Cigarettes Sentence Examples
Maybe she called the cigarettes 'old' because the packaging looked unfamiliar.
He had a green thing of cigarettes.
Where's the package of cigarettes?
Martha called them 'old cigarettes,' Cynthia said.
Like the bone, the package of cigarettes was missing.
There was a pack of cigarettes and matches in her cleavage.
She popped open her halter, nearly spilling the contents, and took out her cigarettes, but didn't light one.
But there was the little problem of the pack of cigarettes Martha clearly described as being with the bones in the Lucky Pup Mine.
Maybe that's why the cigarettes are missing.
First cigarettes I ever smoked.
AdvertisementVinnie reluctantly agreed to stay put until Monday as long as he had enough money for cigarettes and meals at the diner across the street and the TV continued to work.
He threw one long leg across the other and glanced around, absently plucking a package of cigarettes from his shirt pocket.
She glanced up as he plucked a pack of cigarettes from his shirt pocket.
The chief industry is the manufacture of tobacco for smoking and chewing, of cigars and cigarettes and of snuff.
Other leading manufactures are malt liquors ($21,620,794 in 1905), railway rolling-stock consisting largely of cars ($21,428,227), men's clothing ($18,496,173), planing mill products ($17,725,711), carriages and wagons ($16,096,125), distilled liquors ($15,976,523), rubber and elastic goods ($15,963,603), furniture ($13,322,608), cigars and cigarettes ($13,241,230), agricultural implements ($12,891,197), women's clothing ($12,803582), lumber and timber products ($12,567,992), soap and candles.
AdvertisementThe chief sources of the general revenue fund are taxes on real and personal property, on liquors and cigarettes, on corporations and on inheritances; in 1909 the net receipts for this fund were $8,043,257, the disbursements $9,103,301, and the cash balance at the end of the fiscal year $3,428,705.
The manufacture of cigars and cigarettes (almost entirely of cigars, few cigarettes being manufactured), carried on chiefly by Cubans at Key West and Tampa, also increased in importance between 1890 and 1900, the products in the latter year being valued at $10,735,826, or more than one-quarter more than in 1890, and in 1905 there was a further increase of 56.2%, the gross value being $16,764,276, or nearly one-third of the total factory product of the state.
The only manufacturing industries of much importance are the preparation of sugar, coffee and tobacco for market, and the manufacture of cigars, cigarettes, straw hats, soap, matches, vermicelli, sash, doors, ice, distilled liquors and some machinery.
The leading manufactures are cigars and cigarettes, sugar, rum and whisky.
The principal industries are brewing, iron-founding and the manufacture of cloth, boots, leather, cigarettes, matches, pottery, preserved meat and confectionery.
AdvertisementSome years ago, a few people taking Wellbutrin reported that their cravings for cigarettes diminished.
To some extent, we have this in the form of high taxes on cigarettes, which are seen to have negative externalities, and a home interest deduction on income taxes, as home ownership is viewed as having positive social good.
Cigarettes were advertised on TV and in magazines and their packages carried no warnings.
Unless you smoke, you don't pay attention to cigarettes.
And there's the pack of cigarettes—the missing cigarettes.
AdvertisementThen he remembered Franny and her too frequent cigarettes.
In 1904-1906 the yearly average sent to the United States was 234,063,652 cigars, 29,776,429 lb of leaf and 14,203,571 packages of cigarettes.
Among other manufactures are butter and cheese, canned fruits and vegetables, glass and earthenware, printing and wrapping paper, furniture, matches, hats, clothing, pharmaceutical products, soaps and - p erfumery, ice, artificial drinks, cigars and cigarettes, fireworks anc candles.
The process, which requires great judgment and care, results in the bright yellow leaf so largely used for pipe tobacco, cigarettes and chewing tobacco.
Egyptian cigarettes are to a great extent made from Grecian tobacco.
Paper is a monopoly in Greece, and Grecian cigarette manufacturers, to escape the monopoly, have transferred their business to Egypt, where they make cigarettes from Grecian tobaccos by the aid of Greek workmen.
Cigarettes consist of small rolls of fine cut tobacco wrapped in a covering of thin tough paper specially made for such use.
Such machines can make several hundred cigarettes per hour.
The best cigarettes, however, are made by hand; the tobacco leaves are selected and hand-cut, and the paper tubes are filled by hand.
The manufacturing industries of Peru are confined chiefly to the treatment of agricultural and mineral products - the manufacture of sugar and rum from sugar cane, textiles from cotton and wool, wine and spirits from grapes, cigars and cigarettes from tobacco, chocolate from cacao, kerosene and benzine from crude petroleum, cocaine from coca, and refined metals from their ores.
They confine themselves at present to decorating plaques, boxes and cases for cigars or cigarettes, and an occasional tea or coffee service; but the whole domain of salvers, dessert-services, race-cups and so on remains virtually unexplored.
In the suburbs, oils, chemicals, cigarettes and bricks are made at Tacuba; cotton textiles at Contreras, San Angel and Tlalpam; paper and boots at Tacubaya, and bricks at Mixcoac and Coyoacan.
Cubebs is frequently used in the form of cigarettes for asthma, chronic pharyngitis and hay-fever.
There were 467 tobacco factories reported in 1905 to be engaged in the manufacture of cigars, cheroots, cigarettes, snuff and cut tobaccos for the pipe.
The total value of factory products in 1905 was $30,848,175 (in 1900 it had been $32,682,061), and the most important of these were the products of steel-works and rolling-mills; the products of railway repair shops; foundry and machine-shop products; hardware, hosiery and knitted goods; cigars and cigarettes, and felt hats.
The only local industries are the preparation of salt (Italian and Indian concessions, with an output of 124,000 tons in 1916-7), the unhuking of Arabian coffee berries and the making of cigarettes from tobacco imported from Egypt.
Rio de Janeiro has manufactures of flour from imported wheat, cotton, woollen and silk textiles, boots and shoes, readymade clothing, furniture, vehicles, cigars and cigarettes, chocolate, fruit conserves, refined sugar, biscuits, macaroni, ice, beer, artificial liquors, mineral waters, soap, stearine candles, perfumery, feather flowers, printing type, &c. There are numerous machine o nd repair shops, the most important of which are the shops of the Central railway.
Kingston's principal manufactures are tobacco, cigars and cigarettes, street railway cars and boats; other manufactures are Rosendale cement, bricks, shirts, lace curtains, brushes, motor wheels, sash and blinds.
The principal manufactures are tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, malt liquors, distilled liquors, cotton fabrics, clothing, ice, lumber, foundry and machine shop products, carriages, waggons, furniture and boots and shoes.
The manufacture of tobacco into cigarettes, carried on largely at Alexandria and Cairo, is another important industry.
The tobacco is imported chiefly from Turkey and Greece, is made into cigarettes in Egypt, and in this form exported to the value of about 500,000 yearly.
They are invested by the sheaths of leaves, much used in packing oranges in south Europe, and the more delicate ones for cigarettes in South America.
The most important factories are those for the manufacture of cigars and cigarettes, but most cigars and some of the cigarettes are made by hand.
The foreign commerce of the Philippines consists chiefly in the exportation of Manila hemp, dried coco-nut meat (copra), sugar and tobacco, both in the leaf and in cigars and cigarettes; and in the importation of cotton goods, rice, wheat-flour, fresh beef, boots and shoes, iron and steel, illuminating oil, liquors, paper and paper goods.
Among other manufactures were gypsum wall-plaster, saddlery and harness, malt liquors and tobacco, cigars and cigarettes.
Other industries include manufactures of leather, boots and shoes, furniture, bricks and pottery, cigars and cigarettes, beer, wine and spirits, candles and soap. The largest and most numerous commercial firms are German, but there are also French, British, and even Chinese establishments, although the immigration of Chinese is prohibited by law.
The city also manufactures cigars, cigarettes, snuff, a fertilizer having tobacco dust as the base, cotton goods, lumber, window sashes, blinds, drugs and hosiery.
In 1905 the principal products were umbrellas and canes (valued at $2,782,879), cigars and cigarettes ($1,951,971), and foundry and machine-shop products ($1,036,526).
Tobacco of two kinds, one the tumbaku (Nicoliana persica, Lindl.), for water pipes, the other the tutun (Nicoliana ruslica, L.), for ordinary pipes and cigarettes, is much cultivated.
The home markets are supplied, by native industry, with cigars and cigarettes, soap, candles, hats, gloves, starch, cheese and pottery.
In 1905 the value of Pittsburg's foundry and machine shop-products was $9,631,514; of the product of steam railway repair shops, $3,726,990 (being 424.8% more than in 1900); of malt liquors, $3,166,829; of slaughtering and meat-packing products, $2,732,027; of cigars and cigarettes, $2,297,228; of glass, $2,130,540; and of tin and terne plate, $1,645,570.
The public revenues are derived from import duties on foreign merchandise, from export duties on national produce, from internal taxes and royalties on liquors, cigarettes and tobacco, matches, hides and salt, from rentals of state emerald mines and pearl fisheries, from stamped paper, from port dues and from postal and telegraph charges.
Among its manufactures in 1905 were flour and grist mill products (value, $2,638,914), furniture ($1,655,246), lumber and timber products ($1,229,533), railway cars ($1,118,376), packed meats ($99 8, 4 2 8), woollen and cotton goods, cigars and cigarettes, malt liquors, carriages and wagons, leather and canned goods.
Among the manufactured products are cotton, woollen and "pita" fibre fabrics, sugar, rum, mescal, beer, furniture, pottery, soap, candles, leather, matches, chocolate, flour and cigarettes.
It is a well-built town, with some thriving manufactures, including cotton goods, cigarettes, liqueurs, &c. It is the see of a bishop and has a fine cathedral.
The most valuable manufacture in the same year was smoking and chewing tobacco (especially plug tobacco) and snuff valued at $11,635367 - which product with that of cigars and cigarettes ($1,225,347) constituted 1 5.5% of the value of the factory products of the city.
Cigarettes made of stramonium leaves may be smoked or the tincture may be taken internally.
The only important manufactures of Trujillo are cigars and cigarettes.
Bare to the waist, Dean trembled in the cool mountain air until someone tossed him an old flannel shirt that smelled of sweat and cigarettes.
And there's the pack of cigarettes—the missing cigarettes.
Ethel, her usual sympathetic self, reached for her cigarettes and began to get dressed after what she deemed sufficient time to put up with the unsuccessful performance.
Use proper ashtrays & ensure that cigarettes are extinguished before disposing of them.
Most smuggled cigarettes have never had duty paid in any country and are smuggled by diversion from the transit trade.
Women who smoke 20 cigarettes a day are four times more likely to develop breast cancer.
More than 41 million packets of counterfeit cigarettes were seized in 2004, a rise of 25 per cent over the previous year.
Finally, contraband cigarettes that are intercepted by customs have then to be replaced creating yet more sales.
They put lighted cigarettes on cushions to see how they burn them.
They always look faintly bored as they recline with their polystyrene cups of coffee and low-tar cigarettes.
As a result some highly dangerous forms of lung cancer actually appear to be higher in smokers of low tar cigarettes.
I stopped smoking cigarettes almost exactly four years ago.
Sales of cigarettes fell almost 16% in the first six months of 2004, according to the Irish revenue commissioners.
In general, if the patient smokes 20 or less cigarettes a day, 2mg nicotine gum is indicated.
There is a myth that hookah smoking is safer than smoking cigarettes because the hookah smoke is filtered through water before it is inhaled.
They harassed Iraqis who smoked cigarettes or drank water using their left hand, which is considered impure.
This government has no intention of banning cigarettes so it should not be banning kava kava.
They then launder the dollars raised by using them to buy cigarettes which are smuggled back into their own countries.
Did you know Smoking 20 cigarettes a day over an average lifetime will cost you about £ 100,000 (allowing for inflation ).
Do take extra care with cigarettes - make sure they are put out properly and keep lighters and matches away from children.
Throw away all of your cigarettes, matches, lighters, ashtrays, etc. Keep busy on the day you give up.
Are you spending almost as much in breath mints as you are in cigarettes?
The band sing mostly in French, with some excellent social comment, including musings on the butts of cigarettes.
Also available on prescription Back to top inhalers and Nasal Sprays Cigarettes can be replaced by inhaling nicotine through the mouthpiece of an inhalator.
Critique of smokers of low yield cigarettes do not consume less nicotine.
Our unit attractively displayed 10 boxes of cigarettes in a customized housing unit with a lockable door to prevent pilferage.
In spite of gunfire and bombing we found native traders on cycles offering us tinned pineapple and cigarettes.
It was a Brit, Malcolm Sayer, a rather portly chap who smoked roll up cigarettes.
Once inside they forced a cabinet and stole a large quantity of cigarettes, placing them in green expandable nylon bags.
Beside, quitting cigarettes is a lot harder than quitting cigarettes is a lot harder than quitting weed.
The seized shipments contained seven million cigarettes each and there had been no attempt at concealment.
So far as I can tell, shopkeepers are more reluctant nowadays to sell cigarettes to children.
He was of the opinion an increase in cigarette prices would not discourage smokers to purchase cigarettes.
Do you know how much a 20-a-day smoker spends on cigarettes in a year?
In this manner, I squeezed in three cigarettes and a few photos of the Texas I remember from my childhood summers.
Low tar cigarettes (defined as those yielding less than 10 mg tar) began to take an increasing market share.
Raise tax on hand-rolling tobacco to dissuade smokers from switching from manufactured cigarettes to roll-your-own.
We think that the position of the tobacco companies in withholding information on the additives their cigarettes contain is completely untenable.
According to a British consular report for 1904 there were 153 manufacturing establishments in the city producing cotton, linen and silk textiles, leather, boots and shoes, alcohol and alcoholic beverages, beer, flour, conserves and candied fruits, cigars and cigarettes, Italian pastes, chocolate, starch, hats, oils, ice, furniture, pianos and other musical instruments, matches, beds, candles, chemicals, iron and steel, printing-type, paint and varnish, glass, looking-glass, cement and artificial stone, earthenware, bricks and tiles, soap, cardboard, papier mache, cartridges and explosives, white lead, perfumery, carriages and wagons, and corks.
The principal exports are wool, woollen, cotton, linen goods, machinery, china, pianofortes, cigarettes, flannels, stockings, curtains and lace, cloth from Reichenbach and Zittau, watches of superlative value from Glashiitte and toys from the Vogtland.
In 1909 the advertisement of liquors, solicitation of orders for liquors, and the sale of cigarettes to minors were prohibited.
Among the more notable industries may be mentioned the manufacture of china (see Ceramics), of gold and silver ornaments, cigarettes, chocolate, coloured postcards, perfumery, straw-plaiting, artificial flowers, agricultural machinery, paper, photographic and other scientific instruments.
Cigarettes, tobacco and a small quantity of alcohol were stolen.
Customs Allowance Passengers over 18 may import, duty-free, 200 cigarettes or 250 g tobacco articles; 1 quart of wine or spirits.
Beside, quitting cigarettes is a lot harder than quitting weed.
Of course even the best mates wo n't let you scrounge cigarettes for long for free.
But it is hard to imagine that manufacturers could sell shiploads of cigarettes without knowing where the product was going.
Even buying smuggled cigarettes would cost £ 1,000 per year.
These cigarettes are then entering the black market, to be smuggled back into the UK.
This is because cigarettes smuggled in freight containers are never purchased tax-paid anywhere.
Please ensure to use ashtrays and stub out cigarettes carefully.
At the start they were merely stubbing out cigarettes in each other 's hands.
There 's been a move toward low tar cigarettes.
It 's not any thicker than tin foil in a pack of cigarettes.
Seeing police cars on the road, we pulled up to see two men in their twenties smoking cigarettes and talking to the police.
Even if this was a genuine strategy, at the very least such additives should not be present in higher yielding cigarettes.
Confronted by health zealots out to ban tobacco, Nick goes on a PR offensive, spinning away the dangers of cigarettes.
Numerous online e-commerce shops offer cigarettes at discount prices.
The key factor to keep in mind, however, is that these cigarettes many not really be produced by your favorite brand.
Note also that all cigarettes they offer are produced in Eastern Europe and not the United States.
All cigarettes are produced in Europe and then shipped to the United States.
The federal government taxes cigarettes so as to try to encourage smokers to quit.
The good news is that these taxes do not apply to Indian reservations, meaning you may obtain cigarettes from stores located on reservations without paying any pesky federal taxes.
Regardless, below is a list of some of the tribes from which you may obtain cigarettes.
You will need to visit some of them in person to purchase cigarettes, while others offer cigarette sales through an online portal.
One easy way to save money on cigarettes is by signing up with your favorite cigarette brand.
If you're a frequent traveler or you have family in the area, you may just want to stock up on your cigarettes in North Dakota, where the taxes were lowest as of August 1, 2011.
Likewise, you ought to avoid purchasing cigarettes in New York, lest you don't mind paying an outrageous state tax of $4.35.
In addition to normal aging, drinking coffee, tea, cola and wine, and smoking cigarettes, will all cause the teeth to turn yellow, brown and even black.
The main culprits of raising one's heart beat is usually cigarettes and caffeine.
Because smoking cigarettes may not be seen as dangerous as using other, illegal drugs, teens can often be coaxed into trying it.
Like smoking cigarettes or experimenting with drugs, sneaking alcohol behind parents' backs is another way teens want to establish their independence and test boundaries.
There are over 4,000 ingredients in tobacco products, none of which are remotely good for a person's health.Tobacco products include cigars, cigarettes, and pipes as well as chewing tobacco and other smokeless products.
One of the biggest challenges in giving up smoking cigarettes, tobacco, or pipes is the nicotine withdrawal symptoms people experience.
While nicotine is a very addictive drug, you can learn to face life without your cigarettes.
If you add up the cost of your cigarettes, you'll probably discover that you've spent a shocking amount of money on nicotine during the past few years.
Do you think you are spending too much money on cigarettes?
For example, if you're motivated by the financial costs of smoking, you may find it helpful to deposit the money you normally spend on cigarettes into a special savings account.
According to the American Heart Association, 19.2% percent of females and 24.1% of males smoke cigarettes.
In fact, 80% of women who die from this condition smoked cigarettes at some point in their lives.
Most women who reduce the number of cigarettes smoked on a daily basis simply inhale more deeply to consume the same amount of nicotine.
Some physicians also have information on local resources to help you adjust to life without cigarettes.
Smokers who use more than 25 cigarettes per day should use the 4mg gum, while less frequent smokers should use 2mg Nicorette gum.
This recommendation is the same regardless of whether you smoke low-tar or low-nicotine cigarettes.
However, if you crave cigarettes in the morning, you may wear the patch for a full 24 hours.
But, attending a family gathering on your first day without cigarettes might be too much to face!
You'll probably be grouchy and stressed out at first, as you go through physical withdrawal and overcome the psychological need for your cigarettes.
Maybe you reach for the cigarettes as soon as dinner is over.
For a lot of people, drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes go together.
If they're not supportive, you may need to spend a little less time with them until you're confident about being done with cigarettes.
Nicotine products seem expensive until you compare their cost to that of your cigarettes.
Many people think that smokeless tobacco is a safer alternative to cigarettes.
And, just like with cigarettes, using snuff or chew can become a habit that's as hard to kick as the physical addiction.
Most people know that cigarettes can cause lung cancer.
Unfortunately, it has many of the same risks as cigarettes and several of its own.
I don't remember exactly what day I started smoking cigarettes, but I do remember the day that I quit smoking as if it were yesterday.
I think it was either Benson & Hedges or Virginia Slims cigarettes.
We almost got busted because my friend's mother found out her cigarettes were missing and it seemed like trouble was coming fast.
Time passed and I learned to smoke the real McCoy, cigarettes fresh out the pack or crush-proof box!
Twenty, filtered menthol cigarettes, jam packed with nicotine, tar, embalming fluid, and couple hundred more flavorful low-dosed toxic deadly poisons.
I got light-headed and dizzy in the beginning of my 24-year life sentence as a smoker of cigarettes.
At home, we hid our bad smoking habit by sticking our heads out of the bathroom window while smoking cigarettes.
One snowy evening, in the winter of 1982-83, my brother and took a walk down the avenue where we lived, to smoke cigarettes.
I almost got busted that day because I was just about to pull my cigarettes out my pocket.
Shortness of breath, bad colds and flu symptoms, yellowish (coffin) fingernails, eyes looking lowly and dimly lit up were signs of the unhealthy aspect of smoking cigarettes.
I apparently loved cigarettes and it was a marriage of convenience that kept us together as one.
Enough said for the glory of smoking cigarettes.
Back to Green Bay, the people I was visiting found out that I was a young boy smoking cigarettes, after trying to hide it and cover it up from them.
I felt like Pavlov's dog when it came to smoking cigarettes.
Yes, she was right and basically said "I am powerless over cigarettes."
It is not so much as the physical dependence of nicotine or cigarettes but the mental dependence caused by my thinking and the force of habitual thinking and acting upon the thought of physically craving nicotine.
Immediately, I got the thought to write down all the pros and cons of smoking cigarettes.
Besides looking cool, which is a lie, I could not find one good reason to smoke cigarettes.
Just read the side of a pack of cigarettes.
Yes, he smoked cigarettes, suffered the consequences and died prematurely.
God rest his soul.One day, while I was talking with a good friend about his recently stopping smoking cigarettes.
The price of cigarettes have recently gone up due to city/state excise taxes in Illinois for health cost/benefits, the military budget, and lot of other things.
It costs $7 for a fresh pack of cigarettes at many stores in Chicago.
And only a Power Greater than himself or I call God, could remove the mental obsession of a nicotine fix or shall I say smoking cigarettes.
It was just that his desire not to smoke cigarettes had outweighed his desire to smoke cigarettes.
Sanity is knowing and believing and acting upon the truth that you cannot successfully smoke cigarettes without grave consequences.
When you realize that you are powerless over tobacco or smoking cigarettes that means that you surrender the belief that you can beat a cigarette's power to causes death to yourself and others.
You have no power over cigarettes whatsoever.
He will direct your paths to quitting smoking cigarettes one day at a time.
With this method, you simply stop smoking cigarettes.
This means someone can need the nicotine on a physical level and experience nicotine withdrawal but also need cigarettes because they think they do.
One might think that there's been a new secret study that reports on how cigarettes don't cause cancer.
Chewing tobacco contains a whopping 28 carcinogens (cancer causing agents) and furthermore, it's actually been declared by the Surgeon General that chewing tobacco is not a safe substitute for real cigarettes.
It's crystal clear that smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco are both deadly.
So in a world full of dangerous and health-compromising issues, just how deadly can the effects of smoking little old cigarettes and chewing tobacco be?
Cigarettes or chewing tobacco are outside influences that can damage your cells and cause various cancers.
Tobacco the lead ingredient in both cigarettes and chew is the cause of around 440,000 yearly deaths and those deaths are sadly preventable.
Together cigarettes and chewing tobacco are responsible for more cancers of the larynx, oral cavity and pharynx, esophagus, and bladder than any other agents.
For those who choose to use it as a replacement for smoking cigarettes, chewing tobacco health risks are deemed to be as dangerous as smoking tobacco.
When attempting to quit smoking cigarettes, as well as dealing with the nicotine withdrawal, smokers also struggle to cope with not having an actual cigarette to hold at various times of the day.
In this article, you will learn some of the best ways to help you say goodbye to cigarettes forever.
You attend a weekly meeting that provides you the chance to meet others who understand what you are going through and can help you stay motivated in quitting cigarettes.
Whatever you have to do, just keep your mind focused on your end goal - giving up cigarettes for good!
Subsequent cigarettes aren't as pleasurable, since the nicotine doesn't fire the dopamine in the brain to the same extent.
Having the support of people who can encourage former smokers to stay focused on the benefits of not going back to cigarettes can help them stay on track.
If going to certain places triggers a craving for cigarettes, a person may need to avoid them until the severe nicotine withdrawal symptoms have passed.
Nicotine is not only in cigarettes, it's also found in chewing tobacco and in cigars in varying amounts.
For example, a person who has smoked two packs of cigarettes a day for the last 10 years will probably experience the physical symptoms of withdrawal much sooner than someone who has only smoked one or two cigarettes a day for a few months.
Nicotine is the substance in tobacco that causes most people to become addicted to smoking cigarettes.
Some people turn to cigarettes as a way to relieve stress and cope with life events.
These benefits continue as you stay off cigarettes.
Once you have been off cigarettes for 10 years or more, the risk of developing fatal lung cancer is also cut in half.
At that rate, a person who smokes a pack a day will spend $308.00 per month on cigarettes.
He rolls his own cigarettes, using imported papers and Bali tobacco.
Daniel Radcliffe, who plays Harry Potter on film, smokes up to a pack of cigarettes a day.
It could be difficult to imagine that Jennifer Aniston is a smoker, but she is rumored to consume up to two packs of cigarettes a day.
You might think that, with the wealth of knowledge about the dangers of smoking, these celebrities could afford to get the help they need in order to quit cigarettes for good.
Smoking in Hollywood was once as common as breathing, with almost every major star seen with cigarettes in hand.
Some have even managed to quit after smoking multiple packs of cigarettes a day for decades.
She detoxed her system back in 2007, and quit both caffeine and cigarettes.
Cigarettes also contain carbon monoxide.
Turn your head to the side, however, and show off a crystal skull wearing a top hat and smoking a few cigarettes.
Unlike manufacturers of cigarettes and pharmaceuticals, game companies make no bones about wanting you addicted, wanting to alter your life in a permanent and potentially hazardous way.
Children taking the test who have had certain foods, medications, or cigarettes before the test may get inaccurate results.
Common causes of corneal abrasions include fingernails, make-up implements, paper cuts, plant material, including tree branches, animal scratches, cigarettes, inverted eyelashes, and blunt trauma, such as that with a knife or with scissors.
Young adults aged 18 to 25 had the highest rate of current use of cigarettes (40.2%), similar to the rate in 2002.
Among persons aged twelve or older, a higher proportion of males than females smoked cigarettes in the past month in 2003 (28.1% versus 23%).
Other forms of self-harm include biting, hitting, or bruising oneself; picking or pulling at skin or hair; burning oneself with cigarettes, or amputating parts of the body.
These behaviors include smoking cigarettes, alcohol use, early sexual activity, and aggressive or violent behaviors.
Among persons aged 12 or older, a higher proportion of males than females smoked cigarettes in the past month in 2003 (28.1% versus 23%).
Smoking cigarettes while taking oral contraceptives greatly increases the risk of serious side effects.
Females who take oral contraceptives should not smoke cigarettes.
Serious side effects are rare in healthy females who do not smoke cigarettes.
This peer pressure can influence how children dress, what kind of music they listen to, and what types of behavior they engage in, including risky behaviors such as using drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol, and engaging in sex.
Examples include drinking alcohol, taking drugs, smoking cigarettes, cutting classes, vandalizing, and stealing.
Some brands of cigarettes are advertised as low tar, but no cigarette is truly safe.
For example, a controlled trial demonstrated that self-massage can help smokers crave less intensely, smoke fewer cigarettes, and in some cases completely give them up.
How do smokers give up their cigarettes for good and never go back to them again?
If you're trying to get pregnant and get a negative test result, you should still avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and recreational drugs, just in case you are actually pregnant.
Smoking while pregnant is a bad idea because expectant mothers pass the nicotine and carbon monoxide from cigarettes on to the baby through the placenta.
This can lead to you inhaling just as much nicotine out of fewer cigarettes.
If you smoke while breastfeeding, you are passing along the poisons in the cigarettes to your baby.
If you can't just stop, gradually cut back on the amount of cigarettes you smoke in a day.
Cut back on the number of cigarettes you smoke.
Even though the patch and pill release nicotine, it is still in lower levels than cigarettes.
Remove alcohol, cigarettes and recreational drugs (including marijuana) from your life.
A survey of American teens reveals those who are sexually active are more likely to have used drugs like marijuana, alcohol, and cigarettes.
Alcohol and cigarettes should be off limits during this time as well.
Lit cigarettes and broken glass can hurt tender feet, and they're hazardous for animals too.
Although people 18 and older may be able to purchase cigarettes, Philip Morris only promotes its cigarettes to people 21 and older.
Sign up at Smokers to get promotional information and coupons for a variety of Phillip Morris cigarettes, including Marlboro.
If you plan to buy cigarettes online, look into the laws in your state regarding Internet purchases of tobacco and nicotine products.
They lie around cemeteries filling their gothy lungs with the output of clove cigarettes and communicating with the unresponsive dead.
Gasoline and cigarettes are two examples of products requiring the additional excise tax.
There are vending machines for snacks, drinks, cigarettes, personal hygiene products and even now "breathalyzer" vending machines, popular at clubs and bars, where people can test their blood alcohol level!
A healthy detox diet will encourage you to include healthful foods like fruits and vegetables while eliminating harmful substances such as cigarettes, alcohol, and soda pop for a few days to a few weeks.
For instance, a hypnotherapist may suggest that a smoker finds cigarettes distasteful, or that someone trying to lose weight will easily pursue healthy behaviors.
Cigarettes smoldering in a flammable trash can or on bedding.
Lowering the risk of fires by not leaving cooking, candles, and cigarettes unattended will help, as will making sure that smoke detectors are in place and functioning.
Whether or not your smoke cigarettes - or have smoked habitually in the past - can influence the cost of your life insurance.
Do not wear flannel nightgowns while you smoke cigarettes.
Ideas include Atomic Fireballs, Candy Buttons, candy necklaces, candy cigarettes and Lemonheads.
Smoking cigarettes is a deadly sin for the complexion and has been linked to both premature aging and wrinkles.
If all of your answers are "no," you may be able to minimize your under eye circles by eating better, cutting out cigarettes and making sure you get enough slumber every night.
Are cigarettes marked, like food?
He explained no cigarettes were found with the remains Fitzgerald brought to Bird Song nor was there any such evidence when the Deans visited the site.
The city's manufactures idclude cotton, woollen and silk textiles, cigars and cigarettes, and dulces, or sweetmeats, Morelia being noted throughout Mexico for the latter, particularly for a variety called Guayabate.
Passive smoking Breathing in smoke from other people's cigarettes is called passive smoking Breathing in smoke from other people's cigarettes is called passive smoking.