Chorus Sentence Examples
A chorus of voices yelled down, asking if there were survivors.
He'll become a part of the chorus and sing a songfor his friends.
The chorus of the new song was stuck in my head all day.
A chorus of "Heidi" filled the room before Carmen could speak.
In 1889 concert performances of grand opera were started, and in 1896 a chorus was formed, thus making it possible adequately to present the operas.
Public authorities and private friends joined in the chorus of eulogy.
For the support of the chorus the more powerful organ was necessary.
The chorus started out the performance by singing a cheerful song.
Whatever beauty the day held was lost once he was behind the wheel, listening to a chorus of horns amid a blue haze of exhaust.
A whippoorwill was calling down by the creek, beginning each chorus with a kiss.
AdvertisementA chorus of voices responded to the question in unison.
On that subject there was wonderful unanimity, and the few persons who could not join in the chorus had the prudence to remain silent.
The kids chorus sends a shiver up your spine.
But in his plays, as in the early tragedies generally, the dramatic element was subordinate to the lyric element as represented by the chorus and the dance.
But as early as the 7th century we come upon traces of short lays (the so-called cantilenes) which were in the mouths of all and were sung in chorus.
AdvertisementHe introduced a separate actor as distinct from the leader of the chorus, and thus laid the foundation of dialogue.
Years ago we used to hear quartets sing the catchy chorus went, " They wouldn't bend.
The second of these tunes even managed to get the somewhat subdued crowd screaming along with the chorus.
With no more woodwind nor strings, the new Chorus plays sparsely produced pop songs, filling the sound out with keyboards and kazoos.
Of his relations with his brother-authors little is known; it was natural that he should exchange complimentary verses with James Shirley, and that he should join in the chorus of laments over the death of Ben Jonson.
AdvertisementBy 1880 the May festival chorus had become a permanent organization.
Song lyrics - If you have a song stuck in your head, post a line from the chorus.
No sooner had it expired when the phone took up the chorus.
As far as the diction itself is concerned, the lyric outbursts of the chorus gave Schiller's genius an opportunity of which he was not slow to avail himself.
There are many musical clubs, and a spring festival for which a local chorus furnishes the nucleus, is held annually.
AdvertisementIn the rehearsal they did the chorus ala " Power Cut " but live it was sung like on " Alternative Chartbusters " .
The title track is a great intense rumble through acoustic balladry and Jeff Buckley chorus.
Chorus and Trio (" Achieved is the glorious work ") Contrabassoon doubles second bassoon doubles second bassoon from bar 38.
Occasionally, for some obscure reason, two open diapasons were included, while the second 8ft. chorus reed is seldom found.
The pure Sakai in the interior have a good knowledge of planting rice, tapioca, &c., fashion pretty vessels from bamboos, which they decorate with patterns traced by the aid of fire, make loin-cloths (their only garment) from the bark of the trap and ipoh trees; are very musical, using a rude lute of bamboo, and a noseflute of a very sweet tone, and singing in chorus very melodiously; and altogether have attained in their primitive state to a higher degree of civilization than have the Semang.
In Portland, as in Bangor, the Maine Music Festival (begun in 1897) is held every year in October, three concerts being given by a chorus composed of local choruses trained in different cities of the state for the festival.
Oratorio is given usually in the Albert Hall, the vast area of which is especially suited for a large chorus and orchestra, and at the Crystal Palace (q.v.).
Of course, the most popular ceremony song is the "Bridal Chorus" by Richard Wagner, also known as "Here Comes the Bride".
The important small published works are Eine Faust Overture (1839-1840; rewritten, 1855); the Siegfried Idylle (an exquisite serenade for small orchestra on themes from the finale of Siegfried, written as a surprise for Frau Wagner in 1870); the Kaisermarsch (1871), the Huldigungsmarsch (1864) for military band (the scoring of the concert-version finished by Raff); Fiinf Gedichte (1862), a set of songs containing two studies for Tristan; and the early quasi-oratorio scene for male-voice chorus and full orchestra, Das Liebesmahl der Apostel (1843).
John Adams, when he succeeded Deane (recalled from Paris through Lee's machinations) joined in the chorus of fault-finding against Franklin, dilated upon his social habits, his personal slothfulness and his complete lack of business-like system; but Adams soon came to see that, although careless of details, Franklin was doing what no other man could have 1 The house is familiar from the drawing of it by Victor Hugo.
In fact, until the second repeat of the chorus If you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it almost all of the movement vocabulary is reminiscent of the isolations, footwork and costumes of jazz dance.
The Radio City Rockettes are a group of female dancers who specialize in chorus line kicks.
Fans love the opportunity to see that the Rockettes are more than chorus line kicks in this energetic tap number.
A stage completely filled with a long line of chorus dancers whose high kicks all reach exactly the same height still has the ability to send shivers down the spines of many audience members.
A chorus of nickering and snorting greeted her as she entered the barn.
He'll become a part of the chorus and sing a song on his friends.
The next song, which featured two guitars, had a great picked intro and chorus.
If the experiment cannot be regarded as successful, the fault lies in the difficulty of reconciling the artificial conventions of the Greek theatre, the chorus and the oracle - here represented by dreams and superstitions - with the point of view of the poet's own time.
Guitare Tab - A simple, clean and well-designed guitar tab site, Guitare Tab has a complete version of Smoke on the Water that included the verses, chorus, opening riff and even the guitar solo.
If there is a particularly catchy melody that is sung during a song's chorus, a guitar player will often play the same melody on the guitar during the song's instrumental break.
Usually this happens after a verse or chorus.
A great, if bizarre sing along chorus as well should go down well.
I Wanna Hold Your Hand in an English folk club complete with singalong chorus from the audience.
Additionally, he often uses both a Dunlop Cry Baby wah-wah pedal and the BOSS CE-1 stereo chorus pedal during concerts to replicate his studio sound in a live format.
Alternately, you may wish to use cleaner-sounding effects pedals such as chorus, delay or compression.
The simple lyrics and repeating chorus make it hard to forget and easy to dance to - precisely what makes a good theme song for a high energy, exciting place such as a theme park.
In fact, Martin O'Donnell -- Bungie's lead composer -- has incorporated a full live orchestra and chorus for this outing.
There is a Greek chorus of skepticism regarding the wine rating system, the criteria of the restaurant awards passed out by the magazine every year, its objectivity, its arrogance, and ultimately its bully pulpit influence.
And I will join the Greek chorus in singing about how slick and commercialized Napa Valley has become over the years but I'll also confess that I'm always ready to go back.
But surprisingly, it doesn't take much to get disoriented in the Valley, especially if you are the designated driver and you have a Greek Chorus of wine enthusiasts in the back seat offering their jolly-spirited guidance.
Older generations are impressed with the dancing skills and the precision of the chorus line, while younger audiences are pulled in by the fun and surprise surrounding the Christmas elements of the show.
Since most country songs follow a set pattern of verse and a repeated chorus, the dance moves also tend to have repeated sections with minor variations.
This is usually a movement phrase measured in counts of 8 and something repeated during the dance at easily identifiable musical cues (such as the chorus).
Watching dancers do solos and then seamlessly integrate back into a unison dance theme during the chorus of a song is part of the magic of line dance.
Full of award-winning choreography, the entire show is a dancer's delight; however, some of the instrumental songs, which feature significant amounts of chorus dancing, are highlights in the show.
Featuring a large chorus, this song may seem like a sleepy song at first, which is all the more reason to enjoy the fast and furious ending.
While laws are beginning to change for some homeschooled children, the majority are still not allowed to play on their local high school sports teams, chorus, band, FFA or join any other school-based clubs.
Cathedral Chorus - About five minutes in length, this last section begins softly, but climbs to a rousing crescendo with trombones and percussion.
Hence the protests of those who believed that the figures for population were too small swelled into a general chorus of dissatisfaction.
The chorus / climax is irresistible anyway - Verlaine crooning - " I understand destructive urges / They seem so imperfect.
Modern composers have often produced their most characteristic orchestral effects with fewer contrasting elements than Bach uses in his Trauer-Ode, in the pastoral symphony in his Christmas Oratorio, in the first chorus of the cantata Liebster Gott, wann werd' ich sterben, and in many other cases; but the modern instrumental effects are as far outside Bach's scope as a long passage of preparation on the dominant leading to the return of a first subject is beyond the scope of a gigue in a suite.
In his time the college consisted of a master (magister), a vice-master (promagister), a flamen, and a praetor, with eight ordinary members, attended by various servants, and in particular by four chorus boys, sons of senators, having both parents alive.
Thus Mozart's most perfect as well as most ecclesiastical example is his extremely terse Mass in F, written at the age of seventeen, which is scored simply for fourpart chorus and solo voices accompanied by the organ with a largely independent bass and by two violins mostly in independent real parts.
Now, such subtleties seem as if they must be unconscious on the part of the composer; yet here Bach is so far aware of his reasons that his vivace e allegro is an arrangement of the second chorus of a church cantata, Gott man lobet dich in der Stille; and in the cantata the chorus has introductory and final symphonies and a middle section with a da capo!
The name Cycleus given to his father indicates the connexion of the son with the "cyclic" or circular chorus which was the origin of tragedy.
The compositions belonging to the period of his residence at Weimar comprise two pianoforte concertos, in E flat and in A, the " Todtentanz," the " Concerto pathetique " for two pianos, the solo sonata " An Robert Schumann," sundry " Etudes," fifteen " Rhapsodies Hongroises," twelve orchestral " Poemes symphoniques, " " Eine Faust Symphonie," and " Eine Symphonie zu Dante's ` Divina Commedia,' " the " 13th Psalm " for tenor solo, chorus and orchestra, the choruses to Herder's dramatic scenes " Prometheus," and the " Missa solennis " known as the " Graner Fest' Messe."
The position of Colonus itself is marked by two bare knolls of lightcoloured earth, which caused the poet in the same chorus tc apply the epithet "white" (ap'yii-ra) to that place.
Demosthenes had dreamed the night before that he and Archias were competing for a prize as tragic actors; the house applauded Demosthenes; but his chorus was shabbily equipped, and Archias gained the prize.
I'll just finish dealing, and then Ilyushka will come with his chorus.
The intricate, rumbling bludgeon of ' Becoming The Dragon ' has a pummeling, cyclical rhythmic drive and soaring, left-of-centre chorus.
From striking her opening chords to having the crowd yell a raucous chorus of ' Oh Estelle !
The chorus who could contribute to the action from the sides without being directly part of the mimetic action mostly used the rostra.
Roxie is a chorus girl who has murdered her lover but manages to get acquitted with the help of sleazy lawyer Billy Flynn.
The first real standout moment is Power Trip, armed with a roaring chorus that could be the next Killing In The Name.
This was an urban tale of the streets of Leith in stream-of-consciousness style with a powerful chorus.
The chorus took the song up a notch moving from a reggae riff to a thicker strumming pattern.
Chorus by Mat Davidson, audio, 3 mins, interlude for 5 voices, commissioned by susan pui san lok.
Some children play the rabbits, the ducks and the thieving weasels while the audience learns and sings the chorus of four songs.
In antiphonal music, or music modeled on the antiphonal situation of solo and chorus, tonality shifts regularly between solo and chorus sections.
The whistle player was trilling away, we were joining in on the chorus.
The perfectly picked intro had a jazzy feel and I liked the catchy chorus, which lifted up into quite an upbeat melody.
Evidence for enhanced substorm activity and whistler mode chorus associated with electron acceleration to relativistic energies.
A chorus of voices responded to the question inunison.
Her newest musical work contains an upbeat chorus juxtaposed with serious and moving lyrics.
You can enhance your social skills by becoming involved in groups, such as playing on the school soccer team, competing on a dance team, or singing in the chorus.
Let It Ring requires eighteen plus characters and a variable male-female chorus of at least sixteen.
If your goal is to find a creative way to present wedding vows, but you are not particularly artistic and the idea of straying from the traditional format makes you nervous, consider adding a chorus to your vows.
They are the chorus of individuals who want the drug user to get help and know they care.
She is also a trained soprano, and in 1998, performed twice with the All-Eastern U.S. High School Honors Chorus at Carnegie Hall.
Former stripteaser Ann Corio credited Hinda Wassau with inventing the act when forced to shimmy out of a chorus costume that had caught on the beads of the ensemble worn beneath for purposes of a quick change.
And believe me when I say you better know these songs inside and out if you are going to play the Hard or Expert levels because the sequence of the arrows will usually follow the verses, the chorus, or some bass groove or melody.
Sometimes this will coincide with the length of the song the dance is performed to, but usually it is the duration of a verse and chorus.
The opening number to another Fosse-choreographed musical, "All That Jazz," features mainly solo singing with a strong chorus of singers and dancers getting the show off to a raucous start.
A short number with a rapid beat, this chorus dance wows with its precision, bright colors, and high kicks.
In 1840, Felix Mendelssohn wrote a contata celebrating, of all things, the printing press, and the second chorus is used as the melody for this carol.
A chorus of Thriller can always break out.
Whether you're drawing on the wisdom of great literature or the chorus of a hot dance song, finding the right words is easy with crush and love quotes.
The musical score for the chorus of the Beatle's classic All You Need is Love is on his lower back.
Play your personal road trip compilation when the chorus of "Are we there yet?" rises to an uncomfortable decibel level.
Drama, chorus, art, band, and various sports can open up your child's world.
Vocally it changes from deep baritones to the higher register strange chorus.
One dawn chorus and a large cappuccino later, a new chairman welcomes us.
Skating was good - there was an adult male skater practicing jumps and Scruff was giving him a chorus of rousing cheers.
He answered by singing a chorus of We Shall Overcome.
From heavy to soft, this song, a standout track from the album, features razor sharp electric guitars and an uplifting chorus.
The crowd began to rowdily chant the chorus and join in with the spirit of the anthem.
This has a heavy, almost anthemic chorus which is supported by some wonderfully pure clear guitar sounds - another goodie!
It is however redeemed somewhat by the strong and melodic chorus, which is thankfully the most memorable section of this track.
This one was slightly discordant, and contrasted a moody chorus verse with a brighter, sweeter chorus verse with a brighter, sweeter chorus.
Enjoy a dusk cruise, a dawn chorus walk or watch the sunrise from a canoe.
The flue chorus makes an excellent dialog with the Great diapasons for the classical repertoire.
Dear Editor We would like to publicly congratulate the members of the Junior Pantomime Chorus.
Here you'll get to experience the dawn chorus in a dug out canoe in the mangrove creeks of the River Gambia.
And the angels, we could say, sing the descant to creation's chorus.
The flue chorus makes an excellent dialog with the great diapasons for the classical repertoire.
The song is structured with tranquil quiet verses and an upbeat chorus that combine to make a very Genesis like mini epic.
Mick Sands ' chorus music feels elemental too, superbly sung or intoned by the cast, with lute or solo flute accompaniment.
This section of the Mass concludes with another brilliant fugue for the chorus, to the words 'Et vitam venturi saeculi, Amen ' .
The only time I was actually caught up with the law was when I was a chorus girl.
For instance, " This Given Line " by Electric Soft Parade has a harmonica introduced on the second chorus.
I like the dramatic entry into the chorus, but then it sounds a bit too jazzy and laid-back for my liking.
It has a catchy chorus, a gorgeous melody and even manages to throw in an orchestral break without sounding overblown.
Here there was a chorus from my research team about the dubious pleasures of actually getting to and from most salons.
So, please allow me to add to the chorus of deserving praise already posted!
Elizabeth has sung in the chorus in productions of The rake's progress, Manon, Idomeneo and Marriage of Figaro.
We even managed some sleep between the teenage ravers heading home and the dawn chorus.
The presence of a chorus reed makes this organ suited to a role in leading singing in a church.
The CD starts with the uptempo melodic rocker " Let's talk about love ", which has a very catchy excellent AOR chorus.
A rather desultory chorus yielded to a thrilling orchestral scherzo, and an entrancing oriental dance.
With a well-drilled chorus and effective set pieces it was always great to watch.
The ocean is awash with sound, as dolphins, whales and even snapping shrimp all join in the chorus.
Bach contrives to give this anti-climax a definite artistic value; all the more from the fact that his Crucifixus and Resurrexit, and the contrast between them, are among the most sublime and directly impressive things in all music. To the end of his Resurrexit chorus he appends an orchestral ritornello, summing up the material of the chorus in the most formal possible way, and thereby utterly destroying all sense of finality as a member of a large group, while at the same time not in the least impairing the force and contrast of the whole - that contrast having ineffaceably asserted itself at the moment when it occurred.
By the side of it ranks the Faust Symphony (1854-1857), in which the moods of Goethe's characters - Faust, Gretchen and Mephistopheles - are depicted in three instrumental movements, with a chorus of male voices, supplying a kind of comment, by way of close.
In respect to finance this authority was strikingly manifested in the burdens imposed on wealthy citizens by the requirements of the " liturgies " (Xarovpyiat), which consisted in the provision of a chorus for theatrical performances, or defraying the expenses of the public games, or, finally, the equipment of a ship, " the trierarchy," which was economically and politically the most important.
The cry of the jackal is even more appalling than that of the hyena, a shriek from one member of a pack being the signal for a general chorus of screams, which is kept up during the greater part of the night.
This event is celebrated every June in the ceremony of "Riding the Common" - in which a facsimile of the captured pennon is carried in procession to the accompaniment of a chorus "Teribus, ye Teri Odin," supposed to be an invocation to Thor and Odin - a survival of Northumbrian paganism.
Many hymns, nomes (simple songs to accompany the circular dance of the chorus), and oracles, attributed to Olen, were preserved in Delos.
Of Telesilla's poems only two lines remain, quoted by the grammarian Hephaestion, apparently from a Parthenion, or song for a chorus of maidens.
In 476 Phrynichus was successful with the Phoenissae, so called from the Phoenician women who formed the chorus, which celebrated the defeat of Xerxes at Salamis (480).
The catchy tap rhythms make for exciting wings, turns, and a final chorus line with high kicks.
First, he describes how he's going to sing the beat and the chorus at the same time.
Boasting a quintessentially '80s-esque music video and a playful, sing-along-with-me chorus, Mickey was singer Toni Basil's biggest - and only - hit.
It might be the first phone number (besides your own) that you memorized. 867-5309 (Jenny) is still a favorite with its catchy tune and unique chorus.
On the song You Can Do It, Ms. Toi raps/sings some of the chorus and a few lines in the versus.
Chorus - Raise your hands up in the air and scream/We're finding our voice/Following our dreams.
Chorus - Music's in my soul/I can hear it everyday, everynight/It's the one thing on my mind/Music's got control/And I'm never letting go, no no/I just want to play my music/Whoa.
Chorus - You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing/I need to find you/I gotta find you/You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me/I need to find you/I gotta find you/Oh yeah/Yeah yeah.
Chorus - This is real, this is me/I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now/Gonna let the light, shine on me/Now I've found, who I am/There's no way to hold it in/No more hiding who I want to be/This is me.
Chorus - You gotta scream until there's nothing left/With your last breath/So here I am/Here I am/Make em listen/Cause there is no way you'll be ignored/Not anymore/So here I am/Here I am/Here I am/Here I am.
Chorus - Who's got/What it takes to be/My beau/What it takes to make/Me glow/What it takes to make/This beat flow.
The chorus of the song goes on like this I close my eyes/And try to hide/But wait when these dreams collide.
The chorus to the song became part of the pop culture fabric in the 1980s and has endured.
To give the impression of an opera chorus, the band had to sing parts of the song up to 180 separate times so they could be overdubbed.
The 1985 song You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) by Dead or Alive inspired Right Round's chorus.
The song's chorus states that "I'ma tell you one time/Girl, I love you" and delivers the tracks title.
They even outline which parts are chorus, verse, and other musical parts.
Many artists also use parts of the song as introductions to their own original compositions, or use melodies from it in an original song's chorus.
Another popular alternative rock band, Fall Out Boy, used the chorus from Hallelujah in their song Hum Hallelujah.
Thanks to its lyrical content - Franklin demands that a man better think about what he's trying to do and repeats "freedom" over and over in the chorus - the song was embraced by the burgeoning feminist movement of the time.
Les Miserables, A Chorus Line and Chicago finish out the top five Broadway musicals that have the longest runs.
That didn’t matter to 90s audiences, who couldn’t get enough of singing along to its addictive chorus.
Yet the real masterstroke is to restore the chorus to its original musical function.
Once a half-decent boy soprano, his is now the kind of bass voice best confined to the back row of the chorus.
And when he writes in eight parts for a double chorus the two groups are seldom identioal.
Beethoven's Nine Symphonies; Berlioz's " Symphonie fantastique," " Harold en Italie "; Benediction et Serment (Benvenuto Cellini); Danse des Sylphes (Damnation de Faust); Weber's overtures, Der Freischiitz, Euryanthe, Oberon, Jubilee; Beethoven's and Hummel's Septets; Schubert's Divertissement a la Hongroise; Beethoven's Concertos in C minor, G and E flat (orchestra for a second piano); Wagner's Tannhauser overture, march, romance, chorus of pilgrims; Lohengrin, Festzug and Brautlied, Elsa's Brautgang, Elsa's Traum, Lohengrin's Verweiss an Elsa; Fliegender Hollander, Spinnlied; Rienzi, Gebet; Rheingold, Walhall; Meistersinger, " Am stillen Herd "; Tristan, Isolde's Liebestod; Chopin's six Chants Polonais; Meyerbeer's Schillermarsch; Bach's six organ Preludes and Fugues; Prelude and Fugue in G minor; Beethoven, Adelaide; 6 miscellaneous and 6 Geistliche Lieder; Liederkreis; Rossini's Les Soirees musicales; Schubert, 59 songs; Schumann, 13 songs; Mendelssohn, 8 songs; Robert Franz, 13 songs.
She stamped out her cigarette in the snow before pulling a large suitcase from the small rear seat, nearly yanking off the handle and serenading the action with a chorus of curses.