Claws Sentence Examples
One of the claws was ripped almost completely out.
In its claws alone does it resemble the giant sloths.
A rabbit writhed in its claws, screaming in terror.
The "Turco," Hylactes megapodius, is larger, with greatly developed feet and claws, but is very similar in colour and habits.
The Spalacidae are burrowing types, allied apparently to the ancestral Jaculidae, and characterized by the second and third molars being equal in size, the presence of enamel-folds in all these teeth, and the superiority in size of the claws of the second, third and fourth front toes over the other two.
The limbs are five-toed, with the third and fourth toes of the front pair armed with enormous digging claws; FIG.
Europe.1 a neck, and the claws of the feet divided to the base.
The fore-limbs have four toes and a rudimentary thumb, all with claws; the hind limbs are larger, with five distinct toes, united by short webs at their bases.
In North America Mylodon was accompanied by another gigantic species typifying the genus Megalonyx, in which the fore part of the skull was usually wide, and the third and fourth front toes carried claws.
Ptolemy, who himself chiefly used the " Claws " (XnXai), speaks of it as a distinctively Chaldaean sign; 2 and it occurs as an extrazodiacal asterism in the Chinese sphere.
AdvertisementThe struggle of rival systems of nomenclature, from which our zodiacal series resulted, is plainly visible in their alternations; and the claims of the competing signs were long sought to be conciliated by representing the Balance as held between the claws of the €corpion.
Bears are five-toed, and provided with formidable claws, which are not retractile, and thus better fitted for digging and climbing than for tearing.
The weasel is an elegant little animal, with elongated slender body, back much arched, head small and flattened, ears short and rounded, neck long and flexible, limbs short, five toes on each foot, all with sharp, com - pressed, curved claws, tail rather short, slender, cylindrical, and pointed at the tip, and fur short and close.
The Wizard opened his satchel and got out some sticking-plaster with which he mended the cuts Jim had received from the claws of the bears.
No; she just dug her claws into the wood and climbed down the sides of this house to the ground.
AdvertisementEureka clung with her claws to the wooden side of the house and let herself down easily.
Katie had hoped to make her sister a confidante but knew it was impossible so long as Kris.s claws were wrapped securely around Hannah.
Fore-feet with five toes, all having strong pointed, compressed claws, the second, third and fourth nearly equal, the fifth somewhat and the first considerably shorter.
Fore feet with two or three of the middle toes of nearly equal size, and provided with strong, sharp, slightly curved claws, the other toes rudimentary.
Hind foot long and narrow, mainly composed of the strongly developed fourth toe, terminating in a conical pointed nail, with a strong pad behind it; the first toe represented by a rudimentary metatarsal; the remaining toes completely developed, with claws, but exceedingly slender; the united second and third reaching a little way beyond the metatarso-phalangeal articulation of the fourth; the fifth somewhat shorter.
AdvertisementIt has a broad rounded head, short face, large naked eyes, large hands, and long thin fingers with pointed claws, of which the third is remarkable for its extreme slenderness.
The foot resembles that of the other lemurs in its large opposable great toe with a flat nail; but all the other toes have pointed compressed claws.
The celebrated Gascoigne's powder, which was sold as late as the middle of the 19th century in the form of balls like sal prunella, consisted of equal parts of crabs' eyes," the black tips of crabs' claws, Oriental pearls, Oriental bezoar and white coral, and was administered in jelly made of hart's horn, but was prescribed by physicians chiefly for wealthy people, as it cost about forty shillings per ounce.
The head - carrying feelers, mandibles and two pairs of maxillae - is succeeded by the three thoracic segments, each bearing a pair of strong five-segmented legs, whose feet, like those of the adult, carry two claws.
The first larval stage is the "triungulin," a tiny, active, armoured larva with long legs (each foot with three claws) and cercopods.
AdvertisementAll the world over it is held that such people can assume the form of animals; sometimes the power of the shaman is held to depend on his being able to summon his familiar; among the Ostiaks the shaman's coat was covered with representations of birds and beasts; two bear's claws were on his hands; his wand was covered with mouse-skin; when he wished to divine he beat his drum till a black bird appeared and perched on his hut; then the shaman swooned, the bird vanished, and the divination could begin.
If an attempt be made by any enemy to lift the lid, the spider seizes its inner side with his fangs and striking his claws into the walls of the burrow offers the greatest possible resistance to the efforts of the intruder.
In the Puerco, or Lowest Eocene of North America the place of the above species was taken by Euprotogonia puercensis, an animal only half the size of Phenacodus primaevus, with the terminal joints of the limbs intermediate between hoofs and claws, and the first and fifth toes taking their full share in the support of the weight of the body.
All the mole-rats of the genus Spalax are characterized by the want of distinct necks, small or rudimentary ears and eyes, and short limbs provided with powerful digging claws.
The Silurian scorpion Palaeophonus, differs, so far as obvious points are concerned, from a modern scorpion only in the thickness of its legs and in their terminating in strong spike-like joints, instead of being slight and provided with a pair of terminal claws.
Remaining pairs of appendages similar in form and function, each tipped with two or three claws.
Appendages of 1st pair consisting of three segments, completely chelate, without poison gland; of 2nd pair slender, leg-like, tipped with three claws, the basal segment without sterno-coxal process taking no share in mastication, and widely separated from its fellow of the opposite side; 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th appendages similar in form to the 2nd and to each other.
Remaining pairs of appendages with their basal segments immovably fixed to the sternal surface, similar in form, the posterior three pairs furnished with two claws supported on long stalks; the basal segments of the 6th pair bearing five pairs of tactile sensory organs or malleoli.
Appendages of the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th pairs similar in form and function, tipped with two claws, their basal segments in contact in the median ventral line.
The body is stout and thickly built; the legs are short and strong, and armed, especially the anterior pair, with long curved claws; the tail is short; and the ears are reduced to rudiments.
Martin, they feed chiefly on "succulent bulbs, which they scratch up with the long, curved, black claws on their fore-feet.
The first front toe was rudimentary, having no phalanges, but the fifth was rather less aborted, although clawless; the other three carried enormous claws, protected by reflected sheaths.
Among them may be mentioned the aperea or restless cavy (C. porcellus or C. aperea) of Brazil; the Bolivian C. boliviensis, found at great elevations in the Andes; the Brazilian rock-cavy (C. rupestris), characterized by its short blunt claws; and the Peruvian C. cutleri.
The more typical species are characterized by the coarse spiny hair, the small size, or even absence of the ears, and the long, nearly straight, claws.
The limbs are strong and short, each with five well-developed toes provided with strong claws.
The claws are whitish; the naked nose pad and whiskers are black.
In the Eumenidae or solitary wasps the female sex is undifferentiated, and the foot claws are toothed.
The body is elongated and furnished with four pairs of short, unjointed, stump-like legs, each terminated by a pair of claws.
In art, Oceanus was represented as an old man of noble presence and benevolent expression, with the horns of an ox and sometimes crab's claws on his head.
They defend themselves not only with their powerful jaws and sharp claws, but also with lashing strokes of the long tail.
Yes, your new kitty definitely needs to learn to keep those claws to herself.
The presence of pets in your home may have an impact too, as their claws can dig down into the gaps between tiles.
Willemoes Suhm, which makes up for its vanished eyes by its extraordinarily elongate and dentated claws; in Psalidopus huxleyi, Wood-Mason and Alcock (1892), bristling with spikes from head to tail; in the Nematocarcinidae, with their long thread-like limbs and longer antennae; in species of Aristaeopsis reported by Chun from deep water off the east coast of Africa, bright red prawns nearly a foot long, with antennae about five times the length of the body.
Almost everything that is stated in the article Lion concerning the structure of the skeleton, teeth and claws of that animal will apply equally well to the tiger, the difference between the two lying mainly in the skin and its coverings.
The two little claws of these toes, projecting together from the skin, may be of use in scratching and cleaning the fur of the animal, but the toes must have quite lost all connexion with the functions of support or progression.
They are naturally timid and inoffensive, but the larger kinds when hard pressed will turn and defend themselves, sometimes killing a dog by grasping it in their fore-paws, and inflicting terrible wounds with the sharp claws of their powerful hind-legs, supporting themselves meanwhile upon the tail.
The fore-limbs are small with subequal toes, armed with strong, moderately long, curved claws.
Lastly, we have the banded wallaby, Lagostrophus fasciatus, of Western Australia, a small species characterized by its naked muzzle, the presence of long bristles on the hindfeet which conceal the claws, and also of dark transverse bands on the lower part of the back.
Forefeet narrow; the three middle toes considerably exceeding the first and fifth in length and their claws long, compressed and but slightly curved.
Perhaps, however, the most interesting member of the whole group is the tiny musk-kangaroo (Hypsiprymnodon moschatus) of north-east Australia, which alone represents the sub-family Hypsiprymnodontinae, characterized by the presence of an opposable first toe on the hind-foot and the outward inclination of the penultimate upper premolar, as well by the small and feeble claws.
From all other large Carnivora except the African hunting-dog, hyenas are distinguished by having only four toes on each foot, and are further characterized by the length of the fore-legs as compared with the hind pair, the non-retractile claws, and the enormous strength of the jaws and teeth, which enables them to break the hardest bones and to retain what they have seized with unrelaxing grip.
Even human dead are not safe from their attacks, their powerful claws enabling them to gain access to newly interred bodies in cemeteries.
In the Argasidae the anterior portion of the dorsal surface of the body is extended forwards above the capitulum, so that this structure is concealed from above; the integument is fairly uniformly granular or coriaceous above and below; the palpi are simple and unmodified; there is no sucker beneath the claws in the adult, and there is only a slight structural difference between the sexes.
In the Ixodidae the capitulum is not overlapped by a forward extension of the dorsal area, which is smooth and firmly chitinized either in front or all over; the palpi are usually modified, that is to say, their second and third segments are usually excavated internally to form a sheath for the hypostome; there is a distinct sucker beneath the claws and the difference between the sexes is well marked, the males having the dorsal integument thickly and continuously chitinized, whereas in the females only its anterior portion bears a chitinous plate, the rest of the integument being soft to admit of its distension by the blood which is imbibed in quantity by members of this sex.
With few exceptions, the terminal extremities of the digits of both limbs of mammals are more or less protected or armed by epidermic plates or sheaths, constituting the various forms of nails, claws or hoofs.
Accordingly, it was at this epoch that the small ancestral insectivorous mammals first forsook their arboreal habitat to try a life on the open plains, where their descendants developed on the one hand into the carnivorous and other groups, in which the toes are armed with nails or claws, and on the other into the hoofed group, inclusive of such monsters as the elephant and the giraffe.
Its food consists mainly of termites, to obtain which it opens their nests with its powerful sharp anterior claws, and as the insects swarm to the damaged part of their dwelling, it draws them into its mouth by means of its long, flexible, rapidly moving tongue covered with glutinous saliva.
Though generally an inoffensive animal, when attacked it can defend itself vigorously and effectively with its sabre-like anterior claws.
A, A walking leg; p ' to p 4, Since the eye-stalks of Podophthalthe characteristic " pads "; f, mate Crustacea represent appendthe foot; cl', c1 2, the two ages, we are forced to the conclusion claws.
C, One of the first post-oral From what has been said, it is pair of appendages or manapparent that we cannot, in attemptdibles; cl', el', the greatly ing to discover the affinities and enlarged claws.
The somites following the head are strictly nomomeristic and nomotagmic. The first three form the thorax, thhe appendages of which are the walking legs, tipped with paired claws or ungues (compare the homoplastic claws of Scorpio and Peripatus).
Over the upper surface was stretched a white-dressed reindeer skin, and at the corners (so to speak) hung a variety of charms - tufts of wool, bones, teeth, claws, &c. The area was divided into several spaces, often into three, one for the celestial gods, one for the terrestrial and one for man.
Sometimes they have wings of gold, brazen claws and the tusks of boars.
The body is elongated and vermiform; it bears a number of paired appendages, each terminating in a pair of claws, and all very much alike.
They are short, stumplike, muscular structures, armed at their free extremities by a pair of cutting blades or claws, and are placed one on each side of the mouth.
It bears two sickle-shaped claws, and at its distal end three (rarely four) papillae.
The part of the foot which carries the claws is especially retractile, and is generally found more or less telescoped into the proximal part.
The cuticle is a thin layer, of which the spines, jaws and claws are special developments.
The otter has an elongated, low body, short limbs, short broad feet, with five toes on each, connected together by webs, and all with short, moderately strong, compressed, curved, pointed claws.
Some, with the feet only slightly webbed, and the claws exceedingly small or altogether wanting on some of the toes, and also with some difference in dental characters, have been separated as a distinct genus, Aonyx.
They had six legs with little pads for feet instead of toes and claws, a delicate snout not quite the length of an anteater's lined with fine hairs and tiny teeth used to vacuum up mold, dust, and dirt that was its main food source, and an odd habit of climbing walls with hidden suckers in its padded feet.
Behind her, claws clicked on the concrete as Brutus followed.
The causes for overgrown claws are often quite simple.
Everything a cat could want for a day or night spent hiding, sleeping and sharpening those claws.
You've got sharp claws, my dear, you drop your scales on my clean floor.
The holes (arrowed) are made by the dew claws which are often seen in soft mud.
A few crab claws also came from the midden.
Four claws are carved on each fore flipper; two on hind flippers.
During the struggle, Logan accidentally impaled Rose on his claws, killing her.
Starters take in grilled lobster with mint and coriander and mango sauce and scallops, crab claws and mussels in Goan vindaloo dressing.
Twist the claws from its body, then use a nutcracker to open each claw.
Its rear legs have very long setae near its claws.
Behavior The oddly balanced anatomy and massive claws of the giant ground sloths gave them a strange walk.
They have sharp talons (claws) with which they catch their prey.
Habitat Badgers live in setts, a network of underground tunnels which they dig using their strong claws.
Lay the slices of tail meat over the potato salad, garnish with one of the claws and drizzle the vinaigrette over the lobster.
Again, directly opposed to Cuvier's principle, we have discovered carnivores with hoofs, such as Mesonyx, and herbivores with sloth-like claws, such as Chalicotherium.
Squirrels of this and the' other arboreal groups have the bodily form slender and agile, the tail long and bushy, the ears well developed, pointed and often tufted; the feet adapted for 1 ' climbing, the anterior pair with four toes and a rudimentary thumb, and the posterior pair with five toes, all the toes having long, curved and short-pointed claws (see Squirrel).
He turned quickly and saw an eagle rising into the air with his moneybag in its claws.
I had learned a new lesson--that nature "wages open war against her children, and under softest touch hides treacherous claws."
Then Helen sat down by her and began to manipulate her claws.
I 'm very good and keep my claws retracted and purr loudly when a fuss is made of me.
The claws are a different shape and reddish on the underside and the rostrum is rather longer than on the European Lobster.
They are skilled hunters and their teeth and retractile claws are well designed for capturing and killing their prey.
Not in his public life, not until those revolting people in Downing Street got their claws into him.
The grinning girl two meters away snarled and unsheathed claws the size of boulders, crashing through the undergrowth to find the robot.
Lobsters are frequently kept alive in tanks with rubber-banded claws.
True clips feature actual claws that hook to your frames.
Cats scratch as a way to exercise their back and shoulder muscles and shed the old sheathes from their claws.
Of course, cats have a nice coat of fur, so claws and teeth make little impression.
You will need to extend the claws when you trim nails, so train your kitten to accept this procedure when he's young.
If his claws are needle-sharp (and kittens' claws often are), you can snip just the pointy tip off.
Plastic balls are always good, but make sure they're strong enough to resist sharp claws.
These smart and simple scratching pads take the pressure off your furniture and supply your feline with a great place to hone her claws.
The Cat Claws Scratching Pad is a unique texture in your home and is loaded with organic catnip to attract your cat's attention.
Cats need to scratch in order to condition their claws and muscles.
All cats love a special place to relax in, take naps and scratch their claws.
Manufacturers often use carpet, and this works great at first, but after time your cat's claws cut through the fabric loops.
The vertical posts of the unit are wrapped with the sisal rope to give cats a material that offers resistance when they dig their claws into it.
Your cat needs something to scratch his claws on to help keep them in prime condition, and he especially likes to claw while exercising and marking his territory.
They can appear to quietly enjoy your stroking one minute, then bury their teeth and claws in you the next.
When they are fighting, her ears are back, her eyes are wide, her fur is on end and her claws are out.
How do we train her to keep her claws in when we play or snuggle?
If any of the cats are outside waiting to come in, you don't want the dog to lunge at them and chance getting swatted with a paw full of claws or bitten on the nose.
Siamese cats love to play, but when they want to stop playing they generally give a warning swipe with sheathed claws.
By-products - means anything from beaks and claws to hair and feathers.
Sisal is a durable material that can withstand cat claws whether your cat likes to climb or use it as a scratching post.
This is the way that cats in the wild mark territory as well as groom their claws.
Cat claws can easily penetrate a pillowcase, so you won't have much time to transfer kitty to the travel cage.
You will want to balance the cost of your materials with products that are durable, especially if your cat still has her front claws.
As an added precaution, make sure that no nail heads are visible to prevent your cat's claws from getting stuck under them.
A cat's paws, leading down to the claws, consist of three bones and joints.
The claws protrude from the last bone and so the declawing procedure actually removes this bone.
Even when things don't work out the way you envisioned, such as a puppy that tears up the newspaper or a kitten that claws the couch, remember to take photos.
The 40 year old actor can sing, he can dance and he can play the role of a mutant wolverine with retractable claws, canine teeth and body hair and still look fantastic doing it.
Tourists now visit both churches, and the church in Blythburgh still bears burn marks on the door, from the devil dog's claws.
Nail trimmers that resemble tiny hedge clippers allow groomers the best angles for trimming nails, especially dew claws.
They are very large, bright rose with the claws or bases of the petals white.
These "arm-blades" are retractable in much the same fashion as Wolverine's claws.
Their claws are adapted for clinging to hair or clothing.
In Africa head lice have adapted their claws to the curly, elliptical hair shafts of blacks.
It is distinctive with two large claws and is most often sold, cooked, and served whole or if served cut in half it is served with one claw.
The rock lobster, also known as spiny lobsters or langoustes, do not have claws.
The difference between the two, other than the claws, is that the meat of the rock lobster is drier, coarser, and has less flavor but this does not mean that it is not enjoyable.
Attaching themselves to the hair shaft and scalp with tiny claws, head lice may go undetected until uncontrollable itching and scratching begins.
Attaching themselves to the human scalp with tiny claws, head lice feed off the blood of their human host and cause itching, scalp irritation, and chronic head lice conditions if they aren't treated promptly and properly.
The first legendary Anika bikini had a big lobster silk-screened right on the front of the bottoms with big claws coming out on both sides.
It's a towel wrap with a hood and sleeves that, once on, turns your little boy into a green and scary dinosaur, complete with orange claws and spikes down the back.
After all, crabs have claws for a reason.
He ran over to the Troop Leader and, sobbing uncontrollably, described how the bear wanted the peanut butter chocolate so bad that he'd torn the jeans right off of Jake's legs with two swipes of his razor sharp claws.
Relying on the power of their large, bat like wings and grasping claws, these dragons were meant to instill fear in those who viewed them.
An Aries star sign may choose a pixie who possess some of the ram tendencies, such as a pair of cute horns atop her little head, while a Cancer sign may find herself under the sea with a pair of crab claws.
Maine lobster tails are also tasty when grilled, though they don't contain as much meat as the crustacean's large front claws.
Remove the gills and intestinal vein, and use a mallet to crack the claws.
Oasis demonstrated that same desire to abandon the industrial claws of Manchester and explore their potential, whilst clinging intensely to their northern identities.
At the Disco each redo "This is Halloween" and She Wants Revenge takes on "Kidnap the Sandy Claws".
A large and physically powerful but gentle-natured man with the face (and the claws!) of a lion, he lives in seclusion in the tunnels below the city's subway system.
In this version, vampires are graveyard horrors, corpse-like, with long claws and often bat-like ears.
Audiences cheered as Godzilla and Ebirah struggled in the water and Godzilla ripped Ebirah's claws off.
The defeated lobster giant disappeared into the sea as Godzilla holds one of the claws in his arms.
The menu is simple and to the point and serves up easily recognizable items like gumbo, oyster stew, crab claws and fried calamari.
Begin your evening with a sampler platter appetizer, which includes "phyllo beggar's purses stuffed with duck confit," trout ravioli, spiced shrimp and garlic crab claws.
Have your oysters raw, boiled, chargrilled or fried, along with shrimp, crab claws, catfish and crawfish.
Fore feet with five sub-equal toes, with compressed, slightly curved pointed claws.
Fore feet with the functional toes reduced to two, the second and third, of equal length, with closely united metacarpals and short, sharp, slightly curved, compressed claws.
Fore-feet with the two inner toes slightly separated from and opposable to the remaining three, all with strong curved and much compressed claws.
The feet are five-toed, and the third and fourth toes of the front pair armed with enormous claws adapted for digging.
Their hinder limbs are shorter than in the true kangaroos, and their fore limbs are longer and more robust, and have very strong curved and pointed claws.
The Vespidae or social wasps have " queens " and " workers " like the ants, but both these forms of female are winged; the claws on their feet are simple.
In the fore feet the three inner toes have large claws, while the two outer ones are rudimentary and clawless; in the hind-limbs the first toe is wanting, as in Megatherium, but the second and third are clawed.
The food is varied but chiefly vegetable, whilst parrots are alone amongst birds in holding the food in the claws.
The " postabdomen," marked off by the two postabdominal setae, usually has teeth or spines, and ends in two denticulate or ciliate claws, or it may be rudimentary, as in Polyphemus.
Aeluronyx of Madagascar and Seychelles has cat-like retractile claws.
It often feeds on fresh-water turtles; sometimes following the reptiles into the water to effect a capture, it inserts a paw between the shells and drags out the body of the turtle by means of its sharp claws.
All these "rodentmoles" are thoroughly adapted to a subterranean life, the eyes and ears being small and rudimentary, as is also the tail; while the bodily form is cylindrical, and the front claws are very large and powerful.
Here also may be noticed the huge Philippine long-haired rats of the genus Phlaeomys, characterized by their broad incisors, transversely laminated molars and large claws.
The members of both Coelogenys and Dasyprocta are terrestrial in their habits, and have the foreand hind-limbs subequal, hoof-like claws,.
When provoked it erects the body, and, raising the foot to the breast, strikes downwards with considerable force and rapidity, thus using its sharp and powerful claws as weapons of defence..
The feet are small, each with five claws, those of the fore feet strongest, and fitted for scratching and digging.
When wounded it requires to be approached with caution, as it will then attack either man or dog with its long sharp bill and its acute claws.
The claws are large, strongly compressed, sharp, and exhibit the retractile condition in the highest degree, being drawn backwards and upwards into a sheath by the action of an elastic ligament so long as the foot is in a state of repose, but exerted by muscular action when the animal strikes its prey.
There are five fingers and four toes, provided with claws, excepting the outer digits.
In form these animals are somewhat pig-like; the body is stout, with arched back; the limbs are short and stout, armed with strong, blunt claws; the ears disproportionately long; and the tail very thick at the base and tapering gradually.
The strong claws make a hole in the side of the ant-hill, and the insects are collected on the extensile tongue.
Its limbs are long, its hair rough, and its claws blunt and only partially retractile.
Cats are naturally drawn to the rough texture of this material and find dragging their claws across it irresistible.