Chorale Sentence Examples
Review the lyrics and listen to a chorale performance.
As in all bach's cantatas, the final movement is a strong (here slightly extended) declaration of the main chorale.
The next stop was Gresford's impressive Perpendicular parish church, containing a respectable 1912 Hill, where Roger Hill played some chorale preludes.
The final chorale and fugue was an excellent example of togetherness on all fronts.
But why an organ chorale at the end of what is intended to be an epic work for harpsichord?
One memorable section set the turbulence of a Full Monte workout against the calm of a trombone chorale.
Together with these comes a selection of chorale preludes - part of the everyday working material of a Lutheran organist.
The take-away examination paper will include a Bach chorale, classical string quartet, and an early Romantic song.
The take-away examination paper will include a Bach chorale, Classical string quartet, and an early Romantic song.
It has nothing to with the German idea of a chorale, as these are long symphonic compositions based on a flowing melody.
AdvertisementIt begins rather in the manner of Eastern European folkmusic, and has a neoclassical chorale at the end.