Cider Sentence Examples
He ate and sipped the cider, its warmth making his muscles relax.
In these provinces large quantities of cider are brewed.
The hands are coming in to boiled salt beef and cider and Indian bread.
There is a great profusion of fruit, the apples yielding a kind of cider which, however, does not keep longer than a month.
She reached for the cider.
Apple cider vinegar claims a great number of benefits.
A popular prepared dish is rabbit braised with apple cider.
Apple cider vinegar is an acid, but is thought to produce alkaline in the body when it is metabolized.
The health benefits of apple cider vinegar have been talked about for centuries.
One benefit of drinking apple cider vinegar is that it's reasonably priced.
AdvertisementHowever, not all apple cider vinegars provide the same benefits.
Apple cider vinegar that contains the Mother, such as Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar, collects sediment in the bottom of the bottle and ranges in color from an orange or yellow hue to a brownish color.
These filmy sediments, cloudiness, and globular strands floating in the cider make up the Mother, and this is where you'll derive most of the health benefits.
Other vinegars that contain the Mother include Whole Foods' organic and Trader Joe's organic apple cider vinegar.
If you haven't heard of the Mother of Vinegar before, look for it on the label when purchasing apple cider vinegar you plan to use for the health benefits.
AdvertisementThe Mother changes the alcohol into acetic acid and develops delicate enzymes and complex proteins which play an instrumental role in the health benefits of apple cider vinegar that you're looking for.
If you choose an apple cider vinegar with the Mother, you can expect a number of health benefits.
Along with all these nutritious benefits, many people claim apple cider vinegar also helps to lose unwanted weight.
According to his premise, to lose weight all you need to do is drink a few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar before your meals to curtail your appetite and diminish cravings.
Truthfully, when you read up on it, the claims make it sound like apple cider vinegar is a cure all for every condition known to man.
AdvertisementProtein can include meats, dairy products, melons and citrus fruits, lentils, wine and cider.
Mother is the substance that turns the fermented apple cider from alcohol into vinegar and gives it its sour taste.
More research has been done regarding the effects of apple cider vinegar on diabetics.
For instance, a study in 2007 had people with Type II diabetes take two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before bed.
A nutrition professor at Arizona State University reported similar results with patients that took a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before meals, and noted that the patients taking vinegar also ate fewer calories and lost weight.
AdvertisementApple cider vinegar, and vinegars in general, are made through a fermentation process that creates a highly acidic liquid.
Apple cider vinegar is produced from apples and is both acidic and bitter.
Many doctors warn against drinking any type of vinegar, especially apple cider vinegar, the most common vinegar used for this type of dieting.
Drinking straight apple cider vinegar or consuming the tablets have been known to cause burning in the throat and can irritate the throat, esophagus, and lining of the stomach.
If your party is for the under 21 crowd, set up a non-alcoholic bar with plastic champagne glasses and sparkling cider, white grape juice and ginger ale.
For example, honey and apple cider vinegar is a particularly potent treatment for blemishes.
The cider he had made nightly for her since she was a child sat next to the meal.
She swirled it, considering when she had last drunk some of the sweet, tart cider.
His gaze settled on his morning meal of bread, cheese, and cider.
Culture yeasts have also been successfully employed in the manufacture of wine and cider.
The industries include brewing, flour milling, and the export of agricultural produce, chiefly corn and cider.
The district produces hops and fruit, and there is trade in cider.
Market gardening is extensively carried on in the neighbourhood and cider largely manufactured.
As a measure for beer, cider, &c., it equals 54 gallons.
In the neighbourhood large quantities of wheat, hemp, fruit and cider are produced; and there are important coal and iron mines, foundries, and factories for the manufacture of coarse cloth.
In agriculture the Basque Provinces and the Pays Basque were great cider countries, but during the 19th century this was gradually replaced by wine-growing.
Once every four years in cities and once in two years in towns the question of licence or no-licence must be submitted to a vote of the electorate, and in a no-licence town or city no bar-room or saloon is to be permitted; in such a town or city, however, malt liquor, cider and light wines may be sold at a railway restaurant and an inn-keeper may serve liquors to his bona-fide registered guests.
An abundance of cider is also made in all the large apple-growing districts.
Trade is chiefly in agricultural produce, wool and cider, as the district is rich in orchards.
Berlin is noted for its flower nurseries, the Rhine valley, Wurttemberg and the Elbe valley below Dresden for fruit, and Frankfurt-on-main for cider.
Shoe-making, tanning, agricultural trade, tin-plating, and the manufacture of confectionery and cider have superseded the former large woollen and serge industries.
In fruit-growing, Kent takes the first place, but a good quantity is grown in Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Essex, in Worcestershire and other western counties, where, as in Herefordshire, Somerset and Devon, the apple is especially cultivated and cider is largely produced.
Before leaving office the Rockingham government repealed the Stamp Act; confirmed the personal liberty of the subject by forcing on the House of Commons one resolution against general warrants, and another against the seizure of papers; and relieved private houses from the intrusion of officers of excise, by repealing the cider tax.
Much of the lower ground is well adapted for agriculture, and yields grain in abundance; the principal fruit grown is the apple, from which cider is made in some districts; hemp, flax and oil are also produced, and mulberries are cultivated for silkworms. The wine trade is active, and the products of the vineyards are in great demand in south-west France and at Passages in Guipuzcoa for mixing with French wines.
Of these it is estimated three quarters are cider apples.
Find out all about cider making, buy cider or cider brandy.
Windy makes home brew cider, and whittles wood.
From that night onwards Brother Leonard always poured the cider over hot sulfur.
He also makes Kingston Black cider and sells bottled ciders.
Stronger drinks like spirits, and fizzy drinks like champagne or sparkling cider, are absorbed more quickly.
The secret was closely guarded by the abbey who became renown for their sweet, mellow cider.
Their most popular brand was Scrumpy Jack, a dry, slightly rough cider.
Try to find a dry cider made from a single variety of apple.
Hobbies and interests include Italian zombie horror movies, rock music and sampling the local Somerset scrumpy cider.
Cider keg cider keg Cider is made from pressed apples which undergo a process of fermentation.
No draft cider was sold, it was all bottled.
Or how about a shot of hot spiced apple cider or even the classic warming mulled wine?
In the USA, the term pear cider is used for perry.
Attached and adjacent to the Kitchen is the old Cider Barn with the remains of the old cider press.
The cooking is French inspired, if a touch eccentric - salted cod in cider may not be to everyone's taste.
Barely hours later we forced down a mouth-watering meal of French style crepes washed down with local cider.
Dart Boards Two packets of ready salted crisps and a half of cider.
They listen to Christmas music, have eggnog and hot cider, eat nuts and spend time with family and friends in the evening.
St Malo offers a host of delicious recipes, from the traditional meal of pancakes and cider to prestigious gourmet feasts.
To cook, a large pan of boiling liquid is required, often white wine or cider based.
Transfer to a bowl and stir in finely chopped mango and cucumber, onion, lime juice and the cider or juice.
Draft Beer and Cider can be sold in quantites of 1/3 pint, ½ pint or multiples of ½ pint.
However, some of the fields show past use as cider orchards by the presence of gnarled Somerset varieties of apple trees.
Attached and adjacent to the Kitchen is the old cider Barn with the remains of the old cider press.
The ingredients are apples, apricots, cane sugar, sultanas, cider vinegar, salt, ginger, garlic and spices.
The word "pear" or its equivalent occurs in all the Celtic languages, while in Slavonic and other dialects different appellations, but still referring to the same thing, are found - a diversity and multiplicity of nomenclature which led Alphonse de Candolle to infer a very ancient cultivation of the tree from the shores of the Caspian to those of the Atlantic. A certain race of pears, with white down on the under surface of their leaves, is supposed to have originated from P. nivalis, and their fruit is chiefly used in France in the manufacture of Perry (see Cider).
Later, Bute roused further hostility by his cider tax, an ill-advised measure producing only 75,00o a year, imposing special burdens upon the farmers and landed interest in the cider counties, and extremely unpopular because extending the detested system of taxation by excise, regarded as an infringement of the popular liberties.
The city's manufactures include fruit baskets, preserved fruits, cider, vinegar, pickles, furniture, lumber and stationers' supplies, particularly material for the "loose-leaf ledger" system of accounting.
This includes the production of shiitake mushroom logs, apple juice and cider from unsprayed orchards planted with traditional English varieties.
A Spirits, wine, cider, beer or other fermented, distilled or spiritous liquor, but not anything below 0.5% volume.
Add the rice, stir-fry for 2 minutes then pour in the cider or wine.
The Good Cider Guide by David Kitton, 1st edition, October 1987, Alma Books, deleted superseded by the second edition above.
Slapping fines on teenagers swigging cider in the local park might play well with ' disgusted of Tunbridge Wells '.
If you tried to eat a cider apple you would discover its main difference from eaters or cookers is its tannin level.
While you've probably heard of some of the traditional ones, like eggnog and hot apple cider, there are a lot more recipes that you can add to your arsenal.
Many individuals have discovered home remedies for common ailments, such as apple cider vinegar for ringworm.
The following information will help you decide if apple cider vinegar is a valid treatment for ringworm.
Apple cider vinegar is a product of crushed apples, which contains acetic acid, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and salts.
Apple cider vinegar is a renowned folk remedy, believed to be a cure-all for a host of common ailments.
The above benefits may be reason enough to purchase a lifetime supply of apple cider vinegar, though oral consuption will not cure your ringworm.
If you have been using apple cider vinegar for ringworm for more than two weeks without success, you may need a prescription treatment.
While genetic hair loss can usually only be treated using medical intervention, for other forms of hair loss you may want to try apple cider vinegar hair regrowth.
Both internal and external factors can contribute to the problem, and determining what is causing your hair loss will be the first step in deciding what sort of apple cider vinegar treatment is best for your situation.
In The Apple Cider Vinegar Miracle Health System, author Paul Chappuis Bragg identifies the following hair symptoms in relation to potassium deficiency.
Raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar, known to be rich in potassium, is an excellent way to balance out your electrolytes and restore health to your hair.
You can safely add raw apple cider vinegar to your diet in a number of ways.
It is generally not a good idea to drink apple cider vinegar straight over an extended period of time, as the acidity may harm the enamel on your teeth.
To use apple cider vinegar as a topical treatment, take advantage of the opportunity to combine apple cider vinegar with other substances known to enhance hair growth.
A mixture of apple cider vinegar and sage is a common and effective treatment for stimulating hair growth as well as treating any fungal infections that might be present.
Mix the cider vinegar with your favorite herbs, then pour over your scalp after shampooing.
Ordinary clear vinegar sold at the supermarket does not contain the necessary nutrients you need for apple cider vinegar hair regrowth.
To enjoy the full health benefits of apple cider vinegar, look for a natural, raw, unfiltered product..
The murky bits you see floating in the bottle are called the mother of vinegar, and contain most of the goodness to be found in apple cider vinegar.
This kind of apple cider vinegar is generally not available in grocery stores.
To buy natural apple cider vinegar, look in speciality markets and health food stores, or purchase online.
Keep your photographic subjects happy with snacks and warm cider between takes.
Additional treats may include a wedding coffee bar, a selection of hot cocoas, eggnog, gingerbread, sugar cookies, and mulled wine or hot cider.
This part led to many similar roles for Maguire, including Pleasantville (1998), The Cider House Rules (1999) and Wonder Boys (2002).
Most apple cider vinegar in the home is five percent acidity.
Vinegar comes in strengths ranging from five percent acidity, such as typical apple cider vinegars, and up to 18 percent acidity.
Properly made, however, the kombucha mushroom yields a drink that tastes a bit like apple and pear cider and is widely touted for its supposed health benefits.
Black tea, raw sugar, and apple cider vinegar are the most common ingredients.
Cooking with organic raw apple cider vinegar is nothing new.
If you haven't tried cooking with organic raw apple cider vinegar, the murky brown color and sediment in the bottom of the bottle might take a little getting used to.
Regular processed vinegar holds none of the benefits offered by organic apple cider vinegar.
Raw organic apple cider vinegar goes through two fermentation processes while the standard clear vinegar is distilled.
Raw apple cider vinegar contains enzymes and life-giving nutrients while the distilled vinegar is stripped of it nutrients.
Organic raw apple cider vinegar works as a purifying agent for detoxifying your body.
Apple cider vinegar has a strong flavor so a little goes a long way.
This apple cider vinegar recipe makes a great side dish, especially if you're a gardener and the summer squash is coming in faster than you know what to do with it.
Cooking with organic, raw apple cider vinegar is a great way to improve the taste of your meals while you are improving your health.
It is great for cider as well as eating out of hand.
Ants can be deterred with cider vinegar.
By using available household items like baking soda or cider vinegar, you can clean almost anything in your home safely.
A little cider vinegar in the rinse water will help deodorize the doll and kill bacteria.
The Vet Info website has a simple recipe for homemade flea shampoo which uses apple cider vinegar.
In the event of suspected yeast, a tablespoon of cider vinegar in a cup of warm water can serve as a diaper area wash.
You're going to need vinegar to pickle them and I like cider vinegar.
In order to make the pie crust even more tender and flaky, we will be using apple cider vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar, vinegar, or any acid in general, will help the glutens relax.
Say goodbye to harsh, stripping detergents and welcome natural and exotic ingredients, such as apple cider vinegar, olive oil, rich shea butter, and special silicone sealing agents that will caress your split ends into satin.
This is why Fekkai specially formulated his Apple Cider Vinegar Clarifying Shampoo which works alongside a Clearing Rinse to remove residual styling product build-up.
One type of scented candle would be best, and scents such as vanilla, cinnamon, apple, pumpkin spice, caramel, and cider are popular choices for autumn weddings.
You'll find the smells of cider and spices, seasonal fruits, fresh-baked goods and a warm hearth throughout the collection.
Kitchen Spice - If you've ever mulled cider, you know how wonderful the combined scents of orange zest, cinnamon, cloves and ginger can be.
You should consider some non-alcoholic options as well, such as sparkling cider.
You can stop along the way for a bite to eat at local establishments, drink hot cider and just soak up the atmosphere.
Don't forget a bottle of wine or nonalcoholic sparkling cider.
Champagne or wine is customary but sparkling cider is a good substitute for a non-drinking group.
Rent a copy of one of the many versions of The Nutcracker, and watch while sipping hot chocolate or warmed cider.
Sell hot beverages-Selling hot chocolate and hot apple cider where families play outdoors can help to line the pockets of budding entrepreneurs.
You can enjoy warm cider here while taking part in some Christmas caroling.
First you can go pick your own apples, then you can eat some (or make apple pie, sauce, cider or anything else you like) and you can use them for crafts.
Have a friend who enjoys spiced cider, cocoa, or your favorite single serving cake recipe?
The apple cider vinegar diet is based on the idea that consuming a few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar prior to meals curbs the appetite and reduces cravings.
Dr. Jarvis also believed that consuming apple cider vinegar would cause the body to burn fat instead of store it.
Apple cider vinegar has also been used by people with diabetes, high blood pressure, and those following the alkaline acid diet.
Studies on the efficacy of apple cider vinegar involving humans are limited.
Unpasteurized apple cider vinegar is a golden brown color and has cloudy sediment at the bottom of the bottle known as mother of vinegar.
Mother of vinegar is rich in acetic acid, which is one of the main active ingredients in apple cider vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar is taken in liquid form by the teaspoon and also comes in pill and capsule form.
There are no official guidelines regarding what the daily intake of apple cider vinegar should be.
When apple cider vinegar is taken in its pill form, 285 milligrams is the dosage commonly found in instructions which accompany supplements.
Obviously, apple cider vinegar in pill form is easier on the palate.
If you are going to use apple cider vinegar as a dietary supplement, you may wish to use the liquid form to be sure of your dosage size, plus it is more economical.
Several different health conditions are thought to benefit from the apple cider vinegar diet.
The best choice for health purposes is raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar which contains what is known as the Mother.
The apple cider vinegar used is unpasteurized.
Women can use whole garlic cloves, acidophilus or an apple cider vinegar douche to cure a yeast infection, while jock itch can be treated with applications of tea tree oil or honey, and responds well to an increase of garlic in the diet.
Yeast infections can be treated cheaply and quickly with whole garlic cloves, acidophilus or an apple cider vinegar douche.
Dab a bit of apple cider vinegar to the wound site as soon as you have removed the stinger.
Soak your feet in the concoction for half an hour, three times a day.Another recipe calls for 16 ounces of Listerine (the original formula - no mint or citrus flavors!) and 16 ounces of apple cider vinegar blended together.
Just dab a cotton ball or gauze pad in vinegar - or the aforementioned apple cider vinegar and original Listerine blend - apply it to the necessary area twice a day.
The type of vinegar you use is not necessarily important - there are many different types available on the market, but the most common types used in toenail fungus treatment are typically regular malt vinegar and apple cider vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar in particular is thought to reduce inflammation, so it may prove effective in reducing intense pain caused by the infection.
Apple cider vinegar may be applied directly on the toe nail bed twice daily.
Dampen a clean, soft cloth with apple cider vinegar.
You can apply apple cider or white vinegar to a cotton ball and rub it directly onto the burn.
She sniffed at the cider but found it smelled no differently than she expected.
His gaze returned to the empty mug of cider and his uncontrollable urge to sleep.
On a night like this, she could think of little else she wanted but a cup of Sirian's cider and a hot bath followed by a good night of sleep.
Wine is not extensively produced, nor is it of the best quality; but in some parts, especially in the Perche, there is an abundant supply of apples, from which cider is made as the common drink of the inhabitants.
Fruit is very abundant, especially apples and pears, from which much cider and perry are made.
By the judicious selection of a type of yeast it is possible to improve the bouquet, and from an inferior must obtain a better wine or cider than would otherwise be produced.
Trade is in cider, cattle, butter, flowers and fruit, and there are salmon and other fisheries.
The nickname of "gentle shepherd" was given him because he bored the House by asking over and over again, during the debate on the Cider Bill of 1763, that somebody should tell him "where" to lay the new tax if it was not to be put on cider.
The town contains large iron foundries and chemical works, and has an active trade in fruit, cider, timber and live stock.
There are manufactures of machinery and agricultural implements, and trade in the products of the district, such as cider and malt, and several fairs are held annually.
Because of his fame as a frontier hero, of the circumstance that a part of his home at North Bend, Ohio, had formerly been a log cabin, and of the story that cider, not wine, was served on his table, Harrison was derisively called by his opponents the " log cabin and hard cider " candidate; the term was eagerly accepted by the Whigs, in whose processions miniature log cabins were carried and at whose meetings hard cider was served, and the campaign itself has become known in history as the "log cabin and hard cider campaign."
At the pumpkin patch, they sipped hot cider while strolling around making their choices and corralling them together, laughing and enjoying the sunshine.
In 1763 he spoke against the obnoxious tax on cider, imposed by his brother-in-law, George Grenville, and his opposition, though unsuccessful in the House, helped to keep alive his popularity with the country, which cordially hated the excise and all connected with it.
The group specially described as indirect taxes includes those on alcohol, wine, beer, cider and other alcoholic drinks, on passenger and goods traffic by railway, on licences to distillers, spirit-sellers, &c., on salt and on sugar of home manufacture.