Clashed Sentence Examples
The noise of the busy road outside clashed with the calming ethos of the restaurant.
Austrian and Prussian interests clashed in Poland.
Throughout his tenure in Genoa City, Victor Newman and Jack Abbott clashed time and again.
In a twist, one of the women she clashed with the most, Julann Wygal, was eliminated the night after Sarah left when Sabato, Jr. thought she was selfish because she became angry when Sabato, Jr. showed concern over Sarah's wellbeing.
Joan Rivers and Annie Duke clashed throughout most of the series, so it was an interesting development to see them both make it to the final two.
She wasn't certain she liked them; they clashed with the creamy décor of the apartment.
A fortnight later his consort Caroline arrived, and soon showed a vigour and restlessness of spirit which frequently clashed with the dictates of her brother, the emperor and the showy, unsteady policy of her consort.
Then at science fair, whenever we clashed into each other or he came and purposely bumped into me, he would make fun of me.
Once in Genoa City, however, Adam soon clashed with his older siblings Victoria and Nicholas.
During her time on the show, Barney has clashed with cast mates, struggled with an out of control son and even gone through a divorce.
AdvertisementBarney and Rossi clashed almost immediately and started a feud that would play out on the show and in the press.
The doctor often clashed with the android Lt. Data.
Her alpha leader tendencies clashed with the Cavils more than any other Cylon save for the Six model Natalie.
Swords clashed and spit sparks while their feet danced too fast for her to follow.
With more eloquence than judgment, he propounded theses bringing into relief the points in which the new doctrines clashed with the old.
AdvertisementHis keenly logical intellect, and his impatience of authority where it clashed with his own convictions, quite unfitted him for that unquestioning obedience which the Church demanded.
The growing ambition of General O'Donnell constantly clashed with the views of Espartero, until the latter, in sheer disgust, resigned his premiership and left for Logrono, after warning the queen that a conflict was imminent between O'Donnell and the Cortes, backed by the Progressist militia.
Moreover, the same business considerations which dictated those early marriages clashed equally with the strict theory of knighthood.
For many years the mining interests were supreme, and agriculture, even after it had become of great importance, was invariably worsted when the two clashed; but in 1884 the long and bitter " anti-debris " or " anti-slickins " fight ended in favour of the farmers.
Prerogative, despite Bacon's advice and efforts, clashed more than once with liberty; Salisbury's bold schemes for relieving the embarrassment caused by the reckless extravagance of the king proved abortive, and the House was dissolved in February 1611.
AdvertisementChiefs collide LAST night's (Wednesday's) planning meeting began with a bang as the council's planning chairwoman clashed with her ousted predecessor.
He frequently clashed with Jean-Paul Sartre and others who combined Marxism with psychoanalysis, structuralism and other philosophical currents inherently incompatible with Marxism.
But at least the Thracians were considered ideologically neutral because they hadn't clashed with anyone in the region.
Katzenbach clashed with J. Edgar Hoover over his policy of ordering unauthorized wiretaps of people such as Martin Luther King.
Timor-Leste, security collapsed after renegade soldiers clashed with security forces.
AdvertisementA ministry was formed on more liberal principles, but it clashed P P ?
In Beirut, police clashed with some 1,000 students using water cannons to prevent them from marching on the US embassy.
These two men, antipodal in temperament and political belief, clashed in irreconcilable hostility, and in the conflict of public sentiment, first on the financial measures of Hamilton, and then on the questions with regard to France and Great Britain, Jefferson's sympathies being predominantly with the former, Hamilton's with the latter, they formed about themselves the two great parties of Democrats and Federalists.
He shook the hand of his brother and friend, whose black skin clashed with his.