Chokes Sentence Examples
The floods come in May and June, and during the wet season the rivers, all with steep beds in their upper courses, wash along detritus that lower down narrows, and on smaller streams almost chokes, their courses.
Could anyone tell me how to check that the automatic chokes are working correctly on my twin carbs?
Turning left at the T-junction a low passage enters an area of boulder chokes.
She doesn't bat an eye when she chokes down a sword while doing a reverse cowgirl.
Window in wall opens into twisting trench which soon rejoins stream in high passage lowering to shingle chokes upstream.
As in Europe, these northern peoples will hold the power which intelligent democracies are consciously absorbing, and the British faculty for statecraft is gradually welding new nations on the British model, without the obsolete traditions and without that human sediment which too frequently chokes the currents of national vitality in the older communities of Europe.