Clauses Sentence Examples
His rights were secured by special clauses in Magna Carta.
The Light Railways Act and the Locomotives on Highways Act were added to the statute book in 1896, and various clauses in the Finance Act effected reforms in respect of the death duties, the land-tax, farmers' income-tax and the beer duty.
The two next clauses are obscure.
It was at first rejected at the polls, but was finally ratified in November 1869 without the disfranchising clauses.
It is useless to suppose that this destructive criticism from within can be neutralized by generously sprinkling the pages of the classical writers with interpretation clauses.
The two parts are distinguished by difference of style; the Hebrew principle of parallelism of clauses is employed far more in the first than in the second, which has a number of plain prose passages, and is also rich in uncommon compound terms. In view of these differences there is ground for holding that the second part is a separate production which has been united with the first by an editor, an historical haggadic sketch, a midrash, full of imaginative additions to the Biblical narrative, and enlivened by many striking ethical reflections.
This concession, given under strong pressure from Russia, aroused the deepest resentment of the Greeks, and was the principal factor in the awakening of the Bulgarian national spirit which subsequent events have done so much to develop. Russian influence at Constantinople had been gradually increasing, and towards the end of 1870 the tsar took advantage of the temporary disabling of France to declare himself no longer bound by those clauses of the Treaty of Paris which restricted Russia's liberty of possessing warships on the Black Sea.
Police regulations are very much to the fore and occupy no less than 72 clauses of the royal legislation.
As to church matters, the most prolific group is formed by general precepts based on religious and moral considerations, roughly 115, while secular privileges conferred on the Church hold about 62, and questions of organization some 20 clauses.
In the arrangements of the commonwealth the clauses treating of royal privileges are more or less evenly distributed over all reigns, but the systematic development of police functions, especially in regard to responsibility for crimes, the catching of thieves, the suppression of lawlessness, is mainly the object of 10th and 11th century legislation.
AdvertisementFor the former is frequently unintelligible without the latter, since it offers no translation of those words, or clauses, for which it gave the same rendering as Onkelos.
There is a reference to the Quicumque in the first canon of the fourth council of Toledo of the year 633, which quotes part or the whole of clauses 4, 20-22, 28 f., 3 1, 33, 35 1., 40.
The controversy on its use in modern times has turned mainly on the interpretation of the warning clauses.
In many trust-deeds of this date (which did not contain doctrinal clauses), and for long after, the phrase " Presbyterian or Independent " occurs.
In the new constitution clauses were inserted abolishing feudal tenures and limiting future leases of agricultural land to a period of twelve years.
AdvertisementIn practice the legislature has interpreted these exceptions so freely that nearly all important laws are passed with emergency clauses.
Soothsaying was no modern importation in Arabia; its characteristic form - a monotonous croon of short rhyming clauses - is the same as was practised by the Hebrew " wizards who peeped and muttered " in the days of Isaiah, and that this form was native in Arabia is clear from its having a technical name (saj`), which in Hebrew survives only in derivative words with modified sense.'
But this statement is wrong, for at least five phrases or clauses in the Greek Legend are derived from the sections in question.
Caesar made no far-reaching modifications in the government of the city, such as were afterwards carried out by Augustus, and the presence in the Lex Julia Municipalis of the clauses referred to is an example of the common process of "tacking" (legislation per saturam, as it was called by the Romans).
The question of missions is reserved, and the relaxations granted to the Society in such matters as fasting, reciting the hours and reading heretical books, are withdrawn; while the breve ends with clauses carefully drawn to bar any legal exceptions that might be taken against its full validity and obligation.
AdvertisementThis rule, however, is, in modern acts, often modified by special clauses.
Promoters are not allowed without the consent of the owner to enter upon lands which are the subject of proceedings under the Lands Clauses Acts, except for the purpose of making a survey, unless they have executed a statutory bond and made a deposit, at the Law Courts Branch of the Bank of England, as security for the performance of the conditions of the bond.
There is a Scots enactment similar in character (Lands Clauses [Scotland] Act 1845).
The clauses relating to the fisheries and the San Juan boundary were reserved for the approval of the Canadian parliament, which, in spite of much violent opposition, ratified them by a large majority.
Its clauses dealing with the fisheries and trade lasted for fourteen years, and were then abrogated by the action of the United States.
AdvertisementThe case attracted much attention; and it is often erroneously said that the court upheld the disfranchising clauses of the Alabama constitution.
All foreigners, of whatever nationality, are justiciable only before their own consular authorities by virtue of the extra-territorial clauses of their treaties with China.
After the 1st of January 1915 no one may qualify as a voter under the first or second of these clauses (the " grandfather " and " understanding " clauses); but those who shall have registered under their requirements before the 1st of January 1915 thus become voters for life.
A two-thirds majority was necessary for conviction; and the votes being 35 to 19 (7 Republicans and 12 Democrats voting in his favour on the crucial clauses) he was acquitted.
When the schism of 1130 broke out he endeavoured to procure the cancellation of the clauses of the Concordat of Worms and to recover lay investiture by way of compensation for the support he had given to Innocent II., one of the competing popes.
The egregious blunder in the May Laws was the punitive clauses directed against the inferior clergy.
The recognition of the independence of the United Provinces by the treaty of Minster in 1648 carried with it the death-blow to Antwerp's prosperity as a place of trade, for one of its clauses stipulated that the Scheldt should be closed to navigation.
When the first Home Rule bill was introduced he demurred privately to its financial clauses, and their withdrawal was largely due to his threat of resignation.
This statute was written in Norman-French, and nineteen of its clauses are merely repetitions of some ordinances which had been drawn up at Kilkenny fifteen years earlier.
The statute also contained clauses for compelling the English settlers to keep the laws.
Between the years 739 and 748 the Bavarian law was committed to writing and supplementary clauses were afterwards added, all of which bear evident traces of Frankish influence.
In the City of London there were customary tithes; in other towns and places there were compositions for tithes which were confirmed by local acts of parliament; and according to a return presented to the House of Commons in 1831, there were passed between 1757 and 1830 no less than 2000 local acts containing clauses for the commutation of tithes.
The principal coflsWu clauses of the constitution then began to be discussed.
In the constitution of the empire he had introduced several clauses dealing with it.
In order to carry out these clauses a law was passed on the 27th of June 1873 creating an imperial railway office (Rcichsciscnbahnanzt) for the purpose of exercising a general control over the railways.
The discussion of this measure occupied most of the session of 1895; the bill was amended by the Centre so as to make it even more strongly a measure for the defence of religion; and clauses were introduced to defend public morality, by forbidding the public exhibition of pictures or statues, or the sale of writings, which, without being actually obscene, might rudely offend the feeling of modesty.
Most of the rhetorical "figures" are sparingly used-except such as consist in the parallelism or opposition of clauses.
A series of fundamental laws were carried, which formally established parliamentary government, with responsibility of ministers, and complete control over the budget, and there were included a number of clauses guaranteeing personal rights and liberties in the way common to all modern constitutions.
After unsuccessful attempts by the Upper House to introduce plural voting, the bill became law in January 1907, the peers insisting only upon the establishment of a fixed maximum number or numerus clauses, of non-heredi- Genera!
The discussions of the next few years served to make clearer than before the practical workings of the constitution of the United States as a shield and support of slavery; and Garrison, after a long and painful reflection, came to the conclusion that its pro-slavery clauses were immoral, and that it was therefore wrong to take an oath for its support.
One class of Abolitionists sought to evade the difficulty by strained interpretations of the clauses referred to, while others, admitting that they were immoral, felt themselves obliged, notwithstanding, to support the constitution in order to avoid what they thought would be still greater evils.
When in 1861 the Southern states seceded from the Union and took up arms against it, he saw clearly that slavery would perish in the struggle, that the constitution would be purged of its pro-slavery clauses, and that the Union henceforth would rest upon the sure foundations of libert y, justice and equality to all men.
Mehemet Au, lissatisfied with the treaty concluded with the Wahhabis, and vith the non-fulfilment of certain of its clauses, determined to end another army to Arabia, and to include in it the soldiers who had recently proved unruly.
The last of these clauses was the one oftenest invoked by Federal legal officers.
And so the promise attached to the fifth commandment was probably not on the tables, and the tenth commandment may have simply been, "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house," which includes all that is expressed in the following clauses.
After this the aria "Et in spiritum sanctum," in which the next dogmatic clauses are enshrined like relics in a casket, furnishes a beautiful decorative design on which the listener can repose his mind; and then comes the voluminous ecclesiastical fugue, Confiteor unum baptisma, leading, as through the door and world-wide spaces of the Catholic Church, to that veil which is not all darkness to the eye of faith.
More than one-half of the clauses in the treaty related to commerce, and although they contained rather small concessions to the United States, they were about as much as could reasonably have been expected in the circumstances.
The operation of the other commercial clauses was limited to twelve years.
The next critical phase was opened in 1871, when Russia took advantage of the collapse of France to denounce the Black Sea clauses of the treaty of 1856.
The international concert defined in the treaty of Berlin had been rudely shaken, if not destroyed; the denunciation by Austria, without consulting her co-signatories, of the clauses of the treaty affecting herself seemed to invalidate all the rest; and in the absence of the restraining force of a united concert of the great powers, free play seemed likely once more to be given to the rival ambitions of the Balkan nationalities, the situation being complicated by the necessity for the dominant party in the renovated Turkish state to maintain its prestige.
It must be remarked that it is not always possible to assign a treaty wholly to one or other of the above classes, since many treaties contain in combination clauses referable to several of them.
It has been put forward by Russia in justification of her repudiation of the clauses of the Treaty of Paris neutralizing the Black Sea, and of her engagements as to Batoum contained in the Treaty of Berlin.
Sir Edward Hertslet also commenced in 1875 a series of volumes containing Treaties and Tariffs regulating the Trade between Britain and Foreign Nations, and Extracts of Treaties between Foreign Powers, containing the Most Favoured Nation Clauses applicable to Great Britain.
But, though in 1680 he published his Unreasonableness of Separation, his willingness to serve on the ecclesiastical commission of 1689, and the interpretation he then proposed of the damnatory clauses of the Athanasian creed, are proof that to the end he leaned towards toleration.
The policy commonly contains clauses which recognize such an obligation, e.g.
By "popery " must here be understood the belief that spiritual doctrines always lend themselves to a precise embodiment in black and white, and can thereafter be dealt with like so many clauses of an act of parliament.
The Northern Abolitionists, to whom no contract or agreement was sacred that involved the continuance of slavery, regarded the clauses in the Federal Constitution which maintained the property rights of the slave-owners as treaties with evil, binding on no one, and bitterly attacked the slave-holders and the South generally.
And it is this law, with its clauses, that I mean when.
In relative clauses the verb is sometimes made to agree; but in the oldest poetry we generally find the singular verb, as in the oft-repeated Gododin phrase Grvyr a aeth Gatraeth, " men who went (to) Catraeth " (not Gwyr a aethant).
At Runnymede he appeared as a commissioner on the king's side, and his influence must therefore be sought in those clauses of the Charter which differ from the original petitions of the barons.
Verse 19 is metrically redundant, and the last clauses do not agree with what follows.
The new coronation oath contained three revolutionary clauses.
All through 1771 the estates were wrangling over the clauses of the coronation oath.
Other clauses dealt with the rights of the Laplanders to graze their reindeer alternatively in either country, - and with the question of transport of goods across the frontier by rail or other means of communication, so that the traffic should not be hampered by any import or export prohibitions or otherwise.
An increase of sententious imperative clauses is also to be noted.
As Mommsen remarks, the clauses of the sentences are often arranged on the thread of the relative pronoun like thrushes on a string.
Having failed to fulfil her part, she now claimed the territory about Uskub, Kumanovo, and Shtip in virtue of other clauses of that treaty.
Jennings immediately called the first assembly, and this body passed a number of fundamental laws which provided for a governor and council, but were in other respects much like the clauses relating to government in " the Concessions and Agreements."
The duties of a coroner are limited to the holding of inquiries into cases of death from causes suspected to be other than natural, and to a few miscellaneous duties of comparatively rare occurrence, such as the holding of inquiries relating to treasure trove, and acting instead of the sheriff on inquiries under the Lands Clauses Act, &c., when that officer is interested and thereby disabled from holding such inquiries.
For the purpose of enabling them to supply water, most of the provisions of the Waterworks Clauses Acts are incorporated with the Public Health Act, and are made available for the district council.
The provisions of the Cemeteries Clauses Act 1847 apply to a cemetery thus provided.
Among the miscellaneous powers of an urban council with respect to streets may be mentioned the power to widen or improve, and certain powers incorporated from the Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847, with respect to naming streets, numbering houses, improving the line of streets, removing obstructions, providing protection in respect of ruinous or dangerous buildings, and requiring precautions to be taken during the construction and repair of sewers, streets and houses.
For purposes of markets certain provisions of the Markets and Fairs Clauses Act 1847 are incorporated with the Public Health Act.
Certain police regulations contained in the Town Police Clauses Act 1847 are by virtue of the Public Health Act 1875 in force in all urban districts.
Powers of compulsory purchase of lands are also given under the Lands Clauses Acts, but before these can be put in operation certain conditions must be observed.
These licences are now rarely applied for or granted, and the provisions which were formerly contained in the provisional orders have now been consolidated by the Electric Lighting Clauses Act 1899, the effect of which will be to make provisional orders uniform for the future.
Thesiger, consul at Boma, who in a memorandum on the application of the labour tax, after detailing various abuses, added," The system which gave rise to these abuses still continues unchanged, and so long as it is unaltered the condition of the natives must remain one of veiled slavery."Eight days later (on the 5th of March) an additional act was signed in Brussels annulling the clauses in the treaty of cession concerning the Fondation, which was to cease to exist on the day Belgium assumed the sovereignty of the Congo and its property to be absorbed in the state domains.
In 1905 the labour clauses of this act, which had fallen into desuetude, were repealed.
The clauses had, however, achieved success, in that they had caused many thousands of natives to fulfil the conditions requisite to claim exemption.
In May 1918 he told the House of Commons that the French Government had denounced all commercial conventions containing " mostfavourable-nation " clauses; and that, in view of the probable scarcity of raw material after the war, the British Government would take a similar course.
On the introduction of the Waterworks Clauses Act 1847, an impetus was given to high-pressure supplies, and the same systems of distributing mains were frequently employed for the purpose; but with few exceptions the water continued to be supplied intermittently, and cisterns or tanks were necessary to store it for use during the periods of intermission.
The Great Charter of King John contains clauses relating to the forest laws, but no separate charter of the forest.
It is a long document of 63 clauses, in whi4 Archbishop Langton and a committee of the barons had en.deavoured to recapitulate all their grievances, and to obtain redress for them.
Some of the clauses are unimportant concessions to individuals, or deal with matters of trifling importancesuch as the celebrated weirs or kiddies on Thames and Medway, or the expulsion of the condottieri chiefs Gerard dAthies and Engeihart de Cigogn.
The clauses dealing with the general governance of the realm are also as enlightened as could be expected from the character of the committee which drafted the charter.
There is less qualified praise to be bestowed on the clauses of Magna Carta which deal with justice.
The special clauses for the benefit of the city of London were undoubtedly, inserted as a tribute of gratitude on the part of the barons for the readiness which the citizens had shown in adhering to their cause.
But these clauses are less numerous than might have been expectedthe framers of the document were, after all, barons and not burghers.
Less than a month later he quitted England; the victorious royalists celebrated his departure by a second reissue of the Great Charter, which contained some new clauses favorable to the baronial interest.
As an inducement, the Solemn League and Covenant was signed by all Parliamentarian Englishmen, the terms of which were interpreted by the Scots to bind England to submit to Presbyterianism, though the most important clauses had been purposely left vague, so as to afford a loophole of escape.
The educational clauses of this bill were obviously framed in the interests of the Church of England, snd raised a heated controversy which led to the abandonment of the measure; and in the following year Sir James Graham introduced a new bill dealing with the labor question alone.
Now, by virtue of extra-territorial clauses in the various treaties, all foreigners, subjects of any treaty power, are exempted from the jurisdiction of the Chinese authorities, and made justiciable only before their own officials.
The clauses have several times been the subject of judicial decision in the Supreme Court.
There were several exceptions and qualifying clauses, but most of them have been swept away by later acts.
The League, however, could not prevent the farmers from using the fair-rent clauses.
Margaret revolted at the clauses which insisted that each country should retain exclusive possession of its own laws and customs, and be administered by its own dignitaries, as tending in her opinion to prevent the complete amalgamation of Scandinavia.
Between D and P there are no verbal parallels; but in the historical resumes JE is followed closely, whole clauses and even verses being copied practically verbatim.
In 1890 the Conservative cabinet of Seor Canovas raised the duties on agricultural products, in 1891 it denounced all the treaties of commerce that included most-favored-nation treatment clauses, and in 1892 a new tariff law established considerably higher duties than those of I 882in fact, duties ranging from 40% to 300%.
Then, in 1891, they denounced all the treaties of commerce which contained clauses stipulating mostfavoured-nation treatment, and they prepared and put in force in February 1892 a protectionist tariff which completely reversed the moderate free-trade policy which had been so beneficial to the foreign commerce of Spain from 1868 to 1892.
It was now that Seor Maura brought in his Local Administration Bill, a measure containing 429 clauses, the main features of which were that it largely increased the responsibility of the local elected bodies, made it compulsory for every elector to vote, and did away with official interference at.
Special clauses were inserted in the charters of the British East Africa and South Africa Companies enabling the government to forfeit their charters if they did not promote the objects alleged as reasons for demanding a charter.
The Covenant also lays down penalty clauses if its terms are not rigidly adhered to.
Adverbials may be adverbials may be adverbial phrases or single adverbs, and adverbial clauses.
Contracts often include arbitration clauses nominating an arbitrator in advance.
Drafting and Understanding Boilerplate clauses takes an in-depth look at the practical and effective use of boilerplate clauses takes an in-depth look at the practical and effective use of boilerplate clauses in your commercial contract.
This is built into the Bill's structure and emphasized in the important new controls on gagging clauses.
An ingrossed Bill for repealing certain clauses in an Act for prohibiting French Commodities, was read a Third time.
Types of clauses 63.3 The wording of the clause in a contract will vary considerably.
Focus on vocabulary choices, using a thesaurus, and building up detail and description through the choice of subordinate clauses.
So don't let others rip you off with hidden charges and get-out clauses - deal with the best and select Warranty Direct.
Employers will also be barred from including waiver clauses in temporary contracts, which have the effect of removing rights to claim unfair dismissal.
These clauses will entirely undermine confidence in electronic communications.
In matrix conjunct clauses the conjunct clauses the conjunction is included within the IP and is thus accessible in any case.
The writer makes the reader wait for this, the relative clauses in commas (analyzed above) creating a crescendo.
On most other systems, they are killed without executing try... finally clauses or executing object destructors.
Landlords failed to enforce repair clauses, causing a general dilapidation.
Clauses 6, 7, 11 and 12 will survive any expiry or termination of these Advertising Terms and Conditions.
It contains several clauses that aim to crack down on the serious threat to UK medical research posed by animal rights extremism.
It also claimed that there were two entirely free-standing break clauses in the years immediately preceding the 32nd and 42nd years.
The employer is currently refusing to discuss clauses in agreements relating to job security, the deputy General Secretary warned.
We can obviously use clauses 12-18 at run-time to veto a suggestion to use the antibiotic gentamicin in plan _ 1256.
There is no gloss, in the introduction, where you explain what the various clauses mean.
Furthermore, the penal clauses of the old Masters and Servants Act rendered the new rights ineffectual.
In October 1999, waiver clauses for unfair dismissal became invalid.
Overall, this study provides an interesting overview of asymmetry in negative declarative main clauses.
One section is a step by step guide through typical clauses found in agreements.
One section is a step by step by step guide through typical clauses found in agreements.
But firms can't hide behind a spider's web of hidden surprises and get-out clauses.
Often generalizations can be very unwieldy, containing many clauses in their conditions.
The company is then free to proceed with the work of construction, and at once becomes subject to various general acts, such as the Companies Clauses Act, which affects all joint-stock companies incorporated by any special act; the Land Clauses Act, which has reference to all companies having powers to acquire land compulsorily; the Railway Clauses Act, which imposes certain conditions on all railways alike (except light railways); the various Regulation of Railways Acts; the Carriers Protection Act; acts for the conveyance of mails, parcels, troops; acts relating to telegraphs, to the conveyance of workmen and to the housing of the labouring classes; and several others which it is unnecessary to specify.
In the same way the doctrines of the classical economists may be adapted by interpretation clauses and qualifications the exact force of which cannot be tested or explained, so that we do not know whether the original proposition is to be considered substantially correct or not.
As he informed Gilbert Sheldon, then warden of All Souls, in a letter, he was fully resolved on two points - that to say that the Fourth Commandment is a law of God appertaining to Christians is false and unlawful, and that the damnatory clauses in the Athanasian Creed are most false, and in a high degree presumptuous and schismatical.
A two-thirds majority was necessary for conviction; and the votes being 35 to 1 9 (7 Republicans and 1 2 Democrats voting in his favour on the crucial clauses) he was acquitted.
He was also a supporter of the movement for abolishing the recitation of the Athanasian Creed in the public services of the Church of England, believing, as he said, that the "presence" of the damnatory clauses, "as they stand and where they stand, is a real peril to the Church and to Christianity itself," and that those clauses "are no essential part" of the creed.
In the end the obnoxious clauses were only withdrawn when the Socialists used the forms of the House to prevent business from being transacted It was the first time that organized obstruction had appeared in the Reichstag, and it was part of the irony of the situation that the representatives of art and learning owed their victory to the Socialists, whom they had so long attacked as the great enemies of modern civilization.
This was only a preliminary skirmish; the main battle opened in the following year, when the king, quite aware that he must for the future look on Thomas as his enemy, brought forward the famous Constitutions of Clarendon, of which the main purport was to assert the jurisdiction of the state over clerical offenders by a rather complicated procedure, while other clauses provided that appeals to Rome must not be made without the kings leave, that suits about land or the presentation to benefices, in which clerics were concerned, should be tried before the royal courts, and that bishops should not quit the realmunless they had obtained permission to do so from the king (see CLARENDON, CONSTITUTIONS OF).
The most surprising part of the Great Charter to modern eyes is its sixty-first paragraph, that which openly statesdoubts as to the kings intention to abide by his promise, and appoints a committee of twenty-five guardians of the charter (twenty-four barons and the mayor of London), who are to coerce their master, by force of arms if necessary, to observe every one of its clauses.
In Pegler v Wang (UK) the contract had clauses purporting to exclude Wang 's liability in various situations.
All these measures work by setting up a set of numerical recursion equations derived from the input clauses to the theorem prover.
Mr Scott stated that the conditions of sale in the file relating to purchase did not contain any restrictive clauses.
The precise wording of resumption clauses needs to be examined carefully.
The practical clauses designed to help capital will be resurrected in some form, or smuggled in via the back door.
Retention of title clauses are not appropriate if your goods are to be processed or incorporated into something else.
He shows this in a series of questions, while the verse becomes disjointed - a series of clauses separated by dashes.
The ' subordinate clauses ' are marked in green.
Take the use of ' sunset clauses ' on business regulations.
But firms ca n't hide behind a spider 's web of hidden surprises and get-out clauses.
The results showed fewer detection errors due to reduced relative clauses with telic verbs, again suggesting less garden pathing.
Intellectual property rights and termination clauses should also be studied closely.
If it is the testator 's wish to be cremated, this may be expressed in the opening clauses.
The first 2 tiebreaker clauses had failed to produce a result.
Under these clauses Only when people are committing or threatening to commit a criminal or tortious act can they be prosecuted.
In addition to the members so elected and also those serving by virtue of clauses 07. and 03.
Before buying a jewelry travel case it is important to check that your insurance does not have any specific clauses relating to traveling with your jewelry.
Assuming that there are no special clauses to consider then you can start shopping for the best jewelry box.
Some builders do offer inspection clauses in their contracts which covers the cost of an inspection, and most of these clauses allow the buyer to select the inspector.
It is legal for the bank to make this demand in most states because mortgages contain "acceleration clauses."
Your employer may also have clauses written into your contract regarding maternity leave benefits, especially if you work at a company that gives new mothers paid leave or other benefits beyond what is required by FMLA.
You can set the value of your ring including costs for sentimental value, heirloom consideration, or "time and trouble" clauses for customized jewelry.
Finally, many rental agreements have clauses that prohibit pets, painting, waterbeds or other alterations in the place that will make it feel like it truly is your home, versus just a place to live for a while.
The current bankruptcy law has a nasty "preference" clauses which allows the customer, once his bankruptcy is filed, to pull back this payment from you anytime during 90 days of his filing.
Because litigation can affect franchise brand identity, most franchise agreements include binding arbitration clauses.
The Protector and the council together were given a life tenure of office, with a large army and a settled revenue sufficient for public needs in time of peace; while the clauses relating to religion "are remarkable as laying down for the first time with authority a principle of toleration," 2 though this toleration did not apply to Roman Catholics and Anglicans.
Early in 1905 there was a fresh agitation among the railway servants, who were dissatisfied with the clauses concerning the personnel in the bill for the purchase of the lines Unrest of.
The act as originally passed contained four other clauses.
The first of these clauses was repealed, and the second seriously modified in 1706.
This and some of the other clauses amount practically to censures on the policy of William III.
In return for Russia's service in preventing the aid of Austria from being given to France, Gorchakov looked to Bismarck for diplomatic support in the Eastern Question, and he received an instalment of the expected support when he successfully denounced the Black Sea clauses of the treaty of Paris.
In return for these services Bismarck helped Russia to recover a portion of what she had lost by the Crimean War, for it was thanks to his connivance and diplomatic support that she was able in 1871 to denounce with impunity the clauses of the treaty of Paris which limited Russian armament in the Black Sea.
We shall best illustrate the character and method of economic reasoning by examples, and for that purpose let us take first of An all a purely historical problem, namely, the effect on of the wage-earners of the wages clauses of the Statute of Apprenticeship (1563).
On the 23rd of February 1906 the government completed a new contract with the Lloyd Brazileiro Company for its coastwise and river service, and included clauses providing for a line to the United States.
In the latter case, the tribunal was to consist of bishops from the neighbouring provinces, assisted - if he so chose - by legates of the Roman bishop. The clauses thus made the bishop of Rome president of a revisionary court; and afterwards Zosimus unsuccessfully attempted to employ these canons of Sardica, as decisions of the council of Nice, against the Africans.
In a temperate and learned speech, based on Fox's declaration against constitution-mongering, he supported both the enfranchising and the disfranchising clauses, and easily disposed of the cries of "corporation robbery," "nabob representation," "opening for young men of talent," &c. The following year (1832) found Campbell solicitor-general, a knight and member for Dudley, which he represented till 1834.
Horne, thereupon, by a bold libel on the Speaker, drew public attention to the case, and though he himself was placed for a time in the custody of the serjeant-at-arms, the clauses which were injurious to the interest of Mr Tooke were eliminated from the bill.
When Bodin found he could not prevent this resolution being carried, he contrived to get inserted in the petition drawn up by the states the clause "without war," which practically rendered nugatory all its other clauses.
It further expressed its inability to believe that the Powers wished to impose " a treaty concluded unknown to it by third parties, and whose clauses have never been communicated to it."
Simultaneously with this " irresponsible " movement for expansion, President Kruger proceeded to London to interview Lord Derby and endeavour to induce him to dispense with the suzerainty, and to withdraw other clauses in the Pretoria Convention on foreign relations and natives, which were objectionable from the Boer point of view.
One of the clauses of the reformed constitution accords belligerent rights to all persons taking up arms against the state authority, provided they can show that their action is the outcome of political motives.
Of the criminal law clauses, as many as 238 are taken up with tariffs of fines, while 80 treat of capital and corporal punishment, outlawry and confiscation, and to' include rules of procedure.
On the private law side 18 clauses, apply to rights of property and possession, 13 to succession and family law, 37 to contracts, including marriage when treated as an act of sale; 18 touch on civil procedure.
Questions of public law and administration are discussed in 217 clauses, while 197 concern the Church in one way or another, apart from purely ecclesiastical collections.
The earliest use of the Quicumque was in sermons, in which the clauses were quoted, as by the council of Toledo without reference to the creed as a whole.
The sense of the damnatory clauses has, however, not been weakened.
Important innovations in the constitution of 1897 are the office of lieutenantgovernor, and the veto power of the governor which may extend to parts and clauses of appropriation bills, but a bill may be passed over his veto by a three-fifths vote of each house of the legislature, and a bill becomes a law if not returned to the legislature withil l ten days after its reception by the governor, unless the session of the legislature shall have expired in the meantime.
The fifteen condemnatory clauses, prefacing the sentence at Geneva, set forth in detail that he was guilty of heresies, blasphemously expressed, against the foundation of the Christian religion.
The subject received little attention in the United Kingdom, owing to the relatively high cost of home-produced alcohol as compared with that of imported petrol; and the use of alcohol in England for generating mechanical power was neither contemplated nor provided for by the Legislature before 1920, when, as the result of the consideration of the position by the Government, following on a report by a Departmental Committee appointed towards the end of 1918, clauses were inserted in the Finance Act of 1920 legalizing the use of alcohol for power purposes.
On the other hand there are clauses therein which make the creation of such a class perfectly feasible if thought expedient.
The statute by which this change was initiated was the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act 1845; and the policy has been continued by a series of later statutes which, together with the act of 1845, are now grouped under the generic title of the Lands Clauses Acts.
Lastly, the promoters of public undertakings of a commercial character, such as railways and harbours, carry on their operations under statutes in which the provisions of the Lands Clauses Acts are incorporated.
Lands may be taken under the Lands Clauses Acts either by agreement or compulsorily.
The Lands Clauses Act 1845 extends to Ireland.
It was largely owing to Consalvi's combined firmness and tact that the Concordat, as ultimately signed, was free from the objectionable clauses on which the First Consul had at first insisted.
The villains, who formed the majority of the population, got very little from it; in fact the only clauses which protect them do so because they are property - the property of their lords - and therefore valuable.
In 1845, however, a statute based on the recommendations of a select committee, appointed in the preceding year, was passed; the object being to diminish the bulk of the special acts, and to introduce uniformity into private bill legislation by classifying the common form clauses, embodying them in general statutes, and facilitating their incorporation into the special statutes by reference.