Chiron Sentence Examples
During his residence in Thrace he joined the expedition of the Argonauts, whose leader Jason had been informed by Chiron that only by the aid of Orpheus would they be able to pass by the Sirens unscathed.
According to Homer, he was brought up by his mother at Phthia with his cousin and intimate friend Patroclus, and learned the arts of war and eloquence from Phoenix, while the Centaur Chiron taught him music and medicine.
The boy was afterwards entrusted to the care of Chiron, who, to give him the strength necessary for war, fed him with the entrails of lions and the marrow of bears and wild boars.
Capture of the boar of Erymanthus, while chasing which he fought the Centaurs and killed his friends Chiron and Pholus, this homicide leading to Demeter's institution of mysteries.
It is famous in Greek mythology; the giants are said to have piled it on Ossa in order to scale Olympus, the abode of the gods; it was the home of the centaurs, especially of Chiron, who had a cave near its summit, and educated many youthful heroes; the ship "Argo" was built from its pine-woods.
Thetis, to escape a distasteful union, changed herself into various forms, but at last Peleus, by the instructions of Chiron, seized and held her fast till she resumed her original shape, and was unable to offer further resistance.
The wedding (described in the fine Epithalamium of Catullus) took place in Chiron's cave on Mt Pelion.
Their general character is that of wild, lawless and inhospitable beings, the slaves of their animal passions, with the exception of Pholus and Chiron.
My own Chiron is in the 8th house conjunct the North Node at the very same degree.
Chiron himself is shown carrying the quiver of arrows, one of which is shown piercing his hoof, which is raised in pain.
AdvertisementSubject to stockholder approval and other customary conditions, Chiron and Novartis expect the transaction to be completed in the first half of 2006.
Chiron Corporation. 2001 [cited August 10, 2004].
However, Chiron was one centaur that was different.