Classifications Sentence Examples
At present, therefore, classifications of the Hydromedusae have a more or less tentative character, and are liable to revision with increased knowledge of the life-histories of these organisms. Many groups bear at present two names, the one representing the group as defined by polyp-characters, the other as defined by medusa-characters.
Delage and Herouard (Hydrozoa [2]) were the first to make an heroic attempt to unite the two classifications into one, to which Hickson (Hydrozoa [4]) has made some additions and slight modifications.
Existing classifications, however, do not take account of any difference in kind between mountain and hills, although it is common in the German language to speak of Hiigelland, Mittelgebirge and Hochgebirge with a definite significance.
Fossil Birds Much had naturally been expected from the study of fossil birds, but, so far as the making of classifications is concerned, they have proved rather a source of perplexities.
So long as the characters of new fossils are only of specific and generic value, it is mostly possible to assign the birds to their proper place, but when these characters indicate new families or orders, for instance Hesperornithes, Ichthyornithes, Palaelodi, their owners are put outside the more tersely constructed classifications applicable to modern birds.
Our artificially-established classifications collapse whilst we gain further insight into the mutual affinities of the existing groups.
In recent years classifications in part agreeing with the older schemes but largely original, in accord with researches on the comparative anatomy of the insects, have been put forward.
But none of these classifications of expense reaches the root of the matter.
The two authors were in constant communication, and the classifications they adopted had much in common.
The offendicula have sometimes been looked upon as an anticipation of Francis Bacon's Idola, but the two classifications have little in common.
AdvertisementA further differentiation of the provinces of chemistry and physics is shown by the classifications of matter.
Thus not only did Darwin's theory give a new basis to the study of organic 'structure, but, whilst rendering the general theory of organic evolution equally acceptable and Effects of necessary, it explained the existence of low and simple forms of life as survivals of the earliest ancestry of theory more highly complex forms, and revealed the classifications of the systematist as unconscious attempts to construct the genealogical tree or pedigree of plants and animals.
Thus it came about not only that classifications of disease based on superficial likeness - such as jaundice, dropsy, inflammation - were broken up, and their parts redistributed, but also that even more set diseases began to lose their settlements, and were recognized as terms of series, as transitory or culminating phases of perturbations which might be traced to their origins, and in their earlier stages perhaps withstood.
In the Chalcidoidea, Ichneumonoidea and Proctotrypoidea will be found nearly all the " parasitic Hymenoptera " of older classifications.
Both classifications are of universals, concepts or general terms, proper names of course being excluded.
AdvertisementThe characters of softness or hardness, dryness or moisture, &c., are taken account of in these classifications.
The Nuovo Prospetto delle scienze economiche (1815-1817), although long to excess, and overburdened with classifications and tables, contains much valuable material.
His Genera Plantarum, begun in 1778, and finally published in 1789, was an important advance, and formed the basis of all natural classifications.
Placed by most systematists in the family Scolopacidae, the birds commonly called Sandpipers seem to form three sections, which have been often regarded as Subfamilies - Totaninae, Tringinae and Phalaropodinae, the last indeed in some classifications taking the higher rank of a Family - Phalaropodidae.
Restrictions upon the taxing power, and unwise classifications of property for taxation purposes, embodied without good understanding in state constitutions, have been a primary obstacle to the development of sound systems of taxation in the several states.
AdvertisementWe are familiar enough in the West with similar classifications, summed up in such expressions as the Seven Deadly Sins, the Ten Commandments, the Thirty-nine Articles, the Four Cardinal Virtues, the Seven Sacraments and a host of others.
The principal attempts at morphological classifications recently brought forward are those of de Toni and Trevisan (1889), Fischer (1897) and Migula (1897).
Other general classifications of taxes have also been attempted, as, for instance, taxes upon real property, and taxes upon personal property, and so on.
Such classifications are, however, uninstructive, and it has been found practically necessary in financial writing to take the principal taxes by name, or by such a general grouping as that of import or stamp duties, and then describe their nature, characteristics and incidence.
There was also sufficient comprehension of the differences between the main classes of Echinoderms - the sea-urchins or Echinoidea, the starfish or Asteroidea, the brittle-stars and their allies known as Ophiuroidea, the worm-like Holothurians, the feather-stars and sea-lilies called Crinoidea, with their extinct relatives the sac-like Cystidea, the bud-formed Blastoidea, and the flattened Edrioasteroideawhile within the larger of these classes, such as Echinoidea and Crinoidea, fair working classifications had been established.
AdvertisementThe morphologist may propose classifications, and the embryologist may erect genealogical trees, but all schemes which do not agree with the direct evidence of fossils must be abandoned; and it is this evidence, above all, that gained enormously in volume and in value during the last quarter of the 19th century.
In most of the older classifications great importance was attached to these physiological characters, and a number of genera were established which, owing to the numerous annectent forms which have since been discovered, must be abandoned.
Whilst some such classifications may be fairly unequivocal, generating useful schema is an ongoing task.
To this attitude he offered uncompromising opposition, and by the synthetical production of numerous hydrocarbons, natural fats, sugars and other bodies he proved that organic compounds can be formed by ordinary methods of chemical manipulation and obey the same laws as inorganic substances, thus exhibiting the "creative character in virtue of which chemistry actually realizes the abstract conceptions of its theories and classifications - a prerogative so far possessed neither by the natural nor by the historical sciences."
The classifications of Adolf Eduard, Grube and Claparede separated into two subdivisions the aquatic and the terrestrial forms. This scheme, opposed by many, has been reinstated by Sedgwick.
Sharpe (1891), whilst in most of the other numerous classifications the Ratitae (vicariously named Struthiones, Cursores, Brevipennes, Proceres) were treated as of much lower rank.
Putting aside fantastic theories, these observers endeavoured to give in their classifications a strictly objective representation of the facts of animal structure and of the structural relationships of animals to one another capable of demonstration.
In general, all 50 state's licensing requirements set standards for the following basic classifications.
Chances are, you'll want something that falls in between the classifications of casual and formal, and a detailed wedding altar is one way to achieve that perfect ambiance.
In addition to the basic steel and wooden classifications, there are more than a dozen different types of coaster designs.
The two most important systems to become familiar with are the DOC and DOCG classifications.
Each of these classifications are zones where there are legalities regarding the type of grapes used, as well as the quality of the wine.
There are many classifications of headaches, including more than 150 diagnostic headache categories identified by the International Headache Society.
Fracture classifications include simple or compound and incomplete or complete.
They are part of a trio of classifications referred to collectively as sexual orientation.
Mild, moderate, and severe classifications for PEM have not been precisely defined, but patients who lose 10-20 percent of their body weight without trying may have moderate PEM.
Nonetheless, these temperamental classifications became highly influential in child development research.
The koi is an ornamental carp and there are at least 14 different classifications of koi distinguished by their color and markings.
Different classifications exist for the types of hair loss people experience.
Faceted gems are classified as either precious or semi precious gemstones, but what exactly do those classifications mean?
In reality, there are no true differences between precious and semi precious classifications.
A low quality diamond, for example, may be far less valuable than a high quality aquamarine, and their respective prices will not match up to arbitrary classifications.
Whether or not a stone is precious to a specific individual should depend more on preferences, budget, and personal symbolism than on outdated and irrelevant classifications.
With many high quality synthetic and treated gems available in the marketplace, other classifications are relatively meaningless and a stone's certificate should outline all the necessary information to determine how precious it truly is.
Koi fish can be broken down into fourteen classifications separated by color and markings.
However, a yoga instructor and a yoga therapist are not interchangeable classifications.
Costs are also affected by employee job classifications, a rating assigned by each state, based on estimated risk levels for the performance of a particular job.
Classifications can get fuzzy really quick, because there are some overlaps.
However, the free music selection doesn't offer as many genre classifications, so you'll need to search for a specific band or browse the entire "rock/pop" collection.
Below are just a few of these classifications.
Many ships fall under the umbrella of the UFP and Starfleet designation, most notably the Enterprise in all her classifications.
These classifications pave the way for a variety of fae folk depicted in fiction.
Two well known classifications in Scottish folklore are the Seelie Court and the Unseelie Court.
Some of the following classifications while not exactly good, may be considered more mischievous than evil.
Common on the face, neck, under the scrotum, breasts or under skin folds, heat rash and the intensity of the condition can be broken into three types of classifications.