Cleaned Sentence Examples
I cleaned out your bedroom.
The house would have to be cleaned and aired out.
Janet cleaned your room and changed the linens.
It didn't need to be cleaned and she was out of the mood.
They cleaned the room, folded the chairs and carried the gifts out to his truck.
Cassie cleaned the supper dishes as best she could with sand, and stored them in one of the packs.
I cleaned the skeleton up pretty well.
I cleaned your blood.
I said as I cleaned my face and staggered to my feet.
She cleaned up and left the bathroom, freezing.
AdvertisementDavis watched her as she cleaned the camp.
Elisabeth started drawing as Jackson cleaned the seeds to bake them.
The kid had been cleaned and its copper colored fur was still damp.
It doesn't smell as if it was cleaned or preserved.
By the time she had cleaned the house and finished the laundry, the day was getting hot and sticky.
AdvertisementWith a sigh, she cleaned up the area as well as she could and pulled off the sweater, as it was warm enough in the study with her T-shirt.
Let's get cleaned up and see if there are any more baby goats.
She'd cleaned up since he last saw her, and her short hair was still damp.
After she cleaned the table and finished the dishes, she went to her room to get some aspirin.
Bird Song switched a few guest, baked a few goodies, cleaned a few toilets and made a few beds, all with a been-there, done-that regularity.
AdvertisementShe watched, astonished, as it carefully cleaned her feet without hurting them and then slathered on oil from one vial and wrapped them in gauze.
She cleaned up the blood first then took a fast enough shower that the water didn't have time to warm from cold to hot.
She called to Keaton as she cleaned up the mess.
After supper she cleaned up the camp and headed for her wagon.
I picked up the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen before sinking into my easy chair in the living room.
AdvertisementIt would cost more than seven dollars to have them dry cleaned and pressed.
I cleaned out our bank accounts and wrapped the withdrawal slips in the same pair of shorts and pinned it to his pillow with a steak knife and took off.
It was after ten by the time the kitchen chores were finished and the place cleaned up, sort of.
Fred read the latest transcribed pages of Annie Quincy's journal while the Deans cleaned up the dining room.
This is an inn and someone has to keep it cleaned.
After Alex left, Carmen threw the sheets in the dryer, washed dishes and cleaned his kitchen.
He nailed the wood over the window while she cleaned the rest of the glass from the counter.
He was then cleansed and re-clothed, his room cleaned, and during the day he was visited by his new attendant, a creole and a compatriot of Josephine de Beauharnais, named Jean Jacques Christophe Laurent (1770--1807), who had from the 8th of November onwards assistance for his charge from a man named Gomin.
All sections cleaned using acetone on a cotton swab.
The collected materials have to be sorted and cleaned, then reprocessed and, finally, manufactured into new items which can be sold.
Dogs with big, floppy ears tend to trap moisture inside so they need to be cleaned more often - dogs with small perky ears, less so.
Have the fireplace chimney cleaned each year.
I don't know, but his gun has been fired since it was last cleaned.
A terminal station embraces (I) the passenger station; (2) the goods station; (3) the locomotive, carriage and waggon depots, where the engines and the carrying stock are kept, cleaned, examined and repaired.
The iron plates, having been carefully cleaned with sand and hydrochloric or sulphuric acid, and lastly with water, are plunged into heated tallow to drive away the water without oxidation of the metal.
To tin cast-iron articles they must be decarburetted superficially by ignition within a bath of ferric oxide (powdered haematite or similar material), then cleaned with acid, and tinned by immersion, as explained above.
Guncotton is made by immersing cleaned and dried cotton waste in a mixture of strong nitric and sulphuric acids.
The apparatus, after having been carefully cleaned and dried, is charged with pure and dry mercury which must next be worked backwards and forwards between A and B to remove all the air-bells.
The berries are dried in the sun and sent down to Hodeda or Aden, where they are subjected to a process for separating the husk from the bean; the result is about 50% of cleaned berries, bun safe, which is exported, and a residue of husk or kishr, from which the Yemenis make their favourite beverage.
Sluices are often made double, and they are usually cleaned up - that is, the deposit rich in gold is removed from them - once a week.
The slime is cleaned out fortnightly or monthly, the zinc turnings being cleaned by rubbing and the supernatant liquor allowed to settle in the precipitating boxes or in separate vessels.
The bottle is again cleaned and dried, and the operations repeated with the liquid under examination instead of water.
The smaller duff is separated by vibrating or rotating screens into a great number of sizes, which are cleaned by washing in continuous current or pulsating jigging machines, where the lighter coal rises to the surface and is removed by a stream of water, while the heavier waste falls and is discharged at a lower level, or through a valve at the bottom of the machine.
The cleaned coal is carried by a stream of water to a bucket elevator and delivered to the storage bunkers, or both water and coal may be lifted by a centrifugal pump into a large cylindrical tank, where the water drains away, leaving the coal sufficiently dry for use.
The blanks are next softened by annealing, and are then thoroughly cleaned before being passed to the coining presses.
At the height of the coffee-growing enterprise 20,000 men, women and children, chiefly Sinhalese and Tamils, found employment in the large factories and stores of the merchants scattered over the town, where the coffee Was cleaned, prepared, sorted and packed for shipment.
The modern practice consists in heating the perfectly fresh, cleaned livers by steam to a temperature above that of boiling water, or, in more recent practice, to a lower temperature, the livers being kept as far as possible from contact with air.
The fibre and nibs have to be cleaned off by means of a gassing machine so constructed that the end of silk (silk yarn) is frictioned to throw off the nibs, and at the same time is run very rapidly through a gas flame a sufficient number of times to burn off the hairy and fibrous matter without injuring the main thread.
The mixing and laying should all be done very thoroughly; the concrete should be rammed in position, and any old surface of concrete which has to be covered should be cleaned and coated with fresh cement.
Organic acids such as vinegar, common salt, the natural ingredients of food, and the various extraneous substances used as food preservatives, alone or mixed together, dissolve traces of it if boiled for any length of time in a chemicallyclean vessel; but when aluminium utensils are submitted to the ordinary routine of the kitchen, being used to heat or cook milk, coffee, vegetables, meat and even fruit, and are also cleaned frequently in the usual fashion, no appreciable quantity of metal passes into the food.
Though rivalry between European Powers led to many public works being delayed, through the action of the public Sanitary Association the streets, which are narrow and crooked, have been re-paved as well as cleaned and partially lighted, and several new roads have been made outside the town.
Subsequently the hard top hairs are taken out as in the case of otters and beavers and the whole thoroughly cleaned in the revolving drums. The close underwool, which is of a slightly wavy nature and mostly of a pale drab colour, is then dyed by repeated applications of a rich dark brown colour, one coat after another, each being allowed to thoroughly dry before the next is put on, till the effect is almost a lustrous black on the top. The whole is again put through the cleaning process and evenly reduced in thickness by revolving emery wheels, and eventually finished off in the palest buff colour.
To effect a remodelling when the ground is in stubble, let it be ploughed up, harrowed, and cleaned as in a summer fallow, the levelling-box employed when required, the stuff from the conductors and main drains spread abroad, and the beds ploughed into shape - all operations that can be performed at little expense.
The modern dwellings in it have now been cleared out, and the interior admirably preserved and cleaned by a native Syrian architect.
In 1905 the cleaning and polishing of rice was the most important industry, its output being valued at $1,203,123, being nearly twice the value of the product of the rice mills of the city in 1900, 25.9% of the total value of the state's product of polished and cleaned rice, 46.1% of the value ($2,609,829) of all of Beaumont's factory products, and about.
There he advised the Liberal party that "its slate must be cleaned," and, as he subsequently explained, this cleansing must involve the elimination of Home Rule for Ireland.
Its importance was maintained, however, by its trade in agricultural products and in Apulian wool (which was there dyed and cleaned), by its port (probably Cannae) at the mouth of the Aufidus, and by its position on the high-road.
Omar and his followers in person cleaned it, and established the place of prayer which, though later rebuilt, has borne his name ever since.
In the principal rice-producing districts the rice is threshed and cleaned by machines, but in other districts more primitive methods are employed.
The floors, mostly of mud covered with dung, are fouled with spittle, vomit, and urine, and, being seldom or never cleaned out, foster a gradual accumulation of poison, to which infected rats and the concealment of illness contribute.
At no very remote date it was the practice in Scotland for every small farmer and cotter not only to grow " lint " or flax in small patches, but to have it retted, scutched, cleaned, spun, woven, bleached and finished entirely within the limits of his own premises, and all by members or dependents of the family.
When cold, the button is hammered, cleaned carefully from slag, and weighed.
In water-cooled condensers it is usual to arrange that the water passes through a large number of small pipes contained in a larger one through which the gas flows, and as it constantly happened that condenser pipes became choked by naphthalene, the so-called reversible condenser, in which the stream of gas may be altered from time to time and the walls of the pipes cleaned by pumping tar over them, is a decided advance.
The wheat used for this purpose is carefully selected after the harvest of the previous year, and is thoroughly cleaned of foreign seeds.
The immense treasure of gold, silver, bronze, fine stone and ivory objects, which was buried with the sixteen corpses in this circle, is worth intrinsically more than any treasure-trove known to have been found in any land, and it revealed once for all the character of a great civilization preceding the Hellenic. The find was deposited at Athens, and gradually cleaned and arranged in the Polytechnic; and the discoverer, publishing his Mycenae in English in 1877, had his full share of honours and fame.
After the outer surface has been scraped and cleaned, the pieces are flattened by heating them over a fire and submitting them to pressure on a flat surface.
The spirit is supposed not to leave the body immediately, and a corpse is either buried for a time, and then disinterred and the bones cleaned and deposited in or near the deceased's dwelling or in some distant cave; or the body is exposed on a platform or dried over a fire, and the mummy kept for a few years.
In the early spring stores must be seen to and replenished where required; breeding stimulated when pollen begins to be gathered; and appliances cleaned and prepared for use during the busy season.
The presses having perforated cylinders, although presenting mechanically a more perfect arrangement, are not preferable to the press cages formed by staves, as the holes become easily clogged up by the meal, when the cylinder must be carefully cleaned out.
Once up, she cleaned the house and threw a few clothes into a soft bag.
Cynthia managed a smile as she cleaned and stacked the utensil carnage from her baking frenzy while Dean sipped his coffee in silence, content to spend a few quiet minutes before the swarm of guests descended in earnest.
Andre had raised him as much as anyone, sponsored his petition to be recognized by the immortals, cleaned up all the messes he'd never meant to make.
Every day. I swear it. We won't be apart anymore. We'll stay here until I can get the castle cleaned out and beat the shit out of my brothers. They'll be moving in, even if they don't know it yet. And that's where Hazel will hatch and live.
Me and Mrs. Porter cleaned it up today.
I was the lab aide that cleaned up the lab, put away the dishes.
Full grain aniline leather or russet leathers cannot be cleaned with water or soap solution.
Things like windows, etc. should be cleaned by bedders?
American football bettors cleaned up apparently, costing the US sportsbooks millions of dollars in winning tickets.
The cleaning operation must leave no residues on the cleaned surface and any wet storage staining should be removed using a stiff brush.
With the cylinder head off, the pistons were cleaned of any carbon deposits using a wire cup brush on a drill.
He dug a trench and found a cist that had already been opened and cleaned of contents.
Have your furniture and carpets professionally cleaned, remove cobwebs from the ceiling corners, remove dust from under the bed.
Documents should only be cleaned or repaired by trained conservators.
Their skin creases should ideally be cleaned daily, especially in the fold above the nose.
The Center's digital image archive comprises some two hundred images of cleaned diatoms, generated by the site's authors.
Header tanks and pipelines need to be regularly cleaned and disinfected with a non-tainting disinfected with a non-tainting disinfectant.
The hutch should be kept clean and cleaned at least once a week with a mild disinfectant.
When applying distemper to my cleaned cornices and ceiling I did not dilute the first coat.
Filled with 100% natural buck wheat hulls cleaned and graded by us at Brow Farm, then encased in an organic cotton case.
The hold has all been professionally cleaned and painted with 2 part epoxy.
The wound may also be cleaned with 0.9% sterile saline to remove any wound exudate.
Prior to engine fitment the engine bay was cleaned to bare metal and undersealed.
These sacks of wheat or barley grains are cleaned to remove any dust.
There are also schools of lionfish, glassy sweepers and plenty of coral grouper lining up to be cleaned.
After the war, the bells were cleaned, tuned and re-hung with new gudgeons and ball bearings.
The body is then cleaned using again, the wire brush to remove gunk and debris from between the separators.
The flat bottom of the central henge 's outer ditch was cleaned out at least once.
The mane and tail should be of real horsehair, professionally cleaned and cured.
This is so the team can clearly see the jugular vein and also so the skin can be thoroughly cleaned.
Working together, villagers cleaned and fenced nine boreholes, cleared and opened drainage areas, and constructed new household pit latrines.
Before Pesach begins the house will be thoroughly cleaned to make sure that there is no leavened bread in the house.
The cotton was cleaned and opened and then fed into the machine where the tangled mess was stretched and straightened.
You can buy cleaned shell fish from your fish monger pr super market.
Once the dress is cleaned, it is wrapped in white acid free tissue paper or unbleached muslin.
The Egyptians made funeral shrouds from it and the Romans used it to make napkins which could be cleaned by throwing into the fire.
The cleaned wastewater is then released nearly three miles out to sea through a long sea outfall.
The scheme includes construction of a new 2.5km long sea outfall at Friars Bay to release the cleaned wastewater far out to sea.
There were small quantities of black lubricant on certain joints and this was cleaned off and replaced with white petroleum jelly on reassembly.
Cleaned them up new seals and hay presto, never run cleaner.
Once cleaned our polymer protectant will make insect removal easier.
A hay rack should be provided, also a simple, easily cleaned water-bottle.
The exterior stonework has been cleaned and partly refaced at the expense of the Historic Buildings Appeal.
Antique copper and brass may be satisfactorily cleaned with jeweler's rouge and a spot of paraffin.
The year I was appointed sergeant we cleaned up 60 cases, not one of which got less than five years.
When the ship was not involved in combat he kept the equipment serviceable and cleaned the ship.
In their research the UCR chemists first cleaned the copper surface, creating an extremely slippery surface.
In October I removed all the spark plugs and cleaned them up, they were pretty sooty.
Spark arresters can prevent spark arresters can prevent sparks from the flue landing on the thatch, however they must be cleaned regularly.
This makes washing easy, a recently valeted car can be cleaned with little more than a quick squirt with a hose pipe.
When they finally stagger out and their table is being cleaned, an empty Vodka bottle appears.
Cabin Service All cabins will be cleaned on a daily basis by the Russian stewardesses.
The banner was surfaced cleaned using low power vacuum suction.
Picture 8 Even marine reptiles need a clean, such as this green turtle being cleaned by Hawaiian yellow tangs.
The LDA system allows up to two trains to be cleaned at the same time on either side of the platform to maximize throughput.
Diet guru Sherman will hijack a pastry truck and over-indulge after discovering his wife left him and cleaned him out.
Feeding utensils should be satisfactorily cleaned or disposed of after each feed.
It is very unusual for somebody to request parts of the exterior to be cleaned when having an interior valet.
These were cleaned up, greased and refitted with new spacer washers and cotter pins.
Cool hand wash or can be dry cleaned, do not wring or spin, dry flat, do not iron.
The amalgam is cleaned out periodically - fortnightly or monthly - and after filtering through linen bags to remove the excess of mercury, it is transferred to retorts for distillation (see below).
The surrounding paper can be cleaned with a putty rubber.
The first thing is to purchase a small vial of cleaned shells from radiolarian ooze.
The root canal system is cleaned to remove infected, inflamed and dead tissue.
Antique copper and brass may be satisfactorily cleaned with jeweler 's rouge and a spot of paraffin.
A sealer coat is normally required and steel again should be blast cleaned and primed with a zinc phosphate primer in most cases.
The sill boxing plates are ok with just some surface rust which I have cleaned up.
The band could not be cleaned using any of the techniques which had been employed to clean the remainder of the soundboard painting.
Spark arresters can prevent sparks from the flue landing on the thatch, however they must be cleaned regularly.
Spillages of any other liquids should be cleaned up immediately, no matter how small.
The yellow brown stellate colonies are an incredibly beautiful sight and are far better seen freshly collected than cleaned in the manner of diatoms.
Chalk subsoil was, in all areas, cleaned to locate any possible subsurface features.
They were then put in the back of a van and taken to the swan sanctuary in Egham to be cleaned and rehabilitated.
The flow cell optics are cleaned at regular operator set intervals by the wiper system.
John received an award for being a good citizen after he cleaned up the trash in the park.
The steward on the cruise ship made sure the passengers' rooms were cleaned.
Babies mainly need to be cleaned in their diaper area to prevent diaper rashes.
It is a slight misconception that babies need to be bathed a lot, as apart from dirty bottoms which are cleaned when diapers are changed, when else do they get the opportunity to get dirty?
Any of them make great shower gifts, and since pacifiers need to be cleaned regularly and tend to get lost, it's a good idea to buy a few.
For example, as you are cooking dinner you can give your toddler a plastic cereal bowl and any cleaned out boxes left over from food preparation so he can mimic you cooking dinner.
Before you buy, find out how your knife should be sharpened and cleaned.
Also see if they offer cleaning services for the jewelry you're purchasing, or if they could recommend places for you to get your jewelry cleaned.
Things like a track and play center can be purchased at a discount, cleaned and used just as well as if it were brand new.
Tablecloths with lace, cutwork, or delicate embroidery should be hand washed or dry cleaned, either at the dry cleaner or in your dryer with a home dry cleaning product.
Some require you to have your carpets professionally cleaned after a certain number of months.
The laptops are fully cleaned and inspected once any replacement parts are inserted.
Any necessary repairs are made (provided it is cost effective), the unit cleaned and various mechanical parts are overhauled to ensure the cart is operational and safe.
They have received their shots, had their ears cleaned and have shown no sign of any other illness so far.
They scoped and cleaned this time as well, and told us to keep an eye on her.
They cleaned them, and have put us on a home regimen.
Are you having them cleaned two to three times a year by a professional?
If you have a cat over three years old and have never had their teeth cleaned by your vet, I first suggest you should go for a well DDS checkup and see what your dentist has to say.
Your vet probably will also inform you that at least once a year you should have your cat's teeth cleaned by a hygienist.
The original flooring was old concrete, so we had it thoroughly cleaned and let it dry out.
Clay litter must be cleaned daily and the entire litter changed regularly.
These boxes need to be changed and cleaned frequently.
At the very least, the box should be cleaned once a day in order to give your cat the security and standards she requires to consider such places ideal for defecation.
There is an odor in your cat's litter box when the box needs to be cleaned.
At the same time, the granules and the bowl portion of the box are cleaned with another solution and are then dried with blowers.
The litter should be cleaned daily and totally replaced once a week.
Clay clumping litters produce a dust and film when they are cleaned or when your cat shuffles around in the box.
Be sure it is cleaned daily and new litter is added.
If your cat begins to urinate or defecate outside the litter box, either the box needs to be cleaned or the cat may have serious health problems.
It's important to pick a blender that can be cleaned easily too.
You have no way of knowing how the furniture was dried out and if any kind of contamination occurred.If the furniture was salvaged from a factory fire it should have been properly cleaned for smoke damage to prevent any undesirable smell.
One of the newer markets in office furnishings is better-than-used, or products that have been cleaned up cosmetically, or repaired mechanically to make them ready to sell.
Some of these refurbishments may be good added value, like replacing the gas-lift or reclining mechanism in an office chair, or may be a hefty price tag added to a chair that's only been steam cleaned.
This relatively new niche market provides an intermediate step between new and used goods, furniture that has been repaired and cleaned up for resale.
Hotel furniture is cleaned regularly, repaired promptly and much of it is seldom used.
Have your couch steam cleaned if the "good" side of the cushion is looking less than fresh.
If people are going to be eating their meals while sitting on the sectional you'll want to get something that is easily cleaned.
The furniture is sturdy enough to be cleaned with a garden hose or pressure washer.
You generally only need to rinse it thoroughly with clean water to wash away dirt and grime, but can be cleaned gently with a soft sponge and mild soapy water.
Once you have cleaned all the wheels, you will need to lubricate them with a spray like WD-40.
All of the pieces are cleaned, touched up and repaired before they are sold.
Most covers can be cleaned with a garden hose or a mild liquid soap and warm water if necessary.
When paper is recycled, it is broken down into its component fibers, cleaned, and then formed into new paper products.
Continual process systems continue to compost waste and need to be harvested, or cleaned out, every six to twelve months.
They can be cleaned up more easily and much quicker, reducing expenses involved.
Harvested soybeans are cleaned, cracked and de-hulled in a process producing soybean meal.
Plastic rugs are great for muddy boots and can easily be cleaned by washing the rug down in clean water.
They needed to create a line of natural products that cleaned as well as traditional cleaners.
Natural Cleaning Wipes - The natural cleaning wipes can be used on counters, stainless steel, granite, sinks, toilets … nearly any surface that is dirty can be quickly and easily cleaned by grabbing a Natural Cleaning Wipe.
Once the coal is out of the ground, it is transported to plants to be cleaned and made ready for use.
If water used in industries is not properly cleaned before being released, these chemicals can contaminate ecosystems.
Others work best when the desk is completely cleaned off except for the computer or papers needed at that time.
If your chimney hasn't been cleaned in several years, hire a chimneysweep to tackle the problem.
Once everything is removed and the debris is cleaned up, you'll have a good workspace.
You'll need to steam clean or have professionally cleaned.
Most people will benefit from something durable that can easily be cleaned and won't stain.
All types of flooring should be deep cleaned; steam cleaning is usually the best for this.
Getting your air ducts professionally cleaned will be a huge selling point to potential buyers.
While some area rugs are washable and able to be cleaned easily, there are times when you really just need something to catch the dirt and nothing else.
The rug remains only half cleaned to this day, the uncleaned side almost unrecognizable as being the same rug as the clean half.
Karastan recommends that you get your rug professionally cleaned, as in-home cleaning is not recommended.
Before investing in whiteners, have your teeth professionally cleaned first.
As you should with any makeup regime, be sure that your face is cleaned, toned, and moisturized before applying evening eye makeup.
The crumbling was minimal and I cleaned up my eyes by applying a little pressed powder over the fallen makeup.The shadows were true to the color you see but as mentioned previously, the color does not stick around long.
These kinds of brushes should be replaced, not cleaned.
These pets need to be played with, fed, cleaned up after and tended to.
His oft documented love for the Big Mac is a testament to that, and even when Clinton cleaned up his diet, he did not give up meat.
Also, make sure the dress is cleaned and pressed before it is preserved at whichever company you choose.
Once the dress is cleaned and pressed, you'll have it returned to you in a sealed box.
The best part is that most dresses have been dry cleaned before they are stored and packed away and are in excellent condition.
Then, they are cleaned and stored away, often never to be worn again!
Shower doors must be cleaned after each shower to avoid water spots or mineral buildup, and shower door tracks collect water which provides a perfect environment for mold and mildew to grow.
He cleaned up his act to be sure he stayed out of prison and started focusing more seriously on his music.
Claudia Cohen, you might know her as the former Mrs Ron Perlman, had to shell out $1,500 to have her furniture cleaned.
Cobain died in 1994; it seems that Love never really cleaned up her act and in 2003, she lost custody of her daughter again.
A number of them also come as part of a skirt set, so your daughter can be dressed up but the more easily cleaned tee will take the brunt of any cake and ice cream messes.
If you do plan on keeping the dress to be worn at a later date, be sure you have it cleaned and stored properly.
It's normal to see hair on the grooming table and floor while a trimming is in progress, but this should be thoroughly cleaned up after each dog is groomed.
Many people check and clean their dog's ears when they bathe their dog, but ears should be cleaned more often than that.
I feel that the ears should be cleaned weekly; this way you can keep abreast of your dog's ear health.
If your dog is not used to having his ears cleaned, start slowly by cleaning just one ear at a time.
The entire bed can be cleaned easily with a garden hose when needed, or placed in a bathtub and sprayed off with a shower head.
When training your dog for recalls, be sure to never call him in to do something like take a bath, have his ears cleaned, toenails clipped or to get medication.
During the tattooing process, the skin is continually cleaned of excess ink and blood that seep from punctures with absorbent sanitary tissues.
Once you get it cleaned and dried be sure to seal the grout to make cleaning easier in the future.
Coated tiles can be more easily cleaned and are less likely to absorb oils and steam from cooking.
Stainless appliances may show smudges easily and need to be cleaned often, but stainless steel ceiling fans are relatively care free.
If you place one in an area that's exposed to high humidity, it will resist oxidation, and if it's located in a kitchen or smoking room, it won't discolor and can easily be cleaned with vinegar or a damp cloth.
Ceiling tiles can be cleaned with a small amount of detergent and a damp sponge.
Ducts made from fiberglass or sheet metal ducts with a fiberglass lining must be cleaned with a soft-bristled brush.
Properly maintained heating and cooling systems will lessen the need to have your air ducts cleaned.
Water Resistant - Glazed ceramic tiles can be impervious to liquids, so spills are easily cleaned up.
While most people choose to use small throw rugs in the bathroom that can be removed and cleaned with ease, there are times when people want all over carpeting.
You don't have to replace the carpets in order for your home to look great, just have them thoroughly cleaned.
Some older materials have specialist cleaning requirements and may not benefit from being cleaned with modern solvent based cleaners.
It is important to make sure that they are cleaned before wearing if necessary to help avoid infection.
If the item is dirty, does it look like it can be cleaned properly without damaging it?
Go back over the cleaned areas with a dry cloth and use leather conditioner to keep the vest soft.
Once a year, take it to a professional to have it cleaned.
Since this is not the type of garment most men wear regularly, it is worth having it professionally cleaned once a year and keeping it wrapped in tissue paper in a dry area.
Have your jacket professionally dry cleaned each year, and at the beginning of each season, treat the leather with a protective finish.
At this point, the wool is considered cleaned wool.
Many parents report also that they love using wool covers because they do not have to be cleaned very often.
The casings used to be made from cleaned intestines, and some still are.
Having it professionally cleaned once winter is over and then storing it properly will help it last.
This one will cost about $180 and needs to be dry cleaned.
If the care tag says "Dry Clean Only" or "Dry Cleaning Suggested," then take it to the dry cleaner when it needs to be cleaned.
The drawbacks to buying a garment made of silk chiffon are that it is expensive and has to be dry cleaned.
If a pair of precious panties calls for dry cleaning, then make sure to have them cleaned by a professional.
The downside is that they usually must be dry cleaned, thus adding an additional element of cost to the overall cost-per-wear of the garment.
Unlike clothing worn close to the body that become soiled or stained with perspiration, plus size pea coats do not need to be cleaned frequently.
At the end of the wearing season, have the coat cleaned according to the manufacturer's directions, hang it on a sturdy hanger, and store it in a well-ventilated closet until the next season.
The bulb may need to be cleaned every few months.
The bulb will should be removed, cleaned with alcohol, and then replaced.
The furnace chimney should be cleaned annually.
The chimney should be cleaned each year.
The lenses should be cleaned daily using a solution recommended by the manufacturer.
Have your furnace and heating system inspected and cleaned each year before the cold weather sets in.
Have all the chimneys (heating system, fireplace, wood or coal stove) in your home professionally cleaned and inspected to avoid the danger of a chimney fire.
Do not use the same items to prepare another type of food unless the items are washed thoroughly using hot soapy water or cleaned in a dishwasher.
Never use a plate for cooked food that previously held raw poultry, meat or fish unless it has been cleaned thoroughly.
Every spill, regardless of what it is, should be cleaned up immediately.
Skin that has been exposed to flood water should be cleaned thoroughly with soap and water.
The mask should be cleaned daily with gentle, no abrasive soap.
Sometimes you may think there are scratches on your glasses, when in reality, they just need to be carefully and properly cleaned.
Even though these special lenses are primarily for cosmetics or for fun, they still touch your eyes and can introduce bacteria and infection if you don't keep the lenses well cleaned and sanitized with contact lens solution.
They are very comfortable, but need to be cleaned often because the steam builds up and there is not much room for air to enter underneath the frames.
Some can be worn all day while others should be worn for only a few hours before they're removed, cleaned, and stored in a contact solution.
There is special solution used that is a higher grade than store-purchased liquids and the disc rotates at an extreme speed so that the entire disc is repaired and cleaned.
The fruit is then cleaned, peeled and extra elements like the core and seeds are removed before crushing and pressing.
Wine corks are usually cleaned with compounds that contain these chlorophenols and great lengths are taken to see that this TCA doesn't form…but, it can no matter who rigid the quality control is.
If the roof is not cleaned on a quarterly schedule, the excess chalk will run down the sides of the camper as a result of exposure to the elements and leave unattractive white streaks in its wake.
Loose or broken fillings are removed, new decay cleaned out, and a new filling is placed.
Wounds which penetrate the muscle beneath the skin should be cleaned and treated by a doctor.
In the home setting, frequent hand washing should be encouraged, and children's toys and shared belongings should be frequently cleaned.
Not only should chicken be cooked thoroughly, until no pink juices flow, but all surfaces and utensils used on raw chicken must be carefully cleaned to prevent salmonella from contaminating other foods.
The skin around the area where the needle for the IV catheter is inserted is cleaned and disinfected.
The pockets around the teeth are cleaned, and all tartar and plaque removed.
The wound should be cleaned and covered with ointment twice a day until it heals.
The area should be cleaned and covered with an ice pack.
These lenses must be removed and cleaned each night.
These lenses must be removed and cleaned each night, and they do not correct all vision problems.
All wounds from human bites are cleaned and disinfected as thoroughly as possible.
Brushing should begin with the first tooth eruption and the remaining gums should be cleaned and massaged.
Superficial wounds can be cleaned and bandaged.
The wound must first be cleaned with soap and water and patted dry.
The skin is cleaned, and then the needle and jewelry are inserted through the tissue in one swift motion.
The skin should be cleaned and an antiseptic applied to minimize the risk of infection.
The outer ear should be cleaned wiped with a clean washcloth.
Humidifiers should be adequately and frequently cleaned with bleach or comparable cleanser to avoid mold which can be aerosolized and then exacerbate existing allergies.
The ear speculum, which is inserted into the ear, is cleaned and sanitized before it is used.
The wound is cleaned thoroughly and, if possible, RIG is injected into the wound and the surrounding tissues to block the virus's entry into the central nervous system.
Infant pacifiers should be cleaned daily by boiling or washing in a dishwasher.
Depending on the extent of injury, blisters may be debrided (cleaned by removing foreign material) or simply covered with aloe vera.
If necessary the comb may be cleaned with a toothbrush, fingernail brush, or dental floss.
If the burn is minor, it may be cleaned gently with soap and water.
Once the burned area is cleaned and treated with antibiotic cream or ointment, it is covered in sterile bandages, which are changed two to three times a day.
Skin wounds should be cleaned with an antiseptic and covered with a bandage.
All wounds from animal bites are cleaned and disinfected as thoroughly as possible.
Once you have cleaned the cutting board, you can then go to work on the meats.
It is vital that all of your tools that come into contact with chicken or any meat be cleaned thoroughly before being used again.
Counters and cutting surfaces have to be cleaned.
These are people who regulate the elements…hang meat in the air to dry…stuff a cleaned animal into its own stomach and cook it over a pit fire…put food on ice to keep cool…pull fish out of the water, vegetables out of the ground.
Once the mushrooms are cleaned and dried, trim off the stems and save them.
When preparing button and cremini mushrooms, they are ready to be stuffed after they've been cleaned and have had the stems trimmed off.
A ritual washing of the body with warm water is performed first, and the body is thoroughly cleaned.
After the sale, remaining items are donated and the home is cleaned.
Remove the rug and have it professionally cleaned.
Tweezers should be cleaned carefully before and after use to prevent any bacteria or dirt from being transferred to the skin and pores next time.
The technician offered a large mirror right away, and then gently cleaned off the white eyeliner.
Attics and garages may need to be cleaned out, or a homeowner may need someone to run errands for them.
I didn't have to worry about picking up any iatrogenic disease because a birth attendant inadequately cleaned his/her hands after checking another patient.
Fans of her singing will be glad to hear one day that she has cleaned up; with any luck, she can achieve a career as a singer.
You will be cleaned off and possibly receive stitches if you needed an episiotomy.
Its heaviness makes it awkward to wash, but it only needs cleaning once a year or so, and is usually cleaned by being hung outside and beaten so the sand and dirt falls out.
In fact, they respond much like a real hamster but without the need to be fed or cleaned up after.
Angora sweater dresses, for example, will most likely have to be carefully hand washed or dry cleaned.
Clothing that can be machine-washed and dried is less expensive over the life of the garment than items that must be hand washed or dry cleaned.
Some complain that the coffee beans get stuck, but the machine is easily cleaned and stuck beans is a relatively common problem with this type of coffee grinder.
If the grease filter is not cleaned regularly it may become clogged and lose its effectiveness.
Juicers can cost a lot, and they need to be cleaned and maintained.
The carpet cleaning mode saves you money by eliminating the need to have your carpets professionally cleaned, and you can even polish your floors with this system.
The permanent filter does need to be cleaned more often than cleaning the entire unit, which is recommend to be done four times a year.
The Truman Cell should be removed from the purifier and cleaned with mild soap and water on a frequent basis to prevent the filter from clogging and becoming useless.
The entire air purifier should also be dusted and cleaned frequently.
The Truman Filter should be removed from the purifier and cleaned with mild soap and water on a frequent basis to prevent the filter from clogging and becoming useless.
However the filters must be replaced on schedule and the device must be cleaned regularly, or it will start to operate poorly.
The cleaned air is then circulated back into your home.
The grill should be cleaned after unplugging, but while it is still hot, put a wet paper towel in the unit and close it.
For the best results, your grinder should be cleaned in this manner before the first time you use it to guarantee a clean and sanitized environment for your herbs.
It is easy to operate and can be cleaned in the dishwasher.This popper comes with a popping bowl and cover.
Microwave oven air filters cannot be cleaned, and a replacement is necessary if it is damaged.
This can happen quite easily when removing the glass to be cleaned.
These hand helds use a bag less system, and can be cleaned out by opening a door and dumping the waste over a trashcan, eliminating the need to remove the cup.
If cleaned regularly and properly stored, this mixer should last years through hundreds of uses.
At the end of the season, the batteries (if it has an electric starting system) should be removed prior to storage and the ignition system cleaned and coated with an anti-oxidation preservative.
Hand-wash the attachments or put them into the dishwasher to be cleaned.
In either case, the air in the room is cleaned of positively-charged particles and it is not only easier to breathe, but it smells cleaner as many odors are removed.
One of the most common complaints is that the Truman Cell needs to be cleaned approximately every week or two and that it must be fully dry before reinserting into the machine.
It features electrostatic plates which unlike the Oreck XL, can be cleaned with a damp cloth.
It is recommended that the blender be cleaned after each use and to hand wash the shaft and attachments.
After all, a good quality electric razor can get you cleaned up much faster than a disposable razor can and because it’s virtually mess-free, you can do it in your car on the way to work.
To maintain peak performance, the air filter should be cleaned every two weeks or more often depending on the indoor air quality of your home.
Dryers and dryer vents need to be cleaned regularly, and refrigerators should be vacuumed in the condenser area at the bottom or rear of the refrigerator.
Door gaskets on dishwashers, refrigerators and ranges should be inspected and cleaned regularly.
Soy wax can be melted in the microwave and cleaned up with just soap and water.
This means that it has been cleaned and also has often been bleached, making it off white in color.
The wax can be chemically cleaned and prepared.
The beeswax has been cleaned and refined before being made into sheets.
The elbow grease needed to scrub up the wax will be minimal compared to other types of candle waxes.Candle making equipment can even be cleaned in the dishwasher when using soy wax.
Instead of chipping or scrubbing, the leftover wax can be washed away with hot, soapy water, or safely cleaned in the dishwasher.
Natural candle wax can easily be cleaned by heating the wax gently and pouring it through filters.
Spills from soy candles can be cleaned with hot soapy water, which is helpful if you're worried about candles accidentally damaging your clothing or furniture.
While the homes could be cleaned and repaired, the flooding destroyed entire collections of furniture and family possessions.
Community service can serve as a launching pad toward a new way of living, and even for those who never clean up their act, at least the freeways get cleaned in the meantime!
Most vampire costumes for pooches are machine washable, though there are a few that are made from felt or crushed velvet, which require you to hand wash them or have them dry cleaned.
The mascot head should not be placed in the washing machine; rather, it can be spot cleaned with mild detergent and water.
The ring shouldbe cleaned before you propose.
Most foods will stain and dull the diamond, requiring it to be cleaned almost immediately.
As with any piece of jewelry, CZ rings should be meticulously cleaned and cared for to be kept looking their best.
Get diamond earrings cleaned professionally because they are more delicate than other types of earrings.
To keep the service updated, customers must have the jewelry cleaned and inspected every six months - a card is provided to keep an official record of this service.
After buying the ring, it should be thoroughly cleaned before the big event so that its brilliance is not diminished.
They should be periodically cleaned with a soft cloth and mild cleanser to remove dirt and oil, and they should be stored away from other jewelry to prevent accidental damage.
Because the settings on diamond earrings can be more delicate than rings, they should be cleaned professionally.
Be sure it will not rub against the chocolates themselves or it will need to be cleaned immediately.
Scatter settings can be cleaned just like any diamond band, though a soft brush may be necessary to remove buildup from deep recesses.
Before taking a picture, the ring should be thoroughly cleaned so it shows its true color and sparkle.
Because pearls and diamonds require different care techniques, the rings should be serviced by a professional rather than cleaned at home.
Could dirt be hiding flaws or problems, and can the ring be sufficiently cleaned without damaging it?
Silver engagement rings can be cleaned with a soft cloth and it is also possible to purchase special jewelry cleaning fluids that will keep silver in tip top condition.
Rubies should be cleaned with mild detergent solutions, and soft cloths can give the gem an extra polish.
Earrings should be cleaned in line with the manufacturers instructions, although generally all that is required is a gentle rub with a lint free cloth.
Dirt, dust, and oils accumulate rapidly in small corners and niches, dulling the ring's beauty unless it is cleaned regularly.
The budget should also take into account any additional costs such as the potential resizing of an engagement ring or having the ring cleaned or repaired.
While this is fine for everyday cleaning, a diamond ring should be regularly cleaned by a specialist jeweler who will also check the setting of the ring.
It's strong but lightweight, can be easily cleaned and is functional as well as fashionable.
Hardware can also be cleaned with a soft, barely dampened cloth and wiped dry.
Avoid applying creams or baby wipes to clean the bag; your Dior bag should be professionally cleaned, especially if there are stains involved.
Cloth purses can be easily cleaned by throwing them into the washer for a quick freshening or can be covered with a new cloth for a new look or to cover up a stained purse.
It is made out of a canvas that is easily cleaned and durable.
Even a fabric purse may have some leather hardware or embellishments that need to be cleaned and conditioned, so keep this in mind when purchasing the cleansing formula.
Remember, kids' bed spreads will need to be cleaned frequently.
Workers cleaned the room once her body was removed, but the ghostly outline of her corpse returned.
Any time anyone took a very hot shower, the grease from the poorly cleaned lipstick stain would repeat her terrible cry for help.
Litter boxes should be completely cleaned every four-to-five days, so cat litter can become a significant expense if you're not careful.
When all else fails, or if your shoes have a stain that will simply not come out (like grease), then consider having them professionally cleaned.
In 2001, when contract negotiations stalled, Scott reportedly cleaned out her dressing room and left the show before they were able to come to a new and equitable agreement.
People will be willing to answer questions, including uncomfortable ones about how well the shop is cleaned and what they do to prevent blood-borne illness.
Like any other kind of brush, airbrushes need to be cleaned on a regular basis.
After you've gotten home and cleaned your new tattoo, it's time to apply your aftercare product of choice.
The piercing site is cleaned and marked with Gentian violet or a single use, disposable piercing marker.
After the piercing site is cleaned, the piercing is marked and checked for straightness.
The piercing site is prepared and cleaned, and the piercer will use a single use surgical marker or a small dot of Gentian violet antiseptic to mark the piercing's placement.
After burning those calories and getting cleaned up, you can visit the Hair Salon to get dolled up for the night.
With non-water resistant watches, You should get them cleaned immediately if the insides (movement) ever gets wet, or even if you just see moisture forming on the inside of the crystal.
Have the watch professionally cleaned at least once a year by a certified dealer.
A watch strap may need to be cleaned and disinfected several times a day and therefore waterproof straps are important.
Cleaning - a watch should be cleaned regularly.
Because the Manduka mat absorbs moisture, the surface can harbor bacteria and should be cleaned at least once a month, following the manufacturer's directions.
Sometimes apartment managers want apartments cleaned after tenants move out.
When desktops are cleaned, work habits should change to maintain office organization.
As you establish new files within cleaned out file cabinets, color coding files makes it easier to find information at a glance.
The cars are subjected to a rigorous maintenance check, polished to bring back a new vehicle shine, and carefully steam cleaned to remove dirt or stains on the interior.
This way, any soapy or dirty water runs down onto areas you haven't cleaned yet.
If you notice that your DVD still doesn't play properly even after you've cleaned it, it's time to closely examine both flat sides for scratches.
Move the ladder as needed until you have cleaned out all of the gutters.
Even people with relatively small houses can neglect areas of their homes because they simply forget they haven't cleaned them, which is why a list of daily cleaning chores can be a huge help.
The list of daily cleaning chores does not have to be the same every day, since some things only need to be cleaned periodically, not every 24 hours.
It can be hard to remember what's been cleaned and what hasn't, especially in a large home.
Of course, the faster you get to a spill or dirt on the carpet, the sooner it will be cleaned up.
Don't leave faint writing marks showing for a period of time, as these will convert to stains very quickly if they are not cleaned off.
Measure the height (floor to ceiling), the depth (back wall to door), and width (sidewall to sidewall) once your closet has been cleaned and prepared.
Small windows can be cleaned all at once, but larger picture windows and glass doors may need to be cleaned from top to bottom in manageable sections.
After the entire window is cleaned, polish it with dry crumpled newspaper to remove any remaining water marks and streaks.
By putting these areas off to the end, you can avoid creating a mess that affects areas that you have already cleaned.
However, if your grill is not protected or cleaned regularly, rust will begin to form.
Those that are not properly cleaned will rust quickly and a significant amount of rust can develop in a short period of time.
However, just because mini blinds are easier than curtains and aren't as prone to smells and dirt, doesn't mean you don't have to keep them cleaned regularly.
Most vinyl or plastic mini blinds can be cleaned with warm water and soap, but wooden mini blinds require gentler cleaning methods such as a light use of Pledge and hand washing each one.
While your outdoor furniture should be minimally cleaned before you put it away for the winter, you'll also want to give it a thorough cleaning when you are pulling it out of storage for the summer.
With a pool cleaning system, 99% of your pool's interior surface will be cleaned, and your maintenance will literally be only minutes per day.
Following a few basic guidelines, while using the above tools, will ensure your windows look streak free and professionally cleaned.
Pour the lemon juice on the area that needs to be cleaned and let it sit for 10 minutes.
Coffee is oil based and can leave a residue inside the pot if not cleaned properly and regularly.
At the end of each eight-hour shift, the coffee pots are generally cleaned with a mixture of ice, Tabasco and lemon.
If you have never cleaned your coffee pot before, consider using this recipe for your first cleaning; for subsequent cleanings you can use one of the recipes with a lower vinegar concentration.
The answer to "How much vinegar do I use to clean a coffee pot?" depends on its age and frequency of use as well as whether it has been previously cleaned.
Stains that are only slightly more difficult to remove, such as those made by chocolate, grease or wine should be cleaned by the same a water-based solutions recommended for the floor's general cleaning.
The price will vary based on what tasks you want to have performed, the current condition of the areas that you want to have cleaned and market rates for professional cleaning services in the location where you live.
By the end of the day, you'll have cleaned out the closets and you'll have removed all items that don't belong from the various rooms in the house.
After you've cleaned the surface area, make sure to wipe up any residual liquids to ensure the countertops are completely dry.
Ideally, the grill should be cleaned following each meal cooked.
However, beyond the sanitary considerations, it's just not good for meal planning to have to spend a longer time cleaning it before you prepare food than you would have had you cleaned it after the last use.
After the jar has been cleaned and the label has been removed, paint the lid with acrylic craft paint.
Scoop the mixture into a glass jar such as a mason jar or old, well cleaned mayonnaise jar, and seal until ready to use.
Glue or tape recycled and cleaned Popsicle sticks to the back.
Be sure when you examine the equipment that you check the safety features, how easily it may be cleaned and whether any of the components (resistance bands, etc) can be replaced if necessary.
After drying, the beans are cleaned and roasted at about 250 degrees for up to two hours.
Once you have cleaned them, slice off the fibrous end of the stem and slice or quarter them.
Most leather can be cleaned using a damp cloth and some vinegar.
Most chenille robes must be dry cleaned to protect the fabric and furnish the longest wear time, which is something to consider before making a purchasing decision.
It should also be cleaned on the delicate cycle to give it a longer life.
Most garments can be wiped cleaned or hand-washed with a mild detergent and warm water.
Since they are easily torn, your body stocking should be cleaned gently.
While having silk dry cleaned isn't a bad idea, you may still be able to get away with gently hand-washing your garments.
But for those who know that once the item is cleaned it's as good as new, a vintage nightgown can be a wonderful treat.
Additionally, leather is quite moldable, and while having it professionally cleaned might be a bit of a hassle, the fact that the fabric will conform to your shape makes it all the more sexy.
One might find it absurd that items such as pajamas must be dry cleaned, but it is important to remember that silk pajamas were originally a luxury item.
The Dixie Chicks cleaned house last night at the Grammy Awards, taking home a remarkable five litte statues.
The group borrowed the inspiration of British New Wave but cleaned it up and made it less punk, more pop.
After the ceremony, get the gown cleaned as soon as possible.
For the best results, have the gown dry cleaned with a fresh or soluble solvent.
Be sure to set up an area where the mess can be made and easily cleaned up.
Most of the time the homes can be cleaned up enough to allow the hoarders some extra time before they are evicted or face other consequences of their actions.
This method is best done on a freshly cleaned face just before bed.
First, your nails are filed and buffed to perfection, and your cuticles are cleaned up to prepare for polish application.
Before a blackhead is extracted, the skin surrounding it should be cleaned and prepared.
Apply acne treatment products to freshly cleaned skin.
While the uniforms are being cleaned, they are inspected for any damage and all necessary repairs are made.
Interior pads are cleaned and old decals are removed.
Helmets will have more than just a fresh coat of paint-they'll be cleaned and sanitized in the reconditioning process-so it's safe to purchase used helmets.
Everyone liked the idea, so they returned to their rooms and cleaned up.
But instead of packing, she cleaned the house and went for a ride.
I'd better move my hunt further south when I've cleaned up my business and finished here.
I cleaned up a few paper details and left the office for home, driving around town the long way, just to clear my head.
She cleaned him up then took a shower and dug out musty clothing from a trunk at the bottom of one wardrobe.
In looking at them again, she could see the time and effort that would've been required to keep them cleaned and sharpened.
She cleaned them off with hands that trembled from the confrontation.
The weapon hadn't been cleaned since it was last fired, but all six chambers contained bullets.
He gently removed the blood-soaked jumper and cleaned her.
He cleaned the kitchen, dusted the entire downstairs and, as the weather remained mild, even washed the first floor windows, hoping when and if Cynthia saw them it would not be in the sun.
As they cleaned up, Elisabeth broached the subject they had been avoiding.
They cleaned up the mess and then stood in awkward silence, watching Brutus.
The fact that Alex stopped to see Lori merely gave Carmen time to get cleaned up.
Someone had cleaned her clothing and draped it over the couch.
One of the medics cleaned up her hands and face before returning to Brady.
I've cleaned the chicken house and...
Carmen cleaned off the table and loaded the dishes in the dishwasher before retiring to her new bedroom.
Yet, why was it that when a woman married a man with money and merely washed his clothes, cooked his meals, cleaned up after him and tended his stock... why did people think he was taking care of her?
After she cleaned up the mess, he reached out to her.
She cleaned the table and then went out to the porch to remove an empty bird nest from the eve.
He cleaned his hands of dirt then knelt beside her.
Whatever the pattern adopted for the roof, a sufficient portion of it must be glazed to admit light, and it should be so designed that the ironwork can be easily inspected and painted and the glass readily cleaned.
At a locomotive depot the chief building is the " running shed " in which the engines are housed and cleaned.
Pieces already detached were restored to their original positions, and those blackened by damp and dust were carefully cleaned.
In this way the mosaics of the two arches of the atrium and those of the Zeno chapel were cleaned and preserved.
A similar, but larger machine, requiring about horse-power to run it, will turn out 50 to 60 lb of Egyptian or 60 to 80 lb of Sea Island cleaned cotton per hour.
The peculiar musky odour was perceived from a distance of a hundred yards; but according to Professor Nathoist there was no musky taste or smell in the flesh if the carcase were cleaned immediately the animals were killed.
Manufacturing industries are for the most part closely related to the products of the soil, about two-thirds of the value of all manufactures in Igoo and in 1905 being represented by sugar and molasses refining, lumber and timber products, cotton-seed oil and cake, and rice cleaned and polished.
They finally cleaned up the yard by ceaseless toil.
But even filters of this type, if they are to be fully relied upon, must be frequently cleaned and sterilized, and great care must be taken that the joints and connexions are watertight, and that the candles are without cracks or flaws.