Cleared Sentence Examples
Someone had carefully cleared the area.
Her gaze cleared, and she focused on her surroundings.
Nothing's cleared away down there and Vasilich is worn out.
She cleared her throat.
The haze cleared, and the earth settled.
Within half an hour, the metal door leading to the tunnel system was cleared away.
A plan formed in her mind, and she cleared her throat.
Yully cleared her throat and nodded, her face hot.
Her vision cleared, and she looked into the face of the man from her vision, though he was much younger standing before her.
The pain in her leg cleared the haze of her mind, and she realized whatever was happening wasn't a dream.
AdvertisementShe cleared her throat and lay down again, facing away from him.
Linda looked at her, and she cleared her throat, anger spiraling through her again.
Embarrassed, she cleared her throat.
The good life on the road cleared me up.
In the days that followed, the shooting was ruled justified and Lydia Larkin was cleared of any wrongdoing.
AdvertisementEven if you reject me or hate me or … She cleared her throat.
He walked back to the fortress, hoping the cold night air cleared his mind.
Gabe cleared his throat, amused at seeing the half-demon putting so much effort into restraining himself.
He cleared it, pushing aside the haze of alcohol and the pain he sensed but didn't understand the source of.
The moment the shadow world cleared from her sight, she wanted to run.
AdvertisementShe thought the man before her old because of his silver until her vision cleared and she saw his face.
She cleared her throat and said simply, "Yes."
Her vision cleared to reveal she now stood in a luxurious living room with several people in front of her displaying varying levels of alarm on their faces.
She blinked and turned at the voice, not recognizing the American nerd until her vision cleared.
The breakfast room had cleared out an hour before, but the patient matriarch kept her coffee cup full and left her alone.
AdvertisementA throat cleared behind him.
When her mind had cleared and her body no longer thrummed with need, she tried to figure out what the hell had happened.
Ully cleared his throat.
The white Hummer limo made it up the snowy slope and slowed as it crossed the cleared cobblestone drive in front of the castle.
C.mon. We cleared out the basements.
He owed them nothing after his mission, which cleared a path for him to do what he must to regain his throne.
Uncomfortable, Kiera cleared her throat.
She cleared her throat, forcing herself to focus on his dark eyes.
She cleared her throat then said, I'm sorry.
She drew a deep breath, cleared her throat, and asked, "I can't do both?"
She looked away and cleared her throat, embarrassed to feel tears in her eyes again.
Besides, by noon the sun would have cleared all but the most shaded roadways.
He cleared his throat, as if ready to address a Rotary luncheon.
Jackson waited until the hall had almost cleared before making his way to the stage.
Alex cleared his throat.
The land would get overgrown with brush in the summer if I didn't have the goats to keep it cleared off.
Josh stood and cleared his throat.
He leaned against the stanchion and cleared his throat.
She nodded and cleared the lump from her throat.
Her head cleared enough for her to see she'd hit one of his arms, which was drenched with blood.
She watched dark shapes mill and drop as the smoke cleared until they wised up and took refuge in the forest.
Brady's caution and Mr. Tim's words returned to her as her thoughts cleared with the exercise.
The retired fed had cleared a spot for her on the couch.
Lana cleared her throat.
Gabe cast an irritated look over his shoulder but looked where she indicated. He lowered the sword he was using to hack through the brush and started in that direction. Katie watched as the forest cleared a path for him, the way it had before.
Rhyn glanced around, not noticing his head had cleared and his magic was contained until Darkyn pointed it out. Anger at Death – not power – made his blood boil. You are half-demon.
Katie started in the direction of the woman's voice. She stumbled over fallen, slick wood and brambles she couldn't see. Whatever magic that had cleared a path for her was gone. She struggled through the jungle before calling out, "Can you hear me? I can't see much. You'll have to say something, so I can find you."
Katie cleared her throat, not sure what else to say.
He's probably cleared out but let us know if you spot him.
The car was around the corner and out of sight when his field of vision cleared.
The apartment was cleared out some time ago, or at least his name was off the mailbox.
With the air cleared, he dropped the subject and moved on to more pleasant conversation.
He shuffled from one foot to the other and cleared his throat.
Jenn cleared her throat, not sure what to say.
Rather than risk Traveling to the center of the phenomenon, Jenn ran down the driveway the vamps had cleared of snow to the narrow country road leading up the mountain to the Black God's hideout.
Jenn cleared her throat and looked away before the Oracle saw her smile.
When her vision cleared to reveal where he'd taken her, she sucked in a breath.
His sight cleared again, long enough for him to feel as he did when he chose her as the fulfillment of his oath.
Vara pulled her body towards him until she cleared the cell then lifted her.
He cleared his throat and met her inquiring gaze.
Rob cleared his throat and leaned toward her, grinning.
Carmen cleared her throat.
Gerald cleared his throat.
Finally he cleared his throat again.
He started to speak and then cleared his throat.
It was nice to be near Alex with the air cleared of secrets.
He blinked and started to say something – then stopped and cleared his throat.
With the air cleared of all the secrets, and both of them making a concentrated effort to get along, even the children appeared to be happier.
The long drive ended abruptly as the brush cleared at the cabin.
He shifted in the seat and cleared his throat.
There was a pause and he finally cleared his throat.
It was nice to have the air cleared between them.
She cleared her desk and turned off the computer.
Finally she cleared her throat and spoke.
Gerry cleared the screen then began a broader search while Xander watched.
Too aware of his scrutiny, she cleared her throat and pretended to read the iPad.
She cleared her throat, then said, My, uh, kids lost their parents in a car accident a few years ago.
Xander cleared his throat, and the former vamp eased back into his chair, obeying the silent command.
She cleared her throat, trying hard not to laugh.
It cleared, and she was out of the creature's ability to sense her.
The plateau portion of West Virginia is largely covered by hardwood forests, but along the Ohio river and its principal tributaries the valuable timber has been removed and considerable areas have been wholly cleared for farming and pasture lands.
The Servians having, in the beginning of the 19th century, successfully cleared Servia of Turks, were emboldened to attack Nish in 1809, but were repulsed with great loss.
Shipping.The following table thhows the increase in tonnage of sailing and steam shipping engaged in foreign trade entered and cleared at the ports of France over quinquennial periods from 1890.
Between the years i88i and 1905 the number of ships entered and cleared at Italian ports decreased slightly (219,598 in 1881 and 208,737 in 1905), while their aggregate tonnage increased (32,070,704 in 1881 and 80,782,030 in 1905).
In many districts the land has been cleared and cultivated and then abandoned, and has relapsed into scrub and jungle which is gradually returning to the condition of forest.
Vast and impenetrable forests, impassable marches and thickets, numerous lakes, swampy meadows, with cleared and dry spaces here and there occupied by villages, are the leading features of this region.
On the other hand, the hare, grey partridge (Perdix cinerea), hedgehog, quail, lark, rook and stork find their way into the coniferous region as the forests are cleared.
After strenuous fighting the district was cleared, and Jerusalem, taken by the sword, became the capital.
The channel leading to the harbour of Wilmington has been cleared to a depth of 20 ft.
The country is generally well cleared, and forests are, as a rule, found only along the flanks of the mountains, where the fall of rain is most abundant.
The stones were carefully cleared from the fields, which were also watered from canals and conduits, communicating with the brooks and streams with which the country " was well watered everywhere," and enriched by the application of manures.
By growing mustard and ploughing it in green the ground is made obnoxious to the wireworms, and may even be cleared of them.
This great disaster, which cleared the ground for a new growth of local art, was probably due to yet another incursion of northern tribes, more barbarous than their predecessors, but possessed of superior iron weapons - those tribes which later Greek tradition and Homer knew as the Dorians.
The Expeditionary Force was conveyed across the Channel in perfect safety, and its communications safeguarded; and the German mercantile marine was soon cleared from the seas.
First, however, Charles cleared Livonia of the invader (July 1701), subsequently occupying the duchy of Courland and converting it into a Swedish governor-generalship. In January 1702 Charles established himself at Bielowice in Lithuania, and, after issuing a proclamation declaring that "the elector of Saxony" had forfeited the Polish crown, set out for Warsaw, which he reached on the 14th of May.
The space thus cleared has been used for the rearrangement of the Archaeological and Artistic Museum.
Flinders Petrie began the systematic exploration of the ruins of Bedreshen, and in three seasons cleared up much of the topography of the ancient city, identifying the mound of the citadel and palace, a foreign quarter, &c. Among his finds not the least interesting is a large series of terra-cotta heads representing the characteristic features of the foreigners who thronged the bazaars of Memphis.
On the north-west rock the caves known as the grottoes of Pan and Apollo were cleared out; these consist of a slight high-arched indentation immediately to the east of the Clepsydra and a double and somewhat deeper cavern a little farther to the east.
The number of ships entered and cleared in 1905 was 5020 with a tonnage of 5,796,590 tons, of which 416, with a tonnage of 609,822 tons, were British.
It was necessary for his own good repute and the future of his work that a definitive sentence should be pronounced and his name cleared once and for all.
Dunstable (Dunestaple, Donestaple) first appears as a royal borough in the reign of Henry I., who, according to tradition, on account of the depredations of robbers, cleared the forest where Watling Street and the Icknield Way met, and encouraged his subjects to settle there by various grants of privileges.
After a month's vigorous drilling Hicks led 5000 of his men against an equal force of dervishes in Sennar, whom he defeated, and cleared the country between the towns of Sennar and Khartum of rebels.
In1890-1891the number of steamers that entered and cleared Turkish ports was 38,601, and of sailing vessels 140,726, the total tonnage of both classes of vessels being 30,509,861.
The number of steamships belonging to Turkey in1899-1900was 1 77 of 55,93 8 tons, as compared with 87 of 46,498 tons in 1897-1898, the number of sailing Value of Goods Imported into, and Exported from, together with Number vessels in the same years being respectively 2205 of 141,055 tons and Tonnage of Vessels cleared at, Principal Ports of Turkish Empire.
The following tables show the total value of exports and imports arranged according to countries of origin or destination for1905-1906and 1908-1909; the same information for the year1905-1906with respect to the principal ports of the empire, and the tonnage of vessels cleared thereat during the year 1908-1909; and the value of the principal articles imported and exported for the year 1905-1906.
In order to rebuild the see of St Peter on a basis now cleared of obstacles, an attempt was made to surround the election of 1 The English, who had hitherto been considered to form part of the German "nation," were recognized as a separate nation at this council for the first time.
During the early morning of the 13th the reports brought to Napoleon at Gera partially cleared up the situation, though the real truth was very different from what he supposed.
He also pushed his investigations into the great temple of Edfu, visited Elephantine and Philae, cleared the great temple at Abu Simbel of sand (1817), made excavations at Karnak, and opened up the sepulchre of Seti I.
Taking "the port of Cardiff" in its technical sense as including Barry and Penarth, it is the first port in the kingdom for shipping cleared to foreign countries and British possessions, second in the kingdom for its timber imports, and first in the world for shipment of coal.
In addition to the sacred precinct, with its temples and other buildings, the theatre and stadium have been cleared; and several other extensive buildings, including baths, gymnasia, and a hospital for invalids, have also been found.
At this time there were extensive buildings provided for the accommodation of invalids, some of which have been discovered and partially cleared; one was built by Antoninus Pius.
Here the excavations of the British school cleared many houses, including a palace of "Mycenaean" type; there is also a town wall.
In anticipation of this event a gigantic system of docks, basins and quays was constructed, at a total cost of some £7,000,000 (of which the imperial treasury contributed 2,000,000), between the confluence of the Alster and the railway bridge (1868-1873), an entire quarter of the town inhabited by some 24,000 people being cleared away to make room for these accessories of a great port.
When Valens met his death fighting against the Goths near Adrianople on the 9th of August in the same year, the government of the eastern empire devolved upon Gratian, but feeling himself unable to resist unaided the incursions of the barbarians, he ceded it to Theodosius (January 379) With Theodosius he cleared the Balkans of barbarians..
Although agriculture is carried on on the upper Amur, where land has been cleared from virgin forests, it really prospers only below Kumara and on the fertile plains of the Zeya and Silinji.
On the Yenisei steamers ply from Minusinsk to Yeniseisk, and to Ghilghila at its mouth; on its tributary, the Angara, of which some rapids have been cleared, though the Padun rapids have still to be rounded by land; and on the Selenga.
The elongated axis which opens at the stigma in Scorpio and which can be cleared of soft, surrounding tissues and co agulated blood so as to present the appearance of a limb axis carrying the book-like leaves of the lung is not really, as it would seem to be at first sight, the limb axis.
The settlement in Flying Fish Cove now numbers some 250 inhabitants, consisting of Europeans, Sikhs, Malays and Chinese, by whom roads have been cut and patches of cleared ground cultivated.
These must one and all be cleared away before we can enter on that era of universal peace towards the attainment of which the tsar of Russia declared, in his famous circular of 1898, the efforts of all governments should be directed.
The mountain slopes are still masses of dense forest, though their lower elevations and neighbouring valleys have been cleared for cultivation and by dealers in rosewood and other valuable woods.
The opening up of the wide thoroughfare of Chambers Street, on the site of College Wynd and Brown and Argyll Squares, cleared the precincts of unsightly obstructions and unsavoury neighbours.
As a result of harbour works, however, a channel has been cleared and steamers can ascend the river for 6 m.
At all the Hungarian ports in 1900 there entered 19,223 vessels of 2,223,302 tons; cleared 19,218 vessels of 2,226,733 tons.
The tonnage of British steamers amounted to somewhat more than t i% of the total tonnage of steamers entered and cleared.
The monks cleared the forests, cultivated the recovered land, and built villages for the colonists who flocked to them, teaching the people western methods of agriculture and western arts and handicrafts.
In the northern Transvaal a force under Sir Bindon Blood cleared the country, but could not prevent Viljoen from escaping eastward to join Botha.
The ground has to be thoroughly cleared of stones, manured and trenched, and the corms are planted in ridges.
Like Socrates, he was not a philosopher, and did not pretend to be one; but, as the reasoned scepticism of Socrates cleared the way for the philosophy of Plato, so did Xenophanes's "abnormis sapientia" for the philosophy of Parmenides.
The defenders were therefore steadily driven up the hill, and then cleared the front to give the guns room to act.
The marshes near the Danube and Theiss were cleared, roads and canals were built at great expense of labour, German artisans and other settlers were attracted to colonize the district, and agriculture and trade encouraged.
At the risk no doubt of some defects of culture, the newer education cleared the way for a more positive temper, awoke a new sense of accuracy and of verification, and created a sceptical attitude towards all conventions, whether of argument or of practice.
In 1758 the houses on London Bridge were cleared away, and in1760-1762several of the city gates were taken down and sold.
That night the mine-fields at the mouth of the Dardanelles were cleared away, and battleships were in consequence enabled to penetrate into the lowest reaches of the defile on the morrow.
Puchstein has cleared and studied important architectural remains.
The iron sulphate solution should be used while the vines are in a dormant condition, and diseased parts should be cleared away and burned, The black rot, like the Uncinula and Plasmopara, is also American in its origin.
A tract of 162 acres of land near the village was cleared of trees and enclosed with a stockade.
Except in the mountainous districts, the country was fairly productive, especially after the great forests had been cleared by Probus and Galerius.
A fresh charge is then put in at once, the muffles being cleared only after three successive distillations.
The Hejaz and Tehama were cleared of the plundering nomads by `Attab and Tahir.
Murad was soon removed by assassination, and the way being thus cleared, Aurangzeb, with affected reluctance, ascended the throne in August 1658.
The town is situated in low, malarious ground, and was originally buried in jungle, but the Russians during their occupation of the place in 1723-34 cleared much timber and jungle and made some open spaces.
Massena swiftly cleared Aspern of the enemy, but at the same time Rosenberg stormed Essling at last.
Under Abel's guidance, the prevailing obscurities of analysis began to be cleared, new fields were entered upon and the study of functions so advanced as to provide mathematicians with numerous ramifications along which progress could be made.
The losses which they sustained by land roused the Byzantines to indemnify themselves on the vessels which still crowded the harbour, and the merchantmen which cleared the straits; but this had the effect of provoking a war with the neighbouring naval powers.
The barracks have been cleared away and a covered market made in the upper part of the Kissaria.
In 1905, exclusive of passenger and mail boats, there entered the port 848 vessels of 312,477 tons and cleared 857 of 305,284 tons, these being engaged in the general carrying trade of the port.
The systematic clearing of the site began in the spring of 1892, and it was rapidly cleared of earth by means of a light railway.
The polygonal terrace wall at the back, on being cleared, proves to be covered with inscriptions, most of them concerning the manumission of slaves.
The seats have been cleared, and are in a state of extraordinary preservation.
Railways and material were destroyed, the country cleared of supplies, and the Confederate government severed from its western states.
At the head of a hundred thousand men he showed, besides the large grasp of strategy which planned the Carolinas march, besides the patient skill in manoeuvre which gained ground day by day towards Atlanta, the strength of will which sent his men to the hopeless assault of Kenesaw to teach them that he was not afraid to fight, and cleared Atlanta of its civil population in the face of a bitter popular outcry.
By the majority of Republicans, at least, he was considered to have cleared himself completely, and in the Republican national convention he missed by only twenty-eight votes the nomination for president, being finally beaten by a combination of the supporters of all the other candidates.
In 1905 nearly 180,000 tons of shipping cleared the port.
Around the cottages in the mountains the land is cleared for cultivation, and produces thriving crops of barley, wheat, buckwheat, millet, mustard, chillies, etc. Turnips of excellent quality are extensively grown; they are free from fibre and remarkably sweet.
The shipping cleared in1905-1906was 3524 vessels of 3,718,168 tons.
Unable to garrison the island with a large force, the Arabs cleared a zone between the central stronghold, Medina, and the suburb called Rabat, to restrict the fortified area.
Lists of kings found on the temple wall at Abydos, in the fragments of the Turin papyrus and elsewhere, have cleared up many doubtful points in the lists of Manetho, and at the same time, as Professor Petrie has pointed out, have proved to us how true a historian that much-discussed writer was.
The ground around the "viscachera" is cleared from vegetation, the refuse of which is heaped upon the mound.
Of the 750 steamships which cleared the port in 1904, three out of every seven were German, two were Norwegian and one was British, but in 1905 two new companies, one British and the other Japanese, arranged for regular services to Bangkok, thereby altering these proportions.
His authority was undisputed; and after Leo had cleared himself by an oath of certain charges made against him, Charles restored the pope and banished his leading opponents.
In 1875 1568 sailing ships and 698 steamers (with a total of 740,731 tons) entered and 1588 sailing ships and 700 steamers (with a total of 756,807 tons) cleared this port; in 1883 3379 sailing and 1126 steam vessels (with a total of 1,056,201 tons) entered and 3276 sailing and 1120 steam vessels (with a total of 960,229 tons) cleared.
The management of such places, therefore, requires the most constant vigilance on the part of the workmen, especially in the examination of the working places that have been standing empty during the night, in which gas may have accumulated, to see that they are properly cleared before the new shift commences.
At Kumpfmiihl, in the immediate neighbourhood of the city, was discovered, in 1885, the remains of a Roman camp with an arched gateway; the latter, known as the Porta Praetoria, was cleared in 1887.
Here we come to the crux of Fichte's system, which is only partly cleared up in the Rechtslehre and Sittenlehre.
Other papers which had been left to Fox lay for years in barrels in a stable garret; they were finally cleared out, their owner, Mary Fox, intending to send them to a paper mill.
In line with this, too, is his demand that psychology shall be cleared of metaphysics; and to his lead is no doubt due in great measure the position that psychology has now acquired as a distinct positive science.
Hence the first orders he issued were for his divisions to concentrate at their respective alarm-posts, intending later to send them further orders when the situation had somewhat cleared up. For whatever reasons, Wellington thought Napoleon would attempt to turn his right and cut his line of communications.
In later times the apologists of each sect reversed the process, and cleared that in which they were interested at the expense of others.
The valley walls rise to undulating, and often fairly level uplands, which are, in large part, cleared of forest; but the uplands are remote from markets, and the soil is thin.
Like the Adirondacks, this region is largely forest covered, and is a favourite summer resort; but it is far less a wilderness than the Adirondacks, and in places is cleared for farming, especially for pasturage.
The development of dairyfarming has led to the spread of settlement, especially in the west of North Island, where large tracts of fertile soil formerly covered with forest have now been cleared and converted into dairy-farms. Of 1,850,000 cattle in the colony, two-sevenths are dairy cows.
So profitable was sheep-farming seen to be that energetic settlers began to burn off the bracken and cut and burn the forest in the North Island and sow English grasses on the cleared land.
Politics, cleared of the cross-issues of provincialism and Maori warfare, took the usual shape of a struggle between wealth and radicalism.
Yet he not only cleared his own character from the charges laid against him, but succeeded four years later in achieving his most signal party triumph.
Richard Burton, when consul-general at Damascus in 1870, cleared an Arab screen out of the vestibule, and in consequence the exquisite doorway leading into the cella can now be well seen.
Still intent upon the Russian Port Arthur squadron, she had embarked her 2nd Army (General Oku, ist, 3rd, Landing 4th and 5th divisions) during April, and sent it to of the Chinampo whence, as soon as the ice melted and Japanese Kuroki's victory cleared the air, it sailed to the 2nd selected landing-place near Pitszewo.
The field was thus cleared for the full development of papal power.
On the night of the 20th of January the French lines about Perouse were carried by assault, and, both flanks being now cleared, the formal siege of the Perches forts was opened, the first parallel extending from Danjoutin to Haut Taillis.
Thus the first campaign of the western armies, completed by the victory of the gunboat flotilla at Memphis (June 6), cleared the Mississippi as far down as Vicksburg, and compelled the Confederates to evacuate the Cumberland and a large portion of the Tennessee basins.
A serious and costly action had to be fought before the way was cleared (battle of South Mountain, September 14).
Burnside and the new Army of the Ohio had now cleared east Tennessee and occupied Knoxville (September 2), and meanwhile Rosecrans by a brilliant movement, in which he displayed no less daring in execution than skill in planning, once more manoeuvred Bragg out of his position and occupied Chattanooga.
The untrustworthiness of Chronicles - briefly admitted by Luther - he proved in detail, and so cleared the way for that truer view of the history and religion of Israel which the treatment of Chronicles as a trustworthy record of the past hopelessly obscured.
The discoveries of papyri in Upper Egypt during recent years, containing original letters written by persons of various classes and in some cases contemporary with the Epistles of the New Testament, have immensely increased our knowledge of the Greek of the period, and have cleared up not a few difficulties of language and expression.
It did not, however, lose its independence, but became an ally of Rome, as is shown by an inscription, probably of the 2nd century B.C., in which it is recorded that the ambassadors of Tibur successfully cleared themselves before the Roman senate of a suspicion that they were acting contrary to their treaty with Rome.
In its primeval state Kentucky was generally well timbered, but most of the middle section has been cleared and here the blue grass is now the dominant feature of the flora.
The sudden death of the tsarevich Demetrius at Uglich (May 15, 1591) has commonly been attributed to Boris, because it cleared his way to the throne; but this is no clear proof that he was personally concerned in that tragedy.
These are the prime sources, and as they increase and are more fully studied, so the subject will be cleared and obtain a fixed basis.
The Principality Of Birkenfeld iS hilly and well-forested; agriculture prospers on the cleared lands, and fruit is grown in the valley of the Nahe, the principal stream.
Obstacles being cleared away, Paul III., on the 27th of September 1540, issued his bull Regimini militantis ecclesiae, by which he confirmed the new Society (the term "order" does not belong to it), but limited the members to sixty, a restriction which was removed by the same pope in the bull Injunctum nobis of the 14th of March 1543.
When it was remembered, too, that they had decided, at a council held at Lima, that it was inexpedient to impose any act of Christian devotion except baptism on the South American converts, without the greatest precautions, on the ground of intellectual difficulties, it is not wonderful that this doubt was not satisfactorily cleared up, notably in face of the charges brought against the Society by Bernardin de Cardonas, bishop of Paraguay, and the saintly Juan de Palafox, bishop of Angelopolis in Mexico.
The denuded mountain slopes and plateaus of southern Mexico are due to the prehistoric inhabitants who cleared away the tropical forest for their Indian corn fields, and then left them to the erosive action of the tropical rains and subsequent occupation by coarse grasses.
For the successful raising of the finer sorts of willows good, well-drained, loamy upland soil is desirable, which before planting should be deeply trenched and cleared of weeds.
It fell com pletely into decay, and it is only of recent years that the jungle has been cleared away, the ruins laid bare, and some measure of prosperity brought back to the surrounding country by the restoration of hundreds of village tanks.
The two chief sites to be cleared were the temples of Apollo and of Aphrodite, in both of which successive buildings of various date were found.
It suffered much from fires and other disasters, and from 1846 onward was used as a barracks and a military hospital; it has now, however, been cleared out and restored.
The relief is strong enough to make occupation difficult; the slopes are forested; the uplands are cleared and well occupied b farms and villages, but many of the valleys are wooded glens.
Farther seaward, where the relief is less and the soils are richer, the surface is cleared and cotton is an important crop.
This district was originally for the most part forested, but is now coming to be cleared and farmed.
Local products, including kat, firewood, live animals, ghi, dates, honey, wax, gums and sesame oil, to the value of about £125,000, were exported in 1919-20.1,065 steam vessels of aggregate tonnage 2,736,391 and sailing craft of tonnage 365,569 cleared in the year ending March 1919.
When he died in 1841 he had cleared away all the rubbish, disclosed the original plan, and collected a quantity of fragments.
This is difficult to see in Anodonta, but if the mantle-skirt be entirely cleared away, and if the dependent lamellae which spring from the ctenidial axis be carefully cropped so as to leave the axis itself intact, we obtain the form shown in fig.
The district became a centre of the fighting between the Gurkhas and the rebels, and was not finally cleared until October 1858 by Colonel Kelly.
Its pliant and flexible branches are made into brooms; and in ancient Rome the fasces of the lictors, with which they cleared the way for the magistrates, were made up of birch rods.
It rises gradually from the seaboard, is heavily wooded and is cleared for cultivation to a height of 2000 ft.
The seeds are sown in April, on rich ground, which should not be too highly manured; the young larches are planted out when two years old, or sometimes transferred to a nursery bed to attain a larger size; but, like all conifers, they succeed best when planted young; on the mountains, the seedlings are usually put into a mere slit made in the ground by a spade with a triangular blade, the place being first cleared of any heath, bracken, or tall herbage that might smother the young tree; the plants should be from 3 to 4 ft.
He had his brother Demetrius killed, and thus cleared his way to the throne in 179.
The effect of the campaign was, however, that the southern provinces were finally cleared of the invader.
When she was a small child her parents moved to Massachusetts, and soon afterwards to Michigan, where her father cleared a farm, 40 m.
English money, however, came to the rescue; in 1758 Ferdinand, duke of Brunswick, cleared the electorate of the invader; and Hanover suffered no loss of territory at the peace of 1763.
In this respect he formed a great contrast to his predecessor, whose arrears he soon cleared off.
Save in some parts of Germany, where the influence of Luther saved the churches from wreck, an iconoclastic wave spread over the greater part of Western Europe, wherever the " new religion " prevailed; everywhere churches were cleared of images and reduced to the state of those described by William Harrison in his Description of England (1570), only the " pictures in glass " being suffered in some cases to survive for a while " by reason of the extreme cost of replacing them."
All these matters will no doubt be cleared up when more of the many tells of Mesopotamia are excavated.
Before long, however, the overthrow of Astyages by Cyrus cleared Mesopotamia, and Nabonidus (Nabu-naid) was able, drawing on the resources of the whole of Syria for the purpose, to restore the famous temple of Sin at Harran, where a few years later he erected in memory of his mother, who seems to have been a priestess there, the stele published in 1907 by Pognon.
Since then the problem has been disentangled; and now minor points only remain to be cleared up. Jaeschke devoted special attention to the dialectical sounds, and showed in several papers and by the comparative table prefixed to his dictionary that in the western and eastern dialects these sounds correspond more or less closely to the written forms.
The building in which they met stood off High Street and was only cleared away in.
The port was cleared by 420 vessels of 477,713 tonnage in 1905.
In 1904 there entered 603 vessels with a tonnage of 202,980, and cleared 608 vessels with a tonnage of 202,502.
A fine port constructed by Giovanni da Procida in 1260 was destroyed when Naples became the capital of the kingdom, and remained blocked with sand till after the unification of Italy, when it was cleared; but it is now unimportant.
In this operation all stones larger than a man's fist must be taken out, and all roots of trees and of perennial weeds carefully cleared away.
The ground must also be thoroughly cleared of the roots of all coarse, perennial weeds, and be worked to a fine tilth ready for turfing or sow ing.
Dig and dress such flower borders and shrubberies as may now be cleared of annuals and the stems of herbaceous plants.
Pursuing a policy intended to reconcile the peasantry to Russian rule and to break the power of the Polish nobility, the Russian government promulgated, during the outbreak in 1864, a law by which those peasants who were holders of land on estates belonging to private persons, institutions (such as monasteries and the like), or the Crown were recognized as proprietors of the soil-the state paying compensation to the landlords in bonds, and the peasants having to pay a yearly annuity to the state until the debt thus contracted had been cleared off.
A legend of later days has it that at the last moment a sudden blaze of light surrounded the king, and when it cleared away he had disappeared.
Out of 1320 ships which entered Asuncion in 1908 and 1184 which cleared, none was of British or United States nationality.
The western, or Behera, canal was thoroughly cleared out and remodelled; and thus the whole delta irrigation was supplied from above the barrage.
The poet however cleared by his benefit nights, and by the sale of the copyright of his tragedy, about three hundred pounds, then a great sum in his estimation.
In conformity with the decrees of the council of Trent, he cleared the cathedral of its gorgeous tombs, rich ornaments, banners, arms, sparing not even the monuments of his own relatives.
The eastern counties of Stormont and Glengarry, and parts of the western peninsula, had been settled by Highlanders; the Canada Company, organized in 1825 by the Scottish novelist, John Galt, had founded the town of Guelph, had cleared large tracts of land in the western peninsula, and settled thereon hundreds of the best .class of English and Scotch settlers.
The total of shipping entered in 1906 was 6586 vessels with a tonnage of 6,867,442, while that cleared was 6611 vessels with a tonnage of 6,682,104.
Paches cleared the Asiatic seas of the enemy, reduced the other towns of Mytilene and returned to Athens with upwards of 1000 prisoners.
This policy - which was presumably that of Nicias in opposition to Alcibiades - having failed, the way was cleared for a reassertion of that policy of western conquest which had always had advocates from Themistocles onward in Athens,' and was part of the democratic programme.
They made a gallant resistance, but the Russians quickly cleared the ridge, capturing several guns, and their first line was followed by a heavy mass of cavalry which crossed the ridge and descended into the Balaklava plain.
After having been used as a prison, and, later, as a military storehouse, it has been cleared and its fine colonnades are again visible.
The modern dwellings in it have now been cleared out, and the interior admirably preserved and cleaned by a native Syrian architect.
The third prefect, Gaius Petronius, cleared the neglected canals for irrigation; he also repelled an invasion of the Ethiopians and pursued them far up the Nile, finally storming the capital of Napata.
The capture and destruction of this important place were followed by the capture of Tyre, Sidon, Haifa, Athlit and Beirut, and thus Syria was cleared of the Crusaders.
By the next year (879) not only Wessex, but Mercia, west of Watling Street, was cleared of the invader.
In 1901, 1411 steamers and sailing craft aggregating 1,830,000 tons register cleared from Sulina for European ports carrying, besides other merchandise, nearly 13,000,000 quarters of grain.
The so-called Odeum, a circular building in which the famous code was found, was completely cleared in 1912, and five small fragments of the inscription were recovered.
A circular building identified (bv Svoronos) as the Attic mint in the Peloponnesian War, was cleared, and a fine archaic relief of an ephebe crowning himself was discovered.
Five gates of the city wall were cleared.
The enormous temple at Didymi was cleared and all its columns were found to be standing to the height of several metres.
At Pergamon the Germans cleared two Hellenistic temples, in one of which a broken statue, identified as a portrait of Attalus II., was found.
It is a 4th-century Greek building of rich Ionic style, and was still unfinished at the time of the earthquake, then cleared and partially rebuilt, and finally used as a water reservoir in the Byzantine period.
In the winter of 1307 and in 1308 Bruce ruined Buchan, a Comyn territory, and won the castles of Aberdeen and Forfar, while Edward Bruce cleared the English out of Galloway.
In 1400 Albany, and the 4th earl of Douglas (brother-in-law of the duke of Rothesay), confessed before the Estates that they had arrested the prince, and were cleared of the guilt of his subsequent death.
The execution, or rather murder, of Generals Lecomte and Clement Thomas by the communists on 18th March, which he vainly tried to prevent, brought him into collision with the central committee sitting at the hotel de Tulle, and they ordered his arrest, but he escaped; he was accused, however, by various witnesses, at the subsequent trial of the murderers (November 29th), of not having intervened when he might have done, and though he was cleared of this charge it led to a duel, for his share in which he was prosecuted and sentenced to a fine and a fortnight's imprisonment.
The port of Joppa, which was already occupied by a Jewish garrison, was cleared of its inhabitants and populated by Jews.
In 1906 it was re-opened, the houses being cleared away, and a hospice for Greek pilgrims erected in place of them.
When it has completely cleared, the liquid caustic is ladled or pumped out into sheet-iron drums, holding about 6 cwt.
In the strip of low country that fringes the peninsula below the Ghats the rainfall is heavy and the climate warm and damp, the vegetation being dense and characteristically tropical, and the steep slopes of the Ghats, where they have not been artificially cleared, thickly clothed with forest.
Under his direction roads were made, forts built, and considerable portions of the forest were cleared, and the present capital, Port Louis, was founded.
An acknowledgment of Ali as caliph by Moawiya before he had cleared himself from suspicion was therefore quite impossible.
But if his offensive were so far successful, if he had once cleared the way to the plains - then perhaps the stiff-necked Falkenhayn might change his mind, and take advantage of the opening offered by an Austrian success.
He may be said to have cleared the ground for the coming utilitarianism.
The old gates have been somewhat ruthlessly cleared away, and the site of the town walls on the north and west competes with the park called the Prince's Garden as a public pleasure ground.
In 1900 there entered 741 Vessels, tonnage 277,959; and cleared 743, tonnage 276,992.
In 1907 there entered 661 vessels, tonnage, 336,773; cleared 650, tonnage 335,849.
Jerome vowed that he would not leave Vienna till he had cleared himself from the accusation of heresy.
The way was already cleared for the busy 12th century - the age of Louis VI.
The confusion which previous scholars had made between the ancient post-Homeric poets (Arctinus, Lesches, &c.) and the learned mythological writers (such as the " scriptor cyclicus " of Horace) was first cleared up by Welcker.
This action of Gerry's brought down upon him from Federalist partisans a storm of abuse and censure, from which he never wholly cleared himself.
Up to the beginning of the 19th century it was filled with hovels and stables; these were subsequently cleared out, and at the end of the century the building was restored, and now serves as a national theatre.
Neither superintendent nor reader now appears; all the functions of bishops and superintendents are vested in the elderships, or church courts, and it is urged that the parts which still remain in Scotland of the old system should be cleared away and the sole jurisdiction of the kirk, as then constituted, recognized.
He entered with great vigour on his new labours, and in less than a month he was able to report to Buckingham that he had cleared off all outstanding chancery cases.
Such are the general causes of the errors that infest the human mind; by their exposure the way is cleared for the introduction of the new method.
It is remarkable that Cyprus was celebrated in antiquity for its forests, which not only clothed the whole of its mountain ranges, but covered the entire central plain with a dense mass, so that it was with difficulty that the land could be cleared for cultivation.
In 580 Gregory was himself accused before a council at Berny of using abusive language against Queen Fredegond, but he cleared himself of the charge by an oath and was acquitted.
It is interesting to note that the site of Chapelshade Works was in 1907 cleared for the erection of a large new technical college.
The table at the commencement of page 605 shows the total tonnage of vessels entered from and cleared to British possessions and foreign countries at ports in the United Kingdom, and also the nationality of vessels under British and the principal foreign flags.
Out of the following totals steam vessels had an aggregate tonnage of 30,604,578 entered and 31,080,481 cleared in 1890, and 64,327,508 entered and 64,968,655 cleared in 1909.
The table at foot of p. 604 shows the tonnage of vessels entered from and cleared to British possessions and foreign countries at the principal ports of the United Kingdom.
Stockraising is an important industry, and wheat is grown on the cleared lands.
In 1904, 296 vessels, of 238,274 tons, cleared at this port.
Plantations in England are generally ready for final cutting in from sixty to seventy years, and many are cleared at a much earlier stage of growth.
At the head of 16,000 men, he thoroughly routed his opponents, and, having cleared the way before him, marched straight upon Tabriz, which at once surrendered.
The stage buildings, orchestra and lower parts of the cavea have been cleared.
It leaves on the right the great Thermae of Constantine, of which the Austrians have cleared out the south-east part.
In the ten years1899-1908the tonnage of shipping entered and cleared rose from 1,181,00o to 2,046,000.
All such refuse should be cleared up and burned.
Of late years, however, Bossuet has found powerful defenders; and if they have not cleared his character from reproach, they have certainly managed to prove that Fenelon's methods of controversy were not much better than his.
As a delegate from Dorchester, his father's church, to the Synod of 1662, he opposed the Half-Way Covenant adopted by the Synod and defended by Richard Mather and by Jonathan Mitchell (1624-1668) of Cambridge; but soon afterwards he "surrendered a glad captive" to "the truth so victoriously cleared by Mr Mitchell," and like his father and his son became one of the chief exponents of the Half-Way Covenant.
But as the Maccabees had now in the name of the Syrians cleared the Syrians out of Palestine, Tryphon's jealousy was aroused, and he resolved to be rid of Jonathan, who, with all his cunning, walked into a trap at Ptolemais, was made prisoner and ultimately slain (143).
When, however, the surface is but very slightly greased, a spot can no longer be cleared by the warmth of the finger, or even of a spirit lamp, held underneath.
As the milk is cleared out, the scattering of the drops is gradually re-established.
Under an act of 1791 harbour trustees were appointed who cleared and deepened the river bed and built a long pier on either side of it; in 1796 the approach to the port was made safer by means of an improved light on Mumbles Head.
They have proceeded slowly but systematically, and the method adopted, though scientific and economical, left the site in some apparent confusion, but the debris have more recently been cleared away to a considerable extent.
To the north of the precinct of Apollo, between it and the sacred lake, there are very extensive ruins of the commercial town of Delos; these have been only partially cleared, but have yielded a good many inscriptions and other antiquities.
In the 6th century B.C. the influence of the Delian Apollo was at its height; Polycrates of Samos dedicated the neighbouring island of Rheneia to his service and Peisistratus of Athens caused all the area within sight of the temple to be cleared of the tombs by which its sanctity was impaired.
A canal, which ultimately proved too small for use, was constructed at Nenasitets in 1780 at private expense; blastings were carried out in 1798 and 17 99 at various parts; in 1805 a canal was formed at Kaindatski, and the channel straightened at Sursk; by 1807 a new canal was completed at Nenasitets; in 1833 a passage was cleared through the Staro-kaindatski porog; and in the period 1843 to 1853 numerous ameliorations were effected.
But uncertainty as to Bulgarian movements and dispositions was not yet cleared up. In any case, the seizure of the initiative at a moment when the Serbian I.
Thus he cleared the way for unit after unit held up at the frontal wire, and, growing snowball fashion, the Bulgarian attack, soon joined by accompanying field batteries, cleared the whole line of the eastern forts by 8 A.M.
Many of the landes were cleared and converted into excellent pasturage, and on the coast marketgardening made great progress.
On taking office, he was confronted with a deficit in the revenue, which he successfully cleared off by effecting a conversion of a greater part of the state loans.
Before it was settled by the whites the area now included in Michigan was a forest, except in the south-west, where there were a few small prairies, possibly cleared by the Indians.
They walked before him in Indian file, cleared a passage for him (summovere) through the crowd, and saw that he was received with the marks of respect due to his rank.
It was cleared by 508 sailing-vessels and 461 steamers, the latter with a total tonnage of 364,904 in 1904; the exports were of the value of £180,699 (principally wine, sulphur, oil, tartar and tartaric acid), and the imports £92,486 (coal, timber and sundries).
Along the streams in this section are many swamps, valuable for the white cedar that they produce, or when cleared, for cranberry bogs.
Under its new name it made slow progress as the surrounding country was cleared and settled.
Now that the controversy has cleared away, we see that in spite of Buckle's too confident formulation of his laws, his pioneer work in a great field marks him out as the Augustine of the scientific age.
The primitive forests have been largely cleared, the primitive marshes have all been drained, and now the Weald Clay district is fairly well peopled and sprinkled with villages.
In May the rivers open, the cleared land thaws out, and by June the miner is again at work.
In 1900 about 21% of the state's area was cleared, and much besides had once been cleared, but not being suited to agriculture had become reforested.
In 1904 there entered and cleared these ports 205 sea-going vessels of 421,072 tons.
The religion of the Tasmanians, when cleared from ideas apparently learnt from the whites, was a simple form of animism based on the shadow (warrawa) being the soul or spirit.
Plans were at once made to pull down all the worst slums, and as these lay between the centre of the town and the railway station, a wide street was constructed from the centre of the town to the eastward, and on each side of it wide strips of ground were cleared to afford building sites for shops and offices.
In one small chamber there was cleared a frieze, of cupids intermingled with foliage; but in this, after the first moments of illusion, it was only possible to acknowledge the hand of some unknown late and lax decorator of the school, influenced as much by Raphael as by Leonardo.
When once the site is cleared and the foundations prepared and set, work can be pushed on the walls at different storeys at one and the same time, and often main cornices and filling-in work are fixed before special details and ornamentation.
The native population having been cleared off by the Dutch, the plantations were worked by slaves and convicts till the emancipation of 1860.
Besides the cutting down for building purposes of the timber trees the jungle was largely cleared for the plantation of vanilla; while a multitude of other tropical plants have been introduced tending to the extermination of the indigenous flora.
Large tracts of woodland were cleared near the railways, and the communal rights of grazing and gathering firewood destroyed the aftergrowths.
The most valuable forests are in the southern half of the state, which, except where cleared for farms, is almost continuously wooded.
By 1808 the Indian title was extinguished to two-thirds of the state, though actual settlement did not extend more than a few miles westward from the Mississippi; in 1825, by a treaty with the Shawnee made at St Louis on the 7th of November, the title to the rest of the state was cleared, and a general removal of the Indians followed.
The bolograph thus obtained must be cleared of the absorption of the earth's atmosphere, and that of the transmitting apparatus - a spectroscope and siderostat.
Some 15,000 observations, from 1851 to 1883, taken by one hundred observers at Greenwich, Washington, Oxford and Neuchatel, cleared as far as possible of personal equation, showed no sign of change that could with probability be called progressive or periodic, particularly there was no sign of adhesion to the sun-spot period.
Their restoration was, however, soon effected; the constitution was reformed in 1843 education was fostered, and a treaty concluded with the English creditors of the republic. Further progress was made under General Tomas de Mosquera from 1845 to 1848; a large part of the domestic debt was cleared off, immigration was encouraged, and free trade permitted in gold and tobacco.
The village of Burliuk, and the vineyards which bordered the river, were quickly cleared by the British skirmishers, and the line of battle behind them crossed, though with some difficulty.
Then he talked to her on that essential part of his system, the impermanency of all things, till her doubts were cleared away, she accepted her lot, became a disciple, and entered the "first path."
The tonnage of ships entered and cleared at colonial ports rose from 10,175,903 in 1895 to 22,518,286 in 1905.
The Amatolas were finally cleared of the Kaffirs, and small forts erected among them to prevent their reoccupation.
Never short of silver and gold, but often in want of the necessaries of life, they continued their practices for a little longer; then, evading the risk of recrossing the isthmus, they boldly cleared Cape Horn, and arrived in the Indies.
In 1688 Davis cleared Cape Horn and arrived in the West Indies, while Swan's ship, the "Cygnet," was abandoned as unseaworthy, after sailing as far as Madagascar.
The surface must necessarily be thrown into ridges, and the furrows and cross-cuts cleared out after each process of tillage, and upon this surface-drainage as much labour is expended in twenty years as would suffice to make under-drains enough to lay it permanently dry.
He was completely successful; the price of corn fell immediately on his appointment, and in forty days the Mediterranean was cleared of the pirates.
His integrity in the management of the museum was called in question, but a judicial investigation speedily cleared his honour, to the satisfaction even of his accusers.
After Boulanger's suicide his political influence declined, and was further compromised by accusations (of which he was legally cleared) in connexion with the Panama scandals.
The port was cleared in 1905 by 1492 vessels of 1,486,269 tons.
Having cleared himself of this charge, Anno took no further part in public business, and died at Cologne on the 4th of December 1075.
Prosperity seems to have revived early during the rule of York; Warwick had cleared the seas of pirates, and both he and King Edward were great patrons of commerce, though the earls policy was to encourage trade with France, while his master wished to knit up the old alliance with Flanders by adhering Corn- to the cause of Charles of Burgundy.
Ascension pipes give trouble unless they are frequently cleared by an instrument called an "auger," whilst the arch pipe is fitted with hand holes through which it may be easily cleared in case of stoppage.
The process is termed washing or scrubbing, and is carried out in various forms of apparatus, the efficiency of which is dependent upon the amount of contact the apparatus allows between the finely divided gas and water in a unit area and the facility with which it may be cleared out.
The place in Attica which has been the chief scene of excava tions (independently of Athens and its vicinty) is Eleusis, where the remains of the sanctuary of Demeter, the home of the Eleusinian Mysteries, together with other buildings in its neighbourhood, were cleared by the Greek Archaeological Society in 1882-1887 and 1895-1896.