Choosing Sentence Examples
I'm simply choosing the terms.
Usually we rely on Betsy's sole decision as a method of choosing a case but the wide spread interest in this kidnapping caused her to share it with all of us.
I'm not choosing anyone.
Because the brain grows more during the first year of life than at any other period, choosing the right educational infant toys is important.
He lost no time in choosing a coalition cabinet, and then personally took up the negotiation of peace.
There are 1 Owing to the custom which holds in Georgia of choosing state senators in rotation from each of the counties making up a senatorial district, it happened in 1907 that few cities were represented directly by senators chosen from municipalities.
As a royal possession it appears to have enjoyed various privileges in the 12th century, among them the right of choosing a bailiff to collect the toll and render it to the king, and to elect six burgesses and send them to the view of frankpledge twice a year.
In summer they ascend to the limits of perpetual snow, being only exceeded in the loftiness of their haunts by the ibex; and during that season they show their intolerance of heat by choosing such browsing-grounds as have a northern exposure.
Richemont caused the assassination of Charles's favourites Pierre de Giac and Le Camus de Beaulieu, and imposed one of his own choosing, Georges de la Tremoille, an adventurer who rapidly usurped the constable's power.
Although the parallaxes hitherto measured have added greatly to our general knowledge of stellar distances and absolute luminosities of stars, a collection of results derived by various observers choosing specially selected stars is not suitable for statistical discussion.
AdvertisementHis greatest administrative gift was a fine intuition in choosing men to serve him.
As a boy, he showed an extraordinary quickness of apprehension, and, choosing a learned life instead of the knightly career natural to a youth of his birth, early became an adept in the art of dialectic, under which name philosophy, meaning at that time chiefly the logic of Aristotle transmitted through Latin channels, was the great subject of liberal study in the episcopal schools.
Further, by suitably choosing the positions of the deflectors and the coefficient of torsion of the fibre, it is possible to make the temperature coefficient vanish.
Wood was assigned to the Southeastern Division, with the alternative of choosing either Hawaii or the Philippines.
By properly choosing 0 we can make the plane of the couple perpendicular to the resultant force.
AdvertisementThe suffragans of Canterbury claimed a share in choosing the new primate, although that right had been exclusively reserved to the monks of Canterbury by a papal privilege; and John supported the bishops since they were prepared to give their votes for his candidate, John de Gray, bishop of Norwich.
He took an active part in every department of business, but relied far more on extra-official counsellors of his own choosing than upon the senate.
Its municipal privileges were extended by a charter from James I., whereby the town, and a district of two miles round in every direction, were formed into a distinct county, with exclusive jurisdiction and a right of choosing its own magistrates.
Their number varies from ten to a hundred; and it is uncertain whether the honour is inherent in the abbacy of certain of the greatest cloisters, or whether the Dalai Lama exercises the right of choosing them.
The Gothic nobility still remained a distinct class, and held, along with the Catholic prelacy, the right of choosing the king.
AdvertisementIn 1687 it was the scene of the session of the estates of Hungary during which the Hungarians renounced their right of choosing their own king and accepted the hereditary succession of the Habsburgs.
For his next four pieces, which were comedies, there is claimed the introduction of some important improvements, such as the choosing for scenes places well known in actual life (as in the Galerie du palais), and the substitution of the soubrette in place of the old inconvenient and grotesque nurse.
It is guarded by a body of chosen knights, or templars, and acts alike as a life and youth preserving talisman - no man may die within eight days of beholding it, and the maiden who bears it retains perennial youth - and an oracle choosing its own servants, and indicating whom the Grail king shall wed.
This act offended the English barons, but in choosing a new queen John gave much greater offence abroad; he Carried off Isabella of Angoulme from her affianced husband, Hugh of Lusignan, the son of the count of Ia Marche, his greatest vassal in northern Aquitaine, and married her despite the precontract.
In choosing Pitt, the young son of Chatham, or his prime minister, as soon as he had dismissed the coalition, George III.
AdvertisementFor the purpose of choosing its representatives in the states-general the Third Estate of Paris had named 300 electors.
Freedom exists for Thomas, if it exists at all, only as the power of choosing what is necessarily determined by the intellect to be choiceworthy, the various possibilities of choice being themselves presented by the understanding to the will.
It is this immediate consciousness of the power of choosing between alternatives which the determinist finds so difficult to explain.
And supposing it to be replied that the motive is really the moral uneasiness involved in choosing the selfish alternative, Godwin answers that this uneasiness, though a " constant step " in the process of volition, is a merely " accidental " step - " I feel pain in the neglect of an act of benevolence, because benevolence is judged by me to be conduct which it becomes me to adopt."
These are the spirits which, taking up their abode in a village, cause disease and death; and to escape from such attacks the inhabitants may fly the village for good, and, by dwelling scattered in the recesses of the forest for a time before choosing a new site, they hope to throw their enemy off their trail.
The new sovereign and her government refused to ratify the agreement which had been illegally obtained, choosing rather to pay a million francs as compensation to the French company.
In choosing his collaborators his principle was never to select nobles or ecclesiastics, but persons of inferior birth.
By choosing a somewhat broader diaphragm, so that the spectra of 1st order can pass the larger division, there arises in the one half of the field of view the image of the larger division, the other half being clear without any such structure.
So you're choosing loyalty to him over me.
He'd wondered how they were choosing which souls to take and assumed his dealers were beating the demons to some.
What if the demons were choosing which souls they wanted, based on the compass readings?
Anshan-- a chunk of rock in space-- was smarter than the entire Council combined, even Jetr, who was content to mediate between him and the Council without truly choosing sides.
Many were also very adroit in terms of choosing a school.
They began the arduous task of choosing its drivers from the many letters received.
Did they choose bellicose rhetoric out of fear of choosing the wrong side?
Next, you can fill the polygon by choosing a fill color.
Individuals skilled at accurately gaging affective responses in others are usually talented at choosing socially adaptive behaviors, in their response.
Sometimes the paternal aunt is given the honor of choosing a name.
Atlanta bankruptcy Lawyers Choosing a bankruptcy attorney in Atlanta is a very important.. .
Choosing to plan a backyard wedding and using hunter bridesmaid dresses is hard work.
Below are helpful guides to choosing a summer camp.
Choosing to open a new cashbook launches a wizard to help you get your cashbook up and running with the minimum of fuss.
Barcode users no longer have the dilemma of choosing between the reliability of solid-state CCD readers and the speed of laser scanners.
We have a fairly chaotic process for choosing names of maps.
You can close a heading by selecting it again, or by choosing ' close ' at the bottom of each section.
Open the collocation function by clicking on the collocation function by clicking on the Collocations icon or by choosing [Collocation] from the [Query] menu.
Equal pay - choosing a comparator Please visit our main underpaid wage / salary claim page to read more about your employment rights.
Also allows for side-by-side comparison of colleges of your choosing.
When it comes to choosing your mortgage however, always seeks independent advice â itâs too complicated a decision to go it alone.
The Helvetic confession tells us that the right choosing of ministers is by the consent of the church.
For this reason, choosing a minimal counterexample is often cleaner.
Choosing the right investment may seen like an impossible task with seemingly countless products available, offering a multitude of options.
To help prevent this problem the following year, make sure you practice crop rotation choosing a well-drained open and sunny site.
Biological control can include choosing resistant turf grass cultivars or using soil bacteria to help improve the turf grasses ' health.
The young people were unanimous in choosing Elvaston Castle; an old and partially derelict manor house, on the edge of Derby.
Designer handbags - An article on choosing designer handbags - An article on choosing designer handbags.
I mean they're choosing someone who most people would find very distasteful.
Once you've chosen the warmth level your final step in choosing the right duvet is to decide on the size you need.
If you are choosing a joint venture don't think that by taking a 90 per cent equity stake you will necessarily have control.
The hardest part of writing this ethnography was choosing which information to include.
There is more detailed advice about choosing executors here.
Brendan Fraser became famous by choosing his projects well.
Are female zebra finches, when choosing a mate, influenced by the color bands on the legs of the males.
Some tenants are choosing to fit laminated flooring in their homes.
Home Choosing Health Healthy Eating Genetically modified foods Is it safe?
Weddings Our sales team will guide you through choosing the perfect chocolate fountain for your special day.
Diet Tips For a sweet snack, you'd be better off choosing fresh fruit.
Instead of choosing to have integrity in his working relationship with Susan, he goes giddy at the knees every time he sees her.
Blair and Sainsbury had effectively hijacked the whole planning process and would issue a ' decree ' at a date of their choosing.
Enjoy... Lightsaber The player will start with a lightsaber he creates choosing from different hilts and blade colors.
Almiro has been most selective on your behalf; choosing to display mostly homegrown artistic talent for you.
They display an unerring knack of choosing other people's songs and making them their own.
Can you give me any advice on choosing my wedding day lingerie?
For many couples, choosing the right location is the first step in planning their wedding.
When it came to choosing deserts, we both favored the almond macaroon with garden mint ice cream and a salad of spring berries.
When we moved in, the builders had painted everything magnolia and we are now getting round to choosing other colors.
The book also gives time to going through the process and then NOT choosing motherhood and ends with practical " parenting alone " information.
Choosing the right time to tell your child you have myeloma is not easy.
Choosing to invest because a company is named after your sister, for example, is a strict no-no.
To help you to choose a telescope or binoculars, or to understand telescope optics visit my Choosing a Telescope page.
Choosing fabrics Use a restricted color palette, neutrals with one color and motifs that are small scaled.
He was not an anomaly in choosing this path, merely a pioneer.
So when I choose, I imagine I'm choosing, but really it's all predetermined.
It only gets better when you order, choosing from well-executed options including Moroccan chicken and pumpkin ravioli.
Hence there were constant minorities and the necessity for choosing a regent.
In general, you will not get the best performance by always choosing the maximal possible number of short relators to be handled simultaneously.
Choosing to marry abroad can be wildly romantic, not to mention cheaper.
The Ultimate sewing Book is an invaluable reference to all aspects of home sewing, from choosing material to finishing garments.
Sean All for making a snow shaker - choosing things to go inside it.
When choosing the kitchen units you must choose new sideboards that will complement your whole new kitchen.
Choosing a better edition of " The Art of War ", rather than this rather skimpy edition, will be money well spent.
The first step is choosing the right iron for your needs.
Choosing a domain name is a very important first step for anyone starting a business on the Internet.
People taking part can participate in the event by swimming any stroke of their choosing even doggy paddle.
The skill lies in choosing the level - or levels - at which to write the subroutines.
The tactic chosen by renegade loyalist Billy Wright of spreading terror by randomly choosing a victim had paid off.
Hence there was an inevitable trade-off between these two factors in choosing our study reef.
The independents had an almost uncanny eye in choosing young campaign organizers.
It means many firms are now choosing to defer their large upfront IT payments over the longer term.
In choosing species for planting, prickly ones are an obvious choice to discourage vandalism.
In the third year, students carry out a research project on a topic of their choosing in marine vertebrate zoology.
He has a vote in making the laws or in choosing those who make them; but when they are made he is, if anything, more strictly bound by them than the citizen of the non-privileged order.
Pompey finally took the stronghold by choosing the day of the fast, when the Jews abstain from all work, that is the sabbath (Strabo).
On his retirement the Belgian Cabinet departed from precedent by choosing, Jan.
It also gets over the difficulty, often met with in arbitration, of choosing a referee satisfactory to both parties.
The urgent necessity for healing the schism, the difficulty of uniting the colleges of cardinals, and the prolonged and futile negotiations carried on between the rival popes inevitably raised the whole question of the papal supremacy, and led to the search for a still higher ecclesiastical authority, which, when the normal system of choosing the head of the Church broke down, might re-establish that ecclesiastical unity to which all Europe as yet clung.
The priests of Amane at Meroe and Napata, in fact, regulated through his oracle the whole government of the country, choosing the king, directing his military expeditions (and even compelling him to commit suicide, according to Diodorus) until in the 3rd century B.C. Arkamane (Ergamenes) broke through the bondage and slew the priests.
During the War of Independence Philadelphia was the principal seat of the Continental Congress, but it was driven thence in 1783 by mutinous soldiers, and for the succeeding seven years the discussion of a permanent site for the national capital was characterized by sectional jealousy, and there was a strong sentiment against choosing a state capital or a large city lest it should interfere with the Federal government.
The Didache and Justin merely prescribe fasting, the use of which was to hurry the exit of evil spirits who, in choosing a nidus or tenement, preferred a well-fed body to an emaciated one, according to the belief embodied in the interpolated saying of Matt.
Standing as usual in the middle of the hall and choosing the place where the resonance was best, Natasha began to sing her mother's favorite song.
This previously secret transcript shows the party elites choosing against violent repression of the mass protests in Wenceslas Square.
One firm we came across recently seems to resent doing this, choosing to stretch the law to its limits.
The Ultimate Sewing Book is an invaluable reference to all aspects of home sewing, from choosing material to finishing garments.
Party was rather damped by the sheer tiredness, people choosing to snooze in front of the wood fire digesting rice instead !
Choosing your clothes Wearing even a modern and well designed stoma pouch can sometimes change the outline of your appearance.
It is sufficient for our purposes to model their subjective perceptions by choosing the cut-off value R m.
Care should be taken when choosing first year options because these choices will limit you in the future years.
So be sure to ponder your reasons when choosing the ternary operator.
Think of choosing one who is approved by the Arboriculturalist Association -they maintain a directory of Arboricultural Consultants and tree surgery contractors.
Choosing a book similar plans back is given by an uncivilized act.
Contestants vie to win the most money by choosing from identical red boxes which contain prizes between 1p and £ 250,000.
Choosing from the A la Carte section I started with the Quail with a vinaigrette salad and foie gras at 85 francs.
Now is the time for change by choosing washable diapers you are choosing real benefits !
Chapters on getting started, choosing equipment, technique, practice, competitions and rules include tip boxes, expected yardage charts and artworks.
But rather than choosing a product, the crooks in this case press for coin return and the machine returns a 500 yen coin.
You may also have to take cost into consideration in choosing a facility.
Choosing nursery bedding doesn't have to be a big challenge.
If you plan to incorporate a diaper pail into the room, take the decor of the nursery into consideration when choosing one.
This can include choosing new "big girl panties" and finding a good reward system.
Since the birth mother may have the discretion of choosing the adoptive parents, the wait time for adopting a baby can vary greatly.
Choosing age appropriate toys is so important.
If this is the case, you might want to consider skipping a toy as a gift and choosing something else useful, such as clothing, videos, or books.
Choosing a child care center is not a decision to be taken lightly.
Choosing a baby sitter for daily care of your child or just for an occasional night out can be a difficult decision.
Before you begin the process of choosing a preschool for your child, you need to decide what attributes are important to you.
Before choosing a preschool for your child, think about your child's personality, needs, insecurities, likes, and dislikes.
Before choosing a preschool, consider the following questions?
Choosing cute baby names can be exciting and a little overwhelming.
Choosing a bra for nursing can be a bit confusing.
Since most women want to stock up on bras before the birth of their baby, choosing the right size and style can be a difficult decision.
Before choosing the path toward a career in child care, take the time to spend with children at a variety of ages.
Choosing to breastfeed your baby or use infant formula is very personal issue.
Choosing the nursery decor for your baby's nursery can be a bit overwhelming.
Choosing a nursery decor for your child is a very personal choice.
Character Themes- Many parents love choosing popular characters for their child's nursery theme, such as Pooh Bear and friends, Sesame Street Characters, Dora the Explorer, and others.
Choosing cloth over disposable or vice versa continues to be an ongoing debate, and new parents may choose their baby's diapers without ever considering the alternatives.
Quite a few popular baby names are actually from the Bible, though some may not realize it, just choosing a name they like or with a meaning they feel connected to.
In this case, it's best to err on the side of caution when choosing a name for your new bundle of joy.
For many prospective parents, choosing a baby name is a difficult process.
Choosing the last name of a friend, mentor, or close relative is also a great way to personalize your child's name.
Choosing your baby's name is serious business.
Sometimes, family and friends need a little help choosing the perfect gift to give, and that's what makes baby gift registries so great!
When choosing invitations for your child's baptism or christening, you might want to visit your local print shop to check out the selections.
Choosing a nursery school for your child is one of the most important decisions you'll make as the parent of a baby or toddler.
We've compiled a list of tips on choosing a pre-school as well as hints for how to make those first few days of school easier for your baby and you.
Before you begin choosing the décor for your baby's nursery, take a look at the following bedding ideas.
Accents. Choosing to focus on nursery rhymes means you'll have lots of wonderful accessories to choose from.
However, with so many choices to make and supplies to purchase, choosing a theme can be a bit overwhelming.
One of the factors involved in choosing an adoption agency is determining adoption costs.
These gifts show that you put special thought and consideration into choosing your gift.
Choosing what to put in the monogram is important as well.
Consider the lifestyle of the parents before choosing a gift for their child.
Choosing a childcare situation can be stressful and even risky at times, but if you do your homework and stay informed, you can find a caring environment that is satisfactory for you and your child.
Others, however, disagree with this method, instead choosing to let baby cry it out and learn how to soothe himself into a restful slumber.
Choosing a baby shower theme involves coordinating the decorations with the cake.
Planning things like the menu and decorations, and choosing the cake will sort of anchor the rest of the process.
When choosing beverages to serve, keep the mother-to-be in mind and avoid alcohol and caffeine.
Currently, formulas made from soy are recommended for infants with galactosemia, primary and secondary lactase deficiency and for families choosing a vegetarian lifestyle.
Every parent wants their baby to be special and choosing rare baby names is one way to help your baby stand out from the others right from the start.
When choosing a baby name, it's a good idea to settle between common and rare for something unique but not impossible to pronounce.
When choosing baby middle names, you'll need to consider how they will sound with first and last names.
Also, if you're choosing a family name, you'll want to take time to find a name that doesn't hurt relatives' feelings.
Many families hold to traditions when choosing names.
When choosing colors, consider using colors that would be age appropriate as the child grows up.
When choosing items for baby, keep in mind how long the baby will be in the hospital.
Keep the weather for the next few months in mind when choosing the cloth.
Unless you've already used a familial name as your child's first name, you can still satisfy older family members by choosing a family name as a middle name that is well-recognized and respected.
How a middle name will sound with a first and last name is the most important route for choosing the perfect name.
Choosing the right infant car seat is important.
Begin constructing this gift that new moms and dads are sure to love by choosing the perfect container.
Not only can you view their annual "10 Worst Toys" list for 2007 but they have a comprehensive list of what to avoid when choosing toys.
Choosing Chinese baby names typically involves more than selecting a name that simply sounds good.
If you are looking for an uncommon baby name or want to avoid one, keep in mind that choosing a name with particular characteristics will make people scratch their heads.
They coordinate their clothing sets so adorably, you'll have trouble choosing only one.
Being conscious of cost is especially important if you are choosing the games but someone else is footing the bill.
Choosing Indian baby girl names and meanings typically focuses on tradition, although religion and name origins often play a role as well.
There are many different baby naming rituals associated with choosing Indian baby girl names and meanings.
Selecting the perfect middle name often causes more consternation than choosing a first name.
Whatever your motivation for choosing a name might be, there are numerous places you can go for help.
For more help, however, consider choosing a middle name generator, such as Behind the Name or Baby Name Search.
When choosing a baby name, you have several different options.
Many of these parents are perfectly satisfied with their single status, choosing to concentrate fully on parenting and to forget about searching for a mate.
Buying guides and advice-Not only can you find a wonderful selection of baby supplies and accessories, but there's also an informative buying guide with tips and advice on choosing particular baby items.
For more tips on choosing art activities for infants and toddlers, visit LoveToKnow Crafts.
Choosing from quality pacifiers does not have to limit your creativity.
Choosing a baby shower corsage to make is a simple yet elegant addition to a wonderful celebration.
Once you have your supplies, you're ready to begin choosing a design that works.
When choosing sock colors for a baby sock corsage, you can either go with traditional pastels or you can try something different, with bright primary colors that are sure to get attention.
It is up to parents and other caregivers to use these and any other videos or television shows wisely, choosing content that enriches a child's learning experiences and encourages developmental growth.
In most cases, you'll have the option of choosing one of several languages in which to watch and listen to the video.
Instead of choosing names that recall thousands of years of African civilization, these parents opt for names that don't have the long history; instead, they prefer names that are newer and very distinctive.
Whatever your reasons for choosing gender neutral themes, any of these unisex decorating schemes should work for boys and girls, from babyhood to toddler age.
When choosing an adoptive agency, understand that some handle religious-based companies, others facilitate only open adoptions, and still others may have different requirements.
However, many parents peruse African American baby name meanings thoroughly, choosing a name with a meaning that holds special significance.
Whether or not African American baby name meanings are important to you, choosing a name for your child is serious business.
Even though you are choosing the invitation or the card to go with her gift, the card should suit the expectant mother too.
Choosing the perfect gift for the baby boy in your life is all about understanding his needs and, possibly, wants.
Regardless of the type of cloth diaper you choose, know that by choosing cloth over disposable you are making a considerable contribution to the good of the environment.
This general cost comparison is one of the reasons why many people are choosing cloth diapers, in addition to the large negative impact that disposables have on the environment.
However, there are much less expensive options by choosing diapers that more closely resemble the versions of yesteryear.
Choosing one of many toddler birthday gift baskets to give doesn't have to be a chore.
What should you look for when choosing toddler computer games?
Choosing a toddler bed to follow the crib is a great way to ease the transition from crib to bed for your child.
The traditional bed tends to be the most affordable option when choosing a transitional bed.
Choosing a themed bed also gets a reluctant toddler excited about moving to the new bed.
Choosing the perfect gift for a baby boy gives you the opportunity to have fun and be creative!
While many women choose to go with the ultimate in comfort when it comes to choosing a nursing bra, a more supportive garment is essential for those with larger chests.
Moms who are breastfeeding veterans already understand the importance of choosing a good nursing bra, and newbies to the world of breastfeeding soon learn that fit and support are essential nursing bra features.
Choosing baby monitors for your home requires research so that you can make sure to select the best monitor for your home that fits your needs.
Choosing baby monitors requires some self-evaluation.
The best tip for choosing baby monitors is to do your research.
If the new parents did create a baby registry, you can also make a gift basket by choosing to include some of the smaller and less expensive items on the registry.
While choosing one large gift, whether it's a fun toy or an item like a diaper genie or a car seat, making a gift basket is an excellent way to combine small fun gifts with small functional items that the parents will need.
Start by choosing a diaper bag that fits the new mom's style and taste.
Choosing the right cat takes a little effort but the reward is knowing you have a pet that will be with you a long time.
Choosing the right dog for you may not be as easy as you think.
Remember that when choosing a rescue dog you may have to deal with behavioral problems that a puppy may not have.
If you are choosing a dog from a rescue organization, information about the dog's lineage or heredity may be limited or nonexistent.
Keep in mind that choosing a pet "long distance" means that you will not know how the dog responds to you or other animals.
When you send someone flowers online, you won't have the immediate feedback and recommendations that you would get if you were to visit a local floral, so choosing your own floral arrangement could begin to feel overwhelming.
Each RV site has its own set of amenities and community; you will love some and regret choosing others.
Choosing just the right dinnerware along with flatware and other kitchen items can help you create beautiful meals no matter what is on the plate.
When choosing fruit, it's a touch-feel-smell game.
It is important to consider your decor when choosing a sink.
Another thing to keep in mind when choosing a particular material for your table lamp is that depending on the material it's made out of, the lamp can be light or heavy.
Choosing the ideal shade for your table lamp also provides you with a great many choices.
Another important factor to consider when choosing a decorative shade for a table lamp is the width of the lower brim.
The next step in choosing your tea is to decide whether you want caffeinated or decaffeinated tea.
Be wary of wilt when choosing lettuce, spinach, green and kale.
Choosing a clothes dryer is an important decision.
Consider maintenance requirements when choosing a set.
Choosing a bracelet yourself, will mean a great deal.
When choosing gold as your base material - be sure to ask for a certificate of authenticity on karat content.
Seek out the assistance of one of the salespeople, and ask for their help in choosing the foundation that's best for you.
If it isn't, you might want to consider choosing a different plan, for the cost of your medication could double under the plan it's not covered by.
Before selecting a primary care physician with your plan, call the physician you're considering choosing and ask about how long of a wait you can expect when you show up for an appointment.
Choosing a pair of pants is something we have all learned to do almost automatically.
What you wear to sleep can make all the difference - read on for some basics you need to keep in mind when choosing sleepwear.
Even so, a few tips can go a long way in choosing the best underwear for the lowest price.
For choosing the right sized portfolio, select the largest work of art that you want to display.
Read on for some basics you need to keep in mind when choosing sleepwear.
If choosing a long skirt, ensure that it has a slit, either at the side or at the back.
Make sure that the sneakers fit and are suited to the activity you are choosing.
Be very careful when choosing the material of the slip.
Choosing the wrong style can lead to an unfortunate "wardrobe malfunction" or the dreaded visible panty line.
Fit is essential when choosing thongs or G-strings because a pair that's too loose or too tight could cause extreme discomfort and even chaffing.
Choosing tulips to grow in your yard can be a lot of fun.
Choosing the right trees for you and your yard can take some time and research, but the work will pay off when you have found the perfect plant for your needs.
When choosing houseplants, pick plants that look healthy and are not incredibly root bound (where the roots have grown in circles around the pot).
The process of choosing wine gets complicated when you try to match the type of wine to a particular food.
People love receiving something that shows the time and energy the giver put into choosing it.
Therefore, spending some time in choosing a gift basket, with items your recipient really likes, will only increase his or her enjoyment.
However, choosing the right camera can be difficult.
Whether it's a Coupe, Hatchback, 4-door Luxury Sedan or Sports Car, choosing can sometimes be an overwhelming experience.
The species have different breeds, just as dogs and cats do, and these have to come into consideration when choosing who you're going to be taking home with you.
Below you'll find some tips for choosing the luggage that best fits your travel needs and your bank account.
When choosing a luggage design, don't go for the usual boring black.
Choosing bedding for teens is all about style.
Choosing the right car stereo speakers doesn't have to be a chore.
Choosing a portable digital music player (MP3 player) is no easy task.
In choosing fish, select ones that hold their fins erect, and avoid those with split fins, hold their fins tight against their bodies, hover at the bottom of the tank or hide in the corners.
Whether it's a regular, crew, or extended cab, choosing the right truck can be a challenging experience.
When choosing your MP3 player, think about how you will use it as well as how frequently you will use it.
When choosing colored linens, you should select a color that compliments the color of your dinnerware and the décor of your home.
Buying a beautiful Christmas tree is trickier than just choosing a green one.
Choosing just the right gift for someone special is the most enjoyable part of holiday gift buying.
This can help them avoid last minute rushes or choosing less than perfect gifts because time is running out.
If you are looking to bring some extra warmth to a room then how about choosing electric space heaters?
Choosing an electric heater wisely will help ensure that it operates to its optimum performance, offering warmth and heat where required in an energy efficient manner.
Size - one of the most important requirements when choosing electric space heaters is picking the right size for the room.
Choosing a dehumidifier that meets your needs is important to ensure a comfortable living environment.
Choosing the right dehumidifier is dependant on many factors.
When choosing a dehumidifier it is also a good idea to check out models that have the Energy Star certificate.
Choosing a guitar for a child doesn't have to be a complicated process.
Choosing a guitar for a child who has a track record of destroying belongings might mean that the cost of the guitar should be the largest factor.
There are many different factors to consider when choosing a GPS.
The first step to choosing a GPS is deciding how you want to use it.
World Outdoor Web - information about choosing the right GPS.
Choosing power washers to clean very dirty surfaces sometimes is the only option.
When choosing power washers, it is important to first consider the way you plan to use it.
Choosing the right bowling ball involves much more than merely picking a suitable color.
This site also offers an excellent guide to choosing the right bowling ball for reference prior to bidding.
Choosing the right golf club can mean the difference between winning a game and losing one.
Choosing the right golf club for your long game is very important, especially if you are playing 18 holes.
How the club feels in your hand is the most important aspect of choosing a putter.
When you are considering purchasing a putter, spend as much time as possible choosing the right one.
As any golf pro will tell you, choosing the right golf club is different for every player.
Choosing broadheads that work with your arrows is the most important choice you will make when deciding on hunting equipment.
Hunters should use the following criteria when choosing broadheads for their setup.
Avoid choosing broadheads with serrated edges.
Choosing broadheads can be a frustrating experience.
Your ultimate goal when choosing broadheads is to find one that flies true and straight, and cuts the biggest hole on impact, which leads to an easy to follow blood trail.
The advantage to choosing this dining experience is the ability to sample a variety of dishes.
There are so many designs available that choosing a specialty makes the hobby much more manageable.
The critical factor in choosing a safe chainsaw is making sure to balance power needs against weight limitations.
Choosing a marine battery charger is not as simple as just walking into a store and grabbing something off the shelf.
They have staff on hand that will be able to walk you through the process of choosing a marine battery charger best suited to your unique situation.
In the end, choosing a marine battery charger is very dependent upon the basic mechanics of your boat setup.
Choosing flowers in season will save you quite a bit of money whether you want them simply to decorate your home, to give them as a gift, or to incorporate them into a wedding theme.
There are several benefits when it comes to choosing flowers in season.
Choosing flowers in season will save you money and offer you convenience.
Fit and choosing the right bicycle for the desired activity are the two most important things when it comes to how to buy a bicycle.
You can flatter your body and look taller by choosing heels along with tailored pinstripe suits.
Did you know that the material is extremely important when choosing cookware?
When it comes to choosing your glass cookware, try to find Pyrex dishes.
This can be prevented by choosing a pan or pot that has been treated to prevent the reactions.
Choosing a programmable thermostat depends on your budget, your current style of house, and how much control you want to give the device.
Find out what you need to know and what kinds are available below and definitely would be better than choosing an electric space heater.
Choosing a programmable thermostat with light sensing technology will mainly be determined by your budget.
Choosing a programmable thermostat that even a 6-year-old can use will be invaluable.
Choosing a hunting rifle is a big decision.
The most important factor when choosing your rifle is the type of hunting you'll be doing.
Choosing a hunting rifle depends mainly on what you're going to be hunting.
Budgetary constraints can be a serious issue when you're choosing your golf clubs, but you can get away with paying less, particularly when you don't play often.
Find out your swing speed when choosing golf clubs.
Since it is under $50, the organizer can tide you over until you're choosing golf clubs.
Mountain bike buying guides aren't the easiest to find, but much of the decision when choosing a mountain bike comes down to who helps you in the shop.
When choosing your vacuum, look for one with a Hepa filter, which can remove airborne allergens effectively.
By choosing something that's not the main focus of the room, you allow yourself the possibility of fun furniture, new paintings, or a brand-new set of drapes without any problems.
Choosing the right device takes a combination of research and personal decision.
There, you'll find all of their latest offerings, updated product information, and even help choosing the laptop that is right for your needs.
There is the option to choose a used iPad if you'd like to shave a few dollars off of the price, but read the seller's feedback before choosing to purchase a previously-owned model.
Switching from a PC to a Mac-based system does not have to be difficult, and choosing and buying the appropriate Mac computer for your needs does not have to be difficult.
Not all monitor settings suit all eyes and needs, so you'll want to make sure that the monitor you're choosing allows you to control the settings you'd like to be able to influence.
When choosing a broker to purchase zero coupon bonds with you should choose someone that has experience in dealing with these bonds.
With all the free and inexpensive resources for eBooks, there's no better time to pick the device of your choosing and start reading today.
Choosing a laptop to purchase is not easy.
All these come into play when choosing a laptop because a laptop really is an investment.
For those who are heading out laptop shopping, here are some helpful things to consider when choosing a laptop.