Classic Sentence Examples
I guess I wanted to ask you the classic question.
Isn't that a classic definition of good politician?
A car is a classic.
Anatole was sitting upright in the classic pose of military dandies, the lower part of his face hidden by his beaver collar and his head slightly bent.
It has passed through a far greater number of editions than any other work on natural history in the whole world, and has become emphatically an English classic - the graceful simplicity of its style, the elevating tone of its spirit, and the sympathetic chords it strikes recommending it to every lover of Nature, while the severely scientific reader can scarcely find an error in any statement it contains, whether of matter of fact or opinion.
Choose from specialty sandwiches (including vegetarian options), burgers and classic diner selections such as hot open-faced platters.
Check out the restaurant's classic offerings such as dim sum and dumplings, or branch out a bit with some airy pepper-salted squid.
Among the public buildings are the town hall, classic in style; the market house, and literary and scientific institution, with a museum containing a fossil collection from the limestone of the locality.
Relations came to his aid, and presently his anxieties were relieved by Francis Martin, bursar of Trinity, who gave him liberal help. Benson took his degree in 1852 as a senior optime, eighth classic and senior chancellor's medallist, and was elected fellow of Trinity in the following year.
Owing to the purity of its language and style it has remained a classic work.
AdvertisementThe Rhine was the classic river of the middle ages; and probably the Tiber alone is of equal historical interest among European rivers.
The classic style, however, was generally adopted in the period succeeding his own.
It is probable that Burma is the Chryse Regio of Ptolemy, a name parallel in meaning to Sonaparanta, the classic Pali title assigned to the country round the capital in Burmese documents.
The Testimony of the King of Martyrs concerning His Kingdom (1729) is a classic repudiation of erastianism and defence of the spiritual autonomy of the church under Jesus Christ.
Palgrave made his adventurous journey through Nejd, and published the remarkable narrative which has taken itslace as the classic of Arabian P Nejd.
AdvertisementHe ridicules the ambition of German writers to be classic, as Lessing had ridiculed their eagerness to be French.
He argues against the setting up of classic art as an unchanging type, valid for all peoples and all times.
On the other hand the development of classic culture is traced with a less skilful hand.
Belonging to about the same period as the JinkOshOtO-ki, another classic occupies a leading place in Japanese esteem.
At Eton he did no more work than was acceptable to him, but he had an inborn love of literature, and he laid the foundation of that knowledge of the classic languages which in after years was the delight of his life.
AdvertisementPolynesia, that classic land of mythology, is specially rich in myths of creation.
He now turned his attention to themes of classic legend, which at first he treated in a "Romantic spirit."
After this the main effort of his life was to realize visions of beauty suggested by classic myth and history.
The colouring is that of classic mythology, but the spiritual element is as individual as that of any classical poem by Milton, Gray, Keats or Tennyson.
The great opposition which arose during his lifetime continued after his death, and found classic expression in the highly venerated confession of Petrus Mogilas, metropolitan of Kiev (1643).(1643).
AdvertisementThat principle had been made use of by the Greek authors of the classic age; but of later mathematicians only Hero, Diophantus, &c., ventured to regard lines and surfaces as mere numbers that could be joined to give a new number, their sum.
Reference may also be made to the classic memoirs of Planchon, culminating.
A contemporary account of Herbert's life by Barnabas Oley was prefixed to the Remains of 1652, but the classic authority is Izaak Walton's Life of Mr George Herbert, published in 1670, with some letters from Herbert to his mother.
Scholars, guessing from isolated passages in classic writers, or arguing on general principles, had held that the "Indies" could be reached by sailing due west.
Of Goethe's classic "conceits" which it contains, the stone altar round which a serpent climbs to eat the votive bread upon it, inscribed to the "genius hujus loci," is the most famous.
In editing a father, or a classic, he had in view the practical utility of the general reader, not the accuracy required by the gild of scholars.
In the 5th and 6th centuries Egypt and Palestine had been the classic lands of monks and monasteries.
He won a Craven scholarship and graduated as senior classic in 1844, being also senior chancellor's medallist in classics.
The Soldiers', Sailors' and Pioneers' building (1907) is a beautiful structure, classic in design.
An increasing number of workers in this field of plant biology in England, on the Continent and in America has produced a great mass of observations, which have recently been brought together in Dr Paul Knuth's classic work, Handbook of Flower Pollination, an English translation of which has been published (1908) by the Clarendon Press.
For the form of the earlier ephod the classic passage is 2 Sam.
On the western hill are the law courts, a fine block of buildings in classic style surmounted by a central dome.
Within the city proper the Fitzroy Gardens are a network of avenues bordered with oak, elm and plane, with a " ferntree gully " in the centre; they are ornamented with casts of famous statues, and ponds, fountains and classic temples.
A classic but unfinished work describing the methods of invertebrate palaeontology is Die Stamme des Thierreichs (Vienna, 1889), by Melchior Neumayr.
His early mastery of classical literature led him to the study of classic monuments in classic lands, while his equally conspicuous talent for mathematics gave him the laws of form and proportion in architectural design.
Semper's style was a growth from the classic orders through the Italian Cinque Cento.
A selection of his letters has been adopted as a classic in the Italian schools.
The real Servian commentary practically gives the only complete extant edition of a classic author written before the destruction of the empire.
In 1832 he was 34th wrangler and 8th classic, and in 1834 was made fellow of Trinity.
The memoir of the last-named, published in the Journal de l'Ecole royale polytechnique for 1847 (xviii., 1 -270), ranks as a classic on the subject; it is replete with examples and illustrations, and discusses the various phenomena in minute detail.
As a synthetical agent in organic chemistry, aluminium chloride has rendered possible more reactions than any other substance; here we can only mention the classic syntheses of benzene homologues.
The aim of Laokoon, which ranks as a classic, not only in German but in European literature, is to define by analysis the limitations of poetry and the plastic arts.
By his original interpretation of Aristotle's theory of tragedy, he delivered German dramatists from the yoke of the classic tragedy of France, and directed them to the Greek dramatists and to Shakespeare.
Of public buildings the most noteworthy are St Paul's church (1730), of classic design; the municipal buildings; and the hospital for master mariners, maintained by the corporation of the Trinity House, which was founded at Deptford, the old hall being pulled down in 1787.
In 1587 he left Bologna for Pisa, and there, in his quality of professor, he made the curious mistake of printing Alberti's comedy Philodoxius as a work of the classic Lepidus.
On the continent of Europe the classic example is still the Jardin des Plantes in Paris, where, however, system lends more of formality than of beauty to the general effect.
Many of the commercial and private buildings are also worthy of notice, especially the Queensland National Bank, a classic Italian structure, the massive treasury buildings, one of the largest erections in Australia, the Queensland Club with its wide colonnades in Italian Renaissance style, and the great buildings of the Brisbane Newspaper Company.
He was the last great classic poet of Persia, and a pronounced mystic of the Sufic philosophy.
It would be difficult to name a more slovenly, a more worthless edition of any great classic.'
From the school at Rottweil, on the Neckar, he went (1510) to the university of Basel, and became a good classic. From 1514 he obtained schoolmaster posts at Basel, where he married, and made the acquaintance of Erasmus and of Holbein, the painter.
This, which we may distinguish as the French system, finds its most perfect expression in the classic Genera Plantarum (1862-1883) of Bentham and Hooker, a work containing a description, based on careful examination of specimens, of all known genera of flowering plants.
However, the i spirit of that great legal classic seems to have in a measure dwelt with and inspired the inferior men who were recasting his work; the Institutes is better both in Latinity and in substance than we should have expected from the condition of Latin letters at that epoch, better than the other laws which emanate from Justinian.
It was indeed from Italy that the races of the north caught the impulse of intellectual freedom, the spirit of science and curiosity, the eager retrospect towards the classic past; but joined with these in Germany was a moral impulse which was her own, a craving after truth and right, a rebellion against spiritual tyranny and corruption - the Renaissance was big in the north, as it was not in the south, with a Reformation to come.
The chief public building is the town hall (1760), a stately classic building surmounted by a lofty spire.
Wide as was the range of his interests his most famous work was accomplished at Sevres, and his most enduring monument is his classic Traite des arts ceramiques (1844).
After receiving his early education in Paris, he was sent to Rugby, and thence proceeded to Trinity College, Cambridge, where he was second classic and chancellor's medallist, and rowed for the university in the winning boat against Oxford.
In adopting verse instead of prose as a medium of expression, Schiller showed that he was prepared to challenge comparison with the great dramatic poets of other times and other lands; but in seeking a model for this higher type of tragedy he unfortunately turned rather to the classic theatre of France than to the English drama which Lessing, a little earlier, had pronounced more congenial to the German temperament.
Between this drama and its successor, Die Brazil von Messina, Schiller translated and adapted to his classic ideals Shakespeare's Macbeth (1801) and Gozzi's Turandot (1802).
From Mauri, the classic name for the north-western African tribes, the northwestern districts of that continent came to be called by the Romans Mauretania.
Having laid the founda - tions of a successful business in his admirable domestic pottery - the best the world had ever seen up to that time - he turned his attention to artistic pottery, and the European renaissance of classic art - fostered by the discovery of Pompeii and the recovery of Greek painted vases from the ancient graves in Campania.
In 1769 they opened splendid new works, near Hanley, that with their classic leanings they christened" Etruria."
He is regarded as one of the latest representatives of the classic Italian school.
He went to Rome in Winckelmann's footsteps; it was the antique he sought, and his interest in the artists of the Renaissance was virtually restricted to their imitation of classic models.
This search for the classic ideal is reflected in the works he completed or wrote under the Italian sky.
Classic, too, in this sense, were the plans of a drama on Iphigenie auf Delphos and of an epic, Nausikaa.
Most interesting of all, however, is the reflection of the classic spirit in works already begun in earlier days, such as Egmont and Faust.
He came back from Italy with a new philosophy of life, a philosophy at once classic and pagan, and with very definite ideas of what constituted literary excellence.
Goethe's classic principles, when applied to the swift, direct art of the theatre, were doomed to failure, and Die natiirliche Tochter, notwithstanding its good theoretic intention, remains the most lifeless and shadowy of all his dramas.
But in the end he proved himself the greatest enemy to the strict classic doctrine by the publication in 1808 of the completed first part of Faust, a work which was accepted by contemporaries as a triumph of Romantic art.
The robust, florid and distinctly Roman rendering of the classic, which followed the refined and attenuated treatment associated with the architecture of the brothers Adam, who died in 1792 and 1794, is the last development in England which can be regarded as a national style.
The massively moulded ormolu stair balustrade of Northumberland House, now at 49 Prince's Gate; the candelabra at Windsor and Buckingham Palace, produced in Birmingham by the firm of Messenger; the cast-iron railings with javelin heads and lictors' fasces, the tripods, Corinthian column standard lamps and candelabra, boat-shaped oil lamps and tent-shaped lustres with classic mountings, are examples of the metal-work of a style which, outside the eccentric Brighton Pavilion and excursions into Gothic and Elizabethan, was universally accepted in the United Kingdom from the days of the Regency until after the accession of Victoria.
He expounded, as a very high authority has said," with remarkable clearness and power the nature and scope of neutral duty,"and gave a" classic "statement of the doctrine of recognitions But the French question had another side in its reaction on American parties.'
In 1777 he published under the title of Discours choisis his panegyrics on Saint Louis, Saint Augustine and Fenelon, his remarks on Bossuet and his Essai sur l'eloquence de la chaire, a volume which contains much good criticism, and remains a French classic. The book was often reprinted as Principes de l'eloquence.
In 1810 he published a paper which contains some classic experiments on fermentation, a subject to which he returned in a second paper published in 1815.
Pfleiderer describes this work, especially the first volume, as "a classic for all time."
By both Korean and Chinese tradition Ki-tze--a councillor of the last sovereign of the 3rd Chinese dynasty, a sage, and the reputed author of parts of the famous Chinese classic, the Shu-King--is represented as entering Korea in 1122 B.C. with several thousand Chinese emigrants, who made him their king.
Among other buildings worthy of mention (apart from those having naval or military connexion) the principal is the town-hall (1890), a fine classic building standing alone in a square, and surmounted by a handsome clock tower.
They struck upon the unfortunate and opprobrious term "middle ages" for that which stood between them and their classic ideals.
St Mary's church is in classic style of the late 18th century.
On the contrary, the Renaissance was rather the last stage of the middle ages, emerging from ecclesiastical and feudal despotism, developing what was original in medieval ideas by the light of classic arts and letters, holding in itself the promise of the modern world.
That rediscovery of the classic past restored the confidence in their own faculties to men striving after spiritual freedom; revealed the continuity of history and the identity of human nature in spite of diverse creeds and different customs; held up for emulation masterworks of literature, philosophy and art; provoked inquiry; encouraged criticism; shattered the narrow mental barriers imposed by medieval orthodoxy.
The Divine Comedy, the Canzoniere and the Decameron were works of monumental art, deriving neither form nor inspiration immediately from the classic's, but applying the originality of Italian genius Petrarch to matter drawn from previous medieval sources.
Their work is the first absolutely modern work, - modern in the sense of having absorbed the stores of classic learning and reproduced those treasures in forms of simple, natural, native beauty.
Boiardo occupies a similar position by the fusion of classic mythology with chivalrous romance in his Orlando Innamorato.
Yet we find in the writings of Ghiberti and Alberti, we notice in the masterpieces of these men and their compeers Brunelleschi and Donatello, how even in the 15th century the minds of artists were fascinated by what survived of classic grace and science.
Like Italian men of letters, these pioneers of humanism gave a classic turn to their patronymics; unfamiliar names, Crotus Rubeanus and Pierius Graecus, Capnion and Lupambulus Ganymedes, Oecolampadius and Melanchthon, resounded on the Rhine.
The vernacular in the Netherlands profited at first but little by the impulse which raised Italian, Spanish, French and English to the rank of classic languages.
Sidney followed with the sestine and terza rima and with various experiments in classic metres, none of which took root on English soil.
He wrote a satire, the Enebomiad, against a certain luckless Per Enebom, and a classic tragedy of Virginia.
His best work is classic in its breadth of style, exquisite in local colour and fidelity to the national characteristics of Sweden.
We pass the witty epistles of Scarron and Voiture, to reach those of Boileau, whose epistles, twelve in number, are the classic examples of this form of verse in French literature; they were composed at different dates between 1668 and 1695.
His eldest son, Henry (1813-1843), was senior classic and second wrangler at Cambridge in 1835.
Some of the marble basins, seats, &c., remain, and, with the fragments of wall above mentioned, are the only relics of the classic time.
Castelar knew too well what such offers meant in the classic land of pronunciamientos, and he refused so flatly that Pavia did not renew his advice.
He admired the classic style, the exquisite purity of language, the flights of imagination, but he admired above all the philosophy.
Herculano's classic Historia de Portugal (4 vols., Lisbon, 1846-1853) covers the period up to 1279.
They include, to quote, the more noteworthy, the Descobrimento de Frolida, the Itinerario of Antonio Tenreiro, the Verdadeira informacao das terras do Preste Joao by Francisco Alvares,'and the Ethiopia oriental by Frei Joao dos Santos, both dealing with Abyssinia, the Itinerario da terra santa by Frei Pantaleao de Aveiro, and that much-translated classic, the Historia da vida do padre Francisco Xavier by Padre Joao de Lucena.
The foremost literary figure of the time was the encyclopaedic Francisco Manoel de Mello (q.v.), who, though himself a Spanish classic, .strove hard and successfully to free himself from subservience to Spanish forms and style.
Meanwhile the Arcadia also took up the task of raising the tone of the stage, but though the ancients and the classic writers of the 16th century were its ideals, it drew immediate inspiration from the contemporary French theatre.
The later portion of The City and the Mountains, for the truth and beauty of its descriptive passages, is highly praised, and many pages are already quoted as classic examples of Portuguese prose.
It was the result of the revival of classic architecture known as Renaissance, but the change had commenced already a century earlier, in the works of Ghiberti and Donatello in sculpture, and of Brunelleschi and Alberti in architecture.
Simon published many clinical surgical lectures of the greatest importance, and contributed a masterly article on "Inflammation" to Holmes's System of Surgery, which has become a classic of its kind.
A German, Ludwig, whom he called Socrates, and a Roman, Lello, who received from him the classic name of Laellius, were among his best-loved associates.
The middle parish church (1759) in Cathcart Square is in the Classic style with a fine spire.
This idea, which has underlain all Christian philosophy of history, from the first apologists who prophesied the fall of the Empire and the coming of the millennium, down to our own day, received its classic statement in St Augustine's City of God.
In the 17th century the Augustinian scheme of world history received its last classic statement in Bossuet's Histoire universelle.
The results were published in a classic volume The Isle of Man; its History, Physical, Ecclesiastical, Civil and Legendary (1848).
The Rion is the Phasis of the ancients and flows through the classic land of Colchis, associated with the legends of Medea and the Argonauts.
To suppose that the technical terminology of Paul, including even his classic example of the faith of Abraham, could be employed here independently of Rom.
Farther west, on the coast, and provided with a convenient harbour, stands Pozzuoli (Puteoli), a city containing many Roman remains, but now chiefly remarkable for the large gunworks erected by Messrs Armstrong & Co.; and beyond it, round the Bay of Baiae, are Monte Nuovo, a hill thrown up in a single night in September 1538; the classic site of Baiae; the Lucrine Lake; Lake Avernus; the Lake of Fusaro (Acherusia Palus); the Elysian t Fields; and the port and promontory of Misenum.
Probably also his exclusive belief in experimental methods, and slight regard for mere authority whether in science or art made the intellectual atmosphere of the Medicean circle, with its passionate mixed cult of the classic past and of a Christianity mystically blended and reconciled with Platonism, uncongenial to him.
The academies of the day represented the prevailing intellectual tendency of Renaissance humanism, namely, an absorbing enthusiasm for classic letters and for the transcendental speculations of Platonic and neo-Platonic mysticism, not unmixed with the traditions and practice of medieval alchemy, astrology and necromantics.
The laughter thus provoked extinguished the Predictions for three years, and in 1715 Partridge died in fact; but the episode left a permanent trace in classic literature, for when in 2709 Steele was to start the Tatler, it occurred to him that he could secure the public ear in no surer way than by adopting the name of Bickerstaff.
Though not a great poem, it is full of beautiful passages, many of which point to the riddle of life as yet unsolved, a conviction which grew ever more and more upon the poet, as the ebulliency of romanticism gave way to the calm of classic feeling.
In classic mythology the personification does not exist; but Comus appears in the EIKOvES, or Descriptions of Pictures, of Philostratus, a writer of the 3rd century A.D.
Seven years of constant and severe toil (1866-73) were given to the Oxford Icelandic-English Dictionary, incomparably the best guide to classic Icelandic, and a monumental example of single-handed work.
As an introduction to the Sturlunga, he wrote a complete though concise history of the classic Northern literature and its sources.
McCall Theal, will remain a classic work of reference.
Gorlitz, next to Breslau, is the largest and most flourishing commercial town of Silesia, and is also regarded as classic ground for the study of German Renaissance architecture.
The public buildings are wholly modern, the principal being of classic design.
The town hall (1880) and the corporation offices (1877) are handsome classic buildings; the Ramsden Estate buildings are a very fine block of the mixed Italian order.
The poet was closely affiliated with the Atlantic Monthly from the foundation of that classic magazine in 1857.
To understand this, it is necessary to remember the conflicts that existed between the classic and romantic schools in the first half of the 19th century, when the classicists, followers of the tradition of s Historia Utriusque Cosmi (Oppenheim, 1617), tom.
The 1911 Classic Encyclopedia project works to bring to you the renowned 1911 Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica.
In ancient classic poetry the measure which creates the metrical form consists only of this last quantitative element, which is rhythm.
Locke has his place among classic writers on the theory and art of Education.
He described many fossils in the British Museum in a classic work entitled Icones fossilium sectiles (1820-1825).
It is to the west that the best sagas belong; it is to the west that nearly every classic writer whose name we know belongs; and it is precisely in the west that the admixture of Irish blood is greatest.
A brilliant sketch of Icelandic classic literature is given by Dr Gudbrandr Vigfusson in the Prolegomena to Sturlunga Saga (Oxford, 1879).
When he appeared upon the scene of human life, Petrarch and the students of Florence had already brought the first act in the recovery of classic culture to conclusion.
The architecture is a peculiar and debased imitation of classic style, attributed by architects to the 2nd century A.D.
In 18J9 he was senior classic, 33rd wrangler, chancellor's medallist and Craven scholar.
His younger brother, Arthur Sidgwick, had a brilliant school and university career, being second classic at Cambridge in 1863 and becoming fellow of Trinity; but he devoted himself thenceforth mainly to work as a teacher.
In this region, and distant from the river, are the remains of several cities, notably Naga, where are ruins of four temples, one in the Classic style.
Among other distinctions he came out as fourth classic in 1830, and in 1833 was elected fellow of St John's.
To this struggle was due the greatest of his writings, and the greatest individual contribution to the adoption of the new government, The Federalist, which remains a classic commentary on American constitutional law and the principles of government, and of which Guizot said that " in the application of elementary principles of government to practical administration " it was the greatest work known to him.
Sigismondo entrusted the execution of his plans to Leo Battista Alberti, who had to encase in a shell of classic architecture a 13th-century Franciscan church.
A dozen years have passed and we're now all pushing thirty, like a scene from an eighties classic movie.
Classic difference of context; to Quinn this is a scientific question while to Howie, it's like a gift from God, not to question and not to abuse.
It sounded like a classic case of depression, yet she had nothing to be depressed about.
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. She glanced up at him again, not expecting someone from the lower class and trained for battle to wear such a classic quote.
I love the way Wim Wenders used this song on American Friend, his greatest homage to classic film noir.
The homage bar features a gin-based as well as a classic cocktail collection.
The film version is such a classic, did you feel any trepidation?
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I am also berated for ignoring too many of the classic texts.
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It seems to be a classic case of male chauvinism.
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Marshall also wrote what has become a minor classic.
The opening ' Show Girl ' had been an instant classic.
Our Verdict... A seminal 80's horror classic that created a whole new sub-genre for itself.
Perhaps his best claim to fame was as the writer of the soul classic Go Now in 1964.
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Their sound is in equal measures funky, metal and classic blues all drenched in the history of latter.
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Doesn't have that friendly slightly dumpy look that might make it such a future classic, tho.
He has used his hands-on knowledge of classic vintage drums to produce durable, roadworthy kits that sounds and looks very desirable with individuality.
From sparkling chandelier earrings to classic pearls or diamonds, bridal earrings are the ultimate detail, the finishing touch.
The amiga emulator Over 800 Classic PD games are supplied for you to.. .
Are there books or sites that chronicle the " classic and timeless " that you are particularly enamored of?
The drinks range from £ 1.10 for a single espresso to £ 1.60 for a " Harbor Classic Creme ", whatever that is.
One of the classic problems of robustness theory involves the simultaneous estimation of location and scatter from a set of multivariate data.
Physics is a classic example of complexity in studies.
Each one helps to enhance families' reading experiences with the classic Dr. Seuss books and inspire exciting, original new story lines.
A twist on classic monster fables, CURSED unleashes ancient omens into the modern world.
What inspired you and Tom to write your own musical versions of these classic fairy tales?
The cast, for all their virtues, unfortunately failed to extract the full humor of this classic farce.
However, this is a classic instance of trying to control an unstable situation by negative feedback.
But many of us just don't have the spare time to get a classic bike fettled and ready to ride to France.
The Danehill Dancer filly made all in thrilling style to scorch to a two-and-a-half length victory in the fillies ' Classic.
Many classic firefights and scenes of paintballing carnage have taken place in close quarter battles in this field.
Classic honeymoon destinations like the Maldives offer first-class all inclusive holidays.
Save The Last Dance is a classic chick flick.
The Southbank has that classic gooseberry fool profile with a touch of nettle too.
Built in 1677, it's a classic example of a star-shaped fort and one of the largest military citadels in Ireland.
See one of their classic demonstration freight or parcel trains.
A classic single fuchsia which is extremely easy to grow.
Instruction in this discipline has for decades been based on a few classic textbooks which until now have adequately fulfilled their purpose.
Wicked LP from the sisters that includes the all time disco funk break classic I Believe In Miracles.
It was one of those classic old Hollywood promotional posters, very gaudy and beautiful.
Hatton Garden Online offers classic and contemporary jewelry in sterling silver, 9k and 18k gold, platinum and titanium.
Some participating pubs will be offering good hearty classic pub grub with some special dishes cooked in ale!
An immense track, it is very probably the first true grunge classic in 10 years.
The exterior now featured teak gunwales and newly profiled windows for a contemporary classic look.
Beer cola hamburgers classic a complete are not limited.
A classic vintage faux patent leather handbag dating to circa 1968.
So I'm also harking back to an age of classic songwriting.
Metal - headboards collection Our metal headboard collection offers you a choice from the contemporary modern to a classic traditional.
Kazantzakis's classic novel, blacklisted by the Vatican, filmed by Scorsese, has been labeled heretical, blasphemous and a masterpiece.
Aunt Bessie's Cottage is a classic rural Cornish cottage built over 200 years ago and provides the perfect holiday hideaway.
Classic Opaques 50 denier hipster tights - £ 3.5 Gipsy's Classic Opaques 50 denier tight are great for wearing with a low-slung skirt.
RetroTouring offers self-drive hire of classic sports cars and luxury vehicles from their base in Fort William.
The classic timeless rib design makes these tights a must have in every fashion lovers hosiery drawer.
The Republic has been seen as the classic text of Platonic Utopian idealism.
The times clocked by Olympic oarsmen over the classic 2000 meter racing distance are nearly identical on land to what they are on water.
It includes the indie classic IC Water, a tribute to Ian Curtis of Joy Division.
Its not all superb new music, classic indie and rock tunes and thrashing about like salmon at clubs and gigs.
One classic expression of psychological projection is head-over-heels infatuation.
Two jazz instrumentals, the second of which you will know for the jazz classic ' Love Me Right ' .
It was a classic example of predetermined policy driving military intelligence.
For drivers looking to move up from the classic jaguar to something with far more cache the Aston DB5 cannot be matched.
Sharon says, " Hannah had pale yellow stools and bright yellow urine - classic symptoms of obstructive jaundice.
Hell, anyone can be a classic rock jock now!
Typhoon Buick Red juicer £ 19.00 Freshly squeezed orange juice is just a press away with this classic retro juicer.
The classic tower karst of the Guilin area of Southern China is somewhat different.
A modern classic cardigan knitted in Bramwell's Savannah 100% mercerised cotton.
At six he had his first bout of grass laminitis and the scenario was classic.
An intermittently stagnant ice front has left a classic series of deglacial landforms around the Lough Fea area.
It's a classic, again with a very classic vinegarette, with added crunch from flaked almonds and optional lardons or pancetta.
Further proof of XTC's classic pop leanings arrive with ' This Is Pop ' which was later sparklingly re-recorded for single release.
I remain convinced that the parable has little or nothing to do with classic legalism at all.
Anniversary 40 To celebrate our 40th birthday we have released this limited edition classic Berghaus 40L rucsac.
It's also the most powerful antithesis to the classic idea of temporal linearity.
Click here to see the classic film lineup coming soon!
The pasta is divine - classic clam linguine is spiced up with a subtely sweet chili sauce.
Week 5 Poaching brill in red wine sauce, opening oysters, pan-frying Sea bass and the classic lobster thermidor.
From vodka luges to classic swans we can create virtually anything in ice.
Has luminous filled hands and hour indications, classic styled bracelet and glass display back.
Influence on knitwear you should do classic lunge of.
Eight bedrooms provide classic understated luxury with private balconies overlooking the lush gardens.
We asked 12 artists, from a legendary lyricist to a freelance hit-making team, how they created one of their classic tracks.
Punch and Judy rub shoulders with characters from Thunderbirds, classic Pelham, Hazelle, traditional African and Indian marionettes.
The classic marque which won the 1959 Classic Le Mans 24 Hrs, will feature throughout the weekend.
The classic American martini cocktail takes its name from the most known Italian producer of dry vermouth, martini cocktail takes its name from the most known Italian producer of dry vermouth, Martini & Rossi.
Our final day sees us crossing back into the eastern massif providing a long and classic day's walk back to our valley base.
Picchu maternity Classic and stylish designer maternity wear including tops, bottoms, dresses, lingerie and swim wear.
Most Outstanding Contribution went to Duran Duran who then went onto remind us of all their classic hits in their 10 minute medley.
The cost of this classic Gothic melodrama approached $ 1 million, $ 50 thousand of which was spent on retakes.
At first this story reads like a classic Victorian melodrama, rather reminiscent of a Sherlock Holmes tale.
Wolsey is one of the oldest textile companies in Europe and renowned for producing quality, classic menswear.
Examples A classic style of microphone for speech recording in interview situations is a hand-held dynamic cardioid microphone.
A classic of early minimalism, in Piano Phase (1967) the two pianists begin by repeating a rapid figure in unison.
Its amazing story involves legendary teams and footballing minnows, classic finals and forgotten friendlies, and celebrated players and unsung heroes.
Actor Steve Guttenberg's directorial debut of comic misadventures is a hilarious, pitch black comedy based on James Kirkwood's cult classic novel.
Gourmet Foods Gift Baskets European classic caffe mocha gift basket surrounded by gourmet kosher treats!
His New York street scenes of the 1940s are classic, but Burckhardt ultimately found photography too monumental.
Under Findlay's direction Prior cut his teeth on W.E. Johnson's classic text Logic and studied the 18 th century British moralists.
We also have videos on classic cars, classic motorcycles, vintage busses and vintage motorbikes.
After all it is likely that some of the classic motorbikes on show will have been made in Plumstead!
Swallow at the end of the day classic motorboat Rally 2006 The Classic Motorboat Rally was a great success this year.
This corner of the oldclassiccar website has been reserved for matters relating to classic and vintage motorcycles.
If you enjoy classic motorcycles then you'll love our club, so why not... .
Aubergine can be used in a variety of tasty recipes, such as the classic Greek dish moussaka.
Disney Cinemagic is a new premium channel brand, offering family programming featuring classic Disney animated movies.
Themed in-store support will use point of sale highlighting classic movies such as Saturday Night Fever.
The classic example of misclassification using the BMI is a body builder, with a very well developed musculature.
In this remake of the classic 1953 Andre de Toth film that starred Vincent Price, horrors abound in a creepy wax museum.
Find Tickets Blood Brothers Willy Russell's classic, award-winning musical telling the story of twin brothers separated at birth.
Classic story of USAAF fighter pilot flying P-51 mustangs over Europe.
A classic English faux pearl necklace dating to circa 1951.
Back to the top I have received a newsletter from Classic FM.
He had finally got tired. Lincou's shot was a classic forehand straight volley nick, set up beautiful and played quickly.
Among her own experiences she slips extracts from classic novels which illuminate the dilemma further.
Many of the classic novellas are concerned with people learning important lessons or making significant journeys.
Here he lived to a ripe old age suffering the classic fate of a surviving unsuccessful revolutionary - almost total oblivion.
Any group taking sole occupancy of a chalet can upgrade their service to classic plus for £ 40 per adult per week.
They have an enviable reputation as an excellent all-round covers band playing a variety of great tunes from current chart hits to classic oldies.
I wouldn't say " Game On " is a classic but it is a brilliant show with plenty of vicious & hilarious one-liners.
Chris Monks returns with the latest classic operetta to be given the special New Vic treatment.
The compilation gets its name from Dunn Pearson's ' Groove On Down ' a heavily orchestrated funky disco classic from 1978.
At the time it was considered outrageous to use such an " extreme " device on Classic Trials.
Many great artists got together and performed some classic Roadrunner tunes with once in a lifetime dream pairings.