Cichlids Sentence Examples
Also have other cichlids for sale all about 2/3 " for £ 5 each.
I have 5 home bred midas cichlids for sale, 3-4 " feeding really well on anything!
The shop has an excellent range of fish available including some very nice African cichlids at the moment.
Also in stock are the unusual marbled convict cichlids.
Its the best one i... American cichlids what american cichlids could i keep with a green terror?
Calvus wanted and Altolamprologus Compressorceps 19/12/05 No Above 2 " please needed, also any other tanganyikan cichlids considerd apart from frontosa.
Please also check out my website listed below, plenty of other South American dwarf cichlids av... .. .
We also have alot of other stock available specializing in south and central American cichlids and catfish.
Goby cichlids 06/06/05 No Has any body got any goby cichlids 06/06/05 No Has any body got any goby cichlids for sale?
The bigger the shoal the better, And do not keep them with highly territorial fish like African cichlids.