Chooses Sentence Examples
If a dhjan chooses incorrectly, his world suffers.
I can track, but I won't fight an Other, if that madman chooses to fight one.
If a dhjan chooses well, his world flourishes.
When a change of Government occurs the president chooses a prominent parliamentarian as premier and president of the council.
He appoints the members of nearly all committees, he chooses the chairman of each, and he directs the reference of bills to the various committees.
The general assembly annually at its first meeting chooses one of its ministerial members as moderator.
He chooses this order so as to work up to a climax of error and absurdity in heathen worship. The direct natureworship of the Chaldeans is shown to be false because its objects are works of the Creator, fashioned for the use of men.
What if she chooses one of your brothers? she challenged.
The congregation chooses all the officers, and these form a church council.
Will tear through even a warrior, unless it chooses not to.
AdvertisementOn this method the sacred writings are regarded as an inexhaustible mine of philosophical and dogmatic wisdom; in reality the exegete reads his own ideas into any passage he chooses.
It has been warned of the limitations and risks in use of the information, and despite such warnings, chooses of its own free will to continue to access or use the Contents.
The provincial council is presided over by a chairman, elected from its members; and the council also chooses an executive committee of four, who need not be members of the council.
The chieftain acts as father and priest to the tribe; but at the greater festivals he chooses some one specially learned in holy offerings to conduct the sacrifice in the name of the people.
He determines to rob them both (an operation which may be very satisfactorily expressed by - I); but, being a wag, he chooses his own way of doing it.
AdvertisementFrom the fifteen which remain the electoral assembly chooses three.
Each historian chooses his own epoch or century and his own subject, and spends his life mastering such traces of it as he can find.
He defines the will as that by which the " mind chooses anything."
At the same time it cannot be broadly said that Christianity took a decisive side in the metaphysical controversy on free-will and necessity; since, just as in Greek philosophy the need of maintaining freedom as the ground of responsibility clashes with the conviction that no one deliberately chooses his own harm, so in Christian ethics it clashes with the attribution of all true human virtue to supernatural grace, as well as with the belief in divine foreknowledge.
When a living falls vacant, the governor-general of the island, after consultation with the bishop, selects three candidates, and from these the congregation chooses one, the election being subsequently confirmed by the governor-general.
AdvertisementNear Loanda Livingstone noted that " a chief may metamorphose himself into a lion, kill any one he chooses, and resume his proper form."
This body represents and acts for the county as a corporation; has charge of the erection and repair of county buildings; levies the county taxes, which are limited by law, however, to three mills on the dollar exclusive of those for schools, public highways, interest on the county debt, and other special purposes; divides the county into highway districts, and chooses a highway commissioner for each district for a term of two years; and chooses a superintendent of schools, a surveyor, a public administrator and public guardian, a board for the equalization of taxes, a coroner, a ranger, and a jail physician or health officer each for a term of two years, three commissioners of the poor for a term of three years (one each year), and a keeper and sealer of weights and measures to serve during its pleasure.
He's a threat to the survival of the Guardians, if he chooses to protect her, the Watcher said.
Her win or loss is mine to enforce, if either of you chooses not to honor the terms.
He doesn't choose ' fornication ', He chooses the word ' adultery ' .
AdvertisementA young couple chooses someone's backyard to relieve their passions!
In the SPRING term each YEAR GROUP chooses a charity to support.
In addition, the sniffer chooses a random protocol and sends the packet to the logging daemon.
The user chooses a destination using their mobile phone.
And if He chooses to be glorified in judgment by making a vessel that is not honorable, that's His choice.
Whoever said that God's words are not inexhaustible or that God cannot create whatever he chooses by his powerful Word?
Taxes will depend on the period of time over which the participant chooses to receive the installments.
She chooses to download the resources to her personal knowledge manager to view off-line.
Eg, the monarch symbolically chooses the prime minister, can dissolve parliament and no bill can pass into law without royal assent.
Better yet, the examples he chooses are far more real-world than most similar examples in other books.
He chooses to give a point by point rebuttal of my earlier comments.
Like darts chooses better chance elite world renown of skill are.
For more details on which pane it chooses to resize, see layout semantics.
They *want* to believe any old tosh that Hezbollah chooses to serve them up without checking any authenticity.
A tenant is not entitled to insist that he or she chooses the tradesman.
The Captain chooses the venue for Captainâs day in June each year, which adds variety to the golf clubs visited.
Others, while recognizing the supreme authority of the papal magisterium in matters of doctrine, confine the infallibility to those cases alone in which the pope chooses to make use of it, and declares positively that he is imposing on all the faithful the obligation of belief in a certain definite proposition, under pain of heresy and exclusion from the Church; they do not insist on any special form, but only require that the pope should clearly manifest his will to the Church.
The council also chooses communal delegates to elect senators; and draws up the list of repartiteurs, whose function is to settle how the communes share of direct taxes shall be allotted among the taxpayers.
We see it in Huxley, and still more in Haeckel, whose materialism (which he chooses to term "monism") is evidently conditioned by ignorance of the history and present position of speculation.
It is in E major, while Beethoven chooses to use trumpets in C. The only note which these can play in E major is the tonic, to which they are accordingly confined until the recapitulation of the second subject.
One might almost say that Duns Scotus recognizes the principle of a gradual physical evolution, only that he chooses to represent the mechanism by which the process is brought about by means of quaint scholastic fictions.
It is exceedingly voracious, feeding on the smaller denizens of the ocean - fish, crustaceans, worms and molluscs, and greedily taking almost any bait the fisherman chooses to employ.
Where faith is so profound as to believe the Divine guidance all, and the individual intelligence nil, a man is able to persuade himself that any course he chooses to take is the one he is directed to take.
It was from Helvetius that he learnt that, men being universally and solely governed by self-love, the so-called moral judgments are really the common judgments of any society as to its common interests; that it is therefore futile on the one hand to propose any standard of virtue, except that of conduciveness to general happiness, and on the other hand useless merely to lecture men on duty and scold them for vice; that the moralist's proper function is rather to exhibit the coincidence of virtue with private happiness; that, accordingly, though nature has bound men's interests together in many ways, and education by developing sympathy and the habit of mutual help may much extend the connexion, still the most effective moralist is the legislator, who by acting on self-love through legal sanctions may mould human conduct as he chooses.
Be Cool is a sequel that chooses to recycle instead of reinvent.
The state may manage the lives and property of its citizens as the ruling clique chooses.
No sane person chooses these for what they know is false.
For more details on which pane it chooses to resize, see Layout Semantics.
It is particularly unfortunate that the Government chooses to hide behind its advisory body, the National Radiological Protection Board, NRPB.
The spectator again chooses a card and it, too vanishes in an instant !
Though 16 hours seems like a considerable time at first glance, the problems lie more along the lines of when a newborn chooses to sleep.
If a birth mother chooses you, you may only have to wait as long as it takes to complete the paperwork and the baby is born.
One family I know chooses names based on popular songs.
Whether it is bottled formula, breast, or a combination of both, every parent, especially the mom, will have a true motivation as to the reason he or she chooses a particular feeding method.
It's rare someone chooses this type of flex.
I'm not judging anyone who chooses this as I have declawed cats in the past.
If he chooses to allow you to scratch him behind his ears, he is showing his love by not walking away.
It gives your cat a place to play and hide if she chooses.
The vast array of topics is impressive considering the simple nature of the language Silverstein chooses in his poems.
Margaret Wise Brown chooses language that is smooth with rhythmic repetition.
A committee of librarians designated by the American Library Association (ALA) and the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) chooses the award winner each year.
Although you usually sign the back of an ATM card, it can only be used with a personal identification number, often called a PIN, which the customer chooses.
If a creditor chooses to do this, you will be served a court summons.
The recipient chooses where to spend the money.
The Federal Trade Commission chooses to define identity theft as "a fraud that is committed or attempted using a person's identifying information without authority."
Each quarter, Chase chooses certain bonus categories that earn 5 percent back.
For this reason, it is not always easy to determine the reason why a couple chooses to separate.
There is no easy solution to this problem; however, if every individual chooses to make changes in her or his life that has a direct benefit on the Earth, then those small changes will add up to a larger impact.
Architectural Design - Who chooses a building's flooring, wall coverings, mouldings, and other architectural details?
If a person with green eyes chooses a pinkish purple shadow shade (or any color with red undertones), for example, her eyes will stand out even more thanks to the contrast of the tones in the shadow.
If a blue-eyed woman chooses a warm red lipstick, though, her eyes will stand out even if there's little more than mascara there.
The customer chooses a 14-day sample of moisturizer that either prevents aging, smoothes fine lines and wrinkles or lifts and firms.
It's easy for someone to move the planchette across the board to whatever he or she chooses without anyone knowing, so it's wise to play with friends you know are trustworthy.
The person taking the inventory chooses the answer from the four choices given that truthfully correlates to the degree the anxiety symptom troubles them.
If your teen chooses revealing prom dresses, it may be a sign she is struggling to form her own identity and wants to blaze her own trail.
Parents might want to supervise what their daughter chooses when shopping; some of these styles are too grown-up.
Since you will be stepping backwards in history when your school chooses to have a Renaissance, or medieval themed prom, you will want to look the part as well!
In most circumstances, the class chooses a member of the student body to deliver the graduation prayer, benediction, or invocation.
When she chooses, she can shoot on the goal to score a point.
It's a person who follows a vegetarian lifestyle but who also chooses to exclude the use of all animal products.
The accessories a bride chooses can turn even a plain dress into an elegant outfit perfect for an informal wedding.
Since the mother of the bride traditionally chooses a wedding dress before the mother of the groom, the bride will also alert the groom's mother as to what you are wearing.
This varies widely, of course, depending on the designer, the materials used, the difficulty of the design and motif the couple chooses, and the time needed to complete the project.
Generally the bride chooses the type of dress her bridesmaids will wear.
This is often a bone of contention for the bridesmaids as many times the bride chooses a style or color that isn't flattering for all of the women in the wedding party.
Whether or not a couple chooses to include them in every aspect is up to them; but they usually end up in several parts of the ceremony and reception.
Classic gravel, sand, or even dirt can be a great natural accent, especially if the couple chooses an environmentally conscious wedding ceremony.
No matter who chooses the cake, there are plenty of ways to go crazy with this delicious dessert.
The astrologer then chooses a date and time that will best benefit the couple from an astrological standpoint.
Clearly, he chooses his women for their intellectual superiority, and not their popularity.
This tournament chooses a charity each year for which the proceeds will be donated.
After much back and forth banter about how Brody believed he could be friends with any one he chooses, he basically replied with a "Bro, puh-lease," effectively ending their friendship.
Cowell, along with fellow judges Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson, weed through thousands of contestants before the general public chooses the ultimate winner.
As for Lauren, isn't it a complete mystery as to why she chooses the mean girls (first Heidi and then Lo) to be friends with over the ones who seem to be the most honest and caring?
Though he has shared the screen with some of the biggest names in Tinseltown, he chooses to spend his life now away from red carpets and other celebrity trappings.
Just about anyone who chooses acting as a profession dreams of walking the red carpet, with photographers and fans calling her name as she strolls into a famous venue to accept a prestigious award.
When he chooses, tell him that you think that color will look very handsome on him!
Taking your child with you to try on coats is also a good way to ensure that your daughter actually chooses a coat whose style is attractive to her, meaning that she'll be happy and proud to wear it all winter long.
However, what one chooses to do with that terminal degree is unlimited.
As of 2008, the median wage for a person with an instructional design degree who chooses to become an instructional coordinator is close to $60,000.
Wherever a couple chooses to have their Maui wedding, they will find it convenient to the cruise ship that will become their honeymoon cruise.
When a passenger chooses a guarantee cabin assignment, they are assured of getting at least the lowest class of cabin in that specific category.
Probably, but then anyone who purposely chooses to breed dogs can count themselves guilty also.
Avoid building a dog house too close to existing fencing - If your dog chooses to hop on the roof, Snoopy style, he could easily use the dog house as a launching pad into the next yard.
This brand also chooses to leave out a number of common ingredients.
Blue Buffalo chooses not to use them, and instead add grains that provide complex carbohydrates for energy.
The average homeowner chooses a sink based on cost first, and then design.
When a future bride chooses the members of her bridal party, she chooses them with care and love.
So when a man chooses to wear a short sleeve dress shirt, it can look like he's still at school.
Of course, it is up to the individual if he chooses to wear shorter shorts.
Whether she feels her best in something revealing (yet supportive) or chooses to go a more conservative route, she should rest assure that there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to wearing lingerie.
Joan chooses all her clothes to show off her generous figure, preferring snug skirts that skim her hips.
When a senior citizen chooses to live in a continuing care retirement community, he or she often live in an independent living residence first and move into an assisted living facility when they need help with daily activities.
The specific kinds of catalogs a member chooses to receive are mailed to them four times each year.
The disadvantages of full face CPAP masks generally do not apply to everyone who chooses this mask type.
Who wouldn't love knowing that the frames one chooses are as unique as their own personality?
On offense, the game player controls the quarterback at the snap, and then chooses to run, pitch, or pass.
You choose your skin, which chooses the color/pattern of the blocks that fall.
One collector who collects porcelain dolls may focus primarily on the manufacturers that produced dolls during the 1800s, while another chooses modern porcelain dolls by certain artists with certain themes or other details.
Stepfamilies can be formed after a divorce or death of a parent in a nuclear family or when a single parent chooses a long-term partner.
Adults can help children understand that art is self expression and that there is nothing wrong with what the child chooses to express.
The class then chooses the best invention that will be presented later at the level of the national contest.
The website chooses the method for the seeker and the results automatically appear.
What a man chooses to do about this hair, however, is a personal decision guided by his preferences.
Whether a man chooses to slow, avoid, or embrace his receding hairline, understanding the condition is the first step toward accepting it as a part of his life and style.
No matter which style of hair piece a bride chooses, there are many ways she can wear her hair to show off this elegant floral accessory.
Depending on the type of hair piece she chooses, a bride has several options for how to add flowers to her wedding hairdo.
If the bride chooses to wear a veil, flowers on the comb holding that veil add a romantic touch.
A bride who chooses a pearl hair accessory has many hair style options to show off her pearls on her wedding day.
In many cases, however, her natural hair is professionally coiffed to achieve just the look she wants, and because she cares for her hair meticulously, it is able to look stunning no matter what style she chooses.
Instead, Lady Gaga chooses her innovative styles to match her mood as well as the occasion, and each one is a fresh take on making the most of your hair.
When a family chooses to unschool they make a commitment to allow the child to continue to learn in his own way, at his own rate.
When a business chooses to outsource certain functions, management needs to be aware of the pitfalls of choosing this course of action.
The specific job duties depend on the type of facility the nurse chooses.
When a man chooses to take responsibility for unintentional pregnancies, birth control permanent sterilization can be done as a simple procedure in the doctor's office.
When insurance is provided by your employer, you are part of a group health plan and coverage is determined based on which plan your employer chooses.
Even if you opt for a closed adoption, you can register with an adoption registry to make sure your child is able to contact you as an adult if he/she chooses.
Caribbean Joe clothing is cut for comfort and style and meant to look fabulous wherever a man chooses to go, whether it's the beach or the office.
It's uncertain whether Emily Osment chooses her own swimsuit fashions or if she has help from a professional stylist, as many stars do.
In Phelps' case, he is burning so many calories that he is the rare person who can eat anything he chooses and still remain in top physical condition from the inside out.
The kind of swimsuit a girl chooses for a beach in Miami, Florida may differ from the one she selects for a beach in Duluth, Minnesota.
What a woman chooses to do is up to her.
If you're wondering why anyone who chooses a peekaboo bottom piece bothers with a bottom at all, you're not alone.
Our design group chooses the prints, the colors and develops all the body styles and pre-production samples.
In actuality, the term freestyle is used for any stroke the swimmer chooses to do.
A great deal depends on the actress wearing it and whether she chooses a dress that complements her body, her coloring and her particular style.
It's no secret that the former Posh Spice has the figure to pull off just about any fashion look she chooses.
Equally important to the skills that a lady brings to the playing field is the attire she chooses to wear.
Rotate which family member chooses the game to play so everyone has the opportunity to enjoy their favorite games.
Each side chooses four action cards from a hand of ten and places them in order to be carried out one at a time.
Players take turns being the referee who reads one word from a card he/she chooses.
Each player chooses a barnyard animal to imitate and begins mooing or clucking away.
Each player chooses (or can be dealt) a card containing a face that matches one of the people on their base.
The cop reveals himself or herself and chooses one person he or she thinks is the robber.
Now, each player chooses a car and a peg to place in the driver's seat.
The first player chooses any other player in the game and asks that player for cards of a specific number or rank.
Each person must then buy a gift for the name he or she chooses.
The first person chooses one of the wrapped gifts and unwraps it.
If he or she chooses the first person's gift, the first person must then select another wrapped gift.
These early years are really the only opportunities for parents to decide what the child will wear on Halloween, because after the age of three, a child will undoubtedly only dress in something he or she personally chooses.
Let him know that you understand if he chooses not to, but that won't stop you from talking.
This is what I believe has more to do with why she chooses to not wear her ring to work.
If you can, then patiently wait for your husband to decide whom he chooses (you or the other woman).
She tells you that the two of you will spend time together and sight see, but when given the chance, she chooses to spend time away from you with her roommate and her friends.
If your partner chooses to be the one who moves out, don't pressure him/her.
As women's wedding rings have begun to be more elaborate, men's rings have also changed styles, drifting away from the simple gold band that easily coordinates with whatever rings the bride-to-be chooses.
In reality, what gifts a couple chooses to exchange should not be dictated by a calendar, but rather by their individual circumstances.
The company chooses only the finest quality diamonds for their assortment of pieces, and each gem has been independently certified to guarantee quality.
For every ring that costs thousands of dollars, another happy couple chooses a ring that costs only a few hundred.
Whether a couple chooses a relatively traditional engagement ring design or opts for a simple wedding engagement ring band, the uniqueness of the design is sure to stand out as much as the uniqueness of their love.
Whether a couple chooses a simple diamond ring, a gemstone ring, or some other design, they have many options for beautiful promise rings to represent the evolution of their relationship.
Just as critical as the type of ring a couple chooses when their budget is a concern is the retailer where they buy that ring.
This is also appropriate for someone who chooses to devote their life and service to God, such as a seminary student, priest, monk, or nun.
If a couple chooses easier matching sets such as plain bands, however, the rings may be misinterpreted as wedding rings or a stronger commitment than the couple has currently made.
If this is the type of rings the couple chooses, they must be prepared to explain their choice and their promise so there is no confusion about their relationship or what their promise means.
A double heart diamond ring can be a lovely and romantic choice for an engagement ring, promise ring, or any special occasion, as long as the couple chooses a design that truly represents the sparkle that fills their own hearts.
Once someone chooses to use a marriage proposal poem, it is time to select the right poem.
Whatever discount a shopper chooses, she is sure to enjoy both the financial benefits of the deal as well as the fashionable benefits of a fabulous style.
Since students in general dress casually for school, it's no wonder that this is the focus the company chooses.
The Candice handbags are spectacular whether one chooses the Chenson camp or the Candice Nicole group.
Just as the name implies, Mary Frances chooses a style that she likes each month.
In this method, the family chooses relatively broad topics and then teaches all subject areas through or around that subject.
Let your child pick an image, perhaps a scene from a winter coloring page, or an object like a snowman, and decorate it as she chooses.
Kids in this age range are starting to show more independence, and this can be reflected in which free games he or she chooses to play.
The system chooses a star, and you will receive the exact coordinates of its location.
Whatever business your child chooses, the skills learned will last a lifetime.
Whether time is spent browsing online for dolls to print, or the child creates his or her own dolls from paper you have on hand, creativity will be enhanced as he or she chooses colors, patterns and outfits for the doll.
One person (usually the adult) chooses a game piece and calls it out allowing the child to see the card if necessary.
Whether she chooses from online horse adventure games or virtual pet sites, your child can experience the fun of naming and caring for her very own horse.
Choose from tournament play to a quick race, check out the top 50 games, or add free games to your website-whatever your child chooses, he'll love this site!
You can guide the selection for age appropriateness, but your child will be much more likely to be engaged in the learning opportunity presented by the project if he chooses on his own a project that interests him.
Have a great theory about why a producer chooses certain types of films?
He chooses to live on the street and then later receive training from a Chinese secret society.
It's important that your friend chooses an object with a known history.
It is simply another shopping option that the company chooses to make available for its busy customers.
The best men's dress shoes can also be the most stylish and durable if one chooses the right footwear manufacturer.
If he chooses to submit work for that year after he turns 25, however, he cannot be considered a nominee in the younger category and must be considered for the adult categories instead.
She chooses to go on the road and follow Barack Obama's campaign instead as the journalist she's aspired to be.
Damon chooses to trust Elena again, but Bonnie's Grams pays the ultimate price in life for using so much energy to free the Salvatores when they nearly become trapped.
When Nikki seems to be on her deathbed, Ashley chooses to have an abortion so that Victor will stay with Nikki because she needs him.
She chooses to divorce and returns to Kansas with their son, Victor Adam Newman, who she raises as Adam Wilson.
The thought was that once Nikki died, Victor would return to Diane, but Nikki survives and Victor chooses to remain with his second wife rather than returning to Diane.
Often times when a person chooses a name from a soap opera character for his or her baby, they are looking to imbue their child with some aspect of that character.
The song she chooses is Lucky by Jason Mraz featuring Colbie Caillat.
It's possible to control the needle penetration depth to any degree the artist chooses, and the result is a very even design that can even seem three dimensional if that is the effect the artist is striving to create.
Which antibiotic your doctor chooses will depend on the appearance of the infection and on infection patterns in the region where you live.
Whichever way the tat parlor chooses to display them, these images are all free for your use.
Faith and heritage come together when a person of Celtic descent chooses to wear a Celtic cross tat as a symbol of pride in their culture as well as their faith.
There are good reasons to locate a "stamp" tattoo on this portion of the body regardless of how a woman chooses to express her sexuality.
It's the design itself that is the important thing, and it's a bit unfair to make assumptions and judge someone's character based on where she chooses to place her tattoo.
Because this approach is all-inclusive, yogis believe that a healthy lifestyle happens naturally when someone chooses to practice yoga.
The philosophy of Vinyasa permits an exploration of student needs with the principles of the method incorporated into any physical style the student chooses.
The user chooses the rules for labeling files.
The fit of a cheerleading uniform is every bit as important as the style one chooses.
Because the policy holder chooses their physician, these policies are often called "Preferred Provider Organizations" (PPOs).
A driver who chooses this option can take advantage of the company's automatic payment option for premiums.
If the patient chooses to go to a dentist who does not participate in a PPO plan, the dental visit may not be covered by the plan.
A person taking out an insurance policy through a top-notch company for travel to Istanbul will probably pay much more than a person who chooses to do business with a lesser-known insurance company for travel to Switzerland.
Rates also depend on the type of insurance plan a person chooses.
The amount of dental coverage depends upon which plan the applicant chooses, and not every benefit is available in the first couple of years of the policy.
Whether a small business chooses high deductible plans for employees, or a family opts to have some coverage for their children, a high deductible plan is far better than no coverage at all.
A GUL policy is also good for a situation where a spouse chooses the "Life No Refund" option at retirement as their pension option.
The policy an employer chooses to offer employees depends largely on the size of the employee roster of the business and the geographic location of the business.
If a driver chooses to buy a car that is expensive or difficult to repair, they can expect to pay more in premiums.
Suppose a family chooses a $5000 deductible for their health insurance in an attempt to save money on monthly premiums.
The insured chooses a suitable level of coverage.
If the annuitant chooses to cancel the annuity, he or she is guaranteed to receive a minimum payout.
An insurance customer who chooses this home insurance for retirees plan may be able to insure his or her home for the full replacement cost of the dwelling, not its cash value.
A customer who chooses to add an optional living benefit to the plan is guaranteed that his or her income will grow at a set rate, even if the investment market declines or stays flat.
An investor who chooses to buy a fixed annuity has their principal investment protected.
At the same time, the funds start accumulating a fixed or variable interest rate, depending on which type of account the investor chooses.
Critical illness and cancer insurance would pay a cash sum that the policyholder can use for whatever purpose he or she chooses.
When asked to pick her number one song on the album, Brooke chooses "Heaven Baby," for what she calls its "reggae fun feel."
Whether a family chooses to visit a bounce house facility or hit the beach for the next child's party, they need to know the answers to the questions above.
The person with number one chooses a gift and opens it.
In the final episode she chooses between two arch rivals who were very different both physically and with regards to their personalities.
Lauren isn't thrilled with most of the answers, but chooses Alex to win the challenge.
The bachelor doesn't necessarily have to ask the woman he chooses to marry him or he doesn't even have to pick any of the women.
There, after each team member has some input on how they feel the task was carried out, the project manager chooses two other team members to stay and one of the three is fired.
Of course each show chooses their cast differently, so there will be variations on the process from show to show.
If a participant chooses to leave, he or she explains why at the end of the show.
The team behind the show also checks out locations to see what situations could arise to make the show interesting to the viewers and chooses locations in which there is potential for Stroud to encounter challenging situations.
She also chooses clothing that is loud and at times costume-like.
In the end, Trump chooses which person is fired.
Trump then chooses which candidate earns the title of Celebrity Apprentice.
In despair at the death of his lover and driven nearly mad by the magic he now possesses but can't control, Vanyel is prevented from killing himself by the intervention of Companion Yfandes, who chooses this moment to make her selection.
If he chooses the blue pill, nothing will apparently happen - he will go on with his life as it currently exists, and forget Morpheus.
He chooses the red pill and discovers a bleak and barren earth controlled entirely by the machines that rebelled and enslaved humanity.
Captain Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds chooses neither the glistening life on the core planets nor the turmoil of a space settler's existence.
While today, television series can start any time in the calendar year the network chooses, practically, in those days, the 'new season' began religiously in the fall.
Interview with the Vampire chooses the literary device of the interview - a young chronicler records the story that the self-proclaimed vampire tells him.
The second prominent Eight is Lt. Sharon "Athena" Agathon who is aware of her Cylon nature and chooses to side with the humans.
In Gondor, Pippin chooses to serve Denethor, but summons Gandalf when the mad keeper nearly kills his own son.
Next, after applying skin-softening lotion, the technician will polish the toenails in whatever color the client chooses.
The system then chooses from more than 25 acne skin care solutions and whittles it down to three suggestions that, based on the information you provided, may have a positive impact on the condition of your skin.
When a user first signs up with Xanga, she chooses a username and password, and supplies her email address and birth date.
The blogger chooses best template for his or her purposes, and then adds content.
If a company chooses to lease their uniforms, the program is similar to the full service rental program except employees must clean their own uniforms.
The wait staff uniforms a dining establishment chooses should complement the ambiance and décor patrons will enjoy when they visit.
The patches are added to either the vest or blanket in any order and placement that the Cub Scout chooses.
The home team chooses which jersey to wear and then notifies the other team so that the two teams' jersey colors won't be too similar out on the field and cause confusion for both the players and the spectators.
Once a scout chooses the topic to study, the scout then will work through the requirements to earn the badge.
The company chooses a lucky organization every six months.
He won't lose his mate, even if he chooses to kill her rather than give her up.
Two, what are we going to do when Kris chooses the Code and his oath over our unanimous vote to kill Sasha?
He's taken on the responsibility of raising her child, if she chooses not to mate with another.
Before it's passed to the eldest son, it goes to the wife an immortal chooses.
The House of Delegates is composed (1910) of eighty-six members, of whom each county chooses at least one.
The presbytery chooses its moderator periodically from The among its ministerial members.
The synod at its first meeting chooses a minister as its moderator whose duties, though somewhat more restricted, are similar to those of presbyterial moderators.
If no one has such a majority, the house of representatives chooses one of the two who have received the highest number of popular votes; but this is really a provision never executed, as the Democratic nominees are always elected without any serious opposition.
But his most remarkable publication at this time was The True-Born Englishman (1701), a satire in rough but extremely vigorous verse on the national objection to William as a foreigner, and on the claim of purity of blood for a nation which Defoe chooses to represent as crossed and dashed with all the strains and races in Europe.
A prophet, on the contrary, may settle if he chooses, and in that case he is to receive tithes and first-fruits; "for they are your high priests."
The council chooses the city clerk, treasurer and tax receiver, and the mayor appoints the city attorney, police justices, the board of education, the trustees of the public library, and the excise and assessment commissioners, and, subject to the ratification of his choice by the council, the comptroller, auditor and the tax, police, health and fire commissioners.
The grand mufti of Constantinople is, as we have seen, nominated by the sultan, but his hold on the people makes him quite an independent power in the state; in Cairo he is not even nominated by the government, but each school of law chooses its own sheikh, who is also mufti, and the IIanifite is head mufti because his school is official in the Turkish Empire.
He chooses three out of the whole number; their names are thrown into a golden casket provided for that purpose by a former emperor of China.
For no punishments can prevent the individual from becoming a person of whatsoever character he chooses or from committing acts of whatsoever moral quality he determines to prefer.
Plans and individuals instituted its aetna you with a. Have to buy for circulating bogus chooses to have.
The type of alarm clock your deaf child chooses will depend on how heavy a sleeper they are.
An assembly of notables from villages grouped together in a canton chooses a cantonal representative, who is the mouthpiece of the people and the intermediary between the government and its subjects.