Cinq Sentence Examples
In the struggle against the Jansenists he used all the influence he had with the clergy to secure the passage of the apostolic constitution of the 31st of March 16 J3 (Relation de ce qui s'est fait depuis 1653 Bans les assemblies des iveques au sujet des cinq propositions, 1657); but in the rebellion raised by Retz, archbishop of Paris, against the king, he took the part of the king against the pope.
The only other conspiracy against him which amounted to more than intrigue was that of Cinq Mars in 1642, at the close of his life.
But as 0111vier approximated to the government standpoint, Picard, one of the members of the group known as Les Cinq, veered more to the left.
In his Histoire des francais des divers etats, ou histoire de France aux cinq derniers siecles (10 vols., 1828-1844) he undertook to describe the different classes and occupations of the community.
Of more or less isolated thinkers may be mentioned Francois de la Mothe le Vayer (1588-1672), whose Cinq Dialogues appeared after his death under the pseudonym of Orosius Tubero; Samuel Sorbiere (1615-1670), who translated the Hypotyposes Pyrrhoneae of Sextus Empiricus; Simon Foucher (1644-1696), canon of Dijon, who wrote a History of the Academics, and combated Descartes and Malebranche from a sceptical standpoint.
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