Clear Sentence Examples
I think you made it clear last night.
It was clear and frosty.
See you when the roads clear up.
Then another light flashed clear and bright by the side of the first one.
The day was clear and frosty.
Now was the time to clear the air, and there was one thing about all this that didn't make sense.
She ignored him, until it was clear he wasn't going anywhere.
Darian had also been clear about the type of relationships Dusty preferred.
She let the conversation drop that night, but early the next morning Dulce caught him in the hallway and it was clear that she didn't think anything was settled.
From the way I have written this, it is clear where my sympathies lie.
AdvertisementA little fresh air might clear some of the cobwebs.
His voice was as clear in her mind as if he spoke the words.
Her laughter lashed out in the clear air, seizing his attention.
And even that ruined and befouled house – which in dull weather was repulsively ugly – seemed quietly beautiful now, in the clear, motionless brilliance.
If you think you'd be happier with Claudette, I won't stand in your way, but I want to make it clear that I don't want you to go.
AdvertisementShe fell into his trance last night; she needed to keep her head clear to deal with him this time.
Dustin was lean and handsome with clear, cool blue eyes and sharp, angular features.
To walk in a winter morning in a wood where these birds abounded, their native woods, and hear the wild cockerels crow on the trees, clear and shrill for miles over the resounding earth, drowning the feebler notes of other birds--think of it!
Sure, they needed to clear the air about the inheritance issue, but that wasn't enough for Carmen.
I cleaned up a few paper details and left the office for home, driving around town the long way, just to clear my head.
AdvertisementDusty met his gaze with his clear blues, concerned and relieved.
Here and there were groups of houses that seemed made of clear glass, because they sparkled so brightly.
Only this time the path remained clear.
Let me make one thing clear.
But now her head was clear.
AdvertisementWhile she never complained, it was clear she needed Damian to visit again soon and heal the damage his brother did to her on a daily basis.
The way he said it made it clear he was making fun of her.
I thought we'd made that clear.
The matter is in my hands and is clear and definite in my head.
What was clear was the fact that he was struggling over something.
When the kitchen door opened suddenly, they jerked apart and turned guilty faces to Sarah, whose expression made it clear she had seen and comprehended their actions.
The realization came slow and late, but clear.
The highway ahead of them was clear, except for one big truck coming their way... and a car approaching the highway to their right.
She had made her intentions clear from the beginning.
She breathed deeply of the clear air and listened to the sound of the creek darting over rocks - swirling against its banks.
A fact he had made abundantly clear.
After examining the various dials and switches on Quinn's machines, I had a fairly clear idea of each; I could turn it on and increase and decrease the settings.
Darian's eyes were glazed and still, his confusion clear.
Iggy cut in, agitation clear as she fumbled to open the case to her iPad.
It was clear he wasn't coming for her.
To be perfectly clear, I am not saying the Internet and technology will solve every human ill.
It was not until Mr. Keith taught me that I had a clear idea of mathematics.
My little brother, Phillips, is not well, and we think the clear mountain air will benefit him.
In clear weather, in summer, they appear blue at a little distance, especially if agitated, and at a great distance all appear alike.
The cause of the destruction of the French army in 1812 is clear to us now.
The sun shone somewhat to the left and behind him and brightly lit up the enormous panorama which, rising like an amphitheater, extended before him in the clear rarefied atmosphere.
Now he suddenly saw those badly daubed pictures in clear daylight and without a glass.
The question that had perturbed Pierre on the Mozhaysk hill and all that day now seemed to him quite clear and completely solved.
After a few solid hours of sleep, his sense of center was back, his mind clear.
Clear the people, wipe out the town.
She recognized his tone; it was one Damian used when making her boundaries with him clear.
Not by his choice, which was clear.
I want to clear the air, though.
It was unclear if this action was prompted by Patsy Boyd herself or just some do-gooder trying to clear her desk of problems.
The girl understood and began to clear them.
Once clear of town, Dean drove along at a brisk clip, trying without success to engage Martha in conversation.
The winter had been exceptionally clear of late snow and the high mountain passes that in many years remained closed until July had been cleared weeks earlier this spring.
The air was cool and clear, as crisp as a fall day.
Good. going to need your head clear.
You made it clear you read my mind.
The exercise helped clear her head.
Okay, let me see if I can make this clear.
The reason for his lack of response tonight was suddenly clear.
Isn't that clear enough?
The only thing that was clear was that her soul was lost.
Her large eyes were steady, her porcelain skin clear and smooth.
She meant what she said; that much was clear.
She shook her head to clear the ugly thought.
She needed the time to herself and hoped the connection to nature helped clear her head.
The frustration in his voice was clear.
He was normally tense around her, his frustration clear.
His eyes flickered to her, his response clear on his face.
At the effort he put in the difficult words, she looked up at him, her clear blue eyes vexed.
You must understand there is a reason behind what I ask of you that will not become clear for some time.
She didn.t fit in; they made it clear every chance they could, just as their leader did.
What.s clear is that your mate is still out of control.
The answer became clear.
Her speed was consistent, her destination clear.
Thank you for keeping a clear head.
The sky was clear, one of the few clear nights since she arrived to the Peak.
Can you clear me?
The former would be an exact submultiple of the 30-day month, but the exact relation of seven days to the month is not very clear.
It is clear that in these cases the obvious symptomthe fluxis not the primary one.
It is clear that at an earlier date the agape preceded the eucharist.
In fact, while Robertson Smith (in Kinship and Marriage in Early Arabia, as well as his Religion of the Semites, followed by Stade and Benzinger) strongly advocated the view that clear traces of totemism can be found in early Israel, later writers, such as Marti, Gesch.
So much is clear.
But it is clear from 2 Sam.
His voice was clear and strong, and all knew that he, at least, was not afraid.
I thought her beauty angellic, and oh, what a clear, beautiful voice she had!
Everything seemed so simple and clear in Speranski's exposition that Prince Andrew involuntarily agreed with him about everything.
Her large blue-green eyes were clear and calm, the curves of her slender frame complemented by the cut and drape of the dress.
Those were taken on a very clear day, in the late afternoon sun.
It was clear he had no intention of crushing the wild flowers for the final leg of the trip, although he didn't comment on the Deans having done so earlier.
It was a clear liquid— I remember that much.
The tracks of the vehicle that preceded him were clear in the dust of the turnoff, and he knew he'd guessed correctly as he neared the now-familiar meadow below the mine.
She was about to summon a spell to clear the sidewalk completely when she recalled she wasn't able to use her power anymore.
If it was Gabriel, he'd made it clear he'd walk in.
Whatever deal the Dark One made, the result was clear.
It was nighttime on this side of the world, and the sky was clear.
She shook her head as if to clear her thoughts.
The green gems reflected the sunshine, shimmering through the clear water.
He was unconscious – or dead? – while she stood on a beach near blue-green depths so clear, she could see the white sand at the bottom of the water.
When it was clear he wasn't going to be the first to speak, she addressed him.
Deidre sat down on the beach, mesmerized by the movement of the clear teal depths rushing ashore.
Deidre opened her eyes and blinked rapidly, realizing the black she tried to clear from her sight was the black ceiling of the operating room.
She swiped the hand away, blinking to clear her gaze as she stared into a fire.
She shook her head, trying to clear it of the fog he'd placed there.
He'd made his claim clear.
He'd protected her and made it clear anything that got near her would die a nasty death.
Gabriel clapped him on the arm, and Rhyn shook his head to clear the anger.
The chamber beyond was dark, lit by the soft glow of a single torch beside a clear sarcophagus.
He happen to be carrying a clear coffin?
The evidence Lilith wasn.t meant for him was clear.
The scary, confusing world she.d entered weeks before crystallized and grew clear as she watched the lethal battle.
Evelyn, her best friend and landlord, shifted beside her before waving a manicured hand at the clear night above them and asking, "Ever wonder what's out there?"
She saw a full range of eye colors, though she noticed with some interest that blue or green eyes were unnaturally clear-- unlike her Mediterranean, green-blue-grey gaze.
Evelyn poured clear, steaming broth into a bowl beside her plate.
The clear broth held a tangy, rich flavor, like spiced butter.
She dipped everything she tried-- from meat to casseroles with odd textures-- in the clear broth.
The night was clear and cool, the sky a beautiful pageant of dark blue silk and brilliant stars, of streaking meteors and two glowing orbs.
He'd contact Jetr when they were clear of Qatwal to let him know everything had gone as he predicted.
A'Ran gazed at her silently, making his disapproval clear.
Sparring lasted until the sky was clear of night's blue, at which point he took the sword from her.
Ouray County was perfect for invigorating outdoor activity, with its crystal clear air and dry, windless temperatures just below freezing.
His mind was, at least for the moment, clear of all thoughts except this beautiful petite woman.
Mountain winters were always a surprise to lowlanders and easterners, where the chemistry of moisture played games that produced slush and wet snow, not the sparkling crystals so soft a broom could clear a foot-deep snowfall with a few swishes.
You get into mixed rock and ice and there's often snow to clear away to get to a hard surface.
All seemed to be in perilously dangerous situations, clinging to the sheer walls with outstretched arms and spread legs, somehow adhered to the clear surface before them.
But then, in the quietness of the night, he began to hear beyond the door, the muffled but clear sounds of lovemaking.
Neither said anything while Dean began to clear the dishwasher from last evening's meal.
They say the flight isn't canceled yet so let's hope Montrose stays clear enough, at least for another hour or two.
He took a deep breath of the clear evening air.
While the air remained chilly, especially in the shaded patches, it was so clear and unseasonably warm Dean hardly noticed.
As he peddled downhill toward Ridgway, he could see the east side of the valley, exposed to the southern sun, had melted nearly clear of snow while across the valley, draped in shadow most of the day, the western slope retained almost all its recent covering.
It was never clear if that was the case and the kid lucked out, but Dean used the excuse of mock consternation to excuse himself and walk uptown to telephone Cynthia.
Later the same morning, Dean took advantage of the cold but clear day for a little biking.
With a chuckle and a deep breath of crisp, clear air, he mused, Today would be perfect, were it not for the human locked in the basement.
The conversation flowed freely and it was clear to Jackson that everyone was enjoying the evening.
Her voice cracked with the strain, You have made your feelings clear.
Jesus, how can I have made my feelings clear when I don't even know what they are.
I guess we'll have to kill some time while you clear out.
The full-length, sequined halter gown she wore clung to every curve and sported slits on both sides clear up to the hip.
Steel bars separated us initially, until it was clear she had no desire to harm me.
The next morning dawned clear and crisp outside, but the stove was warming the living room as Carmen came through.
Was it merely a facade, or did he always have a clear view of where he was headed and the confidence to get him there?
I just wanted to clear it with you first.
She shook her head to clear it and looked around.
She breathed the chilled air to clear her thoughts.
His team continued to clear the building and toss flares into corners as they sought out any living insurgents or incendiary devices.
Brady relaxed, unable to clear his head or move his body.
His mind began to clear.
The strain on his face was clear, and a tremor of fear crept through her.
If you're real nice to him, maybe we'll clear out your room.
He'd stay clear and give her a rest.
Instantly the answer was clear.
Her blood was moving and her head clear.
He's made his intentions here clear to me.
I needed him to clear a path for me.
It was clear he was going to do something.
You made it clear enough what I did wrong and I've apologized.
Yes, she'd made it clear enough alright.
She took a deep breath to clear her head, and pushed him away again.
Her emotions were crisp and clear.
It was pretty clear.
He was testing her again, making his offer clear.
His dislike of the truth was clear.
The accused could clear himself by oath where his own knowledge was alone available.
It is clear that at this time the fury of the civil wars was spent.
In the case of King Louis, family quarrels embittered the relations between the two brothers; but it is clear from Napoleon's letters of November - December 1809 that he had even then resolved to annex Holland in order to gain complete control of its customs and of its naval resources.
It was clear that the spiritual forces of the time were also slipping out of his grasp. Early in January he sought to come to terms with the pope (then virtually a captive at Fontainebleau) respecting various questions then in debate concerning the Concordat.
Subsequent discoveries, however, have made it clear that Mycenae was not its chief centre in its earlier stages, or, perhaps, at any period; and, accordingly, it is more usual now to adopt a wider geographical title.
It brings out into clear consciousness certain potentialities in the realization of which man's true good must consist.
In the Mandaean representation the sky is an ocean of water, pure and clear, but of more than adamantine solidity, upon which the stars and planets sail.
It seems clear that the trinity of Anu, Bel, and Ea in the old Babylonian religion has its counterpart in the Mandaean Pira, Ayar, and Mana rabba.
Otherwise the " principles " on which it is founded are not clear to the ordinary zoologist.
And from this it is clear that though, as a theologian, Justin wished to go his own way, as a believing Christian he was.
Not more than eighty years separate these two buildings; the old Procuratie were built by Bartolomeo Buono about 150o, the new by Scamozzi in 1580, yet it is clear that each belongs to an entirely different world of artistic ideas.
As the duties of this council were to appoint all officers of state, including the doge, it is clear that by its creation the aristocracy had considerably curtailed the powers of the people, who had hitherto elected the doge in general assembly; and at the creation of Michiel's successor, Sebastiano Ziani (1172), the new doge was presented to the people merely for confirmation, not for election.
Bacon, it is now said, was not appreciated by his age because he was in advance of it; he is no schoolman, but a modern thinker, whose conceptions of science are more just and clear than are even those of his more celebrated namesake.'
Though tortuous of access, the channels afford a clear passage of 27-35 ft.
The history of this accusation is by no means clear.
He had a clear eye for the gravity of the situation, a calm judgment, and a prompt, swift hand to do what was really necessary.
Nothing else is known of his life, but it is clear that he was eminent amongst the Stoics of the period.
One was an enormous Lion with clear, intelligent eyes, a tawney mane bushy and well kept, and a body like yellow plush.
My mind remained clear and active, "though fled fore'er the light."
The whole of my winters, as well as most of my summers, I had free and clear for study.
A lake like this is never smoother than at such a time; and the clear portion of the air above it being, shallow and darkened by clouds, the water, full of light and reflections, becomes a lower heaven itself so much the more important.
This is particularly distinct to one standing on the middle of the pond in winter, just after a light snow has fallen, appearing as a clear undulating white line, unobscured by weeds and twigs, and very obvious a quarter of a mile off in many places where in summer it is hardly distinguishable close at hand.
The snow reprints it, as it were, in clear white type alto-relievo.
These bubbles are from an eightieth to an eighth of an inch in diameter, very clear and beautiful, and you see your face reflected in them through the ice.
Having each some shingles of thought well dried, we sat and whittled them, trying our knives, and admiring the clear yellowish grain of the pumpkin pine.
But, my poor Catiche, it is as clear as daylight!
Though the words of the order were not clear to the regimental commander, and the question arose whether the troops were to be in marching order or not, it was decided at a consultation between the battalion commanders to present the regiment in parade order, on the principle that it is always better to "bow too low than not bow low enough."
Dolokhov slowly straightened his bent knee, looking straight with his clear, insolent eyes in the general's face.
Princess Mary could not quite make out what he had said, but from his look it was clear that he had uttered a tender caressing word such as he had never used to her before.
But I succeeded in uniting them all; and then my idea is so clear and simple.
While the night's events were still a bit hazy, her memory was clear enough to feel gratitude towards the man crouched beside her.
Several more joined him to clear out debris and the remains of a building.
It was clear and cool outside of Gabe's small cottage in the middle of a possessed jungle. Rhyn felt the sense that someone else was there once more and looked around. Assuming the feeling has something to do with his magic, Rhyn shook it off once more. He opened the front door without knocking, already sensing it was empty. Gabe had left in a hurry. The wardrobe near his bed was open and his walls were missing many of the weapons Rhyn had seen last time.
Maybe the storm will clear up.
I just hope you fellows are here to clear out number 22.
Just as Dean backed from the driveway, another car turned the corner and waited for him to clear the entrance.
As soon as Dean was clear, the other car pulled in, stopping in front of the garage.
She rose, a clear indication she'd devoted enough time to these non-paying visitors.
I already told Winston I want you to stay clear of Baratto for a few days.
The only decision he'd made was to do nothing until there was clear evidence tying Byrne to the money.
Dean smiled in spite of himself as Fred swept the kitchen table clear of cups and cat, dropping a bulky folder and spilling its paper contents.
Better to have a clear head when Fred telephoned.
Dean located Jonathan Winston and related what Fred had seen but it was clear the FBI officer doubted the identification and gave only a cursory nod and a promise to look into it.
He was still above the timberline, devoid of any trees that would impair visibility so it was clear enough to follow the road with its many switchbacks and curves traversing the mountain below him, a black line clinging to the side of the cliff like a pencil drawing.
Ma Reynolds - Mums, was the undisputed matriarch of the Reynolds family, and she made it clear that Lori would be treated with respect.
The broad arches allowed fresh air and the clear fiberglass roof let the sunshine in while keeping the rain out.
The last thing she wanted to do was renew their argument of the night before, but they needed to clear the air about something.
It was the first time she had heard him call her that, and the tender smile on Mum's face made it clear that she was pleased.
For a moment Mom's face was as clear as if she were standing there, saying "waste not, want not."
Still, Lori had been clear enough on that subject.
He shook his head, as if to clear it.
She shook her head as if to clear it of distracting thoughts.
The picture he painted was incredibly clear.
What she had to say required a clear mind and a calm approach.
Fading in and out of consciousness, Claire blinked to try to clear her vision.
Darian asked, gazing into its clear green eyes.
The desert around him was quiet and the sky overhead clear.
The air was clear and dry, the sand dotted with small shrubs.
Darian didn't know when he'd lost his ability to speak clear sentences, but the idea Jenn scrambled his mind made him want to laugh.
He shook his head to clear it and walked away, towards the front door.
A full day after you've been here in the immortal world, your vision will clear.
Just made it clear I'm not allowed to leave.
This much has been clear for months, since the Oracle made her appearance.
She entered, stomping her feet to clear her legs of snow.
The disapproval was clear in his voice as he slowly repeated her words.
Dark circles smudged the delicate skin beneath her clear eyes.
Finally, they were clear of bodies.
Disoriented, she blinked to clear webbing from her gaze.
The sky was clear and stars bright.
The moment he made the decision to demand her as payment, all had become overwhelmingly clear, as if he had chosen at last to take control of a dream that had imprisoned him for so long.
Her fatigued body ached while her tired mind struggled to keep her thoughts clear of emotion.
His path was once more clear.
Yanking off the top, he pushed it over with a yell, until the contents turned the clear waters black in the moonlight.
Friday night the weather was warm and clear.
Whatever was bothering him, it was clear that he didn't want to continue his role as protector and director.
She would put her goats in there and let them clear out the brush.
Gradually the water became clear and she twisted the knob until the water flow stopped.
Do you have any clear fingernail polish?
He was certainly a hard worker, but why did he consider it his responsibility to clear the fallen tree?
Did you think you had city water clear out here?
Cut a few trails, clear around the pool of water - maybe enlarge it and get some ducks.
He sensed secrets in people, and this woman had a ton of them, which was at odds with her clear gaze and the shimmer of innocence around her.
It's clear Toni makes you uncomfortable about yourself.
The woman was guarded, her tension clear, much like those sparring on the beach had been.
Jessi looked up at him, her clear eyes troubled.
You made it clear you know where I live.
They tracked him quietly and now were making it clear they meant business.
She blinked rapidly to clear her vision as she entered the dark building.
Completely unguarded, her gray eyes were large and clear in the early morning light and her features relaxed.
He cursed the talent that initially drew him to her, forced to wait for the fog to clear.
But, in attempting to make this conception quite clear and thinkable, we are forced to represent the connexion of things as a universal substance, the essence of which we conceive as a system of laws which underlies everything and in its own self connects everything, but imperceptible, and known to us merely through the impressions it produces on us, which we call things.
It also becomes clear that only where such mental life really appears need we assign an independent existence, but that the purposes of everyday life as well as those of science are equally served if we deprive the material things outside of us of an independence, and assign to them merely a connected existence through the universal substance by the action of which alone they can appear to us.
But it seems pretty clear that if there is any change in weight consequent on chemical change, it is too minute to be of im- portance to the chemist, though the methods of modern physics may settle the question.
Dalton believed that the molecules of the elementary gases consisted each of one atom; his diagram for hydrogen gas makes the point clear.
It is clear from Chicheley's position in the list, with eleven fellows and eight scholars, or probationerfellows, below him, that this entry does not mark his first appearance in the college, which had been going on since 1375 at least, and was chartered in 1379.
The principle of energy makes it clear that the light emitted laterally is not a new creation, but only diverted from the main stream.
The proportion of occurrences of negative potential under a clear sky was much above its average in autumn.
But when the option is between sheltering under a tree and remaining in the open it is not so clear.
It is a clear case of an ancient frontier laid out in American fashion.
But this genealogy, though it is attributed to Hesiod, is apparently post-Homeric; and it is clear that the Ionian name had independent and varied uses and meanings in very early times.
The term properly implies a clear polytheistic conception of gods in contrast with men, while it recognizes that some men cross the dividing line.
That she was a meretrix is clear from many indications-her special accomplishments, her house in the Subura, the occurrence of scenes like those in i.
His style is clear and vivid; his method of describing what he sees extraordinarily plastic; above all, he has the art of presenting objects to us from their most interesting and attractive side.
At last, in 1795, the House of Lords gave a verdict of not guilty on all charges laid against him; and he left the bar at which he had so frequently appeared, with his reputation clear, but ruined in fortune.
It is thus clear that in the Bronze Age Sardinia was fairly thickly populated over by far the greater part of its extent; this may explain the lack of Greek colonies, except for Olbia, the modern Terranova, and Neapolis on the cians.
In person Madame Roland was attractive though not beautiful; her ideas were clear and far-reaching, her manner calm, and her power of observation extremely acute.
The emperor's share in the work is not clear, but it seems certain that the general scheme and many of the incidents are due to him.
Even before this it had been clear to archaeologists and ethnologists that there was no evidence to support the popular theory that Zimbabwe had been built in very ancient days by some Oriental people.
Artists have been known to use the left hand in the hope of checking the fatal facility which practice had conferred on the right; and if Hood had been able to place under some restraint the curious and complex machinery of words and syllables which his fancy was incessantly producing, his style would have been a great gainer, and much real earnestness of object, which now lies confused by the brilliant kaleidoscope of language, would have remained definite and clear.
The characteristic by which we recognize the fundamental element in a series is its intuitive or self-evident character; it is given by "the evident conception of a healthy and attentive mind so clear and distinct that no doubt is left."
To attach a clear and definite meaning to the Cartesian doctrine of God, to show how much of it comes from the Christian theology and how much from the logic of idealism, how far the conception of a personal being as creator and preserver mingles with the pantheistic conception of an infinite and perfect something which is all in all, would be to go beyond Descartes and to ask for a solution of difficulties of which he was 1 Ouvres, vi.
Through the truthfulness of that God as the author of all truth he derives a guarantee for our perceptions in so far as these are clear and distinct.
And it is in guaranteeing the veracity of our clear and distinct conceptions that the value of his deduction of God seems in his own estimate to rest.
The disturbing conditions of will, life and organic forces are eliminated from the problem; he starts with the clear and distinct idea of extension, figured and moved, and thence by mathematical laws he gives a hypothetical explanation of all things.
Two clear and distinct ideas, it seems, produce an absolute mystery.
Strutt (Sports and Pastimes) suggests that the first player's bowl may have been regarded by the second player as a species of jack; but in that case it is not clear what was the first player's target.
It was a cavalry melee, in which the common code of honour caused Macedonian and Persian chieftains to engage hand to hand, and at the end of the day the relics of the Persian army were in flight, leaving the high-roads of Asia Minor clear for the invader.
Certain features - the high physical courage, the impulsive energy, the fervid imagination - stand out clear; beyond that disagreement begins.
The measurements are doubtful, but the upward tendency is clear.
The relations between the writings of Ezekiel and those of Jeremiah is not clear.
From these it is clear that the country fell in turn under the sway of the various dynasties that ruled in the Deccan, memorials of the Chalukyan dynasty, whether temples or inscriptions, being especially abundant.
The automatic inlet of cold water to the hot water system from the main house tank or other source is controlled by a ball valve, which is so fixed as to allow the water to rise no more than an inch above the bottom of the tank, thus leaving the remainder of the space clear for expansion.
In the south-west end of the lake the water is yellow, caused by banks of clay; elsewhere it is clear.
We have no information regarding Jerusalem during the period of the captivity, but fortunately Nehemiah, who was permitted to return and rebuild the defences about 445 B.C., has given a fairly clear description of the line of the wall which enables us to obtain a good idea of the extent of the city at this period.
It is clear from his account that the lines of fortifications included both the eastern and western hills.
Possessing an immense range of knowledge, he has filled up lacunae in nearly every part of physics, by experiment, by calculation, and by clear accurate thought.
The exact meaning of these features is not clear, but if it be remembered (a) that the Levites of post-exilic literature represent only the result of a long and intricate development, (b) that the name "Levite," in the later stages at least, was extended to include all priestly servants, and (c) that the priesthoods, in tending to become hereditary, included priests who were Levites by adoption and not by descent, it will be recognized that the examination of the evidence for the earlier stages cannot confine itself to those narratives where the specific term alone occurs.
The mean winter reading of the thermometer is 54.7, and accompanied as this is by clear skies and an absence of snow, the season is both pleasant and invigorating.
There are some twenty smaller species in Australia and Tasmania, besides the rock wallabies and the hare kangaroos; these last are wonderfully swift, making clear jumps 8 or io ft.
New South Wales having decided in favour of federation, the way was clear for a decision on the part of Western Australia.
Vermont's rivers are generally swift, and in many places they are made very picturesque by their clear and sparkling waters, rapids, falls, gorges and wooded banks.
Tunstal was as good a Catholic as Bonner; he left a different repute behind him, a clear enough indication of a difference in their deeds.
Resolution, vigour and clear sight marked his conduct as a commander-in-chief.
That he was also capable of strategy of the other type was clear from his conduct of the Irish War.
That the recurrence of the market determined the length of the week seems clear from the Wajagga custom of naming the days after the markets they visit, as well as from the fact that on the Congo the word for week is the same as the word for market.
According to this statement he left his native town at an early age and settled at Rome, where he got employment in a theatre, though it is not clear in what capacity.
Beneath the epidermis is a longitudinal layer of muscle-fibres which are separated into four distinct groups by the dorsal, ventral and lateral areas; these are occupied by a continuation of the epidermic layer; in the lateral areas run two thin-walled tubes with clear contents, which unite in the anterior part of the body and open by a pore situated on the ventral surface usually about a quarter or a third of the body length from the anterior end.
It is not clear that all lands paid tithe, perhaps only such as once had a special connexion with the temple.
With the judges were associated a body of elders, who shared in the decision, but whose exact function is not yet clear.
The grappling of the cable and raising it to the surface from a depth of 2000 fathoms seldom occupy less than twenty-four hours, and since any extra strain due to the pitching of the vessel must be avoided, it is clear that the state of the sea and weather is the predominating factor in the time necessary for effecting the long series of operations which, in the most favourable circumstances, are required for a repair.
It very soon, therefore, became clear to inventors that a very great advantage would be gained if some means could be discovered of creating high frequency oscillations which were not intermittent but continuous.
It is clear, however, that the Celtic and Etruscan elements together occupied the greater part of the district between the Apennines and the Alps down to its Romanization, which took place gradually in the course of the 2nd century B.C. Their linguistic neighbors were Ligurian in the south and south-west, and the Veneti on the east.
In order to understand the future history of Italy, it is necessary to form a clear conception of the method pursued by the Lombards in their conquest.
The surrender of the last Habsburg stronghold, Mantua, on the 2nd of February 1797 left the field clear for the erection of new political institutions.
But, in spite of the sympathy of the king, Dl e attempt to raise armed bands in Venetia had no success, and wa became clear that the foreigner could only be driven from the of ninsula by regular war.
At the same time he made it clear that Italy would occupy Rome upon her own responsibility.
Yet at that moment the adoption of a clear line of policy, in accord with the central powers, might have saved Italy from the loss of prestige entailed by her bearing in regard to the Russo-Turkish War and the Austrian acquisition of Bosnia, and might have prevented the disappointment subsequently occasioned by the outcome of the Congress of Berlin.
Italy, in constant danger from France, needed good relations with Austria and Germany, but could only attain the goodwill of the former by firm treatment of the revolutionary Irredentist agitation, and of the latter by clear demonstration of Italian will and ability to cope with all anti-monarchical forces.
It became clear that neither the influence of the regular clergy, of which the Society of Jesus is the most powerful embodiment, nor that of foreign clerical parties, which largely control the Peters Pence fund, would ever permit renunciation of the papal claim to temporal power.
The Pelloux cabinet possessed no clear programme except in regard to the Public Safety Bill, which it had taken over from its predecessor.
That agreement also served to clear up the situation in Tripoli; while Italian aspirations towards Tunisia had been ended by the French occupation of that territory, Tripoli and Bengazi were now recognized as coming within the Italian sphere of influence.
It was clear that so long as Austria, bribed by Germany, could act in a way so opposed to Italian interests in the Balkans, the Triple Alliance was a mockery, and Italy could only meet the situation by being prepared for all contingencies.
It has been truly observed' that the lineaments of Cicero intuitionalism are very clear in him.
He will not waste time upon triflers who deny what he thinks, in the light of the (empiricist!) Design argument, an absolutely clear truth.'
But at least we may say that agnosticism is much less clear in Browning than in Tennyson.
A fur- ‘ - ther peculiarity of this type of colony is that theentire coenosarcal complex is covered externally by a common layer of ectoderm; it is not clear how this covering layer is developed.
The simple form of ocellus described in the foregoing paragraph may become folded into a pit or cup, the interior of which becomes filled with a clear gelatinous secretion forming a sort of vitreous Modified after Linko, Travaux Soc. Imp. Nat., St.
The endoderm is shaded, the ectoderm left clear.
The apparently clear distinction between flowering and flowerless plants has been broken down by the series of gradations between the two exhibited by the Lycopodiaceae, Rhizocarpeae, and Gymnospermeae.
On the other hand, it is clear that all the faithful were subject to these courts (when acting within their own sphere), and that, in the earliest times, no distinction was made in this respect between clergy and laity.
In France, till 1329, there seems to have been no clear line of demarcation between secular and ecclesiastical jurisdictions.
It has been assumed on the strength of a passage in Capitolinus that Aurelius married Faustina in 146, but the passage is not clear, and other evidence points strongly to 140; at all events it seems certain that a daughter was born to him in 140.
We find in the Meditations no speculations on the absolute nature of the deity, and no clear expressions of opinion as to a future state.
The archipelago is divided into two groups - the Leeward (lies sous le Vent) and the Windward Islands (Iles du Vent) - by a clear channel of 60 m.
A letter like this, clear cut in its thought, teeming with ideas emanating from an unique religious experience, and admirably adjusted to known situations, bears on the face of it the marks of genuineness even without recourse to the unusually excellent external attestation.
Wren also designed a colonnade to enclose a large piazza forming a clear space round the church, somewhat after the fashion of Bernini's colonnade in front of St Peter's, but space in the city was too valuable to admit of this.
This type of stern is therefore often spoken of as protoslelic. In the Ferns there is clear evidence that the amphiphloic haplostele or protostele succeeded the simple (ectophloic) protostele in evolution, and that this in its turn gave rise to the solenostele, which was again succeeded by the dictyostele.
The stele of Equisetum is of a very peculiar type whose relations are not completely clear.
History and Bibliography.The study of plant anatomy was begun in the middle of the seventeenth century as a direct result of the construction of microscopes, with which a clear view of the structure of plant tissues could be obtained.
Filicales and Gymnosperms, and known as the Cycadofihices, a group in which, curiously enough, the reproductive organs remained undiscovered for some time after the anatomy of the vegetative organs was sufficiently well known to afford clear evidence of their true affinities.
Now, as the materials which plants absorb are carbon dioxide from the air, and various inorganic compounds from the soil, together with water, it is clear that if this view is correct, vegetable protoplasm must be fed in a very different way from animal, and on very different materials.
Observation of germinating seedlings makes it clear that somehow they have a perception of direction.
The perception of direction or the influence of gravity presents greater difficulty, as we have no clear idea of the form which the force of gravity takes.
Botrytis, Ergot, &c. Now it is clear that if an organism gains access to all parts of a plant, and stimulates all or most of its cells to hypertrophy, we may have the latter behaving abnormallyi.e.
It is sufficient to note here that cells were first of all discovered in various vegetable tissues by Robert Hooke in 1665 (Micrographia); Malpighi and Grew (1674-1682) gave the first clear indications of the importance of cells in the building up of plant tissues, but it was not until the beginning of the 19th century that any insight into the real nature of the cell and its functions was obtained.
In some cases it shows, when submitted to a careful examination under the highest powers of the microscope, and especially when treated with reagents of various kinds, traces of a more or less definite structure in the form of a meshwork consisting of a clear homogeneous substance containing numerous minute bodies known as microsomes, the spaces being filled by a more fluid ground-substance.
It is clear, however, that an equal quantitative division and distribution of the chromatin to the daughter cells is brought about; and if, as has been suggested, the chromatin consists of minute particles or units which are the carriers of the hereditary characteristics, the nuclear division also probably results in the equal division and distribution of one half of each of these units to each daughter cell.
In any case it is fully recognized that the plan of the earth is so clear as to leave no doubt as to its being due to some general cause which should be capable of detection.
Their function is not quite clear.
But out of the copies of Norfolk deeds and records collected for Thomas, earl of Arundel, in the early part of the 17th century, it seems clear enough that he sprang from a Norfolk family, several of whose members held lands at Wiggenhall near Lynn.
The other end is closed by a plate of muffed glass at the distance of distinct vision, and parallel to this is fixed a plate of clear glass.
It is clear that in the circumstances the terms "father," "patristic," "patrology" must be used with much elasticity, since it is now too late to substitute for them any more comprehensive terms.
Once satisfied, however, his faith remained clear and firm; and thenceforward his life became that of a supremely religious man.
It prefers clear streams flowing over a gravelly bottom, and deep, still water, keeping close to the bottom in winter but disporting itself near the surface in the sunshine of summer.
Amethyst is a very widely distributed mineral, but fine clear specimens fit for cutting as ornamental stones are confined to comparatively few localities.
How early this work was begun is not clear, but it would appear to have been at least largely reconstructed in the time of the great Nebuchadrezzar.
The right arm was the original bed, and the left arm, on which Babylon was built, the artificial deviation, as is clear from the cuneiform inscriptions.
To "heave the log," a man holds the log-reel over his head (at high speeds the man and portable reel are superseded by a fixed reel and a winch fitted with a brake), and the officer places the peg in the log-ship, which he then throws clear and to windward of the ship, allowing the line to run freely out.
By the aid of one front leg it places consecutive heaps of loosened particles upon its head, then with a smart jerk throws each little pile clear of the scene of operations.
Buchner is not always clear in his theory of the relation between matter and force.
Since, however, the emperor has the power of proroguing or dissolving the Duma as often as he pleases, it is clear that these temporary ordinances might in effect be made permanent.
What constituted in this primitive system of inheritance the strength of a claim was often not easily determined, and even when the legal question was clear enough the law was not always respected by the contending parties.
It was clear that the system with which the murdered minister's name had been associated stood all but universally condemned, and in the appointment of the conciliatory Prince Sviatopolk-Mirski as his successor the tsar himself seemed to concede the necessity for a change of policy.
Horses and other draught animals are reared in the province, and there are several lakes frequented by water-fowl, and streams of clear water flow through it, as for instance the Kyros (Kur) formed by the junction of the Medos and Araxes."
Sometimes also a viaduct consisting of a series of arches is preferred to an embankment when the line has to be taken over a piece of fiat alluvial plain, or when it is desired to economize space and to carry the line at a sufficient height to clear the streets, as in the case of various railways entering London and other large towns.
At stations on double-track railways which have a heavy traffic four tracks are sometimes provided, the two outside ones only having platforms, so that fast trains get a clear road and can pass slow ones that are standing in the station.
An engine coupled to a batch of wagons runs one or more of them down one siding, leaves them there, then returns back with the remainder clear of the points where the sidings diverge, runs one or more others down another siding, and so on till they are all disposed of.
There are various contrivances by which this may be done by a man standing clear of the cars, but often he must go in between their ends to reach the knuckle.
No adequate definition is to be found even in the British statute-book; for although g parliament has on different occasions passed acts dealing with such railways both in Great Britain and Ireland, it has not inserted in any of them a clear and sufficient statement of what it intends shall be understood by the term, as distinguished from an ordinary railway.
In numerous instances clear evidence of recent movements along the fault planes has been discovered; and frequent earthquakes testify with equal force to the present uplift of the mountain blocks.
In both these rites we seem to have a duplication of ritual, and the parallelism of sacrifice and liberation is clear.
It is clear from the evidence of the early Western liturgies that, for at least six centuries, the primitive conception of the nature of the Christian sacrifice remained.
There is a clear distinction between the sacrifice and the communion which followed it, and that which is offered consists of the fruits of the earth and not of the body and blood of Christ.
Whatever it costs, it is anyhow a clear gain that it is incurred on the score of piety, seeing that we succour the poorest by such entertainments (refrigerio).
This is due to the fact that it for the first time unfolded the true character of Yahweh, implicit in the old Mosaic religion and submerged in the subsequent centuries of Israel's life in Canaan, but now at length made clear and explicit to the mind of the 1 In Isa.
But the prevalence of the worship of " other gods " and of graven images in these " high places," and the moral debasement of life which accompanied these cults, made it clear that the " high places " were sources of grave injury to Israel's social life.
It is quite clear that many provisions in the old codes of J and E expanded lie at the basis of the book of Deuteronomy.
His power lies chiefly in the clear grasp of fact, in selection and synthesis, in the vivid narration of incident.
These writings bear the mark of a clear mind and a moderate and gentle spirit.
Cyprian had none of that character which makes the reading of Tertullian, whom he himself called his magister, so interesting and piquant, but he possessed other qualities which Tertullian lacked, especially the art of presenting his thoughts in simple, smooth and clear language, yet in a style which is not wanting in warmth and persuasive power.
He adds, what is not quite clear from one who so frankly acknowledges his limited acquaintance with the science, that he had reason to congratulate himself that he knew no more.
When and how the town and the colony of Plymouth became differentiated is not clear.
When, however, he had succeeded in extracting from the sources a general idea that seemed to him clear and simple, he attached himself to it as if to the truth itself, employing dialectic of the most penetrating, subtle and even paradoxical character in his deduction of the logical consequences.
He fell to the ground, and a spring of clear water, which issued from the spot, is still called after him.
In the interior organs there are indications of a compensating accumulation of blood, such as swelling of the spleen, engorgement (very rarely rupture) of the heart, with a feeling of oppression in the chest, and a copious flow of clear and watery urine from the congested kidneys.
But the stages in his progress are not clear.
In the absence of its native records its relations with Palestine are not always clear, but it may be supposed that amid varying political changes it was able to play a double game.
The importance of the historical questions regarding relations between Damascus, Israel and Judah is clear.
The course of events is not clear, but Jehoiakim (q.v.) at all events was inclined to rely upon Egypt.
Yet it is clear from the book of Genesis alone that in the age of Priestly writers and compilers there were other phases of thought.
But it is not clear that he had such need of the Jews or such regard for the Temple of Jerusalem that he should turn aside on his way to Egypt for such a purpose.
But it is quite clear that Vitellius was concerned to reconcile the Jews to the authority of Rome.
The exact nature and degree of its self-government is not clear.
It is clear, however that he did not share the "passion" of his colleagues for "peace with honour," clear also that he wholly misread the intentions of the European powers in the event of war.
But the script itself is as yet undeciphered, though it is clear that certain words have changing suffixes, and that there were many compound words.
It is clear that the rulers, as so P p commonly in ancient states, fulfilled priestly as well as royal functions.
It is clear that the later traditions in many respects accurately summed up the performances of the " Minoan " dynast who carried out the great buildings now brought to light.
In central Europe it thrives best in enclosed, preserved waters, with a clayey or muddy bottom and with an abundant vegetation; it avoids clear waters with stony ground, and is altogether absent from rapid streams. The tench is distinguished by its very small scales, which are deeply imbedded in a thick skin, whose surface is as slippery as that of an eel.
The tench is really an excellent fish for the table, if kept in cool, clear water for a few days, as it is the custom to do in Germany, in order to rid it of the muddy flavour imparted to it by its favourite abode.
He was not content with laying the blame at the door of the effete War Office, but deplored the apathetic way in which the Tsar passed the time at headquarters, without any clear political plan, holding on supinely to formalism and routine, yielding to the spasmodic interference of the Empress.
In the winter similar consequences ensue, in a negative direction, from the prolonged loss of heat by radiation in the long and clear nights - an effect which is intensified wherever the surface is covered with snow, or the air little charged with vapour.
The President made it clear that he regarded the conference merely as a step in securing international understanding and good will; he advocated the convening of succeeding conferences as a possible means of securing an international association for the promotion of peace, and he approved the principle of substituting an understanding between the United States, Great Britain, France and Japan regarding Far-Eastern problems, for the existing Anglo-Japanese Treaty.
Western Christians could not but feel hampered and checked in their natural movement towards the fountainhead of their religion, and it was natural that they should ultimately endeavour to clear the way.
On the one hand, the reconquest of lost territories from the Mahommedans by Christian powers had been proceeding steadily for more than a hundred years before the First Crusade; on the other hand, the position of the Eastern empire after 1071 was a clear and definite summons to the Christian West, and proved, in the event, the immediate occasion of the holy war.
Accordingly, when the crusaders had captured the town at Nicaea, and defeated the Seljukian field-army at Dorylaeum their way lay clear before them through Asia Minor.
If Fulk had been left alone to wage the struggle against Zengi, and if Zengi had enjoyed a clear field against the Franks, the fall of the kingdom of Jerusalem might have come far sooner than it did.
To nomads, Astarte may well have been a sheep-goddess, but this, if her earliest, was not her only type, as is clear from the sacred fish of Atargatis, the doves of Ascalon (and of the Phoenician sanctuary of Eryx), and the gazelle or antelope of the goddess of love (associated also with the Arabian Athtar).
It shows a clear discernment of the dangers of the ascetic life, and a deep insight into the significance of the Augustinian doctrine of grace.
After some time the contents of the pan begin to clear and become in the end very transparent.
Suppose that a pure soap without resin is to be made - a product little seen in the market - the spent lye is run off, steam is again turned on, pure water or very weak lye run in, and the contents boiled up till the whole is thin, close and clear.
Steam is turned on, and, the mass being brought to a clear condition with weak lye or water, strong lye is added and the boiling continued with close steam till the lye attains such a state of concentration that the soap is no longer soluble in it, and it will separate from the caustic lye as from a common salt solution.
The crude product is very impure and possesses an offensive smell; it may be purified by forcing a fine spray of lime water through the liquid until the escaping water is quite clear, the washed bisulphide being then mixed with a little colourless oil and distilled at a low temperature.
His clear mind and industrious habits drew him to questions of finance.
The clear, bracing air, according to ancient writers, fostered the intellectual and aesthetic character of the people and endowed them with mental and physical energy.
D6rpfeld's identification of the Dionysium, Ev Xt pvats cannot be regarded as proved; his view that another Pythium and another Olympieum existed in this neighbourhood is still less probable; but the inconclusiveness of these theories does not necessarily invalidate his identification of the Enneacrunus, with regard to the position of which the language of Thucydides is far from clear.
It is clear that Ignatius never dreamed of putting his Society before the church nor of identifying the two institutions.
His doctrine on the subject is found in the well-known letter to the Portuguese Jesuits in 15J3, and if this be read carefully together with the Constitutions his meaning is clear.
When he had to choose between the welfare of the Society and the feelings of an individual it was clear to which side the balance would fall.
At the Democratic Convention for the nomination of a presidential candidate held at Baltimore in 1912, he led on 27 ballots, and had a clear majority on eight, but he was finally defeated by Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey.
The next advance was made by Joseph Louis Proust, whose investigations led to a clear grasp of the law of constant proportions.
If the hot bead is colourless and remains clear on cooling, we may suspect the presence of antimony, aluminium, zinc, cadmium, lead, calcium and magnesium.
A clear distinction must be drawn between colour and the property of dyeing; all coloured substances are not dyes, and it is shown in the article Dyeing that the property of entering into chemical or physical combination with fibres involves properties other than those essential to colour.
The streams are swift and clear, and numerous small waterfalls are characteristic of the district.
His manner of thinking is clear, calm and logical, and he has certainly given the most complete exposition of what may be called Christian pantheism.
Those who have believed in Christ are the present representatives and result of this purpose; and a clear knowledge of the purpose itself, the secret of the ages, has now been revealed to men.
The reason why the flood episode and the interview with the dead Eabani are introduced is quite clear.
That the astro-theological system is also introduced into the epic is clear from the division into twelve tablets, which correspond to the yearly course of the sun, while throughout there are indications that all the adventures of Gilgamesh and Eabani, including those which have an historical background, have been submitted to the influence of this system and projected on to the heavens.
There does not seem any clear proof that the surnames which the Hellenistic kings in Asia and Egypt bore were necessarily connected with the cult, even if they were used to describe g.Surnames.
The secularization of the church was carried to a pitch never before dreamed of, and it was clear to all Italy that he regarded the papacy as an instrument of worldly schemes with no thought of its religious aspect.
Its professed object was to clear Rome of the large number of pauper citizens, who formed a standing menace to peace.
The chief point of interest in the history of Friends in America during the 18th century is their effort to clear themselves of complicity in slavery and the slave trade.
Within a hundred miles of the mountains there is constantly in view, in clear weather, the beautiful line of snowy peaks along the western horizon.
The bill enacted that no vessel should clear out for slaves from any port within the British dominions after the 1st of May 1807, and that no slave should be landed in the colonies after the 1st of March 1808.
So soon as the point of view is clear - that in the Gathas we have firm historical ground on which Zoroaster and his surroundings may rest, that here we have the beginnings of the Zoroastrian religion - then it becomes impossible to answer otherwise than affirmatively every general question as to the historical character of Zoroaster.
Otherwise, it is not clear why we find him opposing himself to the Egyptian king Necho, since the assumption that he fought as an Assyrian vassal scarcely agrees with the profound reforming policy ascribed to him.
Granted that instinctive modes of behaviour are hereditary and definite within the limits of congenital variation, the question of their manner of genesis is narrowed to a clear issue.
Only a fourth to a half of the days of the different months are wholly or partly clear even in the north, and in the same district the monthly means of relative humidity vary from 65 to 70.
Bituminous products of every grade, from clear translucent oils resembling petroleum and refined naphtha, to lignite-like substances, occur in all parts of the island.
Yet his leading ideas are sufficiently clear and simple.
It comprised the principalities of Tribunia or Travunja, with its capital at Trebinje; and Hlum or Hum, the Zachlumia of Constantine Porphyrogenitus, who gives a clear picture of this region as it was in the 10th century.'
Any one can obtain a gratuitous permit to clear and cultivate such lands; the laws governing ordinary agricultural lands then apply to them.
Great Britain had throughout the war preserved strict neutrality, but, while making it clear from the outset that she could not assist Turkey, had been prepared for emergencies.
This work, the Taj-ut-Tevarikh (Crown of Chronicles), is reckoned, on account of its ornate yet clear style, one of the masterpieces of the old school, and forms the first of an unbroken series of annals which are written, especially the later among them, with great minuteness and detail.
In the political writings of Reshid and `Akif Pashas we have the first clear note of change; but the man to whom more than to any other the new departure owes its success is Shinasi Effendi, who employed it (1859) for poetry as well as for prose.
Sebastiani, commanding the advanced guard, overtook the Russians in the act of evacuating Moscow, and agreed with the latter to observe a seven hours' armistice to allow the Russians to clear the town, for experience had shown the French that street fighting in wooden Russian townships always meant fire and the consequent destruction of much-needed shelter and provisions.
Towards nightfall Napoleon reached the scene, and the Russians being now clear the troops began to enter, but already fires were observed in the farther part of the city.
A vast sum of money and the labour of thousands of men were employed to clear harbours for them, at and near Boulogne.
It is clear that the ancient name, at least, still held firm possession of the site and was hence inherited by the new city.
Judging from the title of her book Dix annees d'exil, it should be put at 1804; judging from the time at which it became pretty clear that the first man in France and she who wished to be the first woman in France were not likely to get on together, it might be put several years earlier.
The trees often suffer from mildew, which is best prevented by keeping the borders of the peach house clear and sufficiently moist and the house well ventilated, and if it should appear the trees should be sprayed with 1 oz.
Of Stevenson's daily avocations, and of the temper of his mind through these years of romantic exile, a clear idea may be obtained by the posthumous Vailima Letters, edited by Mr Sidney Colvin in 1895.
It became clear that only very rough estimates of the numbers of planktonic organisms in a volume of sea-water as large as (say) 10 cubic metres could be made, but that these estimates could nevertheless be trusted to show very marked regional and seasonal differences.
The Chachu and the Charta are large clear streams, evidently draining from the great central lake district.
From such slender material it is not easy to form a clear conception of the saint's personality.
It is clear that, when two opposite streams of ions move past each other, equivalent quantities are liberated at the two ends of the system.
While it seems clear that the conduction in this case is carried on by ions similar to those of solutions, since Faraday's laws apply equally to both, it does not follow necessarily that semi-permanent dissociation is the only way to explain the phenomena.
It is clear from what has been said above that the liturgical vestments possessed originally no mystic symbolic meaning whatever; it was equally certain that, as their origins were forgotten, they would develop such a symbolic meaning.
The evidence is now clear that the Rubric refers to the first Prayer Book.
The law, then, is perfectly clear, so far as two decisions of the highest court in the realm can make it so.
But with all his good qualities Frederick was not the man to take a clear view of the political horizon, or even to recognize his own and his country's limitations.
Clear and forcible in style and arrangement, they are models of Puritan exposition and of appeal through the emotions to the individual conscience, illuminated by frequent flashes of spontaneous and often highly unconventional humour.
A fortnight later he wrote to Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick, "The sky begins to clear.
The eyes, slightly cast down, betoken an attitude of thoughtfulness; the forehead is clear and open; the mouth indicates firmness and resolution.
There is a special marginal nerve running round the edge of the mantle, but the connexion of this with the rest of the nervous system is not clear; probably it is merely another concentration of the diffused sub-ectodermal nervous fibrils.
If we restrict ourselves to this set of symbols we can uniquely pass from a product of real coefficients to the symbolic representations of such product, but we cannot, uniquely, from the symbols recover the real form, This is clear because we can write n-1 n-2 2 2n-3 3 a1a2 =a l a 2, a 1 a 2 = a 1 a2 while the same product of umbrae arises from n n-3 3 2n-3 3 aoa 3 = a l .a a 2 = a a 2 .
When 0=4 it is clear that no form, whose partition contains a part 3, can be reduced; but every form, whose partition is composed of the parts 4 and 2, is by elementary algebra reducible by means of perpetuants of degree 2.
In 1663, on the occasion of his second visit to England, he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society, and imparted to that body in January 1669 a clear and concise statement of the laws governing the collision of elastic bodies.
The residue is then dissolved in hot water, filtered, and the clear solution is mixed with very thin milk of lime so adjusted that it takes out one-half of the chlorine of the PbC1 2.
Already in October 1879 it was clear enough that he had thrown in his lot with the Liberal party, but it was not till March 1880 that he publicly announced this change of allegiance.
Two sets of observations are taken, one when the blocks are fixed at the ends of the bars, and another when they are nearer together, the clear length of the bars.
For simplicity of calculation, the clear length of each rod between the yokes is made 12.56 (=47r) centimetres, while the coil surrounding the standard bar contains 100 turns; hence the magnetizing force due to a current of n amperes will be ion C.G.S.
If, however, the molecules could turn with perfect freedom, it is clear that the smallest magnetizing force would be sufficient to develop the highest possible degree of magnetization, which is of course not the case.
Supposing Ewing's hypothesis to be correct, it is clear that if the magnetization of a piece of iron were reversed by a strong rotating field instead of by a field alternating through zero, the loss of energy by hysteresis should be little or nothing, for the molecules would rotate with the field and no unstable movements would be possible.'
In any case it is clear that we have in these muscles an apparatus'for causing the blood to flow differentially in increased volume into either the pericardium, through the veins leading from the respiratory organs, or from the body generally into the great sinuses which bring the blood to the respiratory organs.
By the testimony of Barillon, however, it is clear that Russell himself utterly refused to take any part in the intended corruption.
Howard's perjury is clear from other witnesses, but the evidence was accepted.
In November 1865 he returned again to Göttingen, but, although he was able to live through the winter, and even to work a few hours every day, it became clear to his friends, and clearest of all to himself, that he was dying.
Thus a universal science of matter and motion was derived, by an unbroken sequence of deduction, from one radical principle; and analytical mechanics assumed the clear and complete form of logical perfection which it now wears.
The style of Joel is clear (which hardly favours an early date), and his language presents peculiarities which are evidences of a late origin.
His model is Thucydides (according to Bekker, Herodotus); his language is tolerably pure and correct, his style simple and clear.
In the preparation of alum from clays or from bauxite, the material is gently calcined, then mixed with sulphuric acid and heated gradually to boiling; it is allowed to stand for some time, the clear solution drawn off and mixed with acid potassium sulphate and allowed to crystallize.
These bands are often concealed by more recent deposits, but it is clear that in this region the Devonian beds form a basin or synclinal with the Amazon for its axis.
The depreciation and unstable character of the paper currency render it difficult to give a clear statement of receipts and expenditures for a term of years, the sterling equivalents often showing a decrease, through a fall in the value of the milreis, where there has been an actual increase in currency returns.
The law of course was clear that the "punctilio which swordsmen falsely do call honour" was no excuse for wilful murder.
For this post he was well fitted by his knowledge of common law, his habitual attention to the pleadings in court and his power of clear statement.
Whatever doubt hangs over the details of the story, it seems clear that the earl made a promise to support the claims of his host upon the English succession.
When his state had passed the ordinance of secession he resigned his seat, and his speech on the 21st of January was a clear and able statement of the position taken by his state, and a most pathetic farewell to his associates.
The straw must have a certain length of "pipe" between the knots, must possess a clear delicate golden colour and must not be brittle.
This is especially clear from clause xvi., which decrees that the title and estates of the lords-lieutenant of counties should not be hereditary, thus attacking feudalism at its very roots, while clause xiv.
Scores of towns, too, owe their origin and enlargement to the care of the Angevin princes, who were lavish of privileges and charters, and saw to it that the high-roads were clear of robbers.
It was soon clear, however, that in this Kossuth would not carry his party with him.
Caussin was sent into Brittany, and the judicious and learned Jesuit, Jacques Sirmond, who succeeded him, kept clear of politics.
A clear conscience, not less than a sense of his own superiority to others at the court of Louis XIII., made the cardinal haughtily assert his ascendancy, and the king shared his belief in both.
The convention is even pushed to such an extent as to make " 1 2 " " 2 ";, 42+33 of 7+5 mean 41+(3 3 of 7)+5 though it is not clear what " rind the value of 42+33 times 7+ 5" would then mean.
In the particular case it is clear that the H.C.F.
Thus, if we have an equation P=Q, where P and Q are numbers involving fractions, we can clear of fractions, not by multiplying P and Q by a number m, but by applying the equal multiples P and Q to a number m as unit.
He possessed clear ideas of indices and the generation of powers, of the negative roots of equations and their geometrical interpretation, and was the first to use the term imaginary roots.
During the summer America gave a lead to the Allies by accepting the Yugoslav programme, and after Austria's failure on the Piave there was a growing disposition on the part of the western Powers to fall into line with Mr. Lansing's very clear pronouncements.
In the first place, the continued study of human population has thrown additional light on some of the questions involved, whilst the progress of microscopical research has given us a clear foundation as to the structural facts connected with the origin of the egg-cell and sperm-cell and the process of fertilization.
Now it is clear that preceding generations of caterpillars cannot have acquired this habit of posturing by experience.
If the angle subtended by the components of a double line be twice that subtended by the wave-length at a distance equal to the horizontal aperture, the central bands are just clear of one another, and there is a line of absolute blackness in the middle of the combined images.
Under these conditions it is clear that A and P are not separated in the image.
The general nature of the effects to be expected in such a case may be made clear by means of an illustration already employed for another purpose.
There is no clear evidence as to when the building was begun, some placing it among the temples projected by Pericles, others assigning it to the time after the peace of Nicias in 421 B.C. The work was interrupted by the stress of the Peloponnesian War, but in 409 B.C. a commission was appointed to make a report on the state of the building and to undertake its completion, which was carried out in the following year.