clearer than before the practical workings of the constitution of the United States as a shield and support of slavery; and Garrison, after a long and painful reflection, came to the conclusion that its pro-slavery clauses were immoral, and that it was therefore wrong to take an oath for its support.
The practical portions, on the contrary, are evidently the result of his own professional experience, and are written with much sagacity, and in a far clearer style than the more pedantic chapters, in which he gives the somewhat fanciful theories of the Greeks.
As we consider the lot of those left behind, it becomes clearer how the end of scarcity will have a profound impact on the world.
Whenever it was possible, I touched the machinery while it was in motion, so as to get a clearer idea how the stones were weighed, cut, and polished.
All the powers of his mind were more active and clearer than ever, but they acted apart from his will.
Each instrument--now resembling a violin and now a horn, but better and clearer than violin or horn--played its own part, and before it had finished the melody merged with another instrument that began almost the same air, and then with a third and a fourth; and they all blended into one and again became separate and again blended, now into solemn church music, now into something dazzlingly brilliant and triumphant.
At first I couldn't understand Howie's mumble but then it became clearer.
An example will serve to make the meaning of this limitation clearer.
An illustration may make this clearer.
His relations to the Celtic princes in the southern half of the island are clearer.
For the viking attacks in the 5th (or 6th) territory, our own country, the course of events is much clearer.
The proceeding was strictly academic. The matter discussed, to judge by the writings of theologians, was somewhat obscure; and Luther offered his theses as an attempt to make it clearer.
To lead on, E71yaav, is to refer back, ava^yecv, 3 to what has been correctly divined of the same elements in clearer cases.
And he was a clearer thinker than Hamilton.
Were this all, the gain by their introduction would consist mainly in a clearer insight into the mechanism of co-ordinate systems, rectangular or not - a very important addition to theory, but little advance so far as practical application is concerned.
Thessaly, Boeotia and Mycenae have equal claims. It seems clearer that when once this local variety of Achaean had been used by poets of eminence as their vehicle for national history, it established its right to be considered the one poetical language of Hellas.
A clearer perception of the conditions under which the effective attainment of revenue is possible is another outcome of financial development.
Indeed, as the history of the higher religions shows, religion tends in the end to break away from secular government with its aristocratic traditions, and to revert to the more democratic spirit of the primitive age, having by now obtained a clearer consciousness of its purpose, yet nevertheless clinging to the inveterate forms of human ritual as still adequate to symbolize the consecration of life - the quickening of the will to face life earnestly.
They sleep during the greater part of the day, searching for food in the clearer light of morning and evening.
Now they are everywhere checked by contemporary evidence, and a clearer sense of what constitutes a primary source has discredited much of what had been currently accepted as true.
At length the clouds broke; the light became clearer and clearer; and the enthusiast who had imagined that he was branded with the mark of the first murderer, and destined to the end of the arch-traitor, enjoyed peace and a cheerful confidence in the mercy of God.
The formulation of this objection by the synod of Pistoia,' in 1786, however, only provoked a clearer explanation of the doctrine, which contributed to confirm the cult.
The most notable Jacobins have seldom left memoirs, but the works of Robespierre and St Just enable us to form a clearer conception of the authors.
With the Stoic and Epicurean philosophies the problem as it shapes itself for the consideration of the modern world begins to appear in clearer outlines.
Moral philosophy in a certain sense adds nothing to these conceptions, though it sets them in a clearer light.
Finally, Price, writing after the demonstration by Shaftesbury and Butler of the actuality of disinterested impulses in human nature, is bolder and clearer than Cudworth or Clarke in insisting that right actions are to be chosen because they are right by virtuous agents as such, even going so far as to lay down that an act loses its moral worth in proportion as it is done from natural inclination.
Nevertheless there have been few moral philosophers who have, apart from the idiosyncrasies of their special prepossessions, set forth with clearer insight or with greater nobility of language the essential nature of the moral consciousness.
Nothing can be clearer or more frank and comprehensive in its destructiveness than the revolutionary anarchism of Bakunin.
It was a regular dream—just clearer than any I've ever experienced.
Yet as the reality of Fenton's condition becomes clearer, he exhibits his own more mercenary, even callous, streak.
If it was inferred that was my definition of insurgent, then I apologize for not being clearer.
He is on the whole a much clearer writer than 'āṇamoli and has tended to remove slight archaisms and awkwardnesses.
Many entries will need updating in this respect and such assignations should become clearer as more information is added.
From the early 19th Century the picture becomes clearer.
But I would advocate making those repetitions crisper and clearer.
There can be no clearer illustration than Labor's hugely discredited waiting list initiative.
But what could be clearer than the imagery of a yellow duster?
For mortgage endowments â the subject matter of two thirds of our workload â the picture is even clearer.
Finally, 1 to 2 grams of potassium iodide, dissolved in a little water, are added to produce a clearer film.
The need for informed policy making is ever clearer.
This also requires a clearer understanding of development theory and to be positioned as a form of critical engagement with capitalist modernity.
The instruments displayed on the on-screen piano now make use of higher resolutions, so that each instrument display is clearer.
This prevented me from having speech bubbles leave the confines of their own pane and led to less clearer font rendering.
For 1960-1, the cover size was reduced and new clearer cartography was introduced, highlighting trunk roads and omitting relief shading.
The NV7 has built-in OPS, an optical anti-shake technology, to minimize camera shake technology, to minimize camera shake and to deliver clearer resolution.
I heard greater dynamic contrast, a larger and more cohesive soundstage, and a clearer, more realistic rendering of tonality.
Although reproductive health issues are importantly included, clearer guidelines are needed especially on the management of sexual and gender-based violence.
A clearer evening with scattered rain showers and 30 km visibility.
An information campaign by the telecoms watchdog Oftel would have made things a lot clearer.
Still, Descartes has marked idealist traits, as when he refurbishes the ontological argument with clearer emphasis on the perfect being as " necessarily " existent 5 - reasoning a shade less quantitative or a shade more subtle than Anselm's.
Irksome as were his employments, grievous as was the waste of time, uncongenial as were his companions, solid benefits were to be set off against these things; his health became robust, his knowledge of the world was enlarged, he wore off some of his foreign idiom, got rid of much of his reserve; he adds - and perhaps in his estimate it was the benefit to be most prized of all - " the discipline and evolutions of a modern battalion gave me a clearer notion of the phalanx and the legion, and the captain of the Hampshire grenadiers (the reader may smile) has not been useless to the historian of the Roman empire."
The immediate results of the clearer definition obtained were the detection of a satellite to Saturn (the sixth in order of distance from its primary), and the resolution into their true form of the abnormal appendages to that planet.
In the last quarter of the 19th century the conception grew clearer that morbid anatomy for the most part demonstrates disease in its static aspects only, and also for the most part in the particular aspect of final demolition; and it became manifest as pathology and clinical medicine became more and more thoroughly integrated, that the processes which initiate and are concerned in this dissolution were not revealed by the scalpel.
No clearer proof could be desired of the utterly uncritical spirit of the age in which the Hexateuch got its present form than that this detailed account should be immediately followed by two short paragraphs in palpable contradiction of the whole plan of camp and march so elaborately worked out in the preceding narrative.
Miss Keller will never be able, I believe, to speak loud without destroying the pleasant quality and the distinctness of her words, but she can do much to make her speech clearer.
His head is clearer.
It seeks to make the offense of involuntary manslaughter clearer by defining two new offenses of reckless killing and killing by gross carelessness.
However, to satisfy Katz 's ego and to make our explanation clearer, we have reworded the text.
The senator called on the US Senate to force labels to introduce simpler clearer reporting practices.
The NV7 has built-in OPS, an optical anti-shake technology, to minimize camera shake and to deliver clearer resolution.
This will enable a clearer understanding of the longer-term clinical significance of stent fracture to be gained.
From within our straitened circumstances, with clearer vision by the Spirit, we may see the Living Lord.
Through study of species relationships and the documentation of hybridization events a clearer picture of the systematics of this important group is emerging.
This alternative fan chart gives a clearer picture of the upside risks.
If you discover that there is too much interference on a channel, you can switch to another one for clearer reception.
Film cartridge fax machines cost less than laser cartridge models but lasers produce clearer print outputs on plain paper while film-based machines don't.
To help you make a clearer decision on the vehicle you want, try to narrow down your choices to one or two models.
Most people choose this type of model because it provides a clearer sound.
The printers also print in higher quality resolutions so your pictures can come out clearer and more like pictures that are professionally printed from the store.
The changes have been influenced by a clearer understanding of pet physiology and the best nutrition to support it.
A magnifying mirror instantly makes your image clearer and more visible.
Women with uneven or blotchy complexions may find that foundation helps them feel more confident because their skin appears clearer when they wear it.
Talking on the phone will give you a clearer picture of the person's communication and social skills.
While a photo album full of vacation or graduation pictures sticks to a theme, a scrapbook page can make the theme much clearer.
The end result is clearer thinking, a stress-free body, relaxed muscles, and more energy.
A clearer house also means less time spent looking for lost objects and more time to relax.
The goal of anger management relaxation techniques is to calm you both emotionally and physically, enabling you to step back from the situation and see it from a new, clearer perspective.
Since anxiety and depression often go hand in hand, it's helpful to get a clearer picture to ensure the best treatment.
Here are a few ideas to help make your search clearer.
Many find that they look and feel years younger, with brighter eyes, clearer skin and glossier hair.
The Boston Vegan Association - If you need a clearer explanation on reading ingredients to stick to your vegan diet, visit the Boston Vegan.
This method is thought to produce clearer thinking and higher energy levels.
For the first time, she might be able to see a clearer picture of her life and what led her down a particular road to addiction.
Their photographs can be airbrushed, retouched or digitally altered to appear thinner, have clearer skin or basically give them a perfect body.
If no one knew for sure at that point whether he was conservative or liberal, it was eventually made much clearer with his frequent guest appearances on Fox News.
There's also an option to track price trends, which offers a clearer overview to help determine whether or not prices may fall even lower.
The color of these is a much clearer rose than that of the wild kind, and the spikes are larger, particularly those of superbum, which, under good cultivation, are 5 or 6 feet high.
When you answer these questions you will have a clearer picture of how your lawn furniture can best serve your needs as well as how it will fit into your yard and your finances.
Improve your sound - Strings that are well taken care of usually ring clearer than ones that haven't been taken care of in years.
The better craftsmanship will be evident in clearer, more precise details and a better look that is worthy of the friendship the pendant represents.
This will help you get an idea of just how big your estate is and help you make a clearer decision about how it should be dispersed.
A dream lets the brain of the dreamer "unlearn" the changes from the day, providing a clearer channel in which the brain can function.
When you wake up, your decision may be clearer.
Infants and young children are much more at risk for UV damage to the eyes because their lenses are clearer.
The reason many people are choosing to purchase digital goggles is that they offer a clearer image than some of the traditional goggles.
They will enhance your glasses and give you clearer vision for shooting.
For many eye conditions, gas permeable lenses offer clearer vision.
Hard contact lenses, also known as rigid gas permeable hard contact lenses, are sometimes prescribed because they can provide a clearer view for some prescription types.
Additionally, because multifocal contact lenses allow the eye to shift seamlessly from far to near distances, your vision feels clearer than ever.
Advantages of rigid gas permeable lenses include the ability to allow more oxygen to the eye, clearer vision because they maintain their shape regardless of tear content and other factors that can affect the wear of a soft lens.
No matter what your vision concerns, checking with your eye care professional about hybrid lenses may bring you a more comfortable fit, clearer vision, or both.
Amber in color, these colored lenses enhance the contrast between the fairways and the greens, thus giving you a clearer view of the ball's trajectory against the sky or the green grass.
The most expensive of this type of glasses costs $50 and over, and they may provide a clearer view of the world than the cheaper versions.
The end result is a clearer view and reduced eyestrain.
The polarized portion of the glasses will allow your view to be clearer, in turn helping you determine the best places to fish once you get to the pond, lake, or wherever you like to fish.
Serengeti's patented "Spectral Control System" selectively filters the various wavelengths of light, giving truer, clearer color perception.
The purple and blue shades of the Apnea label appear almost opaque in nature, while the green tinted Apneas offer a clearer appearance.
It shows the diamonds a lot clearer on the lens and the size allows for more carats to be set by myself.
Polarized lenses cut down on the glare from reflected light, giving you a clearer view of the road or any obstacles that may be in your way.
The result is sharper and clearer vision.
At the same time, these videos may be clearer and more aesthetically pleasing than jostled riding clips.
The Game Boy Pocket also provided a clearer screen and better battery life -- 10 hours from 2 AAA batteries.
As you find more items, the picture becomes clearer.
This does make the difference between good and great players a little clearer though.
As you play the game, the story become clearer and easier to understand and about halfway through the game, you go "Ah-ha!
Phase contrast microscope-A light microscope in which light is focused on the sample at an angle to produce a clearer image.
Add to that more accurate and complete evaluations of newborns, especially those with problems, and a clearer picture of what can go wrong before birth is possible.
By the age of three, children have a clearer understanding of who they are and how they fit into the world they know.
The brain prefers the clearer image, and the eye with the cataract may become amblyopic.
In certain cases, the technician may insert a plastic probe into the woman's vaginal canal to get a clearer picture of the fetus.
When escaping a burning building, a person should move close to the floor where there the air is cooler and clearer to breathe because hot air rises, carrying gases and particulate matter upward.
However, it is much more important in slow dances, which tend to have a simpler, clearer beat than the rapid polyrhythms of fast dances.
As you research the history of your ancestors, these records will provide a clearer picture of their lives.
The concept of a fraction becomes far clearer when students can see the reduction of an object as opposed to the numeric symbols featured in a math problem.
Still, the calculators can give you a clearer picture of your home-buying forecast.
For most women, the vaginal secretions during ovulation will alter and become sticky, creamy and viscous, whereas at other times of the cycle it may be watery and much clearer, or not be present at all.
The clearer you both are from the outset, the more likely it is you'll have a successful course and come away a much better swimmer.
Some writers jot down a quick introduction, then revise when they have a clearer idea of where the piece is going.
Knowing these factors provides a clearer understanding of the sign and provides a basis for understanding why they get along with certain signs, but have difficulty with others.
Reading a personality profile of a Virgo can give you a clearer picture of the Virgo in your life.
It may seem strange that some people would want printable tarot cards, but when you consider the bulk and heft of traditional tarot cards, the need for this type of card becomes clearer.
Many paranormal investigators and researchers are seeking new ways to obtain clearer and better EVPs.
When you can track exactly where your money goes, you have a clearer picture of how to reach your financial goals.
Birth charts, which can be composed by astrologists from the date, time and place of your birth, can give you a clearer picture of your astrological sign.
Snorkeling is a great activity that can take place during any family beach vacation, but certain locations will be more rewarding than others because the water is clearer and the specimens that can be viewed are more spectacular.
It's up to you to protect yourself during this time and after when the law's effects provide clearer shake-out information.
Researching these sources can provide background in the sales process and give you a clearer idea of what your business is worth.
Create a table or graph to more effectively display your points - many people are visual learners and the graphs will make things clearer for them than written words.
Although you won't see any of these cars or technologies down at the lot, you'll have a clearer picture of what the future of the open road will look like.
Make the details in your painting's foreground sharper and clearer than the objects in the background.
Your hair will shine and your skin will seem clearer and more luminescent.
There are numerous French movement verbs that help give a clearer picture to the way you walk, run, stand or generally move through your day.
You can also get a bigger, and often clearer, picture of the item, sometimes from different angles.
As details became clearer, however, people became stunned and eventually angry at the situation.
Benzyol Peroxide helps provide a clearer complexion by destroying acne-causing bacteria.
If you're interested in natural skin care products, you'll be pleased to learn there are many acne treatments that use herbal ingredients to promote a clearer complexion.
After that, patients should start seeing clearer, brighter, and younger looking skin.
Neutrogena's Complete Acne System contains everything adults need to achieve clearer, more beautiful skin.
While it's possible some adults will not "outgrow" acne, it is possible to take control and maintain a healthier, clearer complexion with time and an effective skin care regimen.
Thus, you will soon have much clearer, brighter skin.
A dermatologist "resurfaces" the skin, or removes a thin layer of outer skin, which is gradually replaced with newer, clearer skin.
At-home remedies for acne and blackheads may help you obtain clearer skin.
All you need to do is apply it to problem areas before you go to bed and chances are, you'll wake up to clearer skin.
I certainly always consider a client's ideas, but I can quickly discern between concepts that will or will not be effective, and try to lead them in a clearer direction.
Even better, using social networking tools, schools can make the communication even clearer.
Still, all the information Katie provided created a clearer picture of why Alex acted the way he did at home.
His features were chiseled from golden granite, his blue eyes clearer than the Miami shallows.
It was a regular dream—just clearer than any I've ever experienced.
Dean attempted to move, turning his body for a clearer look down at Shipton but the adjustment in his position caused a shower of snow to descend on him, nearly covering his head and shoulders.
The first obscure and conf used conception of law gradually becomes clearer and better defined.
The conception will be made clearer when it is remembered that Aquinas, taught by the mysterious author of the writings of the pseudo-Dionysius, who so marvellously influenced medieval writers, sometimes spoke of a natural revelation, or of reason as a source of truths in themselves mysterious, and was always accustomed to say that reason as well as revelation contained two kinds of knowledge.
Justinian has a clearer perception of the demarcation between the spheres of spiritual and temporal law.
It is sometimes differentiated into a clearer outer layer, of hyaloplasm, commonly called the ectoplasm, and an inner granular endoplasm.
The influence of physical environment becomes clearer and stronger when the distribution of plant and animal life is considered, and if it is less distinct in the case of man, the reason is found in the modifications of environment consciously produced by human effort.
Palestinian states on the other, and that they could scarcely have escaped the all-pervading Babylonian influences of 2000-1400 B.C. It is now becoming clearer every day, especially since the discovery of the laws of Khammurabi, that, if we are to think sanely about Hebrew history before as well as after the exile, we can only think of Israel as part of the great complex of Semitic and especially Canaanite humanity that lived its life in western Asia between 2060 and 600 B.C.; and that while the Hebrew race maintained by the aid of prophetism its own individual and exalted place, it was not less susceptible then, than it has been since, to the moulding influences of great adjacent civilizations and ideas.
In 1809 its exclusive trading rights were taken away by Parliament, but its administrative status was thus made clearer, and when after the mutiny of 1857 it was desirable to define British authority in India there seemed nothing unnatural in declaring it to be a possession of the crown.
They were followed by treatises of a different character, clearer in matter, more systematic in arrangement, and reflecting the methods of the scholastic logic; these are farther from the Greek tradition, for although they contain sufficient traces of their ultimate Greek ancestry, their authors do not know the Greeks as masters and cite no Greek names.
This book, probably published after the death of its author and probably interpolated by his disciples, contains, besides Joachimite principles, an affirmation even clearer than that of Gherardo da Borgo of the elect character of the Franciscan order, as well as extremely violent attacks on the papacy.
In later examples it is incised in the marbles, the letters being rendered clearer by being coloured with vermilion.
Clearer ideas of imaginary quantities and the " irreducible case " were subsequently published by Bombelli, in a work of which the dedication is dated 1572, though the book was not published until 1579.
His complexion is tawny, darker than that of the Chinese, but clearer than that of the Cambodian; his hair is black, coarse and long; his skin is thick; his forehead low; his skull slightly depressed at the top, but well developed at the sides.
The juice, which has now become comparatively clear, is again treated with lime, and again passed through a saturator and filter presses, and comes out still clearer than before.
From it we pass without a break, merely narrowing the application as the conception of sacredness grew clearer and less associated with magic, into early criminal law with its physical sanctions.
Until clearer evidence of foreign influence is found, it may, however, be safer to regard it simply as a new application of the old gild principle, though this new application may have been stimulated by continental example.
Nevertheless he sometimes helps us to recognize in Ibn Ishaq's narrative modifications of the genuine tradition made for a purpose, and the additional details he supplies set various events before us in a clearer light.
His style, though marred by Latinisms, is clearer than that of his model Thucydides, and his narrative shows the hand of the practised soldier and politician; the language is correct and free from affectation.
He still, to use his own words, hung his new exposition on to "the old doctrines, however much they at times pained me, rather than on to the purer and clearer"; for he hoped that the reformation of the Church would proceed quietly and from within.
But the more he tried to hide it the more clearly--clearer than any words could have done--did he betray to himself, to her, and to Princess Mary that he loved her.