Clarify Sentence Examples
There are several ways to clarify water.
She added, as if to clarify the situation, that her son Randy would be there too.
Please clarify the meaning of any initials appearing in the proposed names.
Accordingly, when he was nearly forty years of age he went through a varied course of study and experiment, in order to enlarge and clarify his view of things.
This should clarify any ambiguity regarding the practices undertaken.
To clarify stock, remove every particle of fat.
While I don't have much information about your current relationship or a relationship you are interested in developing, I would like to clarify one thing; oral sex is sex and should not be used as a tool to getting someone to like you.
In love, your partner, who will want to clarify a position you took about him/her, will put you on the spot.
Future studies will also help to clarify the molecular mechanisms involved in the chaperone activity of raft lipids.
Clarify if you are interpreting his behavior correctly.
AdvertisementThe reviews clarify the particular reasons that films are rated high in particular categories.
There are additional electronics, but they simply help clarify the final image by carefully controlling the "gain" of the electron flow and reducing interference from outside electrical fields that could blur the screen.
Many retailers will clarify the size using both figures, but it is helpful to know the various figures in case there is only one or the other listed.
Also features a question and answers area, which attempts to clarify some of the most frequently asked philosophical posers.
It architecture was published in 1982, tho we still await publication of the finds which will clarify aspects of the dating.
AdvertisementThese findings will be useful to clarify the mechanism of salivary secretion stimulated by neurotransmitters.
Personalization options can help to clarify your message.
Further information is required to clarify the effects, particularly on bone, breast and uterine lining.
In the process of doing this it also tries to clarify a misunderstanding that pressure balances are inherently primary standards.
He was tired of asking the Minister of Supply, Douglas Sandys, to clarify the true position.
AdvertisementBut the delay in 3G rollout gives us a chance to tackle such issues properly - and clarify the obligations of carriers.
It is of tremendous importance to clarify the diagnosis, and assure that it is truly Bell's palsy that a child is suffering from as soon as possible.
This would appear to imply that a home without a stove or water heater would have a hard time passing inspection, but contact the FHA to clarify the guidelines and to find out if there are waivers in certain circumstances.
Even fiction writing requires a certain amount of research to clarify details.
To clarify even further, if you happen to be an Aries, but have Venus, Mars or both in Pisces, this aspect will greatly affect you.
AdvertisementThey immensely enjoy creative endeavors; Leo can help provide big picture inspiration that helps Pisces clarify his or her dreams.
Read the fine print and ask questions to clarify that the item being sold is what you are looking for.
Be sure to clarify all the terms and conditions of the lease before signing.
The addition of these symbols can clarify the angel's message.
Comparing the approach to learning a new language may be able to help clarify the point.
Before just going out and purchasing a chart from either Amazon or a local exercise equipment store, it would be best to clarify your exercise goals for a dumbbell workout.
Let me also clarify what we corresponded earlier about Jesus being God incarnate.
You may wish to add an explanatory line to your corporate letterhead to clarify your new status.
If you're still not really sure about all this podcasting malarkey, let us just clarify.
In the way, we also clarify some confusing terminology.
The aim of this study was to clarify the prognostic significance of perioperative blood transfusion following oesophagectomy in a specialist center.
In California this incident served only to open up agreeable personal relations and social courtesies, but it did not tend to clarify the diplomatic atmosphere.
There are several materials now in use possessing remarkable power to decolourize clarify, chemically purify and oxidize water; but they are too costly for use in connexion with public water supplies unless a rate of filtration is adopted quite inconsistent with the formation of a surface film capable of arresting micro-organisms. This fact does not render them less useful when applied to the arts in which they are successfully employed.
The purpose of this article is to clarify the scope, rather than discuss the detailed provisions of Section 798.
Rewording to clarify the limits of the coroner 's role would be advisable.
The main focus of my research is to clarify the role of Rab GTPases in regulating vesicular trafficking in osteoclasts.
Legal rights and responsibilities are transferred to the adopting parent, however, which helps to clarify the relationship between the adopting relative and the child.
The first thing you should do when deciding what portable media player to buy is to clarify the difference between MP3 players and portable media players.
Hi Julia,You didn't clarify if you need to connect all girls at the same time or with each individually and that can make a difference in some of the choices you make.
It is imperative to ask questions and clarify exactly what is included in your all inclusive honeymoon vacation.
You may end up clarifying your thoughts the more you write, so having a rough draft will help you clarify the points of your message.
To clarify the issue, the National Organic Program required that pet foods certified as organic must follow the standards for human-grade food.
If it is unclear, call customer service to clarify exactly how much you'll be charged.
If the invitation you receive is unclear regarding the expected attire, feel free to call to the hostess to clarify.
Don't hesitate to contact customer service with questions before you order to clarify anything you don't understand clearly.
Members may clarify that they only want an online pen pal, someone to travel with or a local friend to take in a movie with once in a while, but many others are looking for someone to date.
An onscreen legal manual helps clarify any confusing language or details.
It's also important to clarify if the center accepts Medicaid or, if more medical assistance is required, Medicare.
If the unrealistic expectations are coming from someone else, talking to them about what they are expecting from you may clarify possible misunderstandings or even find new solutions.
To clarify, there are several meanings that can arise when one is discussing a drop ship or drop shipping.
Let me clarify this Rosè from the get-go…it's delightful, it couldn't be better, I have no complaints.
Before we proceed in our discussion of free mobile phone tools, perhaps it is best to clarify exactly what is meant by the term.
Parents observing some or all of these warning signs need professional help to both clarify diagnosis and plan treatment.
Large-scale studies have helped to clarify how various mutations affect the ability of patients to process phenylalanine.
Especially in regions where there are several dance camps from which to choose, the programs help clarify the daily happenings at camp.
Free ancestry information comes in many different forms, so it’s helpful to clarify what you’re looking for before you begin your search.
Choosing the main idea and then having your child support that with details not only helps clarify the story in his mind but also will help make your child's writing more clear.
A job interview thank you letter can be a good time to mention or clarify facts that you feel might be important as you are considered for the job.
Reviewing qualification information online or contacting a staffer at the state unemployment department, will clarify filing facts at no cost to the applicant.
The projects include helpful diagrams to clarify each step, and the great selection makes it possible for you to find a fun project that fits your experience level.
There's also a video to help clarify some of the steps.
Learning how IVF works can help clarify how the treatment can benefit many couples who are trying to conceive.
If you want to clarify your response to a question, you can do so on a personal blog that potential matches can read.
If you're surprised or offended by something, take the time to ask the person to clarify before you get too upset.
That is likely why he did not clarify his interest or initiate something more.
It helps to clarify why you want to be back together and what you will do differently this time.
Always double check and clarify to make sure there are no nasty shocks when the ring arrives.
Therefore when buying an engagement ring from overseas or through an international jeweler, it is often necessary to clarify sizes.
If the couple is hosting their own engagement party, they should be careful to clarify that no gifts are expected.
Perhaps at this stage I should clarify what is meant by metabolic ammonia.
I think i 've def missed the boat on this posting but thought I should clarify anyway.
Unfortunately, this Opinion was so turgid as to be almost incomprehensible and did little to clarify the specific points at issue.
The ordinaries met these accusations with a lengthy and dignified answer; but this did not satisfy the king, and convocation was compelled on the 15th of May 1532, further to clarify the ancient laws of the land, as understood by the king, in the very brief, very humble and very pertinent document known as the " Submission of the Clergy."
These conditions have been redrafted to clarify requirements and should be accompanied by the 'best practice ' document for market operators.
You can do some homework on your own by reading legal blogs and then ask your lawyer to clarify any points that aren't clear to you.
To clarify, the script calls for you to drop your head to one side (upon your shoulder), and to tense and release certain parts of the body.
You're assertive enough to ask for help when you need to clarify important course concepts.
Choose from specially formulated shampoos to revitalize, clarify or protect your hair, and finish up with matching conditioners or other hair treatments.
Field trips often clarify information the kids learn at home.
You can always use the thank you letter as a vehicle to include additional information that might be helpful to clarify your expertise.
Rather than second guess, I would recommend asking your partner questions to help clarify any behavior you have concerns about.
However, you'll have to contact its customer service department to determine if the mats are natural or TPE, as the descriptions don't clarify.
The current diagnostic manual, the DSM-IV is undergoing some considerable changes that may help clarify the diagnosis but it may also be a source of controversy.
Headings should be short, and should clarify what to expect in the text following each heading.
And CD business cards are great for follow ups, where you can ask questions about particular aspects of your presentation that your prospect may have missed or misunderstood, and you can immediately clarify.
The plan can and should clarify stages of growth and how funding or a revenue stream will accommodate these stages.
And always have someone else review your resume to check for typos and clarify achievements points.
Clarify the writer/applicant relationship.
Clean up files, clarify accounts and, most importantly, don't succumb to the "I don't have to care, I'm leaving" attitude.
They don't have the benefit of being able to ask you to clarify anything ambiguous or unclear, and you aren't there to elaborate.
New minivans typically range from about $25,000 to $45,000, so before you set foot on the lot, it's important to clarify your vehicle needs.
In medical situations, it's best to take concerns or questions to your doctor, nutritionist, or other similar medical professional who can clarify and confirm information for you.
To clarify these factors, general good health, well-being, and weight management unquestionably requires some physical activity on a daily basis.
A monolingual French dictionary can clarify the nuances of the French words you have chosen and ensure that the connotations of these French words match the connotations of the original English words.
Buyers should keep in mind that return policies for certain items can differ from the usual return policy, so they should make sure to clarify the return policy for camcorders prior to making the purchase.
Having a medical release form on file can help clarify your wishes.
A customer service representative should be able to clarify any points that don't make sense to you.
Read the instructions carefully before beginning, and be sure to ask your insurer to clarify if any of the instructions are unclear.
One issue where the organization stepped in is by requiring car insurance companies to change their advertising to clarify claims of savings that are offeredwhen buyingtheir products.
Wording for theme party invitations provides hosts the opportunity to further clarify their party theme and details beyond the invitation design and graphics.
You should write several drafts of them, as the writing process will help you clarify your ideas and really flesh out everything you need to make your show a success.
Kate Gosselin herself has done little to clarify the rumors and speculation.
In March '05, editor Lou Anders of Prometheus Books attempts to clarify Science Fiction Vs.
Olay Clarify and Cleanse Scrub - This gentle scrub is suitable for everyday use.
He listened attentively, asking questions now and then to clarify.
But" – she rushed on – "I want to clarify that I'm not going to owe you anything and there's no weird contract with fine print that says you get to claim my firstborn child or anything."
With the aim of eliminating any possible ambiguity, we suggest some changes of wording to clarify the status of the non-statutory advice.
I've been experimenting with using bentonite to clarify.
Abstract Objective To clarify the role played by endothelial cell production of fibrinolytic factors in normal pregnancy and pre- eclampsia.
On the other hand, if you prefer a more traditionally dressed team, you will again need to clarify, as this is becoming an endangered expectation in the working world.
The use of current and constant prices helps us to clarify this distinction.