Classics Sentence Examples
In all literary matters the Ottoman Turks have shown themselves a singularly uninventive people, the two great schools, the old and the new, into which we may divide their literature, being closely modelled, the one after the classics of Persia, the other after those of modern Europe, and more especially of France.
He came of a middle-class Yorkshire family of pronounced Liberal and Nonconformist views, and was educated under Dr Edwin Abbott at the City of London school, from which he went as a scholar to Balliol, Oxford; there he had a distinguished career, taking a first-class in classics, winning the Craven scholarship and being elected a fellow of his college.
He was educated at Winchester and University College, Oxford, where he took a first class in classics and a second in mathematics, besides taking a leading part in the Union debates.
At first his favourite subject was classics.
And in the scientific region the great apologetic classics, like Butler, are hopelessly out of date.
With the systematic study of the Latin, and to a slight extent also of the Greek classics, he conjoined that of logic in the prolix system of Crousaz; and he further invigorated his reasoning powers, as well as enlarged his knowledge of metaphysics and jurisprudence, by the perusal of Locke, Grotius and Montesquieu.
The classics, " as low as Tacitus, Pliny the Younger and Juvenal," had been long familiar.
Still following the wise maxim which he had adopted as a student, " multum legere potius quam multa," he reviewed again and again the immortal works of the French and English, the Latin and Italian classics.
The edition in Bohn's British Classics (7 vols., 1853) deserves mention.
He was educated in Rome and Paris, and, after teaching classics for some years in Geneva, held chairs of philosophy in various colleges in France, and subsequently was professor in Strassburg and in Paris.
AdvertisementAshley in his translation (Economic Classics, New York, 1898), but the original MS. has never been found.
Throughout life Carteret not only showed a keen love of the classics, but a taste for, and a knowledge of, modern languages and literatures.
His writings, which include some Latin poems, prove him a man of learning, and he appears to have been acquainted not only with the Latin classics, but also with Greek, and even Hebrew.
It is necessary to dwell at length upon Poggio's devotion to the task of recovering the classics, and upon his disengagement from all but humanistic interests, because these were the most marked feature of his character and career.
Doble; another reprint edited by Mr Edward Almack for the King's Classics (1904); and Edward Almack, Bibliography of the King's Book (1896).
AdvertisementWe must not forget that these boyish demerits belong to the work of a man of thirty-five whose claims and aspirations already purported to dwarf the whole record of the classics.
The crowning complication in the effect of Der fliegende Hollander, Tannhauser and Lohengrin on the musical thought of the 10th century was that the unprecedented fusion of their musical with their dramatic contents revealed some of the meaning of serious music to ears that had been deaf to the classics.
A man of literary taste and culture, familiar with the classics, a facile writer of Latin verses' as well as of Ciceronian prose, he was as anxious that the Roman clergy should unite human science and literature with their theological studies as that the laity should be educated in the principles of religion; and to this end he established in Rome a kind of voluntary school board, with members both lay and clerical; and the rivalry of the schools thus founded ultimately obliged the state to include religious teaching in its curriculum.
They read the Greek Testament and the classics; fasted on Wednesday and Friday; received the Lord's Supper every week; and brought all their life under review.
The autobiographies of these early Methodist preachers are among the classics of the Evangelical Revival.
AdvertisementHe graduated in 1877, with a first class in classics, having won the Hertford, Craven, Eldon and Derby scholarships, and was elected to a fellowship of New College.
He was a distinguished educationist who fought for the retention of the Latin classics in the schools and instituted the celebrated catechetical method of St Sulpice.
Here the son received his education, until in 1595 he entered the university of Leiden, where he became the lifelong friend of Hugo Grotius, and studied classics, Hebrew, church history and theology.
He was educated at Schulpforta, and studied the classics at the universities of Bonn and Leipzig.
Originally intended for the law, he abandoned it for the classics.
AdvertisementIn addition to these there are a number of seminaries for the education of priests, where special attention is given to the classics and belles-lettres.
For the next few months he travelled to regain his health; and in the spring of 1836 returned to his cotton plantation, where for several years he devoted his time largely to reading political philosophy, political economy, public law and the English classics, and by careful management of his estate he acquired considerable wealth.
The serio-comic epic of Peder Paars, the earliest of the great classics of the Danish language, appeared in 1719.
To begin with, we know that till the 13th century the middle age was ignorant of Greek, and possessed no philosophical works in their Greek original(see Classics).
Since then, however, he has been almost up to our own times the most popular and widely read of all medical classics, partly for the qualities already indicated, partly because he was one of the few of those classics accessible to readers of Latin, and partly also because of the purity and classical perfection of his language.
The study of Hippocrates, Galen, and other classics was recommended by Cassiodorus (6th century), and in the original mother-abbey of Monte Cassino medicine was studied; but there was not there what could be called a medical school; nor had this foundation any connexion (as has been supposed) with the famous school of Salerno.
Two of them, on the urine and the pulse respectively, attained the position of medical classics.
The supremacy of Arabian medicine lasted till the revival of learning, when the study of the medical classics in their original language worked another revolution.
Works of this kind became still more abundant in the 14th and in the first half of the 15th century, till the wider distribution of the medical classics in the original put them out of fashion.
Since a knowledge of Greek was still confined to a small body of scholars, and a still smaller proportion of physicians, the first task was to translate the Greek classics into Latin.
Boerhaave attached great importance to the study of the medical classics, but rather treated them historically than quoted them as canonical authorities.
Inthe rectory the boys had the run of an excellent library, and here the young poet based his wide knowledge of the English classics.
The Welsh text, with translation, has been edited by Canon Williams. A fine translation by Dr Sebastian Evans is published in "The Temple Classics," under the title of The High History of the Holy Grail.
If to these we add the Hyaku-ninshu (Hundred Odes by a Hundred Poets) brought together by Teika KyO in the 13th century, we have all the classics of Japanese poetry.
Robinson Crusoe (especially the story part, with the philosophical and religious moralizings largely cut out) is one of the world's classics in fiction.
Bohn's "British Classics" includes the novels (except the third part of Robinson Crusoe), The History of the Devil, The Storm, and a few political pamphlets, also the undoubtedly spurious Mother Ross.
Entering Exeter College, Oxford, he took a second class in classics in 1831.
His works show wide reading in the Latin and Italian classics, but it is almost certain that he had not mastered the Greek language.
Much as he enjoyed the study of the Latin and Italian classics, literature was not his business; nor had he looked on writing as more than an occasional amusement.
The first novel printed in America was Franklin's reprint in 1744 of Pamela; and the first American translation from the classics which was printed in America was a version by James Logan (1674-1751) of Cato's Moral Distichs (173J).
His name soon became prominent in the learned world, and it may safely be said that most of his historical works and his editions of Icelandic classics have never been surpassed for acute criticism and minute painstaking.
After studying at Erlangen and Berlin, he accepted in 1827 an appointment at the Nuremberg gymnasium, and was professor of classics at Erlangen from 1842 till his death on the 21st of April 185 9.
His education was begun at the College des Quatre Nations, where he obtained a smattering of the classics; but, his artistic talent being already obvious, he was soon placed by his guardian in the studio of Francois Boucher.
Two years later he was sent to a school in Basel, where he remained three years, passing thence to the high school at Bern, where his master, Heinrich Wolflin, inspired him with an enthusiasm for the classics.
He then returned to Basel, where he graduated in the university and became a teacher of the classics in the school of St Martin's church.
He read also the older Church Fathers and soon won for himself fame as a student, whilst his skill in the classics led his friends to hail him as "the undoubted Cicero of our age."
Having received his education in classics from the fathers of the oratory of San Filippo Neri, he afterwards entered upon a noviciate at the Franciscan monastery at Lago, at the close of which he was received as a Minorite on the 1 rth of September 1722.
Firstly, it suggests the supernormal level to which the Apostolic consciousness was raised at a bound by the direct influence of the Founder of Christianity, and justifies the marking-off of the Apostolic writings as a Canon, or body of Christian classics of unique religious authority.
However, she welcomed Rousseau kindly, thought it necessary to complete his education, and he was sent to the seminarists of St Lazare to be improved in classics, and also to a music master.
The literature on the subject is considerable, but the two classics are perhaps The Ethics of Diet, by Howard Williams, and The Perfect Way in Diet, by Dr Anna Kingsford.
There he found little religion and less refinement; but no serious difficulty seems to have been made about his reading the classics and the Fathers with his friends to his heart's content.
He did not worship, imitate and reproduce the classics, like the Latin humanists who preceded him; he did not master them and reduce them to a special science, as did the French Hellenists who succeeded him.
The compositions of Dvorak have become classics.
He won a Craven scholarship and graduated as senior classic in 1844, being also senior chancellor's medallist in classics.
His quotations from the classics, Sallust, Lucan and others, show the extent of his reading.
One of the distinguished pupils of Photius, Arethas, bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia (c. 907-932), devoted himself with remarkable energy to collecting and expounding the Greek classics.
The scholars of the Byzantine age cannot be compared with the great Alexandrians, but they served to maintain the continuity of tradition by which the Greek classics selected by the critics of Alexandria were transmitted to modern Europe.
Discussions on set subjects were held, select passages from the classics learned by heart, while written exercises in prose and verse were founded on the best ancient models.
All three were of signal service in devoting their knowledge of Greek to perpetuating and popularizing the Greek classics with the aid of the newlyinvented art of printing.
Scholars have been enabled to realize in their own experience some of the enthusiasm that attended the recovery of lost classics during the Revival of Learning.
Sturm, in making the imitation of the Latin classics the main aim of instruction.
Edward Lyttelton (1897), while a temperate and effective restatement of the case for the classics may be found in Sir Richard Jebb's Romanes Lecture on " Humanism in Education " (1899).
Bossuet, in educating the dauphin, added to the ordinary classical routine represented by the extensive series of the " Delphin Classics " the study of history and of science.
They opened the doors of their schools to the Greek and Latin classics, but they represented the ancient masterpieces dissevered from their original historic environment, as impersonal models of taste, as isolated standards of style.
They have been charged with paying an exaggerated attention to form, and with neglecting the subject-matter of the classics.
In the study of the classics, as in other spheres, it was revolution rather than evolution that was loudly demanded.
The reaction of 1815-1821 in favour of classics was followed by the more liberal programme of Vatimesnil (1829), including, for those who had no taste for a classical education, certain " special courses " (1830), which were the germ of the enseignement special and the enseignement moderne.
Between 1600 and 1775 there was a great gap in the production of new editions of the principal Greek classics.
By the scheme of 1901 the pupils of the Realgymnasium, the Oberrealschule and the Gymnasium were admitted to the university on equal terms in virtue of their leaving-certificates, but Greek and Latin were still required for students of classics or divinity.
It may be added that in all the German Gymnasia, whether reformed or not, more time is given to classics than in the corresponding schools in England.
After a brilliant university career at the university of Brunswick, at Edinburgh and Heidelberg, he returned to Canada and taught in various local schools, eventually becoming professor of classics and history in the local university.
This he effectually did in a little masterpiece of religious biography which remained in MS. in the possession of the Harcourt family until it was edited by Samuel Wilberforce, bishop of Oxford, as the Life of Mrs Godolphin (1847), reprinted in the "King's Classics" (1904).
Hebrew was included, while the Greek and Latin classics were neglected; the Homilies of Macarius took the place of Thucydides.
In 1799 he entered the Society of Jesus, and in 1804 he became a teacher of classics in the college of Naples.
A vacancy among the fellows is filled up by the provost and a select number of the fellows, after examination comprised in five principal courses, mathematics, experimental science, classics, mental and moral science and Hebrew.
The scholars on the foundation (or "of the House") are chosen from among the undergraduates, for merit in classics, mathematics or experimental science.
His reputation as a writer among his own countrymen was early assured, and the 30 poetical and 28 prose works composed by him in Bengali are now regarded as classics.
Tens of thousands of clay tablets, systematically arranged on shelves, contained the classics of the Babylonian literature for which his scribes ransacked and copied the treasures of all then known centres of literary life.
Chief Justice Routhier, A Most Accomplished Occasional Writer, Is Very French Canadian When Arraigning Les Grands Drames Of The Classics (1889) Before His Ecclesiastical Court And Finding Them Guilty Of Paganism.
His devotion to the classics was exceptional even in that time.
The classics had not refined his taste, for he was amused by setting the wandering scholars, who swarmed to his court, to abuse one another in the indescribably filthy Latin scolding matches which were then the fashion.
He was a humanist before the Renaissance, surpassing all other representatives of the school of Chartres in his knowledge of the Latin classics, as in the purity of his style, which was evidently moulded on that of Cicero.
It is especially rich in the ancient classics, and in works bearing on literary history and the history of Germany, Poland and France.
English classics; and his attention was especially turned to the formation of sentences and to the rhythm of prose.
Though he never became either a scholar or a mathematician, he did enough accurate work to be placed in the honorary fourth class both in classics and in mathematics.
By the time he was admitted a member of the Faculty of Advocates (1834) he had acquired a strong love of the classics and a taste.
From the first his professorial lectures were conspicuous for the unconventional enthusiasm with which he endeavoured to revivify the study of the classics; and his growing reputation, added to the attention excited by a translation of Aeschylus which he published in 1850, led to his appointment in 1852 to the professorship of Greek at Edinburgh University, in succession to George Dunbar, a post which he continued to hold for thirty years.
He was educated at the university of Glasgow, where he graduated first in classics, logic and philosophy.
He was professor of classics in Trinity College, Toronto, from 1859 to 1862, when he became rector of the high school at Quebec. In 1867 he returned to Oxford, and was made vice-principal of St Mary Hall, a post which he held until 1885.
His Tibetan-English Dictionary, and pioneer Tibetan Grammar, both published in 1834, opened to Europeans the way to acquire a knowledge of the Tibetan language as found in the ancient classics.
He also edited a number of Italian classics.
The exact imitation of the style of the genuine classics was the highest perfection at which he aimed.
The practice of physiognomy is alluded to in many of the Greek classics."
Grotius had already passed from occupation with the classics to studies more immediately connected with his profession.
He had also got his brother William, when reading his classics, to mark down all the passages which touched upon law, public or private.
History, theology, jurisprudence, politics, classics, poetry, - all these fields he cultivated.
His editions and translations of the classics were either juvenile exercises prescribed by Scaliger, or "lusus poetici," the amusement of vacant hours.
Grotius read the classics as a humanist, for the sake of their contents, not as a professional scholar.
Of these works, only three, the Milanese Theocritus and Isocrates and the Florentine Homer, were classics.
Omission has been made of Aldo's reprints, in order that the attention of the reader might be concentrated on his labours in editing Greek classics from MSS.
Other presses were at work in Italy; and, as the classics issued from Florence, Rome or Milan, Aldo took them up, bestowing in each case fresh industry upon the collation of codices and the correction of texts.
Nor was the Aldine press idle in regard to Latin and Italian classics.
In the interregnum between Aldo's death and Paolo's succession (1514-1533) the Asolani continued to issue books, the best of which were Latin classics.
The field of Greek literature having been well-nigh exhausted, he devoted himself principally to the Latin classics.
To prepare correct editions of the classics, and to print them in a splendid style, has always been a costly undertaking.
Besides editions of English classics his works include a Life of Queen Victoria (1902),(1902), Great Englishmen of the Sixteenth Century (1904), based on his Lowell Institute lectures at Boston, Mass., in 1903, and Shakespeare and the Modern Stage (1906).
Mathematics and classics are taught in them and the masters are allowed to take boarders.
Principal Tulloch contributed a useful little monograph to the series of Foreign Classics for English Readers (Edinburgh and London, 1878).
Of these, one forbade ministers of religion from abusing ecclesiastical punishment; the second, which was the most important, introduced a law already adopted in Baden, that no one should be appointed to any office in the Church except a German, who must have received his education in a German gymnasium, have studied for three years in a German university, and have passed a state examination in philosophy, history, German literature and classics; all ecclesiastical seminaries were placed under the control of the state, and all seminaries for boys were forbidden.
He also published a small work, The Christ of the Gospels and the Christ of History, in which the views of Renan on the gospel history were dealt with; a monograph on Pascal for Blackwood's Foreign Classics series; and a little work, Beginning Life, addressed to young men, written at an earlier period.
The Mahommedan conquerors found a considerable part of it taken over, as we saw, by the Syrian Christians, and Greek philosophical and scientific classics were now translated from Syriac into Arabic. These were the starting-points for the Mahommedan schools in these subjects.
He took first-class honours in classics at Aberdeen, subsequently studied at Gottingen (under Ritschl) and at New College, Hampstead, and entered the Congregational ministry.
Flach studied classics and law at Strassburg, and in 1869 took his degree of doctor of law.
At Lafayette he introduced the first carefully scientific study of English in any American college, and in 1870 published A Comparative Grammar of the AngloSaxon Language, in which its Forms are Illustrated by Those of the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Gothic, Old Saxon, Old Friesic, Old Norse and Old High German, and An Anglo-Saxon Reader; he was editor of the "Douglass Series of Christian Greek and Latin Classics," to which he contributed Latin Hymns (1874); he was chairman of the Commission of the State of Pennsylvania on Amended Orthography; and was consulting editor of the Standard Dictionary, and in 1879-1882 was director of the American readers for the Philological Society's (New Oxford) Dictionary.
He took diaconal orders in 1791, but almost immediately became professor of classics at Breslau.
But he had probably already been to Cambridge, where he studied at Trinity Hall and greatly distinguished himself in the classics, especially in Greek.
The tablet itself was in October 1907 removed by Chinese officials into the city proper, and placed in the Pei Lin or "forest of tablets," a museum in which are collected tablets of the Han, Tang, Sung, Yuen and Ming dynasties, some of which bear historical legends, notably a set of stone tablets having the thirteen classics inscribed upon them, while others are symbolical or pictorial; among these last is a full-sized likeness of Confucius.
As a young man he was drawn into the Romantic movement then at its height; but both the classics and contemporary classical poetry took hold upon his receptive mind (he visited Goethe in 1827).
The various ways in which this special style could be modified by the scale of the work, and contrasted with the broader and more elaborate parts, gave the Mass (even in its merely technical aspects) a range which made it to the 16th-century composer what the symphony is to the great instrumental classics.
His studies included all the wide range of subjects, classics, science and philosophy, which constituted the curriculum of the Renaissance savants.
Though phrases and even sentences from many classical authors are inwoven here and there, the narrative flows easily, with no trace of the jolts and jerks which offend us in almost every line of an imitator of the classics like Sidonius.
He spent all his spare time in the study of classics, history, metaphysics and political economy, and in learning German, French and Italian.
Eventually he became the strongest advocate for open examinations, for the claims not only of philosophy and classics but also of natural science, and, as vice-chancellor in 1862, for the admission of women to examinations.
Nevertheless, Hiaksai, which with Korai and Shinra then constituted Korea, was a centre of literary culture in the 4th century, through which the Chinese classics and the art of writing reached the other two kingdoms.
It is impossible to read the speeches of Vergniaud without being convinced of the solidity of his education, and in particular of the wide range of his knowledge of the classics, and of his acquaintance - familiar and sympathetic - with ancient philosophy and history.
He was educated at Harrow and Christ Church, Oxford, where he obtained a first class in classics in 1822, and graduated M.A.
When we analyse the whole group of phenomena which have to be considered, we perceive that some of the most essential have nothing or little to do with the recovery of the classics.
Goliardic poetry is further curious as showing how the classics even at that early period were a fountain-head of pagan inspiration.
Medieval students possessed a considerable portion of the Latin classics, though Italy Greek had become in the fullest sense of the phrase Revival of a dead language.
In the classics they found the food which was required to nourish the new spirit; and a variety of circumstances, among which must be reckoned the pride of a nation boasting of its descent from the Populus Romanus, rendered them apt to fling aside the obstacles that had impeded the free action of the mind through many centuries.
Petrarch not only set his countrymen upon the right method of studying the Latin classics, but he also divined the importance of recovering a knowledge of Greek literature.
In doing so, we must be careful to remember that the study of the classics did but give a special impulse to pent-up energies which were bound in one way or another to assert their independence.
Yet, while noting this reservation of judgment, it must also be remarked that all three felt themselves under some peculiar obligation to the classics.
They seem to have been conscious that they could not give the desired impulse to modern literature and art without contact with the classics; and, in spite of the splendour of their achievements in Italian, they found no immediate followers upon that path.
It was not merely in what they had acquired and assimilated from the classics that these poets showed the transformation effected in the field of literature by humanism.
The lack of printed books in the first period of the Revival, and the comparative rarity of Greek erudition among students, combined with the intense enthusiasm aroused for the new gospel of the classics, gave special value to the personal teaching of these professors.
His scholars, who were lodged in appropriate buildings, met daily to hear the master read and comment on the classics.
It was Vittorino's care to see that, while their memories were duly stored with words and facts, their judgment should be formed by critical analysis, attention to style, and comparison of the authors of a decadent age with those who were acknowledged classics.
This new spirit in Italy emancipated human intelligence by the classics; in Germany it emancipated the human conscience by the Bible.
It was their professed object to raise French to a level with the classics, and to acclimatize Italian species of verse.
More, Colet, Ascham, Cheke, Camden were men whose familiarity with the classics was both intimate and easy.
It should also be remembered that the best works of Italian literature were introduced into Great Britain together with the classics.
Having distinguished himself in classics at Trinity College, Dublin, Oscar Wilde went to Magdalen College, Oxford, in 1874, and won the Newdigate prize in 1878 with his poem "Ravenna," besides taking a first-class in classical Moderations and in Literae Humaniores.
This famous editio princeps of the Welsh Bible, first and foremost of Welsh classics, was further supplemented under James I.
Polano (in the Chandos Classics); Chenery, Legends from the Midrash; I.
Here also he dipped into divers stores of learning, notably classics under Wolf.
Gudmund Goran Adlerbeth (1751-1818) made translations from the classics and from the Norse, and was the author of a successful tragic opera, Cora och Alonzo (1782).
All, or almost all, the clever young men of the brilliant generation of 1830 passed under his influence; and, while he pleased the Romanticists by his frank appreciation of the beauties of English, German, Italian and Spanish poetry, he had not the least inclination to decry the classics - either the classics proper of Greece and Rome or the so-called classics of France.
Yet as regards the Peninsula, the literatures of Portugal and Castile act and react on one another and if the latter gave much, she also received much, for nearly every Portuguese author of renown from 1450 until the 18th century, except Antonio Ferreira, wrote in Spanish, and some, like Jorge de Montemor and Manoel de Mello, produced masterpieces in that language and are numbered .as Spanish classics.
King Edward (Duarte) collected a precious library composed of the ancient classics, some translated by his order, as well as medieval poems and histories, and he wrote a moral treatise Leal comselheiro, and hints on horsemanship, or Livro da ensinanra de bem cavalgar toda sella.
Nicholas Cleynarts taught the Infant Henry, afterwards cardinal and king, and lectured on the classics at Braga and Evora, Vasaeus directed a school of Latin at Braga, and George Buchanan accompanied other foreign professors to Coimbra when King John III.
That he was, as stated by Archdeacon Thomas Martin, the author of a Life of Wykeham, published in 1597, taught classics, French and geometry by a learned Frenchman on the site of Winchester College, is a guess due to Wykeham's extant letters being in French and to the assumption that he was an architect.
In spite of its title the book, which consists of ten enormous MS. volumes, 1 This work has been translated into English by Count Liitzow for the " Temple Classics."
The modern science of critical editing, however, which applies to medieval texts the principles long recognized in editing the classics, has discovered in the 16th-century manuscript, and still more in the original miscellaneous works of Joinville, the letters, deeds, &c., already alluded to, the materials for what we have already called a conjectural restoration, which is not without its interest, though perhaps it is possible for that interest to be exaggerated.
C. Baur, who infused into their pupils above all a deep love of the ancient classics.
The habit of burlesquing the romans d'aventures was no new one, and the form lent itself easily to the two literary exercises to which he was most disposed - apt and quaint citation from and variation on the classics and satirical criticism of the life he saw around him.
But he was hardly treated as a whole before Sir Walter Besant's book on the subject in the "Foreign Classics for English Readers" (1879), which the author followed up with Readings from Rabelais (1883).
He was much interested, too, in universal algebra, non-Euclidean geometry and elliptic functions, his papers "Preliminary Sketch of Bi-quaternions" (1873) and "On the Canonical Form and Dissection of a Riemann's Surface" (1877) ranking as classics.
During his school days at the grammar schools of Penzance and Truro he showed few signs of a taste for scientific pursuits or indeed of any special zeal for knowledge or of ability beyond a certain skill in making verse translations from the classics and in story-telling.
He graduated in 1826, taking a first class in mathematics and a second in classics.
History became the servant to literature, an adjunct to the classics.
The scientific historian of antiquity works on the hills of Crete, rather than in the quiet of a library with the classics spread out before him.
Applying to the French classics the rigorous method used with regard to the texts of the middle ages, he published the of Pascal, revised with the original manuscript (1887-1889), and the Provinciales (1891), edited with notes.
He collaborated with his father Apollinaris the Elder in reproducing the Old Testament in the form of Homeric and Pindaric poetry, and the New after the fashion of Platonic dialogues, when the emperor Julian had forbidden Christians to teach the classics.
He was an excellent judge of literature, reading most European languages well and being acquainted with their classics.
His editions of Icelandic classics (1858-68), Biskopa Sogur, Bardar Saga, Forn Sbgur (with Mobius), Eyrbyggia Saga and Flateyar-bok (with Unger) opened a new era of Icelandic scholarship, and can only fitly be compared to the Rolls Series editions of chronicles by Dr Stubbs for the interest and value of their prefaces and texts.
About this period he was also engaged in preparation for entrance at Trinity College, Dublin, and had therefore to devote a portion of his time to classics.
This excess of the deductive spirit explains at once both the merits and the defects of his two great works, which will probably remain political classics, though they are less and less likely to be used as practical guides.
Under the title of The High History of the Holy Grail a fine version was published by Dr Sebastian Evans in the Temple Classics (2 vols., 1898).
Among the numerous editions published later may be mentioned that in Bohn's British Classics, published in 1853.
Had this been all, Western theology might have sunk into a purely Chinese devotion to ancient classics.
His Discours sur l'etat des lettres au XIIIe siecle, in the sixteenth volume of the Histoire litteraire de France, is a remarkable contribution to that vast collection, especially as coming from an author so profoundly learned in the ancient classics.
These letters formed the substance of the little volume entitled Thoughts on Education (1693), which still holds its place among classics in that department.
They are classics in the library of English constitutional law and polity.
The term is specially applied to that movement of thought which in western Europe in the 15th century broke through the medieval traditions of scholastic theology and philosophy, and devoted itself to the rediscovery and direct study of the ancient classics.
The plural "humanities" is a generic term for the classics.
The ordinary medieval literature reached Iceland through Norway, and every one began to put it into a vernacular dress, so neglecting their own classics that but for a few collectors like Lawman Hauk they would have perished entirely.
He worked with the village parson in his spare hours at classics and studied music under the organist.
A comprehensive work on Hobbes was never completed, though part of the materials were used for an article in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, and another portion was published as one of Blackwood's "Philosophical Classics."
In 1900 there were also 19 real-gymnasia, teaching science, art and modern languages, as well as classics and mathematics; 1400 elementary schools; and a few special institutions, such as the naval and military academies of Fiume, ecclesiastical seminaries and commercial colleges.
Of these " sacred chapters " we have fragments and hints in Herodotus, Pausanias, in the mythographers, like Apollodorus, in the tragic poets, and in the ancient scholia or notes on the classics.
On being appointed assistant tutor to the Dauphin in 1670, he edited with the assistance of Anne Lefevre, afterwards Madame Dacier, the well-known edition of the Delphin Classics.
This series was a comprehensive edition of the Latin classics in about sixty volumes, and each work was accompanied by a Latin commentary, ordo verborum, and verbal index.
Patrick Gibson, the etcher and landscape-painter, was drawing-master at the academy from 1824 to 1829, and William Tennant, the author of Anster Fair, was a teacher of classics from 1819 till 1834, when he was appointed to the chair of Hebrew in St Andrews University.
He spent considerable sums of money in publishing editions of the Greek classics.
Among the too-numerous writings of Feuillet, the novels have lasted longer than the dramas; of the former three or four seem destined to retain their charm as classics.
His editions of the classics are now, of course, out of date.
His inclination at this time was towards classics, and he was recognized, with his school-fellow, David Ruhnken, as among the most promising classical scholars of the college.
The lectures on classics do not seem to have satisfied him, and, though he attended courses on theology, and even preached on one or two occasions, he appears finally to have given up the intention of entering the Church.
Among educational foundations are Canterbury College (for classics, science, engineering, &c.), Christ's College (mainly theological) and grammar school, and a school of art.
Gustavus was well grounded in the classics, and his linguistic accomplishments were extraordinary.
Cereta, with her passionately literary mind, wrote with a densely allusive style marked by her knowledge of the classics.
Our thanks go to Franks for his use of jazz influences to compliment his excellent lyric content, and King for writing some of the great soul classics.
Made from 100% coconut fiber with anti-slip rubber backing, Shoe Max mats are destined to become design classics... .
Bank Restaurants Group | Home Lively urban brasseries serving fresh, creative food with a modern twist on the classics.
I suspect these people have never tried to read the real Tai chi classics, which give far less.
In this volume, you'll discover the Linking Rings, one of magic's most enduring classics.
Virginia was educated by private tutors and by extensive reading of literary classics in her father's library.
All those 60s 70s 80s classics to get your party going.
The musical style of the band leans heavily on the jazz classics & swing but with many entirely original variations and arrangements.
My husband wants a beige linen suit, the sort that Classics teachers used to wear to watch cricket.
Surely ' Country Classics ' does a better job of venting your spleen than a barrage of tuneless indie dirge.
New York punk through to sonic experimentation & Sixties girl groups to the latest leftfield & underground classics.
The college is grateful to the Classics faculty for its generous financial support.
We combined our favorite Electro-Optical circuit with a damn fast FET based brick-wall limiter reminiscent of some cool classics.
Despite its problematic aspects, however, " Huckleberry Finn " is one of the truly indispensable classics of the American canon.
A lifelong infatuation always open giving classics band with.
Chapter 3 provides a justification for the study of the classics, especially the Greeks.
To celebrate this landmark, Fox have released their Studio Classics onto DVD.
I'm 14 n luv to read, especially classics like Huckleberry finn and I am not a social outcast!
Their Classics & Jazz division only came onboard provided Universal could front the CD with a new artist.
Comments about the book stock Selection is somewhat Populist at the expense of classics.
French ratatouille and Greek moussaka are just two tasteful classics made with aubergine that have global appeal.
Or just revel in re-runs of old eighties classics.
The little labels usually recorded primitive rockabilly out of necessity, and consequently usually cut what are now considered classics in the style.
Thinking Classics Essays on classical subjects; film reviews course on Greek scansion and metrics; commentary on intersections of antiquity and modernity.
The video release was then probably renamed Goodtimes Video Classics, with a purely animated title sequence - but with the original end credits.
Come along for an evening of cockney classics that Chas & Dave are famous for, and enjoy a good singalong!
His mixture of old skool funk classics and US hip hop had a truly soulful groove.
Featuring on-board camera footage from many of the most famous classics being used under racing conditions at Silverstone, accompanied by a stereo soundtrack.
They have also created a cute Nursery range with classics such as ' Twinkle Twinkle little star ' and ' Incy Wincy spider ' .
Diners are being tempted by indulgencies such as chocolate sundae with chocolate sauce and classics such as Banana Split.
Many classics were played, the audience almost swooning as each was introduced.
Lets face it if we didn ' ts face it if we didn ' t have the classics of the 80 ' s where would we be today?
Tai chi classics, which give far less.
At the ducal printing office at Zweibriicken the fine edition of the classics known as the Bipontine Editions was published (1 799 sqq.).
The cause of the new development of Extension Scholasticism in the 13th century was the acquisition for of know- the first time of the complete works of Aristotle (see ledge of Classics and Arabian Philosophy).
The family, of which Andre was the third son, and Marie-Joseph (see below) the fourth, remained in France; and after a few years, during which Andre ran wild with "la tante de Carcasonne," he distinguished himself as a verse-translator from the classics at the College de Navarre (the school in former days of Gerson and Bossuet) in Paris.
Similarly, " the classics" is a synonym for the choicest products of the literature of ancient Greece and Rome.
In the university of Paris, which was originally opposed to this innovation, the statutes of 1598 prescribed the study of Homer, Hesiod, Pindar, Theocritus, Plato, Demosthenes and Isocrates (as well as the principal Latin classics), and required the production of three exercises in Greek or Latin in each week.
In 1872, under the Third Republic, Jules Simon found time for hygiene, geography and modern languages by abolishing Latin verse composition and reducing the number of exercises in Latin prose, while he insisted on the importance of studying the inner meaning of the ancient classics.
He devoted his leisure, not only to mathematical and physical science, but to a course of reading in English literature, his bias towards the antique in sentiment and style being strengthened by a perusal of the older classics, among whom Richard Hooker was his favourite author.
Hatch became scholar of Pembroke College, Oxford, took a second-class in classics in 1857, and won the Ellerton prize in 1858.
After attending the Latin school of his native town, Gotthold was sent in 1741 to the famous school of St Afra at Meissen, where he made such rapid progress, especially in classics and mathematics, that, towards the end of his school, career he was described by the rector as "a steed that needed double fodder."
There is also a special doctorate, the " doctorat d'Universite," awarded on a thesis and an oral examination; and there are diplomas (Diplo nes d'Etudes superieures) awarded on dissertations and examinations on subjects in philosophy, history and geography, classics or modern languages, selected mainly by the candidate and approved by the faculty.
Portugal still lacks a collection equivalent to Rivadeneyra's Biblioteca de autores espanoles, contenting itself with the Parnasso lusitano (6 vols., 1826) and a Corpus illustrium poetarum lusitanorum qui latine scripserunt (1745-1748), and though much has been accomplished to make the classics more available, even yet no correct, not to say critical, texts of many notable writers exist.
Breeze was playing plenty of upfront new material from the raver baby label along woith some updated remixes of a few classics.
A further Caravan recording was released in April 1996, a remake of early classics entitled ' All Over You '.
I have a large repertoire of songs ranging from Latin grooves to swing classics.
Moving from original material to reworking classics such as " Prince Charming " by Adam and The Ants.
Come along for an evening of cockney classics that Chas & Dave are famous for, and enjoy a good singalong !
They have also created a cute Nursery range with classics such as ' Twinkle Twinkle little star ' and ' Incy Wincy spider '.
Hmmm. ' A brief moment of brittle silence was broken by spluttering noises from Mark Turner (of Track and Classics) beside me.
Diners are being tempted by indulgencies such as Chocolate Sundae with chocolate sauce and classics such as Banana Split.
Lets face it if we didn ' t have the classics of the 80 ' s where would we be today?
Louis Hoover comes to St Davids Hall to woo the crowds with his charming versions of Sinatra classics.
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio-Numerous individual Einstein products have won the "Gold Award", including the Lullaby Classics CD, the Melody and Motion activity toy and the Baby Einstein hippo, octopus and dragon bath puppets.
Choose from classics like Goodnight Moon and Pat the Bunny, or add something new to the collection like Marcus Pfister's The Rainbow Fish.
Everything from classics like Tetris to newer licensed content from SpongeBob SquarePants can be found quickly and easily.
Besides the numerous attractions in downtown Chicago, you can stay near the outlet mall and visit places like the Air Classics Museum of Aviation in Sugar Grove, The Morton Arboretum in Lisle, the SciTech Hands on Museum in Aurora and more.
Obviously, no one is suggesting that comic books are on par with literary classics like Black Beauty, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, or Charlotte's Web.
Books for babies range from classics to newer publications.
Some books are classics, while others are creatively designed to promote a love of reading.
Some picture books stand out as instant classics, while others have stood the test of time.
Many of the titles are classics, while others are newer publications that are certain to have an impact for many years to come.
If you are looking for an older child or student who needs to read a classic, visit, where copies of classics like Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer are available.
Some of the classics contain just two or three ingredients mixed together and served with or without ice and garnish.
If you are knowledgeable about which kinds of alcohol are complemented by different mixers, craft some new cocktails on your own or consult online sources for interesting twists on the classics.
Don't forget to throw some Sinatra holiday classics on the stereo.
Will this be destination number one for your teenage kids and their friends on the weekends, or do you hope to host old Hollywood style parties for your own friends, arranging viewings of the classics?
It's perfect for people who love the classics.
The Classics series contains traditional looking wood curtain rods.
Most designer brands, either new or classics, provide potential customers with free samples.
The selection of Ralph Lauren perfumes includes a variety of classics and new releases, along with a small range of discontinued fragrances limitedly available online.
The technique was instantly successful as both Polo for men and Lauren for women became international classics.
As one of their classics, it embodies the strength and spirit of women.
From cult classics to new favorites, certain waterproof formulas are more trusted than others.
If you're an old school sort of male whose tastes are ingrained and who really knows what he likes in a fragrance, you'll probably find one of your favorite classics at a drugstore.
With such a vast array of classics to choose from, it almost seems improbable that there would be anything left to add to the mix.
The Literature Page allows you to browse by category, so you can separate your Greek and Roman classics from more romantic fare.
Free to play arcade games from the 80s are known as the classics.
For those who prefer these old favorites over the latest releases, is one site that provides a good selection of popular arcade classics.
Some of the newer games resemble the classics.
Many avid readers don't realize how easy it is to find their favorite classics online for free.
You can obtain all kinds of knowledge on novels, poetry, non-fiction pieces about writing and biographies as well as download eBooks for various eReaders based on the Harvard Classics & Shelf of Fiction.
The Mojito has rapidly become the quintessential drink of the summer, challenging such classics as gin and tonics, margaritas, mint juleps, daiquiris, and the ever-popular martini.
Male stars seen strutting the denim classics include Brad Pitt and Will Smith.
Everything from classics to historical fiction and fantasy to poetry--we have it right here.
At David's Bridal, you'll find all of the long and lithe classics we've come to love, but now they've been modernized with shortened lengths, backless backs, and straps that slash across the body in the most intriguing of ways.
These classics can range in years from the 1920's through the 1960's.
The key is to not be too literal in your interpretation of holiday classics, but to give a nod to the season.
These classics may have been around for years, but remain popular because they are items most newlyweds need to set up housekeeping.
You'll find several nice plaid shower curtains at Piper Classics.
Classics like Osh Kosh and contemporary favorites such as Baby Gap and The Children's Place are just a few examples of the popularly labeled duds for the ten and under set.
Kelly's Kids offers a special line of girls' party dresses in their Caroline Classics category.
Finally, if your kids must wear school uniforms, Kohl's has a great selection of uniform classics, like skirts, shirts, pants, belts and more.
While some parents might be concerned that modern dresses aren't as pretty as the classics, everyone can rest assured that lovely, quality clothes to suit any child continue to be widely available.
Infant formal dresses are long-standing classics for christenings and baptismal services, but they can also be appropriate for other unique occasions.
When it comes to dresses for Easter, especially for children, the classics tend to be the most popular.
In addition to being tried and true classics, they are also easy to get on and off and comfortable for a baby to wear, allowing a full range of movement.
If your required reading includes books that are widely available, like literary classics, you can also search used bookstores, yard sales and thrift stores.
Among the specific courses offered are options in botany, finite math, calculus, astronomy, geology, classics, and political science.
These courses include programs in accounting, advertising, agriculture, computer science, classics, journalism, zoology, and lots of studies in between.
Country Music features the Opry Country Classics Cruise.
Today Fromm Family Foods offers three lines of food for dogs and cats -- Four Star Nutritionals, Gold Nutritionals and Fromm Family Classics.
The Fromm Family Classics and Four-Star Nutritionals have single-source protein recipes.
We found many tabs for Clapton classics such as After Midnight and Bell Bottom Blues amongst the treasures.
At Active Musician, you can order tab books that feature 1970s classics from singer/songwriters such as Simon and Garfunkel, John Denver and Loggins and Messina.
The site is updated often to be sure that they have the greatest variety of both new and old country classics.
The Great American Country Songbook - 50 country classics are included in this book, from the Boot-Scootin' Boogie to There's a Tear in My Beer.
Bense Bossa Nova - This website provides free lyrics and chords for several Bossa Nova classics including What Kind of Love, Between the Sand and the Sea, Our Silent World, O Talismán, Love Song in Vain, Perto de Horizonte and many more.
Christmas Guitar Tab - This book by Michael Green has a nice explanation section on how to play guitar tabs and contains a dozen Christmas classics tabbed out including Angels We Have Heard on High and Deck the Halls, The First Noel.
The most popular songs on the website are a curious mixture that transcends both genre and time, from folk to metal, from classics to contemporary favorites.
Some songs are classics for guitar beginners.
The shop at your local Girl Scout council headquarters is likely your best source of all for books that include guitar chords for all the scouting classics.
Men will find a variety of suits in a range of colors, from classics like navy and charcoal to pinstriped suits.
It's more of what you pair the classics with that makes them trendy and stylish.
There's something for those who favor the classics, those who embrace trends (yes, really) and those who adore collector's items.
The classics, such as basic jeans, khaki pants, crisp button-down shirts, blazers, polo shirts and sweaters, never go out of style.
Always be sure to keep some classics on hand such as khakis, polos and a crisp white tee.
You can feel comfortable buying more than one since they're not trendy items, but classics.
If you want more choices than black, white or navy, you'll love the wide range of colors and styles that range from on-trend to edgy to core classics for which Lane Bryant is famous.
Of course, the classics always do it right, and there is no name more classic in jeans than Levi's.
For classics, you can rarely beat Ralph Lauren, who offers an autumn turtleneck in lightweight cotton called the Alana.
Another favorite for classics is Talbots.
J Crew is another favorite for classics, although their plus sized collection is very limited.
In a series of vibrant colors and solids, these pieces are absolute classics that favor function over fashion.
Stick with traditional classics, like leotards and tights, or steal the show with some dramatic velvet dancewear.
Berets, bucket hats, and newsboy hats are cool classics that are instant outfit makers and incredibly wearable with not only coats but also other apparel.
At other times, they show movie classics, popular films or foreign films.
As the years passed, the name became synonymous with style and quality, as the brand brought us such fashion classics as the little black dress, the quilted handbag, the Chanel suit, and the famous line of perfumes.
Focusers makes it easy to shop online for your eyeglass frames, including categories such as Face or Head Size (smaller and wider than average frames), Civil War Replicas, Most Popular, Updated Classics, and more.
Guys who really embrace the classics will love these.
British Classics offers a wide variety of Halcyon goggles.
Serengeti 7021 Classics Paolo Satin have gradient lenses and a Satin Espresso frame.
You'll see many familiar images from your favorite films, including Fantasia, Toy Story, and many other classics from Disney.
You are more likely to see characters from recently released films, but some of the classics do appear.
You might find some great PS2 classics that you can enjoy on your newer system without worries of backwards compatibility and emulation.
It also allows gamers to revisit classics from retro systems that either hold very dear places in their hearts or titles that may have even flown under the radar the first time around.
From ports of 16-bit classics to bona fide original games, Game Boy gamers are usually one of the more excited groups in the video gaming world.
The same can be said about classics from other consoles, like the Sega Genesis.
Known as "Play on Wii" in Japan, the "New Play Control!" series takes classics like Pikmin and Mario Power Tennis and adds Wii controls to them.
In fact, several of these classics have been re-made, re-imagined, and updated for a fresh take on nostalgia's gems.
Even though new games are coming out all the time, there is still a place for classics, as well as their updated counterparts.
The game is colorful, with a visual style reminiscent of past SNES era classics.
Several of the early games published by EA, including M.U.L.E. and Pinball Construction Set are still considered classics in the video game industry.
Below are a few games that are classics in their own right.
That's why you may need to take alternative approaches to playing some NES classics.
Among the NES classics found in Animal Crossing are Donkey Kong, Excitebike, and Balloon Fight.
You'll recognize some of the games immediately - classics like chess and checkers are widespread - but others you'll only see on a computer.
No wonder developers immediately began porting classics from the SNES onto the new Game Boy.
You could say that this was the true start to home gaming consoles history, as the Atari brought us such classics as Defender, Missile Command, and Pitfall.
One of the knocks that people have against the PSP is that it lacks enough original games in its library, getting bombarded instead with a bunch of ports and re-hashed classics.
In any case, however, the main appeal of MAME is to run arcade classics like X-Men, Street Fighter II, Puzzle Bobble.
If you want to get your retro on, a good range of classics are available for your Game Boy Advance.
You can play 80s arcade classics like Donkey Kong, Pacman, Space Invaders and console favorites like Duck Hunt, Zelda and Frogger.
One of the more familiar series is Namco's Museum, which includes classics like Dig Dug and Pacman.
Atari Classics includes games like Pole Position and Centipede''.
Several Sonic games are included, as well as classics like Altered Beast and Alex Kidd.
You steer by tilting the controller to the left or the right.On the Virtual Console, you'll also find classics like Wave Race 64 from the Nintendo 64 (N64), in case you're in the mood for a little nostalgia.
In Ridge Racer for the PSP you'll find classics from the first Ridge Racer, the hits of Ridge Racer Revolution, new ones and remixes of the old ones.
Other classics in the genre include Baldur's Gate, Wizardry and Asheron's Call.
Some of the most well known classics include Othello, Risk and Stratego.
There are several turn-based games that offer excellent gameplay and are considered classics.
We've got classics like The Legend of Zelda and Super Smash Bros., but many gamers will always hold the racing genre near and dear to their hearts.
These are classics, but one that we tend to forget is the Champagne cocktail-a little bit of Champagne, a little liqueur and a few extras and voila!
There are two Powell's in Chicago and the stores primarily specialize in academic and scholarly tomes, including a good collection on medieval studies and classics.
These are mostly classics no storyteller should head into the woods without!
While the classics may be to songs that are no longer heard every day on the radio, these classic line dances are sure to be commonly chosen ones at any sort of event where group line dancing exists.
Many celebrity hairstyles go on to become iconic classics, such as Farrah Fawcett's feathered wings of the 1970s.
After Brad Pitt landed a few scene-stealing roles, he was cast in a few classics that required his hair to be kept long and shaggy.
Among those books are the great classics of literature.
Consumers feel comfortable wearing timeless classics and period fashions harkening back to the modest, good old days.
Those looking for their first Ugly Doll plush toys may want to begin with the classics.
X-Entertainment- Speaking of those classics, wouldn't you like to enjoy a blast from the past and relive some of the nostalgia associated with the WWE characters you have lying around your basement or in boxes in your attic?
For instance, you could limit your collection to Disney Classics which would include Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, Dumbo and Pinocchio and then add to the themed collection as new classic characters are released.
Shades of silver, gold, copper, bronze and even champagne are now considered modern classics.
These tried-and-true classics offer timeless appeal and reliability.
Opt for a mix of classics and trendy pieces to shake things up a bit.
If you're serious about your work wear, you won't pay too much attention to what are proclaimed as current women's business fashions, because the fact is that the classics are always in style and are your best bet for looking professional.
Spiegel carries a wealth of fashionable styles, from tried-and-true classics to up-to-the-minute trends.
While these fashionable styles abound on the runways and in fashion shows, traditional classics like suit jackets, blazers, parkas, and hooded jackets are still showing strong.
Halter dresses and sundresses are warm weather classics that display your collarbones and shapely shoulders to perfection.
The company offers two collections of coffee makers, CaféHouse and Classics.
Reminiscent of penny arcade baseball games, Front Porch Classics Baseball is suitable for nearly any aged player.
If the board game lover in your life is all about the classics like Monopoly, RISK and even Chess, then it won't be so bad shopping for them.
Do you love trying out new games, or do you stick to the classics?
Many of these newer games eventually wind up on a family's fav's list, but the classics seem to remain as well.
Games provides many board games including classics, old favorites and game variations.
If you are planning a fun filled game night with a group of friends and are not sure what games to play, these are some of the best adult board games ranging from all time classics to the slightly risqué.
Candle holders extend the life of your votive candles as well as providing you with a touch of the classics.
Some are yearly favorites, while two are brand new but already looking like they'll become classics.
Dinner music that should be playing in the background should be mellow, such as Blue Christmas, I'll Be Home for Christmas, and other holiday classics with a "somber" theme.
Online selections brighten up the standard Christmas collection of records and CDs by opening up a whole new world of novelty holiday tunes and original compositions destined to become classics.
Es Petits Chanteurs features a wide variety of French holiday songs and other classics.
Not exactly the thing that classics are made of, but then again, It's a Wonderful Life has a similar, box office flop story and went on to be one of the most cherished films of all time.
The following films are listed in no particular order, but starts with the classics and moves on to the more contemporary Christmas films.
Many people enjoy the classics of holiday music more than anything else.
The animated angel plays haunting renditions of Christmas classics on her harp.
A pumpkin princess costume is always a huge hit at Halloween; they're classics.
To a certain extent, anything goes, but the overall preference is for the tried and true classics.
Nothing screams holiday more than platinum and black, so consider the darker and earthier shades of the color wheel for an interesting spin on the gilded classics.
Vintage cushion cut rings are classics and make romantic rings for an engagement, wedding or anniversary.
Read the greetings in a variety of cards, from sentimental to humorous, birthday classics to unique congratulations.
You'll find seasonal prints as well as tried and true classics like a basic tan and brown signature fabric print.
Vera Bradley bags have been created as hobo bags, zip top classics, bowlers, satchels, backpack purses, barrel bags, cross body bags, city bags.
Fashion leadership is their goal with lifestyle versions of all the runway classics.
Amidst the colorful, trendy pieces that crop up every season, classics in neutral hues always maintain their sense of importance in the fashion world.
Among the many classics that dominate the accessory world is the black shoulder bag.
You'll find this bag in the Chanel Classics collection.
In addition to the aforementioned Lands' End tote bags, which are enduring classics that can be used for everything from day trips to diapers, there are also the ingenious styles designed by Le Sportsac.
Animal prints are nothing new, of course, but they have enjoyed immense popularity over the years and have essentially affirmed themselves as enduring classics.
The Classics are perfect to pair with evening dresses or suits, but add a polished touch to basic jeans, heels and blazer combinations, too.
The handbags, a fresh blend of classics and trendy pieces alike, are all made of supple Japanese drum-dyed leather.
These classics are always birthday party game favorites.
Customized Classics makes your child want to read the classics!
The company recreates all of your favorite classics with a very modern twist.
With these unique classics, your child and her friends become the stars of the book.
The following games are classics, and they still remain favorites among kids and adults.
Girls love playing the new ones and the classics.
A few traditional board game classics are perfect for teaching young minds how to compete and play separately.
Sometimes the classics can bring fresh fun to the summer months.
Web portals are companies like that host many different themes of games, from classics such as checkers and parcheesi to themed games with Dr. Seuss characters, Sesame Street muppets, and many more.
Read aloud any of these following classics, or chose some of your own favorites.
While these movies are considered classics today there's not much of anything in them that might qualify them as scary movies anymore, but in their day they horrified audiences.
You can however, find unique black and white classics and some more modern films that are independently made.
Blockbuster online offers over 65,000 movie titles, including classics, more recent favorites, and new releases, so you should have no problem finding the movies you like.
While you won't find full versions of new releases for free, the internet is a great place to find your sentimental favorites and cult classics, as well as foreign flicks, documentaries, and indie films.
These films range from classics to biographies and documentaries.
From horror flicks to family-friendly musicals, this is the place to catch up on some classics.
This is a member-driven database with hundreds of titles of movie classics available.
They've got classics right up to the most modern hits featuring Will Ferrell, Jim Carrey, and Owen Wilson.
You can find classics, rarities, educational films and documentaries.
Mother's Day fare is more wide-ranging, comprising women-centered comedies, family dramas, musicals and classics.
Previews to many classic movies can be found either online or wedged in between feature broadcasts on Turner Movie Classics (TMC) or American Movie Classics (AMC) on cable television.
Movies never start out as classics but evolve into one if all their stars and planets align in just the right way.
But let's get back to this notion that moviemakers aren't aware they are making classics and are mostly hoping to just make a good movie.
Hey, Turner says they're classics so they must be.
There are many 70s movies considered "classics" and they don't have to be a majority favorite just to be a classic.
Starz in Black airs films that feature African American actors and actresses and shows both recent films as well as classics.
Perhaps one of the most loved classics of all times, It's A Wonderful Life provides many scenes that viewers remember.
In recent years, one of the newer holiday classics has been Christmas Story.
The classics are always the best movies to watch during the holidays.
Yes, while newer movies are great and a lot of times really, really funny, there is just something about those old classics that give you that warm holiday feeling.
Every year, a number of networks air more modern holiday movies that are sure to become classics in their own right.
Looking for a few classic lines to relive some of your favorite movie classics?
Classics like The Omen, Wes Craven's The Hills Have Eyes, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre were all originally filmed in the 1970s.
Encompassing classic posters from Forbidden Planet, Kingdom of Spiders, Day of the Dead and more, you can really get a feeling of what makes these posters classics.
The film's tagline, "more fearful than the monster himself," is a great representation of how classics used a single line of copy to solidify a classic horror movie poster.
Watching classic scary movies can be a great way to spend an afternoon, but many horror fans will also want to see new films as they come out, or will want to watch remakes of popular classics.
Some are classics, some are adapted from books.
The best romantic movies aren't all classics, nor will they all make you cry.
While it may be hard to pick the greatest romance movie of all time, there are many that are considered classics.
Many parents enjoy sharing these classics with their children.
There are always tried and true time travel classics, like Somewhere In Time.
They're the classics movie fans don't mind seeing again and again, whether they're in the mood for comedy, drama, or something entirely different.
Questions about the classics such It's a Wonderful Life or A Christmas Story are always fun.
Although you probably won't find any current bestsellers on these websites, most sites offer an intriguing mix of well-known classics and obscure yet fascinating titles.
Elderly relatives are an especially good source for meal planning suggestions; Grandma's frugal recipes are time-tested classics!
While Manolos and Choos are considered the classics of the designer shoe world, they're far from the only choice.
If money is tight, it may be best to go for one of these designer classics instead of a trendy style.
In the Frye Classics line, many of the styles are the same as they were in the 1800s.
Also choose from Classics with basic EVA soles or from the Essential line, which sports thicker soles with big lugs for the best traction.
Though the items may well be considered classics, they're also updated to reflect modern sensibilities without siding too strongly with any particular trends.
Whether delicately dressy with elegant rhinestones or shockingly bold with sculptured heels, all of spring's hottest shoes are head-turning, trend setting pieces destined to be classics.
Some styles of high heel pumps have become classics.
However, since they're such classics, you'll be able to find them year-round, too.
Vans shoes, whether old school or new school, have been and will always remain timeless classics.
Of course, they're usually classics with a twist - don't expect a basic, everyday boot here.
While they don't necessarily exude outward sex appeal, they boast an inherently chic sensibility that renders them instant classics.
Shop by season, find the classics and even score a pair or two on sale if you arrive at the right time.
Lucchese has several collections of boots such as 1883, Classics, 2000 and Exclusive.
The Classics are handmade and are done in timeless styles.
Mix and match other types - like jewel- or glitter-embellished styles - to give a nice twist to some classics in your closet, like dress jeans or that little black dress.
Occasionally, TOMS will team up with a celebrity for a new spin on the Classics.
He says, "The Classics are always a hit and just so easy to slip on when you're running out the door.
I've noticed that people tend to buy one of our solid classics, whether it's in black, red or navy.
There is even a section devoted to the classics!
The album included such classics as "Desperadoes Waiting for a Train"' and "Up Against the Wall, Redneck Mother" (and Jerry returned here the following year for his wedding - with Hondo serving as the best man).
While the designer diamond watch market is always changing, some styles and names are classics that created the standards all serious watchmakers adhere to.
The range of watches that are created by Bulova is extensive, with high end fashion watches through to the understated elegance of some of the true classics of watch design.
Whether you are a woman who appreciates the classics and wants a vintage Tissot, or you prefer a more modern take on things, you are certain to find a watch that will please.
The first program was originally released on VHS in 2003, and have become yoga classics for children.
There are recipes for all sorts of gooey and gloppy things you can make all over the web, but here are a couple of classics.
From the classics like witches and ghosts to more unique ideas like an alarm clock and a slimy creature from the deep, these patterns will give you lots of easy ideas for Halloween costumes.
This does not necessarily mean that every car which is over fifteen years old is considered a classic, but cars which fall into this age range and continually appreciate in value are regarded as classics.
Two French musicians work with a variety of vocalists to re-work 80s classics in Bossa Nova style.
Follow the link above and you'll get to try out 15 other soul classics, in addition to the song you find here.
Look for new songs from your favorite current garage rock stars, old classics and new music from up and coming garage rockers.
Her lips have been sealed for a long time, but now she's back, with with an album of covers of French pop classics by the likes of Serge Gainsbourg, Edith Piaf, and Jacques Brel.
As a producer, he contributed to gangsta rap classics like Dr. Dre's The Chronic and Snoop Dogg's Doggystyle.
Instead of focusing on "the classics", this station "celebrates the diversity of 20th (and 21st) century classical music."
If you want to save some money, however, these cartoon classics can be downloaded legally.
Despite being a rather non-traditional Christmas sort of tale, the film and the soundtrack have become unlikely Christmas classics.
As a film, How High isn't likely to top any list of arthouse classics, but it is considered to be a gold standard example of its genre - the so-called stoner movie.
Well, now that you have the wide world of digital music to find all the old classics and a few new, soon-to-be classics as well.
Audio Micro - Get all the Christmas classics here.
Danny Elfman, a veteran soundtrack and score composer who has worked on such classics as Batman, Spider Man, Men In Black I & II, and many, many more was enlisted to spruce up the old theme from the original films.
The soundtrack, which features a collection of old American bluegrass and folk classics plus new tracks penned by some of bluegrass music's biggest stars, went to number one on the charts.
Music sets the tone for holiday events, from classics like Jingle Bells to newer songs like Melodies of Christmas, which is performed by the American Idol finalist David Archuleta.
Whether you want to hear some Dirty South songs, some up and coming artists or just the classics, you can find a station here.
While you might think of Podcasts as a great way to get news or to hear of new artists, there are plenty of classical music podcasts that you can stream or download from iTunes Music Store that'll keep you focused on the classics.
This expertly curated collection of 60s music classics went on to become one of the top selling albums in music history.
The Cure discography included both classic goth rock tunes and pop classics, showing the fluctuating musical interests of Smith.
Ask 10 different country fans for the genre's best romantic tracks, and you're likely to get 10 different answers, but even among the debate, there are some bonafide country love classics that stand out in the crowd.